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faoluoo · 2 months ago
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cant have shit in detroit
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doopipe · 7 months ago
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.hi bro
littlle broesss bors bros
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shit-hell-no-radio · 2 months ago
h m m m m
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i-am-creacheur · 1 year ago
Jimmy in RealLife is still a canary- just one that's developed an immunity to the poison gases and still sings, sweetly as ever, even as the miners drop dead around him.
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faetima · 11 months ago
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𝐰𝐡𝐲 . .
. . here you were, dove white bedsheets pooled around you, as fat, crystalline tears rolled down your face, an ugly reminder of what you had become.
or, a small fanfic based on boynextdoor’s album: why..
// tws ; none!! :3 ; gn reader ; modern au
a/n: stan boynextdoor guys
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between umbrellas on a rainy strеet
your words broke thrоugh even thе ѕound of rаin, goodbye
i јust shut mу mоuth
i pretend not to hear agaіn
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sobs wracked your body.
it’s okay. you’re okay , you thought to yourself, rocking your body back and forth, face buried in your knees.
the lies kept increasing.
lies towards yourself, towards him, towards anyone and everything.
you were fine , you told yourself.
as if.
here you were, dove white bedsheets pooled around you, as fat, crystalline tears rolled down your face, an ugly reminder of what you had become.
of what you had become ever since he left you.
a crying mess.
even the way he had broken up with you reflected the situation — rain pouring down, thumping over your roof as he stood there, umbrella in hand. his jet-black bangs were plastered to his face, wet, as if he had left without an umbrella originally.
your eyes had a joyful gleam as you beamed at him, crinkles at the corners of your eyes a mirror of your happiness.
until he shattered it, alongside your heart, of course.
it was like he had been cradling your fragile, glass heart, taking care of it, protecting it, until he decided to throw it full-force at the ground.
“i have to tell you something,” he had said, cold eyes analyzing you, examining your very being.
thinking nothing of it, you had asked what. he dropped your glass heart as he spoke his next words.
“i want to break up.”
and, so, you were here, crying like a baby.
a fucking baby.
you had thrown away the jacket you had worn when you had asked him out, trying to look your very best.
you wanted to look like an adult, mature and collected, coming to terms with any ups and downs life had to offer.
but, as it turned out, you were still a kid inside. ever so sensitive — fragile and delicate, able to break apart at any moment.
this was so, so much more cruel than any mean words he could speak to you. saying he loved you, whispering sweet nothings, and then dropping the bomb on you? saying he never loved you?
saying everything was meaningless to him?
you had gone to a cafe a few days prior, and what you saw made your heart crack all over again.
he was there, sitting alongside his friends.
worst thing?
he was smiling.
he was fucking smiling.
after what he did to you, he had the audacity to laugh, to smile?
it hurt so, so much, watching him smile, watching him laugh, knowing it would never be you making him do so ever again.
it made you hurt.
it made you hurt.
it made you sick.
and, so, you laid on your bed, crying like a baby.
crying like a baby.
i’m crying for you, baby.
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but you —
heard your mascara's running from crying everyday
kicking yourself now
i never felt better
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he had said he didn’t like you swearing.
that you were too delicate, too innocent to.
even when you were angry, you couldn’t fucking swear, wanting to keep the love of your life, the bane of your existence, happy.
you had widened your shoulders when he needed to lean on them.
it only caused trouble for you now when you went upon the crowded metro, bodies pressed up against you.
you wanted to swear.
swear at him.
you swore dan heng wouldn’t ever regret it.
you were the fool.
the goddamn fool.
it would’ve been better if he had just said he didn’t love you.
why did he lead you on, saying he loved you if he was just going to break your heart, leaving it hollow?
now you wanted to rip up all the polaroids of him you had kept.
his appearance in the photos was the same — soft, ethereal.
the appearance of someone you had once loved.
of someone you still loved.
it was nothing like the cold and hard exterior he had worn when he broke up with you.
sometimes you just wanted him to get lost, wishing him heartbreak and bad wishes, wishing for him to suffer as you did.
but sometimes, you missed him.
you were used and useless now.
now, you wanted to change all your mannerisms — the way you did your makeup, the way you laughed, even the way you walked.
it all reminded you of dan heng.
and that memory stemmed on and on, and lead to another night of you crying in your room, mascara tainting your face, smudging it an inky black.
sure, he wasn’t the mean one.
your friends said that he was being reasonable, that he was so mature about the situation, not even putting any blame on you! you were crying for no reason at all, he could’ve ended things on a much, much worse note.
yeah, sure.
yes, you were the mean one! you were the one mad at him, sad over him, because of absolutely nothing! it wasn’t like he was the one who broke up with you!
give me a break.
late at night, you were curled up in your bed, the excruciatingly bright screen of your phone illuminating your tired eyes and dried up tears.
your finger hovered over the button to delete his number.
you couldn’t even do a task as simple as that.
you were such a fool. you still loved him, even though he had already broken up with you?
yeah, this was better.
swearing to get it all out, to get all the red, hot anger off your chest, off yourself.
previously pinpointed on yourself, now you found a new target to direct it all to, to shift the blame to.
dan fucking heng.
previously, you had been sobbing in your room after he had broken up with you, sobs wracking your body as if you were a mere petal in a storm, drifting all alone.
the sorrow had eventually melted, leaving an omnipresent hatred in its wake.
but, if you despised him so much, why did you immediately soften up upon looking at photos you took of him?
he still looked so sweet in the photos, jet black bangs dusting his face, the tiniest smile on his face as he held up a peace sign.
maybe you should just rip up all the photos.
life wasn’t too bad as of late.
you had been hanging out with new friends, and that took your mind off everything.
maybe you had finally moved on?
yet, you still felt a tinge of hatred towards dan heng, even though he hadn’t done anything wrong as you had come to realize.
you had heard he’d been kicking himself over the break up, crying everyday. you should’ve felt bad.
yet you felt the smallest twinge of happiness upon hearing this.
you could’ve — would’ve — died for him, yet it took him til now to realize what he had missed.
to realize what he had done?
why’d it take him til now? why was he so selfish?
he could’ve just not loved you from the beginning.
huh, maybe you hadn’t moved on yet.
sometimes, you still missed him.
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a-b-c-d-e-f-g, right?
it’s still awkwаrd, will i gеt used to it?
give me back my a-b-с-d-l-o-v-e,
or draw a nеw lоve
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an easy word you could memorize — love.
soft and delicate love, strong as titanium, yet fragile as glass.
but, well, you didn’t know love anymore.
the love you had known had changed.
it had broken into a million tiny bits, leaving behind shards of shattered glass, cutting you and making you bleed scarlet the moment you tried to pick up the broken pieces.
now you practically had to learn the meaning of love all over again.
everything had changed, now it was all inverted. bright, almost blindingly so, yellow shades of happiness and warmth had become depressing, melancholic blues.
dainty pink had becoming a forever burning inferno of red.
dan heng had been the moons and stars, your whole universe.
and, just like that, he had disappeared.
stormy black clouds had covered the glittering skies, leaving only darkness in their wake.
he had told you he had loved you.
you wanted that same love back.
or, perhaps, now you could draw a new love.
it was so, so awkward now.
you could barley get any words out around him.
he, who was spring and summer.
he, who left, leaving a cold and barren winter with you.
now who would alight your freezing heart ablaze?
it was still so, so awkward.
would you ever get used to it?
well, perhaps you would, you supposed.
if you could draw a brand new love for yourself, rewrite the meaning of it from scratch, you could get used to this too, no?
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princesskkfish · 2 months ago
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orindoesthingz · 4 months ago
oh okay luna
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how-does-this-site-work · 2 years ago
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I did a thing. It was for a Yuri on ice project, also my first digital piece i did where i put in effort :)
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ren-doesthings · 2 years ago
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murder time trio beach episode doodle featuring everyone’s favorite three idiots (+ their octopus leader)
(may finish later as a final product ;] )
Horror by Sour-Apple-Studios
Dust by Ask-Dusttale
Killer by rahafwabas
Nightmare by Jokublog
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killejoy · 10 months ago
i realized i didn't put it into words properly , but i do consider katie a voxtek employee ( there's no way vox runs the media & doesn't employee 666news lbr )
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frat-house-collective · 5 months ago
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hell nah, ain't no way.
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rarhhh · 10 months ago
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askraddyred · 3 months ago
do u want to speak about your feelings over a cup of tea and a cookie?
" I dont need to talk!! Theres nothing to talk about!! Especially to some stranger!! I dont have any feelings to talk about!! Fuck off!! "
*He runs off. Gosh. Talk about stubborn. He doesnt seem willing to open up anytime soon. Opening up doesnt seem like a very Raddy thing to do anyways*
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ribs02 · 1 year ago
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joshbruh10x · 2 years ago
So y’all know how my art style is like these beady eyed lifeless dudes staring into your soul kinda thing right? (I mean to say the way I draw eyes, though someone has told me that my art style gave that sort of feel)
So i tried practicing with cartoony eyes. I’m gonna admit that there’s a limit to what my art style can stretch into lmao, so I tried sketching them on the FNAF gang, ehh I mean it works kinda but not sure how it’ll blend with my art style so as of now I’m keeping good ol’ beady eyed gang.
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