#/powerful creatures in hell
witchoflegends · 4 months
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"There seems to be a pattern of powerful leaders in Hell being bottoms. I'm all too happy to continue that streak."
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possamble · 2 months
in your fic you mention how falin has torn doors off their hinges accidentally and now i’m wondering how the others reacted lol 😭
i think she's like. reflexively gentle enough that she wouldn't actually end up breaking anything unless she was really putting her weight into it.
so the first time it happened it was probably when she was helping everyone clear out the castle. she's downstairs in the cellar while everyone's just upstairs poking around. she comes across a rusted door that won't budge on her first try, so she really heaves it and then just
Marcille: Falin?? Is everything okay?? Falin: Everything's fine! [knocks over 20 different dusty barrels and boxes and shit trying to swing the door back into the frame]
Everyone comes downstairs to see her like. Frantically trying to fix it before giving up like a guilty puppy. Reactions are what you'd expect. Marcille is freaking out trying to figure out if this is a symptom of something really bad or some complication with her resurrection. Laios immediately experiences childlike wonder and jealousy and wants to start testing just how strong she is by getting her to break different things. Yaad and Kabru are just kind of like "huh! i hope we don't need that door."
meanwhile Falin's just dying bc "oh shit i broke something aaa" + "marcille is just grabbing me everywhere again and she smells nice" + "this is too much attention"
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crocodilenjoyer · 4 months
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what if you 🫵 wanted to take a nap 💤 but god said ☝️ asl dunmeshi au 💥
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Got around to drawing my Spore creature that I’ve had since I was a kid, recreating it in my latest run!
Their patagium lets the glide short distances (usually between trees), and their large tail fin helps steer them in the air. The fin on their prehensile tail also has stronger membrane with grasping capabilities, acting as a hand.
Upon becoming a space-faring species, they rely heavily on alliances with other nations, usually in the form of spice collection jobs. They also specialize in purple spice in the trade.
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valley-of-the-lost · 5 months
How Sarah J Maas treats humans in relation with the immortal species in her books makes me think she doesn't consider why humans are the way we are and that we would indeed have advantages over immortal and technically more physically durable beings.
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gayemeralds · 2 years
i know people don’t like the concept of an “undefeatable protagonist” but in the context of sonic i just think it’s fucking hilarious. im sorry but shadow being op as fuck is boring UNLESS sonic can just, cream his ass. same with any of his rivals/enemies. local random guy off the street defeating the god of the week or the local government super weapon for the 20th time.
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ultimate-horror-genre · 5 months
tournament listings: first round
phobia vs. madness and phobia
home invasion & survival vs. arthouse
slasher vs. backwoods horror
gore & disturbing:
torture vs. body horror
splatter vs. cannibal
extreme vs. cosmic horror (miscellaneous plug-in because there's an uneven number of subgenres in this genre)
zombies vs. virus
vampire vs. werewolf
classic & mythological vs. neo-monsters
animals & nature vs. giant creatures
small creatures vs. sci-fi & aliens
ghosts & spirits vs. haunted house
possession vs. devils, demons, & hell
witches & occult vs. supernatural power
comedy horror vs. parody horror
gothic horror vs. found footage
folk horror vs. post-apocalyptic
i will be updating this list with links to the posts!
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emberglowfox · 10 months
How does one accidentally get a spinal inplant?
by falling on it while it has a needle in your back and is trying to feed off you, in short
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chimugukuru · 10 months
Kamado stares Nick down from across the room. Ushi is in the shower, so Kamado lets the tension build. Some might be unnerved by the tall man, but Kamado's too annoyed by his presence to feel anything else. After a few minutes, she marches up to him as intimidatingly as she can.
"What do you want with Ushi?" Kamado signs, glaring up at him. "If you fuck her and dump her, then I will hunt you down and kill you."
She is completely serious about this threat.
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baby-xemnas · 1 year
would love to see bepo wrangling luffy imagine that
luffy going from :D AYYY KUMA to screaming bloody murder once hes put into a very fluffy but immovable headlock
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jklpopcorn · 2 years
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this is a cat his name is Sprinkled Loaf
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farceargon · 11 months
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3rd and final of this weird team. If you don't have a vessel oc then. Um. Uuuh...
BEHOLD! Casket, idiot extraordinaire with a heart of solid gold and an empty, oblivious head to match. Friendly to the extreme and befriender of both Xal and Hrelgere despite both of them having attempted to kill them at first meeting.
Stolen away by foreigners to the Wild Land long ago for some funky experimentation. They have little clue about where they came from or what they are. Luckily they're a nerd! They'll figure it out.
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redysetdare · 1 year
why is every ADHD "symbol" awful actually.
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blueish-bird · 1 year
burnout is sapping my hyperfixation of creative energy, but not to worry! I’m still thinking about Aki and Angel an incredibly abnormal amount
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using it/its pronouns is such a power move. shitheads are trying to misgender you by using it and it's like hell yeah thanks for the free validation fucker B)
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lotuseatingstone · 2 years
part of my main's trial "cutscenes." the opener then a phase 2 start
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decided her fight would be like barbarricia but with an axe, lava, and quick times. also a "fuck this dps in particular" mechanic because fuck dps in particular
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