#luffy would probably bite him to get released
baby-xemnas · 1 year
would love to see bepo wrangling luffy imagine that
luffy going from :D AYYY KUMA to screaming bloody murder once hes put into a very fluffy but immovable headlock
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Luffy X Reader: Love bites
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Only joined the One piece fandom recently and i'm already obsessed with Luffy ❤️
Warnings: Smut, public sex (they're asleep but still), biting, hickeys, oral (f reciving), cum eating, unprotected sex, penetration(p in v), fingering, handjob, kissing, fluff, luffy being luffy.
Word Count: 3,2K
The crew had just come back from a rather successful adventure and decided to celebrate over some drinks. Some drinks turned into many drinks and now you found yourself surrounded by your drunken crew mates, the moonlight shining against you. Usopp was passed out on the floor mumbling in his sleep, Nami and Zoro were having a contest to see who could do the most acrobatics without getting nauseous and Sanji was off to the side flirting with a statue you'd retrieved in your mission. You observed your crew with a small smile. You hadn't drank as much as the others so you were just a little buzzed. Maybe a little more giggly than normal but nothing too bad. You closed your eyes, breathing in the salt air.
You loved this life. The pirate life. Sure, you were constantly on the run and it seemed everyone had something against your crew but it didn't matter. You felt at home with your bundle of misfits. Your odd little family. You'd owe Luffy for the rest of your life for dragging you along. Without him you'd still be stuck on your little island withering away in boredom and loneliness. Luffy had this effect on him, this hidden talent of finding people who needed him without them even knowing it. Luffy was…. 
Where the hell was he?
You opened your eyes abruptly, searching the ship for your raven haired Captain. Nothing. Luffy was nowhere to be seen. He was probably in the kitchen you thought. Just as you were about to close your eyes again you felt something grab you. Your instinct was to fight but when you saw his familiar smile the fear disappeared. Luffy had wrapped his arms around you and dragged you over to where he was sitting. He'd dragged you across the ship like you weighed nothing. Even after knowing him for a while his abilities still surprised you. 
"Hi Luffy.”
His breath smelled of alcohol and his words came out slower than usual. You couldn't help but smile at the way he looked, all blissed out and beautiful. Falling for Luffy was easy. Inevitable even. He just had this energy to him, this magnetic pulse that seemed to drag you to him. 
The rest of the crew felt it too. It was why they decided to join him on his adventure with little hesitation. But what you felt was different. You’d catch yourself admiring your Captain constantly. It didn’t matter if you were in a fight, running for your lifes or just hanging out on the Merry your eyes always seemed to dart in his direction. You wondered if the crew noticed it. You thought you were very discreet with it, sneaky even. Sure there were times when your gaze would linger for too long but no one had ever mentioned anything so you thought you were safe. It’s funny how oblivious people can be when they choose to believe something. 
“You okay Luffy?”
“Better now.”
Luffy’s arms wrapped around your thorax like an odd meaty corset. You gasped slightly when you felt him lift your body up and place you on his lap, your legs settling on the sides of his thighs. Luffy was an affectionate person. He loved  physical touch but this was another level of contact. One you weren’t used to receiving. You placed your hands on Luffy’s shoulders forcing him to release you slightly so you could look at his face. 
“Are you sure you’re okay Captain?”
Luffy closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in as he did. When he opened his eyes once again there was an odd look to them. You were used to seeing his bright eyes opened wide with joy or wrinkling on the sides as he smiled, something he did a lot. But now his eyes had a certain look to them. They looked a lot like they did when he was serious about something but there was a slight twist. A sort of seductive energy to his gaze. His eyes bore into yours causing you to swallow dry. Luffy tilted his head to the side a little before moving to look at his arms wrapped around you. You watched as he licked his lips slowly. You opened your mouth to ask him once more if he was alright but before you could do so Luffy pulled your chest flush to his and sank his face into your neck. You felt his nose move against your collarbone, your eyes fluttering shut at the feeling.
“You smell so good.”
You felt him take a deep breath in, the warm air tickling your skin. 
“Could eat you up.”
“Luffy, are you sure you’re-Ah!”
Luffy’s teeth sank into your neck without warning causing you to moan out. Before you could even process what was happening Luffy was already kissing the place where he’d bit you, his tongue lapping over the tender skin before sucking gently. Your head lulled to the side instinctively giving your Captain more access to your flesh. Your breath came out in short bursts as Luffy continued to lavish your neck in hickeys. You didn't expect this. Not from your Captain. Not from Luffy. Yet here you were. 
Your hands moved to the back of his neck grabbing the hair on the base and giving it a small tug when Luffy gave you a particularly rough suck. Luffy groaned at the feeling, his hips moving up to rut against yours. You felt the stiff outline of his dick against your clothed cunt. This is really happening. You weren't just imagining things. The thought seemed to snap you out of your lustfull daze. You grabbed Luffy's hair tugging him on your neck with force. Your Captain glanced at you questiongly calling out your name in a whisper.
“What's wrong?”
“You're drunk Luffy.”
“So are you.”
“Not as much as you are. I’ll remember this in the morning. I won’t regret it but you-”
“What makes you think I'd regret this?”
You opened and closed your mouth trying to come up with a good answer. The truth was you weren’t used to people desiring you. You’d grown up in a place where everyone made you feel like you weren’t enough. Not pretty enough, not smart enough, not good enough. After being told that your entire life it’s hard to believe it isn’t true. And Luffy was, well he was Luffy. Luffy your friend, Luffy your captain. Luffy the boy who had saved you. The boy you loved. Woah, first time you'd allowed yourself to admit that.
Luffy seemed to sense your fears, his hands unlatching from your body so that he could hold your face.
“There are better people out there, Luffy.”
“I don't want better. I want you.”
Your eyes widened at Luffy's words, lips quivering slightly. You placed your head against his nuzzling your nose against his. Luffy grinned against your skin before placing a peck on your lips. You leaned back, glancing at Luffy's lustful eyes before latching your lips to his. The kiss was messy, the way Luffy liked it. He devoured your mouth, sucking at your bottom lip. You opened your mouth to him, tongues tangling with each other in a sort of desperate dance. Luffy's hands found their way to your ass grabbing onto the flesh roughly. You moaned against his open mouth, hips grinding down on his crotch. 
“Ah porra, isso gatinha.” (Oh fuck, thats it darling.)
You didn’t understand anything when Luffy spoke Portuguese but the sound of his voice when he talked in his mother tongue did something to you. You pressed your thighs against Luffy's legs trying to get some much needed friction. Your captain noticed your needs, his hands travelling down to your pants. His fingers toyed with the buttons before glancing up at you.
“Can i?”
“Yes please Luffy. Need you.”
The whine in your voice made Luffy growl, his hands working rapidly to gain access to your pussy. The moments his digits found their way to your folds you keened. Your body launched forward, head resting on Luffy's chest. He played with your folds, gathering up your juices in his fingers.
“So wet for me baby.”
“Only for my Captain.”
Luffy liked being called Captain in general but the way the title sounded slipping out from your lips did something unspeakable to him. He plunged a finger into your cunt grinning at the small moan that escaped your lips. He thrusted his finger into you for a moment before adding another one. You gripped onto Luffy's arm, your nails digging into his forearm. Your eyes fell on Luffy's arm as he fingered you, watching the muscles contract as his hand worked on bringing you to bliss. You didn’t expect it, the thought had never occurred to you but before you knew it you were sinking your teeth into Luffy's bicep. Luffy's hand stopped moving against your pussy, his whole body going rigid. Fuck. Did he not like it? Had you ruined the mood with your actions?
“Luffy i’m so-”
“Do that again.”
“Do that again.”
Luffy's voice dropped an octave as he spoke, his eyes glossed over and his pupils blown wide. You looked at him hesitating for a moment before biting down on his arm again. The moan that ripped itself from Luffy's throat was feral. His hips bucked up into your forcing his fingers to go deeper into your pussy and causing you to let out a moan of his name. Your hand clasped around your mouth, eyes widening as you remembered where you were. You turned your body so that you could see where the others were. A sigh of relief left your lips when you realised that the rest of your crew were passed out. Completely unaware of what you and their Captain were getting up to. You turned your attention back to Luffy caressing his hair before placing another kiss to his lips. You bit his lip and tugged causing his skin to stretch a little as you did. You let out a giggle.
“It’s okay. I liked it”
“Oh yeah?”
You repeated your action this time grinding your hips down on his as you did. Luffy gritted out your name, teeth finding your neck once more as he bucked up into you. He removed his fingers from your cunt and shoved them in his mouth. 
“So sweet. Taste so good.”
Luffy's innocent eyes glance up at you.
“Let me taste you.” “You don’t have to Luffy.”
“I want to. Please let me eat it.”
Luffy manoeuvred you off his lap laying you down on the bench. You watched as he tugged down your pants exposing your cunt to him. Even in the dark you could see the smile that appeared on his face as he glanced at your pussy. He kneeled on the ground tugging you by legs. He placed either leg on his shoulders, his fingers playing with your folds. 
“Look at that. So pretty.”
“Luffy please…”
Luffy didn’t want you to beg. He had no desire to tease you. All he wanted was to make you feel good. And that was exactly what he did. Luffy ate you out like you were the last meal he’d ever have. You had to bite into your hand to keep yourself from moaning too loud and waking the others. The thought of one of them waking up and finding you like this scared you but in a strange way it also gave you a small thrill. You liked the thought of people seeing Luffy worshipping you like you were the only person in the blue sea. Luffy enjoyed the thought too but for a completely different reason. He liked the idea of the crew seeing that he was the one who made you feel like this. That you were his and his alone. You didn’t notice it because you didn’t value yourself but anyone in the crew would worship the ground you walked on if you’d let them. But you’d chosen Luffy and he wanted everyone to know it.
“Luffy baby-Uh ah-i’m close!”
Luffy wanted you to cum, he wanted to see the way your face scrunched and your eyes rolled back but he didn’t know if he could last much longer without being inside you.
“Can I put it in?”
“Can i fuck you right?”
Your orgasm was clouding your mind and Luffy's fingers made it hard to think straight so it took you a moment to understand what he was asking. The second you understood you nodded your head enthusiastically.
“Please Luffy, need you baby. Need you inside.”
Luffy's arms wrapped around you once more lifting your limp body with ease before settling you down on his hips again. Your hands found their way into his pants grabbing a hold of his cock and making him hiss. You licked a strip down your hand tugging Luffy's pants down so that his dick could be free. You watched the pre cum leak from his shaft, your thumb moving to collect it before placing it in your mouth. You sucked on your thumb, eyes never leaving Luffys as you did. You gave his cock a couple of strokes, observing his Adam's apple move as you fastened your pace. Luffy's hand wrapped around yours stopping your motion. You raised your eyebrow in question. 
“If you keep doing that I'll cum.”
“Maybe that's what I want.”
“Well I plan on cumming inside that pretty pussy of yours.”
You paused, surprised at Luffy's words. You didn’t imagine something so naughty could come out of the sweet boy's mouth.
“If that's okay with you that is.”
“Oh sweet Luffy.”
You leaned down so that your mouth was near Luffy's ear before whispering. 
“I want you to stuff me full.”
That did it. Luffy's hands moved to wrap around your thighs, lifting you up so that he could line his dick up with your entrance. The both of you moaned as your bodies joined. Your walls fluttered around Luffy's dick making him bite down on your shoulder. You sank your hands into his hair, grinding your hips against him slowly.
“Luffy you have to move…please-ah uh- move.”
You started to set the pace, bouncing up and down on Luffy's cock with ease. After a while your legs began to hurt and your rhythm started to falter. Luffy could tell you were close to cumming, not being so behind himself, and decided to take over. He began pistolling into you using his arms as leverage. In a matter of seconds the two of you were seeing white. You screamed out Luffy's name as you came, feeling his seed paint your walls. The two of you stayed silent against each other trying to catch your breath. You heard someone stir behind you causing you to look back. You went to get off of Luffy but his hands held you in place.
“Luffy someone’s awake we have to-”
“Shhh wait a minute.”
Usopp appeared from the other side of the deck, his hands against his head as he stumbled over. He didn’t seem to notice where he was going but then his eyes fell on you. He called out your name and you ignored him, hiding your face in Luffy's neck.
“Luffy is she okay?”
“Yeah she’d just tired. I’m going to take her to bed.”
Luffy stood up his dick shifting against your sensitive walls. You moaned and Luffy hissed at the feeling. Luffy's arms were wrapped around your ass in a way that made it impossible to notice you weren’t wearing any pants. You could feel Luffy's seed running down your bare thigh. 
“Oh okay. I think I'll go to bed too. My head is killing me.”
“Night Captain.”
Luffy watched Usopp pass by the two of you without doubting a thing. He even stopped for a moment and whispered goodnight to you, completely unaware of what was happening. As soon as your sharpshooter was out of view Luffy raced across the deck to his bedroom. When the two of you arrived he unwrapped his arms from you and placed you on his bed immediately tugging you to the edge and kneeling down. Luffy spent the rest of the night with his face buried in your cunt pulling orgasm after orgasm out of you.
You woke up the next morning wrapped around Luffy's sheets. A small smile found its way onto your face as you recalled last night's event. You turned to snuggle into Luffy but instead you were greeted with an empty bed. You got up, grabbing your clothes from the floor and putting them on. You smoothed your hair with your hand, yawning as you made your way out of Luffy's room. You walked over to the kitchen. Just as you had expected, you found Sanji and Zoro.
“Morning boys.”
You smiled at the cook who winked at you before glancing at Zoro. The swordsman had a smirk plastered on his face.
“What is it moss head?”
“Someone had a good night.”
You froze for a moment but then regained your composure. There was no way he knew. They had been fast asleep. Zoro was testing you and you weren’t going to fall for it.
“I have no idea what you're talking about Zoro.”
“Sure you don’t.”
“I mean it moss head. Nothing happened. I drank with you guys and then went to bed okay? Whatever you think happened must have been some drunk hallucination.”
“I’d believe you. If it weren’t for those.”
“For what-”
Oh shit. You glanced at your reflection in one of the pans eyes falling on the purple bruises littered all over your neck and chest. You looked at Sanji and then at Zoro.
“Shut up.”
“We didn’t say anything.”
“Hey it’s alright, everyone deserves a good time.”
“Yeah well at least I wasn't flirting with a chunk of rock last night.”
With that you left the kitchen ,the sound of Zoro's laughter being muffled as you made your way to the deck. You passed Nami and Ussop on the way, giving them a brisk good morning and not missing the way their eyes moved from your face to the hickeys on your body.
“Didn’t say anything.”
“Yeah yeah. Where's Luffy?”
Ussop pointed to the top of the Merry. You thanked him and made your way towards the straw hat pirate. Luffy was sitting crossed leg on top of the head of the lamb. You made your way over, calling out his name. He turned at the sound of your voice, greeting you with a smile. He got up and met you halfway.
Luffy pulled you into a kiss which you returned. You pulled away after a while smiling wide as you looked at Luffy. 
“Sit with me?”
You began to sit down but Luffy was quicker. He grabbed your body and dragged you onto his lap. You laughed as he nuzzled into your neck. He placed a kiss on the marks he’d made last night before moving to give your forehead a kiss. You grinned, caressing his hair lovingly. You could get used to this. Just the sea, Luffy and your crew. A good life. One you deserved.
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writingoddess1125 · 9 months
Honey First Kiss 🍯
One-shot of just cuteness
Luffy x GNReader
Fluffy marshmallow fluff!
Support me on Ko-Fi
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It had been a normal evening on the Going Merry, dinner had been served and drinks being dished out by Sanji. Everyone had a few drinks in their system already and becoming quite chatty.
"I got a special dessert for you all!" Sanji announced proudly as he set out these adorable honey pudding cups. They were layered like a honey pot with a white chocolate comb on top- everyone awed at the dessert, you included.
You ate the pudding and hummed in delight. It tasted exactly like honey and cream in the most wonderful way!
You had zoned out so much on your dessert you didn't hear the conversation that took place- it wasn't till Nami said your name real loudly that you snapped from your thoughts- humming in question.
"We are talking about kisses (Y/N), Did you hear us?" Nami said with a giggle, You blush and shook your head.
"Sorry I really liked the dessert" You admit with a chuckle.
The crew laughed at this as Sanji looked to Luffy who was just into the food as you were.
"What about you Luffy? Every kissed anyone?" Sanji asked, Smirking at the idea. You did feel a bit of worry in your system- You had always liked Luffy quite a bit and hearing if he had kissed anyone could be a bit, hard to hear.
"Nope! I havent" He said cheerfully. Uncaring of such things clearly as he took another hefty bite of dinner.
"What!? You've never kissed anyone Luffy?-" Sanji said with shock at hearing this, you blushed at this hoping to shrink away from being called out yourself. However Nami turned her gaze at you with a wide grin.
"(Y/N?)~ What about you? Been with anyone?" She chimed at this wicked smile, you blushed deeper at this as you shyed away from the looks.
"N-No not yet-" You start but Sanji jumped forward.
"Want me to fix that?~" Sanji chimed out with a grin, earning a punch from Nami who looked at him in disgust. You blushed deeply at this and turn away-
"No no- I want to share my first kiss with someone special" You admit shyly. Which earned some chimes from others at the table- you felt embarrassed still about it all and choose to just finish your dessert and stay quiet. Not nothing Luffy staring at you quite a bit as the dinner came to an end.
That evening you got up from bed, still thinking about what had been talked about- and that honey pudding.. Getting up from bed you sneak out of your quarters and head to the kitchen- Getting there you quickly find one of the left over puddings and began to eat away with a happy hum.
"(Y/N)?" You damn near jump from your skin at hearing the voice and turned to see Luffy- he had clearly just crawled from bed too and made his way to probably snack.
"Luffy?" You hum pudding still in your mouth- Luffy just grins at you and quickly goes next to you to get into the fridge. Getting a large plate of leftovers for himself- however you noticed how he kept glancing at you.
"Luffy is something on your mind?" You questioned, he took a bite from some bread and stared at you hard.
"At dinner you said you'd kiss someone special right? Who would it be?" Your cheeks turned dark red at hearing this-
"Well... the only person I can think of is.. You?" You say softly, Luffy blinking at you in surprise before he smiled widely at this.
"Really? Me?" He said with a Bubbly joy as he smiled at this- Leaning in really close which made you blush deeply.
"Yeah, I would say you.." You admit, Luffy sets down his leftover plate and stared down at you.
"(Y/N) can you be my first kiss?" He asked innocently, this made your head spin- Luffy was asking to kiss!? You didn't know what to say, so you nodded softly unsure of what to really say.
He looked excited at this and grabbed your cheeks quickly, kissing you gently on the lips. You melted at this- he was so... gentle? And warm? His lips gently pressed against yours in the sweetest passion you had ever felt.
Luffy gently released you cheeks from the kiss, Carefully looking at you as he seemed to be deep in thought. Both of you blushing rather deeply at this whole ordeal.
"H-How was that?" You stutter out, while you didn't know a lot about kisses it was still something you wanted to be good at! Luffy stared at you frozen for a moment before breaking out in a wide grin.
"Your lips taste like honey"
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sanjifucker42069 · 9 months
OPLA!Sanji x Reader - Blowin'
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Word Count: 4.6k
I cut down some of the less, y’know, important stuff (the plot lol)
Warnings: oral sex (m!receiving), fem!reader, awkward first times, awkward af, the reader is a dipshit. I’m ngl this isn’t one of those cute first time fics where virgin!reader is suddenly a sex goddess, you are legitimately an idiot. As usual, written with a plus size!reader in mind.
Sanji finds out you’re a virgin. You suck his dick. Congrats!
Sanji was going to fucking lose it. Out of all the possible scenarios Sanji never once considered Nami would take you out to a bar to pick up guys. He brooded as he nursed his drink, Zoro rolling his eyes at the display. Sanji just growled. Usopp looked between them.
"How about another round? 'Nother milk Lu? Hey Sanji, why don't you come with me? I saw some hot chicks up at the bar."
Sanji just shook his head brooding. He looked to where you stood with Nami, laughing at some guy's jokes. He felt stupid at how jealous he felt.
"Hey, Sanj, man. Nami isn't gonna reciprocate y'know?" Usopp offered lightheartedly. Zoro scoffed from next to him. 
"It's not about Nami for once."
When Sanji's eyes found you again he saw you alone with the same guy, nursing a drink. Now that Nami was gone he could see the atmosphere had changed, you didn't seem happy like before. He watched as the guy said something and you shrugged halfheartedly. The guy then proceeded to wrap his arm around you. Sanji had known you long enough to see how uncomfortable you looked. Anger flared in his chest. The final straw was seeing the guy trying to tug you out of the booth to leave. You looked so defeated, it hurt. He began stalking his way to your booth.
"C'mon sweetcheeks, let's leave this dump."
"I'm good thanks, I should get back to my friends."
"I already told you bitch, we're going. I didn't spend all this time fucking around to go home empty handed. You're lucky I even stayed once your hot friend left. I'm doing you a favour, so hurry the fuck up."
"No, I really don't want to." You began, the man snarled, grabbing your wrist.
"It wasn't a question. You owe me. I don't go for ugly, but a hole's a hole, and from the back you're probably passable."
You had tears in your eyes from embarrassment. This whole trip was a bad idea. You wish Nami would come back. As the man tugged on your wrist harder you heard that gorgeous voice ring out. You tried to hide your face so Sanji wouldn't see the tears in your eyes. That last thing you wanted was for the crew to think you're weak.
"That's no way to win hearts Sunshine. So uncouth, and frankly, disgusting behaviour."
"Who the fuck are you? How about you mind your own business?"
"And watch such a beautiful lady be treated that way?"
"Beautiful lady my ass. The only thing you can know for sure about girls like this is that their pretty pussy is untouched." The man barked out a laugh causing you to wince. He snaked his other arm to cup your breast over your dress. You saw something flash in Sanji's eyes. "And I know I'm gonna really enjoy these."  
You squirmed, before biting the man. He howled in pain, releasing his hold on you. You quickly made your escape, rushing to cling to Usopp and Luffy, crying. You felt pathetic. Embarrassed that all eyes were on you.
Sanji saw red. You blinked back tears as you called out to him. Sanji was protective of all of you, but he seemed especially so of you. You knew it was because he saw you as some kind of little sister. "It's okay Sanji. Really, let's just go home. Please."
"No." He fixed the drunk man with a freezing gaze. "You dare touch someone so out of your league? I asked you nicely to piss off, but now I'm going to fucking kill you."
Before you could react Sanji had kicked the man in the chest. You watched as he began ruthlessly kicking and stomping the man, muttering profanities and sentences you couldn't understand. With a final stomp he huffed. Zoro finally pried Sanji away. You saw Nami returning, fuming. If you weren't so traumatised by the night you would have laughed at how Zoro pried Nami away too, holding the two brawlers by the scruff as they fought against it, looking like wet cats.
You don't remember how you got home. You remember Usopp covering you in his coat and dragging you out of the bar. You remember apologising to Usopp, crying that you needed to go back. The last thing you remember was Luffy running to join you, scooping you up and starting the walk back to the Going Merry, you, falling asleep in his rubbery arms.
"Ah my dear, you're finally awake. I made you something to eat."
You smiled tightly at him, thanking him. The way you played with your food tugged at his heartstrings. You looked so mournful. He pulled up a chair, sitting backwards on it, gripping the backrest. 
"C'mon lovely, don't make me have to feed you myself." He winked. Your lips twitched upwards performatively. Sanji frowned. "Look (name) about last night-"
"I'm sorry."
Confusion. "What?"
You cringed inward. "I'm....I'm sorry I ruined everyone's night."
"You didn't ruin anyone's night, that good for nothing prick did. Don't understand why you'd even go for a guy like that to be honest." He added bitterly. You frowned.
"I wouldn't normally. Everything moved so fast. He seemed nice...It was too late before I realised it's because he wanted Nami." Silence. "Once Nami left, I, well, I didn't want to cause a scene."
"So, what? You were just going to let him take advantage of you?"
You jolted, shocked. "No! No, I- there was no way he was going to-” 
“(Name), love, I know you can be a bit naive but-”
Your voice was small. “He said so himself! He..." you trailed off. "He didn't 'go for ugly girls'. And besides…he was right."
Sanji frowned, angry at the world. How could anyone make you believe that you weren't beautiful? That you didn't deserve some guy trying to take advantage of you? He took a deep breath, steadying his resolve
“There's no such thing as an ugly girl (name), and if there was, I can assure you you're not one of them.”
“Not that.” Sanji took in how you winced, trying to make yourself seem smaller.
Sanji felt the wind knocked out of him.
You're a virgin?" He asked, clearly shocked. You bristled with embarrassment.
"Well...yeah, but I understand how it works! It's not such a big deal, I mean...I've just, I've never had the chance."
"Have you ever...y'know, at all? Not even a handy?" You shook your head. He flushed, you were completely pure.
He felt slightly sick at how his perverted thoughts twisted that. He could be your first, ruin you for all other partners. He could be the one to take your innocence. His cock twitched at the thought. Shame flooded him. You were his friend, his, admittedly, very cute friend. He shouldn't be thinking about you this way. His mind was racing with all the obscene thoughts he'd ever had, the deviant things he dreamed of. He was disgusting. You were too innocent, he'd felt guilty before, but now he felt like he was defiling you just by thinking about you.
You took his silence as pity and pointedly looked away from him, taking a deep breath.
"It's not like I don't want to. I do. But, ugh, it's so silly...no one has ever shown any interest. I'm not exactly a goddess like Nami."
"Darling, I don't believe no one has ever shown interest." He offered a smile. Gods if you only knew how badly he ached for you. How hard you made him. Now wasn't the time for him to blow your friendship over him thinking with his dick. You were being vulnerable.
"I don't need your pity Sanji. It's okay. You don't have to give me the 'everyone's beautiful in their own way' speech. There's more to me than my lack of experience! I'm a good fighter! I have talents, I don't need to be pretty. Just, sometimes, it'd be nice.". 
This wouldn't do. He had to try to fix this. He took your small hands in his, trying not to lose his breath at how warm they felt. Swinging them lightly, he stared into your eyes.
“You are a beautiful girl, you deserve way better than some kind of bastard like that. Men are pigs (name), you shouldn't trust any of them."
"I trust you."
Sanji froze. You peaked up at him shyly. He looked conflicted, and that caused you to smile sadly, misinterpreting the look. You withdrew your hands, fiddling with them in your lap. "I didn't mean that you should take one for the team Ji, I just meant that, well, I trust you. I don't think you're a pig."
"You shouldn't trust me." He lowered his voice. You stared at him, clearly taken aback. "I'm just as bad."
"No, you-"
"No. I'm an absolute pig darling. You aren't that dense surely."
You frowned. "Sure you flirt a lot with other girls, but that's just you! It's charming, non-threatening. I don't see you acting like-"
"I flirt with you too!" He tried, clearly exasperated. You smiled.
"Exactly! You make cute comments to me, and call me cute things like darling, but you're just naturally flirty."
Sanji groaned. Your smile slowly faltered. Sanji screwed his eyes shut. "I'm not 'just naturally flirty'...I mean, I am, I suppose, but I'm actually trying to flirt with you. I thought you were just being polite, but are you really that dense?"
"I....you are?"
"Are you kidding me?!"
"But, I'm..." You gestured to yourself. "You're more friendly than flirty to me?" 
"You're too innocent, it's not like I could just waltz right up and tell you that I think you're hot, can I?" He bristled. 
You felt electricity surge down your spine. Hot? Sanji thought you were hot? Sanji? 
Sanji took your silence as disgust. "See! That's exactly why I couldn't tell you."
"You think I'm hot?" He nodded. Your grin spread, hurting your blushing cheeks. Your eyes sparkling. "You think I'M hot?!"
"Yes, okay!" He sounded almost angry.
"Sanji, you're gorgeous! I'm too awkward. Too fat. Too plain. I'm not a model or some kind of beauty. And you're telling me someone as handsome as you, thinks I'm attractive!? And I-"
You stopped, really thinking about what he said. "Innocent? I....well I suppose. I'm not that innocent though."
Sanji's nostrils flared. "Not that innocent? Please love! You prance around in those low-cut tops and shorts in front of everyone, thinking that they ain't gonna go ballistic? You're too trusting of men, thinking that we aren't all beasts inside."
You laughed, still riding the high of his praise. Sanji snarled, banging his fist on the kitchen table. "No! It's true. You think someone doesn't see the way your tits look and salivate? You don't think you would make anyone insane? You don't think I got so fucking hard when you told me you're a virgin?"
He froze, blood turning to ice, clearly regretting blurting out that last bit. You stared at him, eyes round with wonder. He avoided your gaze, cringing at what you said next.
"I...I make you hard?".
"I'm sorry (name), that was very ungentlemanly of me. I didn't mean to say that last part." 
"But you did." He felt warm hands prying his open and playing with his fingers. He flitted his eyes up to see your face red, staring at him with your eyes practically sparkling with mirth. "God, I've wanted you to fuck me for ages, and now you're telling me you've actually wanted to this whole time?"
Sanji stiffened, cock twitching. He ached painfully. He felt parched, throat burning. This had to be a joke. "You...what?"
"Yeah. Fuck. I, mean, the clothing was purposeful at first, I wanted you to notice me. I had no idea it was working though, haha!"
"Yeah, I thought you knew? You never noticed I only wore those kinds of clothes when you were around? You never noticed how I tried to cling to you in the kitchen? I just assumed you knew and thought I was gross, so I pulled back." You laughed. "Did you seriously think that because I'm a virgin I can't think sexually?"
"But you've never-"
"You've never said anything raunchy to me like you do to other girls. I thought you saw me as a little sister. It'd be weird if someone you saw like family told you they want to suck your dick."
"Fuck." He hissed. 
"Oh this is too good! Have I been torturing you?" You laughed, running a hand up his arm. "You must be so frustrated."
"You have no idea." 
"I could help you." 
Sanji groaned. "You can't say things like that."
"Oh." You pulled back, back to being timid. Even if it was at his expense, Sanji felt the loss of your confident persona. Fuck he really was a masochist, wasn't he? "I, um, I'd need you to guide me. But if you did want help, I'd like to be the one."
"God, you have no idea what you're doing to me." He heard you giggle lightly. He opened his eyes to see you biting your lip, staring up at him through thick lashes, a blush adorning your chubby cheeks. He throbbed.
"You could show me? I promise I'll be gentle! Please Sanji? Can I pretty please touch your dick?"
Sanji felt like he was going to explode from how cute you were. 
"Fuck. Please."
You squealed in excitement, jumping up from the table, both his arms in hand. He wanted to laugh at how innocent you looked, but instead he felt a lump in his throat. You didn't notice, pulling the seated man into an awkward, crushing hug.
"C'mon! C'mon what are you waiting for? Let's go!" 
"Go where?" He laughed at your eagerness. "In case you haven't noticed darling, we aren't exactly alone."
The way you deflated was comical. What wasn't was the wicked glint that formed in your eyes. Sanji gulped, that was never a good sign. He watched as you quickly dashed out of the kitchen. Sanji looked around, confused. Minutes passed. He got up from the table, moving over to the kitchen island, hiding his lower half behind the counter, lest one of the crew wandered in. He sighed, willing his boner away. 
The door flew open. Sanji jumped. There you stood frantically in the doorway. Your hair a mess, breathing heavy, and that wicked glint set on him. He watched as you closed the kitchen door, taking a chair and boarding the door. You grinned, stalking towards him.
No. There's no way.
"We aren't going to be disturbed." You were practically vibrating in excitement.
"What? No. Not in the kitchen. We. Eat. Here." Sanji hissed. You peeked up at him, lip pouting. 
"Please? I'll make sure there's no mess left." You pleaded. 
No mess? Sanji closed his eyes and groaned when he realised what you meant. You were going to be the death of him. When he opened his eyes you were in front of him, staring at him shyly. He startled.
"Can I kiss you? Or is that too far?"
Too far? He wanted to cry. You really had no idea what you were doing to him. He bent down. You grinned. He wrapped an arm around the back of your head, pulling you closer. You tipped your head up. He smiled softly before placing his lips on top of yours.
Your lips locked together like the last piece of a puzzle. You sighed, eyes flitting closed. You pushed further against him, trying desperately to pull him closer. He tasted like cigarettes but you didn't mind, an addictive taste for an addictive man. You wanted more of him. You kissed him feverishly, reluctantly pulling back for air. You stared at the taller man through lidded eyes. He gazed down at you lovingly, a blush high on his cheeks. His blue eyes studied your face closely. 
Sanji laughed as with both hands you pulled his face back for another kiss. His skin was hot, your hands now cold against his cheeks. You tasted sweet and he wanted to devour you so badly. You were too cute. He felt you pull him closer to you. You were kissing and sucking at his lips before you felt it. Sanji bit back a groan, feeling your hips brush against him. He felt pure embarrassment as he heard your breath hitch, pulling away. He opened his mouth to protest but was cut off by a groan as you experimentally pushed your hips against him harder.
"Oh my gods." He heard you whisper against him. He froze. "Oh my gods it's so-"
"We can stop if it's too much dar-LING!"
He squeaked as he felt both your hands rake down his chest, you humming contently as you kept yourself pressed against him. He felt overwhelmed at how eager you were. He'd never had someone so upfront in wanting to touch him. His cocked throbbed. You mewled lightly, causing another throb.
"Oh my god it moves?" You giggled. He cracked a smile back. You were so innocent.
Sanji had made one crucial mistake though. That was thinking that just because you were inexperienced, that meant you would be submissive. He felt you cage him against the countertop, the wood digging into his ass, your hands on him. It wasn't that he didn't like it, the dissonance was making him dizzy. He felt your hands find purchase on his waist. You breathed out a dreamy sigh.
"God your waist is so fucking tiny."
Sanji bristled with embarrassment. He tried to address it without upsetting you. "Love, that's not exactly what I want to hear."
You giggled. "I can't help it, it's so hot. You could kick my ass if you wanted, but holy fuck you're just letting me feel you up. Gods I've seen you fight, I've seen how thick your legs are, but fuck your waist is so little."
Sanji hissed. He'd never experienced anything like this before. Your hands migrated upwards, resting on his pecs. Your slow pace was driving him insane.
"Can I?" You gestured to his shirt.
"Fuck, love, I'd love to, but maybe when we have somewhere more private okay? Don't want to be too unclothed if someone tries to come in. Same with you okay? Don't want anyone to see something so gorgeous." He smiled at you. You nodded your head, practically buzzing at the idea of this happening again. He winked at you. "You could take off something else though."
Sanji was shocked and delighted at how quickly you dropped to your knees. You began playing with his belt, figuring out how the clasp worked. Sanji scrunched his eyes shut. Fuck, you were so eager! He never would’ve expected it to go like this. Despite your eagerness you were so gentle, as if you were afraid of touching him. He was going to prompt you, but instead you softly pulled his zipper down and began drawing the fabric down till it sat mid thigh.
Oh, fuck. There he was, huh?
You looked at his clothed cock, studying It like it was some kind of strange bug. You wanted to laugh at the comparison. Above you Sanji was flushed, embarrassed by your staring. You ran a finger over the bulge. He hissed, his dick jumping lightly. You couldn't help the giggle that bubbled out of your throat. 
"It's so cute the way it jumps."
"Maybe this was a mistake."
"No no no! I promise I'll be good. Can I, um... do I?"
"Just...hah...do what you think is right. I'll...correct you."
Sanji let out an undignified squeak as he felt you lightly grab the clothed bulge. You massaged it, feeling what you could, watching with curiosity how the man above you writhed. Exploratively, you moved your hand further back, cupping his balls through the fabric. The friction of the fabric against bare skin was pure torture.
"Oh shit!" Sanji whined. You withdraw your hand like it burnt. "That's, god, that's really sensitive okay? You're killing me sweetheart."
"Sorry." You mumbled, placing a kiss to his bare thigh. The "strange bug" jumped again. You began peppering more kisses to his thigh. Once you reached the inside of his thigh you breathed deeply, he smelt musky, it made your mouth water. Experimentally, you licked the inside of his thigh. Sanji's thigh tensed. You licked upwards in long stripes until you reached the leg of his underwear. You gave a quick moment of hesitation before you blew air over the bulge. Sanji hissed. Smiling, you placed a kiss directly over the top of his bulge. 
"Did you just kiss my dick?"
"Mmhmm. Watch, I'll do it again." You placed an open mouth wet kiss over Sanji's clothed cock. The man above you threw his head back, whining softly. The fabric was dampened with a mix of your spit and something else. You saw how taut the fabric had become. You cooed. "That looks like it hurts." 
Sanji nodded. You looked up at him.
"Can I take them off?"
He shuddered. "Fuck. Please (name)."
With curiosity you began dragging the wet underwear down his hips, settling them at his mid thigh. His musky scent overpowered you, and you watched with fascination as Sanji's cock slapped against his stomach. Looking up at him you saw how tight his eyes were scrunched, knuckles gripping the countertop. You noticed how he shivered lightly at the exposure. Sanji's cock stood, large, imposing, and leaking. You breathed out a curse. It looked gorgeous, just like him, long and lithe. His happy trail led to a neat little patch of dark hair. You salivated. Eyes drawing to your prize, you winced at how red and angry the head looked.
Sanji thought he was going to kill you when he felt you tap his cockhead like a microphone. Instead he bucked his hips away, humiliation colouring his face. "Stop that! I know you don't know what you're doing, but please use your brain dearest." 
You mumbled an apology before rubbing your hands together, trying to warm them. He watched as you wrapped a hand around his dick before moaning lowly. You studied him, absolutely enraptured, as you gave a test pump. The man above you crumbled. 
"Do you always get this way?"
"No." He panted.
"Just for me?" You tried sultry, trying to muster up some quote from a smutty novel you once read. Sanji peeked one eye open before groaning.
"No." His voice was strained, breathing heavy. You tried pumping him, but the rhythm was sloppy. "N-no. You're...it's a lot right now. I'm not used to it being this slow…or clumsy."
"Do you like it?" You looked up at him with wide eyes.
"Unfortunately." He muttered. With a burst of pride you tried pumping him harder. Sanji squealed, grabbing your hand. "Fuck (name), I really need you to spit in your hand. Th-that's painful."
"Oh...sorry." You offered. Sanji watched as you perversely spit in your hand, wrapping the digits back around his cock. You tried setting a rhythm, it was sloppy, but you focused on giving him consistent squeezing pressure. Sanji moaned lowly at the squeezing, hips rocking. 
Soon you reached a steady rhythm. You watched with bated breath before you slowed down. Sanji began to whine from the loss, only to keen loudly as he felt your lips enclose his cockhead. He began spluttering, eyes rolled backwards. He'd take anything right now, fuck he wanted to cum so bad. He sucked in a breath.
"No teeth, okay love?" 
You laughed, the vibrations tickling him in the best way. He moaned, trying desperately to not fuck your face. His eyes were so tightly scrunched.
You slowly forced yourself further down his length, squeezing the base. Sanji swore. You froze, taking a deep breath through your nose. When he didn't stop you, you continued your devotion. 
"Ack!" You choked, throat burning. You felt Sanji's hand patting your head. You retreated off him, coughing.
"Darling don't take more than you can okay. We don't want you to choke now."
You gazed up at him, eyes wet and throat hoarse. "Let me try again!" 
Your raspy voice made Sanji quiver, but the way you looked up at him, absolutely wrecked, made him burn. As quickly as he noticed it, it ended, and you unceremoniously inhaled his cock. He could feel you try to smile. 
"Fuck!" His voice was high as you sucked hard, adding your tongue to flatten against the underside of his cock. "(Name)! Baby, fuck, I-"
"Hey why won't the door open?" Zoro's voice rang through the wood. Sanji stilled, holding your head. The two of you looked at each other frozen. Sanji tried clearing his throat. 
"If you keep making noise out there, I'm gonna explode, Mosshead!"
You snorted, trying hard to not laugh. 'Yeah you're gonna explode,' you inwardly snickered. 
"Whatever shitty waiter." 
Silence. Sanji looked down at you. "Darling, maybe we should stop. It's okay, we can try again another day." He froze at the frustrated look that overtook your features. "Fuck." He whispered.
You sucked harshly causing Sanji to bite his hand hard to avoid screaming. He felt you try swallowing, watched as tears pricked your eyes. You didn't slow down on your work, sucking harshly and hands wandering. You grabbed a fistful of his asscheek, other hand tracing circles on his inner thigh. You felt him tensing, quivering. His hand reached for your neck, trying to coax you off. He was so close.
"Oh god!" Sanji gasped. "Baby I'm gonna cum, you need to hop off-AH!" 
You sucked harder, milking the man through his orgasm. It was like music the way he spluttered and grabbed the back of your head, nails scratching your scalp. You felt hot, thick liquid painting your throat. It wasn't pleasant, but fuck his reactions were. Some dribbled out of the corner of your mouth and Sanji wiped it away with a thumb, a fucked out expression on his features. He pulled his softened cock out of your mouth, and watched, breathless as you swallowed his seed. You made a grimace afterwards causing the man to laugh.
"Was it okay?" You asked, shyness taking over you. 
"You're lucky I don't mind a bit of torture. It was good for a first try." He gave you that flirty grin and a wink. "I think you need more practice though."
You laughed, outstretching a hand so he could help you up. You tried stretching your legs, noting the numb pain in your knees. You wrapped your arms around his middle. "Was I that bad?"
Sanji pulled his underwear and pants back up, zipping his pants closed. He pulled you closer. "Nah, you're just something else entirely. Silly." Kiss. "Torturous." Kiss. "And I am smitten with you."
"We've wasted enough time, better get back to it." You smiled against his lips. 
"I'd love to pay you back."
"Later loverboy, we're gonna have the whole crew in here soon if we don't hurry."
"I'm so glad there's a later."
You winked, straightening your clothes and heading for the door. You stopped, turning to stare at the man.
"For you baby? Always. Oh, can you make souffle?"
"What? Why?"
"I told the guys we were making a souffle and needed the kitchen completely silent."
Sanji laughed. You definitely kept him on his toes.
I'm not going to lie, some of this is coloured by my first time hahaha! I am an incredibly awkward person, and yes I did also once tell a guy how cute I thought it was when dicks jump. He also told me I was fucked for that ha!
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One Piece characters as S/Os on your birthday
Yo ho it’s my birthday so here’s some completely self indulgent head canons for some of my faves. (Fem reader implied) (unedited because I've been working all day)
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Luffy (just a sweet baby even tho I don't really simp for him)
He forgot he remembered a week ago and got you a present.
Scrambled for something to give you and found the present he forgot he got you
It was perfect. Then remembered that he remembered last week and woke up today forgetting it was your birthday
So technically he didn’t forget.
Nags Sanji to make you your favorite flavor of cake (or dessert) even though he’s already started on it along with the rest of the feast.
Spends the entire day plastered to your side, doing whatever you want
When the feast comes, he shares some of his food. SOME. You can have a bit, but the bites you do have are the best ones from his plate :)
You better believe you're getting the best oral you've ever had tonight. Man's tongue knows how to EAT.
He pulls out all your favorite positions AND kinks
His stamina takes over and leave you boneless and cumming over and over on his dick.
ALL the praises (degradation or not, depending on what you like) during it, but aftercare is so sweet.
Like bath or shower, cuddles, snacks, water. He would walk around butt naked though so you gotta remind him to put on pants.
Gives you another present, one that is meaningful and sweet. He put a lot of thought into it :) and it definitely did not make you tear up and sniffle when you hugged him.
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Zoro (I simp so hard for this man. I'm the type who thinks I can get him to shower. Fight me.)
Does he know it's your birthday? He doesn't remember right away, and it's only when someone wishes you a happy birthday at breakfast (Sanji probably) that he remembers. Give him a break he's a sleepy boi
Is sweet to you, doing small things that add up to make you feel loved by him.
He's not glued to your side. He gives you your space and time with the rest of the crew, but he does train on the deck so he can be near you.
He already knows the cook is making your favorite foods, so he's not worried about that.
He watches you closely, trying to count the number of times he sees you smile today to make sure its enough. He loses count when he gets focused on his training.
You might be worn out by Luffy's endless energy that is focused on celebrating your birthday, so he'll basically kidnap you to go take a nap so you can have a break.
Will take a shower before the feast for once.
He drinks at the feast, but not as much as he normally does. He won't get drunk because he wants to remember every moment of this night as clearly as possible.
If you don't drink, he'll try sips of your drink between his alcohol, trying to compare it.
If you do drink, he'll cut you off as soon as you start to get a little more than tipsy. He wants you to have the buzz that you like, but wants you to remember and experience the night clearly.
This man has been fantasizing about what to do to your body all day. How can he draw the most sounds out of your pretty lips?
He says the filthiest things in your ear, nipping your earlobe and sending shivers down your spine
Foreplay is usually pretty quick with him, both of you wanting to get to the meat (lol) of the night, but not tonight.
Tonight he basically worships your body according to what you like best. degrading? "your hole is perfect for me, slut. Such a dirty little whore for me". Sweet praise? "god you're perfect you know? feel so good around my fingers. Taste better than any sake"
Don't want to do the work? Good thing he factored it into his training earlier.
if you want to have him begging for release, he'll start getting whinier and whinier as the foreplay continues. He's enjoying this as much as you are.
If you're the one who wants to be begging and screaming, prepare for the time of your life. Every kink he can fit into one night is happening. Every position that hits just right, he folds you into.
Will cum wherever you want him to.
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Law (Me? trust issues? Lol but he's smart and a nerd and has tattoos piercings and is just a badass and sdlifhosighsofj okay? He fine as HELL)
Honestly Bepo reminds him that it's your birthday
He thought it was next week, so hadn't gotten a present for you yet
Panics but doesn't tell you
Finishes his work the fastest he's ever done it, and skipped studying for the day.
By the time he sees you, it's lunch. He feels so bad (doesn't really show it but you can tell)
You hug him and rub your cheek on his goatee for scratchies, and it makes him feel better.
Crew celebrates that night with games and food and just a party in general
Law sticks to the side nursing his drink, not one for joining in on parties.
You jokingly ask him to dance with you, but he agrees.
You have to end up leading because he's about as elegant as Corazon when it comes to dancing. He picks it up quickly though.
If you're not a dancer, you play card or board games with him. You can't tell if you're lucky or if he's letting you win.
Either way, he eventually drags you to his office and admits he doesn't have a physical present for you. But if you want a piercing or tattoo, he can do that for you.
You're stoked. The two of you discuss where, (design it if it's a tattoo), and set aside time for tomorrow. Both of you are too tired tonight.
If you're not into body mods of any sort, I feel like he can draw decently well, so he would admit that he doesn't have a present for you because he thought your birthday was next week, but he'll ask you what you want him to draw.
All I gotta say is that this man knows his anatomy, and knows your body probably better than his own.
He studies and memorizes your reactions in an instant.
Whether it be giving you head, or feeling you around his cock, he hits that one spot over and over.
His aim is incredible, and knows that a steady pace can make you cum much faster than a varied one (you lost track of how many times you came, twitching with oversensitivity)
The words that fall from his mouth are filthy but you love it
He might actually focus more on praising you and making you feel loved while absolutely ruining you with orgasms because he feels bad he forgot your birthday
I think he can go like three rounds max in a night, so he'll basically edge himself until you're begging or demanding for him to cum.
He will bring out your kinks to make up for forgetting your birthday, but the aftercare is so sweet.
He'll be so sweet and gentle with you during the aftercare and whatever you need or want.
The two of you fall asleep still naked, and he holds you in his arms as he kisses you on the head, whispering "Happy birthday, my love"
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animationmovieshipps · 9 months
First Time (LA Luffy x Fem. Reader) +18
That was really happening. You couldn't go back, and you didn't want to, you couldn't think anything else when he grabbed you in his arms and kissed you.
Your feelings for each other had changed since when you two were kids, you were afraid it would be a problem when you met again, but you were enjoying what you were feeling, more than you probably should have.
Your lips slid sloppily across each other in an initially calm kiss, until you felt his tongue pass through your mouth as if asking for entry. 
You opened your mouth, trying to catch the breath that escaped your lungs for a second before the inside of your mouth was invaded by his tongue and he swallowed you in a most sinful kiss. 
You continued to kiss, until you released his hand from the back of his head and brought it to his hair, tangling your fingers through his curls and pulling back, biting and holding his bottom lip between your teeth for a second.
You broke the kiss, but didn't separate your mouth from his body for even a thousandth of a second.
You trailed kisses down his chin, until you reached his neck, licking and nibbling at his skin as if you were a hungry animal devouring its prey. 
For a moment you thought you were exaggerating in your displays of love, but you soon saw that you weren't, when you realized that your ears were being graced by his sweet sighs. 
You stopped for a moment to look at his face again. There was so much happiness that sometimes you doubted if it was even real. His lips were so rosy, as if he had applied some lipstick. 
It made you want to kiss him even more. 
"Is this your first time too?" You asked him, stroking his cheek. 
"Considering the fact that the only woman I'm attracted to is right here with me, pretty much yeah." He joked.
You couldn't contain your laughter and rested your face on his chest. 
"Sorry." You said between laughs. 
"Do you want to make it up to me?" He asked, which made you look up again and saw him gesture for you to come closer.
You got closer to his face, realizing that he wanted to say something in your ear. 
Your eyes widened and your entire face turned red with embarrassment as you processed the words he said. But after the momentary shock passed, it seemed to be strangely arousing. 
"OK." You said softly, agreeing to do it. 
Luffy smiled and pulled you into another passionate kiss.
You trailed a path of kisses down his chest, down his belly, until you finally reached where you needed to be. You were embarrassed to look, but at the same time you couldn't look away.
You had no idea if that was actually his size or if he was using his stretching powers to impress you.
"U okay?" He asked, noticing your delay in continuing.
"Huh? Y-yes, yes, just a little nervous since I've never done this before." You confessed.
"You don't have to do this." He said, despite his sore groin eager to be touched, he didn't seem sad or disappointed if you had backed out at the last minute. "If you want we can stop for- ah...!" His words turned into a breathy groan when in one quick gesture, you grabbed his length in your hand.
It was strangely warm against your hand and hard as a rock. It was so weirdly shaped, you felt like you would never understand why looking at it turned you on.
You slowly started to move your hand, eliciting more beautiful sounds from him. You desperately needed more and you knew how to get it. 
Without letting him wait any longer, you lowered your head, bringing your face closer to his manhood and began to run your tongue around his glans, which was beautifully pink, just like his lips.
It tasted a little strange, but somehow you liked it.
Not long after, you closed your lips around it and took him into your mouth, at least as far as it fit. Your hand continued to jerk off the part that didn't fit in your mouth, while you sucked him vehemently, as if your life depended on it.
He moaned and arched his back as he felt every part of his body tingle with pleasure, a smile forming on his lips as he realized it felt 1000 times better than people said to him it would be.
For someone who had never done anything like that before, you seemed to know very well what you were doing.
"F-fuck.." He breathed out, you felt one of his hands rest on the top of your head. It was the first time you heard him swear. You were amazed that he knew those words, but you had to admit, it was sexy as fuck. "How did you get so good at this?"
There was no way you could answer his question with your mouth full, but you couldn't be happier that your beloved was enjoying it.
Everything was going well, until suddenly, he started to feel something strange happen, as if he was about to urinate. 
What he least wanted was to fill your mouth with pee, but he couldn't muster the strength to ask you to stop when he was seeing stars and it felt like his soul was slowly leaving his body.
You were startled for a moment, feeling the inside of your mouth being filled with something you didn't know what it was, but you knew it was coming from inside of you. And it tasted horrible.
You turned your face away and spat the sticky liquid into the water, but some of it was still stuck in your mouth.
"Are you okay?" You asked, laying down on him again and resting your chin on his chest. Without saying anything, he wrapped his arms around your body and quickly switched positions, laying you down in the shallow water of the bathtub.
His beautiful eyes looked at you with love and desire at the same time, before kissing your lips again. You gasped and moaned loudly as you felt him greedily suck on one of your breasts and flick his tongue over your nipple, while groping the other in his hand.
You wanted to wrap your arm around his head, but if you didn't use it to keep your torso upright, you would fall into the bathtub.
"Will milk come out if I keep sucking on them?" He asked between laughs.
"What? No." You laughed.
Resting his hands on both of your knees, he spread your legs to get a better look at what was between them.
"... Is that a small penis?" Luffy asked, tilting his head like a confused puppy. "I didn't know women had it too."
"I don't know if that's exactly it." You said. "But I remember one time I touched it and... It felt weird."
"Weird good or weird bad?" He asked.
"Weird good." You replied, moaning softly when he brushed the tip of his thumb over the small nub above your intimate area.
"Do you like it?" He asked again, feeling his member harden again as he was in control of the situation. He couldn't control himself anymore, he needed to be inside you right away.
"Y-yes." You replied, before he lay on top of you again and kissed you.
"Can I put it in now? Please..." He whispered breathlessly in your ear, before kissing your neck.
With him speaking in that tone, you couldn't deny it. You slowly wrapped your legs around his waist.
"Go ahead, make me yours..." You whispered.
"If it hurts too much, tell me, okay?" Luffy warned before anything, stroking your cheek. "I would never forgive myself if I caused you pain."
You smiled and looked him lovingly in the eyes. You couldn't deny to yourself that you were a little afraid of being deflowered, but his affectionate words and caresses reassured you. 
You have never been more ready.
He positioned himself at your entrance and pushed into you as slowly as he could, moaning as he was overwhelmed by the sensation of your warm interior around his dick. It seemed it was made for him, just like you two were made for each other.
Despite the fear you felt at first, you didn't exactly feel pain when his cock stretched your walls, it was more like discomfort, a huge discomfort, but you remained calm, knowing it wouldn't last long. At least that's what Pearl told you.
Despite wanting so badly, he didn't move, waiting as long as it took for you to get used to it.
After a while, you began to notice that the discomfort had disappeared significantly. He no longer needed to stand still.
"Can I move now?" He asked, feeling like he couldn't wait another second.
"Y-yes." You replied, taking a deep breath to continue staying calm.
Resting his hands on either side of your body, he slowly pulled out of your wet cunt and pushed in again, repeating that same process a second and third time, until he was sure to set a rhythm.
You moaned loudly, the pain and pleasure mixing and disorienting your senses when you feel his cock entering deep inside you.
"Shit, this feels so good." He said between laughs, still thrusting himself inside of you. 
It was like everything was a fun game for him, but you didn't mind it at all, as long as he was feeling good. Luckily, you were too.
"Do you like this? Do you?" He asked, wrapping his arms underneath your thighs and pulling, making your pelvis collide with his thrusts.
"Ah! Yes, yes, please don't stop..." You cried out, tightening your fingers on the edge of the tub.
You were enjoying every minute of that very intimate moment, until, you started to feel a strange sensation, as if you wanted to pee, but you knew it wasn't when you felt what seemed to be bubbles inside, while he began to pound you mercilessly, after you asked him to fuck you harder.
His hands released your thighs and lovingly caressed their way up your legs to your ankles, which were firmly grasped. He was so loving and rough at the same time. You loved it.
Your legs were spread even further and pushed up to your head, he stopped for a brief moment to climb on top of you and went back to slamming his hips against you.
You let out a squeak, followed by a succession of moans. You didn't believe he could go even deeper inside you.
"You look so beautiful like this..." The young man above you murmured huskily, incessantly chasing the pleasurable sensation in his groin that grew more and more intense with each passing minute.
"S-something's happening, Luffy..." You stuttered between your uncontrolled moans.
"Whatever it is, just let it happen." He replied, not daring to stop as his body was now acting on pure instinct and not his own will.
You did as he said, seconds later you felt your entire body shudder as you were hit by a sensation that made you feel as if your soul had left your body, touched the sky and slowly returned to your body on earth.
For some reason, as your body tried to recover from what had just happened, you managed to feel that sticky liquid that was previously in your mouth, fill your insides, as if you were a donut being filled with sweet filling.
It was inexplicably good to feel that white goo overflowing from inside you.
Luffy fell on top of you, his body tired from all the effort. But you knew he was pleased with what you guys did, just like you were too.
After a while, he lifted his head and gave you a beautiful smile. You smiled back and tenderly caressed his face.
Even though he was extremely affectionate with you, he never told you he loved you. And he didn't need to, you could see it in his eyes.
That day he made you feel like the most loved woman in the whole world. You were no longer a girl, you were a woman, his woman.
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blackfangedreaper · 2 years
Prompt: "Not a sound."
Pairing: Luffy x Black!fem!reader
Warnings: sexual content, cursing, grammatical errors. Mdni.
Tag list: @euphoficc @luffyinlove @closet-degenerate @roronoaswifey
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"C'mon, this way." You voiced pulling him through the empty hall. It was good no one noticed you both were gone. You had sneaked out of the dance studio with luffy to take care of some... Private matters. It was a struggle for luffy to match your pace especially with the raging boner pressing against his school slacks, dying to get out.
This was all your fault actually, just watching you dance so sensually for another project of yours set him off and the fact you shared eye contact with him through the mirror showed you knew exactly what you were doing but you didn't stop there.
After you were done you walked to a very frustrated luffy who was about to walk out the door, you pressed your body against his back, trailing your hands up his chest to bring him into a hug, your boobs pushed up against his thin school shirt. "Need help?"
Which leads you back here, trying to find a certain room. You were sure it was around here somewhere. Ah ha! You stopped backtracking a bit before bringing out a key, unlocking the door and walking into the empty theatre room; where the drama club took place. Seemed they were out. Very good.
"Why do you have the key?" Luffy cocked his head looking at you before wincing at the constant friction of his pants and hard-on. You locked the door back taking in the vast auditorium where certain events happened. "They gave me a spare cause the janitor tends to lose the key all the time." He nodded confused. what a careless old man!
"Come on, we're almost there." You dragged him backstage, walking down the eerie hallway were rooms of prep occurred before arriving at the props room. You opened it walking into the slightly dark room. "Should we be in here?" How unusual luffy was worried about getting in trouble- "Why not the stage? It's more thrilling and bright there!" Nevermind.
"Shh... They'll see us there bubby." You sighed using the dim light that came from under the door to move yourself in more deeper and into the corner. You pushed luffy into the corner pressing up against him before smashing your lips against his.
"Mmph." He pulled you in closer by your waist, tilting his head to the side to run his tongue on your plump bottom lip before biting and pulling on it, bringing his thumb up to caress them, loving the softness and warmth they brought to his thumb. Shifting his gaze from your slightly swollen but soft lips to your clouded eyes, he sighed. "Pretty."
"Let me take care of you alright?" Pecking his lips then kneeling slowly, trailing your hands down his chest as you went low. Fully on your knees you pecked his erection, looking at him through your lashes before slowly undoing his belt buckle.
"You should probably hold unto something." You warned watching his loose pants fall before palming his hard-on looking up at him again as you licked the wet spot on his briefs hearing him groan. "Heh! I don't need to!" He laughed before hissing at the feeling of air hitting his shaft. You marvelled at his size. Thank God he wore briefs, you don't think his boxers would have survived this.
"Don't say i didn't warn you." You broke out of your shock due to his cocky reassurance. You stroked his shaft against your face, placing kisses from the base of his cock to the base of his head, teasingly blowing air on the red tip. "Fuck, your so hard."
"Nngh!" He whined as he felt you press on the bulging vein underneath his cock, tracing it with the tip of your tongue upwards before engulfing his swollen head;red from teasing, into your mouth, getting a high pitch moan from luffy.
"Shhh... Not a sound." You released his head from your torturous licks and sucks with a 'pop', moaning at the taste of his semen on your tongue. Wrapping your palms around his shaft you pumped it before taking his balls into your mouth, sucking on it while illiciting sinful sounds from him. "You taste good baby."
"F-Fuck!" He whispered looking down to watch you suck and massage his balls whilst stroking him in rhythm. You looked up making eye contact with him through your lashes, catching his eyes dilate a little more when he looked at you. "You look s-so pretty right now."
You giggled, the vibration causing him to throw his head back in pleasure, his soft black locks brushing against the wall as he moaned. "I-In!" You sat upright still stroking his shaft as you tilted your head in genuine confusion. "What?" He groaned at your innocent expression repeating his statement once more. "I wanna be inside y/n."
"Hmmm? Isn't that a bit rude bubby?" You hummed batting your eyes at him, a pout playing on your lips. "What's the word i wanna hear, honey?" You teased, slowing your strokes making him fidget before quickly giving up and begging. "I'm sorry! P-Please just-" you cut him off. "Okay ♥!"
Immediately you said that you took him in whole, deepthroating for the first time. Damn it looked alot easier in porn! "Mmph!" You choked on his size, tears sprang out your eyes, the stretch he brought your throat sent tremors down your spine going right to your cunt.
"Oh! Fuck, you shouldn't h-have done that." Luffy hissed, mocking you in turn. Your mouth bringing him the ultimate pleasure right now, you were literally sucking him in. You back away from his dick to take a mouthful of air, heaving as you watched the multiple strings of saliva bounce, some breaking at the force of your breathing. "Huh? Giving up already?"
You were trembling, that was so painful why did you do that. Maybe you should try slower this time, this was your first blowjob after all and you were going to give it your best. Luffy was going to be on his knees by the end of this, you swear it. You opened your mouth wide, stretching your tongue out to wrapped it around his tip. "No, just getting started."
You sucked on his head, his precum staining your tongue once again. He jumped when you flicked his frenulum; the underside of his head, with your tongue. You then began to take him in inch by inch, whining when you felt him hit the back of your throat. He was only halfway in.
"T-Take your time...hah!" He muttered drowning in the shocks of pleasure you sent through his body. Your heart leaped at his encouragement making you more determined to take him in some more. Your brows furrowed as you went deeper, slowly and finally your nose hit his firm abdomen.
Luffy was holding himself back, he really wanted to fuck your face so bad but seeing you almost injure yourself he had to control himself, clenching his hands into a fist to prevent him from grabbing your head and using your mouth as a fleshlight. You'd like that though? Wouldn't you."Nngh!" He whimpered feeling you increase your speed.
You finally got a little comfortable with his size and started to increase your pace, your hands were wrapped around the remaining you couldn't quite fit into your mouth yet. Squeezing gently and stroking diligently sending chills down his spine. You made sure to slow down sometimes to take a break and breathe. "Y/n! I don't think i can hold it anymore!" You heard luffy wail, hold what? Uh oh...
Just as you were about to release his cock from your mouth to question him he pushed your head back and all the way to the base. "Uurrgh!" You gagged feeling him go deep in your throat making you stay there before he fixed his fingers into your hair and started to thrust you forward.
Your throat bulged at the harsh treatment, saliva steadily collecting at the base of his length dropping down to his balls then the floor before the cycle started all over again. You stared up at him, your brows furrowing as tears dropped down your eyes. "S-Shit! Your throat feels so good baby!" He groaned at your soft insides.
You were sure your oral cavity wasn't going to be the same anymore with the way luffy was thrusting, reshaping it with his fat cock. You slapped his hands away, glaring at him as his cock slid out of your mouth, strings of spit connected you both as you coughed and panted. "I- ugh!" You took in his shaft into your mouth once again after a mouthful of air, interrupting him before he could say anything.
"Hmmm..." You hummed on his cock, your throat wrapping comfortably around his cock as you hollowed your cheek. Bopping your head forward and backward on his dick in a fast pace, bringing your finger to press lightly on a vein underneath his cock as you sucked on him harshly, drawing whines and pleads for you to slow down.
"F-Fuck! Please! Slow do-awh!"
"Nuh-uh!" You hummed as your ran your tongue up and down his slit before deepthroating him again. Luffy's knees felt weak, he wished he listened to you and held onto something. His moans and whimpers sent you into a state of euphoria, your panties getting wet just from his pathetic but adorable pleads.
You whimpered on his dick as you stroked yourself through your panties, rolling your index and middle round your clit. The pleasure from sucking luffy off made your mind foggy and with the shocks from your clit it made you drool in excess, allowing luffy slide in and out of your mouth easily. "I'm coming y/n!"
His fingers found its way back to hair, entangling with each other to give luffy a good grip. He thrusted into you, his eyes rolling back as he chased after his orgasm. His abdomen tightening at the overload of pleasure he was receiving. "A-Almost, oh fuck! Please!"
"Hhrmp!" You sobbed, your orgasm coming faster than you expected, your brows furrowing upwards as only the whites of your eyes remained visible. Luffy and you came at the same time. Luffy bucking into you wildly before shuddering holding your head closer to the clenching muscles of his lower abdomen. "Hah!"
Thick ropes of his cum spilled deep and down your throat, giving you no time to taste him on your tongue. He stood stiff as you recovered from your orgasm. You sucked his cock clean, releasing his head with a 'pop' before licking your lips. "Thank you for the meal!" You giggled your voice a little hoarse as you pulled his briefs and pants up, buckling his belt back on then patting it.
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One piece - disco ball 🪩
"There you go!" You stood up feeling the wetness in your panties. "Dawh they're all ruined!" You cringed not liking the feeling at all. You sighed turning to the strangely silent luffy, his hair was shielding his eyes, the dim room only making the shadows more prominent on his face. "Bubby? You ok?"
"Uh huh..." He hummed still sticking to the wall, his body completely rigid. You walked closer catching unto his flustered expression. "Hm? What's wrong luffy? Let's go! They'll be back soon." You said going to grab luffy's hand. "No! I-I'll come later! Yeah! I come out after you!" He rushed out a look of embarrassment present on his face.
"Luffy we have no time for this" you hissed pulling his hand. "I CAN'T I'LL-" after those words you heard a thud then an embarrassed groan. "I'll fall..." You looked down at luffy, his left hand still clutched in yours while the rest of his body was on the floor. "Pfft-" you stifled your laugh turning the other way. "Hey! D-Don't laugh, my legs are just numb, 's all"
"I did tell you to hold onto something!" You chuckled at his scowl before lifting him up and helping him out the dim room with haste. Not knowing the drama club attendees were currently waiting for their president; who went to the dance studio to look for you, who had the spare key. "Dammit we really should stop keeping our key with the janitor! This is the eighth one this month!"
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tooweirdforyou · 3 years
Chapter One » Target
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A/N : obviously my starting out isn’t going to go well but I’m sure it’ll get better, hopefully. Let’s just hope! And enjoy!
and I know I mentioned who would be included in here, but I’d like to know your thoughts if there are any characters you wish to have as love interests! :> it’s so I can confirm and get an idea.
Masterlist | Chapter Two
“[Name] [LastName]? I heard her father passed away last week.”
“No way, the [LastName] corporation is bound to fall without their CEO, what’s going to happen now? Is she going to take over?”
“She’s so young, I doubt they’ll hand everything to her. She doesn’t have the backbone to handle it.”
Walking past the gossiping pair, you tilt your head to the side and after a minute of walking, your shoulders relax and you heave a sigh.
“People don’t have anything better to do but gossip.” You thought, expression holding a look of disinterest, as you glance down at your necklace.
The only memory you had of your mother.
It was a simple, small and cylinder-like key, silver and hooked onto a thin silver chain. As if it was some sort of screw, in other words. Too bad you never found out what the key actually led to or unlocked.
Not like you actually looked around though.
If it wasn’t the last thing you had of your mother, you probably would’ve thrown it away by now.
Tucking the necklace inside your shirt, you make it to an ice cream stand on the street and stop in front of it, standing behind a tall ravenette.
It seems like it’ll be a while before the male would choose something though. You purse your lips and look to the side. ‘Maybe I should just go..’
“Oh, my apologies, miss. You can go on ahead, I’m actually waiting for a friend, I’m not in line.”
You look back to the male and found the freckled face smiling at you kindly. Blinking, you glance at where he was standing and where the vendor was, and felt a blush creeping up onto your cheeks. “Oh..”
‘So i’m just stupid.. idiot.’ You internally curse yourself before nodding at the tall male. “Er.. sorry. Thanks.”
He merely chuckles and waves it off, returning to his phone that was in his hand as you move ahead to the vendor behind the stand.
“What can I get ya?”
You ponder for a few seconds before stating what you wanted from the ice cream vendor. Once the salesman gets your desired ice cream, you hand the cash over to him and take the ice cream.
Gripping the fabric of your mask, you pull it down to your chin to reveal your face and lift the ice cream to your lips.
Thanking the man, you walk away and just as you proceed to take a bite, a sudden loud crash interrupts your process. ‘Gunshots?’
Screams erupt from people around, some quick to start running away, others freeze still in fear at the sight.
Before you could even do a thing, shouts are heard and running figures chasing after a speeding bike.
“Ace, it’s time to go!”
Amidst the shouts and screams, the motorbike pulls up near you and the freckled man from before is quick to hop onto the back, behind the one driving. “Marco? What happened?!”
“I’ll explain later, just get on!”
“Hey! Stop right there!”
“Don’t shoot, you can hurt the civilians!”
The blonde behind the drivers seat, his hair a little messy and half-lidded eyes, held a cigarette between his teeth clicks his tongue and revs up the gas. “Shit.. hold on!”
Just before they drove off, you made direct eye contact with the blonde for a brief second before he broke it.
With that, the bike begins to drive off with speed, the men in white-clad police uniforms with guns strapped on their backs continue to chase them before stopping in defeat once the motorcycle was out of sight.
“Damn it! We were so close to capturing one of the Whitebeard members!”
“Forget about it, we need to get back to headquarters. Let’s go.”
The men began to retreat back, you just standing still in shock at the event that just occurred and ended in like five minutes.
‘What the hell?’
Slowly biting your ice cream that was melting in your mouth and a bit on your hand, you look back at where the bike had disappeared to.
Your mind wanders back to the blonde from before. “What was with that look?.. Did he recognize me?..”
Muttering to yourself, you continue to eat your dessert, deciding to make way back to your place, before your father’s assistant could lecture you.
‘This is why I don’t leave the house.’
“Miss [Lastname], you’re back early this time.”
You plop yourself onto the couch of your living room once you made it and laid down, heaving a heavy sigh. “Yeah.”
Pulling off the black mask around your ears, you laid it on your chest and shut your eyes.
“Any particular reason?” The raspy, deep voice asks from the hall, coming into the living room and standing at the entrance, his eyes taking a look at your sprawled form on the couch.
Sitting up slightly to get a better look at the assistant, you watch him stare just as intensely back at you with his sharp dark eyes.
The male was dressed in dress shoes, black slacks and a ironed white button up, with the sleeves pulled up to his elbows. He had rounded, silver thin framed glasses that rest just above the bridge of his nose. His tousled black hair brushed over his eyes a bit, and if you didn’t know better, you would’ve assumed Axel was a CEO owner himself.
But he was nothing but an assistant to one. Or, formerly was. You were surprised he still stuck around after your father passed.
Keeping the eye contact for a few more seconds, you shut your eyes and turn onto your side, facing the backrest of the couch. “No, just didn’t feel like receiving a lecture from you.”
The scoff that escapes his lips is heard as his footsteps come towards you.
“You deserve my lectures, you always seem to forget them.” He says, picking up the mess of magazines on the coffee table and stacking them neatly together.
“I can’t forget something I don’t bother remembering, so— ACK!”
Axel is quick to roll up one of the magazines and whack the back of your head without hesitance, a slight scowl on his lips. “Perhaps you should start remembering then!”
You sent a glare to the older male and rub your head to soothe the pain, keeping shut to prevent yourself from possibly getting even more hurt.
“Now, come on. Get dressed so we can get going to meet the lawyers.”
Furrowing your brows, you look at him in confusion, watching him place the magazines away onto the shelf. “Lawyers, what for?”
He tilts his head behind him to glance at your expression. “Your father’s will. To confirm your inheritance of his belongings so you can be given all his things.”
“Ah....” You then lay back down with force and groan out. “No way! I don’t want to handle all that! Why don’t you just take it?”
“Take everything that the owner of the [Lastname] company owns? No, thank you.” Axel mutters, pushing up his glasses with his index finger from the side.
“You don’t want it?”
“I don’t think I’m capable of handling something like that, much less when I’m not supposed to in the first place. Besides, my hands are full with taking care of a helpless, troublesome, lazy-ass toddler.”
“Oh? Who?” You smugly feign innocence whilst turning away, causing Axel to roll his eyes as he brushes a gloved hand into his black locks of hair.
“Funny. Now, if you don’t get your ass up, Miss [Lastname],” he clears his throat loudly. “We’ll be late to discuss your father’s will with the lawyers.”
“You’re so mean sometimes.. what kind of assistant are you?”
Ignoring your sulking, Axel proceeds to walk away to start the car, but not before releasing a soft sigh at the female.
“What am I going to do with you?..”
- meanwhile
With the Straw Hats Crew «
“What do you think, Luffy?”
The navigator looks to their captain on the end of the dining table, rolling up the newspaper in her hand after reading the headlines aloud.
The male was busy shoveling meat into his mouth to listen but merely nods. “Sure! *omn nom* Sounds like an adventure!”
“God, you’re hopeless...”
The archaeologist lets out a little giggle. “He never ceases to amuse.”
“If we get our hands on that treasure, we can have everything?” The long-nosed questions, crossing his arms and the taller, Afro-wearing man laughs. “Yohoho~ how exciting!”
With the Heart Crew «
“The chance to have everything you could desire..”
“Wealth, power, love..”
The big polar bear in an orange-clad jumpsuit hums. “Should we try to acquire it, Captain? It won’t be easy.”
The doctor / leader of the group leaned against the wall silently, arms crossed as he thought about it, the newspaper headlines laid across the table.
“We’ll have to come up some plans to get it, considering we’ll have to make contact with her somehow.”
With the Kid Crew «
“To get the chance to have all power and money in the world, huh?” The red-head smirks dangerously as he listens to his right hand discuss the newspaper article.
“Think this through, Kid. Won’t be easy to capture the girl, and I’m sure we aren’t the only ones looking to get this treasure.” The masked blonde warns, but the red-head wasn’t listening.
“How unfortunate for her to have to experience such a thing, but I will get my hands on her and that treasure, no matter what it takes.”
With the Whitebeard Crew «
“I see..”
The tall, older, white haired man comments as he sits in his chair, hands resting in his lap.
“We actually drove by her on our way here after the run-in with the police. Eating ice cream.” The blonde says, shifting his weight and resting a hand on his hip.
“And you’re positive it was her?” A tall orange-haired male questions, wearing a yellow foulard.
The freckled man nods, smiling a bit. “I’m sure. She stood behind me in line, thinking it was to get ice cream.” He laughs lightly at the memory.
Another voice chimes in, belonging to a rather beautiful man with a sexy deep voice. “Well, if it truly is her, I guess we won’t have to look far. Question is, how we’ll get in touch with her again.”
The older, bigger man in front merely laughs. “Not a problem, my sons. Leave it to me.”
With the Police «
“It’s a danger to have that so carelessly around, if it lands into the wrong hands, we can have a tragedy.” The rice-cracker eating leader states, arms crossed as he stares hard at the picture of the female under the headlines.
“So you intend to confront her about her father’s belongings, then?” The old man on the couch of his office asks, picking his nose with disinterest.
“E-Excuse me, sir.. but would it be in the wrong hands.. if Miss [LastName] is supposed to inherit her father’s things?..” the pink-haired male shyly asks, sweating a little bit in fear of having interrupt the two.
“We don’t know for sure, that is why I insist we should hold her here for questioning and her intentions!”
With the Revolutionaries «
“It’ll be interesting, to say the least.” The blonde with goggles around his top hat hums, a smile present on his lips as he leans back in his chair.
The brunette female with a bright smile just sighs. “Thats for sure. No doubt that everyone will be having their eyes on that one of a kind opportunity. What should we do?”
“My, my, imagine being able to wield such power! No wonder her bounty is so high in the black market! Going for over a billion beli’s!” The extravagant purple haired man exclaims. “I must meet her face to face!”
“Ah— Achoo!”
Sniffling, you rub your nose and let out a sigh, groaning slightly.
“Oi, you better not be sick, Miss [Lastname]. We don’t need you to be catching a cold at this time. I’m not going to be taking care of you.” Axel warns, eyes lingering on you and you huff in annoyance.
“Shut up, Axel..”
taglist : @deputy-videogamer
a/n : hi! I’d love to know what you think of this so far and what you think of Axel! I might post this on Quotev as well but I can’t say for sure.
So it’s not great, but not horrible, but regardless, I hope you enjoyed it! :>
not proofread-
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
One Piece Chapter 1044 - Initial Thoughts
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Why is it that whenever One Piece goes on break it's the longest 2 weeks in existence?
Doesn't help with the huge cliffhanger dropped of course And the need to dodge spoilers like the Matrix
But finally we are here, let's get to it
There has been an Awakening.
Spoilers for the Chapter (if you've been able to dodge them all already) Please Also Support the Official Release
Starting with the Vinsmoke stuff, and it looks like BM intends to get answers about the Vinsmoke science by trying to cut Niji and Yonji open...may need sharper knives for that, also I tire of Niji and Yonji give me more Baeju
We begin with the slow build, the drums are starting but this time we're in Luffy's head
He acknowledges his defeat but realises he can still go, and he's enjoying himself (very Goku-esque that comment)
Laughter erupts with Conqueror's Haki as Momo witnesses Joy Boy's rebirth, Yamato meanwhile is still trying to process
The commotion awakens Sanji from his slumber, a lot less grateful oiran attending him than once perceived
Kid, Law, Hyou and Marco look in disbelief, probably sensing his return via Haki as well, while Nami and Tama tearfully continue to believe that Luffy is alright
The Gorosei though are now mulling over the orders they gave White-Eye - deemed one of their strongest agents - knowing that it meant certain death by Kaido
Still they are unaware of how this has become their undoing - but I bet not for long - as they discuss the Gomu Gomu no Mi
Specifically how they've been unable to contain it, it's evaded them for 800 years
We also learn that Zoan fruits have individual wills, which feels like it needs more explanation
but the truth of the Gomu Gomu no Mi is that it's not even a paramecia! In fact it's a mythical Zoan: the Hito Hito no Mi: Model Nika!
As Luffy rises up in the Nika pose, it's explained that the user gets a rubbery body in combat, but they're only limited by imagination
As a personification of Nika, their abilities are granted more freedom of use with Awakening, which means it is deemed one of the most absurd power in the world
Over with Orochi and Hiyori now, and Orochi like the snake he is now tries to sweet talk his way out
All these lies and bargaining would work if Hiyori had never set foot in Wano and seen everything first hand right by his side, but she has, so she ain't biting his attempts to blame solely Kaido
Hiyori calls back to Oden's dancing, and the boiling, and how Oden as any decent person expected Orochi to keep his word, only for him to go back on his promises time and time again
Oda really was attentive on this one, shutting down Orochi's attempts at flattering her by saying he can ensure Oden's legacy, her mask falls and you can see the rage and grief on her face
Back to bargaining from Orochi, noting how revenge is a 'dated concept', again as if he didn't spent 20 years afraid of a prophecy and killed Yasuie on live tv
But now the Kazenbo is back! The last embers of it approach Orochi, seems that Kazenbo is in fact the last traces of Kanjuro - as opposed to simply being a creation of Kanjuro, he seemed to have merged with his creation
Although the Kazenbo tells him he's reaching his end, he confidently orders it to burn Hiyori alive
But Kazenbo is still slightly mindless, and burns Orochi alive instead! I guess Orochi did tell Kanjuro that Kazenbo was the 'last suicide pact of the Kurozumi clan', wouldn't be much of a pact if they both survived
Hiyori only watches as Orochi suffers, reminding him that the Dawn will come and that the Kozuki keep their promises
Back to Luffy though and he's adjusting to his powers, Oda making sure we know that these drum sfx are indeed his heartbeat
Since Luffy doesn't know he's Joy Boy, or that he's using the power of Nika, he christens this as the apex of his power: Gear Fifth
His Conqueror's Haki is reaching all the way down to the performance floor though, causing Kaido to look shook as well
Boy legit just Grabbed Kaido with one hand! Yanking him so hard that his eyes left the sockets
See Chopper? This is why you need to believe!
Because Luffy's effectively ragdolling Kaido right now, in looney tunes fashion
Having seen Luffy alive though Kaido shows relief, knowing he can continue his fight
He shoots a Blast Breath, which of course prompts a looney reaction from Luffy, before he blocked it by lifting the floor and deflecting it
Luffy's Gear Fifth is indeed a barrel of laughs, but Kaido is all serious, apologising for White Eye
Now we will finish the fight proper, and no break next week
It's been a long time in the making, but we are now seeing Joy Boy, Awakening, Gear Fifth, and Nika all in one go.
This s definitely wild, even to a worrisome point that Luffy may become too overpowered, but it is key that Luffy is limited by imagination, if he can't think of a way out he can't get out. We also have to pay attention to the fact that Zoan fruit have wills of their own, and Kaido's may end up coming out too - we already know from Sabo that Logia may have wills too, so it could be all fruits.
Remember, very rarely does Luffy's new power win on the first go; Gear Third didn't beat Lucci, Boundman needed 2 tries to beat Doflamingo, and Snakeman was more a tie where Katakuri let him get away, it's not a dead cert just yet. Also being imbued with the power of the 'sun god' doesn't mean that other as-powerful entities don't exist, nor does it mean that Gear Fifth doesn't have limits.
Also key is that Zoro wasn't shown yet, Sanji awakened so Oda has plans for him, but what has become of Zoro?
Of course, I do have some hesistations with Luffy; my old homestuck brain unfortunately can't shake the similarities Gear Fifth has with Trickster Mode (which was an acid-induced fever dream in itself), but also I'm not feeling the Devil Fruit change. Honestly, I don't think I like that Luffy's now a Zoan, it steals some limelight from Chopper for one and I don't think Luffy needed it, we could've had him still be Paramecia, taking on the properties of Nika's unique body, and thus still be the Gomu Gomu no Mi: Model Nika, or the Nika Nika no Mi, but it's something I can get over, and since we learn this through the Gorosei - who will lose their shit when mask face tells them that their plan to prevent Luffy's Awakening ended up facilitating it - Luffy is still going to think he's a Gomu Gomu Human, and the key aspect is that his power is a power of Freedom, which Luffy has often prioritized.
I'm kinda unsure how I feel with Hiyori, because she did a lot of talking only to not kill Orochi herself, in the end it seems Kanjuro kills him by burning him alive as Kazenbo (which may have mythological ties regarding how Yamato no Orochi's heads were burned at the stumps). It doesn't feel as satisfying as it could've been I think, plus where the FUCK is Denjiro?
Otherwise though this was a crazy chapter, we're going to see some craziness next chapter, and probably official colours from Oda in the cover, with all this info the battle could indeed end at 1045, but it could also stretch to 1050.
Regardless, we are not ready for this carnage.
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citrus-himmel · 4 years
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   ✉ @shambledsurgeon​ said:    Sorry - Our muses having sex after an argument
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This got.. so fucking long. These were only supposed to be drabbles. Apparently a drabble to me is almost 5k words. Whatever. Hope you like. :) Rating: Explicit Words: 4,662
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Law was pissed. No, pissed wasn't right; he was livid. The grip on Nami's wrist was a little too tight, his thumb and forefinger digging slightly into the bone. It wasn't painful, not really, but still let her know he wasn't pleased. He probably didn't even realize the strength he was putting into his hold, too focussed on getting them out of hearing range of his crew. This was the first time they'd seen each other in just over two weeks, both crews having gone off to do their own things when they had the chance during a small lull in battles. In that time, the Straw Hats had found themselves in a couple of scuffles, no thanks to Luffy and his uncanny ability to find trouble around every corner, and in one of said fights Nami found herself injured. It was just a couple of bruised ribs, nothing serious, and definitely not something that warranted Law's current rage. But Chopper hadn't let the Hearts Captain know about it despite their mutual agreement to do so with any injury, just in case Law had some input that Chopper didn't know or think about. Nami knew Law would react like this if he knew she was hurt. It didn't matter how severe, his protective nature of those he cared about knew no bounds, something she found out early on in their relationship, which was why she'd requested Chopper keep this from him. Clearly that was a mistake. One look at her bandaged side the minute she boarded the Tang had fury pinching Law's features, and then the argument started. Practically kicking open the heavy metal door to his quarters, Law dragged Nami into the room behind him before letting it slam back shut. The deafening bang that echoed throughout the space was jarring, and it vibrated in Nami's skull long after the sound dissipated. Law seethed silently for a few minutes, not even bothering to turn around and acknowledge her or release his hold until she finally tugged her hand back with a huff of mild annoyance. This was ridiculous. "I don't understand why you're so angry," Nami muttered when she couldn't handle the suffocating silence any longer, bringing her hand up to her chest to gently sooth the slight throbbing in her wrist. There was a scoff, and then Law was turning on his heel to stare down at her, golden eyes smoldering. He brought a hand up to remove his hat, tossing it behind him to land on his desk before he started raking a hand through unruly black strands. "Don't understand? I thought our crews had an agreement, Nami-ya. Any injury, regardless of how small, was to be reported back to me because of my superior knowledge in the field," Law stated, his voice oddly calm and level despite his anger. That wasn't a good sign, and it had Nami taking a cautious step away, back pressing up against the cold metal of the door. "Worse still, it was an injury you sustained. Your entire crew is reckless!" It wasn't a shout, but the exasperation was there. Nami knew this, already accepted that the majority of her crew was headstrong and would throw themselves into battle without a second thought. But for some reason hearing it from Law, right now, had the urge to defend her friends bubbling up. Brown eyes narrowed as she stared at Law, who was no longer holding eye contact. Instead, he was glaring a hole into the wall beside her head. Nami dropped her hands down to her sides, where they balled into fists. "You make it sound like you think my crew is incompetent, Torao. Chopper is an incredible doctor who is more than capable of dealing with our crew's injuries without your input! And as you can see, I'm fine! It was just a couple of bruised ribs, that's all." "That's not the point," Law growled out instantly, eyes shifting back to her face as he took a menacing step forward. His expression darkened before he continued. "What if it was worse? What if you died? Would Tony-ya have kept that from me too?" That made Nami pause, lips still parted like she was going to make a retort but no words came out. Was that why he was so mad? He was thinking about the what ifs? There was no way that would be a possibility. Death wasn't an option for any of them, and they had each other's back. She only got hurt because she was distracted, like they all were, for a split second. But a split second was all that was needed, wasn't it? Slowly, Nami closed her mouth, brow furrowing. She couldn't deny the fact that if something like that did happen, it would be kept from Law until their crews met back up again. Relaying a death through Den Den Mushi wouldn't have been appropriate, they all knew that. It was disrespectful, even. Nami's silence seemed to be all the confirmation Law needed, because he let out a strained groan before running his fingers through his hair again in frustration. That look in his eyes was so feral, something she didn't see on the normally cool and collected man all that often. It was like he was ready to explode at any second and take his anger out on her. Every muscle in her body was pulled taut with apprehension. Really, she knew he wouldn't get physical with her; knew that he would punch a hole through the wall beside her before ever laying a hand on her person. But still, he'd given some pretty colorful threats to her in the past when their companionship was rocky at best, and they were all at the forefront of her mind right now. "How long?" He eventually asked, teeth gritting as his gaze dropped down to the bandages wrapped around her torso. His voice pulled Nami from her thoughts, and she looked dumbly at the surgeon for a second, not quite catching the words that were said. "What?" "How long since the injury," Law ground out, jaw visibly clenching in annoyance at having to repeat himself. Nami hummed softly, one hand subconsciously moving to the right side of her ribcage where the blooms of discoloration in all different stages of healing littered her skin, hidden beneath the white strips of cloth. "A week, week and a half maybe?" Something passed over Law's features at her answer—relief maybe?—but it was gone as quickly as it appeared, and then he was surging forward into Nami's space. He crowded her against the door with his larger body, and she had enough time to let out a squeak of surprise at his proximity before his lips crashed down on her's. This was not the reaction she was expecting, and instead of her eyes falling shut like they normally did when Law kissed her, they widened. She figured they would spiral back into another argument about how she should be resting in bed or something so she didn't cause more damage to herself, doubting a week was anywhere close to enough time in his eyes. But this? There was an edge of desperation in the way Law's lips moved against her's. The action was so familiar, so easy to fall into, yet something was wrong, that much was obvious. He wasn't doing this for the simple pleasure of it all. However, as much as Nami wanted to lean back, resolve the issues brought on by her stupidity before they continued, she couldn't. Not when this was clearly something he needed right now. Nami gasped when she felt Law's hands grip roughly at her hips, thumbs digging into supple, unmarked flesh, and he pushed her both further into the metal behind her, and closer to his lean form, effectively pinning her in place. He wasted no time in taking advantage of her vulnerability, tongue slipping easily into her mouth to coax her own into a battle for dominance. Nami knew he would win, he always did, but she wasn't going to go down without a good fight. It was intoxicating, and before long Nami felt like her head was in the clouds, a mantra of nothing but his name echoing in the back of her mind. On instinct, her hands lifted to tangle into the mess of soft raven locks, nails scraping along Law's scalp, and he groaned brokenly into her mouth. The sound shot heat straight down her spine to pool low in her gut, and she knew she could get off on that noise alone. Nami nipped at his lower lip as his tongue retreated from her mouth, a sign that he was about to lean back. Hot, panting breaths fanned across her face, smelling faintly of toothpaste, warm liquor and something that was entirely Law. Nami slowly opened her eyes and was instantly met with molten gold peering back at her, a million different emotions roiling within their depths. She watched in silence as Law's gaze flicked down to her lips, where she teasingly darted out her tongue to wet them, and his eyebrows pulled together. Leaning forward, Law buried his face into the crook of her neck, teeth nipping and biting almost painfully at her skin as his hands pulled her closer. Hips met hips, and in one fluid motion he ground against her, allowing her to feel exactly how hard he was within his jeans. Want pulsed through her, and Nami involuntarily bucked into him as she whimpered, fingers dragging down the back of his neck. "Fuck," Law whispered, voice muffled from how he was continuing to litter her skin in marks. His marks. "Fuck." "Law-" "Don't." Nami froze up at the demanding tone, hands going still where they rested on Law's shoulders. It was like a bucket of ice water had been dumped over her head, bringing her back from the edge of her lusty haze. She could still feel his heavy breathing against her neck, coming out in pants through his nose since he'd latched onto her clavicle. There was another whimper on the tip of her tongue, and she wanted to move so badly, but the death grip he had on her waist stopped her from doing anything more than squirm. It was almost like he was trying to get himself under control, and Nami almost asked him what was wrong before he seemed to snap out of it and started to move again. Slowly, Law's hands loosened from her waist and travelled back down over her hips, the swell of her ass before stopping at the back of her thighs where he hoisted her up effortlessly. Nami knew what she was meant to do, and curled her legs tightly around his hips, bringing him as close as was humanly possible in their current position. With her skirt now out of the way, bunched up haphazardly around her hips from being lifted up, and only the thin fabric of her panties and thick denim of his jeans between them, Nami was even more aware of Law's erection. She bit down on her lower lip to keep from whining, arousal flaring back up at the thought of soon having him ramming into her. She pointedly ignored the fact that her ribs felt like they were on fire, punching the air from her lungs, and used her arousal as an excuse for her gasping. If Law knew this was hurting her, he would no doubt stop, and right now that was the last thing she wanted. Law released her skin from between his teeth to lap at the reddened bite mark left behind on her collarbone. It was almost giving her whiplash with how quickly he could go from being rough to laving her in affection. A needling in the back of her mind cut through her arousal for a second time and made her wonder exactly what was going through his mind. What made him say what he did seconds earlier? He sounded frantic, like he was on the verge of losing himself. But just as quickly as the thought materialized her care dispersed. He seemed to be over whatever it was, and if something was happening in his head, she was more than willing to talk about it. Later. Feeling Law's tongue trailing up her throat, Nami felt it was safe to move her hands, and instantly started fighting with pulling his shirt off. She bunched the fabric up at his shoulder blades, and then tugged it over his head, not caring that he was in the middle of nipping at her earlobe. Law leaned back long enough to free himself before he returned back to his previous ministrations, low groans and growls rumbling in the back of his throat. "Tell me if you're hurting," Law mumbled into the sensitive skin just below her ear, the vibrations of his voice causing a full body shudder to ripple through her. "Law," Nami growled out this time, impatience clear in her tone as she tossed the offending garment aside once his arms were free. "You need to shut up and fuck me." Her snark got a deep chuckle from the surgeon, and that sound had all the tension Nami was still holding onto from earlier evaporating all at once. Anchoring herself with her hands back on his shoulders, feet hooking at the base of his spine to dig her heels in, she ground her hips against him teasingly. He wouldn't be able to feel how soaked she was with his jeans still in the way, but she knew he would be imagining it. There was a hitch in his throat that she so clearly heard, and then he was sucking another mark into the space behind her ear. "Eager are we, kitten?" There he was. It seemed her Law was back. Finally. Reaching a hand down between them, Law deftly undid the button of his jeans and pulled down the zipper in as slowly of a fashion as he could, each individual tooth clicking audibly. Nami distracted herself as he took his sweet old time freeing his cock from his jeans by leaning down and sucking the two golden hoops within his left ear into her mouth. Another groan was muffled against her throat when her teeth gently dragged on Law's earlobe, and Nami hummed in reaction, hips rolling to feel his knuckles rub at her clit through the fabric of her panties. Pleasure jolted through her core, and Nami arched her back in response, nipples instantly hardening under the stiff material of her bikini top. It'd been too long since they were last together, and now that they seemed to finally be getting somewhere, everywhere Law touched felt like it was lit on fire. Nami was hyper aware of the one hand he was using to support her at the back of her thigh, and now that he seemed to notice her intentions of getting off using his knuckles, he purposefully angled his other hand so she could get a better angle. It achieved the desired effect, and Nami let out a surprised moan on her next grind against his hand, but now he was going to take even longer, she was sure. "Law, please," Nami whimpered after releasing her hold on his ear, tone pitched with need. Fingers curled at his shoulders to dig perfectly manicured nails into tanned skin before she dragged them down his chest, stopping just before she caught his nipples. As much as she loved the teasing, the build up, now wasn't the time. Not after everything they'd just gone through to get to this point. She wouldn't admit to it, but when Law got angry, even if it was at her, it turned her on beyond belief. "That's it, beg for me. Tell me how much you want my cock." Keeping her distracted with a couple more dirty promises whispered hotly into her ear, even taking the time to suck on her earlobe, Law finished pulling his cock free from his jeans. Precum was already leaking from the tip from how much he had been holding himself back from simply railing her, and like Nami, he was clearly reaching the end of his patience. Nami nuzzled into the side of Law's neck, not paying any real attention to what he was doing between their bodies now, and she complied with his demand of hearing her beg. If that's what it took to get what she wanted, she'd do it, her usual stubbornness be damned. "I want to feel the stretch only you can give me. Fuck me hard, and don't you dare think about my injuries right now. Finish what you started, Law... let me feel you cum inside me," she whispered, breaths puffing against his throat. With a guttural, highly aroused growl, Law rubbed the head of his cock teasingly along Nami's slick folds, which resulted in another whine, and her hips bucked in an attempt to get him inside. It didn't do what she wanted though, and Law simply pushed her more roughly against the door, once again pinning her with his hips. Her legs tightened around him, barely giving him any real room to slide her underwear out of the way and maneuver his cock to her entrance. One swift thrust forward after moving his hand out of the way to grip at her other thigh, and Law was sliding home. Their mixed groans of satisfaction echoed throughout Law's room, and Nami threw her head back to thud against the door. Law stayed still for a few moments as Nami adjusted to his size, simply enjoying the way her walls fluttered around him from the sudden intrusion. She was clawing at his back, and the slight sting only adding to the pleasure he felt. "Shit..." Nami breathed out on a stuttered breath. Creamy, well toned thighs flexed at Law's sides as she tried to distract herself from the pain radiating through her torso because of her ribs. Instead, she put as much focus as she could manage on the undercurrent of pleasure thrumming from her core. "You okay?" She heard Law murmur against the curve of her neck, the slightest hint of worry in his tone. Feather light kisses were pressed into her skin, and Law only stopped to nip at the marks he'd already placed there earlier. "Mmm..." Giving Nami's thighs a squeeze, Law leaned back without jostling her too much to no doubt take in her expression. She knew she probably looked like she was hurting with her eyes closed, eyebrows pinched together. But she couldn't help it, not right now anyway. If he would just give her what she wanted, she was sure she'd be fine. "Nami-ya." "Law. What did I say...? Start moving," she hissed, curling her arms tightly around his neck to bring him closer and gave an impatient roll of her hips. After a moment's hesitation, Nami could hear Law give a resigned sigh before he slowly pulled his hips back, the drag of his cock along her sensitive walls drawing a pleased hum from her. He stopped when only the flared tip was nestled within, before he snapped his hips forward again, burying himself to the root for a second time. Nami gasped at the mixed sensation of both pleasure and pain, and her back arched away from the door, hips angling so on Law's next thrust his cock reached deeper within her. He set a steady pace after making sure he wasn't doing more harm than good, though it was obvious he was starting to care less and less about whether he was hurting her or not, and soon Nami's gasps turned into full blown moans. It was music to his ears, and after letting a smug grin spread across his lips, he leaned forward to attack her neck again. "That's right, kitten... sing for me," Law growled into her ear, seeming to finally give himself over to his more primal desires. His thrusts grew rougher, more frantic; exactly the way Nami wanted him to fuck her. The bruising grip he had on her thighs continued to tighten, making it all the more obvious that he wasn't thinking about her injuries anymore, and she knew his fingers would be leaving marks when this was over. Nami didn't care though, and egged him on by screaming his name at a particularly rough thrust, the length of his cock dragging along one of the most sensitive spots within her core. Luckily, with his bedroom door being solid metal, their actions weren't as obvious as it would have been if they were fucking against a wooden door. But her back was still thudding quite loudly every time Law fucked forward. Anyone who was relatively close would know exactly what was happening. Neither Law nor Nami had any shame, and on more than one occasion the residents of both the Tang and the Sunny knew what they were up to. So the worry of being caught was nowhere to be found. "Oh, Law... Law, shit-" Nami's words got cut off by another cry, and fingers knotted into Law's hair. She tugged roughly, pulling his face from where he was busy sucking yet another hickey onto her shoulder. Dark chocolate met molten gold as Nami took in the pleasure filled expression on Law features, knowing her face was mirroring the look. He grinned, the stretch of his lips almost feral, and she couldn't help but smirk back before she lurched forward and kissed him. It was a lustful, messy clash of teeth and lips, nothing anywhere close to passionate, and he continued to fuck relentlessly into her, rhythm all but gone from the snap of his hips. Nami could feel her climax building quickly now that she was being given what she wanted, the tell-tale tingling starting in the pit of her stomach and working its way outward. Tears sprung at the corners of her eyes and started sliding down her cheeks from how intense the pleasure was. "Mmm... g-gonna cum-" "Yeah? Let go then, beautiful, cum all over my cock," Law crooned, a little breathless, and brought one hand between their bodies again to rub borderline violent circles around her clit. That was the little extra she needed, mixed with the permission he gave, and Nami toppled head first over the edge. A high pitched scream of his name ripped from her throat as she climaxed, walls clamping down in rhythmic pulses around his thick cock. Thighs quivered against Law's sides, features pinching as she rode out the immense shocks of pleasure that had tingles running along her skin from head to toe. Somewhere amongst the post-orgasmic bliss she was floating in, feeling very much like she was on cloud nine at the moment, Nami felt Law still against her with a full body shudder, his hot seed spilling into her more than welcoming body. A drawn out groan of her name reached her ears, muffled slightly from where his teeth had sunk into her throat, and she mumbled incoherently in response, something that sounded like his name repeated over and over again. Nami could feel the beginnings of exhaustion creeping in around the edges of her consciousness when the last bits of pleasured haze lifted, and she sighed softly, angling her head forward enough to press her forehead against Law's shoulder. He was still holding her up against the door with his hands secure at the back of her thighs, just under her ass, and was taking his time with lightly kneading the skin and muscle there. But she was sure it would only be a matter of seconds before he pulled her away to instead make them both comfortable in bed. He couldn't hold her up forever, no matter how strong he was. Sure enough, Law did exactly as she expected he would after slowly pulling his softening cock from her, the action causing them both to sigh in unison. Nami could feel his cum leaking from her cunt now that she was empty, and her nose wrinkled up at the slight unpleasantness of it, but decided to ignore the sensation for the most part. One of Law's hands shifted from her thighs so he could curl his arm around her waist and hold her close while they moved through the room, the sound of heeled boots hitting wood with each step echoing against the walls. Nami unhooked her legs—which, even while not using them, felt like jelly—from Law's waist as he walked, making it easier for him to maneuver her around once they got to the bed. Her arms stayed draped over his shoulders, fingers gently dug into his shoulder blades. Being extra careful with her now that he was back in his right mind, no longer blinded by lust and anger, he laid her down in his bed like she was made of the most precious glass, and made sure she was in a position that would be the least irritating on her ribs before crawling in beside her, shoes and all. Both didn't seem to mind that they were still clothed, or that said clothes were partially askew on their bodies, namely Nami's skirt which was currently bunched up around her hips. None of that mattered to her, though, and Nami wasted no time in curling up against Law's side once he was settled, pointedly ignoring the sound of annoyance that came from his throat at her ruining the position he'd initially put her in. "You're going to hurt yourself more," he grumbled, already knowing that his scolding was falling on deaf ears. Nami allowed a lazy smile to spread across her lips, revealing just how much she actually cared about his statement, and tilted her head from where it was resting on the edge of his shoulder to peer up at Law's face. His gaze was on her own shoulder and neck that wasn't currently covered by the tangled orange mess that was her hair, and from his expression almost looked guilty. Almost. Bringing a hand up, he gently brushed her hair back behind her shoulder, exposing the full amount of damage he'd done to her, and despite the look of guilt, Nami swore she could see some pride welling up in his eyes at seeing the purling bite marks and hickies. "Going to have to start buying you some scarves," Law mused, tracing the marks with a fingertip like he was playing connect the dots. "But I wouldn't mind people seeing these... Lets them know you're mine." Law's possessiveness always managed to strike something deep within Nami, especially after intimate moments like this, and she could feel her cheeks heating up in reaction. It had a smug, knowing grin stretching across the surgeon's features, but before she could retort with a witty remark, or get mad about how there was no way she could hide these from her crew, his expression levelled back out to something a little more serious. "How are you feeling?" The change in subject was only slightly appreciated, and Nami hummed, turning her head enough to press her lips to his chest just on the outer edge of his heart tattoo. "Sore... But I'll be fine. More tired than anything," she murmured honestly into his skin, eyes falling shut because suddenly it seemed like too much effort to keep them open. "Get some rest. I'll give you an examination when you get up to make sure we didn't complicate the healing process." She wasn't against that idea, and sleep was already tugging at her. There didn't really seem to be much of a point in fighting it anymore, either. Though, before Nami could completely succumb to unconsciousness, there was something she needed to say to him. "Mm... Law?" "Yeah?" "I'm sorry for keeping it from you..." "... Go to sleep, Nami-ya."
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kingsofneon · 4 years
ayyy its me coming in here!!! i have no requests off the bat but uhhhh ok ok hear me out. acesabo but with like. a finger kink or something? like, long pretty fingers fingering the hell out of each other or just sensually sucking on it, idk, i'll let you decide. OR, more expansion on robinkoalasabo, blease?
look okay look im just. vibing with sabo/ace rn so i gotta talk abt them but real quick i love argumentative best friend/enemy / qpp koala/sabo and both of them liking robin, LMAO !!!!! bitch!!! that shit’s hilarious. robin i think would be uhh....unused to such honest attraction? yah sabo’s a lying liar but there’s a difference in his...sarcasm vs his “I’m telling a lie so you don’t know the truth I dont want to tell you”, is what i think. so idk in what i set up i guess we have ko/ro first and Kinda girlfriends (im.....ded for fro/bin tho soz so absoLUTE we have not-yet-together-kinda-feelings-but-complicated-bc-trauma robin/franky + bc theyre not together the...flattery + enjoyment of koala’s personality and company...) friends w/ benefits didn’t-really-date but like each other a lot. and koala so sunny and happy buuut also spending Lots of time with robin - just hanging out but also sexy fun times - and sabo’s like “no I’m not sulking shut the fuck up” (but he’s totally sulking because he Liked robin too, she was someone he respected highly and she! knows! luffy! he doesn’t say anything to her about it bc he’s guilty as fuck but. boii wants those strawhat stories and he can’t sneak them out of her with koala taking up all of her attention.) 
koala picks up on his grumpy mood but just figures he’s being a dick abt smth, but robin’s like nah look, pattern, and koala’s like oh. OH? 
idk what they do but w/e we be vibing with nsfw, which is sabo’s. sabo’s fucking fingers man. the tensile strength. BUT ALSO he’s not very delicate, not very good with flexibility, so robin,,ho fuck boi. when against koala the dichotomy of the roughness vs that clever stroking, but then also bRO im thinking about sabo viewing masturbation etc. pretty clinically and also Be Careful Of Strength, ain’t gotta lot of time to jerk off when you’re running the revolution u know.
so like the first time robin tops im fucking laughing. koala’s probably just as rough/efficient as he is but robin...robin can unlace him in like a minute flat and figures out real quick that sabo likes being edged. the first time robin touches his prostrate..........boi. 
anyway omfg that was longer than i thought so hand kink + sabo/ace
if you haven’t read.......second chances (https://archiveofourown.org/works/15495015?view_full_work=true).........what are you doing. look at this shit:
“You want to watch me jerk it like this?” The buckle rattled with Ace's gesturing, and Sabo's eyes immediately fixated darkly on the belt. “Then I uh, I get to make a weird request too.”
“If you must,” Sabo replied, sounding the exact opposite of beleaguered as he discretely wiped the spit off his palm. Ace cleared his throat.
“Put on your gloves.”
Ace refused, refused to look away from the devious delight spreading across Sabo's stupid face.
“Oh Ace,” he purred, those damn fucking gloves appearing in his hands out of nowhere (did he have them tucked in his pockets this entire time?). With deliberate motions, Sabo smoothed the leather over every finger, and flexed, like he was about to whip out one of his ryusoken moves. “Are you sure you just want me to jerk off in these?”
“Well if you've got any lube tucked away,” Ace shot back, “now's the time to pull it out, put on a good show.”
Sabo's consequent exhale was nowhere near the flippant-and-suave chuckle he had clearly been aiming for. Smugly, Ace counted a point in his own favor before dropping onto his back and finally—finally—undoing his pants. As his own belt fell with heavy thumps to both sides, Ace brushed aside all the pesky cloth, and applied pressure in earnest with a sigh of pleasure.
and this
And boy was it a view. The gloves were incredibly well-worn, molded so tightly to Sabo that Ace could see the full articulation of his fingers' every curve, every bend. The buttery leather, lighter in color at the fingertips, glided over Sabo with the barest whisper of friction. Ace could see his grip change, pressure shifting as he held himself tighter and tighter, grunting in frustration.
“Can I take these off?” Sabo finally requested with a hint of a whine. Ace suddenly thought of Marco, and how he might smirk at that tone, if he was here. “It's not working for me.”
“It's working fine for me,” Ace did his best to leer, thoroughly enjoying his own bare hand's capacity for friction. Sabo made another sound of protest, and Ace gave in with a snort. “Fine. Just one hand.”
“It's all I need.” The right glove disappeared as fast as it came, and Sabo arched high and satisfied into his own hand, now skin-to-skin. He obligingly let the gloved hand remain in play though, skimming teasingly up and down, grinning sharply at Ace's open mouth. “Hey,” he ordered, “go faster.”
“Anything you want,” was Ace's breathless answer. He didn't stop, even sped up, gripping hard and fast and chasing that finale. “You can have it from me.”
“I would chain you down,” Sabo snarled, practically a threat, only the blade was turned wholly inward toward himself. Like he was daring Ace to give him absolution. “I would bend you 'til you're ready to break, and keep you there for hours. I would make you beg for release, but deny you anyways. I would see your skin dark with my bruises, I would, I would—”
Ace's hands twisted hard against his binds, wanting genuinely to be free of them for the first time since they started this—and Sabo's reaction was instantaneous. A flex of haki into his fingers, and Sabo was slicing through the leather of his belt, letting Ace loose with an expression of terror.
And Ace dragged himself across the bed until he could cup Sabo's cheek in his clean palm and pull Sabo into a biting, filthy kiss. He was still hard as sin, and thrust forward into Sabo's hands to let him know—
“Anything,” he panted into Sabo's mouth, meaning it with every fiber of his being. He didn't mean for Sabo to cut open the belt; he had just wanted, so badly, to feel Sabo's touch. “You have me.”
bitch. bitch. 
idk just gonna write some prompts bc this looks long
sabo + jerking ace off while wearing his gloves + barely washing them (to ace’s embarrassment) bc he claims he likes having evidence of ace. they’re usually kept for when he’s at home tho, sabo’s gross but not that gross ;p (and ace would probably die LMAO)
 SORRY BUT THE POST I JUST REBLOGGED ABT HOLDING YOUR THUMB DOWN TO HAVE NO GAG REFLEX UM. Ace says he wants to try it but it feels weird so sabo’s like. ;) okay and runs his fingers over ace’s mouth, tapping and instructing him to hold his thumb down. tracing his teeth and teasingly not dipping his fingers down low enough, till ace glares at tries to argue smth like “this is not testing the trick” but that’s when sabo presses on his tongue, down his throat, and ace half-chokes on it. sabo just like ‘not like you have much of a gag reflex anyway’
was thinking abt this the other day but ace doing sabo’s nails and then being like dont ruin them! no touching until they’re dry but sabo’s like but idk when they’ll be dry???? bc he’s never used nail polish before and ace is like :) better not touch then as he teases sabo
ace ofc painted them gold and red bc theyre His Colours and the next day when they’re dry and pretty sabo spends ages running his hands against ace’s skin, fascinated and worshipping of how pretty ace is
before they started dating and when they were bad at handling alcohol, sabo kissing ace’s knuckles made that boi CATATONIC, his wrist would also make ace bolt bc Horny, he’s fucked when sabo kisses his wrist it’s just too...intimate. 
 headcanons, headcanons, they’re both pretty calloused in different ways...ace is like rope burns and shit, longer across his palm and knuckles, sabo has palm base bc of his pipe, but they’re confined, and then on his fingertips bc of dragon claw. AGAIN thinking about mr fast fuck brutality here like the STRENGTH in that boy’s hands wtf
ace’s hands have more scars, sabo has more callouses/micro-deposits bc he knows hand to hand/doesn’t start with a DF. 
idk where im going with that last one guess it’s just headcanons abt hands.  
that’s all fox, i like the number eight and i have so many other asks to do lmao
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ikkaku-of-heart · 4 years
[discrete. my muse reacting to yours touching them under a table.]
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It had started with Zoro merely rubbing his rough palm over the soft skin of her knee, but as Law continued to try and keep Luffy focused on the plan, his hand dared to creep even higher, emboldened by the fact that everyone was too fixated on the commotion to notice them.
Ikkaku should have known this would happen if she wore a skirt. He never would have been able to get away with this if she were in her uniform, but she and Nami were supposed to be going to a bar to try to get some information, so she’d dressed up a bit sexier in hopes of encouraging their target to drop his guard.
While she believed him when Zoro had said he didn’t mind her using her looks for a mission, it was becoming clear to her that he either really appreciated her in a skirt, or he wanted to make sure she remembered exactly who she belonged to while she was flirting with criminals.
Hell, it was probably both.
Calloused fingers pinched and rubbed her clit through her panties, touching her in the way he knew she liked in hopes of getting her worked up. She did her best to subtly hide her flushed cheeks behind her hand, biting one of her knuckles to keep from letting out any damning moans or whimpers. This seemed to amuse her lover, as he pulled her panties to the side and plunged in two thick fingers, chuckling when her free hand reached down to grab his wrist.
“Good thing Torao is too busy to notice his naughty engineer getting finger-fucked in front of him, huh?” he teased in her ear while his fingers steadily thrust and curled inside her. “When you get back tonight, I want you to hike up your skirt and climb onto my lap so I can fuck you hard. Understood?”
In response, Ikkaku whimpered and nodded, teeth sinking into the flesh of her finger when his fingers pressed against her G-spot.
“Out loud, babe. Otherwise I might think you didn’t understand me and do something…drastic. You know how dense and impatient I can be,” he warned with a frankly demonic grin.
Breathing deep through her nose to try to compose herself, she pulled her hand away just long enough to say, “I understand,” before slapping her palm right back over her mouth to muffle her cries as she came all over his fingers.
Vision a bit blurry, she watched as Zoro pulled his hand out from between her thighs and, gaze piercing into hers, slipped his glistening fingers into his mouth to greedily suck off her juices. I wonder if I have time to pull him into a broom closet for a quickie? Ikkaku wondered, licking her lips. From the look in Zoro’s eye, he was seriously considering it himself.
That urge was quickly quelled as Nami, patience finally at an end, slammed her fists into both Luffy and Law’s heads, silencing them both. With no argument to distract everyone, Ikkaku knew it was time to go, so while her legs were a little shaky still, she got to her feet, using Zoro’s proffered hand for assistance.
Just as she was about to walk away like nothing incriminating had happened, the swordsman tugged her to his chest and caught her mouth in a heated kiss, tongue slipping past her lips so she could taste her feminine musk.
After a moment he released her, but his grin told her that wouldn’t be the last time she’d taste herself on his lips tonight. “Don’t keep me waiting, Spitfire,” he warned, though there was a hint of affection in his tone.
A smirk curled her lips as she leaned in to press a teasing kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Just don’t get lost on the way to my room,” she murmured, “otherwise I’ll be the one kept waiting.”
The scowl on his lips and the gleam in his eye told her without words that she was in so much trouble for that comment. Ikkaku honestly looked forward to finding out what he had in store.
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one-piece-drabbles · 5 years
Notes: A warning for violence and unhealthy family dynamics. Inspired by this post from Nari ( @authenticaussi3 ) - years old now, so I’m either late to the party or just that slow of a writer. Take your pick.
For all that Luffy likes a good surprise, he thinks—and in all honesty, it takes him a few seconds to come to this conclusion—that he doesn’t like hurtling through the sky without any sign of how he got up so high. He’s pretty sure that the white stuff below him is just clouds and not weirdly-colored ocean, but that doesn’t answer the question of what’s below the white carpet. Or how he ended up like this.
Nami would know, but she isn’t around to ask. His whole crew is gone. He twists in the air, wind stretching and pulling his skin, but he can’t see any sign of his ship. Still falling and now blinded by the sun, he brings a hand up to his chin and tries to remember the last thing he did. Were they in a fight? No, he had dinner, Sanji kicked him out, and then he went to sleep in his hammock. And woke up in the sky.
He groans, spreading out his limbs in frustration. He finally stops spinning just in time to hit the tallest cloud. The cold, annoying before, is now biting as water soaks his skin, hair, and clothes. With little choice but to keep falling, Luffy shields his eyes. A rumble he can feel in his bones shakes the air, followed by a teeth-rattling boom. Bright blue light flickers around Luffy in constant flashes. The cheery sunlight of before dies under a suffocating blanket of gray.
He’s falling through a thunderstorm. But the weather was clear when he went to sleep—Nami even talked about it, saying that Usopp would be able to fish for a while before anything hit.
Maybe this is a dream. That would make the most sense, right? Even though he’s never had a dream like this before…
He breaks through the lowest layer of clouds and the water vapor becomes torrential rain. Lightning strobes the sky and thunder roars. Luffy claps his hands over his ears as one thunderclap goes off way too close—only that makes him spin again, so it’s either painfully loud noises or throwing up in freefall. Luffy chooses the former. He’s getting far enough from the clouds now that it shouldn’t be deafening anymore.
Maneuvering himself with plenty of trial and error, Luffy finally gets a look at the ground below, blinking almost continuously against the wind. It’s an island, the only one Luffy can see, not that visibility is all that great. Even in the downpour, fires rage all over. The closer Luffy gets, the more details he can make out. There’s a fight going on between white-clad people and…one person?
He’s going to crash down right in the middle of the plaza in the thickest tangle of it all. Water gets into Luffy’s eyes and he wipes it away. He orients himself one last time and braces for a hard landing.
Something slams into the ground a foot to Ace’s left. It isn’t a cannonball or a bullet, no—the force of the impact knocks Ace off his feet. Several marines try to take advantage of the opening, but Ace catches himself on his hands and spins with his feet in the air, releasing a cyclone of flames that burns them all twice over: first with the fire and then again with the steam.
Flipping back onto his feet, Ace eyes the impact crater. It’s too deep to see to the bottom from his angle, and he’s not getting any closer in case the marines are trying another one of those surprise explosives.
A hand shoots out and scrabbles on the upturned brick of the plaza before finding a grip right on the edge of the hole. A second hand joins it, and then any body parts are just a blur of motion. Ace rolls out of the way of the human missile and comes up swinging, knowing that whoever it was would’ve stopped against the wall just behind him. He catches sight of wide eyes and a panicked expression before the stranger bends impossibly far backwards to avoid the hit, nearly slamming his own face into the wall. A stream of fire easily twenty feet high explodes out from Ace’s fist, leveling the entire block behind the house and roasting all the marines too slow to get out of the way.
The attack sputters and dies when the stranger’s feet hit Ace’s shins and knock his legs out from under him. His jaw cracks against the ground and bloodied rainwater splashes all over. Ace snarls into the shattered brick at his own amateurish mistake. The rainwater isn’t enough to stop him, but there’s just enough ocean in it to stop his full-fire transformation. He slams a fist against the ground and releases an omnidirectional explosion that clears the ground for thirty feet in every direction. Ace gets to his feet, wiping his freshly-sopping hair out of his face, and finds the kid who knocked him flat.
Kid. The realization makes him pause, the pouring rain drowning out all the thoughts in his head for a second before he can bring it all back. The stranger can’t be older than twenty, with short black hair and a scar under one eye. That scar rings uncomfortable bells in Ace’s memory, and fire flickers to life on his shoulders.
“Ah, wait!”
Staring in disbelief, Ace watches as the kid jumps up into the air, fingers grasping at something floating down from above. It moves erratically, battered by the same rain still doing its damndest to drown everyone out in the open, but the kid eventually snatches it and jams it onto his head.
And now, Ace thinks, the universe has to be playing a trick on him, because he knows that hat. He buried that hat. How the fuck does this random asshole have it?
Ace is so caught up in memories he wants no part of that he doesn’t realize for several seconds that the rain has stopped. Water runs in rivulets down his face and bare chest, collecting between his shoulder blades before sliding in freezing lines down his spine. Without a curtain of rain in the way, Ace can finally get a clear look at the kid, more than just random details, and it stops him cold.
It doesn’t matter that Ace’s memories are more than ten years old. It doesn’t matter that this kid is almost three times the age of the Luffy he knew. None of it matters, because this kid—this kid—
He looks like Luffy. He looks like how Luffy should’ve looked if the world let him live, right down to the round features that Ace had always figured he’d grow out of and the straw hat Luffy refused to let out of his sight. He looks so much like the Luffy Ace wanted to grow up with that it makes his chest clench, and he balls his hands into fists on reflex. How long has it been since he thought about Luffy? A year? Two?
He blinks, time restarts, and a bullet chips the ground an inch from his left foot. Ace leaps back, a retaliatory barrage of fireballs consuming the sniper’s chosen roof a second later. As the marine screams and falls to the street below as an inferno himself, Ace goes to work on the stragglers who weren’t cowardly enough to run when they had the chance.
Watching him, Luffy can’t bring himself to move, to speak, to do anything but witness as Ace, alive again, murders scores of marines with uncaring brutality. He isn’t concerned about ending life quickly, only incapacitating until the next attacker is down, so the groans of the dying quickly fill the air until Ace goes back and kills them too.
It’s all too much like Marineford, and that snaps Luffy out of his trance. He acts without thinking and joins his brother against the marines. They’re all retreating now—when Luffy propels himself onto a nearby roof that avoided Ace’s flames, he can see ships pulling away from the harbor—but they’ve left a few dozen to cover their escape. Ace and Luffy make short work of them, and while Luffy could catapult himself after the fleeing ships, he doesn’t want to take his eyes off Ace.
Because it is Ace. It has to be, even if he’s not…right. He’s missing his tattoos and his hat and and he’s got more scars than the old Ace ever had, plus there’s something wrong behind his eyes that makes Luffy shiver. Despite all that, he’s still Ace.
As they stand there on the beach, watching the disappearing ships, Luffy tries to keep himself together. His own grieving words echo in his head and he sneaks glances at Ace, trying to reconcile what he knows with what he sees. He can’t do it.
Ace catches Luffy’s look and turns fully to face him. There’s none of the warmth that Luffy is used to seeing in his expression and his voice is dangerously bland. “Just who the hell are you, anyway?”
Ace expects hostility, or fear, or at the very least trepidation from the kid in front of him. Even Luffy knew when to be afraid. He gets none of it; the boy just stares at him, gears stagnated and mental trains stalled at the station. Scowling, Ace waves a hand in front of his face. “Hey. I asked who you are.”
“You’re Ace, right?”
Irritation showing in the tongues of flame licking at his hair, Ace crosses his arms. He’s not surprised the kid knows who he is. Every single flat surface has his wanted poster tacked up on it these days. “Yeah, I am. Now, for the last time, who the hell are you?”
The kid gets a furrow between his eyes like Ace just asked him how far away the sun is. The gears slowly begin to turn. “You…you don’t remember me?”
More fire. Steam wafts up from Ace’s skin in deceptively gentle wisps. A rumble of thunder from the retreating storm shakes water from the shoreline trees. “I think I’d remember someone like you. Spit it out. Last warning.”
It’s like someone flipped a switch. The kid slides out of Ace’s reach with unexpected speed and offers up a laughably unconvincing smile. “I gotta get back to my crew, they’re probably looking for me—”
“Hold it.” Ace’s hand fastens around the kid’s wrist like a vice. He yanks him close. “Name.”
Luffy swallows. He’s never seen Ace like this before, not since those first few weeks at Dadan’s hideout. Ace’s eyes are hard, his expression promising retribution if Luffy doesn’t listen. There’s something so…so feral about it, and Luffy can’t get the memories of that haunted young boy out of his head. It’s unlike him, but none of this is right and he just wants a little bit of time to think, but Ace isn’t giving it to him, he isn’t acting right, he doesn’t even know Luffy—
Tugging ineffectually on his arm, Luffy tries to hide the pain from his voice. “You’re burning me.”
Ace’s grip tightens. “I know.”
Every ounce of experience in Luffy’s bones is telling him to run, but he can’t. It’s Ace. “I’m Luffy, okay? Luffy. Let go.” Ace’s fingers go slack in surprise and Luffy yanks his hand away. He stays several yards away from Ace, prodding his burned wrist. The skin is raw and pink.
Ace had burned him and hadn’t cared that it hurt. They’d hurt each other plenty of times growing up, that came with their home and with training, but it was never like this.
“Luffy?” Ace’s quiet voice makes Luffy back up another several steps. Ace is glowing with heat, the air distorting around him. “Is this some kind of joke?” He raises his head and his eyes are alight with rage. “Who sent you? How the fuck did they find out about my brother?”
“I guess it doesn’t matter,” Ace continues, heedless of Luffy’s interruption. “You’ll either tell me or you’ll die. I mean, you’ll die either way, but you can at least give me the pleasure of putting up a fight.”
Fear—honest, unfamiliar fear—hooks its fingers in Luffy’s head and instinct takes over. Straightening and losing the confused edge to his expression, Luffy meets Ace glare for glare. “You’re not Ace, I am Luffy, and I really don’t like what you’re doing with my brother’s face.”
His sheer certainty throws Ace out of his reflexive rage. He takes a closer look at the kid. He’d thought that he was some kind of government spy, but really, there’s no way CP9 or any of those assholes know about Luffy. Ace has never talked about him. Plus, too many details are the same for this to be coincidence: the hat, the scar, even just his overall appearance. Hell, Ace is pretty sure that this kid has the same devil fruit powers, too.
The more dots he connects, the farther from the present moment he gets. Adrift in memories, he hardly notices Luffy edging away again—hardly, but he does.
“You can’t be,” he whispers. “I—you died.” The phantom blood spray arcs through the air as Luffy’s tiny body smacks into a tree and crumples to the ground. “You died.” The bear’s roar is a declaration, a challenge, and Ace can’t match it. Luffy is unconscious or dead and Ace—
It’s his greatest shame, a burden he will never be rid of, and his right hand curls into a fist.
He runs. Over and over again he runs. Night after night, year after year, he turns on his heel and he runs. Like a weakling. A coward. A selfish, worthless monster.
“Luffy.” The boy freezes, microexpressions flickering like strobes under a cracked mask of confidence. “You really are him. How—” Ace stops. “No, that doesn’t matter. You’re here now. We can be together again. Brothers. Family. Like we used to.”
“You’re not Ace,” Luffy repeats.
“What are you talking about?” Ace takes a step forward. Luffy takes a step back. “C’mon. It’s me.”
Shaking his head, Luffy maintains the distance between them. “You’re not Ace.” His voice hardens. “Ace wouldn’t do what you do. He cared about—about things. About himself. You don’t care about anything.”
A strong ocean wind washes over the island, picking up and spreading the nauseating odor of burning flesh. Ace’s rampage had spared no one, not a single soldier and not a single civilian. It was cruelty of the highest, most callous order. Luffy’s right foot slides back and he sinks into a ready stance.
“You’re not my Ace. I’m not your family. Leave me alone!”
Ace grins, teeth shining with reflected firelight from the village still burning in the background. Something broken and mad bleeds out from behind his eyes. “Leave you alone? No,no, I can’t do that. This is a second chance.” Flames race across his skin and bathe his face in demonic light. “I’m never leaving you alone again, Luffy.”
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crapitskizaru · 5 years
Sanji x Male!Reader
Your writing style is one of the best things I’ve seen on here that I’m mad at myself for not finding it sooner!!! So, as weird as this may sound, may I request a scenario where Sanji and his partner (either female or male) are masturbating in front of each other? Possibly during mid-day, while the whole crew is on the ship?
Warning: filth 
Word Count: 1,6k
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He had his pink apron on, a few dirt stains already decorating its sides as he roamed around the kitchen. For someone who just walked in, Sanji might have seemed nervous, hectic almost. It was far from the truth - his movements, apparently chaotic, were in reality fast but controlled; his attention, visibly jumping from one task to another, was divided to each action in its own pace and sequence. 
He was truly a master of his profession. 
You couldn’t help but smile back when he caught your stare, his face lit up with pure happiness. 
“Everything alright, (Name)-san?” 
“I wish I could help you in some way.” 
What it seemed like a million times you’ve already asked about various ways in which you could help him prepare the huge feast in celebration of Zoro’s birthday, but the blonde refused stubbornly, justifying it with having all the dishes and recipes under complete control. 
Right now he was decorating a steaming dish of duck meat with cranberry, his expression focused as if it was the most important piece of duck on the planet. 
“There’s no need,” he mumbled, sticking the tip of his tongue out in concentration. As the last drop of cranberry sauce was located on top of the dish, the man exhaled with relief. 
Most probably the hottest grunt you’ve ever heard escaped his lips when he stretched, trying to get rid of the tension in his shoulders, the courtesy of being leaned over the kitchen counter during the past few hours. 
“Oh, I think there is a need for something.” 
You walked closer and placed your chin on his shoulder, arms wrapping loosely around his waist from behind. “Your well-deserved break.” 
“I still have to finish the icing for the cake, though.” His voice ringed with weariness as he brushed his nose against yours. 
“Zoro doesn’t even like cake.” 
“But Luffy does.” 
You rolled your eyes and moved your hands to caress his lower back, only to shift to rub circles at his shoulder blades. “C’mon, babe. Just five minutes.” 
From behind the kitchen door, loud shuffling and someone’s panicked scream indicated the rest of the Strawhats were having a good time decorating the ship with green balloons and every other green-ish thing they had been able to find on the last island they docked at. 
Of course, Zoro was indulging in his mandatory, two-hour nap in the middle of his crew’s rumpus that even the Devil himself would envy. Since their noisy cackling and yelling would have awakened the dead from their graves, it made you question Zoro’s vitality for at least a dozen times already. But it seemed like no one else paid it much attention. 
“I guess I could survive that,” Sanji muttered, turning around and nuzzling your whole frame into his embrace. He smelled like duck meat he so insisted on preparing and deep-fried Margaritas, since alcohol was an absolute must at this particular celebration, no one doubted it. “Mmh~” 
He hummed with content when his lips touched your neck and jawbone just so tenderly, you were barely able to register it. From his worn-out expression anyone could make a guess that the man wanted nothing more than a Marimo-worthy, long nap, but he wouldn’t ever admit it. 
So you decided to take the matters into your own hands. 
“We still have some time left before he wakes up, right?” you whispered and pressed your lips against his. “With a little bit of luck, he will be out for another two hours.” 
A soft mewl that usually heralded an up-coming nosebleed echoed in the small kitchen, the courtesy of your palm diving from the blonde’s hair to rub along his groin in teasing circles instead.
“Can we ever be sure about anything when it comes to that guy?” he smiled, leaning over to catch your lips again. 
Cupping his cheek with your other hand, you wiped away the few droplets of blood already smeared under his nose. You’ve done it so many times before, it would feel almost weird if one day it didn’t happen. 
With the knowledge that even the most fleeting of your touches was capable of making this man bleed in excitement it was hard to engage in any kind of dalliances at first. But now? It was one of the many quirks Sanji possessed that would make anyone fall in love with him. 
He whined again at another of the crew’s rather boisterous roars behind the door and raised an eyebrow when the sound of, what it seemed like, a wooden mast snapping in half reached your ears. 
His hips buckled into your palm. He wanted to take it further, of course he did. 
“Sweetheart.” His raspy voice was barely above a whisper. “I really wish I could cum right now, don’t- Mhh!- please, don’t tease me like that.” 
“Who said I’m teasing you?” 
You just smiled and tried to take in his whole frame. His hair tousled, skin glistening with sweat, that purple apron wrapped tightly around his narrow hips and his half-opened mouth were so appealing, and apparently enough to make you harder than you had been in a long time. 
Before you could stop and think it through, your hand was already diving into your pants and wrapping around your length, giving it a few strokes that caused strings of pure pleasure to climb up your spine. 
Your whole body pressed against his as your short breaths landed on his chest and neck, a loud moan escaping your mouth when he sneaked one arm around your waist. 
“I know you wanna do it,” you almost pleaded, rolling your eyes from ecstasy. “Baby, c’mon.” 
Another Strawhat-themed noise from the deck broke the relative silence in the room, making the man hesitate just a little bit longer before he exhaled with surrender and reached down to his pants. 
“If they catch us, I’ll say it’s all your fault.” 
The teasing tone of his voice soon turned into one of relief when he finally felt his hand stroking his erection. His tugs were fast and rough, per usual, impatient to orgasm, and it was the most arousing sight you’ve ever seen.
“That perverted nosebleed of yours may suggest otherwise,” you hummed and, without stopping the movements of your palm, reached up to catch his lips in a slow kiss. 
A wave of satisfaction washed over your abdomen and thighs, making them tremble. All the pent-up tension was starting to leave your body with each of the ministrations of your hand around the tip of your length; you were sure he was feeling just the same. 
“(Name)-san,” he breathed, eyes closing with content. “I- Oh-h, it feels so good.” 
“Just keep going, baby.” With your head nuzzled into the crook of his neck, it took all of the willpower not to cum on the spot from the electrifying touch of his warm chest against yours, his breath on your cheek and the slight thrusts of his hips jolting your body. “You’re doing so well~” 
A quick thought ran through your brain; a thought so shameless that it almost made you blush. 
Anyone could walk in at that moment. Luffy, with his striking innocence, Nami, who surely wouldn’t let you two forget about this incident for the rest of your lives and then tease you about it after you’re long dead as well; hell, even Zoro might have finally woken up from the comma and barge in. But it only made the rush of excitement flow in your veins even faster than before, bringing you to the edge of a climax sooner than you were expecting. 
“You’re going to come for me, love? Yes?” 
You could do nothing more than just moan against his skin, the whole weight of your body pushing into his when you opened your mouth in a silent chant of his name and came right there, your cock throbbing in your hand and cum springing onto his apron. 
With the last stutter of your hips, you breathed slowly to come down from the sensation and pull your pants up. Your thoughts have finally cleared enough to push the man into a proper kiss, biting his lower lip just to turn him on even more. 
“Oh, honey,” he mewled, his expression taken over by an almost painful need for release. “I’m so close-” 
The tug at his hair that you gave him was harsh, but from the broad experience you’ve had with this man, it acted as nothing else than an additional incentive to his pleasure. 
With a random spur of want, you dropped to your knees and let your tongue touch the tip of his cock. As soon as he peeked down to comprehend the sight in front of his eyes, a following stroke of his hand brought him to the edge of an orgasm.
“Shit,” he groaned and threw his head back. “Oh, shit!” 
As the push of his hips caused him to come into your mouth, you bobbed your head up and down on his dick to let him ride out the waves of his peak. 
Eventually, he pulled out and exhaled, tucking himself back into his pants. 
The last drops of his cum were being wiped away from your lips when the door suddenly burst open, revealing the furious swordsman. 
“You let Luffy handle the balloons?!” he hissed as a green, almost-flaccid balloon flew right past his head from the direction of the lively deck. “He was stuffing them down my throat when I woke up!” 
You sent Sanji a slight smirk and entwined your fingers with his. He seemed much more relaxed now, his posture not as tense as mere minutes before as he calmly put a cigarette in between his lips. 
“Happy birthday, Marimo.” 
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waterchestnut123 · 5 years
CH 2 | To Catch A Turtle Dove
Fandom: One Piece Setting: Victorian AU Genre: Action, Adventure, Humor, Friendship, Romance. Pairings: Law/Nami Rating: M - Mature (for language, drinking and alcohol, death and some moderate gore, other adult themes)
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Chapter 2: Found Family
Nami neatly slid the last book from the cart onto the worn wooden shelf, stepping down the ladder with a weary huff. She glanced idly around the shop—in her preoccupation she’d lost track of Robin. Calling out softly, her voice bounced, muffled, off the many rows of books.
“Robin? Are you still in here?”
She heard soft footsteps from the loft above and the woman in question leaned over the railing, dark hair falling in her eyes as she glanced down, voluminous violet skirts bleeding through the bars of the railing.
“Up here, Nami. Did you finish sorting and restocking?”
“All done. If you don’t need anything else before closing, if it’s alright with you I thought I’d head to the tavern early? I wanted to help Sanji with Chopper’s birthday cake.”
Robin nodded, waving her hand with a demure smile.
“Go ahead. I’m almost done here, I’ll meet you there shortly.”
Nami grinned. “Thanks Robin. I’ll see you in a bit!”
She turned, nimbly navigating the cramped shop until she reached the rear of the store, pulling her patchy, tartan cloak from a carved wooden rung against the wall. Throwing it over herself, she neatly secured the clasp, righted her hair, and headed for the door. The bell gave a tinkling ring, and she called over her shoulder without slowing.
“Bye Robin!”
“Bye Nami!” she heard in faint reply, the door swinging shut behind as the noise of the bustling street overtook Robin’s soft voice. She stood a moment in the shelter of the storefront doorway, adjusting her cloak and donning her gloves before darting out into the street, heading north.
Though she’d grown up in the quiet, rural Conomi islands of Goa and developed a fierce love for its solitude in her younger years, the busyness of Flevance’s trade district—the clacking of hooves on cobblestone, the shout of carriage drivers and the chatter of passersby, had quickly become to her the sounds of home.
She navigated the evening traffic with experienced footwork, easily dodging distracted shoppers and racing children, carefully hugging her skirts to her legs to keep them from snagging on the carts of fruit and vegetable vendors lined along the side of the road. She was eternally grateful that Robin, unlike many of the local shopkeepers, had a “no-crinolene” policy at work. As she watched a woman dislodge several oranges from a fruit cart with her wide skirt, apologizing profusely to the vendor who observed with crossed arms as her husband stooped to pick up the fruit, she could almost hear Robin’s humorous lilt in her ear.
‘Hardly appropriate for navigating narrow spaces, wouldn’t you agree? Why we would just constantly knock books over, and then where would we be?’
Nami chuckled quietly.
As she neared, she carefully circumnavigated the sputtering woman, offering a nod to the vendor who had supplied her afternoon snacks for the past two years.
“Evening, Geo!”
He looked up, annoyance momentarily morphing into friendly familiarity as he caught sight of her.
“Evening, Nami!”
The sun was nearing the horizon as she approached the outskirts of the district, the cold air rolling down the snow-tipped mountains into the city’s crowded streets. Nami hugged her cloak tighter around her shoulders to ward off the chill air sneaking through the patchy fabric. She was rather overdue some new blouses. The frigidity of Flevance winters was legendary throughout Grandlin, and it was quickly approaching the time of year when her thinner, low-necked summer blouses would no longer suffice. Not that she could really afford the luxury of a new button-up, not when she had already spent so much on a second-hand evening gown for the ball. Her heavily patched tartan cloak would simply have to do a while longer.
She smiled. After, though—once she had her haul in hand, then she could splurge on all the winter apparel she could possibly need—perhaps even purchase her very own Pappagu original, if she played her cards right.
As she left the trade district proper the crowds significantly thinned, and she turned off the main avenue onto a smaller side street. Sanji’s tavern was a bit out of the way, but anyone with good taste knew where it was and took no issue with the added effort to reach it. His cooking was easily the best in the city, and it was only his modesty and desire for creative culinary freedom that stopped him from expanding into the wealthier, more populated parts of town.
She rounded another corner, and soon the lights of the tavern came into view, his wooden sign swaying gently in the chill breeze. A piece of parchment was tacked to the tall wooden door, and as she approached could see Sanji’s elegant scrawl written large across it. She stilled before the door a moment, brow furrowed as she struggled to make out the words; but once she did, she smiled:
“Closed for private event.”
This would be the first time they had all been together in far too many months.
“Oi! Luffy, get DOWN!”
Sanji and Luffy’s voices—boisterous as always, sounded through the closed door and Nami let out a breathy laugh, pushing on the wood just below the sign. Luffy was, as she probably should have expected, hanging from the worn wooden chandelier, a drumstick in hand and several bones lying on the table beneath him. Sanji was angrily jabbing a soup ladle in his direction, while Usopp and Chopper rolled on the floor laughing at the spectacle.
“I see I arrived just in time,” she said calmly, pulling off her cloak and gloves and relishing the heat from the large, crackling fire at the far side of the room as it returned sensation to her numbed extremities. She draped her winter attire over the nearest chair, placing a hand on her hip as she turned a stern eye up to Luffy.
“Oi, Luffy! We have HAD this conversation before. No acrobatics while eating! We’re here to celebrate Chopper’s birthday and it would be a right shame if he had to perform the Heimlich on you because you accidentally swallowed a bone. Again.”
“Listen to the woman, dammit!” Sanji shouted, waving his soup ladle once more for good measure before letting out an exasperated breath and righting his apron, turning back for his kitchen.
Upon hearing her stern tone Luffy stopped swinging, instead hanging limp from the ceiling, rubber arm several times longer than it should be.
“Aw, but Nami—”
“No buts! Down!” she said firmly, pointing to the chair below him.
He pouted further but did not argue, releasing his hold on the chandelier as he landed with a thump in the seat below him, grumbling while he took more bites from his drumstick. She couldn’t help the quirk of her lips as she strode over to him, eying him sternly a moment longer before breaking into a smile and enveloping him a fierce hug.
“You can swing from the chandelier AFTER you’re done eating,” she murmured, smile growing as his grin returned.
She turned from the rubber man as the gusto of his eating increased, finding Chopper and Usopp collecting themselves and retaking their seats, and a card game left half-finished on the table. She smiled at the sight; Usopp had been unsure if he would be able to make it up from Rocky Port during tuna season, and she was glad he’d been able to make the time. Though by the looks of it, it had been a rushed journey given he still wore his waders. She strode over, giving Usopp a tight hug.
“It’s great to see you, Usopp! I’m really happy you could make it.”
“I couldn’t miss Chopper’s 20th birthday!” he replied with a grin, giving chopper a gentle punch to the shoulder.
She nudged him playfully before turning to reindeer in question, hands finding purchase on his small, furry shoulders.
“Speaking of which—happy birthday, Chopper,” she said with a broad smile, pulling him in for a kiss on the forehead. Chopper blushed, wriggling in his seat under her attention.
“Aw, thanks Nami,” he cooed, grinning ear to ear.
“I’m going to go help Sanji with your cake. Kick his butt, Chopper! And Usopp—I saw that.”
Usopp froze with his hand hovering nonchalantly above the cards, and she turned her head to eye him pointedly.
“Aw, Nami! Come on, he’s already gotten 100 Belli out of me!”
She shrugged, turning. “Learn to be better at cards then!” she singsonged with a wave of her hand, heading across the room towards the bar.
She found Sanji in the kitchen, simultaneously tending to a large pot of stew, Chopper’s cake, and a warming bottle of sake.
“Ah, Nami-san! Perfect timing. Could you finish frosting the cake for me?” he inquired, rotating his cigarette to the other side of his mouth as he carefully added a small bowl of spices to the bubbling pot.
“That’s what I’m here for,” she said with a smile, grabbing an apron from the wall and tying it over her dress. She had just picked up the bowl of frosting and the spatula when she heard the door slam open, and a resounding “Suuuuuupeeerr!”
“Ahaha, Franky! Zoro!” Came Luffy’s laughing voice, and she watched out of the corner of her eye with amusement as Sanji tsk’d and set down his ladle, reaching for the bottle of sake.
“Oi! Cook! Where’s my sake?!”
Sanji turned, heading out into the tavern, bottle and glass in hand.
“It’s coming you damn moss-head!”
She returned her attention to the task at hand, carefully spreading the strawberry buttercream Sanji had left for her atop the light and fluffy cake layers, only absently noting the cook’s return to the kitchen in her focus. Layer after layer, carefully spread even and smooth. Delicate strawberry slices lay beside the buttercream and she placed them artfully around its sides, and once the bowl was empty she stood back, admiring her handiwork.
Digging through drawers for a box of matches and candle, Sanji lifted a serving platter filled with steaming bowls of stew and backed out through the swinging doors into the tavern as the final members of their party, Brook and Robin, strolled through the door.
Since this was Chopper, his sweet tooth legendary, cake was to come before the meal and so she neatly placed the candle in the center of the pink cake as a chorus of “Happy Birthday” erupted from beyond the kitchen. Lifting the cake platter, she backed out of the kitchen through the swinging doors and turned to see her odd little family gathered around a beaming Chopper, smiles wide on every face.
She was suddenly struck, then, by how very far she’d come in only two years.
For two years ago she had hit rock bottom: fresh off a boat from Cocoyasi—quickly penniless and homeless in the dead of January, slowly dying of exposure on the street. They all had been lost, and found, in Flevance—each a runaway from their own private tragedy. For her part she’d fled the clutches of the Fishemen—a vicious gang overtaking her island home, hording all the islands’ wealth and resources behind the high stone walls of their compound. She’d been found by Luffy—as many of them had, after falling ill in the gutter and giving up hope. It was he who’d taken her to Robin who unquestioningly took her in, offered her work, friendship, and a path forward. Bit by bit she fell into this strange family of theirs, and bit by bit she’d grown to once more know happiness—a feeling she hadn’t experienced since before her mother’s murder.
She still had worries—concerns, obligations, difficulties; they all did. But in two years she’d gone from living hand to mouth, surviving on the meager scraps the Fishmen would permit their village, to… a proper life; a life full of friendship and happiness and prospects. Fleeing to Flevance hadn’t solved all her problems, certainly, for much like the islands Flevance had its share of struggles; but it had given her a chance, and it had given her hope.
Her smile broadened as their song came to an enthusiastic but off-key end, and she set the tray down in front of Chopper, pulling a box of matches from the pocket of her dress and striking it nimbly on the box before bringing the flame to the solitary candle at its center.
“Make a wish, Chopper,” she said affectionately, taking her place at the table.
Chopper looked around at their group of friends, smile bright and eyes sparkling.
“I wish…” he began, brow furrowed and thoughtful, “I wish… for everyone to always be happy, and for us to always be friends.”
Then, with a deep breath, he blew out the candle—and everyone, her most of all, cheered.
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Old asks Re-Post 3/???
Out of the three brothers Sabo probably has the most experience but that doesn't mean much when his brothers have no sexual experience so with that in mind i would like to take this time to plant something in your head Sabo going to brothers for advice Luffy just ignores it and keeps eating and Ace is doing hand gestures while blushing babbling nonsense looking awkwardly at Sabo and Sabo's face slowly turning into a :| as he realizes his brothers are dumb highly driven people that never sat down to flirt with a person before and that he could get better advice from a rock. Now let's get into that NSFW! (please let filth mean NSFW)
So his first time he's a shy, blushing mess he knows that he wants to do this but he doesn't really know how to approach this he wants this to go as smoothly and be as good as possible for both of them. He also hates the fact that he feels like a giddy teen getting to see a porn mag like he's so excited to be able to touch kiss lick etc. but his mind is in like a hundred places at once and he kind of paralyzed himself being stuck between I want to do this but it has to be good. With time he learns what works for him and his s/o the best and focus on that. Lightly dragging nails on his chest really heats him up but they gotta be a soft drag extra points if you go over his nipples you might even get a little noise out of him! The back works pretty well too but he's a bit ticklish so it's easy to go from sexy to a huge tickle fight in seconds. Soft kisses on his neck and a quick over the pants squeeze to his groin or just massage groin with a little bit of ear nibbling give him a little whisper about how much they need him he's going to rush them back his room really quick after that tips of his ears all red.
Let me tell you this boy has magic fingers! Like damn boy, where did you learn to use them like that? He takes a lot of pride in it to he may be a little smug about it too especially if he can get them to cum from just him using his fingers. He may make this his mission to make his s/o cum at least once from just his fingers and he will tease them to death especially if they're embarrassed about it his s/o won't hear the end of it. His oral game isn't bad either but he really prefers receiving end though and it's a perfect time for his S/O tease him back the head is really sensitive so it's a good weak point to focus on. Kitten licks and a little bit of attention on the tip and Sabo will be putty in their hands he’ll beg and thrust into the air of more. Though too much teasing Sabo will any opportunity he can to reverse the situation move on to the main event if this happens he can be a little rough littering his s/o love bites as he seeks release.   As far as masturbation goes he likes the privacy of his room bathrooms in the revolutionary base are not the best place to be jacking it.Don't tell anyone but he likes leaving his gloves on it's a mix of he likes the feel of the texture on his skin and it helps his own hand feel more foreign. His go-to fantasies are his s/o giving him a handjob or his s/o riding him. He takes it slow teasing himself out as much as possible he gets himself pretty close a few times little himself come back down before going again. Whimpers and little moans mixed in with his s/o’s name leave his lips. When he’s ready to finish he leans back closes, his eyes, and picks up the pace with a lot of “please” and “I'm close”   he’ll cum into his glove. Once he's over the afterglow he’s going to sneak off to wash his gloves before anyone finds out. Nothing is more embarrassing than getting caught by Kola or Ivankov with a glove full of cum.  
Oh, I really hope this is what you wanted if not feel free to send me another ask! I kind of went some different NSFW headcanons trying to give a different scope here but that aside boy howdy did I forget how much I love Sabo like I kind of always have special place in my heart for Ace because he was one of the first boys in One Piece that I saw and went what a cutie all those years ago but Sabo man, Sabo~ I always like this one it was one of the few NSFW’s I did back in the day that I felt was really good and didn't feel forced.
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