Your askbox is open right? Then may i get a headcanon for Ace,Sabo react to their male, short but loving crush who is a badass kungfu fighter ? Hope your blog will have many followers and asks!
Thanks, fam! A big ♥ too you! If you don’t mind ill be breaking it down into parts to answer this question.
So with both, I think the specifics of how he fights isn’t a big deal at most in Sabo’s case I can see him making comments about how there are quite a few people in the Revolutionary army that fight with punches and kicks and he would note how his style is similar to Fish Man karate. With Ace, he finds it fun watching the rest of the Whitebeard crew bet on who can finally keep him in a grapple only to ultimately lose when he gets out of it.  This comes from it kind of being expected that they would need to be able to defend for themselves if they’re going to be around them though admittedly if there really good it might give them a swell of pride whenever he beats an exceptionally strong an opponent like yup that’s my crush back at it again with the butt whooping.
Now for the short part Ace has a field day with this any chance Ace can get to make a jab he will its all good natured though.  If there really short in comparison to Ace will make jokes like “Oh where could he be I haven’t seen him anywhere? Oh there you are sorry didn’t see you down there!” it gets old really quick but Ace finds it hilarious. Now the side effect of this is Ace gets a little of overprotective he knows that he can handle himself in a fight but he can still be overpowered by someone bigger than him so he tends to jump into fights fast in an attempt end it before his crush gets into any trouble.
Now for the crush part as far gender playing a factor it’s very minimal. It thinks it really just effects how long it takes Ace to realize that he has a crush. I think it comes from him taking any inkling of feeling as ahh well were just really close friends. It isn’t till someone asks Ace how long is going to beat around the bush and when is he going to finally man up and ask him out Ace will deny such feelings claiming that there just good friends it will take a while for this boy to get the hint.
Now the short part Sabo doesn’t make jab’s but he makes nicknames for them his favorite being short stack and Sabo will use it frequently regardless if it annoys him. If they ever end up in a relationship the nicknames would obviously change to something nicer but still keep the running gag of using their height in some way.
Now when it comes to crushing part there are some big differences. Sabo has a much easier time identifying that he’s starting to develop a crush then Ace and he’s faster to do something about it. Where Ace needs someone to kick him in the butt to really get the gears turning Sabo fully understands his emotions and will start pouring on the charm once he starts to feel a small pull at his heartstrings. If anything points to his crush having the same feelings Sabo’s quick to confess he’s not one to let a chance slip through his fingers.
Phew sorry this took a bit was knocking this out between shifts but thank you so much for being my first ask (*´▽`*)
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Old asks Re-post 6/???
Law filth huh~?
Since these are a bit shorter (at least they feel shorter) I wrote a few more points than normal!  
Law is not the most sexually driven person, in fact, his sex drive is quite low a mix of never really being that sexually active in the first place and just pushing it all aside for revenge he doesn't get in the mood on his own quite often needing an outside source to really spark him. When he does, however, his s/o going to know it either by him flat-out saying he’s horny or other ways like prompting s/o to sit in his lap making sure they can feel his erection, he’ll definitely throw a smirk his s/o’s way if they blush.I really flip-flop between Law really liking semi-public sex enjoying the thrill of it or hating it  preferring to keep sex a more private act he doesn't care that people knowing that their doing it but more like he prefers not to be watched; Ultimately I think it comes down to his mood because I feel like he’ll pull his s/o to the nearest secluded place and have sex with them within an inch of their life he’s horny not being able to stand the wait of going back to a more private place.
Really big into seeing his partner in lingerie especially soft lace and silks; he's partial to chemise style the formfitting ones being a big hit with Law.If it is worn as a surprise he's going to act like it doesn't have an effect on him but that light blush says otherwise. I don't know how to put this tastefully but a lap dance hell yea! Lapdance while in lingerie whoo boy his brain is short-circuiting seriously give this boy a good grind and he’s going to run his hands all over them.Love bites will happen and they will be any place he can get his mouth on; once it gets to his point good luck escaping his stamina will carry him for hours.
Ok but love bites he's going to leave tons especially on the thighs as that's quite possibly his favorite body part and he's going to try to leave them in places they can't cover up easily if he shows off his tattoos they can show off their love bites it's the same thing right?I would like to bring this point in here it can lead into problems as he sees no reason to get embarrassed over it there a couple and they enjoyed being with each other in a more intimate way and that's their business their both adults and if people want to stare let them if his s/o is more shy about things like this they’ll really need to talk to him about how it makes them feel to make sure he gets it.
While more recent Law may have started collecting a few toys in the hopes being able to use them his s/o nothing crazy handcuffs, a vibrator, possibly a dildo just basic stuff that he’s been interested in.He’s often tossed around the idea in his head of using his ability in some sort of sexual way maybe with some light bondage thrown in as well but always ends up scraping it does to drain on his stamina as well as never really developing the idea past this but if his s/o would bring up wanting to try something like that out he’ll definitely consider it.
Now, this Law’s big dirty secret he has two very big kinks begging to be the first it flips a switch in his brain he gets way into teasing it's almost a bit sadistic how much he willing to hold off on his s/o release just to hear a few more seconds of begging. It's really clear from the get-go how much Law enjoys this from the first time his s/o lets out a desperate “Law please.” he egged them on to keep begging him sometimes even commanding them to beg for him to go faster. The second one is the one that he keeps deep down under lock and key is deepthroating he loves the way a person looks so wrecked afterward; swallowing is also always a plus for him.
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I have a found a solution to the NSFW  tag ill use Dirt instead so if you don't want to see any NSFW stuff please block that tag! With that out of the way i want to say have a good night/day! Love ya ♥ 
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Old asks Re-post 5/???
The best way to get into Kid's heart is tricky he won't really open up to anyone. He doesn't put much stock in conversation preferring actions to speak louder.
Kid respects strength whether it be emotional fortitude or physical.Kid putts a high value on strength he likes people that stick to their guns and fight it out to the very end. Though not one to admit it he really does like a person that is strong enough to be mocked and let it roll off them like water it's a trait that he himself lacks. He secretly puts more value on emotional strength and control especially coming from the road he's traveled. While strength is way to get the captain's eyes on you it can be a double-edged sword where if your too strong Kid will likely want to fight you rather than talk.
I feel to also get any sort of attention from him you kind of have to be a person that's willing to see into the deeper heart of people.His crew has been mocked everywhere they go, looked down upon, spared no side glance or harsh whispers.For better or worse i think Kid's group have the capacity to be good people at least to one another they trust each other and never judge one another that doesn't translate to them being nice to others outside their group though. They're a tight-knit group all with high ambitions but the world that they traveled has left them with very a harsh exterior be patient and kind and acceptance will come in time.
Kid has a very short fuse he can snap at people for just about anything don't feed into it; It comes from a place of insecurity within himself. He looks for any chance he gets to fight to relieve some of the stress he feels and it's just not worth it Kid needs someone that can stay calm in pressured situations and talk them through some of his more unreasonable outbursts. Over time you may find that he just starts coming to you to vent he never asks outright but he's looking for your opinion on how to handle the situation in the future. Try to understand where he's coming from and short of being his balance he'll never be caught dead saying the words of gratitude but you may find handcrafted items from metal scraps in your room.
Kid's is just tough as nails and he expects anyone he's interested in to be the same he'll never really show interest in someone he finds weaker than himself. He has so many insecurities that they can fill up a river and dealing with them all can be emotionally draining. It feels like you're always just at the cusp of a breakthrough with him only for him to get angry over some small detail and send everything spiraling back down to square one. Even with all of his problems if you manage to befriend him you have a friend for life he's is a ride or die kind of guy. At this current point I feel like Kid isn't looking for love it's not on his mind at this point; He's looking for something more noncommittal where he doesn't have to put much emotion into but get's all the benefits tough when he's ready i'm sure you would be his first choice. OH boy thinks this was one of the frists askes I got I still stand by a lot of this I'm hoping to see more of him so i can get a better grasp on his character!
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Old asks Re-post 4/????
Angst with Zoro
Zoro’s reaction would be shocked he can't believe that she would jump in front of him how could she be that dumb sure he was hurt sure he could barely stand but how could she be so stupid as to take a killing blow for him as her blood enters his vision fear grips his heart. He takes no time to finish off the enemy and would immediately rush her to Chopper.  The news from Chopper isn't good but at least there's some hope the scolding from Sanji is harsh he takes feeling a bit like he deserves it at first but as Sanji gets angrier and begins to say things that really gets under Zoro’s skin. “How could you let a lady get hurt especially her?” or “Did you just watch as she got sliced up?” to write a few. Zoro snaps and without warning, he punches Sanji and a brawl between the two breaks out. Its nothing like their usual fights its bloody mess Franky and Luffy had to be called in to break up the fight pulling the two away from each other. In reality what's really bothering Zoro was is inability to act and his weakness the things Sanji where saying felt so true and cut him deep he falls into a deep cycle of working out to the point of exhaustion just to stop feeling so angry at himself and checking up on her staying by her bedside even sometimes falling asleep to humm of the machinery keeping her alive.     
Now for when she starts to recover.
Zoro's not one to dote on people but we have and expression where I come from called being a persons shadow and that's what Zoro does he just follows her around making sure to help her when he thinks something is too much for her to handle he really trying to let her do most of it on her own but he feels better being there just in case.  He's a big worry wart though and he’s become overly protective straight up saying that he doesn't want her to join any battles he does everything in his power to get them to stay behind but all Zoro really needs is to face his fears and talk to her about what happened. He needs to tell her so they can come to some sort of understanding that helps put him at ease. Zoro will most likely talk about how he was afraid that she would disappear like Kuina he may even cry a bit. Once both of them come to an understanding it's up to them to come to a compromise that makes them both comfortable so they can start to move forward.
Oh delicious old angst I'm glad that I had this one still saved! 
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what would shanks, mihawk, benn, roger, and rayleigh call their so
He’ll lean towards “bub“ and “babe“ the most often! “Baby”, “toots”, and “sweetheart” are up towards the top as well. Shanks will also come up with more personal nicknames tailored for you specifically - personality traits and physical traits, ya’ know? If you have freckles he’ll call you “sun-kissed” or “freckles”. There are moments where he gets absolutely ridiculous (or simply drunk) and refers to you as “my treasure”, “sugar buns”, “chickadee”, “peaches”, “darlington” “baby-cakes” etc.
Mihawk attempts to stay “classy” with the names he calls you - more often than not, he just uses your name straight out. At other times he’ll refer to you as “my love“, “angel“, and “dear“. Then, there are other times where he leans to call you “darling”, “mi vida”, or “mi alma”
Benn more often than not refers to you by your name. There aren’t a lot of people he gives nicknames too, to be honest. If he were to call you by a nickname, it’d be quite mellow. Think along the lines of “darlin’”, “dear”, “bub”, and “baby”. Nothing extravagant but just enough to make a heart flutter.
Roger’s probably really basic with the little names he gives you. Legit it’s only “darlin’“, “dearie”, and “doll”. He’s likely similar to Shanks and comes up with personal nicknames that have to do with “significant” traits of yours. Perhaps he’ll call you “flower” too? This man is a cryptid.
Again, Rayleigh’s quite straight forward with his terms of endearment. Things similar to “darlin’“, “doll”, “toots”, and “dear”. Don’t expect too much of him to be quite honest, it’s nothing personal, he’s just him.
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Old asks Re-Post 3/???
Out of the three brothers Sabo probably has the most experience but that doesn't mean much when his brothers have no sexual experience so with that in mind i would like to take this time to plant something in your head Sabo going to brothers for advice Luffy just ignores it and keeps eating and Ace is doing hand gestures while blushing babbling nonsense looking awkwardly at Sabo and Sabo's face slowly turning into a :| as he realizes his brothers are dumb highly driven people that never sat down to flirt with a person before and that he could get better advice from a rock. Now let's get into that NSFW! (please let filth mean NSFW)
So his first time he's a shy, blushing mess he knows that he wants to do this but he doesn't really know how to approach this he wants this to go as smoothly and be as good as possible for both of them. He also hates the fact that he feels like a giddy teen getting to see a porn mag like he's so excited to be able to touch kiss lick etc. but his mind is in like a hundred places at once and he kind of paralyzed himself being stuck between I want to do this but it has to be good. With time he learns what works for him and his s/o the best and focus on that. Lightly dragging nails on his chest really heats him up but they gotta be a soft drag extra points if you go over his nipples you might even get a little noise out of him! The back works pretty well too but he's a bit ticklish so it's easy to go from sexy to a huge tickle fight in seconds. Soft kisses on his neck and a quick over the pants squeeze to his groin or just massage groin with a little bit of ear nibbling give him a little whisper about how much they need him he's going to rush them back his room really quick after that tips of his ears all red.
Let me tell you this boy has magic fingers! Like damn boy, where did you learn to use them like that? He takes a lot of pride in it to he may be a little smug about it too especially if he can get them to cum from just him using his fingers. He may make this his mission to make his s/o cum at least once from just his fingers and he will tease them to death especially if they're embarrassed about it his s/o won't hear the end of it. His oral game isn't bad either but he really prefers receiving end though and it's a perfect time for his S/O tease him back the head is really sensitive so it's a good weak point to focus on. Kitten licks and a little bit of attention on the tip and Sabo will be putty in their hands he’ll beg and thrust into the air of more. Though too much teasing Sabo will any opportunity he can to reverse the situation move on to the main event if this happens he can be a little rough littering his s/o love bites as he seeks release.   As far as masturbation goes he likes the privacy of his room bathrooms in the revolutionary base are not the best place to be jacking it.Don't tell anyone but he likes leaving his gloves on it's a mix of he likes the feel of the texture on his skin and it helps his own hand feel more foreign. His go-to fantasies are his s/o giving him a handjob or his s/o riding him. He takes it slow teasing himself out as much as possible he gets himself pretty close a few times little himself come back down before going again. Whimpers and little moans mixed in with his s/o’s name leave his lips. When he’s ready to finish he leans back closes, his eyes, and picks up the pace with a lot of “please” and ��I'm close”   he’ll cum into his glove. Once he's over the afterglow he’s going to sneak off to wash his gloves before anyone finds out. Nothing is more embarrassing than getting caught by Kola or Ivankov with a glove full of cum.  
Oh, I really hope this is what you wanted if not feel free to send me another ask! I kind of went some different NSFW headcanons trying to give a different scope here but that aside boy howdy did I forget how much I love Sabo like I kind of always have special place in my heart for Ace because he was one of the first boys in One Piece that I saw and went what a cutie all those years ago but Sabo man, Sabo~ I always like this one it was one of the few NSFW’s I did back in the day that I felt was really good and didn't feel forced.
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Old asks Re-post 2/????
The first shock will be when his world goes from black to full color the next thing he would notice is he or rather his body is in front of him still mid attack and that's when he realizes he's been swapped.As he watches his body whiff the attack followed by his S/O’s voice coming out of his body there freaking out about not being able to see and that's when it all comes together he instantly calls for tactical retreat and rushes his to his S/O’s side and helps them escape holding their hand to lead them. Once they're out of danger he takes time to explain to his S/O what's happened they take it pretty well all things considered.He lets out a chuckle anytime one of his men go to his body for orders only to have his S/O freak out being put on the spot suddenly before he jumps in to give the orders. Fujitora does have some concerns there fighting power has been severely hindered he can still use his swordplay but it doesn't work as well without his devil fruit and his S/O was placed in a completely new body with a different or even new power. Pulling back for now while having his men take care of problem would be for the best though it doesn't sit right with him.
Back at base camp, Fujitora takes in his S/O’s appearance he doesn't want to miss a detail he wants to remember their hair color, their smile, everything it's a once in a lifetime opportunity for him to be able to see again. Seriously this man's going to want to stand in front of the mirror all day any pose he can think of he going to do. He also takes this time to take in his own appearance and he has a small moment of yikes this is a real beauty and the beast moment for him he always pictured that he would look a bit better than what he does.On the S/O side of the swap, it's hard for them for one there taller than what they use to be plus being blind they walked into quite a few objects and doorways if it wasn't for Fujitora guiding them they would have been completely lost.They do gain a new appreciation for how Fujitora goes about his daily activities, for the most part, he makes it seem so effortless that they would have never really guessed how difficult it really was for him.    
Other little things I can see happening is Fujitora closing his eyes a lot because of course he didn't need to have them open when he was blind only to remember oh yea I don't have to do that now, avoiding taking busy streets as to not overwhelm his S/O with sounds possibly freaking them out, taking his admiral jacket to wear on his S/O’s body to help ease some confusion only to have it drags on the floor do to the size difference he’s not too happy about it. Don't even get me started on how comical figuring out how they're going to shower will be. Fujitora cooking!
Ahhh there's just so many little things i could write for this ask it's too much just to wrap it up so i don't take up too much of everyone's time depending on how long this last I can see both of them slowly adjusting to each other bodies I can also see this being bittersweet for Fujitora as this eyesight it’s only temporary and I also feel like he would prefer to have just gotten temporary eyesight in his own body it's nice to be able to see his S/O’s body but it's not the same as being able to see them like it's just not the complete package it's almost like a monkey's paw short of wish.    The only ask I ever got for Fuji which is a dam shame because I really like him and I'm a huge sucker for body swap AU’s
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Follow these and we cool my dudes 
No underage characters for NSFW No CharacterxCharacter No self-harm askes No more then 3 characters per ask if not I get overwhelmed. Standards Expect Answers to be done in Headcanon format I may write out a little scenario for askes if I'm feeling particularly inspired or I feel like the ask calls for it but i am not confident enough to make a standard. Please understand that my ideas may not line up with the way you would like them to be answered as we may have different ideas on how characters would react to different situations. As such im asking you to please understand that you are asking for a different person’s viewpoint and not to be upset if not every ask you ask ends up with a yes this character would be a 100% on board with this idea or course of action. Unless stated otherwise I use they/them just so no matter who you are you can join in the fun :>
Things that would be nice ( you are in no way obligated to do this)
Try to be varied with your askes and the people your asking for i.e if you see the writer has written about Katakuri for like the last 10 answers maybe try asking for a different character or if you see the same question has been asked over multiple different characters try asking for something different or more specific.
Throw the writer a bone and ask them about them selfs or things they like outside of this one fandom (Trust me its nice not feeling like a faceless entity that's here to deliver NSFW at random intervals.)
But that's it for now if I find anything else I feel the need to add I will.
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Old asks Re-post 1/???
His quest for perfection is a driving force both positive and negative his S/O will need to bring him back down when he set goals and standards that are way too high for any one person to keep and encourage him when those goals are within a more healthier range. It’s going to take time as Katakuri is pretty set in his ways at this point and with his reputation to keep it's not going to be easy and expect pushback from him eventually he’ll begin to give way as he accepts that they just want to help him.
Is very insecure about his mouth and will do anything to keep it hidden don't be alarmed if he refuses to eat around his s/o and expect some mochi shrine doors to be shut in their face especially early in the relationship he's going to come off as harsh but it's his attempt to set up hard boundaries and it's a more of way of keeping himself safe as I don't really think he would be able to shrug off his S/O ridicule over his mouth like he does with other people. I can't really say I see a situation where his S/O will accidentally see Katakuri's full face as just the lengths he goes to just to hide how he eats is kind of crazy; if they were to ever see his full face Katakuri would have been the one to choose to show them it’s a tense trust ridden moment it won't last long before he retreats back into the safety of hiding behind his scarf.
Katakuri isn't a very physically affectionate person that comes from a combination of factors the first one is there aren't a lot of people that can match his height so the fear of hurting his s/o just doing simple things as going for a kiss a hug or even just picking them up to bring them eye to eye is very real. The second being at this point he's gone so long without it that he really doesn't know what it's like to have it in the first place from what we've seen in the manga of Big Moms children they grow up in a very hate-filled environment with only really there siblings to lean on and even that can be paper thin as they turn on each other at the drop of that hat if Big Mom gives them the order to do so, even the most simple things like hand holding or hugs don't come easy they grown up fast and they grew up hard in Big Mom's crew. With all that how does Katakuri show his affection? Sharing a meal, him being able to vent to someone or just being his shoulder to lean on in the first place, him acting a rational mind for his s/o in an uncomfortable situation it's the small things that he can't really do with anyone else that help show that his s/o is someone special and someone he puts before others.       Looking back on this one its neat to see how much my thoughts on him have changed and I feel like I got so much about him wrong but how there still some things I think are true like his perfectionism, and him not being physically affectionate though the reasons for that have changed.  
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Back at it again
Alrighty, I'm back at again remaking this One Piece ask blog. Wait what happened to the first one? it was a mix of a constant stream of the same questions for the same character which demotivated me, anon hate which I was pretty sure was from the same person and the with great Tumblr NSFW nuke looming overhead I took it into my own hands to delete my blog before they did or at least I thought they where going to. Really looking back on it I don't know if that was the right decision there where better ways to handle it but at the time I really didn't want to put a blog on indefinite hiatus again especially not being sure if it would be there when I got back. So what happens now?  I'll be reposting up some of my old askes that I have saved mostly to give people an idea what they're working with and help get my blog off the ground because  your tumblr blog sits in limbo till you do a certain amount posts feel free to send asks if you like the rules will be  [Here]. There will be one big change though and that hey if one day i go hey instead of answering askes i want to write about this dumb idea that's rolling around in my brain im going to do because at the end of the day having a blog like this should be enjoyable for the person writing too.
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