#/hoo boy
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heilos · 2 months ago
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I am so hype for the I Don't Want To Be A Magical Girl animatic pilot @kianamaiart is in the process of making right now. Something just clicked in my brain where I had to make an elaborate piece of fanart with these amazing character designs the second I saw them, so I took the opportunity to sit down and finally learn Clip Studio Paint properly. Logo was made by kianamaiart and julietran.jpg on instagram. I just cropped out the solid background color for this fan poster to give it some extra flair. Kiana, you're a phenomenal artist and person and I can't wait to see what you've got in store with this project. I hope you like this as much as I enjoyed making it. :)
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emmeriex · 9 months ago
girls when they remember that sally named percy after the only greek hero with a happy ending and beryl named jason after a hero who died alone and unhappy to appease a wrathful goddess.
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bajaja-blast · 7 months ago
you dislike Luke Castellan because he disagreed with an oppressive government system and actually took action to change the abusive ways him and his peers have been forced to follow for millennia.
I dislike Luke Castellan because in the Titans Curse he manipulated Annabeth, who he raised as his little sister, into holding up the sky, the FUCKING sky, for over 20 hours and had the audacity to walk away as though he was completely apathetic towards it while she begged and pleaded with him to help her.
we are not the same.
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kneedeepindramaandcocaine · 4 months ago
Sorry, Jason Grace transferred to an all boys school after breaking up with Piper, and blew every circuit in his dorm room when he found out Leo was alive?
And I’m not supposed to read anything into this???
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leodanbrock · 1 year ago
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History repeats itself.
GAME CHANGER Lou Wilson in s5e09 "Escape The Greenroom" & s6e03 "Sam Says 3".
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nashazie · 7 months ago
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he’s so silly
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delicate-sketch · 8 days ago
after the war, before tartarus, there was yearning
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noodles-and-tea · 4 months ago
Your Jayvik art means MILLIONS to me, there's something so cozy and happy about how you draw the boys that makes me want to consume more of your art MY GOD 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
All the loves to you and your art 💜💜
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Thank you so much!! Please enjoy the snack!
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annabethchase06 · 10 months ago
Jason Grace was needed by the fandom because among all the troublemakers, sarcastic frats, dyslexic students and hyperactive kids who related with Percy, Leo and other demigods, there were some of us who loved discipline, studying and who constantly worked under the growing weight of people's expectations just because they were good at something.
There were some of us who excelled at academics, some who liked being organized instead of messy, and some who liked discipline over casual behaviour. And just when we thought that maybe we couldn't relate to any demigod – Jason emerged as our ray of sunshine.
Jason taught us it's as okay and cool to be disciplined and perfect as it is to be messy and lacky. Let's give our boy all the love he deserves because he made a huge difference in so many people's lives.
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somewhereincairparavel · 5 months ago
since my last post was about jason's tattoo, it just dawned on me that jason probably had to get a tattoo the very minute he arrived at camp jupiter since he was the child of jupiter, and most likely was given 'special treatment' by getting 'the honour' quickly.
at four years old.
he got a painful tattoo at four years old.
and was most likely harshly scolded by the senior members of CJ if he had cried.
because all they saw was honour, nobody gets the tattoo that early in, without going through tests and quests, and according to them, jason is being an 'ungrateful brat' by crying.
but all baby jason saw, was pain.
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afanofmanyhats · 10 months ago
One of my favorite things about Tolkien's writing is that he has a very specific, recurring trope. For lack of a better term, I'm dubbing this the Tolkien Wife-Guy.
This is mainly obvious in the Silmarillion, but Tolkien loves to write couples where the man is a notable individual- nobility, commits a great deed, or both- but the wife is at least equally notable, if not more beloved or powerful. Manwe is the king of the Valar and Eru's main representative in Arda? Everyone loves Varda more, and Melkor fears her more than his own brother. Elu Thingol is the king of the Silvan Elves? His wife is Melian, whose Girdle is the magic that keeps Morgoth's forces at bay. Beren is a chief among the Edain, who befriends animals and survives one of the most nightmarish places in Beleriand? His wife is Luthien.
Even in Lord of the Rings we see this occur, though the couples are on more even footing. Tom Bombadil is... Tom Bombadil, but Goldberry is the River-daughter, and Tom adores her above everything else, and the hobbits are completely taken in with her when she's their host. Similarly, while Celeborn is a mighty lord among Elves, Galadriel is one of the only Noldor in Middle-earth who saw the Two Trees, and her hair inspired Feanor to make the Silmarils, not to mention her own accomplishments in the war against Morgoth. Aragorn is the king of Gondor and Arnor, but Arwen is the Evenstar of the Elves, the descendant of three(?) different royal Elven lines. And Faramir becomes the Steward of Gondor and is one of the noblest men alive, but Eowyn killed the Witch-king, so you know. She got the grander moment for the saga.
But with (most) of these couples, we never get the impression that the man views his wife as Less-Than, or as a junior partner. Thingol is the main exception to this in how he dismisses Melian's counsel, and that's made out to be his foolishness within the text. Otherwise, Manwe treats Varda as his co-ruler, Beren never tries to downplay Luthien's achievements, and I'm pretty sure most of Tom Bombadil's dialogue is about how gorgeous Goldberry is. It's really sweet.
All of these examples really testify to how much Tolkien loved his wife. People rightly point to Beren and Luthien as the prime example of that, but I think you can find it in these other couples too. Even though Edith is mainly known to history as Mrs. Tolkien, it's evident to me that Jirt saw her as a whole person worthy of admiration outside of being his wife.
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senblades · 6 months ago
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The world is perfect; you seem to have missed the memo
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rika-mortis · 8 months ago
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Accidentally saw some spoiler screenshots for the season finale yesterday and now after seeing the recent episode I DON'T LIKE WHERE THIS IS GOING FOR PERI
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cuterefaction · 6 months ago
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Trektober Day 3 - Meet the Parents. This scenario is admittedly non-canon, but Ziyal and Jake feels so obvious it's hard not to think about it. And the absolute horror it would represent for Dukat is delicious.
Of course, it would then become 'ah, but tentatively approving this relationship is a good excuse to spend more time with both Sisko and Kira!' But the initial discomfort would be a pleasure to witness.
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t0m0w0 · 2 months ago
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Pov: lcb gets 3 couches in the break room
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turntechgaykid · 1 year ago
Mischaracterizing Nico di angelo as some 'shy gay boi' instead of a teen who was raised in homophobic, early dictatorship 1924 Italy is gross.
Nico isn't shy or embarrassed about his queerness the boy has internalized homophobia, 1920s Italy was not a safe place for queer people and Nico's early experience with queer people was likely seeing them belittled, berated or abused.
I would put actual money on saying that Nico's first reaction to his own or others queerness isnt embarrassment or confusion but revulsion, fear, shame or hate for it, especially after dealing with feelings of isolation and otherness from both Camp half blood and Camp Jupiter.
He isn't some cutesy shy boy who gets flustered he's a teenager struggling to accept and understand himself after, in his formative years, most likely being told what he feels is wrong, shameful or unnatural.
(also not to mention the culture shock it would've been for him to see queerness an gayness being accepted in the 21st century and in both ancient Greek/Rome an how he'd have to rationalize that with his already made world view)
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