#//stay the fuck away from me
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flamesignite · 7 days ago
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I literally do not want you here go away Phoenix, don't touch my muse don't come near him with your weird ic anon this is why i have this rule in place!!!
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lotus-pear · 4 months ago
listen persona fivers u guys can all personally hate morgana but to fabricate that joker also dislikes him is absolutely insane. that cat went missing for THREE DAYS and akira was literally going through all five stages of grief. literally picked up his schoolbag and started crying bc he was like “oh it’s so light without mona in it………where is he where are you where is my cat”
that bratty little cat is literally his BABY yes of fucking course he loves him he can’t properly function without that little brat cat
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were-wolverine · 2 years ago
*headcanons your ‘hyper-sexualized by the fandom’ character as asexual*
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nihildenial · 5 months ago
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when i hear a bee buzzing but cant immediately see it
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crustyfloor · 7 months ago
Content warning (light) : Experiments / Abuse / Body and eye horror tw(?)
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The album cover is sick as hell, I initially thought it was skeletal parts, but it looks the most like an MRI scan showing a brain with a lot of abnormalities, including signs of head trauma.
The most profound detail I found in the "brain" is the dark spots.
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Dark spots in the brain are usually the result of a brain lesion, a permanently damaged area of the brain usually caused by injury, infections, exposure to certain chemicals, etc. General trauma.
If it's someone's brain, I suspect it's Till's brain. aside from Luka, he has been through the worst of the Alien's mistreatment since he was a child, under Urak's (the bastard's) care he had been exposed to much abuse. The sheer harshness and hostility of Urak's "training" make it obvious why he was probably one of the only pets to withstand it all.
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Life-long injury in some form is surely a given to me. Seeing as it's already been mentioned that because of Urak's abuse, his pets rarely make it to the end because of the mental issues they had developed, and experiments can kill them before they even make it to the stage.
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Back to the brain, it has a lot of abnormalities (especially in its appearance). I can't explain much, I'm not a neurologist. But based on the research I did the the most damage seems to be near the Frontal lobe and the Precentral gyrus.
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This could explain Till's already implied mental problems, one of them (In my opinion) being some form of dissociation, round 6 was the most telling as his behavior was out of sorts having been broken down he changed drastically, throughout the whole round he was emotionally distant, i'd probably describe it as him being in a daze.
And his hallucination of Mizi during the karaoke scene could be a symptom of that to ease out of the moment.
(I also see that as more of a coping mechanism for Till, but I'm taking it into account for this since it's likely.)
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Experiments always looked intense, I wonder just what chemicals and substances he was exposed to, in one of the opening scenes of CURE we're shown what looks to be DNA splitting, or duplicating? there could be a multitude of reasons for that. But it makes me curious just how deep this goes, and how much it affected Till. There is a lot of things about him that could be explained with Urak's presence in his life.
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Having his brain tampered with to such a degree, I think we'll start to see the horrific effects come to light here soon.
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eve2atom · 1 month ago
steph being a good driver is one of my fav canon facts. ik tim is too with his cars but steph is so Serious abt her bike to me. in an ideal world they broke up bc she wouldn’t let him behind the wheel even in an emergency scenario
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oceanwithouthermoon · 3 months ago
I like your saiteru posts but I can't shake the idea that Teruhashi only loves the idea of Saiki and not actually Saiki, especially since she hated when he gave her a glimpse of himself when he was competitive during their date.
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ive seen this take floating around a few times, this whole "teruhashis mental image of saiki is wrong" "teruhashi wouldnt love him if she got to know him" "teruhashi hated any time she saw his REAL personality" and i just dont get it because like...
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this scene?? the scene where hes being inconsiderate, rude, not taking her feelings into account, making her play games she doesnt even want to play, acting like a gooner, etc? THIS is the scene you thought was him showing her a glimpse of what hes really like??? where did you get that from?/genq
hes competitive, yeah, but this… isnt being competitive, its just being an asshole. thats not what hes like when hes trying to win. him wanting to win games and show off with his powers is not equivalent to being an inconsiderate tryhard who wants to make everyone do what he wants with no thought to what they want…
but youre ALSOOOOO forgetting that she actually did end up being like… “hehe i still wuv him 😚” after this…
so.. on THAT note, i need everyone to pay really really close attention to what im about to say…
she loves him when hes rude, inconsiderate, pushy, competitive…
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she loves him when hes open, popular, kind, powerful, reading her mind…
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she loves him when hes gloomy, monotone, boring, quiet…
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she loves him when hes a GIRL.
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so why is the conclusion here “she wouldnt love him for the real him”? the logical conclusion here seems to be “she would love him no matter what”
and regarding her "only loving his persona the same way people only love teruhashis", i think everything above disproves that anyway but i have to go more into it because not only have you misunderstood me but this also implies you think none of saiki and teruhashis friends truly love them at all 😭
saikis quiet, boring self isnt completely not him. its still him, just a different side of him than you might be used to as a viewer. you guys have to understand that although, yes, he is masking and putting up a front, that doesnt mean EVERY part of him that people see is fake 😭 its the same with teruhashi, she doesnt have a single tangible "true" self entirely on the inside and a single tangible "fake" self entirely on the outside, its NOT completely black and white! PEOPLE arent completely black and white!
youre forgetting that me saying those guys (the kokomins and all those gross ew men) dont love her because they dont know and see her was accompanied by a picture of them literally asking her to continue validating them immediately after she woke up from passing out 😭 they quite literally dont love or care about her, not even about her image, they just like the idea of her image and want her to make them feel good. the whole "nobody sees and knows and loves her" doesnt apply in the same way to yumehara and their other friends, they may not truly see her with the same depth that saiki does but that doesnt mean their care for her is fake, because they DONT care more about her image than just her and being in her company even if they do still see the parts of her that ARE fake.
you cant just take the idea that they fake a lot of themselves around others and morph that into "every single thing people see of them is fake and every single thing they dont see is an accurate representation of their true selves", it just doesnt work like that 😭 regardless of saikis power and silliness and sweetness and competitiveness, hes still a quiet guy with a gloomy face. and regardless of teruhashis cuntiness (lol) and competitiveness and obsessiveness and silliness, shes still a sweet girl who enjoys making people happy. they can be BOTH and thats okay!
this misunderstanding is like youre hearing someones thoughts and thinking "oh what a blunt person" like well... no because not everything in your head defines your personality or is something youd ever want or need to say aloud. everyone thinks crazy things, had wrong initial impressions, etc, do you see my point?? am i getting this across properly??? saiki still enjoys sitting in his house and doing nothing but eating coffee jelly and playing video games and teruhashi still enjoys when she makes people happy, those things arent fake just because they contribute to their fake personas... saiki also would not have been singing and doing standup or whatever the hell people are convinced he wouldve been doing at the mixer with someone hes "more comfortable" with, he doesnt do that shit around anyone 😭 not around his family and not around the psychickers, so im not sure where people got the idea that her thinking he would sit there and do nothing was her not understanding him or that the way he was making the guys act was how he truly wants to act 😭 he can sing and crack jokes but he never has around anyone so we dont know if thats what he wants to do, i dont even remember him making jokes aloud to the psychickers other than being a little sassy ☠️ the most i remember is him making short silly jokes to tease his dad or toritsuka... you guys just assume that hes the type of guy to stand up and sing and yell and make everyone roll over laughing because idk... maybe you cant stand the idea that your fav might not be a sexy loud confident alpha male and might actually be a little guy who loves video games and watching people and being a little brat on occasion ☠️
i feel like this take is just you guys taking both their insecurities SUPER seriously, because what else could be making you think that ANYONE who doesnt know about his powers doesnt truly love or care for saiki??
anyway... it clearly just doesnt matter to her how he acts because she just loves him and enjoys his company no matter what. thats love.
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ffffinalizer · 14 days ago
il grande cocomero (1993) arturo is my saddest sweetest baby boy with big doe eyes and fluffy hair. for him i give the world. ill fistfight god.
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non ti muovere (2004) timoteo is my toxic failhusband who unfortunately looks sexy miserable and soggy. will likely leave you hanging multiple times but thats ok because he always comes crawling back and he’s prettiest when he cries. i love him. i hate him. i wanna live with him in a house by the sea (we’re in our 3rd divorce)
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peantisdeliriouts · 5 months ago
Once again if you call lolicon “CP” I almost instantly know how much of a fuck you actually give about real kids being abused and exploited.
Genuinely at that point you just need to shut the fuck up with your virtue-signaling bullshit.
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omo321 · 6 months ago
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“Are you crying?” Fina exclaims in alarm. Tsurumi is equally startled when he wipes at his face and his hand comes away wet. Not once had he shed tears, not even when he’d lost them. Pulling a chair up to him, Fina dries his cheeks with soft dabs of her handkerchief. With her hand on his shoulder and her beautiful, bright eyes soft with more love than Tsurumi can bear, she waits for an explanation that he cannot give.
gnawing on "theatre" by Saengak again... it's free serotonin to me
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embv · 2 months ago
I think everyone’s subscribing to the “Helena Infiltration Theory” WAYY too quickly. I kinda feel like a lot of the oddities in the way she was acting could be chalked up to something else, and defaulting to “that’s not Helly” feels a lot like… I don’t know, like brushing off character flaws by saying, “No, [X] is possessed! That’s not actually them!”
I’d probably buy into it a bit more if she didn’t have that moment in the halls with Mark where she fervently said, “We’re not the same, actually. Us and the outies, we’re not.”
There are reasons why Helly would want to lie about her identity, and chief among them is the fact that she hates her outie—desperately wants to place distance between them, desperately wants to convince herself that the person she saw wasn’t her.
But there are compelling reasons for both angles, and I can’t say that I won’t be scanning future episodes for hints to either prove or disprove this, so… cheers, 🥂.
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fivetrench · 11 months ago
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strawberry-halla · 4 months ago
oh my fucking god somebody please take dragon age away from john epler
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xjackjackx · 1 month ago
Victim Becker is like The character ever because. as a Person he absolutely deserved better, he deserves a second chance to be happy again with Mitsi and Agent and his three new friends. he does not need an atonement arc, he does not need to apologize for anything, the world should be apologizing to him. but as a Character i would fucking hate it if victim redeemed himself.
like no. there is no world where i can see any scenario where victim gives alan and/or chosen a second chance and i'll be happy with it. it's not like chosen, who owed all his strength to alan and ultimately knew they have to team up against a stronger evil. it's not like purple, where his issue was a shitty father that he needs to forget and move on from, not hunt for approval or revenge or anything else. it's not like king, whose "villain" was a nonsentient game he was projecting his rage and inability to protect gold onto. victim has an objective, real antagonist to his story, and that antagonist is Alan Becker and his (in victim's mind) sidekick The Chosen One. There is no misunderstanding like King, there's no greater evil or vic owing them something like Chosen. Alan is responsible for every bad thing in vic's life, knowingly or not, that's an objective fact. Victim was traumatized for years because of Alan, Victim lost the love of his life because of Alan and Chosen (even if Dark is the one who killed Mitsi, Chosen assisted and Dark's dead so there's no one else Vic can hunt for)
I just. cannot see Victim ever redeeming himself. Him ever giving Alan and Chosen a second chance. Him going "I won't actively hunt you if you fuck off and never show up again" would be the best outcome, and that'd still feel wrong cause it's been over a decade, would Victim really back off after all of that?
What could make Victim back off? That's the biggest issue here. Why would Victim ever turn good after a life like his. He's spent 12 years plotting revenge. He lost the most important person in his life. He's so stuck up his own ass he views all his former employees as traitors and cowards. He's never shown himself to be grateful towards Agent despite all the shit that he did for him. He's convinced the rules are "I'm good and anyone against me is evil and probably with Alan ngl". His innocence is gone, Mitsi is gone, Agent is on his side and if he'll turn against Vic he would be written off as another "coward" and "fool", and the mercs are random hired guns that he does not give two fucks about.
If I was writing Season 3, I would not give Victim a redemption for the sake of a "happy ending" (he's similar enough to King anyway). For me, Victim is a character defined by tragedy; he's been wronged, nothing ever goes his way, he is the Victim of this universe. For me, Victim's story will end with failure, with a death that he won't return from, after he's lost everyone in a single-minded obssession with getting revenge. The same way the Chosen One became a hero, the Dark Lord died a monster in a failed attempt for world domination and the Second Coming succeeded where his predecessor couldn't, the Victim cannot escape the fate that's been forced onto him since his author wrote his story. Since fate cursed him. Since Alan gave him that damn name.
Would it be cruel and tragic for Victim to never get a happy ending after a life of suffering? Yes. But it would give AVA a more mature story than another "happily ever after". But it would teach Alan and Chosen that no matter how hard they regret and atone, some of their victims will never let them go. But it would teach the Stick Gang that even if they want to, there are some people you can't group-hug it out with.
Funnily enough, I only have that feeling with Victim. I'm very open for an Agent redemption, but that's for another day.
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beauregardlionett · 5 months ago
been seeing some shit about people calling dorym an unhealthy ship since the confession. if you're one of those people and you follow me, exit stage left now because i'm here to support them babes <3
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dykedvonte · 5 months ago
Jimmy killing himself because he knows he is incapable of living an life without Curly and knows that in the miracle chance they were found and saved they would not let him have contact with Curly and he hates the idea he'd actually have to take responsibility.
Even if he lied, its only a matter of time before Curly is capable of showing or telling what a monster he really is, no matter what delusions tell Jimmy Curly would never do that to him.
He understands that he was the monster in everyone's worse moments but refused to accept that at the end. So he made sure that he died without the possibility of it being actualized as he's the only one that saw death as an escape rather than a release. Jimmy truly didn't believe Curly had anything to escape from even after everything and let him have what he perceived as glory as the sole survivor and thus Captain of the Tulpar.
#like he goes from knowing the the system in place ergo Curly will protect him from consequence even if unitentionally at first which#motivates him to take the measures he does but when that system also loses the ability to effectively stop him he drags the corpse around#like a memento of what he's achieved that slowly warps into a worship as he realizes how much it actually did and that even he struggles#without it cause i believe in light of the crash that the thought of losing Curly's unwavering support because he'd eventually protect Anya#over him when Curly's head was yanked from the clouds at either the baby's birth or just the way he was slowly putting things together as#the big picture became less appealing to look at like Curly was slowly realizing it and i think he knew at the crash scene but it was too#late if he stopped Jimmy or the crash their relationship would've forever been changed by the revalation and part of me wants like a dlc#spin off that deals with some psychological metaphorical horror dealing with that but also like I need jimmy dead.#then again none of this is new or even unique ive seen this explained but i also dont think its addressed that Jimmy's refusal to take#responsibility with Anya avoiding it A N D his envious codependency of Curly made him crash the Tulpar as there was not a way he could fix#the what he did to Anya in his mind without getting rid of her and or the pregnancy in a way that Curly wouldn't leave him and thats so#important like he only viewed Anya through his relationship with Curly and hed rather die than acknowledge her as a person and his assult#on her as something that could realistically get in the way of their relationship and taking advantage of it.#mouthwashing#mouthwashing game#jimmy mouthwashing#i hate talking about this dick fuck but he also is like being fascinated by a venomous spider like stay away but i will study you
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