#//some hcs i have about bobbi's family
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cartoonybus · 4 months ago
various young bobbis and his parents
(their names are ramona and rubén)
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st4rstudent · 8 months ago
Will we ever meet Bobby JR in Person?
Because I have no Idea how to draw him since I don't know how tall he is or how old he is.
Like is he a 5 or 6 Year Old Kid?
Is he born just a Regular Child or born a Prodigy?
And will he like Bear Toons? Since he Love anything related to Bears?
Like he will go crazy that any Products like Food and Toys including Clothing that has a Bear on it.
I can't properly answer any of these, since I'm not apart of the team or anything, so everything I say after this is purely speculation and/or just random thoughts. I assume that, even if Bobby Jr is not added physically into the game, he'll be mentioned plenty of times (especially around April Toons with Thomas's dialogues). Especially if Crystalline is added to the game, since it's been established that the entire Cyger family has some issues going on. As for height, you can kind of estimate his height based on this photocard of him and the Chairman. He's shorter than the Chairman (who has an ingame model that can be compared to other managers). I assume he's at most half of Chairmans height. Do NOT leave him outside with a giant hawk. He's very obviously a child, I always imagine an age that's somewhere in the early-middle of elementary school, like maybe 7 or 8? Truthfully I only assign age ranges to characters, not specific numbers, makes it easier. Either way, I can't see him being in middle school yet.
I think the idea of him seeing a bear toon and getting really excited would be kind of funny. He ends up having to be dragged away by Robert.
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bruciemilf · 7 months ago
I know this is a DC blog but I NEED dad Logan. Get that murder teddy bear some kids ASAP.
Fancast + non canon Headcanons ahead.
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“Sure everything in my life is terrible. But at LEAST I’m gay”
Makes pop culture references Logan doesn’t understand. “Logan threw the first brick at stonewall” “what are you SAYING” “he’s an ally”
Can, will, and has gaslight Logan into thinking he’s homophobic just for not letting Bobby do what he wants
Stole a beer from Logan once and they found him drunk crying at 3 am. He calls Logan to apologize about it. “I’m sO sorryyy. You know I love you??” “Go to bed” “noOoo” Logan is next to him.
Has a secret YouTube channel and everyone watches for Logan interactions specifically
Mabel Pines coded
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KITTY… that’s his half pint your honor. / 17
Logan is terrified. Why are you such an easy kid. Why aren’t you rebelling? Why isn’t defiance bleeding on your fists?
Why aren’t you clawing and biting and snarling for your freedom? Why aren’t you being a kid? Who do I have to skin-
Daughters are not supposed to exist quietly.
I hc that Kitty’s family is extremely unsupportive of her being a mutant, — but they’re just traditional in general. Specifically she’s petrified of being around/existing along men.
Certified babysitter when Logan’s not around. She’s so big sister.
“guys!1!11!!!! mr. Logan said not to do that!1!1!1”
Logan BEGS her to be a shitty teenager for like 10 minutes. Be bratty!!! Tell him to fuck off! Throw a tantrum!!!! “But I’m not a kid.” “You’re MY kid.”
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JUBILEEE daddy’s girl / 15
Problem Child TM
Plays Rock n Roll by Avril Lavigne at 4 am to piss Logan and her siblings off when they annoy her
Grounded all the time but if she fake cries Logan will shamefully relent.
Always puts Logan’s patience to the test because she anticipates him leaving/giving up on her
Foster child with issues. She spent half her life looking for people and the other half being abandoned by them. This won’t be any different.
Except Logan is very good at fighting destiny.
Your honor I don’t CARE Logan is made to be a girl dad!!!!
“On the spectrum. Not saying which one”
STRONG she/they energy
Most affectionate with Logan out of all the kiddos. Her love language is terrible pancake making (Logan eats them anyway) and cat cuddling.
ADHD icon
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LAURA (murder baby) / 7
Brings dead birds/mice to her family members (affectionate)
Charles has the bright idea to enroll her in school with the kids. “It’s important for children to socialize with peers their own ages.” “Can’t socialize if they’re all DEAD.”
That meme of the little boy and his father with an arrow in his shoulder
Youngest child privilege
Steals Bobby’s phone and shoot’s hilariously off angle family vlogs. One of them includes her stealing Logan’s motorcycle while he runs after her
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lovelybee666 · 1 year ago
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
I already published it in one of my first writings but so that they don't bother to see it, they both play hide and seek, tag, maybe truth or dare, etc.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He thinks everything about you is beautiful, from your eyes to your your toes (if you even have toes or feet).
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
If you are sad he tries to cheer you up either by giving you physical or verbal affection, drawing, talking, watching something, whatever cheers you up.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
It sounds strange but he would like to have a family (he knows he can't 😞) he would like to see you and him with his little children but since he can't, he use his stuffed version as one and depending on how you are, you will play along or try (don't even think about telling him that it's stupid of him or I swear I will come to your house with a gun 👹 /j)
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He's in the middle 👍 there's not much to say honestly
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Look, I don't know what happened but it was probably your fault😒(just joking) their arguments probably don't go beyond a few raised voices, the second the discussion ends there are two options, the first is that he run to you and apologize or that he is lecturing himself with his tail down.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He is VERY grateful and even thanks for things he shouldn't(I'm sorry this is short, I couldn't think of anything)
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Imagine there is a door, that door symbolizes honesty now look at Dogday's door that door is so open that the door flew away and the frame too.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
I'm already doing a hc of him jealous so this will be more summarized and shorter, It's difficult for him to get jealous since he trusts you TOO much but if he is jealous he will try to get your attention hugging you and saying your name over and over again.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
The first kiss was okay although he had never kissed so at first it was a little awkward, as time went on his kissing skills improved(he definitely didn't ask Bubba, Cickin and Bobby for advice☺️ DEFINITELY)
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He was nervous, he asked Catnap if he could come and support him, he complied as a good friend and he was a little far away but behind you with a sign that said "YOU CAN DO IT, DOGDAY!" or said what Dogday was supposed to say because he probably forgot(I promise to make a more detailed version soon in the not too distant future).
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He wants to marry you but since you and him are toys you can't but still in some creative way you got married, they used a fabric that they found with the help of Crafty and they got married, it was actually something funny and adorable to see (YOU DEFINITELY WORE THE SUIT AND DOGDAY THE WEDDING DRESS‼️‼️) by the way, the ring was some donut-shaped gummies.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
I already made a post about it but I wanted to make a little update here by adding "angel" and "star"
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It's VERY obvious, just watch him for a few seconds and you'll see how when you're close he moves his tail and seems happier, he stops what he's doing and comes to greet you giving you a hug while his tail moves at a thousand miles an hour, he's not sure if he's in love, he confuses his feelings and thinks maybe he just loves you as a close friend (spoiler, it wasn't)
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He's a big fan of PDA and even once probably shouted from somewhere quite long how much he loved you(a worker or Miss Delight scolded him because the children were supposed to be sleeping at that time), He loves to hold your hand and kiss your nose, he probably emphasizes 24/7 that you're dating him, he is very proud to know that you are dating him, If you are not a fan of PDA, he respects it and when you are alone he gives you a lot of kisses on the cheeks and hugs you.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
There's not much to say but technically you're second in command for dating the guy who's the leader👍 IDK MAN
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He is cliche AND creative, He likes to do very cliché but very creative things at the same time, They are going to have a date with red petals and candles, yes, but instead of candles they will be candles with fun shapes, the petals will be daisies (clearly I don't get them from a destroyed Daisy) and the chairs are chairs of frogs, he likes to do the same things that are romantically cliché but at the same time add things that have nothing to do with it or make it chaotic.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
ABSOLUTELY YES, it will help you in anything, believe 100% that you can achieve any goal you have.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Every day he do something new with you, one day you are looking some ants working and the next you are creating a base to protect yourself from a non-existent deadly virus that he created with you.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Depending on who you are, he probably knows a lot about you and is quite empathetic (I couldn't think of anything here, I'm sorry)
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
For him you are the most important thing in his life, his top is probably
3. Humans
2. His friends
1. You
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
When you give him the cold shoulder after an argument he goes to Catnap and Catnap has to deal with his best friend crying because you don't listen to him
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Y E S He is very affectionate although obviously there are days when he is less affectionate.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He will be looking for things that remind him of you and hugs them while waiting for you to appear.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He is willing to do almost anything for the relationship, his only limits are attacking or killing someone for obvious reasons.
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I FINALLY FINISHED THIS, now I will have to do other pending things
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lesbians4buckleys · 7 months ago
cowboy!buck !
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enjoy a rough sketch of a curly haired cowboy buck with his bandana on while i yap about some hcs i have for the yeehaw 118 (mostly buck for this post)
buck was born and raised in pennsylvania, similar to his modern upbringing, except at the age of 12, right after maddie moves away with doug, he runs away from the family he feels abandoned him -- or moreso, the parents he never really felt he had in the first place.
at 13, he's adopted into the 118 gang by bobby, after narrowly escaping death at the hands of a corrupt lawman. bobby saves his life, and ends up adopting the reckless, angry teenager that is evan 'buck' buckley.
his horse is named calida! translating to hot/fiery in latin, she's a spirited and (you guessed it) fiery blonde chestnut thoroughbred, with a temperament that has always matched buck's.
the bandana he wears (although not coloured in this image) is navy blue! i plan on giving the entire gang a navy blue bandana somewhere in their design to tie them all together.
to no one's surprise, buck and eddie will in fact end up pursuing a relationship. i'm a buddie shipper 4 life. they carry out so many jobs for the gang and are a notorious duo. (which makes me think... buddie wanted posters??)
also just a small extra note: i probably won't end up writing much of this au, mostly because i'm more of an illustrator than i am writer, but if anyone ends up writing anything based on my silly little headcanons? i would LOVE to read! also would love to hear any thoughts anyone has!!
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theamazingmaddyas · 2 months ago
Here's some Chase family headcanons I've been thinking up:
Disclaimer, it's been a hot minute since I read MCGA, so even though I'm pretty sure none of this goes against canon, if I'm wrong, I apologize.
Annabeth refused to go boating when she first started at camp. Randolph told her when she was around six or seven in excrutiating detail how Caroline, Emma, and Audrey died and she was scared of boats, especially smaller ones, ever since. The first time she ever went canoeing was with Percy a few weeks after he arrived at camp.
The Chase family used to all celebrate Yule together until the rift between Frederick, Randolph, and Natalie. Frederick's family (besides Annabeth) changed to celebrating Christmas on his wife's insistance. Natalie and Magnus still celebrated Yule together, but not as big, though Magnus stopped after her death, and Randolph really didn't celebrate anything after his family's death. (Note: I read a fanfic once where Percy goes to the Chase family's house for Yule, which really made me think on this.)
Emma was an amazing older sister and cousin, and absolutely adored playing with baby Annabeth and Magnus, and kept saying she couldn't wait till they were older. She never saw them grow up.
Frederick, Bobby, and Audrey have/had autism. (Frederick's has basis in canon, which I can go through the diagnosis with canon evidence if anyone asks, but Bobby and Audrey are both on vibes alone). I've also read a couple good fics where Annabeth is diagnosed with autism in addition to ADHD and dyslexia as well.
Annabeth's Stepmother (whom will henceforth be known as SM because she doesn't have a name. Most fanfics call her Helen, though, but I'll stick with SM for now) gave away the family dog when Bobby and Matthew started to walk, even after the dog did obedience school. In addition to the spiders, this was one of Annabeth's deciding factors in running away.
Speaking of the dog, his name was Boeing after the airplane company on Frederick's insistance.
Despite SM's best efforts, Annabeth, Bobby, and Matthew became super close as they got older. Especially when Annabeth starts attending NRU and is super close to them.
Despite being mortals, CJ and New Rome had no problem with the Chase family visiting often though SM never went, and Bobby and Matthew would spend almost every day after school with Percy and Annabeth in one of their dorms or walking around the city. Bobby's dream school is NRU (because of how good their accommations are) and Annabeth is advocating to the school board to let him in, despite not being a roman or greek demigod or legacy himself (just saying, there's a chance they're legacies of Norse gods if Randolph is anything to go off of.)
Frederick did guest lectures at NRU about fighter planes, and celestial bronze/imperial gold bullets.
Magnus and Annabeth used to hold hands when they were drawing or coloring (since Magnus is a leftie and Annabeth is a rightie) during family events. Magnus would always draw trees and Annabeth would sketch buildings she wanted to build.
Magnus keeps in touch with Annabeth and Percy's decendants decades and centuries after they've gone to Elysium. Annabeth had also introduced him to Thalia and Reyna, and the four (plus Alex, of course) would hang out every so often in the centuries to come.
Caroline crocheted baby blankets for each kid when they were born. Magnus' never got finished.
This isn't a hc, but I had the thought of an AU where Bobby and Matthew are Blood of the Pharoahs through their mother's side, and I think that would be awesome because then the Chase family has something to do with the pantheons of all three of Rick's main series.
So, those are it. Feel free to add your Chase family hcs!
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maxdurden · 10 months ago
share your buddy dawn hcs pretty please..
OKAY, buddy hcs (or at least some of them, i am trying to be so normal you can’t imagine. this guy lives in my head rent free)
a lot of my hcs about buddy also involve his family, just because the family stratification that happens in southern evangelical families is SO fascinating to me.
SO: buddy is a southern grandma’s boy. if you’ve lived in the south you know this guy. his grandma helped raise him, he calls his grandma ‘mimi’ and, to his grandma, he’s essentially the second coming of christ, he can do NO wrong in her eyes. buddy and pamela dawn have the kind of enmeshed relationship that would simply blow your mind
as an addendum to this: buddy dawn calls his grandma ‘mimi’ and his grandpa ‘pawpaw.’ if you are his friend, the whole family will invite you to participate in this naming tradition. this will make you uncomfortable but there’s no way out of it without seeming rude (this is a struggle i know well as a yank living in the south)
on the topic of pamela dawn, i think she’s like such a Matriarch, at least as much as one can be in that kind of misogynistic social system. i think she clings to what power she can grab and is incredibly vindictive (but never direct) about it. i think she was probably just as enmeshed and close with buddy’s dad (think #boymom) and probably HATED buddy’s mom, regardless of how good of a mom/person she was
we don’t know a lot about buddy’s parents, but my vibe is that they’re dead. if they weren’t, it doesn’t make sense to me that they would let bobby and pamela move away with their son (there are other hcs i’ve heard on this topic that are equally interesting, such as buddy’s mom and dad having a different idea of sol/helio worship and being pushed out of the family). my vibe is that they died on a mission trip. this explains why bobby didn’t just revivify them, but it also adds to the themes of legacy and family name that buddy has to contend with. like imagine if your grandpa is The Sol Televangelist Of All Time and your parents were martyred on a mission to the mountains of chaos?? oh the crushing pressure of familial expectations (and helio didn’t even choose you as his chosen one)
buddy’s legal name is robert. this one has no real evidence (in fact i feel like it’s likely that there’s no more to his name, at least canonically, than just buddy), but it makes sense to me that a man like bobby dawn would be obsessed with passing down his name and legacy. so i think it’s likely that his dad was also named robert (maybe called robbie or rob)
buddy’s name is specifically NOT robert, and that’s exactly why he got the nickname buddy. this hc is a bit more convoluted, but here’s the gist: imagine buddy’s mom didn’t name him robert despite all the familial pressure to do so. of course there’s nothing bobby or pamela can really do, but they can give this kid a nickname that’ll stick for the rest of his life. plus, buddy has always seemed like a kind of condescending nickname to me and i think that would piss off his mom even more (which tbf is what i think pamela’s goal would be). but, if buddy’s legal name isn’t robert, i don’t have any super strong contenders for what his legal name would be
(i could get into a whole thing about hcs i have about his parents good god)
i think buddy grew up listening to his grandparents' old records! this means he was raised on old gospel and old country and that’s still the majority of his music taste (it doesn’t help that he’s not allowed access to most tech, especially tech from solace, so the influences he’s pulling from are relatively limited)
this is already. so. long. so i’m going to stop myself now lmao. but thank you for asking!!!!! i ALWAYS have thoughts about this fucking guy so thank you for the ask!!!!!!
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3lliana · 10 days ago
would have insane only child syndrome, and not like the spoiled type, like the lonely type where he feels like no matter how many people are around in his house hes still feels hes the only one who feels the way he does.
is really good with kids/baby sitting. i imagine him having a big family with some younger cousins hes had to babysit.
closest with tommy. real close with all of them but say something happens hes running to tommy.
HUGEEE EMPATH. especially towards animals.
dog person 10000% he would have a Rottweiler or a st. Bernard.
went to church from 3-11 and stopped going at 12-14 for a little bit, but went after some of his friends went.
would scream the most random things in class and blame it on his friends "OH MY GOD HELP ME!!!" "johnny why would you say that!"
his teachers either love him or hate him, no in between.
when his family first moved to California he lived in the more poor area then they did for a year or two (till he was about six) but his dad got a promotion and they moved to a better part of town. (where they currently live.)
(modern) he would play siege or cod. any kind of shooting game he would have installed on ANY device.
has a separate space where he parks his motorcycle in his garage because you know he does NOT play about that motorcycle.
when they first moved to the richer area of California (where they live currently) he thought the beach was AWESOME. he still does, but that was a new discovery.
was a "why" kid. "get your shoes on and get in the car" "why?" "because we have to go to the store" "why?"
is surprisingly good at drawing animals and people, moreso animals.
knows all about marvel, DC, any like super hero related thing hes an expert on.
therapist friend.
his favorite color is blue.
chronic caffeine drinker.
(modern day) would always have a Celsius or some sort of energy drink on/with him.
had to get braces when he was like 10 but absolutely refused and hated the idea and said they would make him look "weird" so his teeth just are a bit crooked.
has a scar on his lip from when him and the gang were messing around at the beach when they were like 14 and he fell and bit his lip hard.
they all go to the same country club that Johnny goes to.
summer is definitely is favorite season and he HATES being cold. (but will sleep with a fan on??)
(bonus jimmy hc!!) Jimmy's the type of kid to say "the teachers target me!!" while throwing a desk 30mph across the classroom.
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rocicrew · 5 months ago
clarissa mao !!
send me a character and i’ll list
favorite thing about them
she's the definition of poor little meow meow. i love her complexities and flaws. she's a rich spoiled heiress, she has enormous family issues. she tried to kill the family she would die for. redemption arcs in my opinion are not always well written but clarissa's does it for me.
she doesn't shy away from the fact that she has done terrible things for selfish reasons (when you look at it in the grand scheme of things). and while the way her father treated her explains her motivations, they are not excused by it. it is her who decides the person she was is gone, and she's going to spend her second chance making up for the things she'd done. it's honest and raw, and her arc shows that people do improve and change when they receive external support and build meaningful relations. while at the same time it says, some things cannot be amended. you can never bring someone back, but you can try to be good.
she is the subversion of the redemption achieved by one last good Deed or Sacrifice. by the time that happens, she's made peace with herself, with the consequences of her actions and it is a choice for the people she loves while she stops delaying the unavoidable.
least favorite thing about them
i find the lack of not revisiting her complicated relationship with julie a Crime. what do you mean after fighting alongside and joining the crew that found her sister, she would not understand her sister's motivation or want some closure re her death?
(tv wise: girl you Have the worst timing in s6. holden is falling asleep on the railing and you think ah a great time to revisit the horrible acts i did to kill him)
(additional sidenote: nothing more meaningful comes to mind at the moment, at least not something i can articulate well so...)
favorite line
Which meant Naomi had misunderstood. Clarissa had meant, I'm not afraid.
10000000/10 on the pain scale this line continues to haunt me. what an epilogue for her im-
(also her exchange with erich on the shuttle about letting people in their tribes without demanding that they prove they need them, and ending it with her prison sentence,,,,,,,,,, i'm rolling on the floor each time)
is there any other answer between clarissa and amos ? i personally cannot see their relations as anything other than platonic with deep devotion. they saw each other's worst parts and decided there's good in there even if they can't quite see it in their own selves at times.
they're mirrors but also kind of foils at the same time ?? amos is never afraid while clarissa is all the time,,, let's not be monsters together,, i want to be there in your last moments,,, ah yeahh
i do not truly ship her with anyone. i can speculate about romantic dynamics, but it's not super far in the Shipping category. i do think she and bobbie would make out in the roci tho
is kind of answered in the previous two ? i do not see her and amos' relationship being romantic (except maybe in the roci polycule kind of thing, which i'm still more drawn to the idea of her and bobbie or a complicated relationship with naomi)
random headcanon
i'm not sure how random it is, because it is a nickname she has in canon. but i personally hc that the roci crew over time begins to call her claire after babylon's ashes. peaches is primarily amos' nickname for her and it feels a step too far to use it. so claire is still a way to signal her new path.
i also believe she's a lesbian tbh
unpopular opinion
i have not seen too many opinions on her. i know a lot of people were put off of her in s3, (i have to say she grew on me later as well) but i can now say that she was Unhinged (in a compliment way)
also i think that there's a tendency for her to be portrayed a bit meek in the time after she's joined the roci crew which is the last way i'd personally describe her. she's quiet and reserved, yes, insecure about her place in that family, but she's also blunt and takes risks and has been shown to be incredibly intelligent and capable. and i think it takes away from her character with all her flaws.
song i associate with them
nothing comes to mind rn, i am also terrible at this kind of associations. always one or two lyrics throw me off.
favorite picture of them
the scene she's introduced, first up close and then the shot of her from behind with the navigation map of the maintenance shutte does thinks to the gifmaker side of me (if only the lighting wasn't so yellow)
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mikaikaika · 2 years ago
Hello I've seen you around the QSMP spaces a lot, but I'm curious!! Do you have any cool headcanons you wanna share?
Hey anon! Thanks for the question and sorry if it took me a while I was recollecting my thoughts. I don't have any set hcs but a few thought sparced around here and there so here they are. They are mostly about the eggs but some people found their way in
Tallulah has all of Wilbur's letters memorised and she repeats them when she finds herself in danger. However sometimes Chayanne hears her muttering in her sleep and if he pays attention he can hear the repeat of Wilbur's words.
Richarlyson does not like to take baths due to his parenthood side that comes from Catboy Cellbit
Flippa and Tilin were very clumsy and often got injured so they had a bet going on with each other about who can convincingly tell their parent the most batshit crazy getting injured story without worrying them too much. Their record was never broken despite their exaggerated shenanigans
Missa was the better chef of the house who used to make diverse meals. Seeing him Chayanne took up cooking because he wanted to help after he saw how exhausted Phil was while taking care of two kids. It now helps him make proper use of all the potatoes and now he has one more skill he can use to provide for his loved ones incase they are stuck in danger
Not mine but someone had a hc that Antoine is an alien due to his moon and the tomska sketch he was a part of. I just wanna add to it that that is the reason his mc skin is layered with an outer layer. So it is him trying to imitate huamans and trying to fit in. That's the reason he has like three faces cause he wanted to fit in by doing his best attempts possible
Since Phil said they shop at hot topic cause they're a emo family, I think Tallulah hates it, so as a little sign of rebellion she keeps choosing tshirts with the most ridiculous captions to take home like one that says "crazy plant lady" with weed on it but Tallulah insists it represents her venues or anything over the top pink that she can find there like I'm talking mable pines level fluffy
Dapper is really good at doing rubix cubes and loves them but Ramon absolutely hates due to how engrossed Dapper got when he was learning it
As Chayanne grows up he end up outgrowing his duck floatie. So he ,with the help of Ramon and dapper, devises a belt with a duck belt buckle on it that can turn into a floatie anytime it is required. It comes in handy more often than you think.
Baghera is deathly afraid of snakes cause she's a duck
Cellbit's family are his anchor anytime his past comes haunting him back. He often gets nightmares that wake him up but all it takes is him seeing the picture of Richarlyson with he Favela Five or turning to his side and seeing the face of his sleeping husband and with one squeeze of his hand - Cellbit comes grounded back to reality and peacefulness.
When he's outside and people are accusing him of being a traitor or when things get too rough, you would often find Cellbit toying with his ring. It serves him as a reminder that his past is behind him and now he's in a better place and no matter what he would always have someone looking out and waiting for him - something he has never had before
The dragon colours that the eggs would be turned into coincides with the signs they use. Flippa's would be green similar to what gegg uses, Bobby's was brownish since he used normal signs, Tilin's would be slight orange as hers was red but she passed hers down to Pomme and Trump is light blue since his was blue but he passed it down to Richarlyson as Richas is more socially "loud" than he is
If Tilin and Juanaflippa were still here, their name together with Tallulah would have been TFT trio
Pac paints his nail but it's always chipped due to him working with Mike but you would never see it completely gone and no one knows how/when Pac reapplies and redamages it
Also I love this hc that all the partners of the people on the server are some kind of godly entity with specific powers that tie into the story
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misstictart · 3 months ago
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Hey hey hey! Part seven is already here! Special mention to that one ask I got asking for more Italian Mob... Stick around for a cool surprise!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 - You're here! Part 8 Part 9
29 – Does your OC have kids? If not, would they like to be a parent? Do they like kids? (If your OC is a kid, how do they feel about adults?)
Claryce adores kids and is very good at entertaining them! She won't shy away from babysitting a kid or two should someone need a hand... Can't say no to some extra money.
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(She'd actually love her work at the school library if it weren't for the poor working conditions, the bad pay and Bart's occasional pranks.)
Speaking of babysitting- there's an episode idea I mentioned earlier that I kept for this specific question. (For some context, the episode "Bobby it's cold inside" implies Bob and Francesca have divorced. I hc it could be linked the happenings in "Funeral for a Fiend", where the whole Terwilliger family - Francesca and Gino included - end up in prison.)
After not giving news for what seemed like an eternity, Bob shows up yet again at Claryce's place to ask her a favor: babysit Gino while he and Francesca would deal with, well, their divorce. While she's a bit reluctant to help (she's still salty about the fake funeral mishap), she can't say no to a kid. Except Gino speaks very few English, and Claryce's Italian is awfully rusty- so after much consideration, she decides to ask Fat Tony (her uncle) for some help. Cue the Italian Mob inviting her to bring the kid to their hideout and hang with them so she could get back in touch with her Italian roots. And eventually, Gino would also get to learn a bit of English- as well as a bit of French, just so he could say his favorite words in other languages...
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A fun cultural exchange that would reassure Francesca and make it that Bob would be able to see more his son than what was originally planned in the divorce procedure. Everyone wins! Claryce would still occasionally babysit Gino once in a while - she and Francesca would end up becoming good acquaintances - moments during which she would always spend time with the Italian Mob - giving her the occasion to feel a bit more connected to her Italian roots and her family.
Even if the kid still gives her some mishap for being the likes of his father.
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I like to think Fat Tony would end up liking the kid's spirit, too.
As for parenthood, she sadly learns that she's infertile after a mishap concerning a missed period. While she would have loved to be a mother, she doesn't want to fight through tiring medical procedures, so she'll just be happy to take care of Gino whenever he's around. She'll still feel pretty conflicted about her place as a woman, in a city that will keep shoving her ideals of the nuclear family and the housewife life.
31 – Is there a character your OC doesn’t get along with, or consider as an enemy? Do they tend to avoid them or, on the contrary, do they strive to make their life hell?
If there's one thing Claryce doesn't want, it's enemies- so even if she had one, she'd make sure to avoid them whenever possible.
Her father is the first person she'd avoid most - especially the moment she'd learn he came back to Springfield. Then her mother too, when she gets a bit too nosy.
As for actual characters of the show, I can imagine Claryce avoiding Herman Hermann since I hc her father would get with him and often visit his shop to get his gun fixed or have a chat about "the good old times". You know the saying- the friend of my enemies are my enemies. So she doesn't think twice and would rather not interact with Herman, unless she had to (which is unlikely). Aaaand I like to think she had a gaming/fandom rivalry with Comic Book guy at first- but they eventually got to become friends (and even dated before realizing they were better off as friends).
Oh and of course, as a radical lefty, she doesn't feel any sympathy for Quimby, and simply won't show up at the public meetings. Truly a waste of time to her eyes. And she'd celebrate any moment Burns would be thought to be dead. Something about hating rich CEOs, you know. Claryce vc "Who's a good CEO shooter, who iiiis? It's Maggiiiiie! ♥"
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calweathers17 · 10 months ago
Fucking clumsy, by that I mean constantly falling, tripping, spilling things, knocking things, bumping into people seriously don't play basketball with this guy or especially not football, even falls while just standing in one place he probably wouldn't even dare to stand if he was forced to wear high heels.
Used to be in a Volleyball team
"You don't have to run up and down I think it's perfect."
Although he quit after getting into racing.
Welcome your local cat lover, small note here Strip is allergic to cats, must suck but anyways Cal once found a small family of cats, a protective yet sweet and clingy mother cat with 4 kittens. You must picture that scene where he found them in the barn but can't take them home due to his uncles allergies so after school or whenever he could he would check up on them bring the mother food and give them a nice ...place blanket or whatever (obviously after earning the cat's trust) and would keep it a secret but obviously Strip would sometimes go there and eventually Cal revealed the secret but begged his uncle and aunt not to move them. He didn't dare to take risks (my boy knows a lot about cats).
With a very cool person I know‼️ we made up the fact Strip is allergic to both cats and peanuts the same with Cal but he's only allergic to peanuts.
Trans, FtM ‼️
"I just never felt right being called Carol and being seen like that but when they called me Cal." - LIFE CHANGING QUOTE YALL
Has been living with Strip and Lynda since he was 13 and met Bobby in highschool → went to 2 highschools after hardly convincing his uncle to let him switch schools, 9th grade in a normal highschool before going to a school to learn coding and other computer things.......yes (quick note I have no idea how different the American and Hungarian school system is so if I got shit wrong I will remake it.) He met Bobby after switching schools.
Likes art and is quite good at it mostly drawing planes and cars sometimes people, but got into racing more after meeting Bobby who's been a big race fan for years...also likes graffiti art but only did them after switching schools.
Mostly grunge and rock music listener.
Plays the guitar.
Kinda random...once stole an ukulele from some small art meeting thing (IDK WHAT IT'S CALLED outside of school activity)
HERE COMES MY RACING FAN I don't have much for them YET
Got into art after Cal, being his biggest fan and supporter on the topic.
Was the first to befriend Cal once my boy moved schools
Likes cats but more of a ... Guinea pig person don't ask how.
Lives with their father, total dick though. They got the first ever support for their racing dreams from Brick (knows him since the start of Highschool, them, Brick and Cal made a pretty great trio)
Who's someone who gets under my hcs and doesn't have gender problems? Welcome my Agender dude (or demiboy, still deciding..)
"This he thing just doesn't seem to fit me, that's all."
Brick supports him, wouldn't hold back if anyone ever bullied them for it. Although Bobby never really told his father and probably won't.
Not much of a music listener but listens to whatever Cal does
Got into guitar playing after Cal and loves hearing him play it.
Small thing for my Swiftweathers fellas
After the meeting Cal started drawing people more and you could maybe guess who he was drawing!
Cal can talk for hours about cats and cars, Bobby would listen. Bobby can talk for hours about cars and racing and Cal would listen.
Graffiti art mentioned? Bobby already joked / stated if they ever become a racer their racing number would be 19 and their car would be....probably purple ( I got cool news!)
Cal already could do graffiti art, his first one (on wall,.. if it makes sense) was the number 19, (obviously detailed and colored) small gift for Bobby (who still has it in their gallery and even as a wallpaper) although they eventually did get into trouble for it that was for something else but not the 19 one.
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Owning a cat w/ Maya Lopez hc
a/n: I would die if she looked at me like that istg. ANYWHO writing fluff is a little easier for me than smut and I'm pretty busy with school and work but I can't get these fucking ideas out of my head so I had to write a lil something! Hope y'all like it! Also to the people who follow me for tlou dw I haven't abandoned it I just... I mean look at her!
Men (cis) and minors dni!!!
Warnings: none, just fluff (romantic and cat), reader is hearing bc im hearing and i would feel uncomfortable writing a deaf y/n bc i dont know what its like sorry
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She would come home to your shared appartment one day and would be confused as to why you hadn't come to greet her at the door like you usually do.
She figures you're probably sleeping since it was late and she and the tracksuits have been busy all night so she sits on the couch to unwind.
You suddenly get her attention when you walk out with an excited yet guilty grin on your face. She gives you a tired smile back and asks you why you're still up. You tell her you have a surprise for her and run out of the room.
Seconds later, you come back with a skinny orange cat with a dirty nose and place it on the couch next to her so you can tell her, "I was walking home and I heard rustling and he was just hungry and cold and he needed me I swear"
And she just looks at you like in the gif, raising her eyebrow, wondering if you're actually serious.
After enough staring she just sighs, looks at the cat and then back to you and asks, "what's his name?"
After her initial resistance to form a bond with Bobby (she argued about the name but his ears perked up when you said his it and she couldn't help but smile when you jumped with excitement), she finds herself petting him to soothe herself and putting her face on his side when he purrs.
She tolerates most of the things he does but she will literally push him away when he lies on your chest because that's her spot. Not even in a sexual way. She just likes the softness of your chest and if you're skin to skin she can vaguely feel your heartbeat which usually rocks her to sleep.
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You share a house in Tamaha and you both go out to take a walk in a nearby forest. About 20 minutes into your walk, you stop, holding her back because you hold hands as soon as you leave the house. She asks you what's wrong and you tell her you hear something crying.
You search the area for a few minutes before you find a young, black and white kitten. As soon as she sees it, Maya knows it would break her heart and yours to save it and not keep it so you bring it back home, bathe it and feed it.
You leave Maya and the kitten to go pick up some supplies and when you come back, you sneak into the kitchen to see her sliding her fingers across the table as the kitten wiggles its butt, ready to pounce.
Once it does, she's able to grab its tiny body and bring it to her face, giving it tons of kisses. You put a hand on her shoulder and she turns to you, blushing slightly. "Should I be jealous?" you ask, giggling.
She lets the kitten crawl back onto the floor as she stands up, forcing you to look up at her. "Sweetheart there's nothing on earth I could love more than you." she signs slowly, loving the way you become shy when she expresses her love for you.
You look back up at her face and see the soft smile she reserves for you and you can't help but lean into her soft lips as she grabs your waist. You think you could stay like this forever until you hear a loud, high-pitched meow. You look down and see that the little rascal is pawing at Maya's leg and screaming like there's no tomorrow.
You bend down to pick it up and it licks your face as you bring it to your neck. When you look back at Maya, she's giving you a toothy grin. "What?"
She kisses you and then the kitten's forhead and signs "My perfect little family".
a/n: I was going somewhere with this and then i was just in my imagination and i remembered this is a hc about a cat so anywayyyyy i love her sm shes literally my wife fr she told me
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masonsbfgaming · 2 months ago
HEY MON!!!!! I always want 2 know more about Val so here's a couple of questions!
Tell me one fact about him that you've never said but have always been dying to tell!
What's his relationship with Tina and Verda like? Did he tell either of them about the supernatural or not?
What's his relationship with Bobby and Douglas? Which path did he take with them?
omg hello hi 🫶 glad to see u here i always appreciate it when i can spew bs abt my ocs i hope this doesnt get long (update: it did)
1; val fact i wanted to tell 🤔 is probably that in my hc he spent some of his high school years in russia with his grandparents. (bc i think maybe rebecca got too busy, got too scared out of nowhere, or rooks side of the family insisted he learn more of his other side, who knows, i dont have a solid reason)
val already spoke fluent russian by then bc maybe rooks parents were a bit pushy and wanted to have a significant part in his upbringing so he visited them for extended vacation, but he had a brief time he lived there too, in my mind 😔 they lived in a much less fancy area than he does in the uk (wayhaven is there to me) so he was integrated into the world of slavic traditions over time (dont be mad at him if he reflexively smells your water bottle looking things) with the help of grampy and grammy 👍 also he does speak brazilian protugese due to rebecca. those and english he's fluent in but he knows a good chunk of things in spanish (i hc he learned it to impress bobby's family in uni years perhaps) as well as japanese for some reason (probably mandatory class for said uni?) (he originally took chinese mandarin but he cried his eyes out over how hard it was on week two and switched immediately)
2 ; vals relationship w tina and verda is. i'd say like alvin and the chipmunks. they r all soooo annoying together (yes even verda gets there) and even with bravo being vals found family, he's still very close to them. real friends who stick by you like that are rare and he knows it. so far i do Not have a canon in my mind for who'd he telly if he told either of them at all 😭 i feel like him keeping it hidden would be just hypocrisy because he was mad at rebecca for hiding it from him in the first place, but then again. it was a major thing he would've needed to know to protect himself in his own life, considering his blood made him a target. tina doesn't seem to have anything life altering unknowing entanglements with the supernatural world (as far as i'm aware??) like verda. val would probably want to help eric with that, because that kind of "lying" (it's not exactly lying as much as it's just. Not Telling?) takes a toll on someone, especially if it's someone they love dearly. from vals point of view, he'd want to help right that, but he's also not the type of person to meddle in people's business. so the canon wouldn't apply to him i think, he'd just. help eric behind the scenes or something. (though. ig him taking the metaphorical bullet for eric would make sense because what he IS is a 'die for you' type 😔 let's say he tells verda in canon)
3; this one is interesting bc i've been playing bobby route since the beginning of time, like. his and bobby's story is so elaborate and they have this complex relationship of "i hate you you're the worst thing that happened to me but i'll never let anything happen to you and i'll never let you go lonely" idk what caused that for them. i know on bobby's side is bc he fumbled the baddest bitch and he regrets it for the rest of his life, but val?? i guess it's just. "can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em"? anyway i have a whole dramatic playlist for them and it's led by rescue me by onerepublic & also my favorite line from that collection is "had the world in the palm of your hand/but you fucking choked" . it's actually crazy, i think it would make sooo much more sense for val to be on douglas route, bc one of his life's dreams was to Be a father and that could kinda manifest there i mean. having to keep doug safe and providing him a place of comfort, the ordeal with him turning supernatural and then val leading him into that life, guiding him through it like he wishes his mother had.... it would be nearly perfect ?? idk what got into me. chalk that up for bobby pretty privilege 🥲 also maybe the fact that i'm obsessed with exes to lovers for some reason (although val would defnitiely not touch that man w a ten foot pole, but. the Vibe, yknow.)
that's mostly it i always appreciate seeing u🫵 around im passing out
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73lesbiansinfandoms · 1 day ago
Do you have any weasley twins hcs to share asking for a friend
All I can think of at the moment was the elaborate plot that I had come up with ages ago.
After Fred dies, George closes the Joke shop because as much as he loved it, it was more of Fred's passion, and he knows Fred would want him to do something that he was passionate about. When Fred was alive, that was George's passion. It didn't matter what he was doing as long as he had Fred.
George goes off the grid and travels the world. He always wanted to travel. The off the grid part kind of just happened since after Fred's death, his family had honestly become suffocating. They had become overbearing.
Anyway, he's on the border of some counties, and it's snowing, where he meets a pair of identical twins (shocker) John and Robert who goes by Bobby. They sort of adopt him, and they run from the government together because Bobby's a werewolf and John's a vampire.
It brought up a lot of pain for George, but at the same time, it left him so confused. If he hadn't been told that John was helping Bobby run from the ministry, and must obviously care for him if he would willingly do that, he would think that these two hate each other. Their bickering sounded a lot more cruel than any of the sort that Fred and him had done.
In the past 45 minutes, they had been walking not once had they touched. Hell, 10 minutes in Fred and George would have been linked by the elbow and skipping along to a badly whistled tune, something that would get them smiles and eye rolls.
Fred had always been someone who gave so much affection without being prompted, so George didn't have to ask. It wasn't uncommon to find them passed out on the couch curled into one another, especially when they started working on their business.
John and Bobby taught George independence and being able to rely on yourself, which George hates to admit, but before then, he had no grasp on what independence was or what to do with it. He always had Fred to help him.
George, in turn, taught John and Bobby the importance of connection, of actually getting along and showing support, and it not just being something from the sidelines.
(Sorry if this isn't quite what you wanted 😅)
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corvinho999 · 11 months ago
Federation experiment HC/AU
I might write something in this AU in the future, but I've had this idea stuck in my brain for a long time now!
I first thought of this when we got the egg/federation lore dropped on us after the Prison event, before everyone was moved to the new spawn location.
When Pomme and Dapper publicly left the server, I had an idea about them and BBH having a life off the island that fits into this universe. And when Philza started his Stardew Valley world, I thought of an idea for the Death family to have a life off the island, that also fits into this universe.
If I do write anything in this AU, it would probably be those stories (BBH and Phil/Missa), but I could probably think of something for the other eggs. Especially a story about Hope! I have so many ideas for them :]
The eggs are stuck as “eggs” because of the control that the federation has on them. If they ever found a way to leave federation islands, they would “hatch,” or turn into children.
The federation has complete control over this “hatching,” so long as they are on federation islands. Cucuruchos also start as eggs, but they’re is raised by the federation before hatching. This allows the federation to brainwash them. q!Jaiden was in charge of this brainwashing for some of these Cucuruchos who had already hatched and needed further “training.”
Some eggs were created for testing different things.
Chayanne, Ramon, Dapper, Leo, Tilin, Bobby, Juanaflippa, and Trumpet were created to test how their personalities are formed by people around them. They were adopted by islanders in pairs or individuals, and their personalities developed and were molded by their parents’ influence. They were also a way for the federation to test the islanders’ capabilities as caretakers. 
Tallulah, Pomme, Richarlyson, and “Hope” were created to test how their personalities formed without any outside influence. Unfortunately for the federation, Tallulah, Pomme, and Richas were all found by islanders, and they became an extension of the first group. 
When the objective for those 3 were changed, the federation overlooked Hope and quickly forgot to take care of them. It is unknown what happened to Hope, but based on what Cellbit found they could have either died or ran away. [[Maybe after being abandoned by the federation, Hope hatched and became a person, leaving the islands and making a life for themself. Maybe they would come back, or be found eventually.]]
Sunny, Empanada, and Pepito were sent to a different federation island to test the way they developed in harsher conditions. They were eventually retrieved by federation employees and brought back to the main island, where they were given to parents and their test objective was changed, same as those in group 2.
Chunsik was created to appease new islanders. He was not created for any tests or experiments. The federation knew that new residents would be jealous of the other parents, and would eventually request an egg of their own.
Egg A1 was going to become a Cucurucho. They failed one of the first tests and died. If they hadn’t died in the parkour course, they would have been sent through more testing before being trained to become a Cucurucho by a federation employee.
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