#//hoo boy this got looong
demonsfate · 3 months
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anonymous sent . . . holy cow they're not liking your post on the tek subreddit. i find it ironic when they complain about the lore/story and then say "too looooonnng omg who cares!!!!" like bruh... buncha braindeads. maybe they DO deserve all the story mess/harada's useless "facts"
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oh my gosshhhh did you find it?? you probs did 'cos it's a recent one & i have the same username as my personal LOL. like... i feel a lil embarrassed 'cos i was probs did "overreact" to the comments. but like... they were just so needlessly rude or straight up vicious. (especially that one calling me autistic, when y'know... i am straight up) i just wanted to fire back. but rly, i feared i did make myself sound too hurt when i shouldn't have.
i just don't get WHY tf i got so much backlash for it? like even in op itself, i stated i don't even hate how jun is portrayed in tek8, i simply think she is different, and therefore i just don't like her as much as i did in previous games. like... it's literally just a character analysis yet everyone acted so frickin mean about it???
and ppl mocking me for pointing out her "smiles" and stuff. but like... how a character expresses themselves tells you a lot about them. my point was that the way jun expressed herself in t8 was totally different than how she expressed herself in previous games. what best way to demonstrate that point than to show how she smiles far more frequently in t8, and how she expresses more emotions?
like character design and how they present themselves IS indeed an important factor of a character portrayal. like if jin started smiling far more, i would say he was different! if we suddenly saw josie being angry and never crying or smiling, i'd say she feels different!
LIKE i said to the kind ppl who disagreed, but POLITELY, i told 'em - i don't mind if they disagree! that's what discussions are for! but why the fuck do ppl gotta be animals about it? why do they gotta act like they were raised in a barn about it? they could've just said "i don't think this" and that's it instead of just insulting me and acting all hurt over a literal frickin opinion on a character...
i'm glad you're supportive of me, though. like these are literally the same ppl who act straight up ableist to me, or just say rude stuff, but then say "WHY IS JIN THE HERO WHEN HE STARTED WAR?! JIN SHOULD NOT BE HERO?!" it's just... i don't get it man, i don't get it at all. especially when, i'm sorry, but i betcha these ppl are def the type would watch youtube analysis. dudes can make hours long youtube vids, but when i'm talking thru text, suddenly i'm autistic or fucked in the head (as far as i know, nobody said i'm "fucked in the head" but i've been called it before for expressing my opinions on the subreddit) and yes I AM, but they're saying it like it's a bad thing and like wtf are wrong with these ppl???
i should be able to express "this character just doesn't feel the same to me and this is why-" without getting harped on?? i understand the internet is full of nasty ppl but GOSH DARN, the amount of hate i got... the fact the post had zero upvotes... just wild, man...
the funny thing is, i'm not even the only one to notice. other people on twitter has pointed this out-
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why do these love the way jun looks in this game? because she gives off different VIBES than the jun in t8!
and not to repeat myself but i feel the need now 'cos hoo boy reddit users just ignored everything i said. but i wasn't even HATIN' on t8 jun, i stated she is fine - she just doesn't feel like the old jun to me is all! like my goshhhh.
anyway, i just completely left the tek subreddit after that. and like, i hadn't used reddit in a looong time and i think this is def the final straw. like my first time using it in forever and this is what happens... yeah, that's it lol. and honestly... see what i'm doing right now! i wrote a long reply to you... but that's because i'm passionate. making fun of ppl for writing long posts... it's just, ughh... it's one reason why a lotta ppl are scared to speak up about their passions, it's why a lotta ppl don't wanna infodump!
but you're right. if ppl are gonna act like this, then they do deserve terrible storytelling. "we hate these inconsistencies but also every character is inconsistent so don't complain about it" like what???
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cosmiicgremlin · 4 years
Plotted starter for @allnostalgic​‘s Alister Azimuth~
It had been a hard decision. One that had taken Ratchet nearly two years to come to. It was only at Clank’s insistence and a deep need for closure that finally brought the lombax back to the painfully familiar desert planet. Yet now that Aphelion was finally entering the Vela Sector, he was beginning to have second thoughts. It’d been so long since that fateful day at the Great Clock. Since Alister almost killed him and caused irreparable damage to time and space. But it was all for the lombaxes. It was to bring them back-to bring Ratchet’s family back.
A strained smile crossed the lombax’s lips as he remembered that look of fondness in the older’s eyes as he told Ratchet the stories of his father’s childhood. The sparkle in Alister’s eyes while he spoke of Kaden had filled Ratchet with such lightness and joy. His smile quickly faded though as he remembered the dull emptiness in the other’s eyes as he lay so terribly still on the ground. Swallowing back the memories, Ratchet returned his focus to the nearing planet ahead.
His hands had begun to shake terribly and he was losing his resolve. Aphelion was quick to take over, switching to autopilot and heading for the nearby docking platform. Moments passed after they had landed and still Ratchet was unable to build up the nerve to step out of the ship. 
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“You do not have to do this, Ratchet.” He nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden voice but then sighed, shaking his head in dismay. 
“I gotta, Aphelion.” He murmured. “I gotta go.” He closed his eyes tight and took a deep breath. He exhaled slowly and then unbuckled himself from his seat. “I’ll be back.” He promised, finally stepping from the ship and into the warm arid air of Torren IV. 
His feet carried him to his desired location without a second thought and he quickly distracted himself from his destination by examining his surroundings since he had last been here. Things hadn’t changed much. The air was still warm and dry-just as he liked it-and there were still chunks of metal and scraps scattered about the area.
It wasn’t long before he found himself standing before the entrance to Alister’s home, holding his breath as he willed himself to cross over. Oh Orvus, it still smelled like him. He swallowed back the lump in his throat and took the step forward, feeling as though he was trespassing. His uncertain eyes fell upon the old chest laying on ground and his heart skipped a beat as he locked onto a worn photograph of two lombaxes. It was different from the one in the pocket watch. His father and Alister looked slightly older in this one. 
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The grief surged with every expelled breath, always reaching higher peaks, never sufficiently soothed by his long intakes of the dry desert air. Tears began to fill his eyes and his ears lowered down to the sides of his head in despair. His gaze fell to Alister’s workbench, eyes flickering over the layers of dust and untouched tools. It was in that moment that the sure knowledge that life would go on without him, that time was only stopped for him, undid him completely. All pretense of quiet coping was lost and he sank to the ground, not caring as his knees bruised against the hard ground. His gloved fingers clasped the faded photograph. The white furred lombax was smiling, and why shouldn't he? He was a Four-Bolt Magistrate of the Lombax Praetorian Guard and Elder Councilman for the Center for Advanced Lombax Research. But the universe did not care. It took him away anyways.
He wasn’t sure how long he sat there silently weeping over the photo clutched tightly in his hands, but it had begun to grow dark. He didn’t care. He wasn’t ready to leave. Not yet.
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thinkingofausername · 2 years
At it again
I know I already posted a long ramble about @redwingedwhump‘s work but I have a valid reason to do it again... the reason being I wanted to. I’m already a kid knocking on her door asking for candy regardless of Halloween being there or not and she’s not scolding me yet so I shan’t stop.
I’m baffled by the fact that there’s always details I missed when I’m binge-reading so I decided to mention some of my favorite ones.
(and yes I’m paragraphing because I didn’t do it the last time, I was on a mission)
I’ll of course be talking about Captured because San has captured my heart :D (I’ll do a walk of shame for this when I’m finished).
I’ve really gotta get into her other stories but the hyperfixation won’t leave me.
So chapter one. Introducing a powerful guy by mentioning he was in a cheap inn? Love it. They got graphic reports regarding his misdoings? Love me an infamous boi. Straight up getting into business instead of panicking? Hoo, already seeing some character building. “Looked through strands of dark hair” will never not be hot. Black eyes? Thirteen-year-old me is already preparing for a marriage. The only shirt he owns? Might as well go around shirtless, I won’t mind. Collected to the end of the introduction, overall immaculate vibes, no question whether we’re gonna keep reading. He’s already got a smackable personality and face.
Chapter two. Fire’s his usual game huh? Hot. (pun intended) The spark in his eyes, the smile, the taunting... Man I knew straight up I was in for it. The bloody smile? Boy oh boy, Red knew what she was doing. Him being no less intimidating in a muzzle is a supreme skill lads.
Chapter three. A headache, bright and hot sun, a muzzle, manacles, broken ankle, “sack of flower” style of travel? My man’s already having a rough time and he hasn’t even arrived yet. He’s got some hurt pride and he’s good with crowds? Wow, we’re getting to know each other so quickly. A drugged drink? I bet he’s not proud of falling for that. Another attractive picture - Harrow sitting in a bar, drinking brandy and reading. Loving the nightbell lore. Going through this again he just seems so human and touchable. Like he would’ve shown actual gratitude if someone had rescued him. He doesn’t seem like a ruthless killer and torturer.
Chapter four. Harrow getting dragged over the ground? Foreshadowing? :D When he spit in Ard’s face? Iconic, priceless, unforgettable. I also find it hilarious that you free his mouth and the first thing he says is a swear word. Applying a drug with a knife to the tongue? Immaculate. I get exited every time I think of what he would’ve done if he could’ve freed himself then.
Chapter five. He didn’t speak for three days? Now that’s a punishment for him. Am I ever getting over his interaction with Emmet? Nope, nada. The switch between him intimidating Emmet and then being taunted about being alone? *chef’s kiss*
Chapter six. The jeering crowds of townsfolk being a lesser evil before the actual threat in the castle? Me like it. The gate closing behind him was the beginning of it all. The riches and grandeur Harrow will be spending months bleeding underneath? Beautiful. Harrow being objectified like the spoils of a hunt? Not so nice is it bastid boi? Is it weird that I find it nostalgic rereading the first time Conroy blindfolded Harrow? The transition from hot to cold when they reached the cell? Gorgeous. I get whumperflies literally every time I think back to the boot coming off Harrow’s broken ankle. Conroy had him hung, stripped, dug into his burned flesh, sent electricity to his chest and it was their first night together? Jesus, I can’t even explain how strong of an impression the man made and after that he casually went back to supper? Speechless. It’s when the story really began and boy there is no way there’s a single person who wasn’t hooked to the bone.
I can’t actually go over every single chapter cuz this is one looong juicy story but this won’t be my last ramble :D I’ll probably have one for the captivity and one for the aftermath, but we’ll see where the wind blows.
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bigfan-fanfic · 4 years
Them and bfs gettin steamy in the bed, while suddenly bf flips them over and quickly locks their dom bae's hands to the bedpost.
"C'mon, we both knew this day was coming. Now, shut your pretty little mouth, you are my little bitch for tonight"
Slade, Arthur and Oliver?
Slade: Glares at you. "You're lucky I like you; you got one chance to let me out and BEG for my forgiveness." If you persist... hoo boy, you are gonna be in pain tomorrow. Slade is gonna bust out, and spank you raw all over, and lock you in a chastity cage without relief for a looong time, to teach you your place.
Arthur: Obeys like a good boy, but smirks the whole time.
Ollie: "Just tonight?" He grins, before meekly lowering his gaze. "Sorry, Sir."
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vengefulcooking · 3 years
Today I picked up a cooking sauce, only because it was on discount, you know, please-buy-this-it's-one-step-above-free prices that tell you they're desperate to get rid of something before it hits its date, and I guess anyone who's shopping food in clearance has got to be so confident in their ability to clean out a bottle in under two weeks (or you know, not live alone,), and I am not anyone. I have zero confidence I'll be able to finish it, but I picked it up, even though I am so indifferent to the flavouring I picked up that it might not have existed on my radar at all: butter chicken. Mlehmlehmleh bland, boring, too few herbs and spices; it's just chicken in heavy cream, you've all been duped. Knew I'd be indifferent to it at best and mildly annoyed by its existence at worst, but I bought it. (Have I already made a post about the sheer number of possibilities you have in Indian cooking? Look at the possibilities, and it's not chicken in cream. That's overrated. It doesn't even taste good. I can and will willingly excuse a biriyani. The sheer number of flavours in it all at once; the layering, the way the spices are actually cooked into the rice (unless I'm wrong), or a good, simple, versatile paneer. Any vegetable, even. Oh, south Indian chillis. There's a lot you can do. But I repeat myself.)
Anyway, I tried it, and it's everything I expected. I checked the labellings properly later and noticed that it's a British import (literally why. There are Indians in this country. No wonder they were so desperate to get it off. Especially right now with the delay times, how long does shipping from the UK even take?), which immediately tells helps me sort out a few tastes. (Don't worry, the point of this post is flavours, and the target of this post is butter chicken. No Brits were harmed in the writing of this post.)
As much as the origin of a dish may be India, it changes when it leaves, as does any dish from another country. Based on which parts of India are better represented in another country (or smaller jurisdiction), the flavour of stuff will differ. I made a whole long post about the composition of garam masala, an Indian blend of spices that is used in like half the north Indian cooking you do, and it's sort of like that with most dishes. (Phew, the research I did for that post by the way! I put it up on my proper proper blog (not Tumblr, this site is hanging on to the tag of 'social media' for dear life. It's one rung below. Though, does anyone remember when social media platforms used to be called "micro-blogging sites"? Not one soul says that anymore, we've come a looong way from "the actor confirmed their role in a post on the microblogging site Twitter" to "SM".). Anyway I showed it to my mum and she was proud though she laughed. She'd laugh more if she knew I had a tumblr.)
Anyway, my verdict on this, less so Indian and more British, masala: too many cloves. Too. Maaaaaany. Cloves. for my liking! Cloves and ginger! Possibly cinnamon. Why does anybody like this?? (Fun fact, I don't know if you can look this up, but cinnamon's Hindi name is daalchini, which I guess taken apart would read pulse (general)-sugar. I know cinnamon is a spice but that fact always surprises me a little tbh, given how much I associate it with baking, coffees and all. It's literally in the name! —in at least one language)
My conclusion on this however? Hoo boy, Brits need to discover lemons someday ;)
Edit: It's going to bother me if I just left this post at that, I am here to spread lemon propaganda afterall, aren't I? I might as well teach you right. You don't need to cook with lemons. Lemons are part of the serving (etiquette?), you may in fact have seen them in restaurants if you've ordered Indian. The complete profile would be squeezed lemons along with sliced, salted onions, the salt can be omitted if you like. Do not drain!! Then you can go extra on the salad plating, and pile the lemony onions with chillis [ :) ], carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, sprouts, radish, beetroots; literally whatever you want, but it's gotta be raw/uncooked, and dipped in salty lemon. Then you pick up the wet onion slices and eat them with your main dish. That's how lemons are done, try it!
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Sonic getting winter clothes for the first tome with Maddie because she isn’t going to let him freeze.
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I’m going to be combining these two asks together since they both take place in winter anyway.
Ok Hoo boy this took a looong time to write. But i hope you guys enjoy it! I'm gonna make this one a sequel to the previous prompt I did since that took place in the fall and this one in the winter~.
This Definitely Beats the Cave.
I feel so cold.....
Why is it so cold.....?
I haven’t felt cold this intense since.....
The cave.
The cave was always this cold during this time of year.
But I’m not in the cave anymore....
Feeling a brisk chill in the room woke Sonic from his dreamless sleep, looking around squinting at the light peeking through his curtains.
“Oh, I’m in my room.” He assured himself as he suddenly shivered as curled his body in.
“Why is it so cold in here?” He thought as he tried to find a warm spot under the covers.
He pulled the thick covers closer to his head and curled up underneath to hide away from the cold and try to go back to sleep until he heard the faint voices of Tom and Maddie coming from the kitchen downstairs.
“Typical Saturday” he thought as he slowly woke from his drowsy state. Tom usually had Saturday’s off while Maddie had to work at the veterinary. Since she was still here, she must’ve taken off as well.
“Tom always makes pancakes his ‘famous’ banana pancakes on Saturday.” He smiled slightly as his ear flicked towards the sound of sizzling from the frying pan downstairs.
It’s weird to think that only 7 months ago, he had his heroic battle with the eccentric scientist, Dr. Eggman or more formally known as Dr. Robotnik, but also with it being 6 1/2 months since the day he was taken in by the Wachowski’s, becoming an official member of their family.
Groaning, Sonic pushed the comforter off him as he quickly grabbed a smaller blanket from the corner of his bed and wrapped it around his tiny body. Making his way to the headboard of his race car bed, he wiped away the fog in his window to look outside.
As he went to look, he squinted his eyes against the morning rays coming through his window.
“Geez why is it so bright out today? It’s only 7:15.”
Rubbing his eyes, he looked out again to see frost patterns on the window and snow.....falling?
“It’s snowing?”
Sonic’s face lit up with excitement as he felt his little tails wag back and forth. Actual snow!
It’s been so long since he’s seen this much snow in Green Hills, during this time of year, it was just freezing outside but this year must be different. It must be a new-
His train of thought stopped as he suddenly realized what month it was. The young hedgehog jumped off his bed and zoomed over to his calendar to where the date was circled and words were in red ink.
Christmas Eve
“Oh my gosh” he said shocked as he went to put on his slippers and open the attic door. “I can’t believe I forgot what today is!” As he open up the door, he quickly rolled down the steps in his ball form to the first floor.
Once he got to the bottom, he uncurled and rubbed his head in annoyance. “We really need to get those stairs carpeted.”
Standing up to find his slipper, which had fallen off when he rolled down the stairs, he heard someone calling from the kitchen.
“Sonic?” Maddie called over the volume of the radio. “You okay sweetie?”
“Yeah I’m ok! You gotta tell Tom that he really needs to make these stairs carpeted!”
Tom’s voice cuts in immediately afterwards. “I kept telling you not to roll down them like that Sonic! They’re not designed for stuff like that.”
“Well someone needs to change that rule.” Grudgingly he sprinted over to the table where Maddie was sitting, who was writing out an email for work while Tom was flipping the pancakes on the stove, humming along to the Christmas music on the radio. The newly decorated tree tucked in the corner of the living room, filled with ornaments and family trinkets as the lights dimly glowed.
Maddie smiled and rubbed his head as he sat down next to him before going back to her computer, continuing to talk as she typed.
“So how you feeling knowing what today is?”
Swinging his legs, he looked at her with excitement. “It’s pretty exciting! I’ve never celebrated a holiday like this before.” Pausing as he petted Ozzie’s head as he made his way over to the table.
“I mean yeah I’ve heard about it so many times before from overhearing other people but actually getting that chance to celebrate it? I’m all for it!”
Maddie smiled as she continued to listen to the young teen’s ramblings of how the kids at the school told him about the traditions they’re families do to leaving out milk and cookies for an elderly man that breaks into your house through the chimney to leave presents underneath your tree.
“I mean I don’t get why he comes into people’s house while they’re sleeping, gives us so much gifts but instead of maybe, I don’t know ARREST HIM? all we give him in return is milk and cookies?”
As Maddie went to answer, but Tom beat her to it as he entered the room carry a plate full of banana pancakes and a pitcher of orange juice.
“I mean I guess that’s why he wears a red suit all the time.” He pauses as he sets the food down on the table. “Once he’s caught, he’ll be caught red handed.”
Pausing from her typing, Maddie looked up with a smile and shook her head while Sonic just looked on with a disgusted look straight at Tom.
“Why? Why must you always be so into the puns?”
Pouring the orange juice into Sonic’s cup, he simply shrugged. “I don’t know, I guess I’m just a real punny guy.” He replied as he looked up with sly grin.
Sonic threw back his head, grabbing his ears as he groaned. “UGH MADDIE PLEASE MAKE HIM STOP!”
Tom cracked up with laughter at Sonic’s reaction while Maddie placed her head in her hands, her head shaking but laughing silently as well.
Ozzie looked on at them from the corner of the room, tilting his head in curiosity.
Once the dishes were cleaned up, Tom and Maddie went back upstairs while Sonic zipped over towards the window as he dried his still damp hands, watching the snow falling gently outside. “Man i can’t wait to get out there.” he said quietly as he placed his hand under his chin, arm resting on the windowsill.
“I know what you’re thinking but you’re not going outside just yet.” Maddie’s voice coming from behind him, sounding stern.
Turning around, he saw her with her kneeling against the counter, hands behind her back but her face was filled with seriousness.
“Aww why not yet? I helped clean up and i did my chores yesterday so I didn’t have to do them today!” He pressed, walking towards her.
She tapped her fingers against the counter, tilting her head in surprise at his outburst. “Well probably it’s because you don’t have a warm coat on?”
He went to respond back, but paused in realizing that she was right. Other than that nice red scarf he got back in the fall from his cousin Jojo, he didn’t have any actual winter wear for the snow.
Going outside during this time of year was always difficult when he lived in his cave, but due to his speed, he was always in and out before the cold would really get to him. Even when the cave was colder than usual, he would simply roll in a ball and burrow into layers of clothes that he found during he year until the morning.
Looking up at Maddie, he sighed in defeat. “Ok yeah I don’t have any warm clothes, it just never seemed like an issue until now.“ He mumbled as he stared down at the floor, crossing his arms and rubbing them with his hands.
Maddie, kneeling down placed and hand on his shoulder, the other hand still behind her back. “Well we can start now.” She said with a smile as she revealed a neatly wrapped package from behind her back.
Sonic looked on in shock at the package, taking gently from her hands, sitting down and eagerly ripping into the paper.
Once he opened it, what he saw brought the biggest smile on his face. Inside was a zippered lavender puffer with dark orange snow pants that was just about his size. He quickly grabbed the coat and zipped it up around his body while struggling to put on the pants and walk at the same time.
Moving his arms around, he looked at himself in the reflection of the hallway mirror, marveling at the warmth he was feeling from the material of the outfit.
In the reflection, he could see Maddie smiling at him and he turned around, grinning at her.
“I love it! It’s so warm makes funny noises when I move my arms!” He says as he demonstrates with said promised noise.
Laughing softly, she kneels down to his height and adjusts his coat.
“That’s good to hear. You can consider this an early Christmas present since you can’t wait to get outside.” She looked down at the box on the floor.
“Oh! You almost forgot about this.” She reaches inside to pull out a dark blue beanie winter hat.
“I wanted to get you a hat that’ll stay on your head when you run and due to the quills on your head being really big.” She jokingly said as she snapped the buckle under his chin.
Noticing his silence, she glances at his face, seeing his eyes well up before he quickly wipes them away to smile at her again. “Thank you” his voice cracked with emotion. Maddie smiled as she placed a hand on his cheek caressing it, causing him to close his eyes as he leans into her gentle touch.
“It’s no problem, sweetie.”
Hearing footsteps coming down the stairs, the two looked up to see Tom in full snow gear complete with goggles and mask.
“Alright!” His voice muffled by the scarf around his face. “Let’s brave this weather!”
Clapping his hands together, Tom walked down the driveway with Sonic and Maddie close behind him while Ozzie was jumping around in the blankets of snow on the lawn.
Other than the sound of their feet crunching against the snow, the whole woods felt so quiet. Barely any birds chirping, no sounds of cars driving on the roads in the distance, heck they wasn’t even any snow tracks of the raccoons near the garbage cans.
Turing around to face the two, Tom slapped his arms to his side, putting on a goofy sergeant-esque voice. “All right troopers, our main objective right now is to clear this driveway till there’s no more speck on snow on it. Do I make myself clear?”
Maddie looked at him with one eyebrow raised, hands on her hips while Sonic wasn’t paying him no mind, staring up at the sky and trying to catch snowflakes on his tongue.
Clearing his throat, he repeated it again but this time raising his voice louder.
“Yes Thomas!” “Geez we heard you donut lord!”
“Good, now let’s get to work soldiers!” Watching him as he marched towards the end of the driveway, Maddie turned to see Sonic kneeling down near a fresh pile of snow.
He seemed to be placing handprints in the snow, making each one till they all formed a circle with the palms facing the center and the fingers facing outward.
Walking over and kneeling down, she watched as he then drew a circle in the center and used his pointer finger to place holes in the center of it.
Once he finished his new art piece, he kneeled back on his knees smiling fondly at it before his face dropped and his mouth became a tight line. Maddie, noticing this placed a hand on his back.
“You ok?”
He looked up, face never changing as he gazed out onto the snow covered lawn.
“I....used to do this during the winters when I lived in my cave, before I met you and Tom.” He let out a heavy sigh as he looked down at the hand prints. “It would remind me of the flowers that grew in my old home.” He paused, making his hands on his knees into fists, a few blue sparks started flickering from his hat. “They remind me of the flower I last gave to....her.” Maddie felt her heart skip a beat as she well knew who he was talking about.
After Sonic came to live with them. She quickly learned from Tom of the other world where the young teen had originally came from, why he had to leave and who he had to leave behind in order to be safe from harm.
Pulling him into a side hug, she heard Tom’s footsteps crunching against the snow before feeling his arm wrap around her back and seeing him kneel next to Sonic. He lifted his chin to meet Sonic’s eye. “I know Longcalw would be happy for where you are now bud. I sure know we both are.”
Sonic gave a small grin as closed his eyes and melted into their embrace, the sparks quickly fading away.
The three stayed in silence for awhile before the sound of Ozzie’s barking caught they’re attention, as he was trying to chase a squirrel up a tree but only to end up on his back in the snow.
Shaking his head at the dog, Tom stood up to go back shoveling the driveway when he looked down at the hand prints again.
After a second, a thought popped into his mind. “Hey Sonic? You still up on adding something to your bucket list?”
Sonic perked up looking up at him with interest. “You know I’m always up for that challenge.”
Nodding in agreement, he walked out into the part of the lawn where no prints were visible with Sonic walking a foot behind him. Maddie brushing off the snow from her pants and headed back inside the house, calling Ozzie to come inside.
“Ok so this is something I used to do with all the kids when it would snow.”
Crossing his arms, Sonic looked on in confusion as Tom raised his arms....onlu to fall straight back in the snow.
Alarmed he quickly ran to his side, only to see that he started to move his arms and legs back and forth. “We call these snow angels!” He yelled over the sound of his coat against the snow.
Intrigued, he began to sit in the snow, copying Tom’s movements and staring up in the cloudy sky.
“Ok we’re done, here what do you think?” He helped Sonic to his feet as they looked down at the new creations.
“Hmm, It’s fine I guess.” He backed up slightly to get a better angle. “They do kinda look like angels.”
Tilting his head to see the size difference. “Mines looks so small compared to yours”
“Well you are a small fry”
He snapped his head, looking offended “Ok first of all, I’m not that small from before! Second of all, I’m only fourteen so I’m not fully grown yet and Maddie said I’m gonna have a growth spurt soon anyway!”
“Yeah more like fourteen inches.” Tom mumbled under his breath. Unfortunately Sonic had heard that comment and bent down silently to grab a handful of snow.
“Hey Tom?”
“Wh-” *SPLAT*
Tom staggered back as he got a face full of snow, spluttering as he wiped it off his face.
Sonic fell onto his back, holding his stomach as he laughed at the man’s reaction.
“HAHAHA! Oh my god your face was so priceless! Oh man I wish I had a camera.”
Wiping the last of the snow off his face, he looked down at the laughing hedgehog. “Yeah yeah laugh it up, you think you’re so hilarious don’t you?”
He sat up, rubbing tears from his eyes. “I know I’m hilarious” he said with a sly grin.
Tom stared at him with a blank face before an evil grin appeared on his face. “Oh ok.” He said as he started to approach him.
“Uhhh why are you looking at me like th-AUUGH!” He yelped in surprise as Tom grabbed both his legs and swung him over his shoulder, dangling him upside down on the human’s back
“Not by a long shot, you caught me off guard so I’m simply returning the favor.” He replied as he started to purposely move his body, causing the hedgehog’s body to move back and forth.
“Ok you can stop now, you’re making me sick.” He tried to sound annoyed but was failing as a few giggles slipped out.
“Well whose fault is that?” He chuckled as he started to gallop his legs, earning more laughs out of Sonic. Hearing the sound of the front door opening (Still at an upside down perspective), he turned his head to see Maddie standing on the porch.
“Maddie! Help! He won’t put me down!”
Kneeling over the railing, she laughed at the sight of her boys playing in the yard. “Thomas Wachowski put him down now before you make him sick!”
“He assaulted a sheriff officer! He made the crime he’s doing the time for it!” He yelled as he continued to run around the yard with Sonic hanging off his back.
Rolling her eyes, she looked at her husband as face became serious.
Knowing better than to ignore his wife’s orders a second time, he swung Sonic around and placed him right side up with a look of satisfaction.
With wobbly legs, Sonic struggled to keep his balance, giggling slightly while trying to his distance from Tom just in case he tried to grab him again.
“Ok boys time to come in! It’s getting cold and I got another surprise waiting for you!”
Sonic, shaking off the last of the dizziness, zoomed up the stairs past Maddie into the house while Tom collected the shovels and looked back at the still snow covered driveway. “I guess there’s always tomorrow.”
After hanging up his wet clothes and hat, Sonic took off his shoes and headed towards the couch in the living room where on the coffee table, where 3 large mugs filled with a dark liquid, steam slowly rising from each of them.
“Hey Maddie? Why’d you make us coffee this late? I thought I wasn’t allowed to drink that anymore?”
“Oh you most definitely aren’t allowed to drink it.” Sitting down next to him and opening a bag of marshmallows, putting two in each cup. “And it’s not coffee, this is called hot chocolate”
Watching as she shook a can of whipped cream, Tom entered the room with Ozzie following close behind, finding a spot on the couch next to Sonic to sit. “You guys really love spoiling me don’t you?”
“Don’t get used to it” Tom grunted as he sat in his arm chair, clutching his cup. “By tomorrow morning, things will be hectic again. It’s rare that it’s this quiet.”
Passing a cup to Sonic, Maddie scoffed as she made her cup. “Uh what about the times from before when you’d randomly invite Wade over and watch all those crazy Christmas movies with the volume blaring through the house?”
“Hey How the Grinch Stole Christmas is a classic! It deserves to be watched in its original sound ratio. I’m just ashamed that he doesn’t feel the same way.”
“It’s probably because of how the actor is”
“What’s wrong with the actor?”
“He’s too...eccentric.”
“How is that a bad thing Maddie? It brings more comedic effect.”
“But he kinda goes overboard at times.”
“Hmm why does the sound similar to eggman?” He thought as the two continued their ‘discussion’ about certain actors who are still beloved for being ‘too eccentric.’
The young hedgehog sipped his warm drink as he watched them talk, petting Ozzie on the back as he took a breath, turning around to look out the window into the yard and up to the clear night sky.
He smiled as he took another sip before sitting back down on the couch laying up against the dog, no longer full of doubt.
“I gotta say, This definitely beats the cave”
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iffylogic · 4 years
Tumblr media
I made this a looong time ago but never got around to sharing it? I love that the cleaned lineart sucks the life and joy out of the sketch, then the colors rush in, trying to bring it back.   oTL
Plus, that thumbnail/layout version, hoo boy
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marvilus-magpie · 5 years
How do you know Danse has been in the brotherhood for a long time? You don't think he was replaced after he got to the commonwealth?
In Danse’s First affinity conversation he will tell you about his mentor Paladin Krieg. Krieg was killed in the battle of Adams Airforce base in 2277, ten years before the events of Fallout 4. 
Danse says, “After I was promoted to Paladin and I had moved on to my own squad, I received word that Krieg was killed at Adams Air Force Base.” So this means when Krieg was killed, Danse was already a paladin and no longer serving under Krieg. He also says, “I fought by his [Krieg’s] side for years…” Indicating that Danse was in the Brotherhood for years before becoming a Paladin. Elder Maxson also has dialog about it taking Danse “many years” to reach the rank of Paladin. Many to me means at least three, so I’d say the minimum amount of time Danse has been in the Brotherhood is 13 years.
Danse was definitely not replaced after he arrived in the Commonwealth, he has a component on him from the first time you meet him. In fact I don’t think there’s any evidence to support that Danse was replaced at all and quite a bit to support that he is the one and only Danse that has ever existed. There are some great posts that go into depth about this but I’ll give you a brief summary of in game evidence. 
1. Danse’s photo and DNA were found on a list of missing or escaped synths, a replacement wouldn’t be listed as missing or escaped. 
2. Danse did not know he was a replacement. All the replacements we know of in the game know what they are, they can’t do their job in reporting back to the Institute if they don’t. Synths can’t be remotely controlled, the fact that they escape is proof of this.
3. The Institute never comes to retrieve Danse after he’s discovered. The Institute has an entire department devoted to retrieving the lost “property”. If Danse was one of their assets they would definitely want him back and given that they can teleport, there would be plenty of time for them to get him from Listening Post Bravo.
4. Even X6-88, a courser who’s job it is to know about and track down missing synths says he didn’t even know about Danse, which to me supports the idea that Danse has been missing for a looong time.
5. We know that synths had been escaping and relocated to the Capital Wasteland for more than ten years. Harkeness and the existence of the Railroad in Fallout 3 is proof of that.
6. All the evidence around Danse supports the idea of an escaped synth helped by the Railroad. He thought he was human, he has vague childhood memories with no living relatives to dispute his claims,  he showed up randomly in Rivet City a known relocation area for the Railroad and again being on a list of missing or escaped synths. It’s true that no one in the Railroad seems to recognize him, but that makes sense given how compartmentalized the RR is and how many members have died over the years.
As far as I know the only thing that points to Danse being a replacement or and infiltrator are the BoS terminals after Blind Betrayal. It’s pretty obvious those are part of a smear campaign to prevent any sympathy for Danse, especially given that Maxson knew Danse’s name was on a list or escaped synths. At the very least it’s the Brotherhood jumping to a conclusion in spite of the evidence they themselves have. Danse also has dialog accusing the Institute of not giving him memories of a family, but he wouldn’t have any knowledge of who actually game him those memories, he’s making an assumption.
Hoo boy, that got long! I hope that was helpful for you anon! It’s fun for me to dig into this stuff, so feel free to ask anytime :)
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ever-fics · 5 years
Hints of Felix Rosier x MC and Charlie X Mc
Salem had an obsession... well not exactly an obsession just ... Salem Soulstar had the perk of being from a looong pureblood line. One of those perks is her father working for the ministry of magic as an enchanter of muggle technology for wizard use. Which means in turn Salem got to use muggle technology. Her obsession being VHS and more specifically Slasher films. So when it was time to go back to hogwarts she may have used a bit of magic to hide a tv.... in an unused room at hogwarts specifically to watch slasher films. With a pile of unwatched vhs tapes from home. As well as an owl message to Charlie Weasley. As Rowan ,and Ben had opted out due to general dislike of Slasher flicks.
Hey Dragon boy,
Meet me in the spareroom located here.(she circled a picture on one of her maps. And attached it ) Bring snacks I know how often you and Occasionally Bill are at Hogsemede. It’s a surprise!
~ Salem Soulstar
Salem waited for Charlie to find the room setting up the vhs and making sure the picture didn’t go static. Casting light in a few places because, while Charlie had probably never seen a slasher fic Salem had. You don’t watch them with the lights off.
When Charlie stumbled through the door and saw the Tv Salem had snuck in he just smirked almost dropping the assortment of Chocolate frogs and every flavored beans he was holding.
“No way is this???” Charlie smirked and sort of knocked on the tv just to try it.
“Charlie don’t you’ll ruin the picture.” Salem asked.
“Wait its a Telle and it works in hogwarts? Does it have any dragon programs?” Charlie wondered.
“Ninja turtles on Saturday morning ,but... not what I’ve brought... Charlie look.” Salem shower him her assortment of VHS.
“Is that back to the future? Didn’t that just come out?”Charlie questioned.
“Not just came out it’s been out a few months... and a month or two on VHS.” Salem explained.
“Can we watch it...?” Charlie questioned before someone enters... first day of third year and already interrupted. Wait... it was Felix ,and this room is supposed to be Abandoned.
“What are you doing here?” Salem questioned.
“I usually use this room to think...but,I could ask you the same question Soulstar.” Felix raised an eyebrow.
Salem gestures to the TV...
“Seriously muggle technology?” Felix frowned.
“I know..I.”
“Without inviting me?” Felix smirked.
“Oh! I thought you wouldn’t...” Salem started.
“What like Muggle technology? I’m Pureblooded ,but I appreciate technological achievement... even from muggles. Now scoot I’m joining ,whatever you’re watching.” Felix pooped himself next to Charlie...
“We’re picking movies... Charlie votes back to the future I personally vote...” Salem pulls out an old plastic smelling VHS entitled Nightmare on elm street.
“Ooh hoo hoo....” Felix chuckled. “I’ve been meaning to see that prank a few gryfindors by altering Thier dreams....but I haven’t gotten around to it.” Felix smirked.
“Sorry Charlie Nightmare on elm street beats back to the future... Tell you what for watching this one well watch that one next week same time same room? Yeah.” Salem smirked. Giving Felix a high five.
“Ok so if anyone gets scared just use lumos to see.” Salem explained.
“Me get scared I’m a 7th year if anything I’ll be watching you too.” Felix quipped.
“Hey I’m a 4th year and I like dragons dragons have nothing on.... burnt face nail man...” Charlie retorted.
“Mmmmmm... ok.”
Salem started the movie.
To which movie night with the friends who could stomach whatever flick was being shown ,became a weekly habit. Rowan ,Bill,Ben ,and Penny came the next week to watch Back to the future with Salem,Felix,and Charlie.
Charlie.... got attached to dressing like Marty Mcfly. With cheezy sunglasses (mainly worn when he was dealing with dragons.) However the bubble vest was a reoccurring fashion statement. Until some of the magical creatures ate the stuffing from it to make a nest.
3rd year was going to be good.
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boydgearloose · 6 years
how do you feel about Fenro? do you think it has a chance when it comes to character development?
OKAY so i have been trying to figure out how to answer this without going on a whole ass tangent but however i cannot so read more it is fellas let’s do this
basically my feelings on fenro are….well i don’t wanna say complicated because i do REALLY love it and can’t deny that, even if i don’t post a lot of it here BUT i am gonna say that i’m not a huge fan of how a lot of people portray it and that might be because i tend to get super attached to how i see certain dynamics?? but still i feel the need to go off a little bit about that
let me start this off by saying one thing: as of now, fenton and gyro’s relationship is one of the most interesting things in the show to me and not even in a ship way, i just really love their scenes together and seeing them interact because hey they’re my two favorite characters! what’s not to love?
however, the fandom interpretations kinda throw me off because when i see content of these two it’s either like…..gyro currently in the show having a thing for fenton and being hard on him because he likes him or whatever OR gyro just straight-up being unforgivably terrible and awful to him for no damn reason to the point of where he’s portrayed as an antagonist 
and both of them are extremely fuckin oocfirst of all, the whole “tsundere” gyro thing is kinda….weird imo? i mean, yeah he’d probably be the type to deny his feelings at first because he’s a pretty closed off person but it’s such an overly exaggerated and boring way to go about this whole thing
gyro and fenton currently have a looong way to go like i don’t think they hate each other in the slightest (frank more or less confirmed this) but there definitely is a lot of tension there so anything romantic happening that soon feels weird to me and super uninteresting compared to the other options
in order for this to work, it would have to be a LONG way into the future but that’s still possible! one thing i find super interesting that nobody ever brings up is that their whole dynamic just changed: they’re on the same level now because they both work for scrooge, gyro has no right to boss fenton around and they’re going to have to learn how to work together as equals and develop a friendship from there
THAT’S WHY I FIND THEIR RELATIONSHIP IN THE SHOW SO INTERESTING AND NOBODY EVER PLAYS WITH IT and that makes me irrationally mad like i’m literally counting the DAYS until we get to see them interact again with this new dynamic and i know for more or less a fact that we’re gonna get some good development out of their relationship this season and everyone just….doesn’t…..talk about it……they just pull some “lol gyro is a jerk to fenton bc he likes him xD” crap AND THAT’S REALLY NOT IT MAN JUST LOOK AT THE POTENTIAL THESE TWO HAVE THAT YOU’RE WASTING ON THAT AWFUL CLICHE TROPE
now that i’ve covered that bad interpretation, let’s move on to the second take because boy it really makes me mad too!!! now i’m not trying to deny that gyro is WAY too damn harsh on fenton because he definitely is and i haven’t seen anyone try to ignore that (if they do then they’re wrong bc gyro’s an asshat)
gyro is…..not the best socially, as we all know, and he has the tendency to act like he’s above everyone else and this is definitely portrayed with how he’s treated fenton thus far and he needs a stern talking to and lesson on how to treat people the way they deserve to be treated bc damn he’s got some issues!!! but i have no doubt that will happen because the crew has nothing but positive words for gyro
however, like……okay i am really trying to think of a way to word this that doesn’t make me sound like i’m dunking on fenton bc I’M NOT HE’S SUCH A WONDERFUL CHARACTER AND GENUINELY NICE PERSON but sometimes his attempts to be helpful kind of…….are things that would make a reasonable person angry? and gyro already has a short fuse so like how else is he gonna react when he finds out someone posted his secret information online and got it stolen or that someone’s sneaking around with an unstable invention of his and doing stuff with it that he said not to do?
this ties in with the whole thing where people infantilize the shit out of fenton and refuse to see him as an adult and instead think he’s some poor wittle defenseless baby who can’t stick up for himself uwu so he needs someone to save him uwuwuwuwu which…HOO BOY I DON’T LIKE THAT ONE BIT
fenton is a bit of a pushover who tries to hard to help others, yes, but how can you watch who is gizmoduck and think he’s 100% defenseless against gyro??? the whole episode is about him pushing past misconceptions and standing up for himself so why do you think he’d have a problem telling gyro to go fuck himself if it came down to it like HE EVEN KIND OF STOOD UP TO HIM IN THAT EPISODE JUST. GOD. FENTON ISN’T HELPLESS Y’ALL HE’S A 25+-YEAR-OLD MAN WHO WANTS TO SEE THE BEST IN PEOPLE BUT ISN’T AFRAID TO TELL SOMEONE OFF WHEN THEY DESERVE IT
kinda backtracking here but fenton’s whole thing is that he wants to help people but he’s too impulsive with how he goes about it and it winds up wrong and yeah it’s the thought that counts but that’s such an interesting part of his character and others overlook it to make it seem like gyro continuously torments him or something which he really…..doesn’t, he’s not very nice to him at all but people really take it too far sometimes and act all Edgy about it and it’s a terrible take for both of their characters
honestly what’s interesting about these kind of relationships is that you get to watch them grow and look back in a few months or years at a season 1 episode and think “aww! look how far they’ve come” and it’s gorgeous 
fenro couldn’t possibly work as anything other than a REALLY SLOW BURN i mean like REALLY SLOW but y’know?? slow burns are my JAM so i’m on board! i just really wish more people felt the same way about it instead of rushing it when they haven’t even gotten to the friendship stage in canon yet 
i love where this is going and am too hyped for words to see how they’re gonna interact now that they’re on equal grounds and gyro is gonna be confronted with the fact that he can’t act like he’s above fenton whatsoever anymore (tbh i really think fenton’s gonna do the confronting himself bc like i said, he can do that y’all!!! he can stand up for himself when he’s pushed too far and you all gotta realize that and stop treating him like he’s a baby!!!!!!)
these two are my favorite characters in the show and i trust the crew to give us some good content of em and to develop their relationship in an interesting way because i have yet to be disappointed in any of the other character dynamics they’ve fleshed out and i know whatever they do is gonna kill me
also my friend and i may or may not currently be writing a fic about all of this but i’ll leave that for y’all to find on your own ;) 
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awindward-blog · 8 years
ack ok so I got tagged in this a looong time ago but I never got around to doing it, oops :// sorry... anyway, @octabbi tagged me and these are the rules: spell your url with song titles (only using each artist once) and tag ten people. my url is pretty repetitive and I had trouble finding songs for some of these so this isn't amazing, but enjoy :)
a- anathema by twenty øne pilots (I don't listen to near as much TØP as I used to but this will always be one of my faves)
w- shes my Winona by fall out boy (my music taste is so basic yikes :/ anyway I know this one doesn't quite start with a w but there aren't that many songs that do,, and how could I resist when thEN CAME A BABY BOY WITH LONG EyELASHES)
i- i was all over her by salvia palth (whoO0ps)
n- no you girls by Franz Ferdinand (this is one of my favorite songs to jam to I just love Franz Ferdinand so much)
d- do you love me still? by the kooks (not a song I feel too strongly about emotionally but it's still great to listen while reading, or working,   or just chilling:) ) 
w- warmth by Bastille (hoo,ooold me in this wiLD wooOrld,)
a- all we do by oh wonder (I somehow manage to put this on every sappy playlist I've ever made so interpret that how you will)
r- ribs by lorde (this one is a classic, I feel like so many of the songs on pure heroine are drastically underappreciated! I'm sad this one never made it like royals did, but then again if I heard it on the radio every 5 minutes I'd probably hate it just the same. I used to listen to this with my ex gf and it still makes me sad, but it's a good kind of sad. tl:dr Lorde is a genius) 
d- dressed in black by Sia (this one makes me very emotional it's just overall a great song)
so yeah go follow @octabbi 10/10 would reccomend!! blog is A1, one of my faves ✨
I tag @planetplant74, @simplywolf, @shorthairwbu, @1nt3rlud3, @black-cats-bring-good-luck, @dandy--darling, @housesandhumans, @boywithfeelings, @venterry, @fghbricate and really anyone else that wants to do it!! it was really fun I love getting tagged in these things, but it was also kinda hard lmao
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bringmemyqueen · 7 years
I love KnB too :3 I thought everyone has forgotten it.
well it has been a couple of years since the manga ended so i’m not surprised that people have moved on to more current/ongoing anime (i am guilty of being one of them……OTL) but i do very much hold knb dear in my heart!!! it’s what got me back into sports anime (the last sports anime i watched prior to knb being prince of tennis and hoo boy that was a looong time ago lmao). i love a lot of the characters and even the ridiculous made up basketball moves (ahh im having prince of tennis nostalgia). i don’t draw much fanart of knb because i don’t have any inspiration which is a problem i have for most the fandoms i’m in :’/
but you know!! talking about knb again makes me want to rewatch/finish it now. i’ll probably do that in the next couple of weeks….so if you ever want to talk knb i’m totally down! :>
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