Higheverweave’s Oneshots
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ever-fics · 2 years ago
Miguel O’Hara X Reader PT2
Sfw fluff/Angst
2099 Miguel is done for when Miguel ,regular Miguel, Y/N’s Miguel dies…. He tries to avoid it but he cant
Why? Simply because he knew whet it was to loose Y/N and he wasn’t about to let Y/N go through that same grief loosing him.
And he especially wasn’t going to let his daughter have to mourn her father … not when in his timeline he is alone hurt and resentful…. He knows he would be happy here and so would his family. Especially if they never knew what they’d lost.
As soon as Miguel steps into what he knew to be his … his other-selves… home and he sees his Y/N for the first time… Really sees them after all this time. He starts crying when he realizes … this, this is actually real. Everything he ever wanted … needed. Every feeling he had learned to bury for duty and to be spiderman to be alone…. He didn’t need to burry it anymore so it was all just back … his heart came back with y/n of course it did… loosing y/n washow he…lost it in the first place.
So when Y/N Asks Miguel if he’s okay… not knowing their Miguel had passed… Miguel isn’t sure what to say but answers honestly.
“Im Fine. It’s just seeing you in front of me… after so long without you. I never thought Id get to see you again… not even once. This means everything to me.” Miguel chokes out to a confused Y/N.
“Miguel what do you mean I just saw you this morning are you sure your okay.” Y/N is worried
“Im okay we are both here together now.” Miguel replies
“As long as you are alright.” Y/N replies caressing his cheek.
“This might seem silly but I missed talking to you so much… To be able to talk to you… I took it for granted.”Miguel smiles with all the decades of love stored … repressed that Miguel hadn’t been able to give Y/N.
Seeing Gabriella up close … that … that is the second he honestly believed he found heaven.
“Gabriella O’Hara.” Y/N calls in a sing songy way.
“WHAT?” Gabriella replies
“Ven Aqui Bebé.” *Y/N calls.
Miguel just gives Gabriella the biggest hug… shocked for a moment that she is real… For a moment he chuckles because he notices she had picked up on some of the faces Y/N makes out of habbit…
At first he is so afraid to touch Y/N or Gabriella afraid of breaking them like glass
Miguel smiles as he sees his spouse step out of the bathroom … in…. the version of them that got to grow up still liked soccer …
“Miguel … You got it into Gabriella’s head she can best our record….” *Y/N shakes their head and smirks.* “Ive got to go help her practice…. You can come too… but I know your probably scared deep down O’hara.” *Y/N teases.*
Again Miguel got everything he wanted …. Until he lost it all again lost Y/N again…. But more than that his selfishness cost…. Cost their Gabriella…
However Miguel wasn’t going to let loosing Y/N be something that didn’t get justice not this time…And Miguel’s Gabriella wouldn’t be lost without reason. So Miguel … well Miguel wasn’t doing well not without Y/N …. He needed the more outgoing parts of their personality to contrast his so he works on Lyla an AI that … he gives all the best personality traits of Y/N because he cant do this alone…
Miguel finds an odd peace in the purpose the defense of the multiverse … the protection and the memory of his family…
This peace goes out the window when Jess finds you and quickly befriends you brining you to the spider-society … To Well At first Jess asks Lyla to tell Miguel that Jess brought a new recruit …. Lyla who knows Y/N’s face all too well pretends to glitch to malfunction … Jess had never seen her do that. So then how would Miguel react
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ever-fics · 2 years ago
Part 2 and three are together ^^!
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ever-fics · 2 years ago
Miguel O’Hara X Reader
Sfw Before ATSV (Fluff and Angst.)
Miguel … Detests this place Y/N’s Grave but still true to his word…He visits
Miguel remembers the Night it happened He remembers he was still considering which school he would attend.The night he lost Y/N his brother Gabriels childhood bestfriend but in truth Y/N was both of the Brothers bestfriends.
“Five minutes O’hara’s and I will be back with the best Taki’s either of you have ever tasted.”
But Y/N didn’t return with the Taki’s. Y/N didn’t return at all.
•After that night Both Miguel and Gabriel had heard it all…
Freak Accident,wrong place wrong time,somebody even had the nerve to call it fate.
•The Last one Is what broke Gabriel O’Hara… who tearfully confesses that when he went out to look for Y/N… she was still alive Taki’s in hand but it happened so Quick…
“Gabriel Run!”*is all they say as they push the younger O Hara out of the way and take the fatal hit themselves…
*Miguel Tried to forgive Gabriel he did he tried but Gabriel stolen the only person Miguel ever truly loved…And sometimes that resentment would come to the surface…
•Xina is the first person Miguel meets at school who defends him from everyone else When Miguel asks why… The answer was simple I recognized your name… My best friend used to talk about you they were called Y/N. *Miguels eyes go wide with that and in some weird attempt to hold on to what he lost he latches on to Xina.
•When he got older his resentment for Gabriel boiled over Gabriel stole the love of his life so Miguel would return the favor…. So he does cheating on Xina with Dana…
All in some weird way because of loosing y/n
•None of those things brings back the dead though. So Miguel keeps his promise a bag of Taki’s and some flowers every year on the anniversary of when… of when he lost them..Its a ritual Miguel couldnt save them so he would at least remember them…
•Until decades later when he finds multiple universes finds it…. Finds them … and finds Y/N Alive…. His Y/N with his Last name… his house … his Y/N with him..
That in and of itself was everything he could have asked for… but when he sees the little girl ,his little girl
Its over
When he hears his daughters name for the first time he cant help but chuckle… because in this universe he doesn’t resent Gabriel for taking Y/N from him… he Owes Gabriel for introducing him to the love of his life…
So his daughter Gabriella her name made perfect sense…
Too bad that world wasn’t his… it belonged to the other him but Miguel was happy to just watch…
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ever-fics · 2 years ago
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ever-fics · 2 years ago
Part 3 Rock you like a Hurricane
All set in 1992
"Y/N!... Y/N!" The Dorm seems empty so Y/N figures its one of those weird feelings when somebody hears somebody calling their name and no one is. Y/Ns dormmate is completely asleep. As she should be...”Y/N!" This time there was pounding at the door ... Unmistakable that someone was at the door
Until... Y/N opened it to reveal an empty hallway.
The hall was dark barring the flashlight she had brought. .... There was a faint sound of footsteps leading into the dorms shared living room. The Tv on but only on black and white static and the occasional glitch word. Until it wasn't. *Y/N Heard the clicking of a VHS tape slide into the monitor as well as the processing noises it makes as it spins.* “Happy Halloween..." *The voice is familiar horrific and nostalgic all at once.**Is that...?**No.. No way in hell.* “Suzie... I'm right here if you need me have fun try not to eat too much candy..." *Thier father warns.The screen goes to a weird distorted static of the next part of the video.* When it's clear again it seems Suzie is holding the camera.* “Follow me...." *The spine-chilling voice requested.* *The absolute discomfort of the whole situation had the hair the back of Y/N's neck standing up. The man in the video who Y/N assumed was Michaels Father just sounded apathetic bored maybe... like he wanted to be anywhere but there.*There is … Calculation to it… To their crying family dog who’s leg had broke “somehow… “
Y/N remembered that and how hard she worked to get their dog back to his playful self after what he had seen happened to Suzie… Y/N knew that deep down…. But to see from Suzies eyes the moment of her death the sickening fall of the Camera….It felt too sickeningly real… Especially when the scene didn’t stop with the camera falling…. Y/N guessed she was being shown by Suzie the moment of her death. The horror of realizing your entire future had been snuffed out. As you see Suzie stare at her own body …. She worries about her dog who hobbles ran back to our father and came home after Suzie didn’t…There is a moment of freezing not because of temperature but ,because Suzie was 10 years old.Theres a list of things she was supposed to have had the options to do with her life… Finish elementary school,Start middle school, Join clubs, Go to all the places in the world that now only her missing persons posters have.
Now Y/N was seeing all of it as Suzie had Screaming with no sound Coming out at all as William Afton cleaned what little was left of her life and memory off the floor.
Thats the thing nobody considers about bloodstains…. They are the one last desperate remain when all else has gone.They are the last living bit of someone who is perhaps no longer living. Not only did William Afton Murder Y/N’s sister but he whistles something calmly as be scrubs the last mortal traces of what was once Suzie off the floor …. Rubber gloves soap easy to mistake for diligence or cleaning the establishment he owned.. But it was the whistled song from … Snow white? That made the scene even more eerie…this guy is whistling whistle while you work … while he cleans up and makes what happened to Suzie a missing persons case rather than a murder case.
*Oddly enough Y/N woke up crying… with this awful feeling of hollow finality at what she had just watched.
Micheal blushes slightly “I um…. I just wanted to tell you…. Im sorry for not telling you sooner…. For not being able to express myself properly…. For everything….”
“You don’t have to apologize Micheal… I messed up too and i did a lot of the same things you did… To try to feel safe again? To heal from the guilt I felt at my last conversation with her being a fight over a meaningless doll. There was so much I wanted to say to her but I couldn’t so … I choked on every word I didn’t say for years. The biggest one being Im sorry… and I miss you but… daydreaming what I would have done isn’t going to bring my sister back from the dead or get her justice.
You might be the only other person alive who could possibly get what that feels like all of it.. We both lost people… people we cared about but we didnt always get along with…. We both tried to hide the fact weve always been geeks at heart with pretending to be one of the so called “cool kids.” If my suspision is right you are looking for answers too maybe the same answers I am.”* Y/N explains*
“So…. You think…. That we could be friends?.. Like real ones?….” Micheal's voice sounds slightly excited and hopeful.
“If you want to be friends …like real ones. Im sure that can be arranged.”Y/N smiles.
“Then yes please…. Please…." Micheal says softly, holding onto Y/N’s hand tightly as he stands there waiting patiently for a response.
“Okay then…” Y/N smiles with thier heart racing
After a few moments of awkward distracted silence and half nervous glances pass by... Micheal finally speaks up again. “Can I come inside?….." He asks shyly, wanting nothing more than to be close to Y/N.
“oh wait … you are still in the hall! I'm so sorry that was so rude of me.”’Y/N explains embarrassed walking into the dorm.
“It’s okay… Don’t worry about it…" Micheal tells them gently Maybe we should hangout sometime…. Or even do stuff together…. It would be nice to spend time with someone else besides my family…. And you seem fun enough to hang out with….” Micheal explains
“Yeah… no for sure…. Im still suprized you didnt actually … hate me … so Im going to like adjust to that.” Y/N chuckles.
“I didn’t really hate you either…. I mean you were kinda annoying sometimes but other times you were funny or cute…. So its fine if you want to hang out with me….” Micheal explains leaning against the dorm room wall smiling wide.*
Alright.” Y/N smiles…. “But I should probably fill eachother in on everything since high school first?”
“After highschool? Was the question right… yeah… I still work for my father at Freddys as a night guard. Which is why I was at the arcade game section anyway.” *Micheal explains.*
“That doesnt bother you being there…. that late?… With the history and the missing persons and the confirmed bodies they found at other locations I mean..” Y/N asks.
“Well not really… My Dad pays well and lets me live rent free which helps alot.” *Micheal says laughing lightly.*
“Can I ask you a question? … Um … Its going to sound a little weird but … I just need to know.” Y/N hesitates before asking
“Sure thing…. What is it?” Micheals face lights up again as he waits patiently for them to continue.
“Do you…ever feel like that weird gut feeling someone who you know is dead isnt gone?” Y/N wonders.
“Yes… All the time.” Micheal answers honestly. “It makes sense though… ” Micheal adds calmly before looking back at Y/N...
“Um… Since High school I … started studying psychology but specfically psychological profiling…. l dropped the whole perfect cheerleader facade …That was always just me trying to live the legacy Suzie was supposed to have. To Make sure I wasnt the continued Dissapointment of the Davie’s family…but It wasnt worth it considering how many times theyd cut up my uniform or tell the teacher i caused whatever problem it was this time….I just wanted to be treated like a human again…” Y/N sighs.
“So your upset about being called a disappointment?” Micheal asks gently, “Or are you more upset about how much trouble you got into because of it?” He looks down at them sadly, knowing exactly where Y/N was coming from.
“Both… If I had not… I was so annoyed with her because she stole my …doll after I agreed to be dress like it for halloween… that year I… whatever happened to her… I never got to tell her… The last thing I said to her… was I .. I wished I didn’t have a sister. I think about It everyday … its been 11 years and I still …. They blame me… maybe if I didnt yell she wouldnt have disappeared … maybe if I went with her things would have been different … I stopped being me and started to be Replacement Suzie or the Suzie they could still raise… I tried telling them I didnt think she was gone… That made everything worse…”Y/N doesnt make eye contact.
“I would do anything and I mean Anything to take it back….I she was the cool one the real cool one …I live with so much guilt and no where to .. explain it or put it I..” Y/N breathes shakily.
Micheal stands up slowly and walks over to Y/N and hugs them tightly. "Shh…shhh…" he whispers softly in their ear. "Its okay...it's gonna be alright..." His voice sounds reassuring yet sad at the same time. "...Just let go”
“How… do you do that? because if you know how to stop having the nightmares where… My parents get the call the finally found her…. her body… and I have to watch as the little sister who lived to be older…. remove the body of a child who was supposed to be older than me….”Y/N sighs. “I swear I still see her sometimes …. Or hear her I…. I dont know… Last nights was the most vivid nightmare about her I had had in a long time it felt so... Real...like a memory.”
Micheal holds onto YN’s shoulders tightly.
“If there is something else bothering you… Please talk to me about it… I can help…” Micheal says quietly, looking into their eyes lovingly.
“I just have to find out what happened to her … what actually happened to her…. Im working on being able to figure it out… Detective classes, Forensic psych, psychological profiling. Im going to find what happened Im going to solve the disapearance of Suszie Davies and …maybe the other kids too…” *Y/N explains.*
“What are you doing now? Are you trying to find…” He pauses before asking his question, wanting to ask but afraid of the answer. “Are you trying to find her body?”
“Im trying to find anything that gives me answers as to what happened to my sister…. I …I have….I have too… Its the only way I redeem myself with my parents … because I can never be her …I will never be her… and she will never get to grow up like she was supposed too. So there is only one thing I can do for her now and that means ending all this for good. No more deaths no more accidents. The only proper apology I can give her now.” *Y/N explains with a heavy sigh.*
“I understand…. But why did you choose to come here? To me? Why not someone else?” He asks curiously, leaning forward slightly. “Why didn’t you go to your dad?” He asks worriedly, concerned for Y/N’s safety.
“Yeah let me ask my Dad who sees me as Suzie 2.0 and blames me for what happened”Y/N sighs.
“Is he always so angry?” Micheal asks, concern evident in his tone. “Doesn’t he realize how much pain he causes you by treating you like this?” He asked sadly.
“He doesnt even know he is doing it which makes it …. worse….” Y/N Shrugs
“That must be hard…..” Micheal nods sympathetically, understanding exactly how difficult it would be to live through such an abusive relationship. “Do you think maybe you should tell him? About how he treats you?” He suggests gently, hoping Y/N would consider it eventually
“I-I have hurt them enough….” Y/N sighs heavily…
“If they dont know what they are doing they wont change.”Micheal explains…
“… Its more complicated than that….I told them I thought Suzie was still here… not alive but here….” They explain. “You can guess how that went.”
“Oh god….” Micheal says quietly, unable to imagine how awful that must feel. “How long ago did you say that happened?” He asks softly, concerned about their wellbeing and wanting to help them if possible.
“Pfft the year after so 81 … literally a decade ago…. I remeber that being the same time i forgot who I was….. trying to be Suzie because Suzie couldnt be …” Y/N explains.
What?! That cant be true!” Micheal exclaims incredulously, shaking his head in disbelief. “Are you sure about that?” He asks nervously, genuinely surprised by their revelation. “But why would you lie about something like that?”
Its a metaphor… Micheal not literal.”Y/N explains.
A metaphor? For what?” Micheal asks confusedly, tilting his head slightly in confusion. “For what purpose?” He asks curiously, intrigued by the explanation. “Can you explain further?” He asks patiently, waiting for an answer eagerly.
“To metaphor for feeling like if I did things my sister liked when she was alive instead of what I liked ….it would make me feel closer to her …kind of like by me choosing to do what she liked she still had a chance to do it vicariously through me… Like I still gave her a chance…”Y/N clarified.
“So basically you were comparing yourself to your dead sister?” Micheal asked with a hint of amusement, nodding slowly as he tried to understand what they meant. “And you felt guilty because you wanted to give her some sort of closure by making decisions based on her preferences?”
“Yes Exactly…!” Y/N exclaims.
That makes sense actually.” Micheal nods, understanding now why they chose this path of action. “Do you think it worked? Did you get closer to your sister by following her preferences?” He asks curiously, curious about Y/Ns response. “Did you find out anything?”
Anything I think I know is nothing without concrete proof thats what I need evidence..”they frown unfortunantly any evidence would be a decade old by now…”Y/N adds.
“Let’s go talk to some people tomorrow morning when they wake up. They should be able to help us figure things out better than we can alone.” Micheal offers.
“There are people you know who…. would be safe to ask?…”Y/N asks.
“Yeah.. There is one person i know… who wants answers as well …. Its personal for him as well. He lost his daughter in 85 and he knows Freddys as well as my Father.” Micheal answers quickly.
Part 1
Rock you like a Hurricane Part 2 - Cheer
Rock you like a hurricane part 2: time periods flip between (1980-1985) (and the year of the previous chapter.)
For Y/N the year 1980 was ... late elementary early middle school.
Y/n remembers it well... It was the last time y/n ever felt ... safe truly safe, last time Y/n could actually trust anyone, last day of calm before the storm.
"I just think you look like her a little..."
"Like my doll?"
"Aren't I the younger one shouldn't I be asking you to dress up as something."
"That doesn't always have to be how it works... Just dress up as the doll I look like the other doll the friend one but you."
"Only for you but I get to choose both our costumes next year."
There never was a next year...
There was barely a next week...
"Where is it Suzie?"
"You probably left it in the car again by accident."
"Your older you ... have your own toys why cant I have one thing thats mine? People call me Suzie's Sister .... Like I don't have a name of my own we have the same last name, the same room I ask for this one thing to be mine."
"Well maybe you should keep a better eye on things be more responsible... Thats what Mom says anyway."
"I was responsible I ... You took it stop lying! I ask to have only one thing of my own!"
"Yeah well we are sisters we share."
"Yeah Well I wish I was an only child.... That you didn't always lecture me on how I can be better to measure up to you! I wish I had a sister that didn't steal my toys! Have fun at your meaningless party. I hope betraying me and stealing the doll you asked me to dress up as makes you happy." *The conversation replays in Y/Ns memory.*
The story's Present
Michael for his own part doesn't usually do this but it isn't hard to find the university housing Y/N is living in. It didn't take long to find her dorm by asking around. 6th on the left Peabody Building.
Michael is hesitant to knock knowing exactly how Y/N would react.
"Okay... uh Hi... look if your with the frat house that egged my car....save it. Also If this is about me reviewing a thesis or a project for you ...  Its my day off so It'll cost extra."
"Y/ N N .... Oh is this another one of your shady homework deals ... Ill pretend I didn't see anything but when your done can you do the ... thing you do with the computers to make them go faster?"
"Whos?" Micheal asks referring to person who just spoke.
"Roxanne ... The R.A. Look I will check out the computers later ... Just tell the others to stop trying to get free music Win.amp  and those other sites sometimes attract viruses ,hackers, which would be why it slows down in the first place." Y/N sighs
"And What about installing the security cams you promised?" Roxanne counters.
"You covering it? Or is the school..? Because I'm not paying for it. For quality pre assembled cameras its expensive... going down to radio shack to get parts to build it from scratch is... more expensive." Y/N explains.
"Fine look ill talk to the school just do whatever hack trick you do for the computers..." Roxanne requested..
Before gesturing an awkward call me at Micheal while walking away."
"Is uh ...?"
"She always like that pretty much its gotten a-lot better though...She used to front this punk band and They weren't quiet. Anyway what was it you wanted?" Y/N questioned.
"Oh.. Yeah.. you still think Im a frat…Its me Micheal... as in Afton as in please don't tell me you went to Hurricane High ...Micheal from the arcade the other day..." Micheal explained
"Oh! Yeah Micheal who ditched the conversation." Y/N deadpanned
"I -I didn't ditch I.." Micheal panics
"Relax, Im joking..." Y/N chuckles
"The electrical outlet blew at the end." Micheal explained.
"You look ... different." Micheal added.
"Thats... really how you want to start this conversation?"
Y/N raised an eyebrow
"No, I didn't mean it in a bad way ..." Micheal explains.
"Look Afton, Why are you even here? Its not like we were super close when we were younger." Y/N asks.
"Do you remember the classes we had together in 84-85” Micheal wonders.
"Barely why?" Y/N questioned
"I was an ass to you before. I learned that the hard way... With what happened to Evan. You were one of the only people who still talked to me after that. I know you gave the notes to everyone but writing things back and forth kept me. It kept me from being stuck. Anyway uh... I owe you. So if you want me to look for information on Suzzie I can." Micheal offered
"Can we stop?"
"Stop what?"
"The secrets Afton... Your Father was the main suspect... and I know she's dead but...  Not exactly. She doesn't always feel gone she...never really felt gone Nobody believed me back then but... Now... Something tells me you know exactly what I mean. I'm not imagining things." Y\N explains slightly annoyed.
"I...I know. I'm sorry. I don't know where my Dad hid the bodies... He sort of hated me after everything. I just know he... He killed her... And that when I work night shift weird stuff happens. Weird as in the spring suits move on thier own weird.. Arcade machine will stop us from talking because an unknown message thinks I'm hurting you weird." Micheal explains.
"I... She actually is there then... It was never just me or wishful thinking... She doesn't talk to me. I... I was so mean. I can't even blame her." Y/N looks away wiping the small tear dripping down her cheek.
"Hey... Shhh... It's okay." Micheal whispers trying to see if she was ok with a hug. She nods and he just holds her as he explains.*"I don't think that's why she doesn't come to you.. I think she just doesn't want to hurt you. I have to agree...having Utah's superstar upset? Absurd."
Classes of 84-85
Considering the incident with Evan a little more than a year prior.
Uniforms the same Color red that stained his own hands, his own clothing, the color the flashed in front of him whenever he tried to sleep a deep dark red...
It grabbed his attention but what further grabbed his attention was Y/N ... At this point only the assistant cheer captain of Hurricane high.
"Stop gawking its weird dude..." *Of the other students around told him*
"I wasn't." *Micheal panics*
"You weren't? That might actually be weirder...
But hey the skull-crusher and the cheerleader totally sounds like you have a shot there ,killer." the student he is talking to just laughs at his own remarks.*
"Can you screw off?"*Micheal snaps.*
"Like the unhinged deathrobots your Dad makes?....sure." *The other student snarks.*
Micheal just walks away agitated and Isolated deciding to stay in the gymnasium simply because Rock you like a hurricane was playing.
What he didn't expect further was Rock You like a hurricane to be made into a cheerleader number.
"Y\NN!  Stop doodling and try attending to your duty  as assistant cheer captain." *The cheer captain whined
"I was actually... taking notes .Unless you'd like me to attempt acrobatics in the middle of taking notes where our team can improve."*Y/N explains.*
"Dont backtalk me. The only reason you are allowed to have any power in this squad is because the Cheer coach pity's you and I let you on because I used to be friends with your older sister.  You somehow ended up a disappointment... Even when we expected nothing from you to start. For the record this is why I liked Suzie better. " *The cheer captain sneered.*
Y/Ns face just dropped before it turned  smirk
"Guess the feelings Mutual because I liked Suzie better than you too. Especially because by your own logic if she were alive she would have had your position I still would've been co-captain and you... well we know what you would've been.. Hey coach can I please have  somebody with actual authority read over my notes
Thanks." *Y/N hands the coach the notebook before cheer practice ended. Though most of the squad was clapping by that point. Especially considering the how the coach approved of her notes.
The next time Micheal spots her is when shes leaving the cheer locker room. Her uniform had been ripped
"Y/NN? You changed your name?"  *Micheal notes*
"Yep." *Is all she says.*
"Are you okay?" *Micheal asks.*
"When has it ever mattered to you before Afton?"*Y/N glares..*
" Just because I don't ask doesn't mean I think it doesn't matter" Micheal pointed out
"Look Its nothing..."*Y/N sighs.*
"Nothing doesn't destroy uniforms..."*Micheal countered.*
"Shit." *Y/N tries to stuff the uniform back in her backpack. And hide it so no one else would know.*
"Look whatever she did it isn't the first time people have used me as target practice..." *Y/N thinks out-loud.*
"They shouldn't..." *Micheal noted.*
".... I know. Look um... I have to run because I'm going to have to fix my uniform but your in my psych class." *Y/N excuses herself.*
"I noticed that too... I mean .... Its First day of the semester. So kinda hard not to hear who's name gets called." *Micheal... tries to play it cool.*
"Sure." *Y/N waves beginning to walk away.*
"If you actually want to help me with my sister... I could use the help. Truth is you don't really have to ask forgiveness. You and I are... more alike then we like to admit. Anyway....Im sorry too." *Y/N explains.*
"Because I... I... used to be nervous around you. I worried maybe you covered for your Dad but uh.... In all honesty you didn't have much of a choice. Thank you for being honest with me."  *Y/N admits*
"Used to? As in past tense." *Micheal smirked.*
"Shut up!" *Y/N laughs.*
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ever-fics · 2 years ago
Rock you like a Hurricane Part 2 - Cheer
Rock you like a hurricane part 2: time periods flip between (1980-1985) (and the year of the previous chapter.)
For Y/N the year 1980 was ... late elementary early middle school.
Y/n remembers it well... It was the last time y/n ever felt ... safe truly safe, last time Y/n could actually trust anyone, last day of calm before the storm.
"I just think you look like her a little..."
"Like my doll?"
"Aren't I the younger one shouldn't I be asking you to dress up as something."
"That doesn't always have to be how it works... Just dress up as the doll I look like the other doll the friend one but you."
"Only for you but I get to choose both our costumes next year."
There never was a next year...
There was barely a next week...
"Where is it Suzie?"
"You probably left it in the car again by accident."
"Your older you ... have your own toys why cant I have one thing thats mine? People call me Suzie's Sister .... Like I don't have a name of my own we have the same last name, the same room I ask for this one thing to be mine."
"Well maybe you should keep a better eye on things be more responsible... Thats what Mom says anyway."
"I was responsible I ... You took it stop lying! I ask to have only one thing of my own!"
"Yeah well we are sisters we share."
"Yeah Well I wish I was an only child.... That you didn't always lecture me on how I can be better to measure up to you! I wish I had a sister that didn't steal my toys! Have fun at your meaningless party. I hope betraying me and stealing the doll you asked me to dress up as makes you happy." *The conversation replays in Y/Ns memory.*
The story's Present
Michael for his own part doesn't usually do this but it isn't hard to find the university housing Y/N is living in. It didn't take long to find her dorm by asking around. 6th on the left Peabody Building.
Michael is hesitant to knock knowing exactly how Y/N would react.
"Okay... uh Hi... look if your with the frat house that egged my car....save it. Also If this is about me reviewing a thesis or a project for you ...  Its my day off so It'll cost extra."
"Y/ N N .... Oh is this another one of your shady homework deals ... Ill pretend I didn't see anything but when your done can you do the ... thing you do with the computers to make them go faster?"
"Whos?" Micheal asks referring to person who just spoke.
"Roxanne ... The R.A. Look I will check out the computers later ... Just tell the others to stop trying to get free music Win.amp  and those other sites sometimes attract viruses ,hackers, which would be why it slows down in the first place." Y/N sighs
"And What about installing the security cams you promised?" Roxanne counters.
"You covering it? Or is the school..? Because I'm not paying for it. For quality pre assembled cameras its expensive... going down to radio shack to get parts to build it from scratch is... more expensive." Y/N explains.
"Fine look ill talk to the school just do whatever hack trick you do for the computers..." Roxanne requested..
Before gesturing an awkward call me at Micheal while walking away."
"Is uh ...?"
"She always like that pretty much its gotten a-lot better though...She used to front this punk band and They weren't quiet. Anyway what was it you wanted?" Y/N questioned.
"Oh.. Yeah.. you still think Im a frat…Its me Micheal... as in Afton as in please don't tell me you went to Hurricane High ...Micheal from the arcade the other day..." Micheal explained
"Oh! Yeah Micheal who ditched the conversation." Y/N deadpanned
"I -I didn't ditch I.." Micheal panics
"Relax, Im joking..." Y/N chuckles
"The electrical outlet blew at the end." Micheal explained.
"You look ... different." Micheal added.
"Thats... really how you want to start this conversation?"
Y/N raised an eyebrow
"No, I didn't mean it in a bad way ..." Micheal explains.
"Look Afton, Why are you even here? Its not like we were super close when we were younger." Y/N asks.
"Do you remember the classes we had together in 84-85” Micheal wonders.
"Barely why?" Y/N questioned
"I was an ass to you before. I learned that the hard way... With what happened to Evan. You were one of the only people who still talked to me after that. I know you gave the notes to everyone but writing things back and forth kept me. It kept me from being stuck. Anyway uh... I owe you. So if you want me to look for information on Suzzie I can." Micheal offered
"Can we stop?"
"Stop what?"
"The secrets Afton... Your Father was the main suspect... and I know she's dead but...  Not exactly. She doesn't always feel gone she...never really felt gone Nobody believed me back then but... Now... Something tells me you know exactly what I mean. I'm not imagining things." Y\N explains slightly annoyed.
"I...I know. I'm sorry. I don't know where my Dad hid the bodies... He sort of hated me after everything. I just know he... He killed her... And that when I work night shift weird stuff happens. Weird as in the spring suits move on thier own weird.. Arcade machine will stop us from talking because an unknown message thinks I'm hurting you weird." Micheal explains.
"I... She actually is there then... It was never just me or wishful thinking... She doesn't talk to me. I... I was so mean. I can't even blame her." Y/N looks away wiping the small tear dripping down her cheek.
"Hey... Shhh... It's okay." Micheal whispers trying to see if she was ok with a hug. She nods and he just holds her as he explains.*"I don't think that's why she doesn't come to you.. I think she just doesn't want to hurt you. I have to agree...having Utah's superstar upset? Absurd."
Classes of 84-85
Considering the incident with Evan a little more than a year prior.
Uniforms the same Color red that stained his own hands, his own clothing, the color the flashed in front of him whenever he tried to sleep a deep dark red...
It grabbed his attention but what further grabbed his attention was Y/N ... At this point only the assistant cheer captain of Hurricane high.
"Stop gawking its weird dude..." *Of the other students around told him*
"I wasn't." *Micheal panics*
"You weren't? That might actually be weirder...
But hey the skull-crusher and the cheerleader totally sounds like you have a shot there ,killer." the student he is talking to just laughs at his own remarks.*
"Can you screw off?"*Micheal snaps.*
"Like the unhinged deathrobots your Dad makes?....sure." *The other student snarks.*
Micheal just walks away agitated and Isolated deciding to stay in the gymnasium simply because Rock you like a hurricane was playing.
What he didn't expect further was Rock You like a hurricane to be made into a cheerleader number.
"Y\NN!  Stop doodling and try attending to your duty  as assistant cheer captain." *The cheer captain whined
"I was actually... taking notes .Unless you'd like me to attempt acrobatics in the middle of taking notes where our team can improve."*Y/N explains.*
"Dont backtalk me. The only reason you are allowed to have any power in this squad is because the Cheer coach pity's you and I let you on because I used to be friends with your older sister.  You somehow ended up a disappointment... Even when we expected nothing from you to start. For the record this is why I liked Suzie better. " *The cheer captain sneered.*
Y/Ns face just dropped before it turned  smirk
"Guess the feelings Mutual because I liked Suzie better than you too. Especially because by your own logic if she were alive she would have had your position I still would've been co-captain and you... well we know what you would've been.. Hey coach can I please have  somebody with actual authority read over my notes
Thanks." *Y/N hands the coach the notebook before cheer practice ended. Though most of the squad was clapping by that point. Especially considering the how the coach approved of her notes.
The next time Micheal spots her is when shes leaving the cheer locker room. Her uniform had been ripped
"Y/NN? You changed your name?"  *Micheal notes*
"Yep." *Is all she says.*
"Are you okay?" *Micheal asks.*
"When has it ever mattered to you before Afton?"*Y/N glares..*
" Just because I don't ask doesn't mean I think it doesn't matter" Micheal pointed out
"Look Its nothing..."*Y/N sighs.*
"Nothing doesn't destroy uniforms..."*Micheal countered.*
"Shit." *Y/N tries to stuff the uniform back in her backpack. And hide it so no one else would know.*
"Look whatever she did it isn't the first time people have used me as target practice..." *Y/N thinks out-loud.*
"They shouldn't..." *Micheal noted.*
".... I know. Look um... I have to run because I'm going to have to fix my uniform but your in my psych class." *Y/N excuses herself.*
"I noticed that too... I mean .... Its First day of the semester. So kinda hard not to hear who's name gets called." *Micheal... tries to play it cool.*
"Sure." *Y/N waves beginning to walk away.*
"If you actually want to help me with my sister... I could use the help. Truth is you don't really have to ask forgiveness. You and I are... more alike then we like to admit. Anyway....Im sorry too." *Y/N explains.*
"Because I... I... used to be nervous around you. I worried maybe you covered for your Dad but uh.... In all honesty you didn't have much of a choice. Thank you for being honest with me."  *Y/N admits*
"Used to? As in past tense." *Micheal smirked.*
"Shut up!" *Y/N laughs.*
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ever-fics · 2 years ago
Rock you Like a Hurricane PT1:
New message:
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A Notification pops up on the arcade machine
Hi,Sorry to startle you . I’m not a stalker I swear.. I thought I programmed this so it would display my name and not my user name.
Anyway I’ve hacked this…
Its my favorite game. Anyway dont tell anyone I
hacked this please… I need to stay long enough to get information
Michael sighs… knowing he has to get them off the machine before his Dad figures out its been hacked… he begins to type back.
Player 1:
Why do you need information?___________________________________
Long story…. I would say I was looking for somone but uh…After a while you get to a point you’ll even settle for answers.
The message and the user name combined gives Michael a good enough guess as to who he’s talking to…
He just… hasn’t seen her in years and didn’t know she could hack but given its her he is talking to it doesn’t surprise him.
Player 1:
Wait a Hot minute I recognize your username…somebody used it as some sort of sports nickname…
Michael smirks as he types it hoping she will correct him on the sports part or just admit who she is. ___________________________________
Please. Tell me you weren't at Hurricane High anywhere
between 85 -88?
That was not the response Michael wanted or expected but it still makes him more certain he’s talking to Y/N…
Player 1:
No can do…
Okay well maybe you are wrong and you dont recognize the nickname? xP
Player 1:
Superstar of Utah…Y/N?
Cheer Captain?
Nobody calls me that …
Michael had forgotten about that that her real name reminded her of her dead sister so she adopted a nickname a while back…
Player 1:
You’re looking for Suzie aren’t you?
Who the hell are you and what do you know about my sister?
Michael … didn’t know how to answer that one … oh Yeah my Dad murdered your sister and stuffed her corpse into a baby chicken robot… yeah Um… No … especially not to her…
Player 1:
About as much as you Unfortunately. That she disappeared at a Halloween party …in 1980
Again Who the hell are you and what do you know about my sister?…
Player 1:
Y/N …Im…Im sorry… for everything. For.. I shouldnt have let them smash your cassettes..
Rock is actually … kinda rad….
Of course this would end up being you…Look Whatever screwed up prank your pulling this isnt Candid camera.
ok, so save it. I …
Player 1:
No I…. I mean it… I didn’t Know how
badly I had hurt you until it was too late ...
You have one thing right…
Player 1:
And what would that be?
That its too late…
The person I used to be disapeared with my sister .
That. That’s why she joined… cheer? To forget? To be someone else… she … never
Player 1:
Wait… you never rebought the albums again?
Think of one reason I should have…
Bowie, Mecury , music in general you dont need it to live…
Suzie She had made a note before… to try and fix them she took them out of the..trash.
I was so annoyed with her because she stole my …doll after I agreed to be dress like it ffor halloween… I… whatever happened to her… I never got to tell her… The last thing I said to her… was I .. I wished I didn’t have a sister.
Look I liked rock once I liked a lot of things once. What was it you all said … No wonder I watch star…bullshit considering Im basically an alien myself?
How are you surprised I got the message loud and clear? The only reason I would’ve listened to it is… because she convinced me … before she disappeared before she stole my doll before the fight ….
I cant Listen to Hard Rock anymore … it … reminds me too much of her.
Player 1:
Good thing those aren’t hard rock then…
Im sorry what?
Player 1:
Those aren’t Hard rock they are Glam Rock…
how do you know…wait a minute!!!
You secretly listened to them too didn’t you?
Michael was laughing he’d.. missed that…
However, as he went to reply the screen went Dark only a white glitching text Saying Error and a frozen chat box from
talking about what happened to me…
It hurts her. I wont let her hurt
like I do…
The electrical outlet the games plugged into crackles and begins to steam ending whatever conversation Michael had been having
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ever-fics · 2 years ago
24 year old fic writer strikes again:
We are doing Notebook journal Margins and other aesthetic style fics using canava (For brain-rot reasons.)
I don’t do Nsfw.
I do, do:
Ace and Demi requests (Love those tbh.)
I was Dx asd young so if you are asd self dx , late dx or early dx. Im down to do autistic character headcanons and or relationship head-canons.
I write for most characters in the following fandoms:
Marvel / Mcu
Ill do a-lot of Rpgs so long as I’m familiar with the story in question.
Arcana, Last legacy, Obey me!, Mystic Messenger, Stardew Valley, Fnaf,Dragon age any of the games and absolution, Elder-scrolls, skyrim style especially dark brotherhood.)
I specialize in Alt ,goths, autism, the one villain who isnt really a villain you know the one 😎.
I Encourage you to send Angst that breaks me thanks.
Special Requests:
•If Im familiar with the fandom its in Im down to give it my best go.
•You can also ask me to write a blurb exploring a part of the fandom universe that isn’t seen or has no current cannon.
•Can give a shot at some Wednesday and Addams family.
Also Willing to build Addams family cousins and extended family based on like a little blurb about yourself. Like Addams family Ocs.
•I am willing to give writing Oc based shorts a try if you give me a description of your Oc.
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ever-fics · 2 years ago
He had found it…. It existed… Perhaps the Pavus line was good for something after all. All it took was asking a wisdom spirit for a favor. Now he had the last thing that could fix everything... He could open the Fade... Save the ancient elves. Yet he had found a way for the veil not to kill everyone at least not permanently.
Most importantly he could show them all everything they had been denied First however he must open the veil , reduce Tevinter to ash, and use the circulum to revive everyone he'd lost...
One step at a time... He just wanted to see how glorious her smile would be. The amusing wonder as she asked excited questions about each. Better yet the smile on her face when he tells her no one would have to die. For now though her all could be healed.
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ever-fics · 3 years ago
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Not our usual content but incredibly important!
For more information on the Batang Toru dam, the Tapanuli orangutan and how you can help, please check out the links below:
BBC article | Batang Toru website | Pacific Standard article
(Twitter source)
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ever-fics · 3 years ago
Are you accepting one shot prompts? I’ve been curious about how Iron Bull might try to woo a female demisexual reader, it would be fun to see how you might envision it✨
It’s Quiet at first … Nighttime usually is and Y/N
Was asked to head over to Heralds rest in order to entertain and tell stories. Essentially spread the legend of “The Inquisitor.” What ever the hell that means…
What Y/N didn’t expect was to be kept there late enough to have fallen asleep at one of the bars…
Not that it felt like a dream….
The explosion , Snow… no Ashes? Some dead holy figure arguing with an anthropomorphic Demon?
Not how…. A person would …expect an event like that to go….But it’s not the explosion completely that’s the horrifying thing… it’s the smell of burnt hair… the charred remains of those who didn’t make it.
The understanding you might Not have made it…
Y/N doesn’t expect to be gently shaken awake especially not since they were still at Heralds rest just…. Way later … in the hours when nobodies really there…Y/n was Lucky then that Iron Bull was there.
“Sorry to wake you, it’s just … sounded like a nightmare… I’ve been down that road before shit sucks. You want to come sit with me and The Chargers?… we’ve got this contest going on.. trying to keep track of how many of those giant spiders we kill.” Bull tilted his head on the direction of The Chargers all gathered around a piece of paper marking off under Thier names with fun little Tallymarks.
That was event 1….
Event 2…
Almost dying on a mission because you didn’t see the guy behind you.
“It’s ok we’ll get you back to camp and they’ll patch you up…” Iron Bull picked you up…. Carrying you over…
“Sorry ….Embarrassing to get hit from behind… on battle a novice mistake really… you must think me weak..” Y/N stated.
“The opposite actually…what you did out there … Badass….you kept fighting after that ,not many can take a lickin and keep on tickin’ ya know.” You could hear the Over satisfied smirk… in Bulls voice.
He checked in after that making sure to Train Y/N so they could defend themselves and keep fighting in any situation.
Situation 3
It’s on one of sky-holds walls at night… Iron Bull sought you out.
“I’ll tell you what’s on my mind if you tell me what’s on yours… clearly somethings bothering you ,or else that fight would’ve been over a lot sooner.” Iron Bull pointed out.
“That obvious,huh?” Y/N scoffed.
“Enh … Helps when you’re a trained spy and your entire job is reading people helps even more when your close to them..” Iron Bull shrugged.
“You consider yourself close to me? Not that that’s a bad thing … I’m just surprised you don’t seem like the overly trusting type.” Y/N confirmed.
“Yeah but enough avoiding the question what’s bothering you?” Iron Bull questioned again.
“You’re a leader at least of The Chargers.. do you ever get that feeling like you’re leading people down the wrong path or making the wrong choices because lately I can’t stop questioning it… All these people .. rely on me …. Some of them see me as some sort of holy figure which is very odd… no pressure. I don’t know it hits me sometimes…. Especially when we are walking on a path somewhere and there’s bodies of people I sent out there just … dead… I did that I … sent them to that. I try to send personal letters to their families but there are so many… Then a lot of good people have had personal losses due to siding with the Inquisition… I … don’t know then there’s the fact there are powers that want us to do things and control us and it not even sure if I trust them.” Y/N sighed…
“I get that last bit more than you think… I trust you… and I’ve never told anyone this because they could kill me for it. But sometimes I wonder if I’m doing the right thing In regards to the information I give the Qun.. I talk myself out of the doubts pretty well ,but they’re still there. Hidden behind cheap mead and cheaper jokes.” Bull confessed….
“As for you’re other concern …. I get that my nightmare is that failing them.. The Chargers Krem I try to support them or give advice but nightmares are nightmares that ones just particularly reoccurring…” Iron Bull smirked…
Three events over 6 months of the inquisition… at this point .. you … saw he was Honesty,funny,caring, could liven up parties for sure, but he would take care of you … he’d take care of you as a top priority…
That was the second you knew you ,had feelings for him. Carrying all that, all those thoughts never being able to voice them due to the punishments of you’re government..
He was stronger both Emotionally and physically than anyone else there….. looked like a hard-ass but is a softie if you know him
Maybe you should go see him at the Heralds rest more often?
Thanks for requesting hope you like it!!
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ever-fics · 4 years ago
Reblog to send every single person who has read one of your stories a forehead kiss
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ever-fics · 4 years ago
Feel like doing some Oneshot/Headcanon requests
What to know:
Unless otherwise requested I default to Gender neutral and I try to keep the main character description as open as possible so that anyone could see the main character as themselves :)
I don’t do smut I’m just not comfortable with that.
I do Angst/fluff/and specific scenario requests best!
I can write for the following fandoms
•Arcana (anyone I love this whole series so much.)
•Fictif Last legacy
•Stardew Valley
•Mystic Messenger
•Skyrim,Elder scrolls Online,Oblivion (so long as it’s not like a super obscure npc.) (Lucien Lachance is my specialty.)
•Dragon age
•Also it never hurts to ask if I’ve heard of a series it can be hard to find fic for some series and characters and if I’m familiar with the series or characters I will try my best! I might be familiar with the series or read/seen played some of it if you can send me a clip of the character you are looking for I will see what I can do!
Individual characters:
•Felix Rosier
•Loki (Mcu.)
• I want to try writing for Agatha Harkness I haven’t written her at all yet.
Feel free to request. :)
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ever-fics · 4 years ago
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“It only felt like dying because actually, I was still alive. You have to be to feel that way.”
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ever-fics · 4 years ago
A Predicament for Felix
To say there was quiet in the old fort was truthful ...
But this of course was only your first night there.
The old worn wood floors betraying themselves with a creak in the best of places. The fort was small looking from the outside. However you asked Felix if you could pick your own room not one of the abandoned ones with whatever secrets it held.
Especially considering the rest of the order had all died appearently ... minus the three you’d met prior... and now you...
There was Felixes library and his people book... but also an old once was kitchen ... only food in there being what was belonging to Felix. And now you suppose you....
Which meant the nutritional value of this place was going to go way down.
Especially, considering the cinnamon buns you have stuffed in your backpack for breakfast.... would it insult Felix to ask him to use the green fire fingers to warm it up... there wasn’t exactly microwaves.
The rooms you past were as follows knights quarters, mage quarters, training room,a well decorated chapel with statues in each direction.
You decided on the chapel gathering blankets and pillows and soft things from the other rooms to make yourself a spot on the floor.
Before heading back to the chapel space and checking your phone which to your suprise still had charge and a bit too many messages which you decided to place on the podium and let play
You placed objects next to eachother in each of the pew seats and considering your “disappearance.” Being the nature for said messages... it almost resembled attending your own wake as you lay on the blanket covered front stage of the chapel and listened.
The little fluffy black cats seems to have made its way to the Ailse to sit.
“Ah yes hello Stella... have you come to my funeral?”
You smiled at the pretty cat... unaware of the pretty boy watching from the hall.
This is a Predicament..., This is a very big very unfortunate predicament.
Felix noted to himself watching the newcomer welcome the “Cat.” To thier funeral and they were sleeping in the chapel above the crypts by choice.....
Nobody does that... well except Felix himself he would do that....
It didn’t help that his accidentally summoned apprentice was attractive. The stain glass window reflecting off thier skin.
The way they just seemed focused....
Somber but not sad....
And considering their predicament Felix would have expected them to be sad...But they weren’t not in the way he’d expect at first Felix couldn’t pin it. The unreadable emotion In half stares but when he caught his reflection he released the expression he wore all the time proudly matched the one this otherworldly “Barrista.” Wore but tried to cover up.
Pain the sort you don’t heal from but learn to absorb.
Maybe it was loss, tragedy, a threat, abandonment too many times, maybe it could be traced in real scars or maybe thier scars like his were kept inside....
By the hells
He wasn’t supposed to do this ...
He was supposed to summon Rime save Rime he thought he did he didn’t .... but
He didn’t he wasn’t just going to get attached to the first person who came in his place he simply wasn’t...
That’s desperate right?
To try to bring your old love back and think maybe the new one isn’t so bad either.
Wait no not old love still? Shit.
Couldn’t be still Rime is dead and has been dead....
But again so has he...
No Rime isn’t coming back but he isn’t as scandalous as to fall for the first person there ...
But then Felix is pulled out of his thoughts.
“I was told I put the Fun in Funeral if you want to learn a bit about me you can join.... I dont Really care if you hear a few of my old phone messages ...”
And just like that he couldn’t help himself... but to take a seat and listen to a magic box make odd conversations about Zombies apparently....? And next weeks episode ... (do books their get published weekly? Chapter by chapter?) Felix made a note to himself to ask how prevelant book releases where on their world and what kind....
As well as to inquire about how many of these Mothmen there are...
Especially as appearently people from Earth find Mothmen “Sexy.” Which is unexpected as Felix was under the impression Earth had no magic or monsters so how could it have Mothpeople...
He will ask later after all that way he has a normal reason to start a conversation and not have it look like flirting ...
Felix didn’t need that kind of rejection again...
He had had enough of that. He just was too odd for people and would eventually prove this to them too...
Even if they seemed like maybe just maybe they could be diffrent. Like maybe just maybe they could accept him.
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ever-fics · 4 years ago
A Sebastian x Farmer Stardew thought I couldn’t get out of my head....
The farmer shows Sebastian thay the magic he’s lived his whole life is real and adventure is at his fingertips.
You both were laying on Sebastians little black couch in his little stone basementroom.
You had been together at least a year and a half. Today being one of Sebastians famous comic days... Meaning he got the newest issue. Which resulted in you tucked under one of his arms your head on his shoulders. He had stroked your hair with one hand and held the comic in the other so you could both read it.
There was scilence but it was ....
Comfortable silence. Lovely silence...
The kind of silence where any conversation anything that need to be said didn’t need to be said. It was just known. The way you had just known you wanted it to stay like this... forever. You wanted to marry him. Sure you could have waited around for him to propose but,that wasn’t the custom here. Nor was there gendered expectations of proposals.
Best it was told to you is that only certain people can see the ghost of the Mariner. Best it was told to you it was the responsibility of that person to do the proposing.... so you bought the shell. Keeping it somewhere in your house cuddled in cloth as tightly as you cuddled him now.
There was still one thing you had to do with Sebastian before you could propose... one last thing to tell him...no this would take showing him. So when you had both finished the comic.
“Seb? Can I show you something?” You asked watching his face knit in confusion as to why you even felt you had to ask.
“Sure.” He responded in his usual game for anything attitude.
“Meet me at the farm ok? If I were you I’d look in your drawer at my place to see if you have anything ... durable to wear.” You smirked
“Umm ok... cool see you in 20?” Seb scratched the back of his neck.
Sebastian had always loved fictional adventure stories and magic and Dnd honestly. It was one of the major things you loved about him... his open mindedness, his imagination in storytelling, his beautiful unapologetic geekiness and his shy little smile when you complimented it.
Although if Sebastian was in the loop the others had to be as well.
So you texted Sam ,Abigail ,and Seb in the group chat...
You: Come to farm wear something durable be ready for anything...
Sam ,Abigail ,and Seb however had not been ready for anything. As when you greeted them at your door with a sword for each of them. Some healing potions and a map they looked dumbfounded.
“Y/N what’s going on?” Seb questioned.
“I want you all to know me all of me including the fact I really haven’t just been a simple farmer. Also Seb I love you and I want to share this part of my life with you as well... especially as a lot of the time I work late and I would rather you don’t worry about my loyalty to you,my safety, and my love for you so..
I want to take you all to my work...
And before you ask no I didn’t do this before I actually did work at Joja mart.” You explained.
Leading them to the mines.
“So your leading us in like a suprize Larp.” Abigail chimed in.
“Sure... I guess.” You said leading everyone to the mines.
There was a little green Junimo trying to get the dwarves attention.
The Dwarf just cussed loudly in Dwarvish.
“Um...let’s address the elephant in the room ...Holy Shit that’s a dwarf like an actual proper dwarf.” Sam
“Yup... I’m trying to learn Dwarvish to speak to him for now I figure best not although he has seemed please when I bring him Dwarvish relics I find so ...”
“What’s the green thing?” Abigail asked.
“Oh that’s a Junimo they are woodland spirits like will o whisps almost. The wizard in the woods asked me to come to his tower and gave me a potion to communicate with them they help me with things in return for items they want like goat cheese...” you explained.
“The wizard in the woods the WIZARD IN THE FUCKING WOODS!! That’s so cool. This is awesome.” Sam exclaimed.
“That’s what that tower is ... I thought it was some weird Forrest lighthouse.” Abigail chimed in.
“Forrest lighthouse?” Sebastian raised an eyebrow at her. Causing you to chuckle a bit before ushering everyone in the elevator and pressing level 75.
“So when you say your going mining?” Sebastian questioned.
“ I’m actually going monster hunting.”
You answered.
“And I thought You couldn’t get hotter or more impressive..” Seb laughed to himself.
“Careful I might try to steal her from you.” Abigail winked.
“Fat chance.” Sebastian laughed
“If everyone is done I would just like to let you guys know drink the healing potions seriously you’ll need them.”
The elevator opened to a ghost rushing towards you all as soon as you stepped out.
“Swords up swing.” You chuckled as your friends seemed to have the same thrill you have when you come down. They smashed skeletons and ghosts.
And you found a frozen tear.
When the fighting cleared... you tapped Sebastian on the shoulder although he was listening to Sam who was whispering to him and slipped him something.
“Hey Seb I found this for you and I know they’re you’re favorites so I wanted you to have it.” You smirked.
“This isn’t what you’ve had to do to Bring me those right? Risk your safety in some monster infested mine?” Sebastian felt a pang of guilt.
“I’m a sucker for adventure and a sucker for you so I even thought I didn’t have to I’m sure I would’ve ended up doing this anyway.” You cupped his face with you’re hand.
“I just I thought the cuts the bruises might’ve been from some of the animals getting territorial. I also thought you were a lot clumsier than you are apparently.” Sebastian laughed.
“Hey!” You retorted.
“In all seriousness... Don’t ever risk your life for me like that again. The gems are nice ,but you are the only treasure I’m looking for.Seriously Y/N Stones can be replaced you ... you can’t I’m an introverted person. There aren’t many people amazing enough to be worth the risk.
You have ALWAYS been worth the risk. You listen. You have done more for this town than they give you credit for. You made me realize I am not Mom and Demetrius expectations. That I deserve to be myself. That myself is enough. That I don’t have to give up being a programmer or move to the city to be happy here. Actually I am realizing I’d be miserable in the city because the city wouldn’t have you.” Sebastian explained.
“Seb ....” you reached for the blue shell in your pocket .
“I have a gift for you one that is long over due.”
You smiled.
“And I you.” Sebastian responded which took you off guard.
“Umm... ok then let’s exchange them and open them together on the count of three.” You suggested befor you both did just that.
Both unwrapping paper.
Both revealing a blue shell.
Both cry laughing..
“Marry me?” You asked him.
“You don’t even have to ask I’ve wanted to marry you for a while now I just haven’t gotten the nerve. Thank you foe being the coolest actual adventurer Fiancé ever.”
Seb kissed you
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ever-fics · 5 years ago
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“Black Lives Matter” and “Justice for missing and murdered Indigneous women” Photo credit: Does anyone know who took this image?
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