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ever-fics · 2 years ago
Part 2 and three are together ^^!
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ever-fics · 2 years ago
Rock you Like a Hurricane PT1:
New message:
Tumblr media
A Notification pops up on the arcade machine
Hi,Sorry to startle you . I’m not a stalker I swear.. I thought I programmed this so it would display my name and not my user name.
Anyway I’ve hacked this…
Its my favorite game. Anyway dont tell anyone I
hacked this please… I need to stay long enough to get information
Michael sighs… knowing he has to get them off the machine before his Dad figures out its been hacked… he begins to type back.
Player 1:
Why do you need information?___________________________________
Long story…. I would say I was looking for somone but uh…After a while you get to a point you’ll even settle for answers.
The message and the user name combined gives Michael a good enough guess as to who he’s talking to…
He just… hasn’t seen her in years and didn’t know she could hack but given its her he is talking to it doesn’t surprise him.
Player 1:
Wait a Hot minute I recognize your username…somebody used it as some sort of sports nickname…
Michael smirks as he types it hoping she will correct him on the sports part or just admit who she is. ___________________________________
Please. Tell me you weren't at Hurricane High anywhere
between 85 -88?
That was not the response Michael wanted or expected but it still makes him more certain he’s talking to Y/N…
Player 1:
No can do…
Okay well maybe you are wrong and you dont recognize the nickname? xP
Player 1:
Superstar of Utah…Y/N?
Cheer Captain?
Nobody calls me that …
Michael had forgotten about that that her real name reminded her of her dead sister so she adopted a nickname a while back…
Player 1:
You’re looking for Suzie aren’t you?
Who the hell are you and what do you know about my sister?
Michael … didn’t know how to answer that one … oh Yeah my Dad murdered your sister and stuffed her corpse into a baby chicken robot… yeah Um… No … especially not to her…
Player 1:
About as much as you Unfortunately. That she disappeared at a Halloween party …in 1980
Again Who the hell are you and what do you know about my sister?…
Player 1:
Y/N …Im…Im sorry… for everything. For.. I shouldnt have let them smash your cassettes..
Rock is actually … kinda rad….
Of course this would end up being you…Look Whatever screwed up prank your pulling this isnt Candid camera.
ok, so save it. I …
Player 1:
No I…. I mean it… I didn’t Know how
badly I had hurt you until it was too late ...
You have one thing right…
Player 1:
And what would that be?
That its too late…
The person I used to be disapeared with my sister .
That. That’s why she joined… cheer? To forget? To be someone else… she … never
Player 1:
Wait… you never rebought the albums again?
Think of one reason I should have…
Bowie, Mecury , music in general you dont need it to live…
Suzie She had made a note before… to try and fix them she took them out of the..trash.
I was so annoyed with her because she stole my …doll after I agreed to be dress like it ffor halloween… I… whatever happened to her… I never got to tell her… The last thing I said to her… was I .. I wished I didn’t have a sister.
Look I liked rock once I liked a lot of things once. What was it you all said … No wonder I watch star…bullshit considering Im basically an alien myself?
How are you surprised I got the message loud and clear? The only reason I would’ve listened to it is… because she convinced me … before she disappeared before she stole my doll before the fight ….
I cant Listen to Hard Rock anymore … it … reminds me too much of her.
Player 1:
Good thing those aren’t hard rock then…
Im sorry what?
Player 1:
Those aren’t Hard rock they are Glam Rock…
how do you know…wait a minute!!!
You secretly listened to them too didn’t you?
Michael was laughing he’d.. missed that…
However, as he went to reply the screen went Dark only a white glitching text Saying Error and a frozen chat box from
talking about what happened to me…
It hurts her. I wont let her hurt
like I do…
The electrical outlet the games plugged into crackles and begins to steam ending whatever conversation Michael had been having
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