#//also more family-esque stuff under the cut
truly-quirkless · 4 months
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May as well since it's dancing around, so!
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Toshinori Yagi is bisexual, with a leaning towards pan. The pan is mostly because he's dating/married to Fin, who is neither gender, and he does feel attraction for feminine, masculine, and neutral presentations/bodies. So- man's out here trying to sort if he's bi or pan. Kinda flip-flops.
He identifies as male/he's cis, and he goes by he/him pronouns and the like. Always dresses masculine- not really a big fan of dresses and whatnot. He'll wear them if requested, but they make him just a little uncomfortable...loves a pretty kimono (so one that feels more fem than masc to him) though, and good luck making him shy away from feminine colors/getting his nails done.
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Finley Well is a flavor of graysexual/demisexual. They very rarely feel sexual attraction, and it pops up more often with those they've already developed a deep bond with. Gender presentation means very little to them, but if you're someone they have feelings for? You could dress in a trash bag and still get them to nosebleed. Doesn't matter what your gender is.
Fin identifies as nonbinary, and presents in a semi-masculine manner. Fin goes by they/them pronouns and gender neutral terms, but they're fine with more masculine/male-leaning terms. They despise wearing dresses and anything 'feminine' leaning. Much prefer a solid suit. They are AFAB, so they have female equipment- but they try to dress in loose clothing as much as they can so that no one can see their chest. They're considering top surgery- but have yet to develop the guts to go through with it (haha....).
Yagi's family would have been pro-LGBTQ+. His adoptive family...not so much, but they wouldn't have stopped Yagi if he did develop non-heteronormative relationships. Nana Shimura, who kinda became his last 'mother' of sorts, supported him full-heartedly, as did Gran Torino, though Torino is still confused about the whole concept in general. Just 'whatever makes you young whippersnappers happy, just leave me out of it'.
Fin's parents are very much LGBTQ+-phobic. Fin and Yagi met their folks while they were at I-Island, and when said parents kept calling Fin 'their darling daughter', Yagi stepped in, grabbed them, said 'I fucked them, now if you need me, I'm going to go have a lovely day with my S P O U S E', and walked off. Fin was both mortified and relieved.
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demonir · 4 months
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I finished my lineup of tf2 ponies with both RED and BLU team! Now I can finally have them as reference for future stuff 💜
I will post individual more in depth references of each one of them soon!
Close ups and headcanons under the cut ↓
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Spy is half unicorn pony half deer so he's got long slim legs! Scout inherits this trait which makes him even lighter than the average pegasus and faster as well.
BLU Spy has more deer spots than RED Spy, BLU Scout also inherits this trait but they look like freckles on him
Yes BLU Spy had his head re-attached!
RED Medic is way older than he lets on and while he didn't create the most common healing spell he did expand upon it making him a very important figure in the field of unicorn magic, he has in fact written a lot of medicine and magic books that Twilight Sparkle herself has studied!
RED Medic's horn is the largest of all the unicorns in the team!
BLU Medic's horn got broken in an accident, he uses the medicine backpack to assist with his healing spell since his magic isn't as potent anymore however the backpack needs to recharge
Demoman's tail is fractured in some parts that's why it has such sharp bending points
RED Soldier and BLU Soldier accidentally swapped teams really early into their jobs but they didn't realize and no one cared enough to do anything about it, this has not impacted their performance in the slightest
RED Engie does have gunslinger, it's a mix of mechanics and magic. BLU Engie had gunslinger but decided to re-attach his original hoof instead
Both Pyros have Pinkie Pie esque reality bending properties
They all have different body types! you'll be able to see so better when I post the individual references that won't have the clothes or wings to obscure it
RED Sniper has the cut on his face from Spy but BLU Sniper does not
BLU Medic is older than RED Medic! you can tell by the fact his hair has more gray spots
BLU Engie heterochromia!
BLU Scout is a ginger, if BLU Spy is also a ginger is up to interpretation
BLU Pyro doodles on their mask for fun
RED Engie is the only earth pony child out of a family of unicorns because his mom was an earth pony
Both Snipers were raised by ponies rather than griffons
Heavy pony has a device that goes mounted on his back for his minigun to hang by his side so he can shoot, same goes for Pyro
Some of these are subject to change but this is what I have so far!
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dork-a-doodle · 1 year
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I have so many thoughts so I’m putting them under the cut
Ok so thoughts about Fear Entity alignments for Deltarune characters!
Kris, to me, was one of the more obvious. Being the only human in town makes them a very distinct other from everyone around them, despite their attempts to blend in with their family. They’re also regularly referred to as creepy and “the class zombie” by their peers. All very Stranger-esque. They are also very clearly a victim of The Web via the Soul/Player, that’s just a no-brainer.
Susie is another easy one, she’s a Slaughter avatar if I’ve ever seen one. She lashes out with violence at the slightest hint of adversity, and only decided that non-violent solutions could sometimes be of use after almost killing one of her first real friends. And even after that she’s still always ready to bash skulls at any time.
Ralsei was an interesting one. His alignment doesn’t actually have much to do with his own fear, nor any fear he inflicts on others. But instead is a reflection of Darkners as a whole. All Darkners, as beings essentially born from darkness, are Dark aligned by default. As the Prince of the Dark, Ralsei embodies this.
Berdly as a Vast avatar is perhaps a bit more of a reach than the others, and it could be argued that he’s just as much a victim as he is an avatar. For me it comes in two parts. The first and simpler is that he’s a bird. Birds fly in the sky. The Vast deals with sky based stuff. The second is the more existential part of The Vast. Berdly struggles with being seen as unintelligent, unexceptional, insignificant. And the way he deals with this Fear is to project it onto others, belittling them and making them feel insignificant in comparison to him.
Noelle’s alignment changes based on the route. In the regular route she’s a shoo-in for The Lonely, being a quiet doormat who bends to others wills without actually being an active member. In the Snowgrave route, she fills the role of Desolation avatar quite nicely, destroying everything in her path, leaving nothing untouched by her ice. (She’s also clearly a victim of The Web in both routes, by Queen and Kris/the Soul respectively.)
Jevil is another simple one, what with the themes of chaos, madness, and unreality. Spiral avatar all the way.
I stared at Spamton for like an hour trying to figure out what to do with him. I gave up. Avatar of Capitalism ig.
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sailforvalinor · 1 year
As I've finally finished Ten's run...my thoughts on all of Ten's companions (in an order that makes sense to no one but me)
I have...complicated feelings about Martha. I'm going to be honest, for her first few episodes, I did not like her all that much. Of course, the thing is, you're almost not supposed to like her at first. One of my favorite things about series 3 and 4 is that Rose very much haunts the narrative--you can feel her presence in Ten's thoughts, how her absence informs his decisions, almost as if she never left. Martha's role, at least in those first few episodes, is to make us miss Rose. She's a plot device. I don't think this is the case for the rest of the season, she has a lot of compelling things going for her character--her complicated relationship with her family and her desire to travel with Ten partially being due to her wanting to escape their chaos were really interesting. Also, her studying to be a doctor while traveling with the Doctor could have been a fascinating plot point if it had been utilized more often--but unfortunately, I think everything her character had going for it was too often muddied up by the "one-sided pining for Ten" plotline. I'm by no means opposed to the plotline in and of itself, I actually quite like it, but halfway through the season it started to get annoying to me. Like, I get it, him kissing her in episode 1 and then asking her to travel with him is really confusing, that's totally understandable, but after that long of traveling with the guy and him making it extremely clear that he doesn't like her like that...like, girl. Give it a rest.
(Not that Ten is entirely blameless in this situation--this man has never heard of a healthy coping mechanism. He just wanted Martha to travel with him because he was lonely, nothing else, but didn't make that clear at all. His refusal to even acknowledge her feelings, which he was perfectly aware of, and have a healthy conversation about it wasn't helping matters.)
I loved how they handled her exit in Series 3, however--I loved how Martha acknowledged that their relationship wasn't healthy for either of them, and that she needed to get out. (Ten staring as his shoes in that scene...gosh...)
And, with the one-sided pining plotline out of the way, I loved her appearances in Series 4! I loved how she actually got to be a doctor and do cool stuff! Also, I know her ending up with Mickey in the end is a very blatant Pair the Spares move, but have you considered: I do not care. I love them. They are so cute. (Didn't Martha have a fiancé in Series 4 though? What happened to him? Did he die or something and I missed it?)
Also, Martha is the most obvious example of what the Dalek's argue in the Series 4 finale--that the Doctor cannot help but make his companions into soldiers.
Donna!!! I'll admit, I was pretty neutral about her in her first appearance--but I was so excited to have her back in Series 4. It was a breath of fresh air to have a companion who was very clearly a friend rather than another love interest, and her dynamic with Ten was so different than with any other companion. Their banter was so entertaining, and her lack of tact, though it got her into trouble sometimes, enabled her to say important things to Ten that Rose avoided saying for fear of jeopardizing their relationship, and Martha would have regulated to passive-aggressive muttering under her breath. (Thinking of "you talk all the time, but you never say anything" -esque conversations.) She cuts through Ten's bluster with relative ease, and it's fascinating to watch.
I also love that her traveling with the Doctor helps her grow as a person, flying in the face of Ten's belief that he destroys everything he touches--until the memory wipe, of course. Still, the Doctor Donna is still in there. (Also, was I supposed to think that the woman in white in The End of Time was Donna? That's what I assumed, but I'm not sure if I'm right.)
Believe it or not, when I was thirteen years old and tried to watch Doctor Who for the first time, I did not like Rose Tyler. I thought that Rose was annoying, and that Nine was too angry and scary. (Thirteen year old me only got as far as The Doctor Dances, forgive her.)
I liked her much better the second go-round--I think the moment I was really sold on her character was her whole Bad Wolf moment, which makes sense. Her character growth throughout the series is by far my favorite, though I'm not sure I could tell you why. I'm going to try, though!
I think one thing that's pretty easy to forget about Rose is that she begins as quite a similar character to Donna, in that she doesn't have all that much going for her in her day-to-day life--she didn't do all that well in school, didn't go to university, is working at a department store (a job which she loses in the first episode), is living with her caring but rather foolish mother, and is dating a well-intentioned but pretty immature guy. It's a little startling at first glance how quickly she's totally on-board with traveling with the Doctor and being in so much danger all the time (even before she's in love with him), but it makes sense when you consider how little there is left for her at home. There's her mother, there's Mickey. That's it. And once she's seen the beauty of the universe, despite how dangerous it is, she just can't go back.
Just how sold-out she is for Ten (and vice-versa) is one of my favorite things, but also, one of her greatest strengths is her empathy. She's not brilliant like Martha, or a soldier like Jack, or a Time Lord-to be like Donna. What she has is a compassion that allows her to connect with all kinds of people--with a dying Dalek, with a terror-inducing little boy who is really just looking for his mother, with a housewife who is terrified of her abusive husband, even with a time-traveling man responsible for a war-ending genocide of millions.
I'm not going to go too much into Tenrose here (because I talk about it enough on this blog), but I find it so interesting that Rose represents healing to both Nine and Ten. Ten makes it very clear in the Series 4 finale that Rose saved him from himself--and not even intentionally, just by being who she is. Her influence on him is just that strong. (Please excuse me while I weep.)
As I mentioned earlier, I love how in Series 3 and 4, Rose is not physically present, but you can feel her haunting the narrative. You can almost tell when Ten is thinking of her, when her absence or influence on him causes him to make certain decisions, even though he talks about her pretty rarely. And how rarely he talks about her makes her into a sort of mythic figure for both Martha and Donna, making her return all the more incredible.
I also love that it is Donna who keeps seeing Rose everywhere and is so involved with her return. I sort of see Donna as someone Rose could have very easily become if she had never met the Doctor. They both also understand him in a similar way, though their relationships with him are fundamentally different. If the universe had allowed it, they would have been best friends.
Also, while it's sad for Ten, I loved the Tentoorose ending. I honestly couldn't see ending it any other way and keeping the integrity of Doctor Who's themes.
Finally, it has to be said—Ten and Rose are just so much fun to watch. They’re so happy together. They grin at each other like idiots. Ten does not smile like that with that amount of frequency for anyone else in the series, and I’m so unhinged about it.
A few random thoughts on some other assorted companions:
Mickey: Mickey my beloved!!! One of the things I love about the writing of these four seasons is that they are very aware of their own writing--they know that they're making Mickey into the third wheel, but they're also very aware of that fact. Seeing an arc like this handled with such self-awareness was so cool to see. I liked how Rose didn't immediately leave Mickey for the Doctor, she tried to make their relationship work, but they both eventually came to see that their relationship was immature. I also loved how he had his own arcs independent of Rose, and his character growth in those arcs were just incredible. I also think he has some of the most underrated performances in the show--the scene in Pete's World where he finds his grandmother makes me want to weep. And, of course, I love him and Martha together.
Astrid: Liked her quite a lot, I just don't get why we need to be throwing love interests at Ten all the time. Give him a break.
Jackson and Rosita: I mean, I get it, but also...huh??
Christina: Why. Why. Why.
Wilfred: 10/10. No notes.
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Fire family redesigns, arcs 1-4! (I don't have the strength for after that)
design notes under cut!
Jake is just your typical ginger white guy. He is probably of Irish descent and has insane levels of rizz and strong genes that are still present generations later. He gives his pink bow to Tallstar to toe his hair and never takes it back
Firestar is just a more muscular version of his dad (not shown since this is just a bust shot). However, he is still smaller than most leaders. His lander rodes help him look bigger
Took the controversial decision not to make Scourge a devientart oc. Hope yall can forgive me 😔. He is a grown man. Since the outsider villages are pretty much just 1800s British people, he has the typical style of that period. However, the difference is his nacklace covered in the teeth of his victims (and one from an old dog he killed as a kid and lied saying it was a dragon). He also wears Frsdy Kruger-esque knife gloves
Princess is pretty much just gender swapped Firestar, has a rounder face. She doesn't have a good family life in this au, which is why she sent Cloudtail away. Fun fact: this also makes Cloudtail's full name Cloudtail Mcleod
Squirrelfight gets a lot of Firestar's looks! Her hair is curly thanks to Sandstorm's genes. Wears a necklace that represents the three
Leafpool didn't get the ginger gene, but she did get the good looks that charms everyone she is not supposed to date. She is not wearing her ceremonial clothes here. As a medincine person, she has tattoos, but they are under her clothes
Whitewing gets her papa's white hair but Brightheart's skin tone. Her hairband resembles Marigolds, which Brightheart used to grow outside her house in the old forest.
When designing Cloudtail, it is HAD to make him look handsome but also like a smug asshole. Hope I did well. Obvious fur collar resembling cloud. Got his eye scar from a stupid childhood accident and gave Firestar a heart attack.
You know what is funny? Making it to where SOMEHOW Squirrelfight manages to get the whole clan think the Three- all of which having Asian features - are the offspring of her Irish ass and Brambleclaw. Thunderclan is either stupid or, for once, good at minding their own business.
Hollyleaf got hit HARD by Windclan genes. A female version of Crowfeather. Got the freckles, tho. While staying in the tunnels, she chops her hair off and loses a ton of weight.
Jayfeather also got hit hard by the Windclan genes but also got some stuff from Crowfeather's mom. He wears the obvious Jay feather (given as a gift from Sandstorm when he was little) as well as a fake Briar flower (made of paper on a rainy day while she was keeping him company). Has tattoos because he is a medical person.
Lionblaze just barely got any Windclan genes, mostly getting left over traits from Sandstorm. Originally, I had him being more Thor-like, but I decided to lean away from that. He is taller and buffer than most of his family but can not grow facial hair well. He hates it. (Update: he is a spitting image of Deadfoot now, just blonde)
Tried to give Dovewing a rounder, fuller face than everyone else to show her being a bit heavier built. Don't know if it shows, tho. Gave her cool Grey's and dove colors and a feathered shall- made from the hide of the first monster she killed solo- a griffin. Her ribbon was given to her by Tigerheart, and she thinks she is being subtle about it.
As a Sapphic ace, I decided Ivypool deserves butch rights. Her face scars were caused by training in the dark forest. For a while, she had a black star tattoo marking her as a trainee, but she burned it off herself (Jayfeather got very angry she would, so such a stupid thing)
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
Details I noticed in The Last Wish pt 4
This is going to go from the cave of lost souls to the end
When jump scared by his past lives in the cave of lost souls, Puss has his claws out as he jumps back
When the bear family is setting up their trap with Perrito, Baby bear says, "I just want to pet him with my teeth." Perrito leans forward, smiles, and wags his tail while looking at Baby's teeth
Goldi's blue corset-eque piece is held up by a brown strap on her right shoulder. It's hard to see tho bc it's under all her jewelry
Papa has a huge scar on his left arm that looks like it could be from the claws marks, maybe from another bear
Goldi death glares at Baby when they're all stuck in the trap while he screams about the bees. She is angry lol
When Puss flashes back to Santa Coloma during the panic attack scene, the colors are warm and it looks like it could be an afternoon on a nice sunny day. When he remembers it in the cave of lost souls, all the colors are cold. Everything's has more blue in it and it looks like a big storm is rolling in. It's an interesting contrast between how it actually was vs how he remembers it
One of the things a past life yells at him as he tries to leave the cave is, "Where's your litter box, Pickles?"
As soon as Puss starts reading the incantation on the map at the wishing star, it starts rising. You can see it in the background when Kitty confronts him, the standoff between all the characters, and even the first part of the battle, until it's all the way in the air
I just love the way Perrito says, "Yeah, I don't know what to do with this" as he gives the map to Puss after the battle lol He genuinely doesn't know why everybody wants it so bad
Every time Death hits his sickles together, his eyes flash white. This happens in Puss' final battle with Death but I believe it also happens in their first fight too
When Puss says he's done running, the shot is actually on Kitty, not Puss
This happens throughout the whole movie but whenever two objects hit each other, there's a spikey comic-esque collision shape like in Spiderverse. Puss kicking the cups of milk into the crowd in the opening song, Death kicking him in the final fight, everywhere in between, it adds to the digital drawing style and fast pace
When Death cuts Puss' boots, red flames come out of the slash
When Puss uses the gatito blade to block the scythes, it plays Kitty's theme in the music
In the wide shot when Death is stalking up to Puss after he tells him to pick up the scythe, the foreground is shimmering in the heat of the flames
When Perrito says, "Oh, I was just buying some time for Team Friendship." Jack immediately goes, "Team what?" which I think is a perfectly reasonable response to hearing that name lol
As the star collapses in on itself, Puss picks Perrito up while they all run to the edge. I guess his legs were too short to make it in time by himself lol
When Jack says, "What did I do to deserve this??" as he dies, Puss shakes his head and Kitty rolls her eyes. They're the only two who aren't 'scared but can't look away.' It makes sense tho bc they have the most experience with Jack and know exactly what he did to deserve this lol
The lady listing to the Commodore all the stuff she packed for him as they walk out to the boat looks tired and annoyed. When she sees that Puss stole his boat, however, she looks ecstatic. She does not like her boss and wants him to suffer as much as possible
Part one, Part two, Part three, Part five
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zondearts · 4 months
can you talk about wolf au. I'm like an ipad baby and PRSK AUs are how i stay occupied
Oh you don't know how that ask delights me!
It's gonna be a long dump (cuz I've been brainroting for a while) so all that stuffs under the cut
So the prsk Wolf au, was this lil stray idea I had around the time when the werewolf shiho card came out. Basically what if I write a fic in german to improve my german and use the german fairytale inspired set as a base. The original plan was to write a semi long polyneed/shihosaki fic, but that turned into me only writing about the world building and culture, which turned into me writing smaller sidestories to get back into the mood, what turned into... must be around 20k Mizuena slowburn. (but I still haven't managed posting anything aside from some art :P)
I will genuinely try my best to formulate anything coherent, because I am a scatterbrain who suffers under "has to mention small details lest they burst" disease.
Anyways the setting of the au is in the medivelesque city Diva in a country called Sekai. Sekai is a small to medium sized country, around the size of Bayern (the biggest German state) and is under the rule of the Ootori royal family. Next to them four other families rule over parts of Sekai, the Asahinas, the Hinomoris, the Tenmas and the Shinonomes, who all currently reside in Diva.
For each I have selected some symbols which appear in ornaments and patterns.
The Ootori naturally have the phoenix as a coat of arms, they're tbh the only family I haven't properly fleshed out, but they united Sekai (it previously was several smaller countries at war) and at one point almost seperated Sekai, yet that's all I managed.
The Asahinas are a more interesting bunch. Coat of arms and Ornament vise they mainly have symetric rootlike meandering purple patterns, with occasional snowflake-shapes, mostly to potray how the family is connected and interwoven in Sekais politics and how they uphold order. (Their territory is also more Renaissance esque for that reason) They are a family of perfection, which delights most and creeps out some.
The Hinomoris coat of arms is a white Hare looking at the moon. They also have a more forest animal theming, since they control most of the forestry and hunting. (architecturally they have more of a gothic architecture, but only for the nobles and the church (oh the church wai wai)) They're next to a massive forest which I oh so love thinking about. They are a old family next to old trees and in possession of an old church in need of restoration.
The Tenmas coat of arms is obviously the Pegasus (more of a alicorn, but psshhh Tsukasa said it's a Pegasus and his word is law). They have a rich mythological beasts theming, since they're from a long bloodline of dragonslayers etc. They're also paired with Lions, for example one of their cities outside of Diva's called Leo. They're somewhat the spirit of Sekai and enjoy allot of goodwill from the people. (They have a more romanesque building style)
The Shinonomes coat of arms are two Wolfs standing next to a color palette and chisel. Their theming is more prominent in their social standing as respected artist, but rotten family. Their wolves with turned heads, but still wolves. They don't own much land and only work in the arts, closed off in a giant building.
The church shows it's leoneed influences. First Miku is the main deity, the god who creates with song and put the world in harmonious order, which is the geocentric worldview (which I have thought about too much, like man alchemist sure as fuck loved they're geocentricm) besides her, the other cryptonloids are gods aswell. The religion is more music oriented, most prominent in the festivals each month (which I wish to elaborate on, but I can't make this dump that long)
The interesting part of the beliefs is what the heavenly order deems as good and bad, since those are the main sources of conflict here.
Because next to humanity and the gods are the others (die Anderen) a generalized group of those who are not part of the divine order. Those can be simply animals like Ravens, bats, wolves and cats, but also mythical beings like fae, fairies, elves etc.
The normal attitude towards them is neutral, stay away, don't call lest they answer and so on.
All fine and dandy, but the country has been hit by a wave of werewolves gone mad because of a bloodmoon (mythologically speaking, the wolf in the sky (inspired by norse mythology) bit the moon coating it in blood and declaring hunting season) muddying the already blurry borders between human and other.
That attack caused hate and unease to spread around, folks are willing to purge anything other to strengthen the borders between normal and abnormal, healthy and sick, good and bad...
Anyways all the blorbos are other in some way shape or form.
Starting from the ones who are other before the bloodmoon:
Shizuku and Airi:
So Shizuku is the future heir of the Hinomori family (becoming heir after her father dies a bit before the bloodmoon), but she's a bit of a clutz, a bit of an airhead even, so there's some obvious struggle there.
Well she once went into the forest in one restless night and attracted Airis attention. Airi is a Fairy who's also lord of the forest, the same the Hinomoris claim as their territory. Because of that Airi snuck into Shizukus house, hidden as a maid to test if she's worthy to be the "representative" of her forest. (she's just gay)
I have written a bit about their relationship at that time before the bloodmoon, exploring Airis conflicted feelings about where her feelings towards Shizuku belong. Typical "You can't love me! You're a girl and I'm a worm!" plot, mixed with the themes of wildness (symbolized by a lynx) and domestication (a dog). After the blood Moon Airi works with Shizuku, who kinda sorta is about to start a civil war...
Anyways Minoharu:
Haruka is a travelling hunter, who hunts down monsters and other beasts. Minori is a gay nature spirit....like...yk? I also considered writing about their relationship before the bloodmoon, trying to find the idol vibes in it. Atm it appears to be that Haruka hunts down the most unruly creatures thus garnering the admiration of the people and the others.
For most of the time the gratitude of the others would be expressed by odd gifts, like feathers, nuts, pebbles and flowers, for Haruka can't see them. Minorin (the gayass) has been following her for a while, occasionally aiding in Harukas hunts and gifting her stuff like the rest. At some point Haruka noticed her and they kinda sorta got to be partners (sorry didn't manage much development on that yet) After the bloodmoon Haruka got commissioned by the king to kill off the stray werewolves, that's when they started working with Shizuai.
Then Rui and Nene:
Rui is human born with hagstone eyes (dual colored eyes the center is a different color etc) he can see the others. Therefore he got ostracized, because of his weird behavior. Being a exentric doesn't help, so when he found a trapped Siren (Nene, who got kidnapped from her homeland and now chills with Rui), he decided to just... hermit it up, goes full on mad alchemist (raaah). His presence before the bloodmoon is during the Mizuena prebloodmoon plot. There he functions as Mizukis strange friend who asked them to transport riddled letters to An.
An here is a affiliate to Rui, ex knight and of a lesser known nobel family, she and Kohane are the owners of a tavern. Ans task is keeping check on Rui and smoothing relations between the town and the others.
Mizuki is a changeling chased out of their village after their family found out that they infact weren't their son. They wound up hanging out with Rui for a while, since they have a similar stance of being an unwelcome mix of other and human. On their journey to Diva they met Ena in a small town far from the city (she ran from her family for art reasons) Ena joined them in their journey, finding comfort in their relationship, since Mizuki doesn't treat her as part of "his" family. They bond together, Mizuki assists her in her impulsive new goal of becoming a knight, they have the classic Mizuena runaway story and wham. Gaē
I have written a lot about that in a fic (might finally manage posting the first chapter sometime, still it's in german soo...) focusing on falling out of humanity, searching a future etc. swell stuff to ponder about, but ngl I fear Ena got a bit too ooc
So...Kanade's dead...she died...womp womp. Aight lemme explain. Mafuyus presence before the bloodmoon is just being the friendly neighborhood knight, until she ends up standing in ominous mist, talking in a monotone hollow voice how people are cursed, or damning themselves. She has the same eyes as Rui, can see the other, but she's a Asahina, so that can't be, no good girl stares at the corner for hours tsk tsk. Welp that leads to some mental damage, seeing the tortured ghosts of the past, but pretending that everything is fine, mixed with the already present Mafu...trauma, yeagh not fun. Anyways one night Mafuyu heard a haunting song and finds out it's Kanades restless ghost, who cursed herself with the duty of singing prayers to save folks...so they ended up being besties :3
Now! To the after bloodmoon stuff:
So around the time before the bloodmoon, like around one/two months, Saki left the country to get some better help for her illness. While that happens the horrendous bloodbath occurred and Shiho (who was a knight atm) got bit by a Werewolf and spread the curse on Ichika and Hona before running off into the forest. Yay.
Since Shiho only was freshly turned Ichika and Hona got about...wowza two years until the curse takes hold on them. Naturally the panicked people aren't fond of two (there were more but...those didn't make it) future werewolves in their mids, but here comes Shizuku with a steel chair.
The Hinomoris are next to the Asahinas one of the most powerful families in Sekai (excluding the Ootoris) ,so Shizuku, the new head of the family, threathens a civil war if the city harms any people injured by the attacks. She got some backing, since the family helped out a lot of the people affected by the attack. This in mind they came to a conclusion that the cursed will live under their watch until they turn and welp...get executed.
Nice and dandy, back to Saki out of country.
Girl has no clue and will not have any clue for a while.
Her entire friendgroup affected by the perils, Tsukasa and Ichika came to the conclusion to not tell her the entire thing.
So after she returned, still stuck in a room with fabeled beasts painted on her walls, she listens to Ichikas monthly lies. It's all she has.
Until Ichika acts weird, Tsukasa kicks her out, leading to a debate between the Tenmas, where Saki hears the truth and runs away into the forest like Shiho.
There the plot scatteres.
So Ichika? she was under the surveillance of a troop of knights...to be precise niigo. Officially Ena and to balance it out Mafuyu, but Mizuki and Kanade are their plus ones. They have a sorta neat relationship, especially Ichimizu, which I really need to explore more. That aside, Ichika is about to go full wolf and niigo is in crisis mode. Mafuyu is of the opinion to kill her before Ichika reveals their secret. Ena is full, no...no we shouldn't?? unwilling to follow some orders and kill a bro. Mizuki and Kanade are the middle ground, going, hey so killing Ichika is bad actually, but if we let her run away, Ena will be blamed and might even get killed in her place.
They come to a conclusion that they have to surrender Ichika, but find Saki for her, who's disappearance was announced by a very concerned Tsukasa rushing through the streets.
On Honamis side, she already got put in a cell for being a bit too dubious at the monastery. She managed gathering some tolerance, by cutting of contact with Ichika and going full people pleaser, but one bad day and schwomp jail.
One day Emu just spawns in the jail, since a kind friend of her wound up getting put behind bars. Through the conversation Honami gathers that Saki vanishes and admits her concern, motivating Emu to go on a search for her.
And Kasa? his character is a fun one ngl. Tsukasa in this au is enamored by the heroic legends of his forefathers. He has a bit of a self-absorbed vibe for most of the time, but after Saki left he had to face the reality of his beloved fairytales.
So emu contacts him and leads him to her odd friends in the odd forest, Rui and Nene. So that forms the wxs Saki search party.
Aight now where's Saki?
In a gay cottage.
Yk Shiho running off into the forest? Yeagh she got caught by Shizuku. She and Airi put the Shiwolf into time out in the hidden Hinomori hut (hidden by Airi, for I love myself some twisting reality and creating hidden spaces :3. Rui does that as well)
Haruka and Minori who got commissioned to hunt down wolves like Shiho almost found her, but Shizuku managed convincing them otherwise, so they now hang out with Shiho.
How Saki ended up there? Shiho found her collapsed in the snow and idk man unnecessary feelings aside, she wouldn't let anyone die in the snow, let alone Saki.
So she brought her to Minoharu to care for and just hides in the sidelines to maintain distance.
The entire gay cottage part is just slowburn Shihosaki (at least that's what my notes say) and Saki getting the mobility aid she deserves.
Back to niigo, Mizuki managed getting close to finding where Saki may be, but got caught by Airi. Now Niigo has a new sidehussel, overthrowing the government (more precisely the Asahinas).
Luckily, since Ichika is...in prison, Mafuyu has to go back home, so Mizuki can follow her there and snoop around.
From that point things stop being concrete
Around some time, Wxs managed to find Saki, but now they have to figure out how to yk...not let the rest of leoneed get publicly executed.
And well there's a struggle, since even if they save Ichihona, they still have to completely convince a paranoid country, that the others are actually swag and maybe they should hold hands and make out with them.
Either that or run away, something that niigo suggests.
I still didn't manage to find out what is the best solution....
Aight so this is my...~2k long ramble about the Wolf au, only leaving out, traditions, the other vocaloids, myths, interesting motives, changing seasons, further political affairs, horses, different povs, my attempts in using the german language in a interesting manner and...Akitoya.
Idk if that dump is coherent, might make a more coherent one in my prsk account (to shill said account @sleep-deprived-luka )
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autisticgoten · 2 years
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[Image ID/transcript under the cut]
Goten over the years! These are some concepts for a Super rewrite thing a friend and I have been working on :)
Goten is the main character along with Trunks... To expand on what Toriyama sort-of set up in DBZ, Goten and Trunks are intended to be the new generation full of promise, and take a much more important role in the story and conflicts than Super as it is.
There's a lot here and I've been drawing a lot of concept art regardless so I'm sure I'll expand on some of this stuff later haha. Goten and Trunks' fusion training on Metamor in particular is something I've been having a lot of fun with...
[Image ID.
Image 1: A digital artwork of three full-body depictions of Goten, lined up next to each other against a blank background, at different ages. The first age, labelled '>7' at the top, shows a young Goten in his gi as he appears in Dragon Ball Z, smiling at the viewer. Handwritten notes around him read:
Makeshift gi made by Chi-Chi for his training
No tail... yet (removed at birth)
Chi-Chi & Goten can't cut hair very well so it became a Goku-esque bird's nest
Lives simply and happily with his family, but becomes uncomfortable when he feels like something is being kept from him or he is missing something
Semi-frequent excursions to West City to see the Briefs -- his world is Mt. Paozu and Capsule Corp
Partners-in-crime with Trunks -- though this is actually the phase of life they see each other the least. Their partnership is also less equal at this time with Trunks taking the lead more & Goten deferring to the older kid.
The second age is labelled '11', and shows a visibly older Goten, over a head taller than the last age. He is dressed in the outfit he wears for most of Dragon Ball Super, and now as a tail hanging by his side. He is smiling at the viewer and holding up a peace sign. Handwritten notes around him read:
Super timeline starts
Grew back tail from the stress of Beerus's threats (along with Trunks) -- they were so excited their parents didn't remove them again (so long as the moon stays destroyed)
Struggles with loneliness when Gohan marries Videl & moves out, and visits him regularly, often without warning
Motivated to train more seriously with Goku -- wants to protect Earth and his family
The third age is labelled '14-15', and is also visibly older. He is wearing his outfit from the 'Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero' movie and has a sheepish smile on his face while waving at the viewer. His tail is curled up by his side. Handwritten notes around him read:
Now attending Blue Hal School with Trunks -- they are getting a lot closer
Getting very serious abt training -- now doing fusion training on Metamor with Trunks
Increasingly feeling the toll of Earth's safety beginning to be entrusted to him
Gets along very well with most ppl at school but struggles to form deeper connections -- a bit of a social drifter
In his spare time, video games are starting to be a major form of escapism
More assertive around people he knows well, but struggles with acquaintances
Realises he's bi :)
Image 2: A digital artwork of three more full-body depictions of Goten, continuing on from the last image. The first age is labelled '16-17' and shows an older Goten in his school uniform from the latest manga arc of Dragon Ball Super, holding his school bag with his other hand on his waist, smiling confidently at the viewer. His tail curls inward towards his legs. Handwritten notes around him read:
More involved in the community -- operating as a hero with Trunks, forming deeper bonds at school
Keeps himself busy with a variety of extracurriculars, parties, casual dates, and odd jobs for cash
Learns instant transmission!
Still goes with the flow but now more confident in his independence
Some of his activities take him away from Trunks but even apart they are close -- always texting
Official video game addict
Training is still very important to him but just one factor of his schedule & interests
The next age is labelled '19'. Goten is dressed in a loose-fitting purple shirt with Sonic the Hedgehog on it, with a black undershirt under it, loose yellow pants, and large black boots with red soles. He is stretching his arms and looking to the left with a dazed expression, and his tail is wrapped around his left leg. Handwritten notes around him read:
Has moved out & is living with Trunks in a bid for independence
Attempted uni for a semester, quit, still doing odd jobs -- a tiny bit directionless
No longer operating regularly as a hero but sometimes helps Gohan
Dedicated to training as a lifestyle, much like Goku, but does a lot of other things
He and Trunks are attempting to be financially indepedent
Sometimes suffers burnout
Apartment is in Central City, but frequently visits home and Gohan with instant transmission.
The next age is labelled '22+', and shows Goten in a gi very similar to Goku's during DBZ, complete with the 悟 ('go') kanji, with chunky blue boots. He is smiling broadly at the viewer, and has hair similar to Goku's except much longer -- going down past his chin. Handwritten notes around him read:
Runs a martial arts/swordsmanship school with Trunks!
Still messes around with odd jobs but the school is his main focus
Also runs community programs through the school
He and Trunks are two of the major Z Fighters on call in case of emergency
Image 3: The last two images put together, except without the handwritten notes.
End ID.]
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TW for religious trauma, child abuse, and suicide under the cut
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Name: Isaac Moriah
Age: “Implied to be rather young, school age”
Gender + Pronouns: “Canonically genderfluid, implied to be gay, commonly uses he/him but may be any pronouns (due to other playable characters also being Isaac at their core which means she/her and they/them are also canon pronoun sets)”
Video Game: The Binding of Isaac
Victims Taken: Cuphead (Cuphead)
Backstory: “Isaac has extreme religious trauma from an abusive mother that manifests as the rather brutal videogame. His father was not the greatest either (implied to have a gambling addiction) and divorced Isaac's mother after a particularly massive fight. Isaac canonically kills himself by suffocating to death in a toy chest due to seeing himself as evil and irredeemable from the religious trauma.”
• “(tw for abuse, child death, and bad religious stuff) Isaac comes from a broken and heavily religious family. Their father gambled all their money and left, and their mother is a religious fanatic who believes all the televangelists she listens to. Isaac was also bullied as a child due to liking to dress up as their mother (among other feminine attributes). At some point Isaac locks themself in their toy chest to hide and suffocates (at least, this is one interpretation. The lore is kinda nebulous on exactly how and where Isaac passes away.) In the gameplay itself, Isaac (or his other personas/alters[?]) has to navigate a warped version of their basement that slowly becomes more and more church or underworld-esque.”
• “Abusive religious mother drove his loving father away and then proceeded to abuse Isaac and, eventually, scare him into locking himself in a small chest. The game is presumed to be his imagination running wild while he slowly suffocates and dies in the chest.”
• “isaac lives alone with his mom, who, as a result of the stress of her husband leaving her, starts having religious delusions. isaac absorbs all of this negativity and starts to blame himself for his dad leaving, thinking he's a sinful child. the game is you fighting against all the awful stuff in his brain. it does not have a happy ending.”
• “ok so his mom watches christian broadcasts and tries to kill him with a kitchen knife but he finds out and hides in his toy chest which locks on him and the game is basically his hallucinations as he suffocates to death. also you can shoot tears from your eyes at poop monsters to kill them”
Why should they win the tournament?: “Isaac deserves another chance to make it tbh”
• “i mean cmon. they need a win here”
• “Just a baby that deserved so much better. Very creative and sweet. He just wanted to be a good person.”
• “he deserves to win something, somewhere :(“
• “bro has been through so much already give him a break”
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corevoid · 2 years
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AAYYY some refs for my turts!! Still tryna work out a name for this au lmao. Rewrote the text under the cut, apologies for my atrocious handwriting ahddhhdjf
Really vague story synopsis: “villain” donnie au where he doesn’t become evil exactly but instead snaps and goes on a violent revenge quest to avenge the death of someone close to him. He believes he has to be the one to kill the one who did it, and leaves his family and becomes a sort of antagonist to them as well while they try to help him and bring him back so they can tackle this together.
I don’t know if I’m gonna make it a fic or if it’s just gonna live in my head lmao (motivation to write is sucks) but I’m definitely gonna be doing a good chunk of art for it :D
(ALSO IMPORTANT: their origin is very rise esque in that they were mutated with the intention of them being weapons. They have some genetic enhancements (pain tolerance and strength, most notably) and have some added dna from wolves and cats.)
(Also also forgot Mikey and Donnie’s flags they’re genderfluid and demiboy respectively)
Hamato Leonardo, 17 y/o, he/him, 5’9”
-Headphones are Bluetooth
-yellow pupil, tends to unnerve people
-most doglike of the 4, lets him pull some terrifying expressions
-in regards to knee brace, pain from an old break
-pure white nictitating membrane
-inferiority complex + anxiety
-most wolf dna of the 4, shows in snout and teeth. Behaviourally very doglike. Incredible sense of smell and hearing.
-quiet but not shy. Scarily observant.
-adorably polite, massive people pleaser
-the most hungry for his dads approval, has gotten him and his siblings in trouble trying to get it
-music enthusiast. Has a YouTube channel dedicated to making electronic remixes of literally everything under the sun (huge nerd)
Hamato Raphael, 17 y/o, he/she, 5’7”
-Alligator snapping turtle, second youngest
-plastron chip is as healed as it will get. Is what remains of a near complete left shoulder to right hip crack.
-chews his mask tails when he’s nervous
-red pupil, black band horizontally through iris
-files her spines down, back is flat and smooth
-strap on back for carrying a skateboard like Mikey has
-light bluish iridescence to his nictitating membrane
-kept the most turtle features through mutation out of the 4. Iris band, mostly intact beak, can’t process a lot of foods, higher skin/scales ratio, etc…
-hot headed + short fuse, but also good hearted and gentle
-self proclaimed protector of the family. Made it his duty to be the only killer after seeing how Leo’s first (and only) kill affected him.
-it affects Raph too, but she pretends it doesn’t (get this child therapy!) Only ever talks to Casey about this.
-incredible cook, but only cooks for family. Own diet is just a normal turtles and entirely raw. (Still sometimes eats stuff he shouldn’t as a treat)
-loves animals, mad she isn’t allowed a cat
Hamato Donatello, 17 y/o, he/they, 6’2”
-Spiny softshell, youngest but tallest sibling
-one end of staff is a flamethrower :)
-top compartment of battleshell also acts as storage!
-self conscious about their height
-flexible and very flat shell, spines are soft
-removed several spikes so his battleshell would fit more comfortably —> no longer allowed in his lab unsupervised
-yellow iridescence to their nictitating membrane
-shell doesn’t come up past their shoulders when he stands straight
-very quiet and rather shy, confident in his intelligence but not much else
-doesn’t speak often, and when they do it tends to be very succinct. It’s a special treat whenever they actively participate in a conversation
-Mikey is very special to him. Rarely ever see one without the other. Mikey frequently acts as Donnie’s voice, always knows exactly what he’s feeling and thinking (like twin telepathy pretty much)
-enitrely carnivorous, and a good hunter
-struggles to keep their animal nature separate from their human nature. Prone to slipping into a feral state, especially under stress, and is always feral during fights
-VERY self conscious and embarrassed by this, tries very hard to stay in a human mindset
-robotics hobbyist. Participates in robot fighting and currently holds champ title. Attends remotely via a metalhead-esque robotic body. His persona/stagename is Dondroid :)
Hamato Michelangelo, 17 y/o, any pronouns, 5’ even
-Ornate box turtle, second oldest but still the shortest
-doesn’t wear elbow pads 🤨
-very tall and round shell
-pink iridescence to her nictitating membrane
-excitable and energetic, but like in an easygoing sort of way
-VERY emotionally intelligent,can understand someone’s emotional state via vibes alone
-closest with Donnie, they understand eachother on an insanely deep level. Frequently acts as Donnie’s voice and is his primary support
-they’re the most human of the 4. He’s incapable of making the more animal sounds his siblings can and has to just approximate them with the voice box he has.
-she’s also the only warm blooded turtle. Makes them a prime hug target.
-An artist! Loves any 2d medium. Has an ongoing comic (6 books and counting) about a self insert superhero lol (her sidekick is based off Donnie, too)
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starofhisheart · 11 months
MAJOR SPOILERS FOR OFMD S2 EP6-7 under the cut
Ok, that was A LOT. I have so many feelings but no coherence so i'm gonna do this bullet point form but def not in order, just in order of me remembering wtf happened lol
-IZZY AND WEE JOHN IN DRAG!!!!! Wee John looked STUNNING with that Divine-esque appearance and Izzy had that transmasc drag king kind of thing going on (iykyk) that made me love him even more
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-Izzy singing LA VI EN ROSE took me tf out!!! i'm glad he got to finish it after the *ahem* distractions bc Con's voice is so beautiful I could listen to it forever. We better get it in the album!!! Also someone posted the lyrics translated and i cannot get over the lyrics:
"It's him for me,/And me for him, for life/He told me, he swore to me, for life"
-But not only was he singing the second half had fucking gentlebeard doing the dirty in the next room asdfghjkl which.....was hot, ngl. The passion was electrifying. I'm sorta glad we didnt rlly see it with everything that happened after bc it all kinda left a bad taste in my mouth.
Also Stede Bonnet canonically gets turned on by violence confirmed
Or trauma. Whatever.
-What else happened in ep 6 cause all i can think of is drag and singing and sex-
-oh yeah there was that shortlived sexually-charged torturer who i distinctly recall him being in another scene in the promo so unless that got the cut perhaps he's not dead...?
-Lupete missing all the action cause they were doing the nasty all night lmao so real
-Jim best wingman (gender neutral)
-Stede...Stedey boy, can I call u that? Now i'm gonna say this nicely, but WHAT THE FUCK DUDE? Stede in his white guy w undue confidence era fr. Zheng Yi Sao was so right for what she did truly
-But in all seriousness i feel like this whole thing in ep 7 was such a parallel to s1 but also a very necessary bit of conflict in their journey together that was bound to happen. THey want different things and neither is wrong or right for that. Stede did react poorly tho but like he just had sex w the love of his life, his first man, and Ed the very next day is like "aight i'm out". I'd be pissed too. After killing someone which we know is a big trigger for him historically.
But Ed also had a valid reaction. He's wanted to retire for a while and stede knows this but it hasn't seemed to have sunk in quite yet. He fears that Stede only sees Blackbeard and...its fair of him to have that impression tbh. These are two messy, traumatized dudes who have never had a real relationship and there's gonna be bumps. I hope we get s3 so we can better explore that like Djenks wants.
-Ok back to the fun stuff:
-Izzy barging in on GB and the docking joke. love his cringefail ass.
-the edizzy apology which was so typical of them. i expected it but bc i'd been building it up in my head all week w twitter pals it felt a bit anticlimactic but thats not the shows fault. it was very much in character and if they're satisfied so am i. i always have fic for more
-stizzy commiserating over losing ed pls thats all i've ever wanted!!!!!
izzy: "when i told him i loved him he-"
stede, like he's heard this story before: "shot u yes"
and the look they gave each other after!!!!! stizzy nation how we feelin?!
-izzy being like "stede no" when he was on his macho bullshit w zheng yi sao (also motivated by trauma bc he just lost ed, he cant lose MORE family!!!). i just like how protective iz seems of stede now.
-izzy''s "you're good for him" CRYING THROWING UP ETCETERA
-ed catching 1 fish and deciding thats his life now. adhd realness fr
-the swede whew is it hot in here or is that just jackie's effect on her husbands?
-jackie and ed actin like old friends. swede highkey shading ed adfghjkl
-anyway im sure there's more but i need to rewatch. there r things i wont go into bc its possible spoilers for the finale (tho its mostly just speculation some is based on bts not everyone may have seen). i am looking forward to and terrified for the show to end next week thats all i'll say
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raspberrybluejeans · 24 days
ive been seeing a lot of mouse-folk art on my recommended tab and it makes me crave Celios so here is my humble request for lore or art?
So for context for anyone else reading this we realized in DMs that there was a name mixup but i did draw a quick eensy Celios for fun because I love them very much.
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My two rat-folk characters though are named Francach (Frahn-caw) and Cían (Kee-ann). They were from a D&D 2e game that is in a semi-permanent hiatus. May it raise from the grave someday lol.. (More under the cut so its not such a long post lol)
A lot of details are fuzzy but basically we played a prequel to the actual campaign that took place quite a while in the past. We played this to set up some story stuff for the campaign and to learn how to play D&D 2e. I played Francach in this prequel.
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These are the pics I drew during that mini campaign, he was a mage and in the second image he's being carried by another player who was an aarakocra lol. The gist was that we had to carry out a heist and bring the stolen object to a god.
I don't remember the exact situation but this prequel basically ended with a total party kill </3 If I recall correctly Francach actually died of a heart attack before the rest of the party was killed 😅
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attempt at drawing a rat dying of a heart attack 💀 RIP king.
We never played the actual campaign... But Cían was my character for that. He is a distant relative/descendant of Francach. The story takes place in this sort of metropolitan (but still medieval-esque) bay city and in Francach's time he was either one of the first ratfolk in general in the city or he was one of the first of his particular culture of ratfolk.
Once again I don't remember details exactly but I think there was a culture of (what we would consider) wild-looking rats, like norway rats roof rats whatever. mostly solid colored and typically meaner on the mainland. But Francach and Cían come from an island of what we would consider domestic rats. There was a lot of Celtic inspiration for the island which is why they have Gaelic names.
Ratfolk are almost never born as single children, so Cían is a triplet. I don't remember what his brother's name was but I think his sister was named Sìne (she-na). I also don't remember what the exact reason was but for the main campaign he decided to come to this metropolitan city with his sister.... I think to research something for family back home. Sìne was going to be an NPC controlled by the DM, I would only be controlling Cían.
Cían is more brown than Francach and has more of a blaze pattern on his face where Francach had a white spot on his forehead. These are all the various attempts at drawing Cían but none of them felt quite right.
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I think the first one in the middle row is probably the best lol
I haven't tried drawing any of them in awhile but maybe I will try again sometime soon ;v; Its difficult trying to anthropomorphize a rat they have such different bodies from us...
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uponawhitehorse13 · 6 hours
Tsukihime writing notes
Tsukihime is very interesting to write for. Especially since there is literally no x reader content for it. Usually I’d read some other stuff before writing for it myself but in this case there wasn’t anything I could use as a basis so all the headcanons are mine. I did think about writing heroine x Shiki but I didn’t really like that idea. I write x reader posts mostly because I think it’s a fun way of analysing characters without needing to think too much about another whole character and all the ways they’d interact. This is also why I always keep the reader gender neutral even if the request specified a gender since I just in general don’t think gender would influence much in a relationship. Most of my experience writing comes from essays and such which is why I haven’t done that many prompt posts and have been instead focusing on alphabet headcanons. I do have ideas for more prompt posts and even got some requests from Cosmic’s inbox since he has more than 300 requests in there. Of course I’ll be writing the requests I get when I open them. I have also been thinking about writing for characters other than the main five heroines but I’m gonna have to see if  there’s even an interest in that. I have been trying to keep the posts mostly spoiler free with some foreshadowing in case someone sees them and decides to go read the VN. I definitely will be doing more spoiler filled posts but I’ll put warnings for them. I go by the logic that anything that would be obvious from playing melty isn’t a spoiler since most people will probably play melty before the VN. Anyways I just wanted to share some notes on how I’m going to be writing the characters. Also huge thanks to Cosmic and The Light for proofreading my posts and if anyone else would be so kind as to offer proofreading services I’d really appreciate it.
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Arcueid is the easiest to write for by far. She has the most amount of official content and she has the least amount of trauma in her past that would affect a relationship. At least compared to the other heroines. Generally she just falls into the general archetype of non-human interacting with human things that you can see everywhere. I do have some interesting ideas to explore with Red Arcueid. Though I guess there wouldn’t be much difference between that and a yandere version of Arcueid.
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Ciel is incredibly fun to write. She gets a lot of nice fluffy content I can go off while still having a tragic past. After being tortured by the church and also having to deal with all the things she did while Roa was possessing her she’s really not in a good emotional state. This is why I related her to the music of NIN since it has a lot of themes of self-loathing and cognitive dissonance. She very much hates herself and feels like others should hate her too. There’s probably a constant voice in the back of her head telling her she doesn’t deserve anything and that it’d be better if she was just gone.
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Akiha presents quite a few issues. She’s the one case where a reader's gender would have an impact. Due to her upbringing she’s either homophobic or just doesn’t realise lesbian relationships exist. There’s also the issue of her being Shiki’s life support and her entire relationship with him in general. For the most part I’m probably going to ignore that just because it’s hard to fit into my writing. Vermilion Akiha is also another yandere-esque possibility for some fun writing.
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Hisui is probably the hardest to write for simply because her route isn’t really focused on her and deals more with the past of the Tohno family. Since she doesn’t leave the mansion it’s also hard to think of ways she’d even end up in a relationship. I was also thinking about how gender would impact her “never letting a man touch me” rule but to keep the experience universal I scrapped the idea. Her personality is something I think wouldn’t really change. “Old habits die hard” and all that. Honestly I don’t think it’s much more than a superficial rule she imposes onto herself. If she got touched suddenly she’d react so quickly that she wouldn’t even have time to think of the person’s gender. Did have some thoughts about her being very wary of signs of her partner being abusive but then I realised she’d probably let it happen. She feels very guilty for Kohaku suffering instead of her and even Akiha has to deal with a lot more so while she imposes the no touching rule on herself as a way of convincing herself she’s doing what Kohaku would’ve wanted the guilt would push her towards more self-sacrificial behaviour.
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Kohaku has a lot going on. The ever popular Kohakiha ship probably has the most content out of all the pairings in the game. I definitely see the appeal and I might even reference it in some works I have planned but we’ll see. Don’t think I’m gonna be writing her as toxic and manipulative though. I honestly feel if she was allowed to have a normal relationship it’d really improve her mental health. I think the game implies this too. She does say she was emotionless even before coming to the mansion but I think that’s just a consequence of her being an orphan.
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palebloodcvrse · 6 months
Heres my fuckin gremlin:
The main event
The creature
His name is Ae, he got turned into a weird demon dragon thing when he was a kid, also some weird shit happened that left him mildly silly shall we say
He isnt part of any particular fandom and is part of his own story :p
Btw his design includes a lot of black and red and lemme just say if youre a black/red hater leave that mentality on deviantart. Fuck that shit
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Every day wear:
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Monster form:
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Armor his adoptive father gave him:
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His dad is a giant dracolich man who adopted him when he was 7 and turned him (dont worry, it wasnt forced on him, ae didnt wanna be human anymore due to some bs that happened to him, ill get in depth in another post)
They have a very addams family esque father son dynamic
This is his dad, kvstrathos (he didnt start wearing metal merch til ae did lol)
Heres Ae when he was a kid, he had ultra long hair lmfao
His dad is a few thousand years older than him btw.
Youd think being adopted by a murderous dracolich warlord would mean they have a tumultous dynamic, but no. Kvstrathos loves and spoils Ae and has dad of the year award behavior, always cookin him stuff teachin him life lessons tutoring him going on hunting trips telling him stories, playing games with him etc
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So, this gremlin is very skittish and really doesnt like interacting with people much having grown outside of human contact for 90% of his life
His disposition often switches from impish/happy to a complete stormcloud the next
He often has intense mood swings and flipflops from being silly goofy to being not so silly goofy and concerningly... unstable.
(other than the fucked up court wizard his dad has, and even then the dudes an insane warlock and ex surgeon who was made immortal by an evil deity, ill upload him later)
Its left ae pretty much ignorant of how the human world worked other than outdated shit (he still thinks humans have widespread villages and farms like in the middle ages, boy was he wrong) since all his dad had in the archives about human history are all outdated historical texts (oh but all the occult crap? That got saved.)
So he grew up learning how humans tried to bind demons but doesnt know what a stanley cup is.
His dad spent his days training ae in various combat arts, sometimes showing him some weaponry or old siege equipment/medieval torture devices, etc and mr insane warlock was there to tutor him on dark magic if his dad was busy, and also to act as some sort of babysitter
Ae grew up in a castle with nobody but his dad and the court wizard for company so he pretty much doesnt know how to socialize with like... normal people.
Ae likes a lot of things:
Morbid crap, gardening, the woods, (he has an obsession with farms and nature.) Medieval weaponry, the occult, FOOD and the baking and cooking/preparing of said food, animals. Especially cats. And metal. Holy shit he went to the human world very few times but he fucking found some metal records in an abandoned shed and couldnt stop listening to it after.
As a result his dad gave him an enchanted guitar that has destructive properties and now hes some fucked up heavy metal bard on top of being taught by a giant dark knight and warlock on various combat arts.
Gory descriptions under the cut
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His body is heavily mutated from the amount of dark magic that seeped into him since the ritual™ and therefore it has weird traits like worsening his vision while increasing his other senses like hearing and smell, regenerating wounds but also randomly forming painful clusters of black nerves, mouths and eyes that sometimes dont go away on their own, sickening him or strengthening him randomly, etc this boy is not normal and doesnt function as such.
As a dracolich (not all undead dragons are azeratean dracoliches, more lore on that later) he consumes the flesh and souls of demons and corrupted humans.
He often needs said blood and flesh to stay and healthy and strong.
He and his father are children of a dark elder god but theyre not wholly evil, its a whole thing that I dont wanna type out in one post for now.
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khattikeri · 7 months
Mdzs for the shipping grid? 👀👀👀
YESSS here we are! v surprised at how strong my opinions are for this fandom but probably shouldn't be sldkfjlksd
- xue/xiao compels me and is in the middle of the makes sense line - song/xiao is closer to makes sense but compels me a bit less - song/xue/xiao is somewhere in between them.
further explanations of all other pairings under the cut!
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quadrant by quadrant bc my explanations are Long for this one
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out of the way: wang/xian undoubtedly peak! xuan/li v cute, love em. xi/yao is my favorite of the possible 3zun pairings, they're just too juicy and such good narrative foils to wang/xian...
nie/yao is also fun to me because of how much tension and strife they have.
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i like nie/lan the least of all possible 3zun pairings just bc i like the conflict jgy brings to the table LOL
even though zhui/ling is the most popular junior pairing i... am not a huge fan of it? they're not blood relatives at all but both are still family to wwx in ways that make me feel weird about them romancing each other. in no war/wens are good aus i'd be more into it...
jingzhui isn't on the chart but they're also both inner lan clan members. so. weird to me! i like ling/yi best. they banter a lot but still get along well as friends
i can see why people are compelled by wen ning and wwx. i love their fucked up codependency too. i just don't see it romantically
i also see why people might ship cheng/xian, i just sincerely think their relationship is most compelling as siblings or pseudo-family due to the social class tensions.
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chang/mian is quite rare just bc both characters are so minor but like... god can you imagine all the jiang cheng & wwx parallels. pointing. those are their dads
sang/cheng is like... most of the time it feels very pair the spares-esque. BUT. they both have a lot of similarities underneath the surface and if people tap into that i do like it. BUT (again) i just really prefer it platonic. jiang cheng is like peak "this man is aroace and does not know what either of those words are" to me. celibacysweep and all that
sang/yao. honorable mention to my favorite fucked up ship that literally nobody ships (including myself!). i can't like em romantically, only enjoy the dynamic, but it's so fun to think about. like spy x spy but worse.
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and finally stuff that i don't like
no real reason for sang/yu, i just don't see em that way. i'm too novel-only to like wen qing/jc.
LWJ/anyone else feels too much like blasphemy. similar to shipping hua cheng tgcf with people who aren't xie lian LOL
this is like peak pair the spares to me. they're literally coworkers. they're just two people who lead clans and only talk business with each other. they aren't friends, they don't even make smalltalk. their relationship is the equivalent of sometimes bumping into a linkedin connection at the grocery store. come on. COME ON. they have zero personal ties except for the fact that their brothers are deeply in love and have a torrid romance spanning decades
for lxc especially this just feels like such a weak ship to me bc you have TWO whole other people he has fascinating, actually existing dynamics with (nmj and jgy), and xi/yao especially has so so so many parallels to wang/xian. 3zun ships have so much angst and what-ifs and there's so much more meat to it.
see also my thing about jc just... honestly i cannot see him romantically working out with anyone. nobody. whatsoever. this is a man for whom romance is not the solution, ever
so i can't. it literally drives me crazy. i cannot make sense out of xi/cheng whatsoever it doesn't compel me one bit and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say i hate it when there are other ships right there ahahahghdskljfdslk
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seancamerons · 10 months
Hi, Brimi! What specific passion projects are you working on right now?
hey, good question here's a list!
(list is under the cut for answers)
starting with my writing. i started working on a story called faking It, a long fic, a few small short drabbles or shortfics, advancing older passion fic projects and requests from prompts which are usually short except an ambitious go of a story about fake dating and trauma, very teen movie esque or that was my intentions to play with.
the one i've been a busy bee with in this holiday season with others on the back burner or tinkering at, this is my like baby right now in terms of story. second, i'm doing holiday cards and holiday shopping while watching Christmas movies, eating Christmas cookies and writing this big longfic as some holiday hallmark vibe, home for the holidays heartwarming and fluffiest with some dark degrassi vibes and there you have, where are you now? loosely based on the song by britney spears, where emma is a star of britney, beyonce and taylor and the other pop girlies that is, in this universe. so like the female drake, but pop, upbeat girly anthems and pink pink pink, but her life is far from happy. the title comes from a song of the same album, albiet a deep cut a song that to me, i interpret fit too as if "where are you now?" is a story about someone she's much in love with, but for whatever reason there's nods to this in the story so it's a fitting title to me, because it harps about the grief behind a long love or loved one, but someone they can't shake they're living but they're also lost and they just want to know where they are, so they can feel closure by distance. boom.
it wasn't initally this much thought out, here's an inside story like I'm some episode of MTV cribs and stuff), like where i tell you all about how it came to be but I'll give you a brief synopsis.
taking it back to 2004, when i wrote my rough and i mean ROUGH idea. i used to think lyrics in songs were stories, beyond the music, behind the veneer of entertainment and i crafted and molded the characters with a general story of how they are in adulthood and what led them to the lives they live combined with the choices they made.
a difference with canon is craig and manning, the hosts of this holiday visit, and they all live together like full house the Jeremia-manning-santos household is a very chaotic but loving place to decvibe it. they're happy, frugal, average Canadian homebodies. they both have jobs, drive an escalade and craig has a vintage car in candy apple red with white interiors he keeps under lock and key a stuble nod to Ferris Bueller an 80's film, they all never really flew the coop but joey who plays a prominent grandfather to craig and manny's baby, who is now in 2023, an attractive mashup, a dark cloud sour puss who's been through some difficult times, grappling with grief and depression and headed for a breakdown and a fall from grace, a loss of innocence and a crisis of faith. stuck between a rock and hard place, craig and manny's daughter is unreachable, rebelling and internally screaming, but trying and failing to be 'perfect' for her mother and father, fighting them at every turn. it's my first go at a deeply flawed character who is blunt and honest. who has been through a lot in her life, despite having a loving family, but across the board. she's not popular, looks younger than she is, a late bloomer, innocent and smart, but doesn't apply herself or think much for herself. she is easily influenced by others and spouts out political commentary. She is average academically, nonremarkable, painfully realistic, or an attempt at a portrayal of someone like someone i know.
needless to say, i'm excited. it's something I'm committed too after having some writers block this year, i also was busy this fall and hard at work on even more passion projects. this is something i do before bed, to unwind. i work all day, and then if i have time i do edit and proofread. I'm not an expert or anything, i do the best i can and write what i feel or what compels or comes to me. i could type for HOURS and it doesn't phase me. i know i could use assistance knowing whats relevant to mention, but i think it's part of me and my charm to wordy, but does the job, natural speech trying to be a non partial narration, usually past tense and future stense or present is checked but third person with asides of course descriptive and stuff but that's the HARDEST PART is showing and not telling all the time.
to achieve that i do write montages or asides to achieve or speech or dialogue between characters or heavily imply through tones or describing but i try to make the believability more than canon because this is something i came up with while i wrote on the show BASED account and i toy with things that happen later. so for instance, craig and manny had a baby, but what are they happy now that she's older, no because they are passing ships in the night. unhappy but in a domestic partnership where they coexist but do their own thing, are more like roommates and less lovey-dovey on most occasions. I'm getting off track, but that's that story and I've been dying to talk about it since starting it in October and now I'm reaching the end of it and I'm actually going to miss this story that is a long time coming, almost 12 or 13 years ago i brainchilded this and only now getting to it. i think it's better than my rough draft a lot of changes were made and embellehsed and built upon.
i moved and relocated in mid-october, i've been slowly organizing and its been hard to make time but it's a pleasure to write. it really is. it feeds my need for semma to be happy, so in turn I'm happy and I'm itching to talk about it. my poor semma shipper boyfriend, he loves them, but i think it's because he knows i love it but he does really love them. so that's passion project one.
passion three, is the others such as faking it i mentioned before, is a fake au, where i was initially going with for the emma and jay summer romantic drama i wrote mostly during the pandemic being bored and even creating accompanying art work i vow to see through to my older projects and finish them out. i mean i have no excuse or whatever i should stop starting NEW fics but i am who I am.
passion 4 has nothing at all to do with writing and everything to do with graphic design my second love i love and design things, iykyk but i also like making passion projects like cd covers, alternative movie posters, fliers and online fandom graphics in various styles.
passion projects for example, i'm currently want to make myself a online store not like redbubble but for printables and art related stuff and where i can track commsions for people for paid art. i wanna monetize my art and design skills but its been awhile since college and i feel confident to try again with more gusto. so keep an eye out. my tagged posts are like where that is.
i make a lot of occasion cards in greetings and idk how to launch anything so I'm in the process of the grueling educating research to get my project off the ground and talk to others who are into the same things. i don't want a fandom specific store, multi fandom and interest store. maybe a few show related (another passion) or film alternatives.
cleaning and taking pride in myself has been a game changer, organizational furniture and decorating for both life and for holidayskeep me focused and excited for the day ahead and organization keeps things easy in the morning. so that's a difference, i prioritize and carve out time on sundays or during the week sometimes for maybe an hour to sift through and organize my items and keep things clean.
some ongoing personal resolutions and hopes to achieve or work on long term year round, such as bucket listed for in the new year list of 10 goals i hope to achieve.
continued weight loss goals from last year, making progress with, and managing health and wellness
2. hand drawing/lettering practices to improve
3. coloring more to give me something to do
4. quit smoking, again in 2024! start the holidays (potentially) smoke-free (ambitious, i hope i can!)
5. budget better/manage money and learn the difference of wants and needs, stop treatin' myself so much, because my budgeting needs work!
6. eat healthier
7. design more projects and try to generate interest and exposure in art-based community
8. spend time with friends and family, make time for people and alow to live in the moment
9. build an online presence/website/shop (see 7)
10. continue to focus when it doubt, on mental health self-care practices healthy communication, make good choices in trusting with care✨💌
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