#// with bolin and helping team avatar
empirelead-a · 1 year
what  brand  of  stupid  are  you  ?  
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Smart until infected with stupid
You think you're safe don't you? You are probably the responsible one in the group, perhaps even the mom friend. You are relatively smart but all it takes is one little thing to suck all your braincells out. It could be hanging around your fellow stupid friends, it could be being left alone, it could be having a bit too much fun. The stupid lives inside you and it just takes the right environment for it to show.
tagged by: no one~ tagging: @castshed, @yunhuntress, @merveiilles, @divine-identite, @nuiruk, @celestieu​, @timesfive​, @guthalo​, annnnd anyone who wanna do this~
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heartilywrites · 6 months
⠀⠀ ،، 𝓖ive in to Me; Korra
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request guide | masterlist
resume: where you are stubborn and Korra is tired of that.
content warning: fight descriptions, firebender!reader, one minor death description, a small fight, established romantic relationship between Korra and the reader, gn!reader, no use of y/n.
word count: 1.4k
a/n: HI im here to contribute to the cause: not enough Korra fics out there. I got this os idea out of the air, if anyone has any request to make more fics of Korra, or any other character of this universe ehem, let me know ;D I just came back from a writer's block!
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‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “ 𝓘'm sorry, is this OUR stab wound.ᐣ ”
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‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ With one hand trying to put pressure in a red spot to stop the blood while the other was throwing fire attacks in a desperate manner, you were helping the Krew to fight a group of bandits trying to terrorize a village. One of them was a metalbender who got you off guard and made a deep cut on your left side.
Sweat was dripping down your face, it was notorious how your breathing became irregular by the way your chest was moving and your arm use to bend was starting to ache.
You were tired already and your opponent seemed to notice that, at one point you needed to buy some time to breathe so you decided to make a maximum effort and put your last reservation of energy in taking him out.
You made him back a couple of steps when throwing kicks and fire and at the second you realized he got disoriented, a lightning was shot at him by you. The only sound after the rumble of said element was his body impacting with the floor and your heavy breathing while both hands took place on your knees, trying to calm yourself down.
The voice of the avatar made an echo behind you, she was yelling your name looking for you once everyone was defeated.
You were quick to take a piece of fabric and tie your abdominal area to stop the bleeding; it wasn't that bad of a injury, you thought to yourself, it will heal quickly.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “There you are!” The southerner exclaimed when she got eyes on your figure, you were fixing up your hair. “I heard the lightning, are you okay?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Course,” you move a little bit to show the body of your opponent, Korra raised her eyebrows. “He's going to be fine. . . I think, don't worry 'bout him!” your hand was fast to reach hers and make her walk beside you. “Are we leaving?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Yeah, everyone is on the ship already, you got the farthest.” she said, her brows frown a little bit at the sensation of liquid in the hand she was holding yours. The avatar took away that hand and look at it. “You're bleeding!?” she asked horrified and looked up at you.
You were serene at the situation, you dismissed the seriousness of the injury moving your hand. “It's nothing, Korra, it was a superficial cut, I'll be fine.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Are you sure? Let me see—” she tried to reach you to look for said cut and you moved away way too quick that made you groan with pain.
The adrenaline was washing away leaving you with a sore body and a stinging pain on the side. Your girlfriend frowned again. “I'm okay! Stop worrying about me! I know how to take care of myself, thank you very much.” you tried to defend yourself, left hand was stretched out to stop her from coming nearer.
The brunette was silent for a bit, she knew how hot-headed you could be when about your problems it was. “But you're not alone anymore! You have me and if you are hurt I want to know so I can help you.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I don’t need your help, I can handle this!” you exclaimed making your way in the airship, interrupting a 'want some fruit pies?' coming from Bolin who only stood there afterwards watching you walk away to rest and turning back at Korra.
The whole team was on silence after the scene, three of them looking confused while Korra looked annoyed.
The rest of the trip back to Air Temple Island you were sleeping without interruptions, that was more than you ever did, your girlfriend took that as a sign of tiredness after the fight and you using the lightning to defend yourself.
Even if you were a pretty skilled lightning bender, it wasn't a bending you used on your daily basis so she didn't know if the use of that defense mechanism was tiring for you or not. In fact, she didn't know much about how you reacted to injuries or problems since you were so reserved with anyone about your weak spots, living in a conservative family where you were taught that any emotion besides courage was a weak and useless emotion that people could use against you.
And Korra knew about that when she met you in a tournament of pro–bending, there's where she fell in love with you.
The avatar tried so hard to break your shell so you could opened up to her and trust in her with everything you did or felt, no success at all it seemed.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Honey, we're here.” you heard the voice of your girlfriend, your body moved a bit with a groan of pain and your eyes opened lazy, feeling your eyelids still heavy. “Let's go, you can sleep better in your room.”
A bit slow, you were able to stand up from your sleeping spot. Your eyes were trying to focus on the brunette, blinking a lot when you saw blurry. “Where. . .?” you were able to say hoarsely.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Air temple island, you slept the whole night.” she said giggling a little bit, acting as if the fight before you slept didn't happen. She felt the nuisance in her, but thought maybe it was better to talk it once you were fully well rested.
You nodded and stood up. Black spots started to appear in your visual field and a sensation of dizziness invaded your body; when trying to take a step you stumbled and if Korra wasn't fast enough you could've hit the floor. “I'm okay. . . I. . .”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh, no, you are definitely not okay.” she said with a mix of worry and anger in her voice. With so easiness (you really didn't had the strenght to fight her off) she found your cut and her eyes shot open when she saw how deep it was and how soaked your whole side was, your clothes being a tone darker than the fabric usually was. “What the fuck!? You're bleeding out! This is a big cut!”
Your words tangled in your tongue, not making a coherent sentence while trying to stay awake. The southerner was quick to take you in her arms bridal style and almost run inside the temple, asking for help.
Korra was in charge of healing you, once she got access to water her hands moved automatically over your injury. The first contact got a scream out of you and then, you relaxed.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You'll be fine, it's okay, darling, you'll be fine.” she said to you, now that there was better light she could see how pale you got overnight. Her teeth got her own inferior lip, nervous about the whole thing. “I'm sorry, I should've insisted last night, you wouldn't have lost so much blood.”
A shush came from your mouth, smiling weak afterwards. “It's not your fault. . . I'm the one who's sorry, I shouldn't be so proud. . .” you frown raised a bit. “I know I should communicate more to you if I want this to work out.” the way you spoke hoarsely made Korra shake a bit.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “We'll work on that,” was her response. Once she made sure you were all good, she moved now to help you get all bandaged up to let the cut heal completely. “Together, as we have been doing all this time.” she murmured.
When she was done, she sat at the bed where you were lying and smiled fondly your way. Korra loved you. She loved you so dearly and it was reciprocate, the love both of you felt for the other was so strong to the point of wanting to change for the better, to be the better version of each other that could exist.
The avatar leaned on you to leave a sweet kiss on your lips, caressing your cheek with devotion, you tried not to smile with excitement at the thought of her love being yours and yours only.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You know what this also means?” she said interrupting your thoughts after pulling away a little bit to speak to you on whispers, you made a sound of question. “You will have me all on you to take care of you and give you the best pampering sessions.”
You laugh with happiness at the thought of that, another groan left your lips followed by 'stop, you're hurting yourself!' that made you laugh with Korra again. She was careful to lie next to you and take you in arms to take a nap together. Neither of you were slow to get yourselves lost in dreams a minute later.
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zuko-always-lies · 4 months
Suyin Beifong is such a weird character narratively
In many ways, she's the weirdest character in ATLA or LoK in her place in the story, considering her actions and beliefs. Let's just walk through everything.
Suyin got herself involved in criminal activities and street gangs as a kid and helped rob stuff. Then she scarred Lin when Lin tried to arrest her for that. And the fallout from that is implied to have led to Toph retiring.
After that, Suyin was sent to live with her (extremely wealthy) grandparents. After a while, she left them and began traveling the world and trying out various things, including being part of a traveling circus, living in a sandbender commune, and joining the crew of a pirate ship. Note that pirates rob and kill people. Note also that Suyin seems to have felt just about zero remorse for any of the above, and expected and demanded that Lin forgive her for everything without getting an apology.
Eventually, Suyin had had enough of all the traveling and robbing and killing and circus performing, so she used her vast, vast family wealth and bought a plot of land to build her own city on.
Zaofu seems to be essentially a Beifong family dictatorship defined by Suyin's ideological beliefs. As far as I can tell, the guiding principles of the city are "progress," "modernity," harmony, order, and control. After all, as Suyin says "Thanks to Aiwei, there are no secrets in our city," and she evidentially likes that a lot. The degree to which Suyin values absolute control over her city can also be seen in how incredibly outraged she gets when Kuvira, Baatar Jr., and some other citizens decide to leave on their own initiative. Her anger at Aiwei's betrayal ("I want you to hunt down Aiwei and bring him back to me") also fits the same pattern. Interestingly, Kuvira always claims to have gotten 90% of her fascist ideology from Suyin and Zaofu, and I actually think she was telling the truth, that Zaofu was a city organized on proto-fascist principles and Kuvira merely applied its principles to the wider Earth Kingdom.
Now perhaps we should turn to Suyin's relationship with Kuvira, which always seems very odd to me. Suyin took Kuvira in when Kuvira was a young child and trained her and claims "Kuvira was like a daughter to me." Yet Suyin never seems to really treat Kuvira like a daughter when the two interact on screen, nor do Suyin's children seem to see Kuvira as a sister. Notably, when Suyin introduces her family to Korra, she doesn't include Kuvira, nor is Kuvira invited to the dinners with Team Avatar. It's all very weird.
Anyways, Korra first arrives at Zaofu, Suyin seems to expect her, the Avatar, to stay in Zaofu relatively permanently to personally tutor Opal in airbending. The idea that Korra has other important responsibilities which don't involve personally serving Suyin's interests doesn't seem to cross Suyin's mind. We also find that Suyin is sheltering Varrick and Zhu Li, awful, highly amoral criminals, from justice since they're useful. On the plus side, Suyin is willing to personally teach Korra and even Bolin metalbending. She even eventually offers an apology to Lin for her behavior when younger, an something which helps reconciles the siblings. Suyin even allows Opal to leave for the Northern Air Temple.
Then the Red Lotus attacks, Suyin helps drive them off, etc. Everyone realizes that the Red Lotus had inside help, Suyin uses Aiwei the lie detector to search for the traitor, it turns out Aiwei was the traitor, he flees, Suyin is suitably outraged, and so on. Then we get to something "interesting": Korra wants Team Avatar to go after Aiwei, Lin (correctly) points out that this is way too dangerous, and then Suyin lies to and deceives Lin to make her think Suyin agrees with her and go bed, before personally sending Team Avatar after Aiwei anyways, something which goes very poorly. Suyin and Lin have barely reconciled, and practically first thing Suyin does is lie to and manipulate her sister. And yeah, Lin is pretty pissed that Suyin "stabbed her in the back" next time they talk, but essentially the entire thing blows over with zero consequences for Suyin.
The next thing that Suyin really does in the narrative is lead Zaofu's security forces to help Korra, Team Avatar, Lin, and Tonraq take on the Red Lotus and rescue the airbenders. This is objectively a good thing, but it's also interesting, considering what we later learn about Suyin's isolationist beliefs. However, it's worth pointing out that Suyin had several personal motives for her actions here: Her daughter Opal is one of the airbending hostages, Lin her sister is evidentially going to be involved, and the Red Lotus had the temerity to attack Zaofu and Suyin is probably pretty pissed about that. Without these "ulterior" motives, I doubt Suyin would have been willing to get involved. Then Suyin helps everyone else defeat the Red Lotus, but doesn't really do anything too interesting as part of that. Cut to Book 4.
What Suyin mostly does through Book 4 is oppose Kuvira, but we still get some interesting material as part of that. We learn that Suyin was asked to help stabilize the Earth Kingdom between books, but she refused. Considering how the children she raised ended up handling things, it's very likely that Suyin would have ended up becoming a (bigger) fascist dictator, so Suyin's refusal is also probably a good thing, even though refusing to provide aid to a country in anarchy probably isn't the best thing.
Kuvira and Baatar Jr. disagree about this, and they leave for Ba Sing Se with "Varrick, my security force, and a few of Zaofu's wealthiest citizens." Suyin is so outraged she responds by declaring them (or at least Kuvira) exiles, forever banished from Zaofu. We also see the start of a couple tendencies which will reoccur in the season. These are Suyin blaming Kuvira for Baatar Jr.'s bad actions and Zaofu's citizens being pretty OK with Kuvira and her actions, while only the Beifong family hates her.
Next time we see Suyin, it's at Prince Wu's "coronation." Normally Suyin would absolutely despise a royal idiot like Wu, but she hates Kuvira so much that she's willing to join the other world leaders in imposing him on the Earth Kingdom (as a useful lackey?). After that doesn't work out, Suyin tries to convince Kuvira to step down, something which goes poorly.
A couple episodes later, Kuvira shows up with an army and demands Suyin surrender Zaofu, something that Suyin understandably is pissed about. Mutual recriminations result, Suyin again blames Kuvira for all the actions of her fascist dictator son, and so on. Korra tries to continue negotiations, but Suyin has already left to try to assassinate Kuvira in her sleep. That's maybe a reasonable reaction to what Kuvira is doing, but it's an odd way to treat someone who is "like a daughter" to you. There's also evidence that Suyin doesn't really get that people are legitimately loyal to Kuvira and legitimately believe in her ideology, or that Baatar Jr. agrees with Kuvira, is equally complicit in her policies, and would continue leading the Earth Empire in its conquests if she died. Anyways, Suyin's attempt fails, she ends up captured, and ultimately she's forced to watch Zaofu's citizenry bow to Kuvira and cheer her. Although there was still coercion involved, the fact that only the Beifong family refused to bow is still evidence that the "Metal Clan's" general population has a reasonably positive view of Kuvira and her ideology and the only reason the Beifongs don't is because they have a personal vendetta against her. After all, Kuvira's ideology derives from Zaofu.
After that, Suyin doesn't do too much, narratively. She escapes with her family from Kuvira and Baatar Jr.'s prison for them and she opposes Kuvira's attempt to conquer Republic City. Again, that's objectively a good thing, but Suyin opposing it also makes perfect sense given the depth of her vendetta against Kuvira. The only interesting thing is that Suyin instantly forgives her fascist dictator son and doesn't hold him the least bit accountable for his actions, while continuing to hate Kuvira after she apologizes. Again, more evidence that Suyin does not, in fact, view Kuvira as a part of the family.
Overall, Suyin is narratively very weird. Based on all that I've discussed above, it's clear that she's very much not a good person, nor is she particularly likeable. She basically runs a mini-fascist dictatorship, after all. Yet Suyin not only gets a massive amount of narrative attention (it seems like some of the writers really liked the idea of her and her family), but is always an ally of the protagonists and is never held truly accountable for her actions. Considering who she is as a person and her backstory, having her be an antagonist or villain would in many ways make more sense, but that's not the route they went.
TLoK was really into giving its antagonists half-assed redemption/quasi-redemption arcs (Tarrlok, Desna and Eska, Varrick, Zhu Li, Tahno, Zaheer, Hiroshi Sato, Baatar Jr., Kuvira), but Suyin doesn't really fit into this paradigm, since she was never an antagonist in the first place. The only characters across ATLA and TLoK who really remind me of her, in terms of being bad people who are never really called out by the narrative, are King Bumi, Varrick and Zhu Li, and Iroh.
Of these, King Bumi is a complete dick, but he's a much more minor character than Suyin and gets away with a lot due to being a "comedy" character.
Varrick is an absolutely awful person, but the narrative lets him avoid consequences for that since he's likeable and funny. Zhu Li really just tags along with his narrative.
Iroh is morally grey at best in the present and morally black in the past, but again the narrative avoids calling him out about it since he's funny and likeable and nice to the most audience sympathetic character, Zuko. The narrative even starts painting him as perfect and a saint after a certain point, something which continued in TLoK.
Suyin isn't like any of them. She's not a comedy character. She's not funny or likeable. And it's not like the narrative paints her as perfect, like it does for Iroh. She sometimes suffers the consequences of her actions, and I think she's supposed to come off as significantly flawed. On the other hand, the narrative never really calls out Suyin for any of her terrible behavior, bad actions, or general bullshit. She's never held truly accountable in any way for anything. It's all very odd.
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wilcze-kudly · 4 months
Love, love thinking about Sokka +Katara /Mako + Bolin parallels.
Because, on the surface level theres a lot of comparison that can be made between Mako and Katara. You have the character that seems more affected by their parents death, looks like the more obvious caretaker. And funny guy who somwhow gets bitches.
But when you look into the characters more deeply... Mako and Sokka are both so... jaded. Yes, Sokka, the funny man, jaded. These two know what hase to be done and will get it done. They know exactly how cruel and harsh the world can be and they know that they too sometimes have to be harsh and cruel to survive it.
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And then you have the idealistic, hopeful younger sibling. Very driven by their morals and faith in people. Wanna help as many people as they can. These characters weren't jaded by their negative experiences, but rather went on to try and protect others from what they've been through.
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I might wanna make a longer post about the Team Avatar siblings, but that'll probably wait lol. Sorry if this is all over the place
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yandere-avatar · 1 year
Yandere! Mako Headcanons
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Kinda want to write Yandere! Team Avatar Korra and others.... Man two in one day? I'm on a roll
Mako is such a jealous little boy
He hates people talking to his lover/significant other
He'll glare angrily at you and the person talking to you
When you try talking to him, he'll be short and sort of ignore you
"Why don't you go talk to your boyfriend/girlfriend?"
He's also very protective
He would risk his life to keep you safe
If anyone ever hurts you, they're asking to die
His biggest fear is losing you, so he'd rather hurt you if it meant you staying with him
He won't take your emotions seriously. If you think he may be toxic, he'll gaslight you into thinking you're crazy
Don't try going to Bolin, because he's no help
^ He'll take his brothers side
"I love you, Y/n! Why don't you see that?"
When you first met, he was very aloof and stotic
He's mean to you and doesn't take you seriously, seeing you as a nusiance
It took you a while to get past his walls, but when you did, he became to close to you
At first he thought it was a sister-brother love
But then he realized he saw you in a way he never saw anyone else in
He pays significantly more attention to you and notices every little thing you do, while still pretending to hate you
He'd rather push you away then to let you in and allow you to hurt him
He finally accepted his love for you when some low life was threatening you and you being you, you were terrified and Mako quickly stepped in and kicked the guys ass and threatened him, before guiding you away
If you are ever involved in criminal activity, he'll be quick to stop you
And if you don't want to stop? Well, you're going to jail and you'll sit there until you accept his help
He uses his power over your head
You can never run from him, so don't even try
He loves you, he really does, but he doesn't know how to healthily love someone
At least he's hot
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creampuffqueen · 3 months
Let’s see the college au!!! :3c
okay so for starters check out this post by comradekatara for the basics/inspiration. gotta give credit for the main inspo!!
this au is where the female avatars are roommates in college and just like. hang out and have shenanigans and whatever lol. their love interests are also included as 'main' characters
so for everyone's majors and sports and stuff:
korra: kinesiology major. she plays several intramural sports (for those who don't know, it's like a club team for colleges) such as soccer, wrestling, and various martial arts
kyoshi: literature major. attends the school on a basketball scholarship
yangchen: international relations major, ends up minoring in philosophy, psychology, and political science. she plays for the school's volleyball and track teams
asami: mechanical engineering, also part of a sorority
rangi: pre-law, aiming to specialize in criminal justice. part of the school's ROTC, army branch. plays intramural soccer
kavik: pre-med, aiming to specialize in emergency medicine. attends the school on a national merit scholarship he got for his math skills
and yeah the other avatars are also here as well (don't think too hard about the timeline or you'll go crazy) but the girls are my favs so here we are
some other random things about the au:
korra was homeschooled for her entire life. so when she goes to college she has ZERO social skills or street smarts
korra's freshman roommate was opal beifong. they met online and decided to room together. they're great friends, but since they were both super sheltered they don't know how to do anything. they dyed all their clothes pink the first time they did laundry and almost burned down the dorm kitchens like three times attempting to cook
this college (it's not any specific college that i picked out it's just like some random made up school. i do feel very strongly that it's in new england tho) was not korra's first choice. originally she was scouted to swim for a big important school. but at the beginning of her senior year of high school she got into an accident that left her paralyzed for six months and in rehab for another six. the school dropped her offer and she was forced to reconsider her options
she ended up going to this random college because tenzin, a long time family friend, is a professor here
kyoshi was in the foster system most of her life, but ended up being adopted by her foster dad, kelsang, when she was 14. they aren't very wealthy so the only way kyoshi is able to attend school is because of her basketball scholarship, even though she doesn't care about basketball that much
kyoshi's freshman year roommate was randomly assigned, and she roomed with kirima. they didn't get along at first due to very differing lifestyles but eventually kirima helped her loosen up a bit and they became good friends
how everyone met: korra and rangi play on the intramural soccer team together. rangi and kyoshi were already dating when they went to college, so kyoshi met korra through her. basketball practice is right after volleyball practice. perfectionist yangchen always stays after to rep things on her own, and chronically early kyoshi is always like twenty minutes early to every practice. they keep running into each other and eventually start chatting, and become fast friends. kyoshi brings rangi and korra with her to cheer yangchen on at a volleyball game, and after the game the four go out to eat where, once again, they become fast friends
when the time comes to find housing for their sophomore year, the three girls decide to get an apartment together, and they live together for the next three years
korra meets bolin on the wrestling team, and then meets mako through him. mako and asami are already dating. korra judges asami as 'just a typical sorority girl' but quickly realizes she was wrong. there is some love triangle drama with those three but it wraps up wayyyy quicker in this au. korra and asami start dating in the spring of their freshman year
funny enough, korra actually meets kavik before anyone else. kavik is on the wrestling team for a little while, but drops it after winter break. kavik and yangchen meet totally separately, and when yangchen introduces him to her friends korra and kavik share a laugh because they've already met before
yangchen and kavik don't start dating until their sophomore year. but it takes like a whole six months for anyone to figure it out because 1) they didn't make any kind of announcement about it and 2) they don't really act that different anyway. so there's a very funny moment where kyoshi and korra come home to find them making out on the couch and are like 'hello???? when did this start??' and yangvik are like 'what do you mean when did this start we've been dating for six months 😭'
naga is korra's great pyrenees and yangchen has two siamese cats, pik and pak. kelsang has a surprisingly sweet tibetan mastiff called pengpeng that kyoshi dogsits sometimes
basically the vibe of this au is 'five of the hottest women you've ever seen - and this one guy that they drag around everywhere'
yangchen, korra, and rangi like to play sand volleyball together at the rec center. yangchen always wins but the other two don't make it easy for her
even though their partners are over so often they basically live there, the three girls have a 'residents only' night once a week where they all hang out together and gossip
the flying opera company is a band that does small gigs on campus/around town. kyoshi does backup vocals for them
yangchen is still pushing herself to insane levels At All Time in this au. girl is playing two sports, triple minoring, and is a member of like half the clubs on campus (she joins any club with volunteering opportunities). one semester korra and kyoshi start 'yangchen's redbull wall' which is exactly what it sounds like. not that they're any better lmao
the other avatars are also here in this au. kuruk is part of a frat but should be on like. suicide watch or something. bro is Going Through It. but he's actually like best friends with all the girls in the apartment. idk what roku is doing. aang is a philosophy major, he and yangchen are study buddies for philosophy classes. and uh. idk about wan either lmao
anyway that's some of the basics + random fun facts! i have lots more but writing this out has made me realize i probably need like a timeline or something haha. feel free to send more asks about this au!
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thatonebirdwrites · 1 year
Mercury Poisoning and LOK Book 3 and Disability Justice
I want to talk about disability representation and healing in Legend of Korra and its relation to disability justice.
(Note: Plot of Book 3 of LoK is about rebuilding the Air Nation and dealing with a villain that wants to destroy the Avatar. The villain, once he captures Korra, does this through poisoning to force her into Avatar state. Once there, if she dies, it ends the Avatar forever.)
I know Legend of Korra only calls the poison "metal" and doesn't ever identify it, but based on these facts:
Is in liquid form at room temperature
Causes neurological symptoms
Causes inability to feel limbs
Causes inability to walk or loss of coordination and/or balance
Vision problems
Severe pain
This all fits with Mercury poisoning. Now mercury poisoning is a slow neurotoxin killer. It has to build up over time in order to kill someone, which is why Zaheer and his lackeys put a shit-ton of it into Korra. She had to have so much in her blood for it to work fast enough to actually take her down in the Avatar state. This also accelerated her symptoms.
And it's why she is in a wheelchair unable to move or feel her legs, why she has neurological issues afterward, and why it takes her so long to recover and learn how to walk and have coordination and balance again.
Mercury poisoning if left in the system for a long time can cause kidney and brain damage; however, lucky for Korra it's not in her system long enough. Barely an hour or so I think? It's hard to say about passing of time in that show, but Team Avatar and others got to her pretty fast. So that means it wasn't in there long enough for permanent brain and kidney damage.
However, she'd still need to be regularly checked for any neurological issues that might pop up overtime. This could include vision problems, nerve issues such as nerve pain or tenderness or numbness, tingling in her extremities, and others more specific to the brain or nervous system within her spine.
This doesn't mean she'd die at a young age. A person with these issues can live to a ripe old age as long as they continue to be monitored and given the care they need. Korra has that care with all the people who love her, and I'm positive Asami (her girlfriend) would make sure Korra has the best care in the world (considering Asami's wealth). So Korra could easily live to an old age with Asami.
She would still be able to do Avatar duties as well, even if she ends up with some neurological issues down the line. She just needs to adjust her approach to compensate and allow others to aid her in her duties (like Asami helping her and the brothers and Air Nation, etc). It's okay to rely on others.
This is all to say that Korra is disabled now, and that's okay. Disabled people like myself exist and we deserve love and care too. We deserve to THRIVE. There is nothing bad or evil about disability.
I know that our society tries to shove 'disability=bad' down our throat, but that's to justify the horrific treatment society does to us.
Anyone can become disabled at any time. Maybe that might instill fear into some people, but I can assure you that it doesn't have to be scary. If we build systems of care instead of systems of harm, we wouldn't have to fear becoming disabled because that system of care -- like the one Korra has at the end of the show -- would help us thrive to the best of our ability.
We deserve those systems of care. We deserve love. We deserve good healthcare, housing, food, and other necessities for free/low-cost.
We don't have to live in systems of exploitation that throw away our lives because the capitalist overlords deemed us non-productive and worthless. We can take their shitty ideology and throw it in the wastebin.
And instead build up communities of care and mutual aid. We see how Korra's PTSD and her symptoms improve once she is back in the circle of her community of care with Asami, Mako, (eventually Bolin), Tenzin, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, Pema, Kya, Bumi, and even the Beifong family and Lin. All of them provide care and support. Through that community of care, Korra learns how to thrive again.
That is what we need to build up. That's why I love her arc.
I too went through that dark period of pain and isolation. I too ran from my PTSD, literally as in ran to a different state to escape it, which like Korra discovers, doesn't quite work out well. We can't escape it. We have to face it and choose to heal.
It is only when we choose to heal that we experience true character growth. We don't learn and grow because of suffering in or itself. That's a lie told to us by society to get us to stay in suffering, to not choose to heal, to not choose to tear down the exploitation that hurts us.
No, we learn and grow because of our choice to heal and build ourselves up in a healthier and more just and kinder and more loving way. Often, we make that choice because we have support to aid us in that healing, to give us what we need to follow-through. (And yes, sometimes we can't make the choice without having that community of care, because we need assistance in ways beyond what we can do for ourselves, and that's okay too!)
Growth and learning cannot happen until we choose them.
Korra choose to heal when she's with Toph, and in doing so, she reconnects with her community of care, who in turn helps her recover and helps her learn to thrive again. So no matter what the long-term repercussions of mercury poisoning is for Korra, she will have her community of care to help her get through that and continue to thrive.
That is what I wish all disabled people could have.
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ask-bolin · 1 year
Hiii, can you maybe write a fic where reader really adores bolin but doesn’t realize it’s a crush but literally all of team avatar can tell except for bolton? PLEASE AND THANK YOU😍
Author: Oblivious crossed lovers my beloved
You couldn't figure out why, but when speaking with Asami and Korra, they chuckled to themselves. You weren't saying anything funny, you thought, you were just describing Bolin's eyes. Yes, how his eyes looked in the sunset, breathtaking. And about his cheeriness, whenever Bolin was in the room, your day was brighter. You figured it was just due to his presence just brought it the best in everything.
"You should probably find time to hang out, just you and him," Korra and Asami had suggested.
Maybe they were just trying to find a kind way to let you know they weren't available for the next meet up.
When suggesting the idea to Bolin, he agreed that it sounded fun, "So they can't make it?" Bolin asked, since Korra and Asami were usually who made the plans. "That's okay, but we'll have to find something that would still be fun if it's just gonna be you and me. I'll think of something I'm sure."
Later on, you were speaking with Mako about your plans with Bolin. You wanted to ask him about what he would suggest, but you hadn't noticed that you accidentally went off on a tangent. You were explaining how Bolin did the funniest thing earlier when he walked in the room and accidentally said 'good morning' instead of 'good afternoon.'
"I... guess you had to be there?" Mako said, not intending to put you down, but he didn't get what was so funny about it. As you explained Korra and Asami's suggestion and how you and Bolin needed help coming up with something to do, Mako's face lit up with realization. "You guys like each other! This is a date!"
"What? We do?? It IS???" you were taken by surprise.
"Oh yeah, it's obvious now," Mako smiled. "I'm on Korra and Asami's side, you both will be happy together. Go enjoy your date."
Off you went to plan your date that everyone knew about except you and Bolin.
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thatoneguy56fanfic · 8 months
So I had an interesting theory that I wanted to share.
What if going into the Spirit World is what made Kuvira snap back to reality? So, bear with me, but I think it’s pretty clear that Kuvira’s mental state was starting to slip towards the end of B4. Especially after she fired on the warehouse where Baatar Jr and Team Avatar were. Though I personally think her decline started even earlier. Think about it, one by one, the people she trusted most turned on her: Varrick, Bolin, Zhu Li. These were people who had been by her side for three years, as they stabilized the Earth Kingdom and even helping her plan out the birth of the Earth Empire.
But then once they announce their shared dream, suddenly she starts loosing their support. You can’t tell me that that didn’t affect her in some way mentally and emotionally. Anyway, I’m sorry for rambling, I’ll get back to my point now.
What if being physically transported into the Spirit World, surrounded by all that spiritual energy, is what made Kuvira come to her senses? What if it “restored her inner balance” so to speak? Because once she was there, she seemed to understand what she was doing was wrong, and eventually surrenders herself to Korra. Of course realizing what she did was wrong and actually accepting it is very challenging, which is why we see her pleading not guilty in Ruins of the Empire.
I personally think it’s possible, we’ve certainly seen spiritually energy do stranger things before. But I’m curious to hear what you all think too.
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everythingfiction13 · 4 months
In the middle of the night, with only the wind catching in her hair as she drove her Satomobile, Asami lazily turned around the corners of Republic City's streets, stopping at the traffic lights even when no one was in sight.
The radio was turned off - as it always was, she never did bother to put it on - and with one arm propped up on the window supporting her head, the other tapped nonchalantly against the steering wheel.
Nightmares had overwhelmed her yet again as she lay to sleep, and her dreams alluded her for something more sinister and foreboding. She missed being able to catch a proper shut eye, but ever since the events at that hangar with Bolin and General Iroh, ever since she's confronted her father, who had tried to kill her, Asami was plagued by the same recurrent images.
Hiroshi Sato looked over her in his mechatank, ready to deliver the final blow. Asami had been helpless then were it not for Bo taking charge and bending the earth to shield her. The scars from the glass shattering against her skin were long healed, Korra had made it a point to do so, perhaps in a bid to apologize for all that had transpired. After all, it was the Avatar who had taken the heiress's boyfriend from her, the Avatar who had exposed both her and her father as Equalists.
Though she had been acquitted seeing what she'd done to help the Team and with the press ever in the dark as to Asami's original allegiance, the young woman was given an inkling of freedom to roam about. She knew without a doubt that Chief Beifong would be watching her every move, waiting for Asami to slip up. She wouldn't give her the satisfaction, not much out remorse as to her scheming - though Asami did regret her actions - but rather out of spite.
The others had gone back to their routine, pro-bending matches carrying on, trainings at Air Temple Island, catching up with one another, but the invitation, though extended to Asami, felt more of an obligation than genuine interest.
The light turned green, but Asami lingered a while longer before setting her foot down on the pedal. Her breathing was shallow and constricted, and each attempt to take in a deeper one proved painful. Without even knowing where she was heading, Asami found herself parking at the docks.
The water over Yue Bay glimmered under the moonlight, a canvas of darkness reflecting the pale hue of the stars above. Asami sat on the hood of the car, arms crossed over her chest as she let her head drop between her shoudlers. She could not stand glancing up at the heavens, for fear that her memories - the good ones that were not tainted by hatred and anguish - overwhelmed her. How many times had she spent the late hours of the night stargazing with her parents? Yasuko had taught her much about the stars, but with each attempt to remember the names of the constellations, they seemed to slip further away from her. A stray tear trickled down her cheek, hot and unwelcomed, but Asami did not brush it away. Better let it out now in the stillness of the night than dwell over her emotions tomorrow as she tried to salvage whatever was left of Future Industries.
A shuddering breath escaped her, a sinking feeling settling deep in her heart, and for once, Asami wished her dad had actually killed her. At least he would have spared her the pain of having to go at it alone.
She sat at the edge of the bay and pulled her legs close to herself as she set her chin upon her knees. Everything felt heavy, the weight of it all threatening to drown her in a pit of despair, and for once, Asami could not see a way out of this. A yawn escaped her. It was time to head back home. Yueng, her steadfast butler, would be worried about her anyway, and Asami hated worrying him. In the wake of the scandal, her staff had all but left the Mansion, but Yueng had stayed, had taken Asami in his arms even though he rarely ever showed emotions, and let her cry on his shoulder. Perhaps she wasn't as alone as she thought she was, but the very thought of burdening Yueng with her petty nightmares did not sit right with her.
The streets were as quiet as ever as she made her way back, did not fail to notice the Satocycle following her along the city's streets per Beifong's orders. She sort of wished the officer would have sat down with her on the docks. Perhaps they'd get to one another, maybe be...friendly. But then, no.
Asami Sato had long been alone, and alone she would remain until all of her sins were atoned for. If it took an eternity, then so be it. She'd make things right again somehow. Somehow.
When she set her head against her pillow, much to comfortable, she noticed, Asami drifted into a dreamless sleep. The nightmares would come back to taunt her sooner rather than later, but for now, she was content to simply roam in the void of her mind.
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heartilywrites · 5 months
could you write a fluff korra x fem reader fic? i loved give in to me!!
omg hi !! im so glad you loved it 🥺 this is my first request, hope you enjoyed it and love it as much as i loved writing it!!!
،، 𝓡eady? Take 3! ; Korra
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request guide | masterlist
resume: Korra had been wanting to tell you how she felt for quite some time now.
content warning: fluff and comfort ; fem and earthbender!reader ; for plotting reasons, Mako and Korra never had a relationship ; a long os 'cause I kinda got excited ; no use of y/n ; the only thing I described from physical looks are the eyes, but because the ppl from the Earth Kingdom have green eyes ;
word count: 2.5k
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“ 𝓘 made my mind long ago, but I still needed more time.
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Love can be such a magical thing, can't it? Falling in love with someone you appreciate, feeling like you're floating when you are near to that person, butterflies in your stomach when you have them near, an electric touch when their hands are on you, your heart beating a hundred per second. . . Okay, sometimes it may be confused with anxiety, but Korra felt that way with you. In a good way! Korra thought love would be easy to handle for her. I mean, she's the avatar! she should be able to do everything, right?
But it was hard for her to understand how it worked. She knew you since her probending days with the team, between Bolin and you were helping her with her earthbending. She realize she was in love with you on one of the practices where Bolin was absent because he felt asleep.
That time alone with you made her realized how much she loved spending time with you, how she felt complete with you near, how her heart raced when she made you laugh and how she adored having your whole attention.
So she thought about talking about it to you.
Three tries. It took her three tries to say what she wanted. The first one was at the Glacier Spirits Festival.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Who are we staring at?” Asami said over her shoulder, scaring the brunette one, making her jump in her place.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “No one!” she was quick to exclaim, but the pale girl looked the way she was and smiled excited when she saw you scolding Bolin for shoving a whole bird in his mouth. “You know, staring at her won't do anything.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Do what? I don’t know what you're talking about, I don’t want to do anything.” the avatar mumbled, looking away. Asami laugh softly.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Sure you don't.” she smiled, one of her arms passed the brunette's shoulders. “Let's go, I'll take Bolin from her and you can stay and do nothing.” Asami tried to copy her friend's tone while she forced the avatar to walk your way.
When the pair arrived with you, your eyes lit up at the sight of Korra. She was too nervous to notice. “Hey, I need Bolin for a couple of minutes; I brought you another companion in exchange!” the inventor spoke.
Asami shoved Korra to you and was quick to take Bolin by the wrist to take him away with a 'but, my food!' complaint from him. The avatar was quick to straighten after bumping into you, her cheeks were light pink and her smile was nervous. “Hi. . . Uhm, do you want to play the booths?” she asked timidly pointing at one with mini Aangs in it.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I would love to!” you exclaimed and that gave Korra the courage to take you hand and walk to the booth.
The night was great, both of you were having the best time of your lives. Laughing, cheating in the most subtle way possible, eating a bunch of things until your stomach was full. She won a flying bison and a koalaotter plushies while you won a badgermole. At the end of the night, both of you were walking back to the tents where the whole group were staying at.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You should've seen your face when the ferris wheel stopped at the top!” she had been laughing at you for about five minutes now and you couldn't resist to join her.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I hate heights! Stop making fun of me!” you tried to defend yourself while holding your stomach. It didn't took long to get to the tents. “It was fun, Korra. I had a great night, thank you.”
The southerner smiled fondly at you before nodding. “I had a great night too. . .” both of you stayed quiet while arriving to the doorstep of the tents, but it was a comfortable silence. “Listen, I...”
The sight of your green eyes stopped her words. It was right there, that was the moment, she needed to do it.
Korra took a big breath in.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I want you to have the koalaotter.” she said, cowering at the last second. You smiled big and took the plushie when she extended it.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Thank you!” you exclaimed admiring the plushie while Korra admired you. A moment later you extended the badgermole back at her. “Let's exchange, I want you to have it. I have something from you and you have something from me.” you said blushing hard. She accepted more than grateful and smiled at you.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'll take good care of it.” she said, getting a small 'I know you will' from you before waving goodbye for the night.
Maybe she had a chance?
The second time was in Zaofu.
After helping prevent the kidnapping of Korra by the Red Lotus, you were the first one to come in once the girl got her mobility back.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “My spirits, Korra!” you exclaimed running to give her a hug which was pretty much reciprocated with a bit of strength from the Avatar. “I'm glad you're okay. I got so scared.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Me too.” she murmured close to your ear. Seconds that felt like hours, Korra spent in your arms, breathing in your scent while she could feel how fast your own breathing was. “I'm here, don't worry.”
You separated a little bit from the hug to look at her face and smiled fondly at her, she smiled back at you. A clear of throat busted the bubble you both were in. “Go get some rest, kids, we'll be making the questioning at first thing in the morning.” Lin said, both of you looked at her and then at each other.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'll take her to her bed.” you told them before helping the southern stand up, you made her rest one of her arms on your shoulders and one of yours wrapped around her waist so she could lean on you completely.
The walk to Korra's room was slow, you didn't pressure her to walk faster and she thanked that in silence.
Once at her room you helped her to get in and tuck her in, giving Naga a pet when she got closer to make sure her friend was fine.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'm going to stay here a little bit if you need anything.” you said, sitting by her side in the bed, she smiled.
She looked for your hand which you took without a problem into yours, leaving caresses on the back of her hand with your thumb. Both of you stayed quiet, your eyes looking at the union of hands and her eyes tracing your silhouette, making sure she got your image printed in her head.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I shouldn't ask you to come here with me. It's dangerous.” she broke the silence surrounding you both, you frowned looking up at her.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Don't be ridiculous, Korra. I know when to agree or decline to things.” you said, a bit annoyed at what you heard.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Yeah, but I put you in danger and–” you interrupted her.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'm here because I like being with you.” she blinked surprised. “If I can help you, I will. I appreciate you a lot, Korra, you're my friend.”
And at the noun used on her, her whole confession faded away. You looked at her as a friend, she thought. She sighed and nodded. “You need to rest, we have people to question in a couple of hours.” the avatar responded, smiling a little bit. You nodded, standing up and making the attempt to walk out. The hand she had intertwined with yours pulled you back, you looked at her surprise. “Let's do a sleepover, yeah?” she made space on the bed.
You thought about it for a second before smiling and accepting the offer, it took both of you a great amount of three minutes to fall asleep, facing each other, feeling at ease with the presence of the other.
The third time was three years after saying goodbye to her, she was going back to the Southern Water Tribe. She said she needed time to herself, you send her letters everyday, getting letter back every couple of weeks and one day it suddenly stopped.
You didn't thought much of it, maybe she was just preparing everything to come back to the city and you didn't had time either to think about it.
Once you were told Kuvira's plan to attack Zaofu, you went back to the city in a try to help Suyin. After all, she helped you learn how to metalbend and you felt like that was the least you could do.
You arrived a couple of hours before Korra, but didn't cross her way since after talking to Suyin you got to an emergency training taught by the twins to make sure your metalbend was sharp.
After that, you got to sleep since the twins got the best out of you in just hours, missing the reunion with the avatar and got woken up by Wing saying they needed help to take Kuvira from the camp outside Zaofu, and so you did. Then got captured.
On your suit you narrowed your eyes at the silhouettes facing Kuvira. They shot back open in surprise. “Korra!?”
The avatar's heart raced, the feelings she ignored all that time resurfaced when she saw you. Trapped. You were moving desperate to get out of the trap. “Dear spirits, no...” she murmured to herself, the girl stayed in line, she tried not to freak out and attack Kuvira at that moment, she needed to come to an agreement.
The southerner could feel your gaze on her, she was desolate trying to win the fight to get you out of there. To have you in her arms and hold you tight. To tell you how much she missed you.
But the luck wasn't on her side that day and she lost. You watched how the flying bison got away with tears in your eyes, wishing, hoping to get a chance with her.
The next days captured with the Beifongs were... An experience. You were so grateful when you saw Lin, Bolin and Toph appear, you were the second one to get out and helped as much as you could to get out of the factory safe.
You were behind Suyin, Bolin and Zhu Li when they interrupted the president's meeting. When Korra laid eyes on you she was quick to hug you, a strong grip between the both of you.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'm so glad to see you.” you said in a sigh, it almost felt like a weight fell off your shoulders.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I am too... You have no idea how much I missed you.” she said back, after a while you two took a step back. “I need to tell you something.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “It will have to wait, we have big problems.” even though you stopped her from talking and made her pay attention to Zhu Li, you took her hand. You needed to feel her touch to make sure it was her and not another dream.
Since the matter was life or death, both of you were able to put on hold the confessions to have your head in the game and survive whatever Kuvira threw at you. Plans were made, groups designated and goodbyes said from one group to another. It felt like the end of something, but everyone was so hopeful for a good ending.
And you were too, but you needed to do something before.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Hey, Korra, I need to talk to you.” you called the southerner, pulling the girl by the hand a little bit farther from the group. “Okay, listen, I've been trying to tell you this for years now, but I just couldn't–”
Your words got caught up in your mouth when you felt the lips of the girl infront of you press into yours. It was a sweet kiss, full of emotions coming from both sides and a bit desperate in the act.
Her lips knew their way around yours, it was almost like you two already knew how to exchange that gesture. Her hands found their way in your waist just as yours rest confidently in her shoulders, she pulled you as close to her as the anatomy would allow.
Once both yours and her lungs where burning in need of air, you pulled away. She rest her forehead in yours, her eyes were still closed for a bit before opening them and stumbling into your gaze. The one she had been loving since you arrived to her life, she smiled.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I love you.” she confessed finally, your cheeks were just as red as hers and you let a light giggle left your mouth. “I love you so much, since you first stomped in my feet at the probending gym.” your face got even more red at the memory. “I'm sorry for disappearing and for not writing you back enough, I just... I needed time to heal.”
You shook your head a bit, reassuring her with a little smile. “It doesn't matter, you are here, you are okay and I couldn't ask for more... I love you too, Korra, I always had.” the avatar could swear her heatbeats were loud enough for everyone on the place to hear them.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Once this is done I want to take you out. You and me alone.” she said before finally taking a step back from you, taking your hand into hers.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Sounds like a date.” you agreed before leaving a small peck in her lips.
And then, the final battle took place.
People were flying here and there. You learned to use the metal wires and took Bolin or Mako up and down when needed, so it was safe to say once the Colossus was defeated and Kuvira arrested you were tired to your bones. There you stood, with the whole group, taking a break.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Alright, excuse me.” Korra said walking to you and hugging you by the waist while giving you a kiss. You could hear gasps, both of surprise and excitement.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “WHAT!?” Bolin screamed with his jaw dropped, Mako had almost a same expression meanwhile Asami, Jinora and Ikki where smiling excited, Ikki was jumping in her place.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I heard we will be going to a wedding.” you said once you both ended the gesture, referring to Zhu Li and Varrick's wedding when Varrick showed off his fiancee's ring while looking for Korra after the portal opened. “Wanna be my plus one?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Ooh, I would love to.” she giggled before turning to everyone else. “. . .I think we should get out of here.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “AREN'T YOU GOING TO TELL US HOW DID THIS HAPPENED!?” Bolin continued to scream.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh, they will. They have to or I'm going to make them.” Asami said, Mako laughed.
Maybe it was worth it to wait all those years for one of you to take the step, all the yearning and adoration for one to another made the result of that waiting so sweet, just as both of you had been dreaming of.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 9 months
Avatar korra x male reader
Reader is a fire bender based on a mix of azula with his bright blue fire and dark raiden from mk11 trailer with how he is dressed and red lightning and how it interacts with him and his fight style
Reader and korra grew up together and was always close with reader being a prodigy with the fire bending arts like his great aunt azula many feared he would end up like her because of how similar they were to each other but reader was always quite and focused on seeing how far he could progress and with his intelligence skill and power he could keep up with korra better than anyone else leading to a relationship.
When korra heads to republic city reader goes with her and is usually the calming person to korra until reader is captured by amon and gets tortured and before he has his bending taken away korra and team rescue him but because of injury can't help in the last fight because of this and what amon did to him he starts to lose his sanity getting more and more paranoid especially of mako and korra leading him to him leaving his mostly defensive fight style to a vicious and overwhelmingly aggressive one no longer holding back when fighting leading to extensive damage to the area he is fighting in and even to his friends. After one exchange Bolin gets caught by lightning from reader leading to a fight with mako (the scorpion fight from mk11 trailer without the death but with the brutally) korra steps in to stop it but that is just seen as proof by reader and breaks the last strand of his sanity and he goes all out against korra and after a prolonged head to head fight that causes massive damage korra beats reader but he dies from wounds because he refused to give up.
Starts before season one and takes the place of session 3 no red lotus no zaheer the slip into insanity would start in season 2 when everyone is in the south pole. Reader is helped mostly by korra but when she has to leave its kya who helps and becomes like an older sister to reader.
Cool. Ok I will write it
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wlwmk · 1 year
How do you think Makorra would occur in Season 3 and 4, with themes like Korra's PTSD and Mako & Bolin finding their family?
I genuinely think b3 is already good how is it, especially with how much action there's in it so there's not that much place for the rest, but Makorra still here even if it's mostly casual and the post break up context.
There's doubts and tension especially from Mako's side. But Korra is constantly reassuring him through some affectionately actions and words "You're part of team avatar. " and Mako still truly care about Korra and despite being awkward around her (due to still romantic feelings, but that's on my interpretation even if theses two were obviously baited until the very end) he's still her white knight constantly protecting her (fought the red lotus, making up plan for her to be safe despite putting himself in danger, plan to find her back..) like he always did since the beginning, showing how extreme their relationships status could change, they'll always care and deeply need each other.
They're truly a such cool lovers to exes positive representation, I'm glad for it 🙏🏽
but here comes b4...
tbh even with that one book I don't have that much to say outside that ending, cuz once again we got major Makorra moments- he literally accompanied her during a major step in her recovery journey? (facing Zaheer) Telling her how he got dead worried and was actually mad at her for not updating him? His part in the remembrance episode being just him ranting about how Korra is incredible, amazing, spectacular, show stopping, totally unique, never the same- and how she moved his whole world and inspired him, to the point he unhesitatingly sacrificed himself in the b4 finale directly paralleling Korra's sacrifice in b3 finale.
And with that last sentence I want to bring back my problem with that end and also the comics.
Makorra literally share a such specific and traumatic same experience through these sacrifices, which is being disabled and partially losing their skills while being used to be very talented, even prodigies, benders and fighters... but they did NOTHING of it ignoring Mako's trauma, acting like Korra is all 'healed' also ignoring her trauma too cuz let's be real 'korra alone' was FAR from enough, and their relationship in general, especially in the comics, destroying what they build since b1 making Korra and Mako so distant (Korra not caring about Mako's arm while she literally lived the same experience he's going through) They could help and heal together understanding e/o so well.
So my main complain will be mostly that and post b4 in general and how Makorra straight up got wasted and just loose a godly storyline over whatever bs we got instead.
Now on Mako and Bolin's fam path of plot, I don't think Korra was necessary in it since it's really focused on the bros unused back story, which I hope will be digged even more later.
That's it i guess. Hope I actually answered your question 🫶🏽
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wilcze-kudly · 5 months
If worked for the team who made Avatar TloK. How would you rewrite TloK?
To be completely honest, rewriting tlok wouldn't fix all it's issues. Tlok just needed to have longer seasons, an actually established amount of seasons so they weren't pressured to make every single season a complete story for fear of not getting more time.
But let's say, hypothetically that I murdered mr Crabs or whoever is in charge of Nickelodeon and removed any studio meddling from the show.
My perfect world would include:
More filler episodes that focus on a singular character. Think Sokka's Master or the Painted Lady. The Krew are all fascinating characters with a lot of potential, however, due to the runtime of the show, their storylines are rushed... or completely nonexistent. Give me more details of Mako and Bolin's childhood. Show me emore of Asami struggling with her father's arrest.
I'd try to cut down on the westernisation of the show. I can see why these foreign aspects slipped in, since the closer the Avatarverse inches to our modern times, the more blurred the lines become. At least to my whiteass. I'd try to lean towards silkpunk, rather than the much more west based steampunk. It would be a fascinating endeavour to imagine what a world with mostly eastern influences would look like.
I'd make Vaatu the overarching villain/final boss of the story... it would require a bit of moving around of the timeline but I think I'd structure it as: Red Lotus> Kuvira> Amon> Vaatu. However I'd blur the timeline more. Make Amon a background threat in the eariler seasons, only for him to rise in popularity and power after people see what benders like Kuvira are capable of, for example.
This would also allow for certain villains to become redeemed or at least helpful in some way, later on. Mayhaps Amon and Kuvira team with the Krew to defeat Vaatu in some way.
Also, instead of destroying Vaatu completely, I'm leaning towards Korra absorbing him, in a way. Yes Vaatu is a dark spirit, but 'darker' urges are necessary for humans' survival and happiness. Korra embodies the duality of man very well. I think it would be a fascinating idea to see the Avatar become the embodiment of both light and darkness.
In general, making Vaatu and Raava more morally ambiguous, rather than the simple good spirit/bad spirit thing they had in the og show would be a fascinating concept.
I'd do my best to pull away from the show's original centerist narrative. Have Korra learn from the villains and make active changes to the world, showing her growth as an Avatar and person. Perhaps she's reluctant to see the Red Lotus' point of view at the beginning of the show, but sympathises with Amon at the tail end of the story.
Make the entire Krew queer. And talk about queerness more, in general. Have the characters have open conversations about queerness in their respective enviornments and cultures. Tlok already has a very queer undertone to it, even before korrasami became canon, but touching on this subject more overtly would provide great opportunity for characterisation and worldbuilding.
Have the story span several years. Watch the Krew grow up. Tlok works very well as a coming of age story even in its original form. Have Vaatu and his darkness and chaos symbolise the uncharted waters of maturity at the end of teenagedom. This especially works if Korra merges or accepts him like i suggested.
There... that's some basics. I think that most of my criticisms of the show could mostly be solved if the studio wasn't being a bitch but well. We can't have nice things, can we?
I took a while to answer this ask because it was genuinely such an interesting, but overwhelming question.
Also now I have wayy too many ideas about a potential tlok rewrite, so feel free to ask me about that if you want to hear me ramble.
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fantastic-nonsense · 10 months
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
I had to browse through my 30+ WIPs to figure out if there was one I was willing to classify in this category, and...if there was a fic that fits it's a Legend of Korra fic concept I wrote up like 8 or 9 years ago in the immediate aftermath of the series finale. I genuinely don't think I'll ever get to it; not only because I've long since left the LOK fandom and have no real interest in finishing any of my fic ideas that aren't my "Justice for Asami Sato" WIP, but also because it would likely need a whole series of fics to properly explore everything I wanted to cover. I will, however, happily give a detailed outline of what I was planning on doing since I'm never going to get around to it.
Basically, the concept was to completely imagine LOK as the story might have been written if the creative team had known from the beginning that they would have 4 seasons to tell the story of Korra. I was looking at the disjointedness of plot, themes, and character arcs that happened because Bryke originally planned the show as a miniseries and then didn't know how many more seasons they would get...and thinking about how to connect everything together more coherently (within my own preferences and ideas of how things should have been told, of course).
The tl;dr of each fic is as follows:
Book 3′s plot would come first, as it should have in the show: Korra travels to Republic City to learn Airbending from Tenzin, only to find that some spiritual mumbo jumbo has created new Airbenders. Thus, she’ll learn airbending from Tenzin while they’re all on the search for the new airbenders. Meanwhile, the Red Lotus has escaped and is coming after Korra. Ends the same way, with Korra physically incapacitated and suffering from major PTSD
Book 4′s plot would be next: the fall of the Earth Kingdom creates a power vacuum that Kuvira fills. Meanwhile, we watch the season-long restoration of Korra’s physical/mental/spiritual wellbeing. We get the story of Wan and Raava this season, as part of Korra’s recovery arc (so she can discover and restore her bond with the Avatar Spirit).
Book 1 now becomes Book 3: also in the wake of the Red Lotus’s destruction and the tyranny of Kuvira’s Earth Empire, anti-bender sentiment has sprung up around the world. Amon takes advantage of this sentiment within Republic City. Korra, now residing in Republic City, has to deal with the anti-bender revolution as a fully realized Avatar (but one that is still struggling to fully recover from the Red Lotus and is now terrified of losing her bending because of the events of the first two seasons)
Book 2′s dual plot would end the series: Korra has to deal with the Water Tribe Civil War while Harmonic Convergence approaches, which would have had lore drops throughout the show after the ‘Avatar Orgins’ revelations back in the second fic. The series ends with a bang as Korra defeats the spiritual manifestation of darkness and chaos and pledges to lead the world into a new spiritual age. 
A fairly detailed explanation of how I'd planned out this reimagining is below the cut, if you like.
Ask me a question about one of my WIPs!
The first fic ("Air") was going to start out with the re-emergence of the airbenders due to a freak spiritual event; this was going to be the reason Tenzin wouldn't be able to train Korra in airbending at the South Pole compound, as he was focused heavily on recruiting and training new airbenders and wanted to put off training the Avatar for another year or two. Meanwhile, the Red Lotus breaks out of their prisons and starts readying themselves to go kill the Avatar.
Korra would make her way to Republic City to try and reason with Tenzin that he could just train her while looking/training the other airbenders, meet Lin while breaking up a robbery in progress, and escape from the RCPD with the help of Mako and Bolin, two pro-benders who just lost the finals this season (but they’re sure that they’ll come back next year even better). They introduce her to Asami Sato, their sponsor and Mako’s girlfriend. She explains who she is, what she’s doing in Republic City, and what’s going on….and they decide they want to help her. They all end up stowing away on Tenzin's ship along with Lin, who basically designates herself as the Air Family's bodyguard (because god forbid Tenzin go swanning off into the Earth Kingdom without any protection for his small children).
We'd spend most of the fic dealing with the three intersecting plots: 1) Korra struggling to learn Airbending and spiritual direction from Tenzin, 2) Tenzin finding and training the new airbenders+Korra, and 3) the Red Lotus political plot and their attempts to kill Korra (which both fall under the “no more world leaders” heading of their group goals).
Subplots would have been more or less the same subplots as the existing Book 3, with some of the Book 1 issues mixed in: resolving the Lin-Tenzin tension, Tenzin struggling to be a teacher and rebuild the Air Nation, korra struggling to figure out airbending, Mako and Bolin finding their family, and the romance issues (Korra-Mako-Asami with a season-long Masami breakup arc and the Bolin-Opal romance…the Mako-Bolin drama over Korra doesn’t happen because we meet Opal basically right off the bat). Korra still ends up hurt and traumatized at the end of the fic. Despite initiating the Avatar state for the first time while fighting Zaheer, she can no longer connect after the physical and spiritual trauma she suffered, so she stays behind at the South Pole to be healed and further mentored by Katara.
The second fic ("Restoration") would have picked up one year after the first fic ends and covered the basic plot of Book 4 with some of the character arcs that Book 2 dealt with (except better): The fall of the Earth Kingdom created a power vacuum that Kuvira fills. Korra's doing her season-long recovery/spiritual discovery arc while dealing with the threat of Kuvira; we also get the Wan-Raava story here, to properly sow the seeds for the Harmonic Convergence plot later down the road.
Mako and Bolin go back to pro-bending, but both find it unsatisfying after going globetrotting. Mako's single, and Bolin and Opal (who's moved to Air Temple Island to continue her training) are still dating. Asami, who's chafing under the restrictions of being back in Republic City and once again living with her father, joins an underground street racing group as a racer and part-time mechanic; she's super lonely, since Korra is still recovering from what the Red Lotus did to her and (from her father’s POV) she no longer has any ‘socially acceptable’ reason to interact with Bolin and Mako since they’re no longer dating. So all of that happens, culminating with Kuvira's attempted invasion of Republic City. The Krew would reunite to fight her off.
The third fic ("Equality") would have picked up about six months later and reinterpreted the Equalist plot. In the wake of the Red Lotus’s destruction of the Earth Kingdom, the chaos that unfolded afterwards, and Kuvira's attempted invasion of Republic City, anti-bender sentiment has sprung up around the world. Amon takes advantage of this sentiment within Republic City. Korra, now residing full-time in Republic City, has to deal with the anti-bender revolution as an Avatar who is now terrified of losing her bending after fully recovering from what the Red Lotus did to her.
Bolin took a long trip back to the Earth Kingdom with Opal to see Suyin+his family and help stabilize the country a bit, but they're both on their way back to Republic City in the first chapter. Mako has, after bonding with Lin in the first season, joined up with the RCPD to work under her and is working his way up the ladder (hoping to reach ‘detective’ status). He’s still having Issues adjusting, especially without Bolin around. He goes and hangs out on Air Temple Island with Korra when he’s off-duty because people actually seem to like having him around and there’s always something that he can do (and he likes feeling Useful). But lately he's been hearing some concerning stuff at his job about the Equalist movement, and he's got a bad feeling about what it means for Korra and for all benders in Republic City.
So Mako has his police corruption investigation arc. Bolin is trying to figure out what he actually wants to do with his life now that he's not a pro-bender anymore. Asami starts getting suspicious that her father is up to something and decides to take matters into her own hands. And Korra is dealing with the Equalists and how to balance the "you're our Avatar too" undercurrents amongst the non-bending population.
The final fic ("Spirits") would start up about six months after Amon's defeat. Book 2′s dual plot would end the series: Korra has to deal with the Water Tribe Civil War while Harmonic Convergence approaches, which would have had lore drops throughout the series after the ‘Avatar Orgins’ two-parter back in the second fic. The series ends with a bang as Korra defeats the spiritual manifestation of darkness and chaos and pledges to lead the world into a new spiritual age.
Unalaq still sets up and starts the Water Tribe Civil War to gain power, but it’s also in service to creating as chaotic of a world situation as he can before Harmonic Convergence (opening a pathway to Vaatu’s domination over Raava; because the world is a) in chaos and b) out of balance, Vaatu will have an easier time winning the fight against Raava). The Raava-Vaatu fight would also be more explicitly framed as order vs. chaos (not light vs. darkness), which would align it more with how ATLA previously handled the concepts of yin and yang.
I was still working on what everyones' character arcs and struggles would look like in that final fic apart from Korra (who was set up to have the same political figure+spiritual leader balancing act Book 2 tried to pull off), but I know that I was planning to give Asami a Tony Stark arc and let her see the direct consequences of Future Industries’ war profiteering, giving her a reason to completely change the company around to focus on energy, transportation, and entertainment instead of selling tanks and biplanes to the Water Tribes. So...yeah. Those are the basics.
....and all of that and more is sitting in a detailed outline in a doc that I will probably never touch again, so I hope this was a fun glimpse 😭
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blackhill2245 · 4 months
Suyin beifong x fem teen reader
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Summary - fem reader gets sick while the team avatar is in zaofu
You do not have permission to repost, translate or copy my work
I was exhausted, the team and I were heading to zaofu so we could throw a suprise birthday party for Lin.
We were all loaded onto the air ship. It was noisey and cramped, and all I wanted to do was go home. Well, I didn't have a home, but I just wanted to lay down and die.
If you couldn't guess, I didn't feel well, which is weird as I never get sick, I think the last time I got sick was when.... well, I can't remember.
You may be thinking,'Why don't you sleep' or 'stay home' you see I can't.
I was the one who had the idea of the suprise party in the first place, a lot of people needed convincing but I begged and pleaded, lin needed the break so I couldn't just not attend.
I radiod a-head to suyin to help set it up so it would be ready when we arrive, right now lin thinks we're on some diplomatic meeting, it was funny seeing Bolin try to lie we had to keep pulling him away so he wouldn't spill the secret.
I snap back into reality, seeing everybody get up to head off the air ship. I startle when I feel a hand on my shoulder.
I look up my eyes blurry and head thumping, "Kid?" I blink, trying to clear my eyes."Hmm? Oh, lin, " I say, finally able to see.
I see her furrow her brows and immediately stand up, I regret it immediately as my vision turns fuzzy, my head feels warm, and my ears ring. I wobble a little as lin tries to steady me. A few seconds later, everything clears up.
"Maybe you should sit down," asami says from the spot beside the door. It looks like everyone had stopped what they were doing. I let out a wet crunchy cough into my elbow, waving away the concern I waltz off the airship, nearly flying down the ramp.
Everyone exchanges looks but shrugs it off. Except for lin, she keeps an eye on me until we get to the group of people off the loading bay.
I'm not sure what happens next, but the next thing I know, I'm pulled into a hug. I relax almost immediately, smelling the familiar smell of metal and Jasmin. I sigh, snuggling into suyin.
"Hello dear." She smiles amused, and she looks to lin for an explanation. Normally, I'm not this touchy and do anything to avoid hugs or any kind of physical contact.
"She's sick." Bolin chimes in, I grunble."No I'm not" it came out muffled as I was still clinging to suyin.
I thought of suyin as a mother figure, I've never had a mother nor a father and she's the closest ove ever had, similarly lin was like an aunt, that's why I wanted to treat her, show her how much I appreciate her.
Suyin chuckles, her chest vibrating as she scratches the back of my head with her hand. "Hmmm," I smile doppily, "is she now?" From my peripheral vision, I see the gang moving inside. I blink, snapping out of it, clearing my throat. I let go of suyin. No matter how much I feel ill or how much I want to crawl back into her embrace, I planned this suprise, so by spirits, I'm going to witness it.
Suyin let's me go watching in concern as I stumbled to catch up to the rest of the group, we made it inside where the party was , we all sung happy birthday to lin who looked like she would rather be anywhere else.
The day progressed, and I kept getting worse, I was warm but cold, my nose kept running hut was blocked, my head was thumping which wasn't helped by the music, I was dizzy and felt nauseous not to mention the wheeze cough.
It was getting late, it was around 11 pm. we arrived around 6 pm. I hadn't interacted much with the group, which was normal, I was introverted, and although I loved my friends, they understood I needed space sometimes, which is why nobody noticed how unwell I was.
I crept out of the party, stumbling to a spare room unaware of the eyes on me.
Lin was about to follow me, but suyin interviewed, "I'll take care of her, enjoy the party." she spoke loudly to be heard over the music, "Are you sure?" Suyin chuckled she never thought she'd see the day. lin was worried over a 16 year old. "Yes, it's your party, go!" Lin was shood away.
I panted, finally finding an unlocked bedroom. I sighed, trying to take my clothes off, but I felt too weak and only succeeded in getting my pants half off, I felt like crying as I flopped on the bed coughing and wheezing as I went. I whine feeling uncomfterble when I felt a hand on my back.
I gasp startled, but it only led me to cough furiously into my elbow. "Shh, it's alright dear it's just me," I relaxed, turning onto my back to see her. "OH hun you do not look well at all." She sighed, placing her hand on my forehead she gasped "oh your very hot. " I smiled smugly "thankyou I know. " it turns out I had a high fever, making me feel delirious.
Saying rolled her eyes, leaving the room. "Hey!" I whisper, wanting her to come back, tears filled my eyes as I start to cry, a mixture of feeling miserable and feeling abandoned.
What felt like hours to me but most likely minutes in reality she returns with a cold towel, some medicine and tea. Immediately she spots the tears, setting everything down on the desk she rushed over, pulling me into a hug and brushing the tears away.
"I'm just so mean, huh?" She was clearly amused, but I didn't catch it, "yeah, " I sniffle.
"Well, how about some medicine and sleep?" She offers, "you stay?" I ask hesitantly, looking up at her. She nods softly. "Of course," I smile brightly before she finally notices my poor attempt at taking my clothes off. She chuckles. "Need help, sweetheart?"
I give my consent and she wastes no time stripping me, she runs over to a drawer pulling out some of her clothes. It's only then do I notice it's her room I stumbled into.
She dresses me in light shorts and a T-shirt that smells like her.
She gives me the medicine and tea, and it helps unblock my nose. Once everything was eaten and consumed and the damp towl turned into a sweaty damp towl. She helped me lay down, turning the lights off, "goodnight dear I'll be close by if you need anything" She opens the door about to leave.
I whine, struggling to stand up. Once I do, I walk over to her and cling. "OH, you're just a clingy baby, huh?" She was milking this. She was a touchy person, and I wasn't so to have me clinging to her was rather nice. "Uhhuh," I mumbled into her chest. She picked me up, not surprising me as I knew she was strong. She walks over to the bed where she sits down me, straddling her with my head in her chest.
She starts to hum her chest vibrating as she cards her hand into my hair. I relax tearing up slightly, I've never had this much affection from someone before it made me realize how much I love suyin,and how I viewed her as my mother. So I decide to tell her that as my fever makes it so I have no filter, how convenient.
"I love you," I whisper. She stops for a second hand stilling in my hair. She takes a shuddering breath, "I love you to my darling girl." I cling to her tighter, holding back tears, "you're like my mom" I tensed waiting for her reply.
"You're like my daughter too, and I'm so proud of you." she hugs me tighter. I feel a tear land on my hair, but don't mention it.
She starts humming again, gently swaying side to side. "Good night, my daughter." I smile so bright my cheeks hurt, "good night, mom.".
Although I was miserable for another couple of days after, I was happy, I got the family and home I've always wanted, and I got loads of snuggling. Turns out I don't hate physical contact, I'm just touc starved. Who would have, though?
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. I didn't have a plan for this lol I went with the flow.
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