#// rant/explanation below cut??????
donelywell · 8 months
I love your at so much!! It’s so soft! But what do you mean by ‘Hedgefox’? You mentioned it a couple of times but there’s no explanation on the page?
Thank you! And I'm glad you asked! >:D (I'm basically waiting for people to ask for this stuff, or else I'm just gonna hold it until I eventually post it way later down the line)
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The HedgeFox is this AU's equivalent of the Werehog, but since wolves are HUGE, I changed the species to a Werefox (plus Sonic and Tails being the same species is an adorable bonus).
He wasn't cursed by Dark Gaia when the world split apart, he was just born a were-being.
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(super rough idea of what the different moons do to his appearance)
I go on a super babble-fest, so there's an entire rant below the cut.
When a Super Moon (3-4 times a year) appears, Sonic's HedgeFox form increases from 56 cm to 65 cm to reflect the roughly 14% increase the moon appears to be then and becomes 'super charged' in a sense.
He becomes super paranoid and overstimulated when it's a Super Moon, thinking goes into more primal instincts, with him calling Tails his 'cub' even.
A Super Moon to a were-being in this universe is a nightmare, but it gives you plenty of time to realize what's about to happen so you can find a spot to hide (kind of to protect others, but mostly to protect yourself from the sensory overload you're about to face).
The cycle of a Full moon takes place in normally 3 nights in a row once a month.
Night 1, Transform. Day 1, Revert to normal. Night 2, Transform. Day 2, Revert to normal. Night 3, Transform. Day 3, Revert to normal until next full moon cycle.
But for a Super Moon, it goes a little differently.
Night 1, Transform. Day 1, Stay in form. Night 2, Super Moon Further Transform. Day 2, Revert to Normal Full Moon Form. Night 3, Stay in form. Day 3, Finally Revert normal until next full moon cycle.
Yep, they remain in the Full Moon form even during the day when it's a Super Moon, it saves them energy from going straight from their base form to their Super Moon form.
Their power is basically doubled on a Super Moon, but that just leads to them being incredibly paranoid that they'll harm someone they care about by accident.
During a Super Moon, Sonic cannot release Tails. He seriously tries, knowing that he's being overprotective, but his mind is too clouded with worry that he can't even begin to fight it (not really that Tails minds, it does though worry him that his dad is going through so much in his mind and all he can do to help is just be in his arms). After Knuckles joins the party, they learn that he can finally release Tails if Knuckles is nearby, but he still has to keep a sharp eye on the kit.
A Micro Moon is a lot more simple. Due to how far the moon is, they can actually choose whether or not to transform into the were-being, but it's 14% smaller and half as strong as normal.
Ehem- uh, sorry for the rambling. I really like the Werehog and well, since this is my AU, I can make it stay. >:) It probably doesn't make any sense, sorry about that.
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jukti-torko-golpo · 4 months
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Kalki - Concept
So I got a prompt...banana leaf green+futuristic...and this idea struck. This is a rough sketch that I will hopefully make a final version of. Below is the explanation as dumped on a friend on whatsapp at 3 AM.
this is KALKI He is drawn as a non binary She has an appearance of what people frown upon and judge ekhon piercing, heavy tattoos, black, side buzz cut etc jewellery will be punkified version of some traditional jewellery like makar kundal punk version OF that kalki is said to have a sword and kalki alternatively refers to light which cleans up the darkness hence a light saber style sword which crackles with lightning and it is white symbolising knowledge and purity on their sword wala arm is a tattoo of Ananta sesh naag and the other one has the tattoo of a shankha on his chest is a lotus symbolising Lakshmi because they are cutus that way dark lipstick and heavy almost drag kind of eye makeup looks like a rebel young person symbolising that the collective youth when they fight for knowledge and what is right against generations of mistakes and oppression…they become the actual Kalki. this is a concept art. forgive me for ranting at 3
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sawtastic-sideblog · 1 month
⚠ season 3 episode 18 911 spoilers below the cut ⚠
Abby's explanation to Buck is a crock of fucking shit!
I mean she just left him and never spoke to him again. She should have called and told him.not to wait anymore.
I wasn't the biggest fan of her character to begin with but after this. Jfc.
I have so many things I want to say but I can't form them into words because I can't get over how stupid and selfish this woman is.
Honestly she reminds me of Meredith from Grey's Anatomy.
A not so likeable character because she's selfish, melodramatic, and is always throwing herself a pity party over every inconvenience. Not to mention treating romantic partners as disposable and projects theor own problems onto others.
Not to say there's not some redeeming qualities there but honestly few and far between.
I'm glad they wrote her out because Buck can do so much better...with Eddie.
Okay go about your doom scrolling rant over.
Also Maddie and Chimney what? Hurray but ew children
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thelien-art · 1 year
Some of my favorite Autistic Elvers for Autism awareness month
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Autistic headcannons below cut
He lines up everything according to color, from his buildings to his food to his books (especially his sketchbooks), repeats most of the things he says at least one time, will go into an eight hour rant about how amazing architecture is if anyone asks a question that just touched it. He has secured routes in his house and other places he is at a lot and is determined to walk precisely there. You can usually see what his route is if there´s a carpet where he walks as it´s usually worn down to almost look like footprints.
He doesn´t handle change well and usually shows his stress and dislike for a situation with silence and glaring.
He will have a breakdown if something in his plans changes or something unexpected happens, he also cares a lot about how the clothes he wears feel, not necessarily how it looks, and will deny eating something if he doesn't like the texture or color of it. He does math, weavers, and embroidery in his free time.
He likes Maedhros the most as he´s the most understanding of his brothers and doesn´t always ask why he´s reacting differently than others to some situations and when he was smaller and there where too much noise Maedhros would hold his hands over his ears for him so he could stim in peace, and if he ran away from a situation Maedhros would always come check on him, not necessarily talk just be there if needed.
People sometimes calls him cold or cruel as he isn´t good at finding out how other people feel or care, this is unintentional, he does want to care he just finds it hard, if he hasn´t met you yet he really could care less about you and when he hates someone, he goes full on.
Also when Caranthir gets happy he gets really happy and feels the need to tell everyone about it and why, no matter if it´s simply a servant or a good friend or brother.
He needs everything to be precise and when eating he has rules, like how to cut an apple in the same way each time, cut all the food out in the same sizes before he'll even try it eat it, the same way he needs to put on clothes in a specific order.
He always wears gloves as he doesn´t like the feeling of most surfaces, he knows all there is to know about stones, minerals, and crystals. Sensitive to sound but especially light, Rog makes him a pair of sunglasses when they´re done being wary of each other.
Like Caranthir when he gets happy he does it on another level, although he doesn´t feel the need to tell it to everyone like Moryo does, but a few trusted ones should know.
Maeglin also feels the need to do almost everything in a specific order. He also has to think about every movement of his body himself so it´s not instinct reaching for a glass but taking the energy to get a glass fill it etc, which of course leaves him sometimes using more energy than he has and becoming extremely tired.
He has a whole wall in his room dedicated to flutes, harps, and insects. Everything is bug themed. His social skill is very poor and sometimes he will leave mid in a conversation, just turning around with no explanation, he also goes into small episodes sometimes where he refuses to talk for a few days, that´s mostly triggered if something stressful happens.
Lindir, like Maeglin, has to think about every movement of his body himself so it´s not instinct reaching for a glass but taking the energy to get a glass fill it etc, which makes him tired.
Like Caranthir he can have a breakdown if something doesn´t go as planned or if something comes up he´s unprepared for, he has problems forming longer sentences, unless it´s something he´s interested in and will stare the person he talks with deep into the eyes while fidgeting something, unintentional creepy.
Maedhros once gave him a small yellow sack filled with sand to fidget with, it breaks somewhere in the second age and he has a big breakdown, Gil-galad makes him a new one, first of blue which Elrond won't use, and later one of a jaffa orange he does use.
He won't wear anything that´s not yellow or orange toned and had a lot of breakdowns when he was smaller if the clothes, and sometimes bedding, weren't the right color or if someone pulled his hair away from his face as he used it to stim. He fills Rivendell with as much brown, orange, yellow, and red as he can get away with.
He is highly fascinated by any living organism, be it animal or plant. He does tend to sometimes, unintentionally, hurt people emotional as he finds it hard to feel with other people. He gets easily distracted.
Elrond, like Caranthir and Maeglin, gets hyper happy when he´s happy and would like to tell everyone he likes why he´s happy.
Like Lindir he goes into periods where he doesn´t speak, although there needs to be something more triggering happening than there would with Lindir. Like the third kinslaying or Ereinion´s dead.
Elrond feels the same as Maeglin and Lindir when having to move his body/do something wich means using a lot of energi and being some of the reason he´s tired a lot of the time.
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artistic-argonian · 4 months
TL,DR: Being autistic and overwhelmed by touch sometimes and wanting it other times is weird. Throw sensual attraction in the mix and it becomes even weirder and I'm still processing it all.
Long explanation below the cut.
Realising more and more every day how strange and contradictory it is to be an autistic person who doesn't like being touched by strangers or just randomly without warning or permission (even by family), but also really enjoys and somewhat craves close physical contact with people.
To an extent it makes sense, like I wouldn't want a complete stranger or someone I don't know very well to just hug me, but even with people I'm close with I internally freak out if I'm approached from behind, for example. I sit with my back to the wall most of the time in restaurants after an incident with family members and friends constantly touching my hair as they walked past years ago that made me very uncomfortable. Touch can be overstimulating for me in situations where I'm suffering from sensory issues. But other times it's really soothing for some reason, like when I'm upset or feeling low, I love the warmth and sensation of being held tightly. Or on the rare occasion someone's either put cream onto or just scratched my back for me (I have to have medicated lotion put on my back where I can't easily reach by myself) I love it and don't want it to stop.
Somehow I'm simultaneously the "don't touch me or I'll freak out" and "please crush my soul into my body" kind of autism depending on my mood and the situation, as well as the person/people. I don't really get physically close with people outside of my family, mainly because I don't feel I'm emotionally close enough to/it'd just be plain awkward with anyone I know IRL, or the people I am close enough with to feel comfortable are all online and live very far away from me.
Realising I have this desire is so weird because I used to think I was just "no touchie" with everybody, but it turns out there are people I like being close like that with. There are people I want to hug hard when I get the chance to meet them and I want to be held by (especially with realising I can experience what I believe to be sensual attraction, which makes that desire even stronger with certain people). And that opens a whole new issue of potential awkwardness; not wanting to seem like some kind of weirdo or creep because while saying "Hey if we ever meet IRL I'm gonna hug you" is fairly normal and something I've said to most of my online friends, I worry it'd be weird for me to be like, "Hey if we ever meet IRL, I not only want to hug you, but I want to cuddle and embrace you. I want to hold you close and feel your warmth around me and be physically affectionate in a casual, platonic, yet intimate way. But only with explicit permission/consent because I know a lot of people probably view that sort of thing as strictly romantic or even sexual and I really don't want to make things weird between us."
Like I'm still struggling with the thought/feeling of wanting that, not knowing if it'll ever happen (because distance), and being afraid of it being too weird for the other person if the chance ever did arise so just not doing it or bringing it up anyway. I feel like this post already makes me look a bit unhinged in that regard so I'll leave it there. A long, kinda aimless rant, but there you go.
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winterrrnight · 7 months
rant + potential renewal of new beginnings
hello <3 so, something has been bothering me a bit for the past few days now, and I need to let it out. (more below the cut!)
I have seen people express their concern here regarding Rafe being written “wrong”, that is when he’s way too much of a softie, a romantic, etc etc. That really struck a chord in me because if you’ve read any of my content, you’d know I write a lot of soft!rafe/fanon!rafe. And even though no one has ever said to me directly that I’m writing Rafe “wrong”; when I read the post, it really hit me for some reason.
I totally understand if that isn’t your cup of tea. That’s okay. I wholeheartedly agree with the fact that I do write Rafe very differently from how he is shown canonically. But, I unfortunately don’t have an explanation as to why I do it (and now that I think about it, I don’t essentially owe one either). To add, there are so many authors for Rafe on here, so you can engage with all sorts of Rafe content; fluff, smut, dark!rafe, etc etc. I don’t read or write dark, nsfw content because it’s just not me.
I’ve been writing for months now, and never did I ever stop and question my writing the way I’m doing right now. Which leads me to really doubt everything I’ve ever written – even though the said post was never ever directed to me, it was a public announcement, it still felt like such a personal jab. (I am not even mutuals with the one who made this post, so honestly I don’t even know why it is affecting me so much).
I guess this is why my requests plus really old 300 followers celly requests are piling up, and I’m really really sorry for that. It’s a weird slump I’ve hit, and honestly I am not able to make my way out of it.
I was attempting to work on future chapters for New Beginnings, but failed miserably because I realized how fanon that Rafe is. And even though I have had so much love on New Beginnings so far (which I so so highly appreciate), it just isn’t sitting right with me right now, and I can’t find myself with any motivation to work on it. I also fear that the more the story ascends, I will lose engagement.
So, at the moment, I am not taking the story down or anything!! It is right there, but here is what can potentially happen:
-> I may never resume it, and have its three chapters up on my blog just like that.
-> I may take it down, renew it, and post a better version of it, one that suffices me.
-> I take it down (which, let me add, has minimal to no chance of happening because I don’t want to make any spur of the moment decisions).
The trope of the story has my whole heart, I just think I can take a better approach. So the chances of the second one happening are really high at the moment.
Thank you so much for reading, thank you so much for understanding <3 writing means the whole world to me so I wish for nothing but to escape this horrible slump :(
I hope you all are doing okay, please keep on taking care of yourself, drink water, eat some food, and just enjoy living 🤍🎀
Signal boost to spread within my moots (who are the literal reason I live and breathe 🥹 + people who have been so supportive of new beginnings it is crazyyyy): @runningfrom2am @maybankslover @totalswag @chenslucy @wallsdreams @sadfury @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @rafeinterlude @congratsloserr @bejeweledreverie @tortured-poets-depxrtment
(no pressure to interact!)
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lemissingmask · 11 months
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[ID: Sketch of Redemption-era Parker, Hardison and Eliot, with Hardison in the foreground, turning around to look at Parker and Eliot, and Parker and Eliot looking at each other. Parker is looking disapprovingly at Eliot's shoulder, which has some blood soaking through his shirt, and Eliot is half-glaring back at her with his arms folded. End ID]
Day 14: Bleeding through the bandage
Eliot bleeding through bandages beneath his shirt. Silly little random ficlet below the cut.
“Do you have scurvy?”
Hardison was pretty immune by now to the unusual things that Parker sometimes said, but every now and then, one still got him.
Like that.
It could have been directed to him or Eliot, the only other people in the room, and turning he saw that it was the hitter who had just been accused of a vitamin C deficiency.
Understandably, Eliot was looking bemused, with that edge of irritated that came when he was trying not to be amused or endeared by them.
“Do you have scurvy?” Parker repeatedly, glaring back at him.
Parker sighed and jabbed her index finger at the right side of Eliot’s chest, “You’re bleeding.”
And, he was. Deep red seeping through his shirt. Not a lot, and not quickly, but it was definitely there.
Eliot didn’t bother looking at where Parker was prodding. He was presumably already aware of the blood.
“People’s injuries reopen and bleed again when they have scurvy,” Parker pointed out, accurately, and demonstrating the very bad idea it was for Eliot to have decided to introduce her to historical naval fiction, “And you’re bleeding. Where you got shot.”
“I’ve been shot in a lot of places,” Eliot rejoined, “This ain’t an old wound.”
He jerked away from her finger when she made to poke again, but the thief followed and he didn’t bother attempting the escape more than once.
“If it’s not an old wound, when’d it happen? You said the hitters we ran into on the last job were amateurs. You went on a whole hour-long rant about useless hitters and the idiots who hired them,” Hardison asked, turning fully away from the screens with the job they were planning. 
This seemed more important right now.
“Incident at Paul’s place yesterday,” Eliot said, offering no further explanation, and trusting them not to be indiscrete enough to ask for details.
Eliot had started visiting Paul regularly, sometimes for social visits, occasionally with invites extended to the team, and sometimes to help out at the clinic.
Yesterday, he had been there to help, and somehow had got injured.
Hardison could guess explanations: a patient caught up in the trauma of war grew violent, a fight between people who once served together or maybe a grieving loved one and someone their lost companion had served with, anti-war violent protestors deciding to cause trouble in a small clinic, a slippery scalpel sliding out of Paul’s hand and coming to rest in Eliot …there were thousands of explanations ranging from simple and realistic to Sophie-soap opera level dramatic.
But he could imagine all day and Eliot would only tell them if they pressed, and if it involved no one but him.
“Need a hand with it?” Hardison asked as Parker poked at the injury again, now more out of revenge for his not having told them sooner.
Eliot shook his head, “Tore the stitches trainin’ this mornin’.  Didn’ have time to redo ‘em.”
“Okayyy, well, you have time now, so…”
“I’ll do it later,” Eliot glared, “Just carry on with the…keep doin’ the…briefing!”
The words were broken by a combination of his own ever-present discomfort at expressions of concern directed towards him, and Parker getting in one last prod before they got back to work.
Reassured that Eliot wasn’t in any actual danger, Hardison smirked and turned back to the screens, picking up where he had left off while Parker gave Eliot quiet advice on how to avoid scurvy.
Hardison was pretty certain that the next time Eliot had a beer, Parker would be trying to put lime juice in it.
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rosanna-writer · 1 year
we said hello and your eyes look like coming home (6/?)
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Summary: A canon-divergent AU where the bond snaps for Rhys on Calanmai, Feyre unwittingly accepts it, and Fire Night magic proves to be more transformative than anyone bargained for. Feyre drags a mate she hardly knows out from Under the Mountain, then puts him back together as war with Hybern approaches. Warnings: dubious consent, canon-typical sexual violence, canon-typical violence Rating: Explicit Chapter Word Count: ~3.4k
Feyre and Rhys finally get their reunion Under the Mountain
Read on AO3 or you can find the sixth chapter below the readmore.
ch. 1 - the altar is my hips | ch 2. - an arrowhead leading us home | ch. 3 - by the way, i just may like some explanations | ch. 4 - can't not think of all the cost | ch. 5 - honey i rose up from the dead | ch. 6 - this mad, mad love makes you come running
"What the hell are you doing here, Feyre?" Rhys hissed, lips pulled back from his teeth in a snarl.
I'd expected this. It wasn't as if I'd thought he'd fall to his knees in gratitude, not after weeks of shutting me out. That didn't make it any less aggravating. If I could have growled like a faerie, I would have.
At least, though, he'd said it aloud instead of in my head. He must have put a shield up so we could speak freely. "I wasn't going to leave you down here to rot," I said. My voice had a congested quality that definitely confirmed my nose was broken. I winced, and even just that slight motion in my face hurt, too.
"You were supposed to be safe. If nothing else, that was the one thing—"
I cut him off. After spending six weeks with the family he'd bound to Velaris for their own safety, I didn't need to hear this. "Who did you kill, Rhys?"
His eyes flashed, and for a moment, I thought he might ignore the question and keep ranting at me, but he said, "A human woman about your size. I mangled her corpse so it was unrecognizable, glamoured it to smell like you, and left it for Tamlin to find. Amarantha was delighted I'd sent him a clear message to think twice about breaking the curse, and I didn't want anyone to come looking for you."
I'd thought he'd done something on her orders, not planned it all himself. That cold, calculating nature should have scared me, made me question exactly what sort of person I'd come Under the Mountain for. There was truth to the stories about the brutal, wicked Night Court. And I didn't really know Rhys, either.
But what I did know was that if it were me, I would have done the same thing. I wouldn't have come here if I weren't prepared to kill for him, too.
"What you're telling me," I said slowly, half-thinking aloud as I tried to understand, "is that you felt strongly enough about me to kill on my behalf after one night, but you didn't think I'd come back for you?"
The darkness rippled around him, and it nearly blocked out the last of the light. Something about it made his ragged breathing seem louder. "You have no idea how relieved I was when you got to Ve— When you got home. All of this was worth it if you were safe. But now you're not." His voice broke on the last word.
I didn't regret coming here, but I understood. Taking a life wasn't easy, even if it was necessary, and the guilt of learning it turned out to be in vain was a heavy thing. I knew that firsthand because of Andras. Rhys was carrying around fifty years' worth of that sort of baggage, on top of being violated in every conceivable way and terrified for me and his family.
That fury was fine by me, as long he didn't let it drag him down into inaction.
"You clearly think you're worthless, so If it makes you feel better, tell yourself I'm doing this for all of Prythian instead." He went quiet and utterly still, the way only a faerie could. Perhaps it had been too harsh, throwing his sense of self-worth out there like that, but I needed him to get it together enough to do something. When he didn't respond, I continued, "I can't go back now, so help instead of lecturing me."
If he didn't, I realized, it would break me. After years of shouldering too much responsibility in that cabin because no one else could get over their feelings enough to help, I wouldn't survive coming Under the Mountain just to discover it was more of the same.
But it would be just my luck to end up with a mate who'd do that to me.
"Did you think I haven't been helping this whole time?" he said, and if I wasn't mistaken, there was hurt there. "Tamlin gave her your name, not me. While those faeries were beating you, I broke into their minds and ensured they didn't leave any permanent damage. It was the best I could do without them realizing I was in their heads. There were too many of them for me to also get into yours and take away your pain. I'm…sorry it wasn't enough."
I let out a long sigh and leaned back against the wall, careful not to press on any bruises. Rhys was staring at a spot on the floor, not looking at me, and seeing the defeated slump in his shoulders hurt worse than all my injuries.
"Thank you," I said softly, "for all of it. I didn't— It's not that— I just…needed to know that you're in my corner. That's enough. You're enough."
I could have sworn his throat bobbed, but in the dim light I couldn't be sure. He reached a hand towards my face and paused. "May I?"
I nodded, and Rhys ran his thumb along my cheek, brushing the sliver of skin between my black eye and swollen upper lip. In the half-second his fingertips skimmed my skin, something electric crossed the bond. Our eyes locked—we'd both felt it.
His gaze turned predatory again, and some knot of tension deep within me unraveled, just a little. I liked it better when he was looking at me like that.
Even if my body was currently a swollen, bruised mess.
"I can't heal everything without arousing suspicion, but I won't let a crooked nose mar the most beautiful face in Prythian," he said.
I blinked, sure that a blow to my head must have addled my brain, too. No, he couldn't possibly… "Are you flirting with me? Now?"
"If not now, when?" he said with another graceful shrug. I couldn't argue with that. As unafraid as I was, especially with him so close again, there was still the very distinct possibility we'd both die here, sooner rather than later. He must have thought the same because his expression went grave. "I have to set it in place first. It will hurt."
I didn't hesitate. "Just do it. I won't scream."
"So stoic," he drawled, lips curling into a half-smile. I couldn't tell if he was mocking me or not. "Are you sure I'm not the only Illyrian here?"
Until that mention of Illyria, I hadn't thought much about his wings. I hadn't known they existed until Azriel mentioned it offhand, but now I wondered if there was a reason I hadn't seen them. Amarantha certainly seemed fond of ripping wings off.
But now wasn't the time. I just looked at him expectantly until he brought his fingers to the bridge of my nose and pushed.
I dug my nails into my palms through the crunch of bone on bone and sharp stab of pain. I just looked into his violet eyes and let them keep me steady. It was over in a heartbeat.
I inhaled sharply, and pain lanced through my ribs where they were still bruised. But at least the throbbing in my face had stopped. "Thanks," I said.
He kissed the tip of my newly-healed nose, then carefully leaned his forehead against the patch of mine that was uninjured. I heard him breathe in deeply and realized he must have been scenting me. Or at least, scenting Mor's glamour that made me smell like I did before I'd accepted the mating bond.
With my dull human senses, I couldn't smell much on him, as much as I wished I could, just so I'd know for myself what the fae were all talking about. He'd probably glamoured himself, too.
Though I couldn't smell anything, I still closed my eyes and let it wash over me that he was here, touching me, and in one piece. The bond was less taut than it had been in weeks.
All too soon, he straightened up and said, "We need to plan while I have time with you."
"How did you manage to get down here for so long anyway?" I said, then regretted it as soon as the words were out of my mouth. I was probably better off not knowing the answer.
"I tired her out," Rhys said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. I nearly retched, but he just waved his hand to indicate it was no big deal, an elegant gesture completely at odds with the dank cell around us.
He was putting up a front, but there was no use pushing for the truth when I felt what it cost him.
Instead, I stepped around him and started to pace. It felt better to be up and moving, even if it was just a loop of the cell. He leaned against the wall, stretching his long legs out in front of him.
"There's nothing stopping them from attacking me again, is there?" I said.
If that beating had been a greeting worthy of Amarantha's hall, it could only mean there was more to come. And if Rhys could winnow down here and put up a shield, anyone else could follow suit and do whatever they wanted with me. I doubted the guards would intervene.
"Whatever I'd have to subject you to in order to get you out of this cell might be worse," Rhys said. "I may be able to spare you pain, but not humiliation."
I considered that for a moment, unsure if I'd take a loss of dignity over broken bones. It sounded as if he was already considering something, though. "What are you thinking?"
"I can keep you with me if I treat you as a toy to taunt Tamlin with. Dress you up, degrade you in front of your so-called beloved, and make it clear to everyone else that I don't share."
It hardly sounded pleasant, but I'd endure it if it meant getting out of this cell. And beyond that, the mating bond kept pulling me to him, no matter the consequences. Perhaps the sensible choice would be to stay out of sight—and potentially out of mind—but I just wanted to be as close to Rhys as I possibly could.
There was also a small, vindictive part of me that hoped it might actually make Tamlin feel some guilt.
"There are worse fates," I said.
Rhys sighed, running a hand through his blue-black hair. The motion drew my attention to the way his hair shone in the torchlight, and I tried not to let thoughts about running my hand through it distract me. "The trouble is, it may cause complications when we all get out of here."
He said "when" and not "if"—his hope wasn't gone. But that wasn't the point, and I wasn't sure what he was getting at. "Complications?"
"A human will have enough trouble being respected as Lady of the Night Court, if…you want that," he said, and I didn't miss the note of uncertainty in his voice, that slight hesitation. Before I could say something about it, he added, "Parading you like that in front of everyone here will make it worse, even after revealing it's a ruse."
Rhys was right, as impossible as it seemed that we'd have a future where I'd be attending state dinners on his arm. That sort of thing was too ridiculous to even consider whether or not I wanted it, and I'd almost forgotten I'd inadvertently ended up with a title.
I made a frustrated noise and paced faster. It was still tempting to take him up on it and say we'd handle the long-term consequences when it came to that. But there had to be more options.
An idea came to me. I stopped in my tracks and turned on my heel to face him. "What about my maidenhead?"
Perhaps it was just a trick of the light in the dark cell, but Rhys's face seemed to go paler. "Your maidenhead?" he said, the first time I'd heard him sound anything close to horrified. "Cauldron Feyre, on Calanmai, did I—"
The logical part of me doubted he'd care I wasn't a virgin, not after what Mor had told me about how he'd reacted when she'd lost hers. But still, as unfair as it was, plenty of males and men did care, and my gut twisted with something unpleasant at the prospect of Rhys finding me lacking in some way.
"You didn't. And before you ask, Tamlin didn't, either." He visibly relaxed at that and started to say something, but I cut him off because I had no desire to swap our sexual histories here Under the Mountain. "But no one else needs to know that if you can ensure Tamlin and Lucien won't expose the lie. Tell everyone you intend to make an event of taking my virginity. It would give you a reason to make sure no one touches me and still leave me down here."
His eyes glittered again, his expression melting into something I'd seen on his face at least once before. It wasn't quite interest or fascination or wonder, but it was close. Rhysand looked…bewitched.
It was probably just another strange effect of the mating bond.
"Now there's an idea," he said, pressing his long, elegant fingers together under his chin. "It would work, if only for a short while. They'll question why I haven't just done it if it drags on too long, but I'll take whatever time we can get. I'll ward the cell and have someone trusted bring a change of clothes and body paint for when Amarantha drags you out for housework."
I smiled, understanding exactly where he was going with this. "And of course you'll have to come down here frequently to ensure the paint is still intact."
"It would be far too important a task to delegate," he purred.
I still wasn't quite sure what Rhys was to me or what I wanted—and I doubted I'd figure it out Under the Mountain—but at the very least, he was a teammate and co-conspirator now. And he seemed like an excellent one.
I resumed my pacing and pretended not to notice how closely his violet eyes tracked my movement. "And the riddle? Has she given it any consideration?"
"Not yet, and before you ask, we've all been barred from helping you solve it or telling you the first task. I have her ear, and I'll keep pushing her to make plans that play to your strengths."
I'd figured that would be the case, but it was good to hear Rhys confirm it. Prythian was not a place you could run on assumptions alone.
He shared as much information as he could—the locations of every room he knew Under the Mountain, the names and faces of the trusted shadow wraiths here with him, the schedules of when the dungeon guards changed shifts. The talons brushing my mind were familiar now, even a bit comforting, but I'd never get used to the way he could just deposit information directly with his daemati abilities.
Rhys cocked his head, and his eyes went a bit distant for a moment, as if he were listening for something a long way off. I wasn't sure if it was someone's mind or just a sound too faint for human ears.
"I don't have to go right this moment, but soon," he said.
I nodded. It would hurt to see him disappear again, but getting this much time alone together was a gift. I wished I knew when it would happen again.
If it would happen again.
He seemed to be thinking the same thing because when he spoke again, he stumbled over his words, something that even after a short time together, I knew rarely happened. Actually, it might never have happened before. "Feyre, do you mind if I…Could— Could you please come here and take a seat?" he said.
I didn't understand the request, but I trusted him, so I sat down on the pallet of hay in the far corner of my cell. Looking back over my shoulder, I watched him sink to his knees behind me. "That bruise towards the top of your ribs is going to make it uncomfortable to lift your arm, at least for another day or two," he added, as if that explained it.
I still wasn't sure what that had to do with anything until I felt him slide the tie off the end of what was left of my braid. He untangled my hair with his fingers, smoothing it out without pulling too hard or yanking my scalp backwards.
With more deftness than I'd assumed he was capable of, Rhys began braiding at my hairline, securely weaving in the sections around my face so they wouldn't fall out. The braid would probably last a few days, long enough for the bruise to fade by the time I needed to fix my hair—he'd clearly done this before. I almost asked about it, but Mor had mentioned a sister when she'd explained the bad blood between Rhys and Tamlin. It seemed better not to risk bringing her up now, if that was who he'd last done this for.
I suspected it might have been easier to talk about this when I wasn't looking at him; after a moment, he said softly, "I won't be there if you wake up and vomit tonight, so consider this my way of holding your hair back for you."
I willed myself not to cry.
Instead, once he finished, I turned to face him and thought back to Calanmai—perhaps we were destined to always end up on our knees together somewhere underground. "Thank you," I said, resisting the urge to pull the braid over my shoulder and fiddle with the end. "And you have a lifeline, too, you know. Use it." For emphasis, I tugged on the bond.
Rhys gave me a single nod, and I took that to mean he had every intention of continuing to shut me out as much as he could. I wouldn't push.
"Don't think I'm not still upset with you, but while we can speak face-to-face, I should say that you were brilliant in that throne room. It was a clever bit of bargaining. And I know you were training before, but that much tenacity can't be taught. It's an innate gift."
A smile tugged at my lips. "That's the nicest way anyone's ever called me stubborn."
And impossibly, Rhys smiled back, perhaps his first genuine smile in fifty years Under the Mountain. I wanted to make it happen again.
I stood, taking note of which parts of my body groaned in protest as I rose to my feet. I held a hand out to help him up, and he took it, not that he needed it. Somehow, even just the simple act of getting up from the floor was imbued with feline grace when Rhys did it. If he'd never done a single clumsy thing in his life, I wouldn't be surprised.
He didn't drop my hand, and somehow I could tell this was goodbye. "Stay safe," I whispered.
"You, too."
He studied my face for a moment, and from the way his gaze dropped to my lips, I suspected he was debating whether the swelling in my face had subsided enough to kiss me. Unfortunately, it hadn't.
Instead, he bent at the waist and kissed my knuckles in a gesture that struck me as strangely aristocratic, as if he were courting me in a ballroom and not stealing a few moments in a dungeon. Before I could say anything else, he disappeared into shadow.
I sighed and decided to take in my surroundings to get my mind off the empty hole that formed in my chest the second he'd left. My weapons were gone, of course, and other than the pallet, the only other object in the room was a bucket, probably for me to relieve myself in. I picked it up, debating whether it was worth trying to tear off the handle to use as a makeshift weapon.
At some point, a miserable meal of stale bread and water appeared for me. I scarfed it down, thinking to myself I'd survived on less before. Given the choice, I'd take deer tripe over the bread, but this still wasn't nearly as bad as the days I'd resorted to chewing on tree bark. I suspected no one here but me had ever known poverty.
If Amarantha wanted to break me, she'd have to try harder.
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Dave mustaine talking to reader and becoming needy and cumming in his pants👉👈
this ones hella short sorry anon :(
it also kinda sucks ass but....idk where i was going with this
cws: uuhh cumming without being touched, dave being a lil shit, he has NO music literacy outside of metal
"You really listen to this shit?"
Your head swiveled to see Dave rummaging through your CDs, booklets strewn across the floor.
He held up Melanie Martinez and Crystal Castles CDs, eyebrow raised.
"Uuhhh yeah? Why?"
"Didn't think you were into pop and.... death pop?"
And so began your 2-hour long explanation of your favorite music genres. He sat quietly, putting the booklets back into their respective cases, stopping only to ask the most absurd questions. Ones that he knew would make you go on an entirely unrelated tangent.
"Wasn't that chick in another band?"
"Looks like a dude from a really shitty porno."
"What's the difference between phonk and EDM?"
"Nicki Minaj, Doja Cat, and Cardi B are the same fucking person. What do you mean?"
He enjoyed your seemingly never-ending spiel, before he noticed it was getting a little stuffy in your room. He was starting to sweat. You noticed the change in temperature too and stood to open a window. Without meaning too, his eyes followed you. Watching the way your shorts rode up your thighs, the shirt tucked into your waistband.
"Dave. Dave!"
He blinked quickly, snapping him out of his head.
"It's still hot as hell in here, you mind if I take my shirt off?"
"Oh, uh, no."
"Thank god, feels like I'm sweating by the fucking gallon."
Your hands grasped the bottom of your shirt, pulling it up over your torso and head. An Adidas sports bra was the only thing separating him and your chest, much to Dave's regret.
"No problem."
You continued on your rant, unaware of Dave's staring. At this point, his brain was entirely tuned out, only clocking in when you stood up and began pacing the room, flailing your hands as you explained all your musical knowledge to him. His mind started to drift, first you asking him if you could take your pants off too, because god it was just too hot, and then to him bending you over your bed and fucking you until you could barely talk. His pants were noticeably tighter, his ears ringing with your voice. He imagined how good you would sound begging for him to cum in your pussy, how loudly you would moan when he was in between your legs. Before he knew it, his pants had a dark spot just below the waistband, and his dick ached from his release. He untied his jacket from his waist and tried his very best to discreetly lay it over his lap. You had only noticed something was wrong when Dave was shuffling around behind you. You turned around to see him white knuckling his jacket over his lap.
"Dave? You ok?"
His cheeks flushed.
"Uh. Yeah, I'm fine. You were saying?"
You sat down next to him on the floor, setting your hand on his shoulder, worsening his situation.
"No, seriously, what is it?"
Your hand landed on the jacket, thinking he had accidentally broken a CD and was hiding it.
"Oh come on, if it was an accident I'm obviously not going to be ma-"
Your hand pulled the jacket off him, revealing the spot and his already hardening length.
He tried his best to explain himself as your breath caught in your throat, your cheeks reddening. His explanatory frenzy came to a very abrupt stop when he felt your hand on his thigh.
"What the hell?"
"You could have told me."
His response was cut short as you palmed his through the fabric.
"uh! fuuck..."
"You gonna let me take care of you?"
His head flew back and he grinned at you.
"Fuck yes."
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catflowerqueen · 9 months
I’m kind of… of two minds about today’s SAMS episode.
(Warning for resigned and unhappy ranting below the cut)
The acting was spot-on—especially Moon’s hysterical laughing fit and the way Solar was trying to protect him and keep him from making rash decisions—but I don’t really like that they used Eclipse the way they did to achieve that. It seems almost… not exactly like a plot device, per say, but more of… an unnecessary upping of the stakes, I suppose? The group was already facing threats on five fronts: The constellations, Stitchwraith, Bloodmoon, Ruin’s mystery, and the Creator’s machinations.
And, sure, technically you could separate out the Creator, constellations, and Stitchwraith since their “plotlines” are more intertwined with the Lunar and Earth show and Monty and Foxy show… but considering how often Sun, Moon, and Solar get pulled into that and how Stitchwraith was technically the one who blew up the daycare, they are still fairly intertwined. So adding Eclipse in on top of all of that just feels a little… not great. Especially considering that it sort of ruins that scene he had with Solar Flare as the two of them were dying.
That isn’t to say I can’t see a few ways this could work. For example, Ruin could just be pulling another “Bloodmoon” and basically creating a new Eclipse using old SAMS footage to basically act as a smoke screen and hide whatever he is up to. He could have even used bits of Solar’s programming to do so given that it is pretty likely they were the one to knock Solar out, and there was tons of time to scan him and make blueprints after hiding the camera footage. Or Sun could be right and it could all just be a mean prank from Ruin’s end. Sure, Solar saw him on the camera footage today in the arcade, but since it was more than likely Ruin who edited the footage of Solar getting attacked, they could also very easily edit the footage to make it seem like they never left the arcade when in reality they had come over to mess with Sun and Moon. And they had plenty of time to learn how to disable the defenses and mess with the computer since they used to live in the ballpit, which is extremely close by one of the entrances to reach the computer from Moon’s room.
And it could, in theory, be the original Eclipse from when Sun first threw him out of his mind and messed up the spell and who has only just now managed to fix himself and stayed caught up on what was happening by watching the show—showing that he really did learn from his mistakes when Lunar pointed out how useful the viewers can be at information gathering. Or it could be any number of backups that Old Moon never found before Bloodmoon started being an actual nuisance that first time.
But give the show’s track record for bringing up interesting plot points and ideas only to drop them or otherwise retcon explanations… honestly, my hopes aren’t that high.
Honestly… I feel like I might want to just step away from the show for a while. At least partially—Maybe just focusing more on the gameplay side of the show more than the lore. Like. I still like the show, but I’m not really as excited as I used to be for the theorizing part, and I might be a little burnt out now.
I’m not saying I won’t be interacting with or posting about the show occasionally still, or that I won’t ever come back in full force, but…
I might just need to think about the recent developments for a while first, I guess. Maybe just focus on some other things in general anyways—It’s not like I don’t have stuff that needs attending to offline, after all.
Sorry if this leaves a sour taste in anyone’s mouth, and I’m not trying to dampen anyone else’s joy or excitement about the new developments. I just feel a bit down about the way things are going, and I needed to vent about those feelings a bit.
…I do want to emphasize again how much I loved Moon and Solar’s reaction today, though, because that was really, really excellent.
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turtletaubwrites · 3 months
So, jst a thought but-
I’ve been seeing crystallizedtwilight’s drawings abt fem! Crocodile, Mihawk and Buggy (i highly recommend that blog) and- CAN YOU IMAGINE NUMBERS GAME! READER REACTING TO THE CROSS GUILD MEN AS WOMEN FOR A DEVIL FRUIT??? wvfowhqvaujx
I just think it would be so funny to see Reader’s reaction to that and like a bi awakening nwjacbwfjj
It’s kinda a random ask considering how sad the story’s turning but yk lol.
ALSO, i love ur content sm and i wish to see how the next chapters will be and what you’ll end up doing with Shanks, sending you all the love and support!! 💗
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OMG I am OBSESSED with @crystallizedtwilight, please everyone go check them out! Their fem Cross Guild series gives me endless dopamine! And their Shuggy series makes me WEEP 😭😭
And thank you so much, I'm so happy you're enjoying the story!! 🥰
Normally I wait to reply to asks like this until I can write a little something for it, but I'm still deep in my Numbers Game writing spree, and don't know when I'll resurface, lol.
It hasn't fit in narratively yet with the insane amount of trauma and drama our little group has, but more ladies would definitely be in the mix. And the Cross Guild ladies... 😭🥵💀
I would LOVE to write some fem Cross Guild shenanigans! It's definitely on my list, but I am behind!! Lol, no more tempting ideas! Must focus!!!
But pretty (and scary!) girls... 🥺🥵 NO. Bad Lynna, stop it 😅
Thank you for this lovely ask!! Since you ended it with this emoji 💗 I can make that your signature, so if you'd like, you can sign off with that on another ask so I know it's you!
~ Lynna 💜✨
I accidentally ranted again so there is more explanation, and personal sexuality talk below the cut (which should be below this if tumblr formatting behaves, lol).
This ask made me realize that I just assume every character I'm writing for is bi, even if it's not noted in the fic. This is not just for ease of smut writing, lol.
I sometimes forget that heterosexuality is a thing 🤷‍♀️
Only slightly kidding, honestly. Maybe it's all the neurospiciness in me, but I just don't get it. My brain seems to assume that if someone experiences sexual/romantic attraction that there's a whole world. I don't know if I'm explaining it well, and logically I understand, but it is such a strange concept to me that an entire group of people would be automatically marked off just because... Like what are the criteria? I don't understand.
There are so many stunning people across all gender identities and expressions, and my brain goes to mush when I meet a hottie, regardless of specific body parts or "gendered clothes."
Although, I have to admit, I fucking die when a pretty girl talks to me. Fem Cross Guild would look at me once, and I'd be yeeted from this mortal coil.
So I guess it could be Numbers Girl's bi awakening, but she's been bi in my brain the whole time. Just dating some guys at the moment 🥰
Thank you for the wonderful ask!!! 💜
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(Scrapped Concept) Maman la Vie
This is the last time I’m planning to draw this character, and her male counterpart, as they were both conceived in poor taste. 
Lengthy explanation / rant below cut: 
Long ago, I grossly mischaracterized the real-life Baron Samedi and Maman Brigitte like so: 
…In the actual mythology Baron Samedi is like a womanizer who is cheating Maman Brigitte all the time. Maman Brigitte is also really promiscuous…
…In Voodoo, Maman Brigitte is portrayed as a white or light-skinned biracial woman because Maman Brigitte is the only one of the Loa that is European in origin, not African…
In all seriousness, the above is an incredibly offensive mischaracterization of the lwa. 
Let’s start with Baron Samedi: I confused him with a different category of spirits, called “Gede”. The male Gede are known for being overtly sexual, but it is not because they are adulterous lechers. They celebrate sexuality because sexuality is the process by which life is created, for death is entwined with life. They also do this for the purpose of mocking social hierarchy - namely, the race/caste system that emerged out of chattel slavery. Zora Neale Hurston describes this at length in Tell My Horse. The reason why the Gede wear top hats actually pertains to this. The Gede are often portrayed as dark-skinned, for they are the spirits of enslaved people. Hence, the favorite spirit of the Black peasantry adopts the dress of the white slave-owning class - the top hat - for the purpose of mocking this social hierarchy. Their overt sexuality also serves this purpose - to alienate the white upper class.
My description of Maman Brigitte is yet more egregious. She is not promiscuous at all, nor is she Caucasian, biracial, or light-skinned.
Here is how the lwa are portrayed by the master painter, Andre Pierre:
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Pierre portrays the lwa with a range of skin tones, where some of the lwa (e.g., Ezili Freda, Damballa Wedo) are portrayed as lighter skinned. Maman Brigitte is shown next to Baron Samedi in the bottom right corner.
Here is closer shot of Maman Brigitte, alongside Baron Samedi and Gede Nibo:
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Maman Brigitte is portrayed as dark skinned, with the same skin tone as Baron Samedi and Gede Nibo. Additionally, she is not promiscuous, but a dignified and reserved older woman. 
Andre Pierre is not the only Haitian artist to portray her in this manner. She is consistently portrayed this way by Haitian artists, such as Gerard Paul: 
And Roudy Azor: 
Eziaku Atuama Nwokocha describes Maman Brigitte (Gran Brijit) like so: “Gede, like all lwa, has many incarnations, including Bawon Samedi, a guardian of the cemetery; Gran Brijit, an old woman, keeper of the cemetery, and Gede’s partner; and Gede Nimbo, a male spirit who is often honored by queer ­people and who appears as an effeminate dandy.” (p. 37)
Elsewhere: “Gede’s delighted embrace of sexuality is an undeniable display of male desires. The spirit manifests in multiple genders, like his female counterpart Gran Brijit, but only the male version are so explicitly sexual. No female deity in the Vodou pantheon expresses sexual desires so emphatically or bluntly in a ceremony. There are female spirits who are coy, mysterious, vengeful, or wise, but not one proudly proclaims her sexual desires…” (p. 39-40)
Much like her male counterparts, there is a lot of nuance to the portrayal of Maman Brigitte’s sexuality (rather, lack thereof). This too pertains to the history of slavery and the manner in which racism is gendered: “During the centuries of enslavement in Hispaniola, enslaved Black women were subject to routine sexual abuse from White enslavers and others with the power to dominate them. To justify this commonplace brutality, Black women were constructed as hypersexual temptresses and prostitutes who were always available for sexual conquest...To combat the construction of Black women as hypersexual, their sexual desires were ignored entirely, characterized by reductive binaries that placed whores on one side and good, chaste Christian women on the other: there was no room for the actual desires of real women."
Source: Nwokocha, Eziaku Atuama. Vodou en vogue: fashioning Black divinities in Haiti and the United States. UNC Press Books, 2023.
Hence, my description of the lwa was incredibly offensive. I read it from a source that turned out to be not reputable. I apologize for being so careless in my research. 
I do not know why the portrayal of Maman Brigitte as a White or Half White woman has persisted in the public consciousness. Surely, it is because it reinforces racist stereotypes of Black men and colorism against dark skinned Black women. But I think it is also because her name sounds so similar to the Celtic Saint. This does not mean that she is White. For example, the name “Baron Samedi” sounds European. If you didn’t know any better, you might think he is French, as “Samedi” is a French word. But the “Samedi” in “Baron Samedi” is distinctly non-European in origin. It is either derived from the indigenous term Zemi, or it is African in origin. Similar statements can be said to the lwa that arrived in New Orleans; Damballah became “Dani Blanc”, Ogou Feray became “Joe Feraille”, etc. Vodouisants were forced to Europeanize the names of these ancestral deities, who can trace their origins back to Africa. I remain uneducated about the true origins of Maman Brigitte, and it is something I have been meaning to research.
A while back, I spoke to a guy from Haiti on this topic. He got really ticked off and started talking about how terrible portrayals of Baron Samedi and Gran Brijit are. One of the main things he emphasized was how they play into fucked up, racist stereotypes of Black people. He got so pissed off I never got a chance to get to the root of the matter. Now that I’ve taken the time to research this more carefully, I realize just how horrendous the mischaracterizations are. Incredibly offensive descriptions are written in books, which turn into characters in various media that perpetuate these stereotypes. Just look at how common it is to see Baron Samedi portrayed as a lecher, and Maman Brigitte portrayed as a Caucasian or biracial woman! I didn’t fully grasp the gravity of what this man was trying to impress on me, until now. I completely underestimated the volume of misinformation that exists, and the appalling degree to which Vodou has been disrespected. 
I really cannot stress this enough: The lwa are comparable to Catholic Saints. They are not these Satanic demons, and have only been mischaracterized as such due to the demonization of African religions that is rooted in the history of slavery. As far as I can tell, Baron Samedi really is one of the most misrepresented of the lwa; so is Maman Brigitte. Should they ever be put into Hazbin Hotel, I think it would be best to pay tribute to the great Haitian painters of the 20th century. To do otherwise is deeply disrespectful to people in New Orleans, Haiti, and other places in the diaspora. But perhaps this whole endeavor illustrates why it is a mistake to put either one of them into the show - that it does cross the line into cultural appropriation.
My depiction of the “Maman Brigitte”-type character and her male counterpart for sure crosses the line of cultural appropriation... It’s. SO. BAD!!!! I for sure deserve to get canceled for this one… Hence, I intend to correct this egregious error. 
I might not have communicated this well in my previous post, but this is my intention: I have no plans to proceed with the old concept of “Maman la Vie” or “The Baron of Death”. This is the last time I plan to draw either one of them. I want to proceed with what I have been calling “the alternate concept” (i.e., “Baron of the Dead” and “Gran Maman”). I want to swap this “alternate concept” in, and move the old concept into a scrapped folder. If I had the time, I would for sure just go back, redraw old drawings, and delete the old concept. Unfortunately, I work full time, so I probably do not have time to do this. But the old concept bothers me so much, if I have time I will go back and fully redo this. In the meantime, my plans are to develop and proceed with the “alternate concept” (i.e., “Baron of the Dead” and “Gran Maman”). At minimum, I want to draw both of them at least once and refine their character descriptions. These would be moved into the main folder, replacing the old concept.
I hope that makes sense… it probably doesn’t…. Sorry, my brain is tired and communication is not my forte…my creative process is a hot mess and the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma…
I still drew her one last time because she is very fun to draw. I would be lying if I said I did not love this character on some level… Her personality is so outrageous, it is really funny to me. This tiny, under 5’ woman is the craziest sexual sadist in all of existence…!
In my brain, this makes so much sense. If you’re the immortal goddess of life who can heal any injury… your mind probably would go to that place, wouldn’t it…?
But yeah. This was totally conceived in poor taste…just, just start firing nukes at me!!! However, I love this character too much to completely scrap her, so instead I am going to reinvent her as a demon. A character with this personality clearly belongs in the setting of Hell. It’s so easy to just turn her into a demon, I don’t know why I didn’t think of this from the start. 
That demon character is named “Lavi”. I guess these outfits would be outfits she might try on if she were to ever assume a human disguise… But she would probably only wear them briefly before stepping into a discount Harley D. Quinn fit. 
The dress on the left is inspired by Nina Kristofferson as Billie Holiday. The dress on the right is inspired by a dress worn by Josephine Baker on May 5th 1953, when she appeared as Flower Girl at the Famous Charity Ball of the "Little white Beds" held at the Moulin Rouge, Paris. At that, I totally think someone in the cast of Hazbin Hotel has got to be styled after Josephine D. Baker herself - ideally, Alastor’s mother. I like that idea so much, I’m actually tempted to try to draw my take on canon Alastor’s mother…
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nonuggetshere · 7 months
Very short AU drabble
Specifically for Sealed Flower AU after the infection returns, but it could apply to just any standard canon-compliant AU or just canon
Ah, yes, Pale King, the god of denial- I mean mind <3
PK gets more and more panicked and frantic the more infected turn up, raves and rants to his wife, trying to come up with a solution, some sort of explanation
She's just standing still in his workshop, watching him pace around
"How could this happen?! What did I overlook?! Was- was I wrong about how the infection works? I was so sure the Old Light used temptation and dreams to infect the mortal bugs, what else could it be but that? How did she manage to infect a mindless being?"
"In your tests, you said your void constructs were completely immune, right?"
"Maybe- maybe it wasn't that they're naturally immune to her plague, maybe they had resistance thanks to their close proximity to you, similar to the great five and the other mortals. Maybe it had nothing to do with their lack of mind and will."
He stared at her for a long while then let out a shaky breath, looking away, "Perhaps. Or it could be just the void," He turned to his workbench, leaning over his notes as he shifted through them, "Maybe only the pure void beings are resistant to her light... Could it be our DNA that caused this? The fact that our vessel isn't a being made purely with void but a hybrid of pale light? Was- was I so wrong as to think a godling born of us and void would be able to contain her plight?"
"Then the plan was doomed from the start," She snaked one of her roots up his shoulder, holding it there gently, "They had gone extinct even before our time as gods, if it's a pure void god that's needed then there is nothing in this world that could contain her without falling victim to her light. It isn't your fault."
He silently shifted through his notes, his hand lingering over the first ones he took after the Pure Vessel ascended to meet him at the top of the Abyss. He stared at it silently, his tail curling in tighter around his legs.
"...Or...or the vessel just wasn't..."
He cut himself short, unable to finish that dreadful sentence. A heavy silence fell over the workshop, hanging in the air like a suffocating blanket of smoke. He dug his claws into the bench below, feeling his wife's root similarly tense up before it slid off his shoulder.
"...No..." He finally breathed out, voice shaking, "No. Th- it was a child. A child could never fool me, there would have been signs," He turned back to her, though he couldn't meet her eyes as he leaned back against the desk for support, "I'm the god of mind, I would have felt it if it had a mind or a will. I would have found it when I tried, but I didn't. It can't be that."
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roboyomo · 6 months
yomo my friend yomo haaiiii hihi so like. im never really sure where t start w asking setting questions so im placing this down as a free pass for u specifically to talk abt whatever u want about your funny guys :] tell me your favorite bit or concept! or a character you really wanna get to but Havent Yet! or little fun facts! maybe all of the above if youre feeling spicy 👀 free pass to infodump, go crazy!! o7
So if we are are talking about the setting- It is more a fantasy world set back in 800s to further into the 2000s (not like our world 's history but i can't name any of the fantasy locations on Earth itself as i am not focusing on that so expect pretty much the exact same country names). And the focus is actually on the Afterlife itself, and how it works, what worlds exist out there and etc etc. The original timeline crew (Yaku, Amor, Apollo and others) are all from the world of "Ortu Lunae" (Translator's note: It is Latin for "Rising moon"), the world that is supposed to be what mortal people would perceive as Hell. Aside from Ortu Lunae, an another world exists that is supposed to represent Heaven, called "Descensu Solis" (Translator's note: It is Latin for "The Descent of the Sun"), and the other third world being "Cruix", a forgotten third thing. Both Ortu Lunae and Descensu Solis have their own perspective god - Ortu Lunae having Achlys, the Moon God and Descensu Solis having Nahara, the Sun Goddess (Which is why the worlds are named after the sun and the moon). There is something else that is not a world, which is the Outskirts. Outskirts are unclaimed, unexplored and unstable lands, that are able to heavily affect the mental state and sanity on everyone who steps into them unprepared.
The worlds exist because the humanity still believes in their existence, and the people still keep the concept of their worlds "alive", but unfortunately Cruix was more of humanity's first "prototype" for what lies beyond death and with the existence of the two other worlds representing Heaven and Hell, Cruix had no more believers. Therefore Cruix had no reason nor right to keep on living, so it is only a forgotten land below everyone else (with none of its residents making it out of its borders)
To be quick, the company the crew work at is responsible for most safety of the entirety of Ortu Lunae, hence why they are "Warriors" and are "Company's most valuable employees". They are fighting and working for their own existence, for the existence of everyone in the Afterlife and their right to keep on walking on the ground, despite never being let outside back on Earth by will, even with their new physical bodies. Amor and Apollo even became the creators and the founders of the laboratory branch of the company to utilize science to create technology and innovations for the company, creating bionic gear and etc, being originally mostly the lead scientists and not all that much of fighters. All of this work the warriors do is why the company itself worked on how to make them "immortal" as to keep their employees to keep protecting the world. And that is where God's Blessings and "Sanguis Vitae" come in
Quick explanation of the two: God's Blessings are specialized powers, usually having origins from an element or something specific (Example: Thunder and Lighting for Yaku, Void for Amor, Time for Yi Dal/Ken and Kenix and etc) that are granted to the warriors by Achlys himself. There is an equivalent of that made by Nahara, where she lends her powers of the Sun and the Light to her soldiers, but the main difference is that it is but fraction of her powers and therefore her element, so every of her soldiers is pretty much set with the same skills, only differences being how they utilize the powers with their own weapons.
While "Sanguis Vitae" is an unknown liquid that is a back-up for God's Blessings, as it is the most essential part for preparing the warriors. It is an incredibly toxic and acidic magical replacement for the insides of the warriors. It is everything - for blood and organs that make the human bodies a functional thing, the skeleton and pretty much everything on the inside. It is also a massive to the warriors' starter strength as to help them get on the level of their comrades faster, and it also eliminates the basic human requirements for living. Which is eating, drinking, the hygiene needs, breathing and ,,,, only technically sleep but they still pretty much sleeping from time to time (Not Apollo anymore though, but that's for when i get to his character). As Sanguis Vitae replaces everything in their bodies, it also replicates some of the functions and fluids our bodies make (and by that i mean saliva for example, because i cannot imagine living with a dry mouth for all eternity, i am not that cruel to them)
Last thing would the Curses that i have mentioned when last talking about Kenix! Curses come from Cursed relics, that have originated from the Alternate timeline, and they oppose God's Blessings. Cursed relics and curses have originated exactly from AT (abbreviation for Alternate timeline, as to make it easier for me to write all of this) and they don't have an exact origin, all that is known is that the Cursed Relics are either manifested into being by twisting one's wish into something more of "an unachievable desire" that exactly requires the help from the above to get while tricking them into committing sins, or they are manifested into being after the death of one who has been cursed - someone's history of despair and sorrow being shaped into a physical object as their "legacy", that could resonate with someone once they are physically weak enough to have their own wish be twisted into something more disturbing and force them to turn into something strange and horrific while scarring their mind if they do break free. Originally the curses were opposing to the blessings because they had the same concept in theory, but the main difference is tha the curses not only grant the powers to the user, they exactly twist the user as a person, they are denied remorse for their actions and are constantly forced to look out for more violent and cruel ways to achieve what they wanted originally, while also depleting their sanity to the point of no longer having any control over their actions, turning into all sorts of monsters. There are 7 (known for now) cursed relics based on the Seven Deadly Sins and they all belong to the AT crew that consists of Kenix (Lust, but not THAT kind of lust because there are specific interpretations for each of the character), Azrael (Envy), Maude (Wrath), Aridam (Pride), Liliosa (Gluttony), Artemis (Sloth) and Agatha (Greed). Since all the timelines exist within this one universe, the curses and the cursed relics seep into the OG timeline right into the Outskirts where new relics are created into being with the the lost people who have lost their sanity and dying, leaving behind cursed relics made out of their desperation and madness.
Holyshit how did i write the concept of the Curses and the Cursed Relics before knowing about the Abnormalities, E.G.Os and Distortions from the projmoon universe HELPP. Also quick note that the cursed relics and the curses play a big part in the story as they are. a huge part of each of the character's Peak Insanity chapter, which a story chapter focused on them where they resonate with an existing relic that basically fucks them over for the rest of the narrative and they learn how to deal with it and how to heal from their trauma (ALTHOUGH INSPIRATION'S AND ARAI'S PEAK INSANITY CHAPTERS REALLY FUCK BOTH AMOR AND APOLLO UP FOR LIKE. A LONG ASS TIME BEFORE THEY REACH THEIR PI CHAPTERS TO FINALLY HAVE A RESOLVE TO THEIR PROBLEMS)
I think this might be everything for now, but the again, it is the shortened version of the lore so if you want to find out all the details (Like how the worlds' societies live, more about the curses and the cursed relics, specific stuff about the blessings for the crew and etc), you can freely send an ask or ask more questions anywhere else as i am free to answer them i enjoy answering them so much :33 i am. very normal about my ocs and their lore they definitely did not cause a 2+ years long brainrot for me
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thedeal-if · 1 year
Not gonna lie here, but something kinda died inside of me, when i saw that Nathan is pretty much allergic to children(cause i adore them irl), but it made me wonder about two things.
Oh and i can completely understand why certain ROs are just not made to have childeren.
1: I was wondering why can't angels get children, considering that irl there are beeings like nephilim/cambions described in Myths, Tales, Books etc.. Does that mean that in this universe there are no halfbreeds(not meant in a derogatory way), between different species?
2: Following up with the ask about kids, how would the ROs react(those who actually can get children in a biological way), to accidently becoming a parent? Answer only if comfortable
I have to say that maybe I worded it wrong but Nathan isn't allergic to children, dw anon!! He has always had very important things on his plate and it has never left him any time to think about anything else. It's kinda sad but Nathan only began to truly live his life the moment he started to Fall.
When it comes to children, if his partner asked he'd be like "Oh, that's right, those exist" and just *shrug*. Nathan has never given having kids any thought but he could be convinced ^^
He is very much allergic to being responsible tho... But who knows? People evolve, they can change. They can meet good influences, bad influences. Really, who knows?
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1. Okay, td lore! I'm trying not to mention much and I'm crossing my fingers not to get asked about my worldbuilding because I cave to pressure too easily and will definitely gush lol. Tbh I thought it'd be much more fun for people to realize this as they play, finding out things alongside MC and all that. But maybe some explanations are in order 🕴️
To clarify: Christian/Catholic/Judaism/etc lore is, of course, the foundation of my own, but don't expect me to follow the Bible to a t 🫂 I always meant for The Deal to be a reimagining of religion as we know it, but I've included many more layers in terms of... everything (ex. Lovecraftian lore)! I think it's pretty interesting to take the core of a topic and rewrite some of it to make it more exciting.
Needless to say, I don't mean any disrespect towards religion in any way shape or form but sticking to it blindly has always rubbed me the wrong way as a person who isn't and has never been religious.
Now, the answer to your question (sorry for the rant 😭💕) ik about Nephilim and cambions (as someone who's read superstition a billion times), and Nephilim aren't a thing here. Cambions are tho!
When it comes to Angels... Think of them as one of those automated machines in factories. They fulfill their function and are scraped or thrown away when broke beyond repair. That's kind of how the Gods see Angels.
I've promised myself to say nothing about Genies until MC at least meets Aliyah. But let's just say she can't procreate either.
2. As for the accidental parent scenario I'll leave it below the cut (dw btw I'd say it's pretty hard to make me uncomfortable lol I'll answer anything)
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Dante, Lilith, Josh, Victor, and Eden can have biological children! Villanelle is technically on that list but she's very much sex repulsed and won't ever be in this situation🫂
Though Dante isn't stoked at the thought of children this kind of changes when he thinks of that kid as his. He's not that taken aback by surprises—even if they're major ones like having a child—Dante likes taking challenges with a smile. If he feels like it's his choice and his partner isn't forcing the idea of parenthood on him, Dante would accept his role with a very positive outlook ^^
Doesn't mean he'll be a good dad tho lol
Lilith feels deeply troubled by her nature and thinks that it'd be best not to create any more beings of hell. She has ingrained a very cataclysmic point of view about any potential children she might have. To Lilith, motherhood is a dream. But not like that.
She'd be such a good mom tho💕
Josh feels like he's been punched in the gut lol he can't handle unexpected turns of events. If it's something his partner is excited about Josh would try not to bring the mood down, he'd want to see it as a positive thing. Definitely would read parenthood blogs for hours during the entire pregnancy.
Victor would be so excited I think he'd forget about any complicated situations and all his problems as soon as his partner told him. It's always been one of Victor's deepest and most profound dreams, and to have his partner fulfill it— he would never dare to even consider it an accident. Much like Josh he'd be the World's most prepared Upcoming Dad™ lol
Eden doesn't typically panic but he would lose his mind lol. I said he kind of leaned towards preferring not to have children but for the entire situation to be forced on him like that would be overwhelming. If the situations are right, if Eden feels like he has the specific kind of support he would need to parent a child... He might change his mind and not be so negative about it ^^
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shittyelfwriter · 10 months
ALRIGHTY here we are at weeks three and four for the santa clauses series! I did not rewatch a second time because genuinely, these melted my brain. anyway, lets get into it below the cut!
So apparently according to the tsc tag, episode 3 that I missed last week is a sort of filler episode? OH BROTHER REALLY
Normally I would not complain bc I miss old format, 20-23 episode series but because I know this Isn't That? DREAD. how are you going to plot well and good in 7-8eps if some are filler? that is just SO condensed, my guy
Counterpoint to people who were sad about it but: I thought the teen romance was annoying and I'm GLAD they ended it even JUST for a bit (it will come back to haunt again, trust. It’s a disney series ffs.) Whoever is writing this needs to ask a teen about how they talk nowadays. This is not it.
I also think we're driving the whole "Buddy is terrible at everything" punchline WAY past its breaking point. Which I would argue was last season entirely, but. At the very latest, last episode with how heavy on cringe it was. Yes, EVEN for kids/teens.
Again, they are not antagonizing Magnus Antas enough for me to hate him. waaaaay too funny to be a villain. I can't take him seriously and DON'T want to
The way that Noel keeps sideyeing the Betty cutout as if to say "do you see this shit?" during his brunch with the Clauses SENT me tbh. That's bernelle coded and I love it
I do not know why Disney gets OFF on the Clauses being absolutely inept parents but I wish they would stop
LOVING the exterior shots of the workshop and Elfsburg. As someone who has POURED over all available screenshots from the movies of those I am LIVING for new angles (even though I do NOT think bernelle would live that close to the Workshop, but it doesn't seem like Betty and Noel can POOF like Bman and Elle can (and do))
I don't know why there are TWO instances of a "misspoken turn of phrase" in this episode but neither were funny and TWO OF THEM was REALLY bad
Crossing guard callback? For what? (okay, shrug I GUESS dot meme)
Why does this specific franchise always have to make EB SO WEIRD. WHY. Nothing about this is funny it's just off-putting. Just like the previous EB flirting with Carol's MARRIED MOM in tsc3
This Carol and La Befana scene was actually very good. LOVE it when they actually just let the characters be HONEST with each other. Women supporting women core. Even if Carol's reason for being mad at her was really shallow and obviously stems form Carol's lack of identity as Mrs. Claus because they just cannot wrap that plot point from last season up.
THE LETTERS DEPARTMENT. It looks dope but HATE the explanation for it. Half assed as hell. WARNING! Rant incoming: like from what I know a LOT of postal services have little lore stories about how they get the letters to Santa. WHY COULDNT WE JUST SAY THERE ARE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN SANTA AND OTHER ADULT PEOPLE WHO KEEP THE SPIRIT ALIVE FOR OTHERS AS WELL? Why is this series so obsessed with making everything only powered by magic and never by others (yes, humans) who want to keep the spirit alive as well? It feels like magic is being used as an "explain it all away" crutch narratively. Even in season 1, the "solution" to mass consumerism wasn't for people to be kind to each other and do little things to keep the magical parts of Christmas alive, it was to show the world that magic was real. Season 2 so far, the answer to everything is also just magic. I'm hoping that maybe the B plot with Kris will touch on this. Because as it stands right now, it feels like the writers are talking out of both sides of their mouth. Commercial Christmas is bad, but Kris is a loser for having a Santa theme park. Like?? Homogenization of Christmas is the Big Bad at large, but also up at the Pole they are trying to find ways to do the same thing to be "current". CHRISTMAS IS MULTIFACTED. It is both secular and religious! That is OKAY, I don't even think "woke" people are arguing about that. Sheesh.
Can't believe I'm micro rambling IN my ramble post. New achievement unlocked omg
The way Magnus Antas picks up on modern slang so quickly practically puts Scott to shame. Good for him
AGAIN, the misturn of phrase jokes. DEAD. Not funny. STOP
If they are going to make Sandra so op that she can just Wanda Maximoff chaos magic "I just say something when I'm mad and it happens, anything I want with no negative impact on me" I will not find that swag. That is in fact Mary Sue territory, lads
Sandra's little outburst @ La Befana was giving magical nepo baby for a moment there. Oof. "Too bad I'm just naturally more skilled than you even though I'm new and you've been a witch forever" girl SHUT. UP. You are like a little baby. Also that is so mad disrespectful like no WONDER La Befana is wanting you to slow tf down. You fly off the handle WAY to easily and we ALL know you lose control when you do! Okay loose cannon! Werk!
Riley. Girl. "we never see each other" you were just up at the Pole?? Like. OFTEN?? This is so stupid of a breakup but they are teenagers so go off kids, be dysfunctional or what have you. Rah rah, as Jack would say
Episode four now, lord help us. God has cursed me for my (loving this one Christmas movie series) hubris and my work (watching it's hellish series spin off) is never finished
"Reversing a transformation is never a guarantee" what is this La Befana? the Sims? Sounds like transformation ray odds. Magic is not THAT unpredictable, even by in-universe logic
ARE YOU SO FUCKING FR RN. SO BERNARD IS MARRIED TO A SENIOR CITIZEN AND CURTIS. FUCKIN VAPORIZED?? FROM STRESS? WHAT'S NEXT? Lemme guess, Judy joined the circus. Quintin is a crypto investor or works for Tesla. WHAT ARE WE D O I N G
Not Scott moving the scissors like he's afraid Buddy will shank him or others?? SIR
So they just con him? As though that's a long term solutio-- OH MY GOD NOT SCOTT USING SANDMAN'S SAND ON SANDMAN HIMSELF?? that's ILLEGALE?? According to tsc3 lore: "We legendaries can't use magic on each other?" I am so bewildered by the level of retcon occurring before my very eyes at BREAKNECK speed
Sandra doesn't need magic she needs THERAPY for her ANGER ISSUES bruh. Damn. She doesn't need a rage room (in someone's house too I might add? okayyyy) she needs to learn to process like a normal human being wtf
Scott being able to look like his normal self whenever he wants and they just didn't tell him? For like. 25 years? Like its clear that by the series standards, the elves think he's a total moron. But it pendulums hard and fast between "haha funny joke" and "damn they really think he ain't shit, huh"
Edie being a fashion diva is such a serve she's grown on me this season ngl
"I had to teach him how to do all the Legendaries jobs" Scott I know you're waffling, absolutely FUMBLING but what the FUCKKKKK is that excuse??? What's Cal going to do? Be EVERY Legendary? TERRIBLE AWFUL HATE IT UNINSPIRED. Not to mention, SOME OF THE OTHER LEGENDARIES MIGHT NOT TAKE THAT NEWS WELL. Some might even feel THREATENED
"The man I die for in my sleep every night" UM? Noel? You okay there bud? Holy heck
Do you guys think according to this new lore Edie made Jack's suit? because me thinks PERHAPS
Magnus Antas is kind of popping off, damn. Like I think if the gnomes hadn’t given him MAJOR delusions of grandeur and an ego trip, he could have stayed totally a vibe. But stop giving the Santas snow powers and reconning Jack holy SHIT dude. First Scott now him? HATE IT
The way they made Scott and Cal look when "invisible" is Not a Good Look heck. Its like a bad picsart filter
These Scott visions. I get why, its through the Santa magic, right? But dang its corny
So Scott knows Magnus Antas is back now. Okay. They got away from him. Lost visual on Olga, have a bad feeling she somehow sneaked into the sleigh. Weird cliffhanger but EVERY episode has been like that so far
Final thoughts: I feel like they're definitely trying to make this season take itself less seriously, but I feel like the trade off is that the writers are taking too many liberties for diversions from source material and are therefore, losing the plot entirely and retconning movie lore at will and convenience. Tl;dr, it's messy. Concepts are fun until things just become so irreverent they fall apart or lean into entirely unfunny territory. Which is just a hallmark of T*m All*n brand humor, tee em, but you know.
It feels like this series is doing everything and nothing. It wants woke points, but immediately doubles back and makes fun of those same things. It wants us to feel empathy for these characters, and immediately makes them insufferable. I am so confused as to what the takeaway is supposed to be. It all feels so poorly executed--the series retcons itself constantly, not to mention the movies. I want it to be fun, and to take it at surface value, but if you know literally anything about the movies, that becomes a challenge to do. I'm just so confused dude.
I will be shocked if this gets a third season. Truly.
Also, I miss Betty too, Noel. Wish this whole season was about HER shenanigans, instead.
So. See you all next week then?
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