#// i primarily liked this for the dog references LOL
demonsfate · 4 months
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kangals · 3 months
are rough collies good pets for someone who doesnt have a lot of physical labor for them? would walks and a good play routine be enough stimulation? i know theyre a working breed, and ive always wanted one, but i dont have a ton of space at my disposal and certainly no farm. are they as work addicted as border collies are?
i mean, i've got 2 collies and i certainly don't have a farm for them to run on 🤷 collies are a herding breed, but what you need to remember is that they're also a companion breed: the modern collie was developed by taking landrace herding collies and breeding them for show. so you've got a dog that has herding roots, but whose main application over the last century or so has been primarily as a show dog and as a family pet. i hear them get referred to as "decaf herding" or "herding-lite" sometimes, which i think is fair.
IME they're a solidly medium-energy breed; they require more stimulation as teenagers/young adults but they should never be, like, unmanageable. on an average day i do around 40-60 minutes worth of walks (at their pace, so they can sniff and pee and whatever to their hearts content) + i have a yard that i try to spend at least an hour outside every day (weather permitting). not that i'm playing with them for an hour straight, but that will include several minutes of fetch and then me just chilling outside so they can wander around and sniff and stare at the neighbors. they really really like mental exercise, so if you can do training sessions, take them out on errands, use puzzle toys and games, etc that's always super helpful. what i like about collies is that they can go all day if you ask - just last fall i took a trip with stellina and we did 20,000 step days, climbing mountains and eating at restaurants and etc, and she kept up the pace great! and then as soon as we got home, she passed out lol. but she by no means needs to do that regularly. they're very 'weekend warrior,' which i like.
so yeah, it depends on what exactly your routine would be but no they're not high-energy dogs, and while more stimulation and activity will never be turned down, they can also do just fine in suburbia with 1-2 hours of good quality engagement and exercise, IMO. i can't keep up with a high energy dog, but i also sometimes like to take my dog on day-long expeditions, so i find them to be a good match energy-wise for me.
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starqueensthings · 6 months
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The Only Exception:
Foreword, Basics, and References
Basics: 3rd POV, primarily following the main character (OC) with occasional shifts to other perspectives (separated by chapter). 
Pairing: Captain Howzer x fem!OC; then Jesse x fem!OC; then maybe something else… maybe something of the same… TEEHEE
Characters: more clone OC’s than I can count, tons of human OC’s, Twi-lek OC’s, many of our favourite TCW characters like Fives, Echo, Jesse, Kix, and Rex playing large parts of the story. Tup, Hardcase, Dogma, Cody, Keeli, and others also make appearances. 
Rating: will shift chapter by chapter between 16+ for mature themes, and 18+ for explicit themes. 
Posting Schedule: will not be consistent. The undulation of ADHD means there are days to weeks where my brain can’t translate a single sentence from thought to written word, so I’m hesitant to commit to a structured, weekly schedule but will do my best.
Things that probably don’t need to be noted, but because I’m both anxious and uncontrollably long-winded, I feel the need to explain: 
This work was written novel style, and not necessarily the traditional 2nd POV, x reader fanfiction style that we all know and love. These characters have names, histories, appearances that are both eluded to and mildly described, as well as personality traits that may not be desirable to some. For example: the main character, June, harbors some resentment toward men because of some lingering trauma from her past, and unfortunately lets it influence many of her decisions. There are times, particularly in the beginning of the story, where she can be highly sensitive to what some would consider harmless, off-the-cuff remarks, and becomes combative and irrational as a result. Her reactions are particularly placed to emphasize aspects of her character, so that we can witness her growth and/or regressions throughout the story. 
In that same token, this story will hover around + touch on some uncomfortable  topics, particularly toward the end. Whump/angst/hurt+comfort/fluff/smut will all be present themes, and I WILL be tagging each chapter very clearly and very thoroughly. SA and parental trauma will be eluded to throughout the entirety of the story and recollected/explained toward the end. Additionally, smut scenes will be segregated into their own chapters and will be written as not to affect the flow of the story, so if you choose to skip those, you don’t miss out on anything plot wise. All of that being said, this is largely a light hearted story about growth and unexpected love as it presents itself in several forms. 
Additionally (and very importantly) June is highly intelligent and medically proficient. I am neither of those things. Not even close. I tried to research as much medical terminology as possible prior to/during writing, but probably 75% of it will make no sense to someone who’s very familiar with medical things/conditions/procedures. Lastly, I tried to keep this story as canon compliant as possible, but the Clone Wars timeline is challenging to navigate. Creative liberty was taken in some spots where canon is murky, but otherwise I tried to remain as true to the Star Wars events as we know them. Language will fluctuate mildly between in-universe and modern day. I kept it as Star Wars as possible, but absolutely refuse to use “transparisteel” in place of glass, “flimsi” makes me cringe, and will always prefer shower over “sonic” lol 
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Common Star Wars words are below:
Holo Computer: Desktop Computer
Holopad: kinda like a cellphone
Datapad: kinda like an iPad/tablet
Durasteel: metal
Duraplas: plastic
Massiff: a dog-ish creature that kinda looks like an alligator lol
“Kriff”: “Fuck” or “Shit” (a swear word, not the noun of a fuck or a shit lol)
“Kriffing”: “Fucking” (adjective, not the action of fucking)
Chrono: watch/clock
Hoverbed: like a gurney or hospital bed that floats 
Air Speeder: floating car with side-by-side seats
Speeder bike: floating motorcycle
Fresher: washroom/bathroom/loo
Di’kut: Idiot
Mesh’la: beautiful (noun)
Cyare: darling (noun)
Caf: coffee
“Maker” or “Gods” or “Stars”: “God” or “Lord” (frustrated; not religious lol)
Camtono: a cooler/portable freezer
Flimsi: paper
a bajillion more listed in this fantastic post.
Terms I made up because canon was lacking (list is on-going):
NBA or Nociceptor Blocking Agent: the pain injection we see them jab into peoples necks
USI or Universal Serum Injector: the injection tool itself (serum vial is loaded per dose)
Defibrillator “defib” Pods: small, high tech, portable defibrillator
Cleanser Tube: essentially a washing machine recessed into the hall. Very similar to a front loading washing machine where only the door is visible. 
Sanitation Station: a weird contraption that cleans/disinfects someone’s hands before coating them in nitrile (instead of pulling on surgical gloves). 
“Maker have mercy”: “for the love of God” (frustrated; not religious lol) 
Blue wine: white wine
Purple wine: red wine
Cauterizing Pen/Electromagnetic Stapler: used in the place of stitches
MedScanner: I did not conceptualize the scanner itself, but did make up all the settings and uses lol
“Flimsi Flinger”: “Paper Pusher”
“Double-barrelled Blaster”: a double edged sword
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scuderlia · 8 months
haircut!anon back to yap! (not directly abt haircuts this time but i like the pseudonym.) topic on the board today is-- animal symbolism! reading the most recent snippet my eyes caught on the visual of charles crawling like a dog, which is really in sharp contrast to his typical fanon personification through dominantly herbivores/prey animals (mouse and deer/stag come to mind). (i feel kind of insane typing this out.) feel free to take this idea anywhere you please but like - herbivore-carnivore transition, or was he blood hungry from the start? do you have other strong animal-relational symbolism u associate with girlestappen? is this just a weird fucking question? lol
in reference to this snippet
eee! haircut!anon, i think you may actually live in my brain.
this is all delicious and i have lots to say about it, so bear with me!
i am not immune to the typical charles characterization of prey animal (see: the very elaborate web weave i made about him and deer theory...) but i think that when it's contrasted against his hunger, it really gets interesting.
(section a: CL field-notes)
the biggest thing with charles and what makes his character so compelling is the juxtaposition. he's passionate (and borderline obsessive) about his own performance, and also someone who is quite reserved and considerate of himself and others.
to contextualize this through racing: there is a clear distinguishment between charles on-track and charles off-track—a morbid desire to succeed that is housed within someone who is incredibly caring and attentive, especially towards those he cares about. the fact that charles has kept pretty much all of his friends from childhood (many of whom he karted with, or competed against) speaks volumes to this.
one of my absolute favorite charles characterization/personality quotes comes from his former Team Principal at Prema:
"The first thing that comes to mind when we talk about him is once again his determination, and his almost sickly desire to improve. Whether it was after the first test with us or after the end of the season, he always asked us where he could improve and how he had to do it. It is at the extreme of perfection." — René Rosin (Prema Racing, 2017) via 'Charles as seen by his former team managers' (Charles Leclerc Fans)
i think that above all else, charles' determination is funneled through the consideration of how he can push himself to be perfect. and ultimately, that is the driving force behind his pursuit of desire.
charles is self-described as being non-sentimental, and not particularly religious either. i think a large part of that comes down to how he never falls back on the idea of 'divine fate' or things being out of his hands. yes, there are little rituals he keeps up through racing... memories of his childhood, family, etc. that he carries, but none of them are ever pinned as a reason for either success or failure. ultimately, what happens on track and in competition are direct results of charles, his decisions, and efforts.
the best way i crystalize this for the sake of the narrative is that, to be very one-dimensional about it, charles views his car as a sort of 'phantom limb.' while it is this greater object that is separate from Charles the Person, any mishaps or incidents can ultimately be tied directly back to his direction and control.
charles has this morbid need to reach the pinnacle of what he believes himself to be capable of, and anything that falls short of that is viewed (by him) as a failure. this is primarily evident to me through how, even in the anger of moments where he's crashed or DNF'd, the blame is always directed inwards. he curses himself out, blames his own lack of performance, and even in media interviews afterwards tends to only reference the things that he should have done differently to gauge better results.
to tie this back to ideas of him being ruthless vs. meek, it's not necessarily that charles becomes a different person when he races, but instead that his hunger for perfection comes to the forefront, eclipsing everything else.
(section b: translation to girl!charles)
for girl!charles, i took this greater concept of having hunger eclipse nerves and reservations, and stuffed it into a little guilt-shaped pouch. in order to initially cope with killing and eating people, charles separates her person from her desire, or more-so allows it to be swallowed when necessary.
it is a very transformative thing, being around max. without giving away the entire plot, charles does devolve a bit, or more so gives into her hunger and desire instead of restricting herself. it's mentioned briefly in the snippet i posted, but charles' arc of being a cannibal follows in succession to max's—essentially, max was one first, and charles becomes more ruthless and willing to devour as their relationship progresses.
as killing and eating, especially with max, draw closer and closer to becoming a sacred act, she starts to chase this image of perfection within her own craft. it's something that she wants to be good at, and to do so, she sensationalizes some aspects of it (or maybe romanticizes is a better descriptor... i'm not sure)
the comparison in the drabble was mostly to allude to the animalistic nature of what they're doing, and how charles still makes efforts to try and separate herself from her actions when she eats. Charles the Cannibal and Charles the Girl are two different identities that she carries with her. over time, she starts to realize that the degrees of separation between the two were not as great as she thought, and thus begins her divulsion.
(section c: hunger as an animal)
i'm pretty sure that anything/everything i write will always include animal symbolism, so yes, there's definitely some present within girlestappen. their loyalty and devotion to one another is incredibly dog-like, and evident within the greater narrative of cannibalism and the act of devouring together. lesbians go crazy when a gentle creature bites to protect them.
aside from that, there's also allusions within the individual kills to animals/ideas of predator-and-prey that i haven't yet posted about, and likely won't until i finish the whole fic and publish it (we're 17k in... making moves...)
the one that i will point out now is charles likening the wire that max holds in this snippet to a snake. at this point, charles is still grappling with her attraction to max, and the comparison is intended to a) act as foreshadowing for how the guy she's with is about to die, and b) how his death, and max's actions, are ultimately going to push her to act on that temptation (think serpent in the Garden of Eden)
also... on the herbivore-carnivore topic... i've actually written charles as a vegetarian early on in the story (a decision she initially makes as a means to curb her desire and hunger)... so you nailed it.
this may be incoherent but tldr; charles contains multitudes.
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sweet-star-cookie · 4 months
really random question: does Boötes have three arms or four arms? I looked at the reference art and he definitely has at least three arms but I can't tell if he's got a fourth arm that's hidden behind him or if it's straight up not there 😅
Oh yeah, I guess it doesn't show all of them huh? It's been a while since I drew that art so I can't remember if I just didn't feel like drawing that arm that day or if it was positioned behind his body anyway lol, oops! I need to give him an updated ref sheet soon, actually.
He has four arms, primarily to give him even more dexterity with his herdsman duties. In addition to his bladed staff, he also has a crossbow (that I haven't drawn here yet), so when he's on patrol he'll carry a weapon or his rope with his upper pair of arms depending on the range of his target, and his bottom pair will control the reins on his dogs, so he can attack and chase someone at the same time. With his ability to multitask like this, he can be hard to escape from!
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tiredassmage · 7 months
because i've gotten severe blorbo brain about one of my bg3 ocs, i think it is about high time i created at least a post to stick the reference material (as limited as that still is) out in the universe for tracking purposes, if that is of interest! so! also bc i generalized my personal bg3 tag, so for those who would like to keep that out of your circles, you may also do so!
baldur's gate content is still generally covered by a #bg3 tag. this is on my own stuff and reblogged content from the game.
my personal stuff for the game (screenshots, oc musings, etc.) will all feature the updated #dot's bg3 tag.
and then the oc tags. which i'll put under a cut to keep this Neat, but also bc they're (the ocs) are a mess in my heads and i'm one of those people that has so many blorbo and has yet to actually complete act iii bc i keep making more of them. sO! without further ado lol--
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alucren ❖ the dark urge ❖ human ❖ he/him/his ❖ neutral tagged: #vs: is that... blood? no. nevermind | bg!alucren ❖ lae'zel romance
Technically should be on assassin in my heart. Played on the Fiend Warlock for my delight. Formerly the apprentice of Tyr in a mutual mercenary company prior to the rise of the Dark Urge and [Dark Urge spoilers]. A man as dangerous for his nearly-reckless disregard for personal consequence in his drive to achieve and a dangerously charismatic smile as he is for the sopping wet lost dog look he's capable of giving you. A fractured mirror. A facade. In the cutting words of a uquiz diagnosis once: a fraud, but not necessarily a malicious one, when truly cut to his core. The struggle to overcome the blood and a fervor once readily embraced.
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ambrose ❖ lamb of the tempest ❖ human ❖ she/he/her/his ❖ lawful good tagged: #vs: the self is not so weightless / nor whole and unbroken | bg!ambrose ❖ shadowheart romance
Saddest puppy I ever did see and my newest blorbo. Raised primarily to weaponize her talents with sorcery, and a corresponding fear of reprimand for when that (wild) magic does not cooperate as intended. Ambrose was initially fleeing his former masters when the mindflayers struck, and now she has to add the whole mindflayer business to her mountain of concerns with the world. She is very small and has no money, so you can imagine the kind of stress he's under. He should be at the club. Except she'd probably find that overwhelming. Maybe just a good book in his pack will do.
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tyr ❖ ex-assassin ❖ wood half-elf ❖ he/him/his ❖ chaotic good tagged: #vs: penance makes poor company | bg!tyr ❖ wyll romance
Former member of a company of mercenaries and assassins and the once-mentor of Alucren prior to his own retirement. Spent a further few years adventuring across the realm with his husband before they settled down to raise two daughters and Tyr took up bladesmithing as a hobby. Potentially knew more of Alucren's history than he ever let on, and has definitely not moved past the self-inflicted guilt of not pushing harder for the younger man to leave with him. Should also be an assassin in my heart if I was better at the playstyle. Stay tuned for if I ever make up my mind about what playstyle to actually do his run on. Imported blorbo from another game, and therefore subject of my giggling because I didn't change his name despite game lore. (It amuses me, let me have this.)
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rhyst ❖ the lost paladin ❖ high half-elf ❖ he/him/his ❖ lawful good tagged: #vs: of wings that burn and men who fall | bg!rhyst ❖ gale romance
Lost Golden Retriever puppy. If found, please do not return to the powerful sorcerer that may or may not have been manipulating him to use his natural abilities. Rhyst may have stumbled into the wrong end of a poor deal attempting to serve the memory of an older sister that has raised him. Still a bit wet behind the ears with a giant heart to help that's a bit too easily taken advantage of at times. Rhyst seeks a way out of his stumble from grace and, short of a way to reclaim his Oath, a way forward with the new aspects of his life that may yet still yield benefits for the greater good.
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savosta ❖ the ruthless stalker ❖ drow ❖ he/him/his ❖ lawful evil tagged: #vs: is it the spirit or the flesh | bg!savosta
Aforementioned powerful sorcerer's chosen attack hound and war domain cleric, though to which divinity he owes fealty may be nebulous. Singularly driven by his goals and his orders, if no path exists, Savosta will forge one in storm and fury if needs be. Their once-shared master demands the return of the straying Rhyst to their fold, so Savosta intends to deliver. Mindflayers, gods, and the Hells be damned if they stand in his way. (Or are you both merely lost? The marble shaped by the master's hands? Questions he huffs at answering, despite being tempered into cooperation. For now.)
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hartley ❖ shapeshifter ❖ he/they ❖ chaotic good tagged: #vs: listen to the wind blow watch the sun rise | bg!hartley
Some may call them arbiter, others merely a rebel. Whatever you prefer, Hartley is an adventurer at heart, treading Silvanus's path wherever the wind leads. Their experiences (and experiments) with wildshaping and other magics have led to a partially shifted state that he tends to prefer. Outside of their favored form of the owlbear, Hartley prefers to wield dual scimitars in their pursuit to defend the natural cycle and challenge those who would see it manipulated for their own gains.
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kaimir ❖ an outcast's lament ❖ he/him/his ❖ chaotic neutral tagged: #vs: take it on the other side | kaimir
Kai's ties are... complicated. Varying from sullen and at least somewhat snippish to airy displaces of arrogance, the cards dealt to the young warrior were not particularly favorable, and thus he found the shorter road was to present the realms with what they seemed hellsbent upon assuming of him anyway. While not entirely unmoved by the plight of his kin, his own steps strayed from their particular path years ago. He imagines not a warm reception of his brash tongue. Attempting to soften the edges of their infernal heritage in the depths of a bottle and the blunt strikes of the fist have... varying degrees of success. If he's nothing else, he will be a survivor, and let the realms know it even if it must be through spitting blood.
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frascospecimen · 5 months
which instrumence does each play ?
I’m not entirely sure which characters specifically this is referring to, I want to say splatoon guys because they’re the ones I’ve been talking about a lot recently and because splatoon fans love their splatbands but I’m just going to talk about everyone LOL
Splatoon guys music info was mentioned already in this post! However I forgot to mention there that Zigzag plays bass guitar. They picked it up a small while before leaving the domes, and got really attached to it as something to do while adjusting to life on the surface. They specifically play a custom made gas powered electric guitar- mostly because I thought something with a pull cord would look cool LOL. I should probably draw it again sometime I forgot where my image of it went.
Onto the white whale fall characters: Amanita plays piano. She’s been taking piano lessons from a very young age, and she’s very good at it- although it’s not really a big passion of hers, just something she knows how to do.
Instruments is a very fun question for me to think about because of a specific group of characters in white whale fall who barely even show up in the story I just like them a lot. They’re the main characters in a hypothetical part 2 to the series, that I haven’t actually worked on more than just me saying I really like these characters LOL. These three characters however are in a band together! They’re characters I haven’t talked about hardly at all on here so I have images.
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Sylvie (on the left) plays a LOT of instruments. I don’t have it nailed down the entire list of what she plays but I do know: she plays saxophone primarily, as her favorite one to play. Specifically baritone saxophone. Her bari sax is the only instrument she actually owns, anything else she plays is borrowed from the school. She plays trumpet and trombone as well. She knows how to play piano, and occasionally does keyboard for the band. Other than these concrete ones I imagine she plays a few other things too.
Dess (on the right) plays bass guitar and keyboard. I don’t have much else to say there.
There’s a third character named dexter who plays drums but for the life of me I really could not find a single picture of this guy unfortunately. He’s a dog with hair that goes over his eyes.
There’s one more character in the band, but I’m not going to reveal them, because I think it’s a fun little surprise. It’s not anything terribly big or important, but I still am keeping it under wraps for now. 😁They play guitar though.
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ladylemrelle · 8 months
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I've been getting back into DARPG and these are a few reference images for some of my dogs. At first I went for an overall lineless but then decided to try a method of lining that I've not done before but rather liked it so I intend to go forward primarily with that method. All of these were drawn yesterday lol
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vicekillx · 9 months
14 and 15 for the ask game please!
14. How has your art changed over the years? Well, I was primarily a furry artist for a over a decade and I'm definitely more a monster/human artist now, so that's a big one. I feel like I do more art with a purpose now, as opposed to doing what I thought would sell. Which is both a blessing and a curse lol I also used to do a lot more traditional art, and sometimes I still get the urge to do some now, but nowadays it's mostly sketches. I don't really have the patience (read: I'm too anxious) for the mediums I prefer most of the time lol
15. Biggest artist pet peeve?
When artists who are absolutely phenomenal at one type of subject matter (usually humans) seem to magically forget how to use reference or study anatomy when it comes to horses and dogs. Also terrible snakes but at least that one's more niche
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lovers-teeth · 2 years
Obligatory Intro Post
main is @validwofjobs just for clarity, if you see me following/liking your posts ^^
icon by: @canineentity
🌿🍄🌿 Hi !! my name is Herring (or Jester), and this is my personal/kin sideblog.
  🌿🍄🌿 I’m always interested in meeting new people, so don’t be afraid to shoot me an ask or a msg !! My dms are always open to other kinfolk, I am quite busy and easily distracted so I can’t promise quick reply times.
🌿🍄🌿 Please like this post if you read it through !! it just helps me keep track lol.
My two kintypes are caucasian shepherd dog and polar bear -u-.
part time angel and occasional sea serpent (secondary kintypes)
I’m primarily a psychological therian, I’m still figuring myself out.
I’m 21- I don’t mind minors hanging out here, tread carefully and be safe n all that.
I’m trans and queer, ask me abt the specifics at your own desire. I use whatever pronouns you use/mirror pronouns.
I use therian and otherkin to refer to myself interchangeably. I also use the words kinnie/kinning bc I find them kind of cute, fight me (plus I've been "kinning" since the word was coined by assholes on 4chan, let me be an old man and live)
This is a kin blog, but I have a lot of other interests, mainly writing, tabletop games, and knitting atm.
I’m always here to help with personal writing projects! Send me your games/your fics/your poetry/whatever- I am very fond of editing and beta reading, or just being a pair of eyes on a draft.
All of my posts are good to reblog unless reblogs are literally turned off lmao
DNI: LGBT discourse-starters, I consider myself an inclusionist and I’m generally pro-slur reclamation. I want no part of any stupid discourse (this is also your official warning that I use the word queer and don’t tag it, do with that info what you will.)
non-alterhumans and/or kin-for-fun types are cool but on thin ice.
BYF: I talk about addiction/alcohol often, if that type of post is triggering I will always tag it as eyes away/howling but it might be in your best interest not to follow.
honestly as long as you’re not a dick you’re welcome here LMAO
(X)posting: themed as needed, common ones are dogposting/kinposting
Chuffing: original non-vent posts and personal thoughts.
Howling: vent posts, read at yr own discretion
Eyes away: 18+ stuff, block this if you’re a minor.
Pawprints: original projects, likely writing or knitting FOs.
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sapphic-story · 2 years
45, 49, 56 for Hero
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Put them all into one so that you wouldn’t get pinged three times!
45. What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
Dark mode. Hero HATES any tech application in dark mode. If someone shows her a phone with an application in dark mode she will automatically set to changing it to light mode before even looking at anything else.
49. Would they eat something they find gross to be polite?
It depends! Hero is a bit of a food snob, so she’s pretty critical of meals that she thinks could be better. At the same time, though, she grew up with Southern Hospitality and not eating someone’s food is a Slight there so it kind of depends on how much she respects that person and if it was homemade or not (and how homemade it is—“from the box” is very different to “from scratch” to her). If someone, like, store bought something she thought was gross, she’d easily skip. However, if someone put their Heart and Soul into the food, she will try to politely eat it…with the most backhanded compliments possible.
She’s not an exotic eater though; if someone rolled up with escargot she’s skipping out no matter what lol
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
Her parents, though she already knows she’s not going to get that. :p In terms of who she Does get comfort from, the answer would be her dog in most circumstances. But now that she’s away from home…I don’t know if she has an answer! (She’s suffering.)
35. What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
Wrote “SEE ME AFTER CLASS” on a student’s assignment (she’s a TA) and when they came she just tried to recruit them into the astronomy club that she’s the president of.
40. How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head?
She probably wouldn’t even notice LOL she seems like the type to have an over enthusiastic, very firm handshake while speaking over a mile a minute about whatever may be enthusing her at the time. If she did notice, she’d probably just make a little comment like “weak grip, huh?” And immediately move on.
43. What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
This is a really good question lol I need to do some research to answer this tbh bc I recently decided that Xeno is an international student from Namibia, Africa (very inspired by a coworker from the same place)
The easiest one off the cuff though is just like. General language. It’s much more likely that others misunderstand her because of her accent, but there’s also times where she’s like “what. What are you trying to refer to right now.” She always believes that her own pronunciation is correct and will 100% make fun of American pronunciations that she thinks is dumb.
(I did actually get around to naming her, it’s “DT” or “Daphne Taylor”, but now I want to add that in somewhere LOL. Middle name? Daphne Bella Taylor? I can see it)
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
Ask about her crush of the week. Nobody could ever keep up with that other than her. (Including the friends and family asking…let’s hope they’d pick right)
35. What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
She keeps several things in her purse solely to drop in front of guys so that they pick it up for her and she can talk to them. The different choices are based on what she thinks will impress guys.
58. How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme?
A LOT. She’s the type of person that buys a bunch of things to get really into a hobby, loses interest in a few days, and never return. They’re primarily things that would be aesthetically pleasing, like letter writing, art, and journal keeping. I think she also likes hobbies primarily based on identifying things, such as birdwatching or looking into local flora.
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xxfillerxx · 2 years
i suck ass at analysis and theories lmao but until i see someone provide analysis on the hypmic chuohku new speakers im gonna just throw this out here, I quickly messaged someone in a hurry as I was raving so these are rushed !!
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I'm thinking there's some symbolism in the speaker reveal but idk what it symbolises lol.
Like the clock thats pointing to 10/2 with the clock hands that definitely should be smth but idk what it is. (E.g Rosho's speaker clock pointing to Sasara's bday)
Actually looking at ichikiku's microphone (pink haired woman) i think the golden chain symbolises her 'dog' theme, since she often refers to men as dogs and her quote is "dogs never bite me, just humans". Basically seeing certain people/people under her as dogs. And now seeing her mic up close I think I see a dog leash from the top of the mic- think of crewel's pointer that has a leash attached to the end.
Also Otome's mic (woman in middle) interests me since it has 6 sides. In the series theres 6 divisions which oppose Chuohku, the antagonists. Chuohku is often symbolised by a triangle, which has 3 sides and 3 main overarching antagonists. In the 6 division songs, they sometimes refer to themselves as a hexagon (6 sides). So seeing her mic have a shape of a diamond/gem-shaped 6-sided object interests me. It may be that since chuohku manipulates and controls the 6 divisions it might symbolise her control of the 6 divisions
Nemu's mic (woman on right) is interesting since it resembles Samatoki's theme (samatoki is her older brother and his symbolism is often skulls). Her mic looks like a cross which is interesting, i dont know what else it could symbolise since theres another character who has primarily religious imagery.
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Thursday, February 9th, 2023
Good morning star shine, the earth says hello!
I used to have a tumblr account but stopped using it in maybe like 2017. I'm older now, and using it for a different purpose. I am looking for more journalling inspiration, just to have somewhere special to share what's going on in my life and inside my head, and have other people see it too. I've never really done anything anonymous online before. I've made multiple instagram accounts for all of my interests and needs...a main account, a "finsta" (lol), an account to share my plants and plant knowledge, an account for my visual and fibre arts, and finally an account to promote my (now failed) doula and birth education business. And guess what? I'm honestly kind of over it.
Given that I want to remain anonymous, I'll have to go by a fake name...that's something I'll have to consider! More on that later...
I am a 25 year old living with my parents in Ontario, Canada. I've graduated from university and am now in another program studying to become a nurse. I have a boyfriend of over 4 years and we are currently focusing on making steps towards moving in together! (I'll have to think of a fake name for him too hmmmm...) My brother also lives at home with us and our three rescue dogs as he's finishing up his college program this April. My family unit is super strong, we've always been close and gotten along really well <3 My hobbies primarily involve crochet, I've started casually working out this year and am hoping to get into a routine with that.
Over the last year, I have also been dealing with worsening mental health problems, primarily some moderate anxiety with little depressive episodes sprinkled in. Oh, and suspected ADHD! In September of 2022, I started taking Trazodone, reaching a maximum dose of 75mg before asking to try something else at the end of January 2023. As of tomorrow, I will have been on Wellbutrin XL 150mg for two weeks, while simultaneously tapering off of the Trazodone. I'll be updating on my medication and diagnosis journey as I have been referred to a psychiatrist.
I know this won't reach many people, if any, but the thought that someone else might find my page and be able to relate to my experiences and worries and insecurities and stresses makes me feel incredibly hopeful. I want to connect with people who are like me. What will the future hold? Will I be able to afford to survive in this economy as a newly independent adult? What if I can't make it through my program and I completely fall on my butt? Is there really a point to all of this if our earth is literally dying at our hand right in front of our eyes? Why even put in all this effort?
Anyway, I hope that if you see this, you choose to come back.
Thanks for reading :)
~ Mac <3
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will80sbyers · 2 years
I cannot really enjoy the earlier seasons of melvin because of the way Finn and the Duffers described the relationship because aside from the ET and Elliot thing which was weird, there were other stuff like describing mike as taking care of a lost dog/puppy (puppy refers to el here) describing their relationship as a marriage without option of divorce and like a leach. uhm... i think there's more that other people can remember maybe but it's just... not it.
I think the dynamics in s1 were described as being like Et and Elliot mostly because they copied from that movie for the fact that Mike is hiding her in his home like Elliot did, she has superpowers and they form a bond that is primarily of friendship in s1 in my opinion, it was just pointing out that Mike takes care of her and she feels like an alien because she was never in society before... the thing about the lost puppy is a bit weird because in the show they make a point to make Mike say that she's not a dog in s1, that she's a person... so it's a bit contradictory for what they wrote... (who said this btw? because I haven't seen these interviews)
I think the marriage thing was said by Finn or Millie (??? not sure about this tbh) so I wouldn't give it that much importance tbh because it's just their opinion in the end lol
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dittomander · 2 years
What Pokémon do you think the four amigos would start with
hey anon? I want you to know that this is literally one of my favorite asks i've ever gotten. I love it so much I'm answering it twice - once on the assumption that we're restricted to actual Starter Pokemon, and once selecting from any unevolved Pokemon:
Starter Pokemon Only
Gabe, Mateo, and Naomi: Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie, respectively. the Kalos starters' final forms are based around the concept of the fighter/mage/thief trio, which I'd say fits the vibes of the amigos minus Elena pretty well. the typing also fits - Naomi with a water starter is kind of a gimme, and the more grounded Gabe vs. the more impulsive Mateo with grass and fire respectively also works well (as does Mateo's starter having a type advantage over Gabe's, given that whole S3 arc with Gabe struggling to keep up with his magical teammates)
Elena: honestly, gonna go with Fennekin as well. like she was obviously gonna get a fire type starter, and I tossed around the idea of some of the fire/fighting types, but none of Torchic, Chimchar, or Tepig really feel very "Elena", and I tossed around the idea of Litten bc of her affinity with the jaquins, but I think Fennekin is the best bet here. She is still primarily a spellcaster herself, after all, and with Fennekin being based off a fox, it can also serve as a visual reference to Zuzo. Also, I do kinda like the idea of all 4 of them getting a starter from the same set, and if any of the amigos were to pick the same one, it'd be Elena and Mateo, let's be real here.
No Restrictions Apply
Naomi: oh, Eevee, easy. what better Pokemon to tie into an arc about indecision and trying to figure out what you want from life than the manifestation of choice paralysis? Just take her season 3 arc and add in "oh no what do I evolve my Eevee into" as a metaphor and boom. (Vee votes Vaporeon, btw.) Also, giving her a normal type that can end up as virtually any type works well with her being the party's token "normal" person, just a girl from the port, that often tends to have whatever random skill is needed to solve the problem-of-the-day.
Gabe: he. he literally has a horse named "fire". Ponyta. but that's such a gimme, so I'm gonna toss some others in the hat. I considered Honedge since, y'know, sword, but a ghost sword is also pretty much exactly what El Guapo is, and Gabe definitely didn't start with that. Growlithe is another possibility - in the Pokemon universe, Growlithe is used as a police dog, and Gabe's family is shown as having a dog in Team Isa. And honestly, I could see the argument for still Chespin, actually, since if anyone in this party could have the whole array of every possible unevolved Pokemon available to them to start with and still end up with one of the more "standard issue" starters, it'd be Gabe, and I do think that Pokemon fits him. Catch me in the club, building an entire team for him at this rate lol. But critically, not Treecko. Anything but Treecko.
Mateo: as the party's resident barrier boy, a more defense-based psychic type seemed like a good fit. my first thought was Wynaut, since what are Mirror Coat and Counter if not ximocu, but Pokemon moves? But I think I'm gonna lock in Mime Jr.. It might not learn the former two moves, but that line is still based around set-up and shielding, it ties in with how Mateo is more prone to mirroring and mimicry than the other amigos, and it makes his being a clown in Elena's dream that much funnier. (I could also argue Abra, since I think it'd be cute if Alacazar's grandson started with Alacazar's Alakazam's grandson.)
Elena: Riolu! In the absence of fire, giving her a fighting type feels right (especially since it picks up a steel typing later and her particular brand of fighting involves swords), but far more important are its dex entries. Riolu and Lucario are incredibly loyal, have a very strong sense of justice, and can both sense other people's emotions and project their own, which both just vibes with Elena's personality and also honestly seems like a Pokemon that'd be really good and grounding for her to have around. And then the aura thing - in the games, it's just the emotion sensing thing and the move Aura Sphere, but in the anime, aura use also manifests as the ability to interact with special aura-using objects and supernatural awareness of ones' surroundings, which I feel like Elena's "seeing ghosts" thing would fall under. Basically what I'm saying is that in a Pokemon crossover, Elena would aura-sensitive, so giving her an aura-sensitive Pokemon makes sense. Oh yeah also in the 8th movie a Lucario got trapped in temporal stasis in a crystal for a really long time so....
...although really, Elena can start with literally anything but the Hattrem line lmao
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brechtian · 3 years
what is Pat Nation?
insanity. okay so buckle up this is a long one. Alright lore time im in a server with a bunch of longtime mutuals that when we were like 15 used to all be percy jackson blogs and met that way but then we all yknow grew up moved on but remained mutuals and friends through this server. so summer of 2020 everyone is going insane from lockdown the server is crazy and i think lucia @taumoeba posts a snippet from rick riordan's (author of percy jackson remember thats how we all knew each other) blog about how his youngest son Patrick never read his dad's books as a kid and we all thought that was so funny bc like the books were based off his older brother haley's bedtime stories so like the image of this younger kid fucking tired of hearing about his famous dad's books inspired by his older brother and going on strike refusing to read them. was just hilarious. bc for many reasons we all have beef w rick riordan so we were like lol patrick riordan original rick hater lost in his brother's shadow and. the joke continued to evolve and started getting out of hand we would send images of patrick as reaction images and started building lore and would reference him and the culmination of this was creating a fake twitter for patrick that we immediately deleted and then lucia and i made the tumblr blog where we jokingly "pretended" (it was purposefully very clearly fake) to be patrick riordan and made all these posts as him talking about his evil family and being the forgotten brother. Pretty early on we came up with the tag/name pat nation to describe like the character of patrick and his "fans" (primarily the server and a couple others) and tagged all our posts with it. The servers name got changed to pat nation server, lucia and i continued to descend into madness, you get the idea. There's a very rich lore involving things like a bunch of other riordan parody roleplay blogs popping up including speedy the family dog and our arch nemesis haley riordan but they all eventually deactivated except for us 💔💔 it was/is hilarious and i could talk about all the lore for hours. oh also there is an ongoing bit that patrick loves animorphs that i started bc I am like conceptually obsessed with the books and thought itd be funny if pat had a different kids book series he thought was way better than his dad's. If this all sounds like crazy person speak thats because it is.
edit: to clarify the people who run the infamous @patrickriordan are lucia and myself
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