#vs: penance makes poor company | bg!tyr
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tiredassmage · 1 year ago
Also. Feel the need to publicly immortalize Tyr's epic failure. On advantage. As a rogue.
kdnsfl when you have just about every advantage you could think of and great job, buddy, that's the worst anyone's ever done it!
sorry, I'm still laughing my ass off at his expense. (btw he failed like three perception checks in a row after this.)
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tiredassmage · 10 months ago
more bg blorbo posting!
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longer time blog friends may recall something of rhyst as my jedi knight from swtor, but he also has an older sister, rhiannon! and true to form, trying to get their looks right in bg3 was a hell i spent like three hours slogging through for each of them because despite how long i've had them as ocs, they're probably one of the bigger mysteries to me as far as appearance. [which i think, case in point, rhyst has gone ginger since the last time i've posted about him. dyed ginger at least as far as swtor edition is concerned, but ginger nonetheless!]
i've been back and forth on the details of these siblings... pretty much since i decided that they were siblings. and rhyst always gives me interesting conundrums because he's technically cut out of the same cloth as tyr is and a lot of that, thematically, still likes to show up and leave me feeling like a wet dog in flooding road pothole during a storm. that also meant for a while that him and tyr shared some similarities in appearance, too, and while i've decided my brain might explode if i tried to address that in the galaxy far, far away, i thought i could have a bit more fun with complicating everything in their fantasy land adventures, lol!
so! rhyst i have made as an oath of ancients paladin, and in my heart a paladin of tyr [i'll address that in two seconds, i promise, lol]. i've been lazy on downloading the deities mod i'm pretty sure exists for paladins bc i'm not ready to get into his playthrough for real yet [or rather, the latest one. considering he has seen. a few attempts already in bg. i swear, this man and not knowing what he really looks like driving me absolutely batty], but i might yet. anyway, that's not particularly important. he's the younger of the siblings by a year or two and is generally like a really, really happy to see you labrador. rhyst is kind of a burning idealist and kind-hearted. he's ready to look for the best in just about anyone, or at least acknowledge that, if circumstances had been different, people he winds up crossing blades with may have seen differently. he's fond of stories of heroes and i'd say he's... the kind of still young enough where he hasn't had his ideals and drives of "why can't we all just get along" thoroughly tested yet; the world hasn't had a chance to jade him.
rhiannon is a light domain cleric of kelemvor and sometimes the one that's a little bit more ready to start swingin' of the siblings. [though if you put them both in the same room, they can mutually come to a conclusion that bashing things is the correct way to resolve a problem, and will do so with gusto.] while both of them can hold fairly rigid to their sense of right and wrong, i think rhiannon has had a teensy bit more practical world experience and was the bolder traveler of the two of them.
and with harper heritage, both of them firmly stand by doing what needs to be done.
both are born and raised in baldur's gate, primarily by their mother, a city druid. what they know of their father is mostly stories, but rhiannon might've met him once or twice.
so, the reason i mentioned tyr [the oc] in all of this, lol, is bc i keep making bg-edition of his family group bigger, lol.
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the man, the myth, the legend, etc etc. tyr who i've realized i should probably start calling oliver in baldur's gate to steal a leaf out of one of his covers bc for all the 'finding new paths in life' after spending his first couple of decades working as an assassin, going by the name of the in-universe god of justice is maybe a bit more sacrilegious than i'd diagnose him with. not that the man is particularly faithful to authority and the divine, exactly, but he's also not looking to pick a fight with the god of justice. a few others, maybe more so, but that's getting ahead of ourselves.
so before oliver sort of settled down for good and moved out of the city, he did spend a little time with the harpers, and that kids, is how i met your mother. [badumtsh!] (whom i still have to name. rip)
it's a relatively short relationship i imagine, compared to the fact that oliver's now married with two other daughters (one biological and one adopted), but also pretty amicably ended. i think rhyst and rhiannon's mother wasn't quite interested in keeping up with the likes of the harpers anymore and was a bit more ready to settle in, where oliver still saw work to do [and involvements to atone for, which is perhaps deserving of a post of it's own because gods know him and alucren have. (gestures) Things going on between them].
so, ~unfortunately for dear mum, rhiannon and rhyst sort of inherited the harper's bug, and a nose that wouldn't leave a layman's "well enough" alone. rhiannon seeks to lay to rest the undead i think partly inspired by dear old dad's previous connections as an assassin, and rhyst pursued the path of a paladin inspired by heroic tales and talk of honor and following codes and oaths taken.
undecided just how involved in the plot i'll get them, but i do think it'd be a lil fun to at least have one version of events where there's a kinda silly family reunion to the tune the likes of "of course you'd be in the middle of all of this. how can we help?" [oliver and jaheira shaking hands and sighing over wrangling strong-willed kids]
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tiredassmage · 10 months ago
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back at it again on the sword coast!
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tiredassmage · 1 year ago
because i've gotten severe blorbo brain about one of my bg3 ocs, i think it is about high time i created at least a post to stick the reference material (as limited as that still is) out in the universe for tracking purposes, if that is of interest! so! also bc i generalized my personal bg3 tag, so for those who would like to keep that out of your circles, you may also do so!
baldur's gate content is still generally covered by a #bg3 tag. this is on my own stuff and reblogged content from the game.
my personal stuff for the game (screenshots, oc musings, etc.) will all feature the updated #dot's bg3 tag.
and then the oc tags. which i'll put under a cut to keep this Neat, but also bc they're (the ocs) are a mess in my heads and i'm one of those people that has so many blorbo and has yet to actually complete act iii bc i keep making more of them. sO! without further ado lol--
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alucren ❖ the dark urge ❖ human ❖ he/him/his ❖ neutral tagged: #vs: is that... blood? no. nevermind | bg!alucren ❖ lae'zel romance
Technically should be on assassin in my heart. Played on the Fiend Warlock for my delight. Formerly the apprentice of Tyr in a mutual mercenary company prior to the rise of the Dark Urge and [Dark Urge spoilers]. A man as dangerous for his nearly-reckless disregard for personal consequence in his drive to achieve and a dangerously charismatic smile as he is for the sopping wet lost dog look he's capable of giving you. A fractured mirror. A facade. In the cutting words of a uquiz diagnosis once: a fraud, but not necessarily a malicious one, when truly cut to his core. The struggle to overcome the blood and a fervor once readily embraced.
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ambrose ❖ lamb of the tempest ❖ human ❖ she/he/her/his ❖ lawful good tagged: #vs: the self is not so weightless / nor whole and unbroken | bg!ambrose ❖ shadowheart romance
Saddest puppy I ever did see and my newest blorbo. Raised primarily to weaponize her talents with sorcery, and a corresponding fear of reprimand for when that (wild) magic does not cooperate as intended. Ambrose was initially fleeing his former masters when the mindflayers struck, and now she has to add the whole mindflayer business to her mountain of concerns with the world. She is very small and has no money, so you can imagine the kind of stress he's under. He should be at the club. Except she'd probably find that overwhelming. Maybe just a good book in his pack will do.
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tyr ❖ ex-assassin ❖ wood half-elf ❖ he/him/his ❖ chaotic good tagged: #vs: penance makes poor company | bg!tyr ❖ wyll romance
Former member of a company of mercenaries and assassins and the once-mentor of Alucren prior to his own retirement. Spent a further few years adventuring across the realm with his husband before they settled down to raise two daughters and Tyr took up bladesmithing as a hobby. Potentially knew more of Alucren's history than he ever let on, and has definitely not moved past the self-inflicted guilt of not pushing harder for the younger man to leave with him. Should also be an assassin in my heart if I was better at the playstyle. Stay tuned for if I ever make up my mind about what playstyle to actually do his run on. Imported blorbo from another game, and therefore subject of my giggling because I didn't change his name despite game lore. (It amuses me, let me have this.)
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rhyst ❖ the lost paladin ❖ high half-elf ❖ he/him/his ❖ lawful good tagged: #vs: of wings that burn and men who fall | bg!rhyst ❖ gale romance
Lost Golden Retriever puppy. If found, please do not return to the powerful sorcerer that may or may not have been manipulating him to use his natural abilities. Rhyst may have stumbled into the wrong end of a poor deal attempting to serve the memory of an older sister that has raised him. Still a bit wet behind the ears with a giant heart to help that's a bit too easily taken advantage of at times. Rhyst seeks a way out of his stumble from grace and, short of a way to reclaim his Oath, a way forward with the new aspects of his life that may yet still yield benefits for the greater good.
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savosta ❖ the ruthless stalker ❖ drow ❖ he/him/his ❖ lawful evil tagged: #vs: is it the spirit or the flesh | bg!savosta
Aforementioned powerful sorcerer's chosen attack hound and war domain cleric, though to which divinity he owes fealty may be nebulous. Singularly driven by his goals and his orders, if no path exists, Savosta will forge one in storm and fury if needs be. Their once-shared master demands the return of the straying Rhyst to their fold, so Savosta intends to deliver. Mindflayers, gods, and the Hells be damned if they stand in his way. (Or are you both merely lost? The marble shaped by the master's hands? Questions he huffs at answering, despite being tempered into cooperation. For now.)
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hartley ❖ shapeshifter ❖ he/they ❖ chaotic good tagged: #vs: listen to the wind blow watch the sun rise | bg!hartley
Some may call them arbiter, others merely a rebel. Whatever you prefer, Hartley is an adventurer at heart, treading Silvanus's path wherever the wind leads. Their experiences (and experiments) with wildshaping and other magics have led to a partially shifted state that he tends to prefer. Outside of their favored form of the owlbear, Hartley prefers to wield dual scimitars in their pursuit to defend the natural cycle and challenge those who would see it manipulated for their own gains.
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kaimir ❖ an outcast's lament ❖ he/him/his ❖ chaotic neutral tagged: #vs: take it on the other side | kaimir
Kai's ties are... complicated. Varying from sullen and at least somewhat snippish to airy displaces of arrogance, the cards dealt to the young warrior were not particularly favorable, and thus he found the shorter road was to present the realms with what they seemed hellsbent upon assuming of him anyway. While not entirely unmoved by the plight of his kin, his own steps strayed from their particular path years ago. He imagines not a warm reception of his brash tongue. Attempting to soften the edges of their infernal heritage in the depths of a bottle and the blunt strikes of the fist have... varying degrees of success. If he's nothing else, he will be a survivor, and let the realms know it even if it must be through spitting blood.
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tiredassmage · 1 year ago
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[plays bg3 for the plot. definitely the plot.]
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tiredassmage · 1 year ago
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the way i keep slowly bg-ifying more swtor ocs and becoming more and more madly in love with them about it
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tiredassmage · 1 year ago
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man can't escape that bisexual hip deal no matter WHERE he goes, fr
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tiredassmage · 1 year ago
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tiredassmage · 1 year ago
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owe this game everything for how expressive he is. +10 hp every time i see him.
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tiredassmage · 1 year ago
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well, I couldn't gif one and not the other >.> congrats to tyr on his nat20, you finally outrolled alucren on smth kdnsfsaldf
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tiredassmage · 1 year ago
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baldurs your fuckin boys or whatever~
yes, yes I finally caved. naturally. have a shitpost about it. how else was i supposed to announce this.
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