#// i might let you know about the blog someday. just want to get my tags together and make a good navigation page
m0e-ru · 2 years
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so there's this guy
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SFW Alphabet ~ Steve Harrington Edition
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warnings and tags: mentions of smut but not in details so 16+ just in case, food consumption, a creepy man flirts with R but Steve shuts him down, minor mention of the upside down, lmk if i missed anything!!
NSFW version can be found over on my spicy blog - @hornyhornyhimbos
tumblr crashed the first time i wrote this so this is not anywhere near as good as it was the first time :')
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A = Affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
He's very affectionate in private. He feels really insecure about PDA sometimes because people have made fun of him for it in the past, but he's never gonna not hold your hand or hug you or kiss you if that's what you want. You just have to ask outright sometimes.
His favorite form of PDA is... CASUAL DOMINANCE. He might not like to kiss you on the lips in front of everyone, but he's always looking for a reason to tie your shoe for you, give you his coat, hell he'll order for you if you let him. He might like the typical PDA but he loves some casual dominance 🫶🏻
B = Best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
He's definitely the smartass friend. He loves using sarcasm as a love language when he's around friends.
C = Cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
He LOVES cuddling at home. your body in between his legs, your head resting on his tummy, his hands massaging your scalp. He loves cuddling on the couch and watching tv together. It's his favorite part of the day 🫶🏻
D = Domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Well, we already know how he feels about settling down and having kids so i'll just give my opinion on the second half of this question.
He's... well, he sucks at cooking. He grew up with nannies and au pairs and during the holidays he had caterers for all his parents parties so he never really learned how to cook. Not to say he wouldn't love to learn someday, he just needs a bit of help.
As for cleaning, this one he's GREAT at. Because of all the parties his parents threw growing up, he always had to make sure not a thing was out of place in his room or in the bathroom so he's great at cleaning.
E = Ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He would be the sweetest about it. He'd come to your house so you didn't have to drive home with all those emotions on your mind. He'd probably even consult your best friend first so they could come over with snacks and movies to help you feel better. No matter the reason for the relationship ending, he'd always be the kind to let the other person know that it was never either one of their faults, time just has its way with things.
F = Fiancé (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
I think after Steve's sort of growing up phase, he became very aware of how much commitment means to people. I think once he reached college age, he'd be more likely to be in a long-term relationship.
I think he'd have a specific timeline for when he'd want to get married. Two years of dating, a year to eighteen months of engagement, and then marriage.
G = Gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He's very gentle with other people. He has a hard time understanding that men can be gentle with themselves, they don't always have to man up, but he always makes it a point to be gentle with other people.
H = Hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
He loves hugs. He's never gonna be the one to go out and seek hugs because again, he's a ✨️man✨️ but if you come to him for a hug, he's gonna bask in it the entire time it's happening.
I = I Love You (how fast do they say the L-word?)
Idk why, but I just feel like he'd wait until your first time to say it. In his mind, it would just make it so much more special.
J = Jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
He's only jealous if there's a reason. If some guy walks up and starts talking to you, he's not gonna be jealous. But if he were to eye you up and down or start flirting with you, that's when the jealousy would get switched on.
I actually thought up a scenario for jealous!Steve so here's that. Hope you enjoy! ❤️
Say you're at the mall together one day, looking for dresses for a party. His parents are throwing a nice dinner party and Steve couldn't help but get you a new dress.
You're looking through the rack when your eyes land on a beautiful black dress. Suddenly, a guy walks by. "That dress would look stunning on your figure, gorgeous."
Suddenly, you want to throw up at the sight of the black dress. No matter how hard you could ever try, you'd always think of this disgusting, creepy man every time you saw in your closet.
Steve to the rescue!!! He steps around the rack with a gorgeous red dress. It would look absolutely amazing on you and it was darn near the exact color of Steve's favorite tie. "I agree, the black would look stunning on you, babe. But this red... You'd drive all those other girls at the party to sheer insanity as they try to figure out how you were blessed with such beauty," he'd say before leaving a long kiss to your lips.
Needless to say, that was the end of disgusting, creepy man.
K = Kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses definitely depend on the vibes. Sometimes, he'll give you casual pecks, sometimes he'll give you needier, longer kisses. Really just depends on the vibes and what each of you needs.
He loves to kiss you on the forehead and cheeks. He loves to watch your face heat up and your cheeks turn pink with delight.
He loves being kissed on the lips. Cheesy I know, but he just loves when you take control and you're the one driving the kiss.
L = Little Ones (how are they around children?)
I imagine him growing up in a huge family. He was the oldest of the cousins, but he always hung out with the younger cousins at family functions because all the cousins his own age had already been brainwashed into thinking they were entitled just because they were Harringtons. So he'd always hang out with the younger kids, who absolutely ADORED him.
M = Morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
He's always the first one to wake up. He'll lie there beside you silently, until the last possible minute, when he wakes you up by covering your face in kisses. Finally, when you're awake, he lands a kiss on your lips with a, "Good morning, my love."
He might not be a good cook, but he always makes it a point to make you breakfast. While you shower up, he makes one of the only foods he's mastered: scrambled eggs. He'll pop some bread into the toaster on the setting you like best. He'll make you tea or coffee or juice or whatever your preferred breakfast drink is.
Once you're both finished with breakfast, he'll drive you to work, even if your job is all the way across town. He'll put on some soft music on the radio and hold your hand in his, the other on the steering wheel. You're his passenger princess, and you both know it.
N = Night (how are nights spent with them?)
Your nights together are very much a juxtaposition of your mornings. You'll cook dinner while he showers up after work, slightly louder music playing on the radio to keep you awake.
After dinner, you'll cuddle up on the couch with a bowl of ice cream, watching the latest episode of the show you've both been obsessed with.
Once your show goes off, he'll grab your hand in his and lead you to the bathroom, both of you standing in your respective places in the bathroom, just brushing your teeth in the comfortable silence of each other.
Finally, you make it to bed, his side being the closest to the door in case anyone ever breaks in so he can protect you 🫶🏻 you both just snuggle up together, your legs intertwined, your arm slung over his belly. He's always the first one asleep too, so you'll be lying beside him, just listening to the soft puffs escaping his lips, until you fall asleep beside him, your arm never leaving his torso.
O = Open (when do they reveal things about themself? do they say everything at once or reveal things slowly?)
He's definitely built walls over the years. Every time he enters a new relationship, he becomes that much more guarded, his biggest fear being that he'll confess all his secrets and then his s/o will hate him and leave him.
You definitely have to pick him apart, piece by piece and brick by brick. But once you get it out of him, he'll never hold back another thing from you ever again.
P = Patience (how easily angered are they?)
He knows how much being yelled at can hurt a person so he never yells at you. He's also a rsspecter of boundaries so he knows to let you have your space when the two of you argue.
Q = Quizzes (how much would they remember about you— every little detail heard in passing, or forget everything?)
After all the upside down stuff, he suffers from chronic brain fog so he can never remember anything on his own. However, he always keeps a notepad in his lunchbag or on his desk or wherever it's in his line of sight so he can remember to write down the details he knows he'll need later.
R = Remember (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Probably your first time. Not in a pervy way, of course, he just remembers how special it was. Two bodies intertwined for the first time, a level of intimacy never before shared, a sense of love and passion he could've never imagined you'd have for him.
S = Security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
He's very protective. He always keeps his bat by the bed for emergencies. He'll always stand in front of you if he thinks something's going to happen to you. He's always going to make sure you're OK before he is.
T = Try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He's a people pleaser, I feel like so he always goes above and beyond for date night.
However, I do feel like you'd each take turns planning out date night. One Saturday he'd plan, one Saturday you'd plan, and one Saturday you'd share the responsibilities and plan together. He made up the plan and you went along easily.
U = Ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He's a nail biter, I can't be convinced otherwise.
V = Vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
He's concerned with his looks but only because he wants to look nice for you and for other people. Again, he's very much a people pleaser.
W = Whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
Always. If you ever had to spend even a night apart, he'd feel incomplete. If there was a day you decided to drive yourself to work, his whole system would be thrown off. He's a creature of habit, and one second without you in the picture would make him go stir crazy.
X = Xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
He loves shopping of any kind. His favorite date is grocery shopping and going home to make dinner together. He loves taking you to the mall and spoiling you with everything you touch. He just loves shopping.
But he's also very good at budgeting. I think one of the only things Steve liked learning in school was percentages and numbers so he always makes sure he has enough money to spoil you before he ever even brings up the idea of shopping.
Y = Yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
In general, he's a mayonnaise hater. He's a mustard-only kinda guy.
In a partner, probably someone who is sloppy. As previously mentioned, he grew up in a house that was always kept spick and span so he wouldn't know how to function with a partner who didn't at least make some sort of effort to help him keep the place clean.
Z = Zzz (what is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He never sleeps with socks on unless it's his favorite pair of socks.
But you guys already knew that 😉
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-> Taglist: @dungeons-are-too-cold @ducky-died-inside @awkotaco24 @liberhoe @princesseddie @aftermidnightwriting @manuosorioh @esoltis280
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Let's roll the bloopers!
Hi there! It's @twodragonsinatrenchcoat I have several Pokemon IRL blogs in the rotumblr sphere and I wanted to make a sort of hub for them! Not just for organization and a spot to hold onto ask games I enjoy- but for meme and AU purposes as well!
I'll post ooc updates as well as jokes I have while writing here from time to time as well :3
I am also happy to do blog promos, I'm bad at looking for new blogs but send me an ask with the blog name or whatever and I'll reblog your pinned
Feel free to ask any and all questions pertaining to the blogs that are listed below!
Pokemon Irl blogs are listed under the cut, all are currently inactive
Active blogs are one I'm posting on actively, Light Activity Blogs are ones I'll reblog to occasionally and Inactive Blogs are blogs I have no intention of returning to in the near future.
Active Blogs:
Light activity Blogs:
Inactive Blogs:
If I'm answering a question about a specific blog I'll put it in the tags as "blog talk: [Blog name]"
I'm open to questions directed at characters, directed at myself, au talking- Just about anything honestly! This is just a fun sort-of hub for my pokemon blogs.
uhhh love y'all bye for now! <3
@piplup-at-naranja <- An in character liveblog of my playthrough of Pokemon Scarlet :]
@rotumbeast <- The spirit of Rotomblr. Might be responsible for chaos
@magical-girl-evoli <- An eevee magical girl! Because I'm not immune to brain rot
@hello-am-zacian <- A real life dog got Fallered and transformed into legendary pokemon Zacian. She's having a great time
@synthetic-radiance <- Cursed Chosen named Orion, Type:Null hybrid.
@psychic-type-appreciator <- Seraphina's sister Agni. She's less of a wet cat
@ghost-type-appreciator <- A Ceruledge hybrid blog :] her name is Seraphina! She's a wet cat
@clockwork-soul-heart <- Princess Steele! She's been trapped in a clockwork kingdom by a haunted doll for the last seven years of her life.
@disparate-traveller <- A faller blog about my character Diamond who yeeted themselves into Rotomblr to hang out with their bestie
@drifting-rocket <- Kidnapped Aegis a couple times. His name is Drifter, he's a Team Rocket Executive. He's got so many issues.
@oreburghminingmuseum <- A blog about Aegis's caretakers and the museum they work for! Mostly an excuse for a place where I can post non-shieldon fossil pokemon art-
@fields-of-gracidea <- Vio! Branded chosen of Shaymin, Sawsbuck Hybrid, tasked with taking care of the younger brandeds
@sturdy-and-soundproof <- What you probably know me from! Aegis! Shieldon boy! I'm not sure how best to explain him besides he's cute. Has a whole slew of blogs related to him which are up next :)
@mareeplings <- My first pkmn Irl blog :D I dream of returning to it someday but I can't find the inspiration.
@snarling-maschiff <- a blog with a normal person running it as opposed to all my other blogs (whoops) They like dog pokemon!
@spiralled-and-spliced <- Another blog with relation to Dakota, was my first attempt at a villain blog. Never really took off but the character exists :)
@wayward-silver <- One of 13* Silver blogs, he's a mew taking the form of his past life. Was stuck underground as a ditto for like 20 years though.
@devilisinthedeinos <- A "Sleeby" named Eris who turned into a deino after getting top surgery. There's something else behind the scenes there...
@distortion-escapee <- A blog for my personal take on giratina, related to Dakota's blog.
@dakota-and-paris <- About a girl who has had way too much on her plate for thirteen years and will continue to have too much on her plate until I say so.
*there's so many silver blogs on this website i'm not gonna keep this number updated but that's how many there was when I made the blog
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scarlettriot · 2 years
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Hide & Seek • 73 Days
Pairing: Kirishima X f!Reader
Warnings: Minors & Ageless Blogs DNI, Trespassing, Vigilanteisum, Blood, Passing Out due to Injuries, A Very Corrupt Commission
Contains: Aged-up characters to late 20s. Reader is a vigilante, Kiri is still a Pro (for now). Reader makes changes to her appearance as a means of disguise. Reader also has a quirk. Kiri calls Reader Sweets as a nickname.
Summary: When a mission goes very wrong, you decide you can't be a part of the cover-up and therefore go off-grid. Kiri can't stop looking for you though.
Tag List: @meggsngrits • @weebaboobs • @katditca • @silverhairsimp • @bigmooncheeks
Word Count: 2,532
A/N: Brand new series! I hope you all enjoy it. If you saw my post regarding this fic a few hours ago and read the blurb, you can skip to below the cut. My editing on this is probably ass so sorry in advance. Happy reading ♥️
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There was more than one type of villain in the world. They didn’t all wear dark clothes or hide in the shadows of back alleys.
Being a Pro Hero allowed Eijiro to see the very scum of the earth. People who got their rocks off by doing some of the vilest of things. But, what he was never able to wrap his brain around was the fact some of those people blended into the daily masses. They existed right in front of his nose, and there wasn’t a damn thing he, or any other Pro, could do about it.
They were untouchable. 
It was all pretty words and red tape that kept the heroes in line. Being led to believe they were doing everything for the right reasons so they could rest easy at night. But, Eijiro wasn’t resting easy anymore. Each time he signed a new NDA or was told to withhold information during an interview or conferences, it was like a part of his very soul was being ripped away. What little he had remaining was torn away as soon as he read your letter…
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He’d known something had been wrong after the mission. You didn’t immediately turn over the NDA but instead took the 24-hour timeframe they allowed and left work for the day. You didn’t text him aside from letting him know you made it home okay. He hadn't heard from you all night long. And then he woke up in the morning to find that fucking note slid under his front door. 
You had to tell someone, it said, and he was the only person you trusted completely.
He thought he knew what it was going to say. After all, cover-ups were such a shitty thing to deal with, but this one, it was so fucking bad. It pushed you too far. He thought you turned in the NDA and were just going to take some time off. That you needed to clear your head. But it was so much more than that. 
I can't stand by and do nothing anymore. Someone has to end this.
The note didn’t say where you were going or what you intended to do precisely; you didn’t want to put him in the middle of anything since the commission would be after you now. But there were a few words at the very bottom of the page that captured all his attention. He read them over and over:
I really hope I get to see you again someday. I love you, Ei. 
You were one of his best friends, and now you were just gone?
No. No, that couldn’t be right. He couldn’t accept it!
He was supposed to be in the office today but going to work was the furthest thing from his mind. He drove right to your house, hoping there was some slim chance you might still be there. He used the spare key you’d given him for emergencies and found your home in its usual state… minus you. 
Your backpack was gone and your favorite sneakers weren’t by the front door. Those seemed to be the only things out of place. You’d left your purse behind with all the cards in your wallet. Cash was gone though. 
He found your cell phone, agency access card, and hero license on your nightstand right next to the picture of you and all your friends at graduation. Stuck to the corner of the frame was a yellow sticky note with four words: I really am sorry. 
Eijiro had held it together right up until that point. But with that yellow little square piece of paper in his hands, he sat on the edge of your bed and let grief and rage take over. It was like you knew he’d come looking. Like you knew he’d beat any commission agent here. 
He left everything exactly the way you left it except for that sticky note. That little piece of paper he kept with the letter, tucked away in the lining of his wallet where he knew it’d be safe. 
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When the commission questioned him about your disappearance, he played the fool. Acted as if he had the same information everyone else did. Of course, he didn’t have to pretend to display hurt and anger. Those came naturally nowadays. 
They went through your office and locker. Talked to all your co-workers. Tore your home apart looking for any clue where you might’ve gone or what you planned to do. 
There was some twisted part of Eijiro that hoped you had the courage to do what none of them did and blow the lid off this whole damn thing. Expose them for who they really were. But, days passed, and then weeks, now months had slipped by, and nothing even remotely close to that happened. 
You were barely brought up outside your group of friends anymore. The commission kept a file open on you, and it was well known that if anyone had information on your whereabouts, it was to be brought to their attention immediately. Until then though, it was just business as usual. 
Patrols and missions, office work, and press conferences. The world went on, but your friends couldn’t. Certainly not Eijiro. 
It was tearing him up not knowing anything about where you were. If you were okay. If you were safe. He felt sick, couldn’t eat like normal, and lost so much sleep. 
Those quiet hours that should’ve brought his mind peace only filled it with worry. He’d pull your letter out, now fraying at the edges, and read it time and time again even though he had every word of it memorized. 
I love you.
The two of you tossed those words back and forth between each other for years now. Since you were students at UA. Eijiro couldn’t remember when the meaning of them changed. When the love he felt for you grew into something bigger. But, he could recall staying up until dawn with you trying to sort through it. 
A single night wasn’t enough to figure it out. Years weren’t enough time to figure it out. You both kept pushing it off because admitting love and being in relationships in your line of work was so fucking dangerous. 
So, you’d hold each other a little too long, let your lips linger on his cheek, let his fingers fill the spaces between yours, and sometimes, warm each other's beds when nights got a bit too lonely. It was enough. Or that’s what he told himself. 
But now, in these ungodly hours, he wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms and never let you go again. He wanted to kiss you and pour out his heart. And he would. Gods, he was going to if it was the very last thing he did. He’d never give up on finding you. If he couldn’t bring you home, then he’d go wherever the hell you were because he was confident, now more than ever before, that wherever you were was where he was meant to be. 
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For 72 days, his determination never once wavered. The search for you was completely off the radar, so the commission wouldn’t have a clue he and the rest of your friends were still on the hunt to find where you’d gone. 
Of course, it wouldn’t be the worst thing if they had found out. You were wanted after all, and they were under strict orders to bring you in if found. Not that any of them intended to do such a thing if they ever actually did find you. When they found you. 
The search was exhausting. In Eijiro’s free time, he visited your favorite places, hoping you might have a craving for your favorite drink from that little cafe you always went to. Or, on nice days, he’d head into the park and walk right by that tree you loved reading under. Even when he was on the clock, he’d use his patrol shifts to ask around, hoping someone matching your description might sound familiar to a shop owner. He stopped into the hospitals on many occasions or asked around hotels. Anything he could think of! 
For 72 days, there hadn’t been a single lead. But, the 73rd would bring a ray of hope in the form of an envelope tucked away in a file he’d just received. 
I can only buy you a day's head start before the commission sees this too…
Eijiro knew Kyoka’s quick slanted writing. She went on to explain that a woman had been spotted lurking around the warehouse district for the last three nights. There was no detailed description, not by a long shot! Just a feminine figure, in their twenties maybe, wearing dark clothes with a hood. There wasn’t a hint about if they had a quirk or not. The whole report would probably be laughed off by the commission, and maybe that was a good thing. They weren’t desperate for a lead like Eijiro was. Things they just blew off, he clung to like a lifeline. 
It nearly killed him waiting for night to fall. He made himself dinner and a drink to try and calm his nerves, but it didn’t do any good. He just ended up pacing around, nearly wearing trenches in the floorboards. 
By the time he left his house, he had his bright hair tied back and hidden under the hood of the dark jacket he put on. There wasn’t much he could do about being as tall as he was, but he hoped this late it wouldn’t really matter. Still, just to be safe, he avoided the patrol routes he knew by heart while still taking the most direct path to the district as he could, making only one stop along the way. 
It was a seedy little shop, but he needed a phone since he left his back at his house that way, it couldn't be tracked. If shit got real bad, he had a couple numbers memorized just in case. 
He hopped the fence to the rows and rows of warehouses when the camera’s turned away. Hardening his skin to easily make it over the wiring at the top and landed on the opposite side with ease. 
There was a lot of ground to cover. It would’ve been better if he had help, but he wasn’t willing to drag anyone else into this. At least, not until he had actual confirmation it was you running around here. 
The rooftops of the massive buildings seemed like the most logical place to begin scouting. He carefully made his way in between buildings, peaking in windows just in case something might stick out, and then headed up the six flights of stairs when he reached an access point. 
With the additional height, he was able to move around in the shadows more freely, keeping his eyes and ears open for anything that might seem out of place. The problem was, nothing did. 
Two hours had passed, and aside from a couple trucks that seemed to be making legitimate pickups and deliveries, there was nothing out of the ordinary. No suspicious vehicles or dark figures running about (besides himself). But, he’d stay out until daybreak if it meant having a chance of finding you. 
Another hour went by, and he’d been crouching low on one of the roofs he’d jumped over to. He had a decent vantage point of one of the few warehouses that had several lights still on and thought maybe something might happen if he watched it long enough. 
He’d spotted a figure walking into and out of one of the beams of light, but they were moving slowly, reading something. He didn’t think much of it. But he’d been too preoccupied watching this person that he didn’t hear someone else creeping up behind him. 
A pair of arms slipped around his neck before he knew what was happening, and he activated his quirk as second nature. The person held tight though, even as they hissed in pain. Eijiro stood, his arm reaching behind, trying to get a good hold to yank them off, but they just wrapped their legs around his torso. 
For a moment, he couldn’t think if he should actually fight back since he wasn’t on duty, and he sure as shit wasn’t supposed to be here. But, any official security wouldn’t have jumped him without identifying themselves first… 
They still pulled their arms together against the sharpened plates of his neck like they were determined to choke him out. He felt the warmth of their blood seep into the cracks of his skin, and enough was enough. 
His fingers cracked and sharpened to their claw-like points. Reaching behind him again, Eijiro ripped through the fabric of their top and pierced right through to their flesh. He threw them over his shoulder, and they landed hard with their back smacking down on the cold cement roof. 
He wasted no time. Eijiro yanked their hood off and watched hair spill out that he didn’t quite recognize. But, when their eyes cracked open, gods, he would’ve recognized those eyes anywhere. 
Fear pumped through his veins and brought him to his knees.“Y/N…” He’d finally found you only to throw you on your back and see blood trickling from the edge of your mouth.
“Ya got me good this time, Eiji.” 
He knew he did too. Your blood ran hot down his fingers and it made him feel ill. 
You coughed, and more came up with it. Not willing to waste a second more, he gathered you up in his arms and tried not to think about how hard you hit your head. 
“Eijiro, p–please don’t take m’in. Just ‘tend like ya never found me.” 
“I’m not takin’ you in!” He jumped down the flights of stairs back down to the ground. “I just gouged out a chunk of your back and whacked your head on fucking concrete! I’m gonna patch you up, and you’re not gonna complain ‘bout it!” 
Your weak laugh made his heart clench. “If– If I don’t complain, will you lemme walk away after?” 
He swallowed thickly, “If I can’t convince you to stay…” 
He didn’t care about property damages. He barely even waited for the cameras to turn away before he was sprinting back to the fence and sliced a hole clean through it to get the two of you to the other side. 
“I’ve almost found ‘em again, Ei.” Your head fell against his chest, eyes fluttering closed, and he ran faster than he ever had before down the sidewalk. 
“Hey! Sweets! Don’t do this! I’ve taken you down way harder than that before, " That was a lie, "Don’t you go passin’ out on me now!” 
“Gonna get ‘em. Go–gonna brin’ ‘em back…” 
“Sweets–!” He tried jostling you in his arms, “Y/N!” 
You were still breathing at least. He pulled the burner out of his pocket and called the only person he thought could help. “It’s Kirishima, I-- I didn't know who else to call. Can you meet me at my place? It's an emergency.”
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kit-williams · 4 months
not rlly an ask, just me wanting to say ty for all your wh40k yandere fics/ideas. they get me through the day <3 (especially those with the raven guard trio)
aww thank you!
I mean I have to thank @moodymisty for posting the initial idea of her writing a yandere space marine that I literally could not wait to read it that I just had to write something. (Like for real the initial post about the thought of a yandere space marine/black templar on her blog is what kicked it off and without that Brother Roland wouldn't be here)
Also if it sounds like I'm deflecting praise... I kinda am... it just feels weird to be praised at times... I'm kinda like Perturabo where it's like I wanna be praised but also like I know I'm just doing what I do...
But I'm happy that my menagerie of space marines make people happy. Like I've been gushing to my husband that I'm shocked that people like them so much here... I might polish them up and post them on ao3... maybe when my tiny night lord is a little older and isn't as demanding my attention. But I digress...
I have been gushing to him about all the kind words everyone has been saying and the several people whom I've inspired... it really feels weird to be on the other side of the fence of having people love your writing and not being the person gushing to the other writer.
I also gotta thank @wolf-tail for my partial success in the 40k space for their space marine husbandry prompt that helped spiral me more... which is slowly being lewded by my anons and askers (I'm sorry)((but also not?))
I do find it funny how my D&D crossover/au Primarch thing isn't what caught on but literally me being like "Lets make these boys yandere"
Also gotta thank @bispecsual for literally tending the fungus farm and like your wonderful tags that helped kept me going in those early days with the yandere boys.
Also to all my anons (who I really hope is actually multiple people and not just like the same person even if you were I still wanna be your mutual) I really have to thank you all... and I hope someday ya'll feel comfy enough to tell me who you are and let me follow you; even if its just some side account to your main just the support ya'll give to me makes me feel warm inside.
This post is long enough right? But yeah um tl;dr... thank you
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tallangrycockatiel · 4 months
Fic Writer Interview
Tagged by @sinni-ok-sessi!
How many works do you have on AO3? 12
What’s your total AO3 word count? 108,695, the vast majority of them being written in a single fic, last year
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
All that is mine to me, all that is yours to you,
Not alone, maybe lonely,
A Nice Cup of Tea,
and John's Turn.
All of those are for Malevolent except for A Nice Cup Of Tea, which is Rusty Quill Gaming and also the first fic I ever published on AO3, so I kind of love that it's still up there. Not Alone and John's Turn are Malevolent/Venom crossover, but I don't think they get much interest from people who are into the massive fandom and not the tiny one, there.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I mostly don't, because I never know what to say and don't want to end up just spamming "thanks!" to everyone? Feels like it would just come across as awkward and insincere. I'll respond if someone asks me something, or if someone comments on something specific that I had Thoughts and Feelings about.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Let every knee be bent and every tongue confess, by a country mile. Everything else finishes somewhere between bittersweet and straight-up happy. That one's tagged as "emotional hurt no comfort".
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? I too write quite a bit about learning to live when you don't really want to, and the all-around happiest ending has to be All that is mine to me, all that is yours to you. A lot of the others don't have endings so much as leaving-off points - which is intentional! - but I comfort-read the last chapter of ATIM semi-regularly.
Do you write crossovers? Yeah, Bodysharers Anonymous, the not-marked-finished Malevolent/Venom crossover series. I have two other ideas to add to this. Maybe I'll even write them someday.
Oh yeah there's also the extremely cracky Sailor Moon/Ouran High School Host Club crossover I wrote nearly a decade ago, maybe I'll dig that up and publish it some day for laughs.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? I have had one person kinda sorta imply that they thought I was plagiarising, then walk it back.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yop. 99% of it is unbearably soft they're-in-love-your-honour kind of stuff, and the other 1% is, uh, tentacles.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? No - why would anyone do that, I write for teeny fandoms only.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, again with the teeny fandoms I guess.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No but I think that could be fun!
What’s your all-time favorite ship? My brain has been majority Arthur/John thoughts by volume for the last year or so; I can think of plenty of other characters that have consumed me this strongly in the past, but no other ships come to mind.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? Only Fear Me Not is probably never going to get finished, but I don't have the heart to mark it as abandoned.
What are your writing strengths? Character voices, and I think I'm pretty good at tension and pacing as well.
What are your writing weaknesses? I will use the same verb ten times per paragraph if I am not physically stopped, and they will all be held together by several hundred semicolons.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I have done, for exactly one line in Choose Your Words where Albert Einstein swears in German, as part of a conversation about swearing in different languages. I'm not strong enough in any language other than English to do more than that, I think.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Sailor Moon, it's somewhere way back on my tumblr blog but you know how that goes. Again, might put it up on AO3 someday.
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? My brain keeps sneakily suggesting that I write something for The Goblin Emperor series, because I do love a sad wet eldritch detective, but there is so much worldbuilding in those books and I'm scared. I also have wips for like five other fandoms that I might get around to one day.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? The more I think about this the more my answer changes, I love them all for different reasons, but All that is mine to me, all that is yours to you was The Achievement of my 2023 and I am so goddamn proud of it, and I hope I always will be.
tagging: @docholligay
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allwaswell16 · 8 months
I was tagged by @magicalrocketships thank youu! ily!
Name: Anitra
Sign: Libra
Time: 1:47
Last movie: Oof I hardly ever watch movies. I think the last one I saw was Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse. I took my kids to see it and I actually really loved it. Do documentaries count as movies? If they do, then I just watched Class Action Park a few days ago.
Last show: The last one I watched was Barry. Still midway through Season 2 of that one.
When I created this blog: 2014
Other blogs: fades into the bushes like Homer Simpson, listen I'm always doing 50 things at once, okay?
@hlficlibrary - my Louis/Harry fic rec blog
@letsdocuboutit - my newest one! for my new podcast!
@1dmonthlyficroundup - where I roundup all the current 1d fics each month!
@louisrarepairfest - for the currently posting Louis rare pair fest I run
@soulmatesabroad - for a past fic fest I ran for 3 years and might run again
@1dbreakupfest - ran this fest once and might run it again someday
@podfic-pals - member of this one where we post 1d podfics!
whispers should I talk about the other ones? lol FINE
@louli5ever - dedicated to Oli and the Louli friendship, is it fairly extensive for something that's kind of a joke? maybe.
@hotguyluke - dedicated to Louis' hot friend Luke. Is this also fairly extensive for someone we rarely see? also yes. I don't do things half way, okay?
Let's pretend there aren't any more, okay? Those were the sort of active ones.
Do I get asks/may you ask me something: Yep! Mostly I get asks about fics, but sometimes I write silly things in the tags, feeling like I'm talking to myself and then someone will send me an ask about them and I'm like oh yeah you can all see these
Average hours of sleep: Sighhhhhhhhhhh. I try to sleep from 11-7. Do I sleep from 11-7? No. I probably get to sleep closer to midnight. And since June I have had nightmares almost every single night. Yay. They wake me up multiple times and then I go back to sleep to endure more nightmares before I wake up at 7. So much fun. Yes, I've gone back to therapy.
Instruments: I wish! My son takes drum lessons so I'm living vicariously for now.
What I’m wearing: I wear Louis merch almost every single day, but you've caught me on an off day. I have a pink sweatshirt on that's from my local zoo and some navy blue pants with a white graphic pattern on them and pink Care Bear socks. I have 3 types of hoodies...Louis, Chicago Cubs, and my local zoo. I do not know why I have decided these three things are my entire personality, but oh well.
Dream job: I used to say writer. But I don't know if I want to do that professionally anymore. Or at least I don't think I want to be a fiction writer as a job. And the reason for that is that I love it too much. I love writing so much and it has always been such a huge part of who I am. Do I want to make it into something else? Do I want it to be a job that I "have" to do? Will it still be fun? Will it turn into a chore? I can't stand the thought that I could lose that joy. This is going to maybe piss some writers off lol, but I've never experienced writer's block. I've never sat down and been unable to write something. I'm always writing the exact thing that I want to write in that moment. It's one of the luckiest best things about me. What I've kind of turned to now is podcasting because it is something that I enjoy that I think I'm kind of good at and that I could potentially monetize one day. And it does involve writing because I have to write up notes and talk about something. But that's not really the same as writing a story. blah blah blah sorry this was so long.
I'll tag: @dearlou @noellehenry-original @gaycousinlarry @fallinglikethis @ohharold @joliepetitelou @statementlou and anyone else who wants to do this just say I tagged you!
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inklessletter · 1 year
15 questions, 15 mutuals
I got tagged by the lovely @zerokrox-blog, @steddieas-shegoes and my sis from another miss @mentallyundone. Thank you so much!!
Are you named after anyone? Well. That's a funny story ('funny' now because time has passed and were other stuff more important going on) but my parents made an agreement that if I was born female my mom would pick the name, and if I was born male, then my father would. Things got messy during labour and both my mom and I had a hard time. Doctors told my parent that I wouldn't survive the following two weeks. So my dad went to register my birth, while my mom and I were still at the hospital, and my dad knew that my mom's girl name dream was 'Rocío'. Technically I was going to be named like that, but after the doctors' news my dad didn't want my mom's dream girly name to be attached to something so devastating as losing her firstborn, so he passed by a fashion store called "Vanesa's wardrobe" and registered me as such. So, I guess I am technically named after a store.
When was the last time you cried? Yesterday. Out of pure stress.
Do you have kids? No, I don't. I hope to be a mom someday, I've got so much love to give <3
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Only in my closest circle. I am afraid that I will someday use sarcasm and I get missunderstood and I make a fool of myself. Also, I might offend someone accidentally, so, I guess I use sarcasm when I am comfortable to know that I'm not going to be taken seriously.
What sports do you play/have you played? My mom tried so hard. She enrolled me into karate, tennis, gymnastics, flamenco dancing, salsa and bachata... I like dancing, but... I don't like getting sweaty. Ugh.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? The energy.
What’s your eye color? That's uh, weird. They are green, yellow and blue. From afar they tend to look more like green, but they're multicolored, really.
Scary movies or happy endings? Uh, there are scary movies with happy endings. I don't see how these are antonyms. I guess I am more incline to happy endings.
Any special talents? No, not really. I'm pretty average.
Where were you born? Málaga, Spain. (Very beautiful city, full of life and sunburnts, very loud, full of beaches. Come see me, I'll get you the best churros)
What are your hobbies? Right now reading, writing and drawing. Drawing specially. But I like bowling a lot. And OH, I am a board game enthusiast. I do love old supermario games, and I actually won tetris. Twice (is that a special talent, though?). My favorite game is Pandemic and Catan.
Do you have pets? I've got the laziest dog. His name is Appa, after Aang's flying bison. No, he doesn't fly. (He doesn't even run).
How tall are you? 5'0 (154 cm). That's right folks! I can proudly say that I'm the tallest hobbit you'll ever meet.
Favorite subject in school? Art and English.
Dream job? I would very much to make a living out of my art. That's a long shot, but if I ever grow bold enough I might open a patreon or something. I've thought of becoming a tattoo artist, too. For years I've been wanting to become a (sexy) librarian (Belle just got really imprinted in my psyche as a child, I guess.)
Let me know you, babes @spicysix @matchingbatbites @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @auroraplume @flowercrowngods @2btheanswertothequestion @scoops-stevie
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strayslost · 5 months
Fill out the info sheet below & tag your friends to do the same ! Repost , don’t reblog !
🌊 🐇
Name / Pen-name : Meri!
Pronouns : She/her (okay with they/them too!)
Country / Region : England.
Timezone : GMT
Age / Age group : 25, as of this month!
Favourite colours : Pink, turquoise/teal, yellow, cream & brown, and maybe green too???
Favourite foods : How can you expect me to choose!! if I listed them all I'd be here all day ;~; I suppose a couple are cheesecake, custard (and sweets/cakes generally tbh), spaghetti bolognese, salmon... I've gone too braindead to think of more, sorry :')
Non - RP Hobbies ? : Watching/reading anime, manga and visual novels (when I've got the executive function for it), music, video games, decoration/design, and working on my own stories/songs! I'd love to stream someday, but I'm a bit too nervous to start atm, haha. Same with blogging about some of the things that are important to me - I'd love to do more in that regard, but I'm not really sure where to start.
Favourite animal : BUNNIES and sea creatures in general!! In particular, octopi, sea otters and sea turtles have my whole heart <33
Any allergies ? : I actually have had an allergic reaction to something like. once in my life, but unfortunately I have no idea what it was to, otl ;w; so uhhh. I guess my answer is a "not really"??
Favourite Season : Ooooh, I can't choose. Aesthetically, maybe summer or winter, with autumn close behind. In practice, I'm terrible with temperatures that are too hot or too cold, though!
Scents you like : Vanilla and coffee! Though my sense of smell is pretty bad generally, I'd say these are my favorites.
Coffee / tea / hot cocoa : Tea (with a bit of sugar!). Hot cocoa can be great too, and I don't like the taste of coffee, but I do benefit from the effects of caffeine, so I tend to drink lattes instead.
How long have you been in your current fandom ? : for BSD, it's only been about a year! Actually, I'm pretty sure I got into the series sometime around December 2022, since that's when I first made my Chuuya blog?? It's pretty quickly risen to the spot of my favourite piece of media ever though, at least currently, so congrats to BSD are in order, I think!
Do you prefer to ‘ wing ’ your threads or discuss plots with your partner during or ahead of time ? : I enjoy both! I think my favourite thing to do is to have or discuss a general idea for the starter/thread, for example like... "my muse is time traveling from the future to meet yours", or "my muse discovers a secret yours is hiding," so like basic plotting, and then just seeing where things go from there. But I absolutely enjoy winging it too/just seeing what happens, and I love just as much when my partners have something they particularly want to explore and let me know, so I'm pretty flexible in that regard, I think! (aka send me your wishlists >:) )
Are you okay with getting to know your RP partners outside of writing / becoming good online friends or even offline friends ? : 100000%, honestly I would love this so much! But full warning in advance, I am... very bad at being active and replying to messages quickly in general, otl. I don't have many friends irl as a result of this, even though I really would really like to make more... unfortunately my functioning issues in most areas of my life are pretty bad and this extends to maintaining conversations too. HOWEVER, you're absolutely always welcome to message me whenever you'd like, even if I haven't replied to your last message yet! I find that this can help prompt me to reply to my old messages as well, and I can promise you that my slow replies are absolutely not an indication that I don't want to talk with you or of how I feel about you - I'm just very awkward and find socializing hard, but that doesn't stop me from really enjoying talking with you nonetheless!! (This applies to my RP reply speeds too, tbh) There's way more I could say on this but I might make it it's own post tbh, this section is already getting too long. tl;dr i love you all, let's be friends!! <33
Finally , what are your favourite genres of RP ?: I'm not so good at defining genres, so instead I'll say - I love angst and conflict between characters but also resolving conflicts too, seeing characters get to know and relate to each other better... I'm a big fan of threads with supernatural elements, in particular those that are shocking to the characters, and of secrets being revealed generally too! Exploring character's insecurities and beliefs and having them change their perspective is great as well... basically, I'd say I enjoy "meaty" threads with lots of emotions or action over like slice-of-life, casual interactions, but even those can be fun if they're well done, honestly!
Tagged by : @chaosbled ( thank you so much!!! ;w;)
Tagging : I haven't been logged in enough to know who's done this already if I'm honest so I'm just gonna say anyone who wants to and hasn't done it yet - say I tagged you! <3
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asterhaze · 1 year
If this ain't your thing, feel free to opt out (I was cursed and I want a good grade in social interaction lol)
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog. 💛
For sure, though I am notorious for not tagging very many people at all. So I will take the failing grade while answering the prompt. Muahahaha!
1. I have a legitimate, verified, real phobia of...(pausing for dramatic nonsense)...mascots. I did draft up a few pages of a horror comic surrounding the idea of mascots taking over the world and I might get back to it someday, but I ultimately thought it was way too silly of an idea for people to not just roast me for the rest of my life.
2. Speaking of comics, I had the manic idea to create my own religion just for shits and giggles. I ended up with pages and pages of nonsense, and that "religion" ended with me drafting 7 or 8 chapters of a comic about a narcoleptic guy who could see Gravity. This causes Gravity to go to the Universe, who panics, and tries to cover up this fact before Cosmic Time finds out. I do think I will finish that comic someday, not because I think people will take it seriously, but because way more work has gone into it.
3. I can art, though I do it sporadically. I don't share too much of what I have arted so far because I really want to focus on my writing. I am worried my art will link me to my real name, I'll be doxxed, and there will be a new avenue for people to harass me who shouldn't harass me. I don't really want to go into that aspect of my life because it's really just sad, but I do hope to share the comics I have drafted here someday when I feel safer doing so.
That took a weird turn, but it was fun sharing! Thank you everyone for reading and I hope this shines some light on why I am so private about how I am, use a 100% fake pen name exclusively, and don't link to much outside of Tumblr. I appreciate the few friends I have made here and all of the tags and asks, it's really helped me through this hard time in my life. I love you all!
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deusluxuria · 1 year
hey y'all, i know i might not have the same follower base as 2020-2021 when i was the most passionate about jjba & posting a lot more fun stuff.
but i still wanted to say, in case i ever lose interest in this blog or in jjba, y'all's funny and thoughtful tags, asks, replies, etc., were the most social interaction i've had since like 2018. it meant a lot to me and it was getting me through.
my life situation is very complicated, so at this blog's height, it was my main hobby to go on here and post silly things and that was my social circle at the time.
it might sound small, but like i said, my circumstances have been very bleak ever since i graduated from high school (let's just say i am a LOT like doppio in some very unfortunate ways), so even getting nice tags on my silly jjba posts were so huge to me.
y'all have no idea, just the small little sparks of happiness i'd get from your interactions, it really did mean something.
yeah someday i'm gonna have to bite the bullet and actually go outside and try to make friends irl, but those small warmths truly had no small impact on me. so thank you endlessly.
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nowis-scales · 1 year
FE Liveblog Updates
Hey hey! It’s been a little while since I last did any live blogging — and maybe you care, maybe you don’t — but as I have… a lot of potential live-blogging to do, I wanted to give some updates, notices, and minor thoughts. So if you’ve been following along with any of them, here’s where you’ll get your info. Yay!
‣ Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia:
Hmmm… what is there to say about this one? I need to continue it, first of all. It should hopefully be picking up sooner rather than later, finishing off Act 2 in Celica’s path, and then presumably switching back to Alm. I don’t have too much to worry about here, just making sure that I’m getting a healthy dose of support conversations! If I don’t by the end, I may just play again and see what else I can gather. Otherwise… I’m considering a more stack-em-up style to my posting like the other playthroughs, just so it’s less of a spammy feeling. If you have any opinions, please do let me know!
‣ Fire Emblem Engage:
Yep yep, I’ve already got a liveblog of this one set up! As I write this post, I have just beaten Chapter 3, so you will soon be able to find the liveblog under #koto plays engage , and avoid spoilers with #Fire Emblem Engage Spoilers. I’m very excited to share my thoughts so far, so it should be super fun to share! I don’t know when exactly I’ll get that set up, but probably towards the tail end of the next liveblog I’ll be talking about…
‣ Fire Emblem Three Houses: Crimson Flower: I think, with my desire to introduce an Engage liveblog, continue the Echoes one, and someday continue this one… I might get back to this one sooner than I anticipated? I’m still somewhat iffy on this one, just because… well, in the event that you’re new here, let’s just say that CF as a route is just very much not for me. That’s not to say that I look down on or would chide anyone who enjoys it — my rule is, forever and always, as long as you’re kind I don’t mind — but it’s just not the most positive playthrough. So while I’m leaning more towards yes to going back to it, I want to make sure that it’ll be an okay experience for everyone involved.
The good news is, I have newly set up some measures to keep all of the critical stuff contained where you want it. Firstly, I have a new tag I’ll be using to tag posts with the super critical stuff (#Fódlan Fault Finding) and of course I still have the tag meant for criticism in relation to EdeIgard’s character writing in the route (#Shut up about Del). I also have a series of emblems I’m going to be using, to mark each section of the post based on how critical it is. So for example, if you only want to read the positive stuff, you’ll look for a flower with both black and white on each petal, like this: ❃ There’s about four total, ranging from positive, neutral, joking criticism, and hard criticism. That way, you can pick what you like, and go from there!
Otherwise, I think I have about 12 posts already (some of them are leftovers I missed before I stopped before) built in a Google Doc just so I had time to organize my thoughts and review them for sharpness. I’m considering posting them twice a week just to get things moving along so I don’t have a gazillion playthroughs ongoing, but let me know if you have any good ideas! I could even intersperse the posts with live blogs of the other games just to keep things cheery, if that’s preferable.
‣ Fire Emblem Three Houses: Azure Moon & Silver Snow:
These ones, I am… stumped on. I’d like to chronicle them as well, I find live-blogging a super fun endeavour (even if I realize the live-blogs mostly entertain me instead of all of you), but again that’s something to run at the same time as all the other liveblogs. I could wait until Echoes concludes, I could just pick Azure Moon up once CF concludes, or I could intersperse playthroughs with CF and AM to balance out negativity like I just mentioned. It’s hard to know exactly what to do, and even in posting AM, I’m wondering if I should just post SS at the same time… I think probably not, as that would get really confusing, but it’s also the nature of just not having so many on the go. So… yeah, I dunno! Just like for the others, thoughts are welcome.
As you can see, at the moment, it’s all just a matter of figuring out where to put what!
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fadingcomputerwitch · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 1,386 times in 2022
That's 1,380 more posts than 2021!
4 posts created (0%)
1,382 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,384 of my posts in 2022
#funny - 302 posts
#supernatural - 193 posts
#cute - 133 posts
#dean winchester - 94 posts
#adorable - 65 posts
#disney - 61 posts
#cat - 57 posts
#kitty - 56 posts
#sam winchester - 53 posts
#bones - 48 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#after covid and after big family decided not to gather because papa was gone there are 9 of us
My Top Posts in 2022:
Realities of a big girl
Personal Rant Incoming:
We like to pretend that as a society we are getting better at accepting people for who they are. Maybe we are. But where I sit and from what I see that isn’t the case. One of my friends has a father who dislikes me (long story short I called him out on some shitty behavior and he did fix those behaviors afterward but has talked trash about me ever since. Although he blames it on how I acted at a fancy restaurant even though I have no prior knowledge, still, on how to act at a fancy restaurant) and right now my friend lives with her dad again. Well on a series of weird events I found myself in the area and my friend had some things for my offspring, so I stopped by. He said no words to me when I was there and since he was on the phone I said no things to him. After I left he apparently told my friend “That is a big girl” which she told him off and that she sees me as only me and that is how he should see me...I tried to not let it bother me because I know he just wants to talk trash
BUT this isn’t like a single occurrence. This happens all the time. Let alone the fact that I hardly eat to begin with. And I have so many other instances running around in my head. Being accused of eating all the food on a trip I took with another friend, being eyed and told nothing in a store would fit me, and just generally being shamed for my body.
All of this while still adjusting to the fact I have PCOS and my journey to have another offspring is going to be more complicated and my WEIGHT might not even be something that I can totally control. But I gaslight myself into thinking that everything is in my head: I’m fat because I am lazy. I don’t need to eat I have plenty of fat. My spouse will eventually leave me a skinnier person, especially as they lose weight. And I want all these thoughts to stop because I know they don’t belong but....I have a million instances where they prove to be true.
Anyway, my friend also said something that night as I ate my first real meal of the day, and it stuck with me. “You deserve to eat” just something that simple. I hear it from others, my spouse and such but at least it adds another voice of reason to combat the bad.
I’m trying to be a better human for my offspring. That includes teaching her fat isn’t a bad word and to love yourself no matter what. I still struggle everyday with the voices and what I was taught, I only hope that I am laying a foundation for my baby to be able to walk the world with their head held high in a way that I have not been able to do yet. I hope that I can make that shine brighter than it ever did for me. And hopefully someday, a little at a time, I will see myself in a better light too.
0 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
You are awesome and sweet and caring towards everyone. You be the best. That be my opinion
I have no idea who this is from or how long it has been sitting in my inbox, but thank you. I kind of needed this today.
0 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
I told a person I was on Metformin because I have PCOS and it is a recent diagnosis, which sucks since I want more kids. The person replied with ‘Metformin is bad for you’ and why...why would you say that. So I replied with “Yeah and all my bipolar meds are supposedly bad too.” And she was quick to reply with “Yeah super bad.”  My response was simply “Not worse than unaliving myself” and I think perhaps I took it too far. But seriously I am sick of this same argument.
1 note - Posted August 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I never thought I would be here. My daughter happened so easily without aid. Now I am here with a diagnosis of PCOS and two little bottles to help me make another. This time it won’t be a happy accident. This time will be painstakingly calculated with medicine and a schedule. This time the baby will be made out of timing and plans. Will the passion still be there? Why does this feel like such a big failure? Do I have a right to complain? Some people long for one child and I selfishly want more. Why does this hurt my feelings so much? What if even this fails? What if I do it wrong? What if this is because I don’t deserve more? Am I a good enough mom? Am I good enough? These are all the things I think and feel as I look at those two little bottles.... I will push on regardless and hope that this works. Adjusting to new things are hard. Hopefully I will be with child soon. Waiting is always the hardest thing. 
4 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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caffeinelemur · 1 year
I am also blown away by people Just Saying Things. I could never. But I've followed you for years and I have no plans to stop. We don't have much overlap in interests right now but I still like seeing you on my dash, and I look forward to the chance we'll maybe have a shared Thing in the future.
(I completely understand the reluctance to update, the only things always up-to-date on my phone are my games and only because it wouldn't let me play them otherwise. Though imo it would be better to do it soon-ish and maybe keep a relatively functional form of tumblr for a while longer, rather than the "forced to update at gunpoint" moment coming after they've made some of the lovely (sarcasm) changes they seem to be planning. Also polls really are fun. I wanna make one but I haven't been able to think of a good one yet and I have like no followers so it wouldn't get votes, lol)
I’m happy you accept me for my myriad of interests, maybe someday we shall meet again. Thank you for your service.
Back in the distant past when I did try saying things I was always devastated if no one interacted and bewildered and overwhelmed if someone did, so I think I stopped maybe bc of how much I put myself out there only for nothing to come of it a majority of the time. But like I’m much older now and on meds actually and tumblr is different than in my sordid ancient past so I might be able to just yell into the void and say fuck it and only obsess about it a little. Still unsure.
Also just the thought of, does anyone read my tag rants on reblogs? Bc like I have a feeling that’s what my fucking posts would be like and idk if ppl even get through all that nonsense. Except, like, curated, and hopefully funnier. Also my posts would have fucking spellcheck so my too fast brain-to-type wouldn’t be so overwhelmingly fast that I don’t stop to check until it’s too late and the tag is just useless with half the words typos or spelled wrong, making me look a fool.
I’m so scared of updating tumblr like I don’t want to relearn what tumblr is after so long living this way, but also I have zero clue what my posts or blog actually look like anymore, the one it shows me I know is a lie, an echo of the past trapped in real time. I have noticed things like the ability to pin posts and turn off reblogs and like bitch I’m jealous I can’t do that you got me there.
Maybe I’ll actually finish my updated icon and that will usher in the new tumblr era of Caff Makes an Attempt.
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cowherderess · 2 years
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I posted 848 times in 2022
43 posts created (5%)
805 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 835 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#queue - 187 posts
#i want to go to there - 87 posts
#tv: ted lasso - 79 posts
#rebecca x ted - 41 posts
#the nanny - 40 posts
#art - 35 posts
#photography - 34 posts
#rebecca welton - 28 posts
#about me - 28 posts
#wordle and variations - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#(altho i don’t really believe that luke wouldn’t get a valentines gift for lorelai!! when gift-giving seems to be his love language)
My Top Posts in 2022:
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you’re gonna be alright, chapter 6
“You know,” he went on, “I’m glad I caught ya. I came up to your office yesterday, actually, but Yasmina told me you weren’t here.”
“I wasn’t,” she agreed.
There was an awkward pause, as he clearly expected her to elaborate, and she didn’t. She hung up her coat and bag, took out her laptop, and went to her desk.
“Well,” he tried to recover, “hope everything’s okay. Anyway, I brought you a little something.” He dropped his backpack onto the chair, and rummaged through it for what turned out to be a little pink box.
Well, that was odd. “Oh–”
“Yeah! Cookies. Or as y’all call them here, biscuits, right? Though I do not recommend you smother these in gravy.” He held out the box, his face alit with the same eager anticipation with which he’d awaited her punchline downstairs.
“Ted, I don’t really–”
She was a little relieved when he kept talking, because she wasn’t quite sure where she’d been going with that. I don’t really–
–eat sugar? That was true, or had been. But she didn’t want to get into that.
–want one? That wasn’t true, unfortunately; the biscuits’ buttery scent wafted enticingly through the box.
–think that’s appropriate? No, it wasn’t, because she was his employer. They weren’t friends. Rosie at her old office had liked to bake, but Rosie brought in her desserts for everyone to share. (Was that really fifteen years ago? God.)
“Come on now.” He opened the box to reveal three pieces of shortbread, pale gold and sparkling with sugar. “Take a lookie there.”
“Those do look good,” she had to admit.
4 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
WIP title tag game
Thanks for tagging me @thatsrightjohngoodman !
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips.
(This is just my Ted Lasso folder, since although I do technically have unfinished works for other fandoms, I don’t know when I’ll ever get back to them)
felice di stare lassù
i was lost for you to find
love and laughter and peace ever after
a most rare vision
the other side of someday
you’re gonna be alright
Tagging: @dangermaureenrobinson @itsagutthing @broadwaybaggins @heavyuponmyskin @carebohe and anyone else who’d like to do it!
6 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
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you’re gonna be alright Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ted Lasso/Rebecca Welton Characters: Rebecca Welton, OC: Oliver Mannion, OC: Amy Mannion, Rupert Mannion, Leslie Higgins, Julie Higgins (Ted Lasso), Bex (Ted Lasso), Ted Lasso Additional Tags: tw: emotional abuse Series: Part 1 of Young Mannion Summary: AU - How Rebecca's divorce, her subsequent feelings about Rupert, and her relationship with Ted might have developed if she and Rupert had children.
Snippet of Chapter 5:
The first day of the new year was also the first day that she would go to the club as its owner.
That morning, she was dressed but not ready. She stepped in front of her mirror in a tight dress and tall heels that had felt thrilling when she had first tried them on, but now felt only overwhelming, as she had to consider actually leaving the house in them.
She smoothed her hands down her skirt, and turned around, to her daughter who sat cross-legged on her bed. “What do you think?”
Amy tilted her head, appraising. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear high heels before.”
“You haven’t.” She stepped out of those shoes, intending to go back to her closet and find–
“No, keep them! I like them.” Amy scooted off the bed and came to stand beside her, stretching up onto her tiptoes. “D’you think I’ll be tall like you when I grow up? Right now I’m the median height in my class. We all measured ourselves, for an activity for maths.” She fell back to flat-foot, but immediately tried again. “I think it’d be fun to be tall. I am taller than Alfie which is good because he’s very annoying. He’s the one who told me that blue couldn’t be my favorite color cos it’s a 'boy color.'” She rolled her eyes. “Boys.”
Rebecca laughed, and held onto Amy’s shoulder as she stepped back into her heels, rather pleased with herself that her daughter seemed not to have learned the same shame that her own ladylike mother had ingrained in her as a gangly girl.
“Your father’s tall too, so it’s quite possible you will be, one day. And,” she added with fervor, “don’t ever let the Alfies of the world tell you that’s a bad thing.” She pulled her into a side hug. “Now I suppose I should go! But I’ll be home before dinner, alright?”
“Alright.” Amy nodded. “Good luck on your first day!”
Her daughter’s little face was so earnest, and deep down she felt a flicker of doubt about her plan. But she willed it away.
Read the rest at AO3.
6 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
Tagged by @itsagutthing​, thank you! 💜 
+ Last song: “Orpheus” by Sara Bareilles (I always love her, but Into the Woods reminded me just how much I do, and I’ve had my whole Sara B playlist on repeat)
+ Last movie: Knocked Up. My sister and I had stumbled upon This Is 40 the night before, and surprisingly liked it. Knocked Up (which we watched because it has some of the same characters), however, is more like what I’d thought Judd Apatow movies were– not my taste.
+ Currently watching: Call the Midwife and Girls5eva! 
+ Currently reading: According to Goodreads I’m “currently reading” four books, which actually means that I haven’t read more than a page of anything in ages :( Work has been exhausting lately.  But when I can focus again, I hope to return to:
Frankenstein in Baghdad 
Red Fortress: History and Illusion in the Kremlin 
Wondrous Journeys in Strange Lands 
Halcyon Journey: In Search of the Belted Kingfisher
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better (no pressure!): @broadwaybaggins @thatsrightjohngoodman @freetobegrace @ohtendril @imlorelai @amillionmillionvoices @thesumdancekid @jakeperalta @odakota-rose
8 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
tagged by: @itsagutthing 💛
last song: I’ve been very into “My Best Friend’s Weddings” by the Chicks this month (my top track on spotify). the song i literally just listened to was “Donal agus Morag” by Altan (I just watched the ep of Derry Girls where they encounter an Irish speaker and it inspired me to listen to my Irish playlist. I have, intermittently, over the years, attempted to learn Irish myself) 
last show/series: Gilmore Girls rewatch
currently watching: Derry Girls season 3, and I’m catching up on Abbott Elementary. (edit: And Bake-Off! I forgot!)
favorite color: pink
sweet, spicy, or savory: i’ve got a terrible sweet tooth 
currently reading: I just finished Clanlands by Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish, who co-star on Outlander–– it’s a travelogue about a trip they took around Scotland together. I found them a bit annoying as people sometimes, but their love of Scotland and its history got me through. My heart’s in the Highlands, wherever I go.
what i'm working on: I have an ongoing multichap for Ted Lasso which I hope to finish before season 3 (since i started it before season 2, ha ha... multichaps were a mistake) and also a ficlet for the Halloween 1p4a
currently obsessed with: Ted Lasso, of course. Also, watching how the leaves are changing each day on the route I walk to work. 
tagging: @broadwaybaggins @coachlasso @carebohe @dollsome-does-tumblr @jakeperalta @ohtendril @dee-thequeenbee @avasrhodes or anyone who wants to!
8 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Of course, right after starting an accountability blog, I get a nasty cold that wiped me out. And unfortunately I'm still not 100%. I might try to do a light workout later, but as decorating for Christmas about did me in and my mum and grandmother had to finish for me, I'm not keen on pushing it too much.
If I do, I will post it no matter how small, but, in the meantime, I figured I'd give a list of people that have inspired me in my workout/fitness journey and links to their content and such like that. I really struggled for a long time trying to find fitness people that are the typical fitness gurus that you readily find on youtube and instagram, etc. Or ones that talk about getting skinny, etc. My main goal with fitness has always been to gain muscle so I don't exactly vibe with perky people telling me how to lose weight in thirty days. I could care less about my hip dips and belly. I want to be able to bench press my boyfriend if I get bored enough to or (less sarcastically) do any work on the hobby farm I dream of starting someday without assistance.
So, without anymore rambling, here is a list of people I follow that give me inspiration to go for my fitness goals in the order that I locate them in my insta following list:
Tatum McCann (she/her) - @tatumtots37 on instagram and link here for youtube (I have not watched her youtube channel yet just her insta content, but I know not everyone is on there so i'll give yt links where I can).
Jordan Maron (he/him) - many of you probably grew up with CaptainSparklez! I've watched his content since before pffft I don't even remember. Well before Mianite at least and I was there when he started getting into fitness. He was definitely my earliest inspiration to get fit as he kept going past just getting in shape and going for healthy muscle mass as a hobby as much as for health itself. I will leave a link for his lifting channel but it is pretty much dead lol. But he does still occasionally post reels on his insta @jordanmaron.
Gordy Bravo (she/her) - @bravobuilt_fit on instagram. She does not have youtube channel that I am aware of. She does have her own website where she sells fitness programs, etc. Though I have never used it or even checked the website out cause I have authority issues. If people tell me what to do, it's very likely that I won't do it. Hence why I curate my own routine as I go. BUT her content on insta is fantastic. She's very charismatic and natural and it makes her content very approachable.
Lauren Pon (she/her) - If you love anime memes, video games, and want to get muscular, you need to follow her! She's hilarious and sweet and makes lifting (she's a powerlifter) so unintimidating. She's on Insta (@laurenpon), YouTube, and twitch! She's also on tiktok, but i'm not on there really and her linktree is not working. However, her @ is the same across the board so I assume it's the same on there.
Maya Davis (she/her) - More anime vibes, cosplay, and bodybuilder! Her insta is @mayatheamazon and that's the only platform she has as far as I'm aware of. She also has an Insta for her fashion tho. She's a fashion student and the fits are always on point!
Tabi (she/her) - Her bio says it best, Fitness and Anime! Her insta is @tabi.lift (tiktok is the @tabi.fit as is her backup insta) and she's on youtube. She also does cosplay.
Amber (she/her) - She's a weightlifter with more anime vibes and cosplay (are you sensing a theme here? I did not realize anime was the way to my muscle building heart until i started making this list xD). Her insta is @amberthevalkyrie. She's also a fitness model.
Serena Abweh (she/her, i think passed on a couple tags she's used, but if I'm wrong pls let me know!) - very meme-y powerlifter and artist! Her insta is @rena_serenaa. She also has a youtube channel.
Leigh Laurel (she/her) - Lots more bodybuilding, anime, and cosplay! Her instagram is @fitmissfilipina.
Patty aka LEAN BEEF (she/her) - if you're this far and you are aware with anything on that side of the internet, you already know who Patty is or atleast have seen her in fitness edits, etc. She is the person that I saw and went yep, that's it, we're fucking doing this! She's so badass and makes fitness so fucking approachable! I absolutely love her content! I watch her insta religiously and her youtube anytime i want to learn new techniques (especially with mobility training) or just relatable fitness content. And of course there's more anime and cosplay! xD She's also on twitch. Her insta is @leanbeefpatty and I'm pretty sure her tiktok is the same but her linktree is not working so don't quote me on that. (I will say that she has programs for food, working out, etc but again I have issues so I've never looked into them.)
That's all for now. I will update this list as I find more (or if I realize I missed any) as we go!
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