#// but i have a lot of reading / assignments to think abt during the week
goddessrisen · 8 months
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good evening cuties, i'm about to head onto mobile for the evening. but i realized that i don't have the spoons to do ic threads / memes during the week. i'm down for small one-liners and such, but anything more than that will have to wait until the weekend. however, i'm down to do plotting or rp things on discord, just because i find it a little more relaxed and less stressful on the noodle brain. so, my darling moots, feel free to add me on discord @ lunaria98 and feel free to bother me. i promise i don't bite. and we can absolutely just plot / talk or do small ic things, whatever we're feeling. alright, good night cuties, see y'all tomorrow. mwah
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leeneir · 8 months
Look At Me Please 2.0; Possesive Yandere!Iso x Reader
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To those that have given me reqs, I'm terribly sorry for not getting them out yet. My writer's block is such a pain💔 I promise I'm constantly thinking abt them tho and tryna brainstorm but my creative well is nonexistent dibdjs
Anywho, this is a continuation of the last Yandere Iso hc post! Highly recommend that you read the first! :]
Iso didn’t go through with his plans against Yoru that day because he was too happy about going on that date, but that doesn’t mean he forgot. Around a week after your boba date with him, you found Yoru with a serious injury being nursed back to health by Sage, when you asked what happened, he told you to leave. Perhaps a matter of pride?
You bring up the concern with your new boyfriend, Iso. When he responds, he doesn’t sound sympathetic. It wasn’t strange, he barely showed expressive emotion, and he didn’t have the best interactions with Yoru, so you assumed he didn’t really care because they weren’t the greatest friends.
In reality, Iso was fuming that you were concerned about that stupid cocky bastard and how he snapped at you like that. How dare that shit head take your emotions for granted? Sure, he’s the reason Yoru was injured in the first place, but the audacity Yoru had to brush you off. He’ll have to do more damage later.
The day you told Iso you loved him for the first time, something about him changed. He wasn’t shy anymore, he was always initiating intimacy, trying to give you kisses, holding your hand, and overall just a lot more doting and servicing you.
Oh, you’re tired? How could he let this happen! Iso shuts the rest of the world out with both of you in either his or your room, he already put both of your requests for a day off.
Very insistent about sleeping in the same room, you won’t do anything too intimate, he just wants to be with you for the rest of your life night.
At some point, everything becomes a reminder of you. The bare walls of the HQ, the houseplants put around the facility by Skye and Sage, the air that he breaths, he couldn’t get enough of anything.
ALWAYS holding you somewhere. Whether it be on the shoulder while youre talking to someone, the arm, your back, your leg while you're sitting, etc. Iso likes having a hand on you as a way to say “Mine.” to the others.
Every day has a new gift. Your room is starting to get crowded with all of the things he gets for you, Iso has already requested Brimstone to extend your room to make some space.
Man’s is rich and just loves spoiling you. Even if it’s just your favorite snack, or a new piece of clothing, he will literally get anything you want. If you mentioned something you even hinted you’d like, expect to receive it in the following hours to a day. He ordered it with overnight shipping.
Your assigned on a mission and he isn’t sent with you? Oh no!! Someone on the strike team got injured from training, what will we ever do? Everyone else happens to be unavailable for some unknown reasons, except Iso.
During the mission when you request a gun, he’ll immediately get it for you and snap at anyone else who even tries to get it first. Iso kisses you on the forehead before going to his position.
You had to apologize to Reyna for his behavior, she told you that his heart revealed that he wasn’t the good person you thought he was. Which was strange. How was the admiring and loving Iso not who he appeared to be?
One day, have an argument with Iso about going to training with Gekko and the others. He said that there was no need for you to go with them when the two of you could train together later.
You didn’t understand why Iso was so upset, you were just gonna do a few mock battles with other people, what's so wrong with that? You could train with him later too if he wanted to. You brushed him off anyway, finding his attitude very childish right now. Suddenly, he grabs your face in his hand, forcing you to look at him.
“Don’t look at them.” He ordered.
Before you could get a word out, your eyes met his, and you could see the intensity and possession in his eyes which glowed brighter than they normally did. It was terrifying.
You say his name, and suddenly he snaps out of it, letting you go and apologizing profusely. He starts tearing up a bit and saying that he shouldn’t have done that and keeps apologizing, stepping away from you and not letting himself hold you.
You feel guilty when he looks down at his hands, as if there was fresh blood on them, as if he’d just destroyed something precious. You couldn’t help but pull him in for a hug and apologize too. He tries to pull away, saying that he was a horrible person, but you don’t let that happen. So, he embraces you back, burying his face in your neck.
You could tell he was genuinely upset, and reassured him that he wasn’t bad and that you’ll be with him. He doesn’t need to worry about anything, you’ll put off training with the others for another time and stay with him for the rest of the day. He sniffles, pulling you in closer.
What you couldn’t see since his face was on your shoulder was the malicious expression at his successful attempt at keeping you to himself. Hook, line, and sinker.
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rozaceous · 1 year
mariko, violence, and the meta of violence in fanfiction
ok so it’s apparently not enough that i write the most indulgent kind of fic, but now i’m writing an essay about my fic. this got so long, abt 2k total. if i said sorry, it’d be insincere, but at least no one is making you read it?
i want to piggy-back off the post i made earlier this week where i was talking about how mariko was not well-adjusted, and was, in fact, doing extremely poorly. what this post turns into, however, is an analysis not only of mariko’s relationship to violence and her subsequent trauma, but a meta-analysis of how violence is treated in canon more broadly, and how that ends up translating into fic. because, and i mean this in a way that is distinctly not about tooting my own horn, i’m approaching violence with a different lens than what i've found in a majority of fic, but also in a way that is unique to SI fic.
‘to continue being alive is also an art’ starts in medias res ch 1 with mariko haring off to the confrontation at the bridge in wave. we find out later, she’s fresh from just having killed people for the first time. kakashi and mariko have their little chat abt it in ch 2, but it’s treated as done and resolved afterwards. it was self-defense, she was protecting others, she was justified and shouldn’t lose sleep over it.
mariko also kills during the chuunin exams itself (members of the sound team) and during the finals (she on-screen beheads a foreign ninja). there’s a sort-of killing w the itachi puppet in ch 15, and a mention of sasori, but otherwise we don’t get any particular details of her killing people until the events of ch 17, where she kills danzo and the rest of the elder council, as well as whoever was caught in the bombings. (i’m going to word-of-god this for everyone right now and tell you that there were people caught in the bombings, just like i will confirm that she’s killed other people in the interim of the time skip.)
from a writing-level, i approached violence in a very specific way. most of the violence is off-screen and mentioned as a retrospective; what occurs on-screen i tried to keep brief and matter-of-fact. graphic, maybe, but not gory. i also try not to play violence as something that’s done for laughs, like how sakura will beat naruto up in canon when he annoys her. (we’ll come back to this.) and a lot of this has to do with how mariko herself deals with violence.
i mentioned in that previous post, that mariko grows up in a militaristic culture where violence is a norm and acceptable, as someone who is not actually a kid who can be acculturated into that thinking in the same way. mariko comes from a culture and personal history where interpersonal violence is abhorrent. she tries to duck out of canon events and any requirement of violence on her own part by being a medic, but the team assignments (the narrative/me, if we’re wanting to get meta abt it lol) prevent her from achieving this relatively more peaceful role.
when mariko gets assigned to team seven, she has to get real comfortable with violence real fast. she’s already befriended naruto (and hahahaha you may remember that she does so by punching a guy 🙂) and she cares about kakashi and sasuke. she’s come to the realization that this is her lot, these are her people, they are her responsibility. as she notes in ch 2, she’s not good enough to solve her problems without killing. this is also to say, she’s not good enough to problem-solve without violence. it’s beyond her capacity and skill when the stakes are as high as they are. let’s also consider that caring about everyone is a luxury that mariko cannot afford, widespread mercy is potentially a death sentence, and so she narrows that care down to a handful of people. and so if she’s taking the well-being of her teammates as her ultimate good, she will absolutely let the ends justify the means.
added onto any personal sentiment is that, as far as mariko knows, if anyone on team seven dies, the entire world is fucked.
mariko one hundred percent and sincerely believes that violence is wrong. even when it’s justified, self-defense, etc., mariko views it as ugly. there may be situations where she assigns herself less blame, but she is always blaming herself for being too weak to find another way, because her (somewhat unrealistic) view is that violence is the sign that you’ve run out of other options to get your way.
however, with the stakes being as they are, and with the world she’s in treating violence as a form of currency, mariko sees violence as a necessity.
so we can see the dissonance, right? she has to use violence to protect not only herself, but the people she loves, and the entire world. and mariko’s fundamental optimism is that people are worth helping and that the world is worth saving, because if she doesn’t believe in that with her whole heart, she’d literally just curl up and die. she wants to be kind and to help and nurture and build, but her most effective tools—once again, she views using violence as a failure—are the ones she hates the most. but she has to use them. more, she has to be very, very good with them.
this isn’t a small-level dissonance, it’s a diametric opposition. so in terms of narration, mariko can’t think too much about the violence she’s enacted because it would destroy her. she knows this about herself. she hates it. but it’s necessary. and so she doesn’t think about it. and if she does think about it, she’s very clinical and writes it off as unfortunate and necessary and—well, it’s done, no use crying over it now. she’s disassociated herself from it. and i wanted that perspective reflected in the way i wrote about violence.
the other aspect of how i wanted to handle violence is from how i approach the canon. we’ve all read the fics where konoha is a grimdark dictatorship, with death and torture around every corner. and, uh, it is? it’s a fascist war machine, plainly. it’s child soldiers and state-sanctioned assassination baked into the world economy? there’re multiple instances of genocide? it’s a fucking nightmare.
i, personally, am not able to brush aside those things. i like the meta and the reading-into-things and the what-if’s that happen when you don’t take things at face value. so for me, the writer, i can’t glorify violence. there’s a reason i wrote mariko walking through the uchiha compound in the way that i did. so i’m not going to write like killing a thousand people in one go is anything but horrifying (staring at you, minato), even if i’m not interested in directly interrogating every particular instance of violence within the narrative.
but canon doesn’t approach it from this angle. for canon, this is all the quirky backdrop, and violence and killing are bad, but very few people tend to die in a meaningful sense. violence doesn’t often have lasting consequences. (this is, also, the evolution that Naruto goes through as a series, where it starts off as a critique of the state and then turns into bootlicking, but that’s another meta that plenty of others have written better than i can.) in canon, the ability to do high-damage moves is considered a cool power-up. in fact, your power level is directly correlated with your physical danger level—ie, your ability to do violence.
moreover, casual violence is funny in canon. (we’re back to sakura beating up naruto and it being treated as a joke.) these things are entirely the conceit of reading/watching canon, and it’s what we do with every piece of media. this isn’t a judgment! we are suspending our disbelief and buying into the premise of the story that gets told. and i would hardly have written over 50k of naruto fanfic if i didn’t find it innately compelling and, yes, fun.
so this is where the presentation of violence in fanfiction can get dicey, because not every author is approaching canon with the same spirit that canon itself has. i also want to make the blanket statement that i don’t think any one interpretation is right or wrong, it’s that they’re all interpretations. i’ve read and liked fics of all varieties; i’m not morality policing, i’m trying to place myself and my own fic within a broader phenomenon of how fics present the morality of violence. i don’t personally care what one fic thinks is morally good, nor do i think that a particular presentation necessarily corresponds with what the author thinks in real life, or even that a presentation has to be consistent from fic to fic. these are all lenses/perspectives, and fanfic is inherently about playing with the little details of canon and going, “And?”
so on one end, you’ll have some fics that 100% correspond with the attitude towards violence that canon has and aren’t too interested into getting into the grittier moral quandaries of the canon past what canon presents as good or bad. on the other, you’ll have other fics that will rip the morals of canon to shreds. again, i like both! it always depends what the focus of your story is!
i feel like i’m somewhere in the middle. i feel like a lot of naruto fics commit hard to either of the above scenarios from the start and i...don't (as one commenter pointed out). there's a level of progression I'm trying to portray. and, i have to say, part of the comment that @vermillioncrown left on ch 17 really resonated: “She's sunk as low as them, she's just as fucked up in this second life despite knowing another moral framework and society. And she's mud-wrestling them down at ground level lol.”
mariko ‘knows better’ but isn’t better. she doesn’t feel like she’s a good person. arguably, she isn’t a good person. she has enough of an outsider perspective to see the system for what it is, but she is still inherently within the system. she is absolutely playing the game, and doesn’t have any moral high ground. she kills, she lies, she deceives, she betrays. she harms people. her intentions might be noble, but as tumblr loves to say abt causing others harm: intention isn’t magic. mariko wants better and is trying to achieve it, but she’s in the system and can’t get out of it because we all inherently live in a society, and removing yourself from society isn’t exactly as feasible as our ideals might like.
and because tcba is, mostly, from mariko’s perspective, her understanding of violence colors the narrative. because mariko is an SI/OC, her perspective is one that is ALWAYS going to be a negotiation of ‘canon at face value’ and ‘me personally doing an analysis.’ and i think that’s really cool and interesting, which is why i’m doing it!
but—and this is not me throwing shade or getting mad or singling anyone out—this is also a take that is a little counter to broader fandom habit that aligns with ‘omg she was so badass when she killed that guy!’ or ‘yes! fuck it up!’
reiterating that i’m not trying to scold or slight anyone, bc this is the ‘canon at face value’ take, where we are supposed to see these things as badass and praise-worthy, and often these are climactic scenes where mariko is ostensibly cast as the righteous victor! and if people don’t see what i’m trying to do as different to that take, that’s also on me as the writer, especially bc, as i already said, this is a story that is trying to negotiate those different perspectives on violence. but i also want to point out that there’s more than just ‘violence as badassery’ happening. this is also ‘violence as tragedy.’
and since the meaning and role of violence isn’t a theme that’s going to go anywhere any time soon, i thought it was worth discussing.
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wttcsms · 7 months
sorry if you're not comfortable answering this, but I saw you say that you've been diagnosed with depression. how did you know when to seek help?
tl;dr: from a young age, i never lived a healthy lifestyle with an easy pace. i (and maybe even my family) put too much pressure on me, and i never really coped with it in a healthy manner. my attempt at handling things "with ease" and "not stressing" was actually just me bottling up my emotions, and it's not until things started getting really bad that i finally sought help.
nothing uncomfy abt it at all! discussion of mental health is pretty important! tbh, i never thought i would have depression or be diagnosed with it; i started showing symptoms for around a year before i started really thinking to myself, hey, i think there might be something up with me mentally and this isn't just some silly, quirky thing i'm going through. ever since i was around 18, i went through great lengths to ensure i would achieve maximum academic success but while being a full-time college student and consistently working 60+ hours a week (70+ during the summer bc my junior year internship was so intense; i also went to college 2 years early, so i think that's when the internal pressure to "do well in life" began) was taking a massive toll on me mentally and physically. i would survive off of 4-5 hours of sleep, consume concerning amounts of caffeine, i was losing hair, i was losing drastic amounts of weight, i was breaking out and breaking down, and even when i got better, i still wasn't fully ever healed from that experience purely bc my schedule just never slowed down.
i am still a full-time student, i am still working 7 days a week, leading to 60+ hours (40 hours internship, 20 hours at my weekend part-time job). on top of that, i am in the second to last semester of my grad school, i help out around the house bc after my older sister moved out, i took over the eldest daughter duties, i am still holding myself to a very high standard academically (already planning to apply to phd programs, studying for the cpa exam, already have another summer internship lined up). i knew things were getting bad because 1) i am finally older (im abt to turn 21! yay!) and i realized that the lifestyle i'm living isn't healthy and 2) a lot of my behaviors didn't feel "normal" to me anymore. it finally hit me around two months ago, when i realized that i sort of lost my love for fanfiction. i've been in a weird mood where i didn't want to read any fanfic whatsoever, but i chalked it up to being "too busy" and focused on other things. when i couldn't even find the energy to read my own mutual's fanfic, i knew something was up bc i always try to power through and remain enthusiastic on my friends' behalf. more behaviors that were a cause for concern:
my disinterest in everything that brought me joy previously. sweet treats at the end of the day, coffee before work, buying makeup from sephora, cleaning my room (sounds silly, but i love having a clean living space and cleaning my room used to be a source of peace and joy for me), writing fanfiction, reading books, watching youtube videos, catching up on shows that would release weekly and that i used to count down the days to watch — none of it held my interest. i wasn't excited, i didn't care.
it wasn't just a lack of joy from things i loved, either. rejections from programs i looked forward to/rejections from opportunities, abysmal grades in class, looming deadlines that i most likely wouldn't make, growing assignments on my work to-do list; none of this elicited a reaction from me. there was no stress (that i was feeling; subconsciously, i think the stress was still there and i just refused to acknowledge it), but there also wasn't disappointment or sadness. i had no emotional response to anything, and that was very concerning to me, and the main reason i contacted my sister and then her boyfriend (who is a licensed psychiatrist)
i could sleep for 12+ hours a day. there are many days in the week where all i want to do is rot in bed. not even in a "go on my phone and dick around in bed" type of way, either. i would have certain days where i couldn't leave the bed. sometimes, i wouldn't even feel tired, but i would just sleep. my internship is wfh and if it was a slow day with no assignments, i would clock in and spend that whole day in my bed, sleeping. it got to the point where i wish work was busy so i would have something to force me out of bed. yes, i would be aware of my tiredness sometimes, but this felt different altogether. i just wanted to basically hibernate lol.
i had constant headaches. i thought it was because of the nature of my job, where i look at computer screens all day, or maybe it was bc i wasn't drinking enough water. i would also get unexplainable cramps sometimes.
tmi, but little to no pleasure and an extreme decline in interest in sex
i had extreme issues with focusing on work and studying; a lot of my work (and school materials) centers around thinking through problems and applying tax law or guidance to certain situations.
my diet fluctuated; some days, i wouldn't want to eat, yesterday, i gorged myself on food, eating to the point where even i had to pause and go wtf.
not very often was i randomly sad, nor did i ever want to kill myself or self-harm; when i was a teenager (17/18) and probably showing signs of depression, i was very irritable, angry, sad, and had suicidal thoughts, thought i was worthless, an idiot, etc. however, i mostly just feel empty and apathetic during my episodes now.
what helped me seek help was knowing that my behaviors and how i was feeling didn't feel healthy, but also, my best friend recently shared her diagnosis with me and i would have never thought she would be depressed. my sister's bf was also a major help in getting me comfortable to consider the possibility of having a mental illness and also in finding someone to talk to. hope this helps!
edit: forgot to mention it, but i exhibited many/all of those symptoms for around the past 3 months before ever seeking help. those behaviors started manifesting tremendously and seriously disrupting my daily life, and i knew i needed to do something to get my life back on track.
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schizononagesimus · 5 months
i wasnt planning on talking publicly abt this but i think it's important, esp since so many of yall on this webbed site have seen my ass manic, but ive decided to make a sobriety update here and there! Just so someone not in my immediate life sees that im Doing It, or something. I also just think it's important to share that addiction is pretty normal, so. But anyway, here's update #1!!
Sobriety update:
1. Started chewing gum, 10/10 very helpful.
2. Reminding myself of all the physical sensations I hated is also 10/10, but what's 1000/10 is reminding myself all the new trinkets i can buy (or the. International move I can afford.) with my new found dolla dolla bills
3. Dreamed about smoking and running away from my mother as she tried to bash my head in with a rock while i was previously trying to drive to my dead father and a tarot reading appeared in the sky, which is a bit on the nose, I think.
4. Still writing a lot of fanfiction, but when i greened out the other day (what all started this) i had the idea for a cowboy au and I dont remember how it ended bc I passed out 😔
5. I have been eating so much sugar and by jove is it helpful
6. I have not gotten up the courage to call the hotline to get me professional help yet BUT i have told my Inner Circle and theyre helping me so much im gonna cry!! My roommate has hold of my more addictive prescriptions and a good friend of mine got me some non alcoholic beer and encouraged me to Not make special exceptions for doing drugs.
7. Trying to give myself more structure in my day so that i can get back on track. So far it's working a little bit, but small steppy better than no steppy.
8. Trying to find happiness in other things, like being done with assignments or watching tv or listening to magnus (notice how I was too sad and intoxicated this week to listen?? Yeah i got out of the routine during the break so).
9. I know what the problem is and it is that im horribly afraid. Sad!
And if youre wondering what drug problem i have, it's all of them, except like the crazy hard stuff w n*edles n all that. I just uhhhh. Will do anything. At any time. And too much. And combine things. My sober birthday is 18th April and my rock bottom was 17th April. Proud of myself that I... oh my god i scared myself straight (im still a lesbian dont worry)
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dracwife · 2 years
1, 3, and 7 for the s/i asks !! let's hear about that NCIS s/i 👀
1. What is your s/i's name & pronouns?
His full name is Mischa Aleksy Joysz! He got the nickname Mickey because he often went by Mimi as a child (it was a name he went by to avoid his deadname), and later after coming out, in school went by Micah or Michael as an 'Americanized' male name since his chosen name was super close to his deadname. When he got transferred to Gibbs' team though, the Americanized thing was tossed because"That's not your name."
From there, he just went by Mischa like he wanted, and Tony eventually gave him the nickname Mickey. He goes by that now, since it reminds him of his new family ❤️‍🩹
His pronouns are he/him! He's a transman, so he prefers only those :^]
7. Give us 3 random facts abt your s/i!
- Mickey got his scar from a dirtbike accident! It fades over time but there's a couple of cases where he gets hurt and busts it open again so it has to reheal 😔
- I'm pretty sure about 85% of his wardrobe is black. Black tshirts, black jeans, black pants, black shoes. I think about the only things that aren't black are some of his pjs and like...his ties
- His favorite game is MarioKart :^] he played it repeatedly in college and will absolutely shred anyone who tries to challenge him at it. On the other hand, he's terrible at Halo and Tim hands his ass to him every time they play
3. Does your s/i have a full backstory yet? Or is it still in the works? If it's done can we see it?
oh boy. putting a read more for tws, as well as length [ sobs ]
tw ahead for mentions of s/lfharm, su/cide, r/pe, and parental death. its a lot
so. mischa was born misha amelia joysz, to his polish mother and american father. growing up he never really got along with his parents, and at a young age deciphered that he "wanted to be a boy," which did not go over well with his parents at all. they got divorced when he was barely four years old, and since he lived with his mother in DC, while his father enlisted in the navy.
mischa got made fun of quite often at school for "acting like a boy" and it threw him quite early on into a depression, which continued through most of his life. he did super well in school, but never had many friends, and at age 18, his mother kicked him out after mischa attempted to come out to her. his scholarships paid for most of his college, the rest paid for with the many hours mickey worked during the week after classes.
he eventually got a boyfriend, and things seemed to be going well for him until he gained the confidence to come out publicly. sparing the details, his at the time boyfriend got the idea that he would "fix" mischa, which led to a long cycle of continued abuse ending in him taking advantage of mischa after a night of drinking. it absolutely destroyed mischa, and maybe a month or so later, his roommate (one of the few people who supported and cared for him at the time) found him, having overdosed on his medication. she was a nursing student, and ended up saving his life and convincing him to go to the police about the rape; his now-ex was never charged, the case being dismissed because of a lack of proof, and with mischa's recent suicide attempt it was easy to dismiss it as a depressed, lonely and confused student trying to get attention. from that point on, he decided he was going to not only live the way he wanted, but help prevent what happened to him from happening again.
he ended up graduating with honors from his college with a double major in criminal justice and forensics and interning with the FBI, and eventually getting hired on to work there. he did, for around two years before being transferred to the special tactics force and working there for a year or so before deciding he really wanted to go back to the investigative side of it. he was transferred to NCIS shortly after, and assigned to gibbs' team. he and gibbs were always super close, they bonded mostly over mischa's past troubles and of course gibbs' too. tony joined the team not long after mischa did -- they worked super well as a team from the start, and after so long, mischa became the mickey we all know and love after finding his place amongst his new family at NCIS, including getting his scar from a dirtbike accident (he thought he had to prove himself as "one of the boys") <3
there's a lot more to it, like mickey's ex coming back, and the team taking a case where mickey's dad is the victim, and y'know, all the mickey/tim slowburn buildup and all that, but thats more development than backstory so. yeah. that's the long short of it all. essentially mickey's been through a lot, but despite it all he tries his best to be the fun little ray of sunshine he is 😔
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primaryred · 2 years
(Still selective) Genshin characters and what kind of hs students I think they would be pt. 2
part uno
notey-chan: I’m sorry for the 4 month wait. I’ve put this off for too long. I have no regrets writing this. Fuck genshin impact I wanted Yae die Ayato. Kazuha rerun pls. Unfortunately this may have less spirit since I’m not writing this whilst I’m shifting my brains out.
warnings: cursing / nsfw / drugs / infrequent hcs / spelling errors?/ hs topics / favoritism (esp on Kokomi’s part sorry not sorry) / gay gay gay lesbian homo ppl
Ei/ Yae
-Ei is a language arts teacher and Yae is the hot librarian
-I have a feeling Ei wanted to b a history teacher but Zhongli was ready to fight for that spot (boomer thingz)
-So she settled for language arts
-I also think that she’d teach fencing for some fancy defined art like that as a side gig
-Now, hear me out: Ei runs a book club with Yae
-Ei and Yae are childhood best friends
-Yae supervises the student council and they all confide in her a lot
-Kaeya and Childe have definitely hit on Yae or Ei more than a couple of times
-Ei’s legit 🤏 this close to suspending them
-Yae def knows abt Kazuha’s drug business. But she’s chill about it
-She probably helped him name it (some poetry shit (love that pot 🍃))
-Ei forgets her umbrella a lot and Yae always brings an extra for her
-They give each other chocolates during Valentine’s Day (tell the students “it’s a formality” but we all know that isn’t true)
-Yae prides herself on keeping her library clean and pretty
- all of the staff are scared of her
-Ei unironiclly stops Venti in the hallways while school alr started bc she thinks he’s a student
-Yeah, Ei and Yae both hate Venti
Arataki Numero Uno Itto
-Sets camp in the detention room
-He probs has a designated desk w a name plate for him IN GOLD bc “silver isn’t manly”
-He’s tried to make a “fighting” club but the school wouldn’t allow it so he settled on Judo
-Probably tries to learn a new language if he finds out a foreign exchange student will be transferring
-Puts his feet on his desk
-Notorious virgin. Like even if a student was desperate they’d stay a good 37 feet away from him
-He has a gang, but he doesn’t beat people up
-Worse thing they’ve done was accidentally break a classroom window while trying to decide who can throw the biggest rocks
-Anytime a teacher assigns a project he tries to convince them if he can make it into a video to show the class
-Sara is contemplating a transfer
-IK she has a fan club. Half of the student body is in it. Literally no shame
-She’d slay in karaoke
-Would unintentionally start trends too like??? First week of school everyone dyed their hair pink and blue
-She prefers manga over anime. Reads TBHK and AOT
-Cuts her hair shoulder length frequently but her hair grows back so fast
-Marine science specialist. Also an advocate for all sea animals. Makes PowerPoints and everything
-She has like whales, starfishes, and whatever charms on her school bag
-Has a wide food pallet. Like she is able to properly judge food with an extensive review
-She has taken some self defense classes, but gorou refuses to let her walk alone at night.
-He’ll probably go to war for her (even tho he alr has)
-Kokomi definitely has great comebacks. no one picks fights w her
-really nothing negative to say about her except her hyperfixation on sea animals
-brings the game frfr
-he wants nothing to do w 80% of the students there. but SOMEHOW he attracts them all (kinda like komi’s brother or Saiki)
-he reads nerdy shit like the periodic table for f-fun 🤢
-yeah a chemistry nerd
-the only time he ever involved himself with school activities is when it has to do w science. And he’d always bring up some crazy theory that makes sense
-victim of TikTok challenges
-Kaeya definitely stopped him in the middle of the hallway, put his phone up to his mouth and asked him what song he was listening too
-only kid with actual academic potential. he could graduate early if he wanted to
-always does unauthorized experiments in the school laboratory (with sucrose or someone bc he doesn’t want to get in trouble alone)
-if the school ever held like a fitness/sports event he’d do extremely well in track or fencing. Like he’s innately athletic
-agreed to become class treasurer and head of the chemistry club after constant begging from many of the students
-brings an extra large coffee to school and ACTUALLY finishes it
-his style is a whole vibe tbh
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relaxxattack · 3 years
(i dont care to do c! tags bc theres. so many characters. if i dont say cc! then im talking abt the characters) normally i am not one to think much about the syndicate bc outside of ranboo being there to protect tubbo the syndicate Frustrates me a bit but. if phil starts to realize just how fucked over tubbo got by schlatt being erased from the narrative (and especially how shittily techno has treated tubbo) then i really hope they lean into like. the fact that the syndicate may soon turn into phil, niki, ranboo, and possibly the mystery member (im including mystery member mostly because i think tubbo is on good terms with almost everyone except like. dream, possibly wilbur but we'll see, and like the eggpire ppl but none of them are likely options but it is possible that the mystery member could just be neutral) all like. wanting tubbo to be safe and phil is *just* reasonable enough that i think he'd realize how unfair it is for tubbo to have been subjected to so much shit just for techno to introduce even more fear and the need to hide in his life
like phil already keeps the bee duo marriage and michael a secret, he lets tubbo come over and while of course its mostly from the semi lore vibes phil seems vaguely fond of tubbo already (i dont think phil and tubbo have father/son vibes tho, more just like. tubbo is just That Kid that adults cant help but adore even though the kid will rob them of house and home. slightly amused elder watching a tiny fucking gremlin make sex jokes and talk about soviet russia), niki from what i remember still cares about tubbo (probably because she cant redirect any anger towards him without realizing how unjustified it would be kcnsks she can come up with excuses for hating tommy but tubbo didnt do anything that niki has a problem with outside of her maybe having a bad view on butcher army if she knows about it?), ranboo is. ranboo. i dont need to clarify. and then like said theres a very low possibility of the fifth member *disliking* tubbo or being unable to sympathize with him.
people talk a lot about how techno needs to lose in a way that he cant easily come back from without introspection and i think while the rest of the syndicate standing up for tubbo would increase technos grudge against tubbo initially its also like. something that i think would maybe force techno to see tubbo as a person because now theres nothing techno can box (haha gettit. tubbox tubbo in a box tubbo getting boxed into certain roles by people who refuse to let him out techno esp doin this teehoo) tubbo into that wouldnt just. acknowledge that tubbo is a person. hes not apart of the government anymore, not planning any failed revolution, the most negative title to his name is being one of the nuke makers but even then thats out of fear and safety and techno knows that. otherwise tubbos current crimes are nothing thats special to tubbo (like. stealing and searching for evidence in ppls homes and stuff, the latter of which techno doesnr even know about). right now tubbos a husband, a father, a friend, a kid, *ex*-government, a person. and just.
i think that with how much foreshadowing about tubbos execution no longer being a secret amongst the witnesses and tubbo himself and soon being something that people close to techno like phil and ranboo know about as well (in that i want phil to learn that techno did it and for ranboo to learn about it in general bc hes just biased enough for tubbo and just smart enough that i think even if somehow he wasnt told who did it he could figure it out), and with the fact that tubbos lore has been confirmed to now be something thats actively going to be played into? i think (or at least hope) that it might spur phil and techno into finally seeing tubbos side of the story (and probably also get into the possibility of tubbo opening up to tommy and ranboo but i do think realistically either tubbo will try to play it off/not truly open up about how much its effected him or tubbo will at first shut down or go into complete repression mode, especially if phil and ranboo get the story from other people rather than tubbo himself [but god do i hope they confront tubbo himself]. either those two or tubbo talks about his emotions through fucking snapping at something/someone like he did at quackity when reminded of his execution, which as long as its Not tommy or ranboo ill absolutely be cheering on him for)
which is all a very convoluted way of saying uhh. *grabby paws at the ccs currently involved in the arc of clearing up personal misconceptions about l'manberg (and especially tubbos involvement and how easily those around him judged him based off of their versions of the story)* tubbo lore? tubbo healing tubbo talking about his problems? characters learning to see him as a person and recognizing how traumatized he is and that hes not uneffected but actively repressing any effects? please? (also ending note as the cherry on top of this essay that im sorry for dropping into your inbox: im kind of glad that tommys healing arc and tubbos possible healing arc are going to happen at similar times but are still separate. something something its nice to see acknowledgement that tommy and tubbo wont heal in the same way and arent going to know how to help each other but theyre still going through it together. their arcs are intertwining without removing their individuality and as someone w major co-dependency issues its kind of nice idk. you can be there for someone and still acknowledge that you have your own things to go through too and that while you wont be alone you shouldnt force those around you to support you. the bench trio are all helping each other out of free will and genuine love for each other while still realizing they have some problems they arent ready to talk about yet that arent forced to the open because theyre all doing their best to handle each other with care and i just. bench trio my beloveds. the kids are alright.) -🎭🎪 (also as the actual end note if theres ever a need to refer to me as something other than the emojis mask or eyez works fine but the idea of my name being the emojis is also Very Funny to me so do what you will)
im working on my aperture camera college assignment rn and my brain is sort of fried so i dont have an intelligent answer, but i got the happy chemical reading this.
yeah. i think we all know here that my favorite character is tubbo, and i REALLY hope we get him addressing anything that’s happened to him in canon. pretty much all of what you said sounds very good. *grabby hands* spare tubbo lore? please? spare tubbo lore?
perhaps during the three weeks wilburs off in the fucking woods (/lh) we could have a the-others-find-out-what-happened-to-tubbo-(and in DETAIL)-arc. pleaseeeeeeeee and ty
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elysianslove · 4 years
oh definitely!!! honestly not much has happened lmao, the real stuff is probs gonna start next week, rn it's mostly just introductions and talking abt what's planned for the semester...tho there's def a lot of advanced reading to do and my brain's getting tired just thinking abt it 😃
on an unrelated note, i dreamt abt the miya twins?!??? jesus i need to go out and touch some grass JBSJDKKSS BUT BUT. uh for some reason i had um. this fwb arrangement with,,,,,the both of them??????? and before i could get to the good part my alarm woke me up,,,,miss maam when i tell u i was literally there in front of my laptop thinking abt this during class like 👁️👄👁️
SENDING HUGS AND KISSES TO U BACK THANK U FOR LETTING ME DRAW FOR U 💘💞💘💓💝💞💓💝💞💘💓💞💝💓💘💞💓 but also don't stare at it too much bc you're gonna end up seeing all my mistakes GDHSGDHS ngl when i see it on ur page i just think. "shit i could've cleaned that up better" 💀 but i'm v v honoured that you're using it!!!!!! i always feel fluffy whenever people use the stuff i draw for them hhhhhh i'm gonna melt _(:3」∠)_ —🦊
yeah oh my god for my third week of uni all my professors assigned quizzes? like all of them??? quizzes and then assignments too??? i had so much to do on the THIRD week like pls go easy on me 🧍🏻‍♀️ but i hope your semester goes well bb you got this!!! btw i never asked, what are you studying or majoring in!!! 
ALSO DJSLDJS YOU DREAMT ABOUT THEM??? if only,,, babe i’ll make a whole one shot about your dream one day, trust. 
AND AHHH IM GENUINELY SO HONORED YOU DREW ME i still can’t believe it,,, and pls i was so quick to make it my header. i was like i want people to SEE this. look at my friend’s beautiful art,,, i have to flex for u. anyways i luv u very much mwah mwah mwah <3
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starrysence · 6 years
ralbert for the hc. . thinv. g
ok these are kinda all over the place????? like the ones where theyre not dating yet arent necessarily before the ones where they are dating. its just kinda. scattered. oops sorry 
warnings: 100% swearing. if its ralbert you can basically guarantee that theres swearing
●ok so theres this period of time where nobody can tell whether al and race are dating or just doing bro things like they always do
▪probably bc these two have always been so physically affectionate???? there isnt really a noticeable change after they start dating▪until jack and finch see them making out against a wall and decide to just leave them be without making any noise▪but yeah thats 100% how the boys find out▪"you guys didn't know we were dating????"▪"no wtf you've always acted like a couple we just thought it was the typical Bro Behaviour" ▪they all bust out laughing at that one●race LOVES the snow which is 100% ironic bc he gets cold so easily (can you tell im trying to do as many snow hcs as possible)▪albert doesnt like the snow. he doesnt. understand. race. ESPECIALLY because race gets cold so easily▪"baby why dont you just come inside i can just make hot chocolate and we can binge watch hallmark christmas movies a month too early,,,,,,,"▪"nOo Oo al the snow is so pretty"▪"youre prettier"▪"nice try but im not coming in"▪"aw damn"●has race stolen albert's sweaters during the winter??????? Absolutely ▪has albert cared??? of course not. look at his boy. he looks fucking adorable. he cant take that sweater away from race even tho hes already stolen half the sweaters in al's closet▪one time race was half-asleep on the couch when al got home late from a graphic design workshop and he was in one of albert's sweaters▪al thought it was tje cutest thing hes ever seen▪he didnt want race falling asleep on the couch tho so he Scooped him up and put him down on their bed▪"youre so sweet albie,,,,,,,,, i love you"▪thats the first time either one of them has said i love you since they started dating?????? albert is Shook bc it feels so different now▪"love you too, racer"●these two 100% went through a taylor swift phase together and You Can't Change My Mind▪it includes the ones a lot of people know like shake it off, blank space, etc. but also so many other ones▪they have a whole ass taylor swift playlist but they never really delete it after they get past their phase???▪so al absolutely brings it back when race is going through a breakup▪so here they are. two teenage boys, singing/yelling along to taylor swift songs. ft. like 6 tubs of mint choco chip ice cream and 8 boxes of tissues▪race feels so much better afterwards????▪gives albo a lil kiss on the cheek ▪"thank you, albie"▪albert dasilva? blushing????? pshhhh. nahhh (read: absolutely 100%)●yall Best Believe race can bake like nobody's business and albert Lives For It bc he can barely bake a batch of cookies▪however, the only food race can cook w/o nearly burning something down is italian food▪so usually albert cooks▪but baking???? yall this boy CAN BAKE▪thats actually the reason albert starts falling in love w/ him LMAO ARE U REALLY SURPRISED▪literally theyre like 13 or 14 right? and race has baked a batch of brownies and albert is in HEAVEN when he tries one▪"i think im in love"▪"hahaha with me or the brownies?"▪".....the, uh,,,,, the brownies, duh"▪lol no its race AND the brownies but he doesnt totally know that yet●if youve read my more recent fics u might remember race's sisters▪if noT, he has 4 sisters ok. two older, two younger. he is the middle child. What A Life▪siblings from oldest to youngest: veronica, ilia, race, rosetta, elsie▪albert and race have been best friends since childhood so albert and race's sisters know each other really well. theyre all Pals▪literally???? race's sisters Love Him▪when they find out race likes albert they do not let it go. for a second. race is Actually terrified theyll expose him in fromt of albert one day▪best believe they go WILD when they find out race and al are finally dating ▪the first time albert comes over after theyre dating all 4 of race's sisters TACKLE HIM▪"HELLOOOO FUTURE BROTHER-IN-LAW"▪albert is so absolutely stunned afterwards and race is crying w/ laughter●these two swear. so much. its really funny yall▪once jack dared them to go a whole week without swearing and they didnt realise how hard it would be▪"albert you fu----- fabulous human being, you"▪"stop being such an a----- aDORABLE person, race, my heart cant handle it"▪its actually very wholesome but the week is hell for those two▪the next monday theyre both like "FUCK yes we can fucking swear again thank goodness"▪its a very swear-heavy week to make up for the last one. the boys are Really Amused●race is so full of energy all the time its actually kinda weird for albert to see him tired or drowsy before nighttime▪but he knows if he gives race any form of caffeine or sugar the boy will practically be bouncing off the walls▪so he chooses to enjoy his time w/ sleepy race while it lasts bc while its pretty unusual its also absolutely adorable▪race is even more cuddly than usual when hes tired/sleepy ngl and i mean,,,,,, albert isnt complaining▪al lives for the lil smile race has on his face when hes tired and albert has just kissed his forehead or something. its so cute he swears hes gonna explode●albert is Wonderful at poetry yall cant try me on this i will take it to my grave▪race has no idea about this until they have to write a poem for english▪very open-ended assignment. a poem of any style about anything you want to write about▪albert says his is about one of the best gifts hes ever received and it turns out▪the poem is abt race▪and its REALLY well written half the class is saying 'awwww' and the other half is near tears and smiling▪race is part of the other half. except he starts crying. did i mention hes emotional as hECK●shsjjfjgs amusement park dates▪these boys live for them (also i rlly just want an excuse to write about amusement park dates)▪kind of chaotic bc race bruises really easily AND hes really clumsy so if he and al have to part ways for a bit he might look like shit when they reconvene and albert is like "do i have to fight somebody or did you just do something dumb and get yourself hurt again"▪"........the latter"▪"jesus christ, race. youre such a disaster. but i love you"▪"love you too albieeeeee"
sahjkhdks i love them so much. i think i got a bit carried away with all of these lmaooo so i hope you like them!!
-sanj 💕
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lenalvthor · 6 years
I am itching to post a comment for the recent update, but I’m also in the middle of finals and would not be happy if I didn’t give this week’s update the comment it deserves. To think it took all day to send this out alone! So instead, I’m hitting both of you up with a couple questions and headcanons requests. (Apologies in advance cause there’s quite a few of them 😅)
1. I’ve been wondering for a while now since we’ve seen them interact with other Arrowverse characters in their social media, but do the Legends still maintain contact with Snart? He’s the only one that’s literally a city away and contacting someone you’re used to seeing face to face constantly isn’t always easy.. How’s he doing over in Central City?
2. Do y’all have any headcanons for the OG Legends? How did they become the Legends? Or tell us about one of their OG misadventures (that may or may not have resulted in detention). 😉
3. Since y’all also mentioned that Ali is now running with the Soph Squad™, I was wondering if you have any headcanons about them? I just want to hear some cute stuff for them (especially cause Lil’ Sharpe is a fucking fav. Did they adopt her like how Sara merged the friend groups? Did they playfully tease Ali after learning her middle name like finding any and every way to play “Jenny from the Block” every hour on the hour (totally haven’t done that >.>).
(Imma stop there cause I don’t want to push it, but I hope that both of you have a good week ahead. Best of luck during finals, hope work isn’t to busy, and I do hope you’re feeling better from your being sick!)
do you know how much getting massive messages like this asking for this many details about our story literally makes our Entire day? like, screw entire days, our entire Weeks. it’s just so hard to comprehend that people care this much about our dumb little world that we’ve created, so firstly, literally thank u so much for taking the time to send this, and thank u for the time you’ve spent reading this fic and being this invested 💖
1. snart. mick definitely keeps in touch with him, and he’s pretty good friends w barry so wally hears abt stuff through barry. sara tags him in memes every once in a while and texts him abt stuff, occasionally they tag each other in #tbt posts, but they don’t maintain That much contact really, but they catch up if they ever get a chance
2. i feel like you wanted something nice and fluffy for this but we ended up just going on angst spirals about freshman year sara instead lmao. in our minds, the legends group isn’t Quite the legends group until late in their freshman year. sara grew up being best friends with laurel, tommy, oliver and thea and they were pretty tight knit for most of her life. it wasn’t until middle school (or rather, sara’s eighth grade) that suddenly the older three were at a different school and both thea and sara kinda looked to expand their friend group (and it’s around this time that sara met and started dating nyssa). in freshman year, sara’s going through a bit of a hard time finding herself. she’s in this super low spot of trying to be both like laurel and not like laurel at the same time, and it hits her super hard how much her mother just Doesn’t care and her outlet ends up being acting out a lot. 
she becomes pretty tight with mick and snart and they get into a lot of trouble together for a while during the year. ray, amaya and jax are the three who manage to worm their way into sara’s life and become friends with her and slowly ease her away from that self destructive behaviour, esp ray and amaya - ray with getting through to her understanding what it’s like to have that constant comparison to a sibling, and amaya by being one of the first female friends that sara has had in a while and who she refreshingly needs to find her own since of femininity and style and stuff that isn’t in some way trying to emulate or be opposite to laurel at all
sara drags mick and snart with her away from that whole troublemaking thing and at the same time, ray starts dating kendra (who sara knew through nyssa) and amaya becomes quite close with nate, so them + jax are the original legends.  
it’s very early sophomore year that snart moves away (he comes back to visit a few times and he and sara hook up one time after nyssa leaves). kendra starts to drift a bit after nyssa leaves as well, and has her own group of friends even though she and ray are still dating. zari moves to star city right after christmas break and ray and jax are assigned her ‘buddies’ to show her around and she sits with the legends those first few days at lunch. she and amaya click almost immediately, and she likes nate even though he’s a bit annoying and ray is sweet if not a little overwhelming and jax and mick seem pretty chill. but she and sara butt heads so quickly, and a lot of that is bc sara isn’t in a good place at all after nyssa leaving and zari reminds her so much of herself that she’s starting to think all these things about the legends replacing her somehow, and it’s not until ray picks up on that and quietly takes her aside and promises that it’s nothing like that, that zari just needs friends the way they all did last year, sara eases up a bit. (zari tries out for the soccer team soon after though, and it’s there that she and sara realise how well they work together and how good friends they could be if they just tried) 
ray and kendra break up early junior year, but they’d been distant for a while anyway. kendra still remains pretty good friends w the legends tho. nate and amaya also break up junior year but it’s an amicable break up and obvs they both stay in the legends. 
as for how they became legends - i don’t think neither me or rachel are particularly inventive when it comes to pranks and creative adventures and misdemeanours, so if you (or anyone else) has any ideas for various mischievous things the legends got up to to earn their name, pls send them our way!! 
3. they are the fucking cutest okay. thea and ali have been friendly and all since middle school and they’re on the same lacrosse team and ali always thought their group seemed cool, but it’s not until she’s trying to find a new table to sit at (pointedly avoiding looking at her old friends) that thea waves as though they’re Best Friends and points at a free seat beside roy. we have thea, roy, curtis, rené, sin and probs a few other OC’s as their friend group. it’s a big group but everyone has kinda smaller mini groups within it and that group ^ w those names is the group that ali gets adopted into. it’s kinda weird for ali bc she hasn’t had a lot of guy friends before, but she immediately loves it. curtis teaches her how to play video games and she schools rené big time in basketball and when she realises sin is gay, she explains why she left her old group after their homophobic comments abt ava and sin immediately grins and goes “i like you.”  roy and thea become ali’s best friends out of the group though, always inviting her to stuff and making points to get to know her and funnily enough, ali never quite feels like a third wheel (i mean, she does sometimes), but it just feels natural. she joins the school archery club bc thea encourages her to, she goes round to the queen house all the time to study and it’s cool bc the queens are friendly with the sharpes bc they’re in the same social circle and thea gets having parents who are Like That and ali realises that she’s never felt more comfortable with a group of friends in her life
(there are so many more headcanons abt the third thing but the post is so long & so we’re gonna save those for another time heh) 
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spitestudies · 7 years
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hello everyone!! as a high school junior taking 4 aps, 3 other classes, preparing for the act, trying to do college research, stage managing a musical, and trying not to lose my mind, here are some fun n handy tips for not Dying when ur schedule is hell!  
if you found this post helpful maybe give it a like/reblog and check out my other posts here!
so much of getting and staying organized has to do with organizing your time in advance.  there are a million ways to do this--google calendar, a bullet journal, a planner, some post-it notes.  my system involves three parts: a google calendar, a planner, and an online to-do list app.  
google calendar: this is mostly for events.  i can see when i have rehearsals, classes, doctor’s appointments, etc.  this helps me see how much available time i have and budgeting it properly.  
planner: i take this with me to school, and i use it to right down when i have assignments and tests.  i use the ban.do planner, but these are a bit pricey, and really anything will do.  just somewhere to put down tasks so you can keep track of them
getplan.co: this app is, honest to god, the only reason i am still alive and breathing.  it plugs into your google calendar and then allows you to create and schedule tasks around events.  @studycxlture has an amazing post about plan here that i def recommend checking out!
general tips about planning: 
plan out the events of your month at least two days before it starts
set aside a night (i like sunday evenings) to set up a system for the upcoming week and go over what you have planned so you don’t forget anything
you are NOT gonna remember that assignment that teacher told you about.  write it down.  
you do not need a fancy system.  it’s okay to try lots of different things until you find what works 
never spend more time planning out tasks than completing them.  unless you have that much free time, don’t dedicate two hours to making a lovely weekly bullet journal spread.  
color codes!!! are a life saver.  i have one with a color for each class (red for english, orange for spanish, yellow for history, green for science, blue for math, etc) as well as some for my extracurriculars (pink for the musical, teal for model un, etc).  
always have ur planner open when ur working, so that you can make sure u r actually completing all the tasks u said u were gonna complete
oh my god oh my god oh my god staying on top of your work is SO important when you’re busy.  being able to find your worksheets and keep track of your homework and your million responsibilities is essential to being successful.  to stay organized, i have an expandable file folder with tabs for each class.  because i take most of my notes in notebooks instead of binders, this is a good way to keep all of my handouts, worksheets, and syllabi centralized.  
also, make sure you have a way to keep your online materials organized.  create a folder for each school year, and within that folder, create more folders for each class.  from there, it’s up to you about how you’ll organize files. you can create even MORE folders (yeet) for things like homework, notes, study guides, etc, or folders for each unit you study.  the possibilities are endless!!!! isn’t technology exciting
here r some pieces of advice for staying organized: 
have a series of folders/binder/expandable file folder to hold your worksheets.  or one for each class, though i prefer to keep all my papers in one a) to save money and b) to save space.
label your notebooks/binders so that you know which ones to bring home with you
never just shove something into your backpack.  never.  i’m gonna manifest into ur classroom and FIGHT you if u do that.  it’s not good, it’ll end up getting lost or crushed under the weight of all ur textbooks, and you’ll end up panicking when u can’t find it 
have ur planner on u at all times
keep a good filing system of ur stuff at home.  u don’t need to carry around every single bio assignment you’ve gotten back, but by the time ur final rolls around ur gonna want 2 b able to look at all the materials you’ve gotten during the semester
that being said, throw stuff away when the year is over!  i, for one, know i’m never gonna think about calculus after this class is done, so i will be recycling all of my papers (save the earth) and moving tf on 
keep a recycling bin in your room!  even if it’s just a paper bag, it’ll make throwing paper in the trash way less tempting (save the earth)
u don’t need a ton of pens.  i’m being a giant hypocrite saying this but you really don’t need all that stuff.  if you want it and you can manage it, great, but if it’s just another thing to keep track of, leave ur staedtlers and ur mujis and ur fineliners and ur calligraphy pens at home, and just take the essentials with u to school
in order to succeed, it’s v important to make every second count.  this doesn’t mean studying 48 hours straight (pls don’t), but try not to waste time. whether this means you spend fifteen minutes napping, doing some reading for english, or having a quick snack, make sure u are being productive and healthy!  i, for one, sometimes have 1-2 hour breaks between school and rehearsal, and i like to use these to walk to the grocery store by my school and get some food and then study in the deli.  
some ideas for being productive! 
carry a clipboard around everywhere.  this way, u don’t need to spend as much time transitioning in and out of tasks, u can just put ur work onto the clipboard, and put it in ur backpack at the end of a break, and then the next chance u have to work on it, just take it back out.  easy peasy
work during commutes! nOT if ur the one driving the car though that’s VERY dangerous and distracted driving = bad.  but if ur on the bus, or ur mom is driving u to school, that might be a good time to go over some notes you took last night, or some reading you need to catch up on.  nothing too insane, please don’t do ur chem labs on the public bus but.  u know.  
read over the notes you took that day on the ride home.  this will help reinforce the information in ur brain, and it’s not super difficult. i go over my apush notes during the 40 minute drive home and sometimes talk about them w my mom, which gives me a much better grasp of the material
don’t waste time on social media.  either delete instagram altogether, or log off/mute notifications before u start work.  same with tumblr.  don’t start scrolling obsessively if u have three tests to study for. 
power naps!!!! napping for about 10-20 minutes, maybe on the way home or to practice/rehearsal/whatever u gotta do, can help u feel refreshed!  anything longer will make u more tired tho, so be sure to get up when u say ur gonna get up.  
study smarter: when ur going over material, u don’t need to handwrite 60 beautiful flashcards.  use quizlet instead.  don’t revise if it’s not gonna help u.  prioritize which assignments r gonna be most impactful over the little ones u can easily make up
take good breaks!! breaks r VERY important and should be utilized properly.  here r some good suggestions for things to do: 
throw in a load of laundry
empty the dishwasher
stretch/do some jumping jacks
drink some water!
go for a walk
talk to a family member 
get a snack!
read some fun novels n such
!! in case of emergency !! the following tips should only be employed when ur short on time.  don’t use these just bc u can, this is just when it’s about getting close enough to grasping material, not actually grasping it
do every other math problem assigned, and either star the ones u didn’t do, or get the answers from the back of the book.  this way, u get some practice but u also save time
sparknotes ur reading beforehand.  this way, u can recognize what’s going on.  it’s not v good for developing ur reading comprehension, but assignments will go by quicker
NEVER google translate ur language homework, but u can use word reference for helping u find the right word and proper conjugations
flagpole it: didn’t study enough for a test?  are u guessing on like 10 of the questions?  if it’s multiple choice, but the same answer for all the ones u have no clue about, unless that answer choice seems highly unlikely.  then pick a different one.  this way, ur statistically more likely to get some of the ones you guessed correct. 
when u have an online assignment due at midnight and it’s 11:53 and u haven’t started, find another assignment you’ve already completed that has a similar document name.  for example, “scarlet letter chapters 9-11″ instead of ur actual assignment “scarlet letter chapters 12-14″.  submit the other one, and then when u finish the other assignment (either that night or the next morning) email ur teacher and apologize, say u accidentally submitted the wrong document
if ur parents will let u (if ur in high school) or u can let urself (if ur in uni), it’s okay to skip a day to catch up.  just make sure u actually work, get the notes u missed, and talk to ur teachers/professors abt the material u missed.
ur health comes before any assignment, test, or extracurricular.  i know lots of ppl r probably telling u that and it doesn’t seem like they mean it, but i mean it.  no exam is worth sacrificing ur mental, physical, or emotional health for.  yeet!  so here r some things to keep in mind
eat!  ur fuckin!  breakfast!  whether it’s a smoothie or oatmeal or a cup of orange juice or an apple or an elaborate french toast dish, u need some food in ur stomach so that u have the energy to start ur day
remember to take ur meds if u need to!
drink water!  drink! water!  have a glass when u wake up, and then at least one with every meal, and one before u go to bed.  hydration is v important.  if u can, invest in a water bottle and take it with u to class.  
pack a lunch!  and if ur staying later after school, pack snacks!  tech week for me is always hell because i get to school at 7:30 am and don’t usually leave until 11 that night.  it’s v important to stay nourished and hydrated so that u don’t get dizzy or faint.  
remember!  that u are beautiful, and ur body is beautiful, and it deserves 2 b loved! especially by u.  
get 6 hours of sleep.  aim for 8, but six at the very least.  if ur done with ur work, go to bed early!  don’t just stay up for no reason.  
shower everyday, or every other day at least.  give yourself those 15 minutes as a break from work or school or anything else that’s keeping you busy
write down ur thoughts in a journal?  
talk to a friend if ur feeling sad, or just feeling things very intensely.  share ur joy with other people!  vent ur sadness and anger so u aren’t carrying it around everywhere. 
make some time to have fun.  see a movie w ur friends or ur bf/gf/datefriend or ur family over the weekend.  go to a museum.  hang out at the mall.  sleepover at someone’s house.  taking breaks is healthy.  
make an effort to have dinner with ur family if u can (also if u like ur family.  i know some ppl have bad relationships w them so skip this step if that’s u).  it can be nice to reconnect w everyone, even when ur stressed or they’re annoying u, it can be nice.  
remember that it’s okay to be imperfect!  u don’t need to be good at a lot of things.  i got a b for the first time last semester, i just got a c on an apush test, i failed my driver’s test again yesterday.  but i also aced my math quiz, i celebrated six months of knowing my best friend, i walked my dog, i helped put a production together.  it’s okay to have rough days and bad days and bleh days, as long as you keep pushing through them and working for the days to get better.  
i love u!!! stay hydrated and nourished and get enough sleep.  put on some lotion if u have it available.  brush ur hair.  if u ever wanna ask a question, my ask box is always open!  <3
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uniformbravo · 7 years
“quick” life update while i wait for my ipod to charge
(do ppl even still use ipods in this day & age. whats spotify)
i never made any posts abt it but i started the new semester & im taking 2 classes, it’s funny actually bc i waited even more til the last minute than i usually do to figure out my classes & spent the 1st week of school trying to see a counselor to find out if i still needed classes and that’s a whole other story for a whole other day but long story short the answer was no but i decided to take a couple anyway
mainly because every time im not in school The Depression takes over & i just needed something to Do so im taking intermediate painting (even tho painting 1 made me want 2 die every day) and animation (even tho i’ve already decided i don’t want to be an animator????)
so heres the thing, okay, since these are classes i don’t need in order to fill any requirements or anything i had to pick them based on nothing, really, like my main reason for taking classes this semester was to give myself something to do, right. i picked painting because my friend had told me she was taking it so i was like yo i’ll just do that too bc we had fun last time & it’s a good way to stay in contact. originally that was gonna be my only class bc i knew it’d be a lot of work and time but then i talked to my school’s art counselor about transferring to another school after im graduated from here and i’d said i was maybe interested in storyboarding so we looked at schools with animation programs and i decided super last minute to just take the animation class here and Boy what a mistake
last semester i was talking on here about a computer art class i had considered taking but dropped bc it seemed kinda... shitty?? because i hated the way the teacher taught and i felt like i wasn’t gonna gain anything from the class??? well animation is taught by the same guy and hhhhhhhhh he’s so fucking unhelpful it’s such a nothing class
see i was hoping to learn some hand-drawn animation basics like timing, squash & stretch, the fucking bouncing ball assignment, shit like that, right. the teacher was like “today we’re gonna go over the 12 principles of animation” and i was like “sweet i’ve heard of that this’ll be good” & literally he brought up a list, read off most of the names, briefly described a few, and told us to google it if we wanted more info like?? holy shit dude????? thanks for nothing oh my god
i’ve been taking a lot of time practicing animating in flipnote studio on my 3ds and watching youtube videos and i’ve been learning so much more from that than anything explained by my teacher bc godddd. basically what the class boils down to is like. flash animation. so far we’ve been working in adobe illustrator and animate & i cannot stand illustrator. i know it’s a good and useful program and if i wanted to i could learn how to use it & eventually get used to it but just the way he teaches it makes me want 2 slam dunk my computer
the computer art basics class was strongly recommended to be taken before this class but tbh i don’t even think that’s the issue here because i tried to take that class and his method was the same; he does a demo on screen that you’re supposed to follow along and do with him and he explains what hes doing as he goes but he goes so fast that if u miss a step ur fucked 
and it’s not just that he goes fast, it’s also that theres no understanding of the program itself, like ok u know how in math there’s all these formulas where if u just plug numbers into them it gives u the right answer? i always understood formulas better when i knew what each variable stood for & why the values were being added or multiplied together because then it made it easier to extract the information i needed from word problems and also helped me memorize the formulas themselves easier because i could make those associations between numbers and purpose. i had the groundwork of the formula, so i could apply it to all kinds of situations
this class is like, he only gives you the very specific formulas required to accomplish very specific tasks in the programs so i can’t make the connections to figure out how to perform other tasks and i get super lost every time & it’s super frustrating & i could ask for help because he comes around and helps people who need it but i sit in the back corner so he never really even looks my way so i feel like i can’t get his attention w/o speaking up or getting up to go get him & i get lost so often that it’s really just a pain to ask him every single time
i just hate when i have a problem in one of the programs & i just have absolutely no clue how to fix it or even work around it? im used to photoshop and illustrator is just so opposite that my brain doesn’t want to work with it so im. 100% floundering in this class
we have 2 assignments during the whole semester, the first was a group project where we hand draw a 3-second animation (~30 frames) and that was literally the very first thing we did in the class with no prior guidance and honestly i suspect that the only reason he assigns it is to fill the requirement for a group project (which i know is a thing bc a lot of my past teachers have talked about it being a thing) so it was literally just. a nothing project
the second assignment is our final which is a 90-second animation (~1080 frames) and we have basically the rest of the semester to work on it, so about a month and a half-ish? and all we’ve learned how to do so far is motion tweening in animate, basically. i mean we did a ball-and-string thing which was kind of different but it mostly involved a lot of copy+paste bullshit in illustrator & also like automatic shortcuts & stuff, there was really no drawing involved at all
also it’s one of those classes where everyone just kind of messes around and does their own thing like?? i saw one girl reading manga on her computer & these two dudes at my table were comparing yugioh cards & i hear like 50 thousand conversations about anime every day & i mean im not one to talk tbh but it’s just the atmosphere, it feels like u either know what ur doing or u just fuck around w/ ur friends and im in the “neither of those” category and the girl who was reading manga is in the “both” category bc every other time i’ve looked over there she’s got this amazing masterpiece on her screen that she made in illustrator & i die inside every time what the fuckkc 
he showed us examples of final projects from last semester and i noticed that some of them were done traditionally or in programs that were obviously not illustrator so i asked him about it & he said it doesn’t have to be done in illustrator/animate as long as it’s 90 seconds long so Guess What i think i’m just gonna make it somewhere else lmaooo i mean i feel like it’s a missed opportunity bc i have these programs at my disposal & im not even using them but god amn. god fuckign damn
im thinking of animating it in flipnote bc that’s what i’ve been using & im pretty familiar with it by now but im not sure because there are some important things im not sure i’ll be able to accomplish with it like backgrounds (which are another requirement for the assignment) and i don’t want to back myself into a corner, especially with how little time i have to do it, so idk for sure. my other idea was to use clip studio paint but i have the pro version which only lets u use 24 frames per animation which totals out to a whopping 2 seconds so idk if i want to have to deal with that bullshit either. right now im considering making the rough animation in flipnote so i can figure out the timing & shit and then slapping it into clip studio to finalize everything (or technically i could even do that in photoshop, since im more familiar w/ it & can probably work faster there- from photoshop it’d be a matter of copying the finished frames into clip studio to export into 2-second clips & then compile those in movie maker & then bam finished animation)
so!!! it’s a lot of shit im dealing with in this class & im just like. if im doing it this way then why do i even need to show up for class. what am i even in this class for im just basically making an animation on my own time with my own resources using none of the techniques taught in the class. im only doing this animation because it’s an assignment for the class im not gaining anything from. it just seems so pointless & the only thing getting me through it is the thought that i could possibly put this in a portfolio somewhere down the line, and for that i’d want it to look nice and not rushed so im thinking that for the sake of finishing the assignment i might just use my rough animation so that i can spend more time on the “nice” version afterward
aaaanyway it’s um Late for me & i went on about this for too long but i needed to get it off my chest tbh, i’ve been thinking abt making this post for like 2 weeks so there u go. i didn’t even talk about my painting troubles good lord. if you’ve been wondering why i havent been online as much lately This is why. also bc im a huge loser and 100% of my free time has been going into watching anime bye
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conflictedrabbit · 7 years
2* the AvPD
Conversation w/ my friend I mentioned earlier. With their name / identifying characteristics edited out and some chopping here and there. 
I made a post abt avod once tho and it got like A few rbs and I thought "if this isn't irony idk what is" Trje
66ccff: ekjal;kdjd;
me: why do, so many avoidants want to pay for being alive avpd Tumblr: hm . I relate
66ccff: ekleja;ejdl;k
___: me: I'm glad to know people relate but are we fucking ok
LOL i mean mood tbh
___: HINESTLT like I noticed i do it cuz of you NFBNSBDKSBDKSS
66ccff: though do you mean pay as in like. pay the medical system or pay as in guilt
___: Guilt
kejk;ldj;L yes ok that is definitely me me: i breathed 5 gallons of air within 3 hours i am so sorry world
me: [realizes it's not entirely religious trauma and also probably just Guilt over taking up space and needing to help ppl otherwise Why Live?} 
Oh god me
66ccff: (this is not even ironic i get like this multiple times a week)
hdjhdjsd I've been having a bad ep lately actually and like I think I failed to look 5-6 people in the eyes today CUZ IM JUST [WALKS AROHND] WOW . TERRIBLE
omg it's ok i nearly cried in class today b/c i didn't have a good eng translation for this jp sentence
i was like.... no.... don't....
i stabilized cuz the teacher went on a tangent for a second but like forcing myself to look in his eyes and act normal was so hard i looked away so many times i wa slike. oog my god. end m i love it when walking around where there's other people makes me really nervous and irritable agoraphobia is great!
GOD yea It's so awkward for me I'm fine if I have a safe person or I'm walking to class but like
66ccff: i came back from class today and took a 6 hr nap cuz of my shame and agoraphobia
Rip Wish I could do that...
66ccff: well i haven't done my homework so
I just. Cry a lot NDKSJDJDNSKDNS rip me: I'm strong Me: spent the last 5 days like crying over nothing
dkjle;ajd i mean... i used to cry but then i got mad at myself for crying so now i just Repress (tm) and sleep and then. the joke is that sometimes it doesn't work self harms... oops... that didn't work either better nap again
zz Pillows keep u safe Idk what I've been doing lately but I thought I was getting better til I realized I was like Abstaining from feeding myself BFBJSBFSJJFD
66ccff: o h my god
And I was like "oh fuck I'm a terrible person bc someone told me I should eat and j Didn't Do It I Failed Them"
ahahahahaahahaha i thought i was getting better too but it was actually because i was just forcing myself to study to give myself an illusion of doing my part and then i went to school and my actual performance is like bad b/c i avoid so many activities that would make me better and i just
___: samd
Wow i want to die!
I think I only managed to eat cuz my brother was expecting me to
66ccff: tavpdfw you want to be punished constantly so you don't have to have anxiety about existing
Cuz he bought me dinner like 6 hours ago but I didn't touch it til now BFJDJD MEEEEE
66ccff: dkja;eljd;
GOD me: ah I feel good today Me like 3 hours later: oh my God I shouldn't feel good abt myself that's so Selfish ? I am trash
66ccff: oh Mood
___: Avpd solidarity
honestly i love my environmental soicology class but liek it talks about how we're all consuming and putting things back into the environment
___: Idk how I manage to have avpd and __pd but that's how it is on ths bitch of an earth
66ccff: and i was literally contemplating if death was the only way to take myself out from the cycle
Me Bhhjsfjd
i was like holy shit. it's not just consumption i forgot i also put bad gases into the air with everything i breathe i am Bad
All day today I was hearing abt what happened in Vegas and we were like. Talking in my apologetics class abt the Nature of Evil
66ccff: the true environmentalist take is death
___: And I was just thinking "why must I, exist if all I am is bad"
oh my god same! i looked over my abt page and i was like this looks fake tumblerina
apologetics: so mankind is basically evil Me: great! I'll die so there's less evil in the world
me ME
sometimes i have fantasies of like going backwards and apologizing to everyone i've ever talked to and to everyone who ever had to work to produce what i've consumed
M. E
and then hoping that they forget about me and then like disappearing forever i jsut can't see how some people can be like oh yeah factories in china and mexico earn less than 2 dollars an hour to make our stuff and not jus twant to kill themselves
I'm just pathetic and compulsive if I feel bad about stuff I apologize til like 2 weeks after God. Yea
the joke is that people hate if you overapologize so you jsut damned if you do damned if you dont :upside_down:
me: uh sorry for being sad People: don't apologize for that Me: Avpd:.  They are mad that I am apologizing also that I am sad Hhhfjjejd
ME WKJD;LKD "can you stop saying sorry" "sorry"
me: oh God I'm so miserable Someone: oh im sorry Me: I wish I could accept this but Pity is too much for a lowly worm like me
66ccff: "what did i just say"
:smile: :gun:
___: avpd feel when you don't deserve to be pitied ?
66ccff: pity is too much kindness ___: 
God yea
LIKE probably just a conflicted feel but I prefer ppl being active than pitying me but then I'm like
"that's selfish I don't deserve that ?"
someone tells you to watch where you're going feel like you're unable to go outside for the rest of the day
m. mebdbdhdhdjs
66ccff: oh yeah the joke is that i want people to like. be kind to me but also i don't
___: hell brain
66ccff: so i can't say what i want
be kind to me except don't because i'll feel invalid either way so maybe just don't talk to me >feels worse anyway
Hhhhhhhhhhh me Me: talk to me ? But I don't know what to talk abt ? But I am also not good enough for pity you could just sit there maybe But then the presence of another person will overwhlem me and I'll go cry again/s
66ccff: feel free to entertain yourself, and forget about me, ___: 
Mebdndmdkskdjsja god [looks at all cluster c disorders] you are all bitches and I hate tou
tavpdfw u gotta depersonalize to make it through the day of talking to other people and acting like ur a normal human bean MOOD
___: GOD yea
i have a question though if im depersonalizing why do i still feel terrible even if i feel ilke im fake smh
___: God me
me: i'm not real so heres me acting like i am chill and cool person that is interesting maybe or maybe not me, inside: this sucks and i hate this but im not real so it shouldnt affect me but damn i hate this when u feel separate from your auto-pilot but you still experience all the shame you would without it :thinking: avpd is stupid and contradictory and evolutionarily useless
__pd isnkind of the same but like if you manage it well you can get stuff done but you still breakdown over the TINIEST DETAIL I hate it And I waste more time thinking abt what I'm gonna do and not actully DOING MT SHIT
66ccff: cripes
me in high school UGH i'm ahving that problem right now dude in high school i used to just waste my days reading manga and thnking i should do my homeworka
me: I'll spend this hour scheduling [2hours later] Me: [stressed nbdjdjjsjdjsjdks
66ccff: and then i'd like. start at 10pm and fuck myself over ___: rip 66ccff: have a crying session at 4am every time an essay is due the next day ___: I actually didn't do one of my assignments tonight 66ccff: bad coping habits ___: Rip me I got discouraged over something lame JFJSNFKSNFD 66ccff: oh mood
relationship issues: occur Me: well, I can't, do anything ever again
i shouldn't even be discouraged abt my classes bc i'm here to learn and i'm just like. i know nothing i deserve to die kejd;kakejd friend, disagrees with you on something you feel unsure about: WELL I GUESS I AM BAD AND THEY HATE ME NOW time to ghost them
me: [perceives someone not caring for me] me: and Now...what is Mine Purpose...what do I live for...my Friends....have all abandoned m MEEEEEE avpd sounds super dramatic when you separate it from yourself but like In the moment I'm always just [jdut starts Fucking Crying
i just want to manage to some kind of social work, give my wealth to some impoverished family, and then kms before 30
yeah my therapists in the past are like why... so soon
___: Jfjdjfjdf 66ccff: and i'm just like "why not i need to minimize all my ills on the world and also on the emotions of my family" ___: That reminds me of like. One of my mutuals talking abt how early he sleeps and he was just 66ccff: this is the optimal time look my life plan
"why be awake longer than necessary"
Hdhdhfjsjfdjdjdband. I was just . Me
because you hate yourself too much sleep :^)
God yea That's true. Me rn
I should've been asleep like an hour ago but [plays secret of Mana and then mopes]
dude i used to have bouts of insomnia b4 i got drugs that knock me out (and help me w/ anxiety) like.... i would lay awake and every second of being awake was just making the situation worse
___: I feel like I should get meds to balance out my bipolar eps but
66ccff: but then i couldn't sleep anyway so it was a damned situation ___: my parents r so anti meds 66ccff: rrghbh
also like Internalized ableism That I don't Needthem and So Many people don't need them
66ccff: oh yeah, why do my essay when i can read an hour of garbage romo manga and feel slightly less bad during that time and then hate myself more
So I Can do it cuz I'm like Everyone Else and not like Those "crazy" people Rifp
man i don't wanna encourage meds if your side effects r bad but honestly how did i get the fuck through high school other than triggering intense anxiety about all assignments
like... i was so nonfunctional i shouldn't have even been in school
all accessibility problems are solvable humans are so bad
___: caring ? About others ? What a concept 66ccff: except sometimes they are good but that is definitely not me
Ok I try to overcompensate w good to make up for inherent badness THANKS RELIGION
the US is like: here's a pricetag for your life pay up
___: AAAA
yeah i can see how christainity wouldn't help there w/ the "original sin" and stuff that doesn't quite exist in other abrahamic religions iirc judaism doesn't even have hell
___:  it's really weird
i'm guessing its bc of jesus like.... y'all binches killed him so now this is life - christainity
Like. Christianity makes the most sense to me probably cuz I grew up w it but fuck Man
66ccff:  o yeah i grew up w/ some christianity too ___: It's FUCKED!!!!!! 66ccff:  i actually have agoraphobia issues w/ going inside of churches ___: Oh same 66ccff:  :^) ___: I'm actually fairly anti-church just because the current state of them is very bsd 66ccff:  oh yeah
how can someone like me, who is literally not deserving of life, raise someone else
Me Hdjehdsk
66ccff:  ___ we are so fucked ___: 
It's true Life is fucked We, are fucked
66ccff: existence is violence
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prettysei-remade · 7 years
He’s Taken
Written for @leojiweek 2017: Day 1 
Prompt: Others’ Interpretation of Leoji/Social Media 
read on ao3
Laura xoxo: ugh
Laura xoxo: dani im so sry but my sister saw that picture u put on insta of u and ur brother at the water park and now she's begging me 2 get his number from u
Laura xoxo: she went on his insta and found out he's a wrld famous figure sk8r and she wont shut up abt him
Laura xoxo: pls ill buy u ice cream 4 a week if u can make her stop gushing abt how hot he is
Daniela sighs.
This is not the first time this has happened.
So many people - her friends, her friends’ sisters, girls from drama club, even a couple guys at her school - have tried to get to Leo through her. They're incredibly persistent, and Dani supposes she can see why they would be, from an objective standpoint.
Even she can't bring herself to say that Leo is bad-looking. It's horrible when all her friends come over while Leo is around, because they get all stupid and tongue-tied. She loves them, but they become incredibly annoying in those moments.
She knows Leo has his reasons for choosing to stay at home after graduating high school, but honestly, him moving out would make her life so much easier.
Of course, it doesn't help that he's also a competitive figure skater on the international level, and that he's won a bunch of medals. He's pretty successful, and relatively famous, so naturally everyone wants to be with him.
It would be marginally less irritating if everyone would stop hounding her for information on him.
She sets her phone back down on the kitchen table, prepared to ignore the text until she's finished her geometry homework, when a loud laugh from outside nearly makes her drop her pencil. She rolls her eyes.
Leo's home, and he's probably talking to his skating friend from China.
It's not that she doesn't like Guang Hong. From what she's seen and heard of him, he seems to be very sweet, pretty quiet, and definitely…
Well. It's obvious that he has a crush on Leo.
Anyway, she's spoken to him a little before, during some of his and Leo's many (many) Skype calls, and she likes him. He's only two years older than her, and he's always nice to her.
She knows Leo has a crush on him, too. They're seriously so obvious. But neither one of them thinks they have a chance.
Dani would be amused if it weren't so pathetic. Boys are so stupid, especially when it comes to feelings.
She hears the door swing open, and Leo continues to laugh and talk to the person on the other end of the phone as he walks through the house.
“We'll see each other soon, you know,” he says, a smile in his voice. He mouths a quick “hola” to Dani as he passes the kitchen. “We were both assigned to Skate Canada this year.” A pause as Guang Hong replies. Then, “I know, I feel like I haven't seen you in…”
His voice trails off down the hall, and Dani rolls her eyes. She picks up her phone to tell Laura what she's told everybody else.
It's not quite true, but it might as well be.
You: he’s taken, sry
Dani storms up the stairs, shouting all the way up.
“Leo! Mamá already called you for dinner twice, she's gonna be...”
Stopping by his slightly opened bedroom door, she looks through the crack to see Guang Hong's face on Leo's computer screen.
She rolls her eyes and barges in.
“Hi, Guang Hong,” she sighs. “Sorry to steal your boyfriend, but it's time for dinner and Leo really has to come downstairs right now.” She directs those last words at Leo with a pointed glare.
He sputters in response.
“Guang Hong isn't - we're not dating! I'm not his boyfriend!”
Guang Hong just laughs a little on his side.
She has to give him kudos for his reaction, at least. It's still obvious he likes Leo, but he seems to be way more chill about it than Leo is.
She directs her next question at him.
“Hey, isn't it really late in China? Or, like,  early?”
He laughs again.
“I'm actually in France right now, for a competition,” he explains.
“A competition he's going to dominate,” Leo adds.
Guang Hong blushes.
Dani throws up in her mouth a little.
“Sure, whatever,” she says, turning to leave. “Mamá's getting really mad downstairs, so say goodbye to your boyfriend.”
“He's not my boyfriend!”
The cheers of the crowd nearly drown out what the TV announcer is saying when Leo is awarded his gold medal.
A few moments later, they roar up again when the silver medalist is presented, and then a final, third time when Guang Hong goes to get his bronze.
They look good, standing side-by-side on the podium.
Dani watches them hold up their medals for pictures with matching grins on their faces. Leo says something to Guang Hong, which makes him laugh, and then Guang Hong responds, which makes Leo blush.
To anyone else, this is nothing unusual.
Well, actually, it's nothing unusual to Dani, either. She has to live with half of this. But she's pretty sure she's the only one who's noticed the massive crushes they have on each other.
She's thought about schemes to get them together, before. Like, texting Guang Hong from Leo's phone, or something. It would probably be amusing, and they'd at least stop acting like idiots all the time.
But they should figure it out for themselves. It's bound to happen, sooner or later. Eventually, one of them is going to confess, or make a move. They're building up to something, all on their own, and she doesn't want to interfere unless she absolutely has to.
They're actually pretty cute already, she supposes. Leo is skating around the rink with Guang Hong, an arm draped over his shoulder, and they're both laughing and smiling. They keep saying things into each other's ear, and it's like everybody else - the photographers, the cheering crowd, even the other medalist - doesn't even exist.
She hopes they figure it out soon.
Unknown Number: Hi, this is Guang Hong! I hope you don't mind, but Leo gave me your number after we talked on Skype last night. Good luck for your play tonight!
Dani is surprised Guang Hong remembers what she had said about the play, and her drama club.
Sure, Guang Hong had invited her to join the conversation, and they'd actually all talked for a really long time, until Dani realized how late it was getting. She'd thought he would mostly just focus on Leo, though, and was only including her because he was nice to everyone like that.
Apparently not.
She quickly saves his number as a contact (“Leo’s Boyfriend,” because she’s hilarious) and tries to think of how to respond.
Despite her many interactions and connections at school, and a rather large amount of social experience, she isn't exactly sure on the protocol for when your brother's almost-boyfriend texts you, completely separate from said brother.
Whatever. Guang Hong's cool, he'll be nice no matter what she says. She does try to tidy up her grammar, though. At least a little bit.
You: it's cool, i like talking to you. and thanks
Leo's Boyfriend: You're welcome! :)
He still uses smiley faces. Unironically.
That's honestly adorable.
Dani has to hand it to Leo. He's found himself a keeper.
Leo's Boyfriend: one time, when we were in japan, phichit made us all try sushi
You: omg no
Leo's Boyfriend: lets just say im never again forcing him to eat anything he says he doesn't want 2 eat
You: omg
You: ok ok my turn
You: so one time we went on this road trip to minnesota
You: it was winter so we decided to go skating at an outdoor rink for fun
You: of course, hes famous and everything so this one lady recognized him and asked him for a picture
You: so they take the picture, everythings great
You: but then he goes to skate away
Leo's Boyfriend: oh no
You: he somehow slips
You: and falls flat on his back
Leo's Boyfriend: did he get hurt??
You: just his pride
You: he got so embarrassed. it was hilarious
Leo's Boyfriend: omg!! XD
You: u know, i think sharing our blackmail material is the best idea weve ever had
Leo's Boyfriend: agreed
You: omg i know
You: its always the worst when he tries 2 rap, though
Leo's Boyfriend: don't get me started
Leo's Boyfriend: one time he tried to rap along to ceiling can't hold us by macklemore?
Leo's Boyfriend: like it was cute, but also probably one of the most awful things ive ever heard
Leo's Boyfriend: !!! pls dont tell him i said that!!
You: the cute part or the awful part
Leo's Boyfriend: …
Leo's Boyfriend: both
You: u know he wldn’t care right
You: actually he'd probably spontaneously combust if he knew
Leo's Boyfriend: u want me to tell him i think he's awful at rapping??
You: no
You: nvm
You: has he told u abt his death metal phase yet?
Leo's Boyfriend: !!!
“Hey, Dani?”
She looks up from her phone, about to tell Leo off for interrupting her in the middle of an important conversation about whether or not Charlie actually likes Liza, but then she sees his face.
He looks nervous. And… maybe a little upset, though he's hiding it pretty well.
“What?” she asks, turning off the screen and dropping her phone on the armrest.
“Um… can I talk to you?”
“Of course.”
He sits down next to her on the couch and takes a moment to collect himself.
He pauses. Swallows.
“It's about Guang Hong.”
Dani’s ears perk up at that, but she decides not to say anything. She'd rather Leo tell her what's up on his own terms.
“I…” he takes a breath. “You guys are… pretty close, right?”
Dani raises an eyebrow.
“I mean… I guess,” she answers. “I guess we text a lot.”
“Yeah. Well, you - you like him, right?”
“... yeah?”
Leo exhales.
“Okay,” he says decidedly.
Dani is confused.
Did she miss something?
“Okay… what?” she asks.
“Just… okay. You have my blessing.”
What on earth is he talking about?
“I have your blessing? Your blessing for what?”
Leo holds up his hands.
“I know, I know, you don't care what I think,” he says quickly. “I know you don't need it. But… I just thought… I know you like each other, but he's my friend, too, so I thought I'd just… tell you, I approve. Okay?”
A cold, hard pit starts to form inside of Dani’s stomach as she begins to realize what's going on.
“Leo,” she says, carefully, “what… exactly are you giving your blessing for me to do?”
Leo frowns. He runs a hand through his hair.
“To… to date Guang Hong.”
Oh my god.
Dani lets her eyes fall shut and her head drop back against the couch.
“Leo,” she groans.
“It's okay! It's fine, I don't mind, really!”
“I know, this is awkward, but I'm your brother, so - ”
“Leo, you're so stupid.”
He stops at that.
“I…” he swallows. “What?”
“Leo,” Dani says patiently. “I don't like Guang Hong like that. Guang Hong doesn't like me like that. We're friends. Just like you.”
Leo sits back.
“Huh,” he says. “Well, nevermind, then.”
Dani looks at him, sitting there all confused, getting lost in his own thoughts.
He looks a little relieved, but he doesn't know what to think, now. Dani wonders how much he had psyched himself up, prepared himself for hearing that Dani wants to date the guy he's in love with.
Probably a lot.
He has no idea Guang Hong likes him back, and Dani is just now realizing how seriously it's affecting Leo.
They can't go on this way. Dani needs to do something, if only to keep her brother from hurting like this.
“Actually, we're not like you at all,” she says, sitting up straighter. “Guang Hong and I are friends. Guang Hong and you are… I don't even know what you are.”
“What do you mean? We're friends!”
“No, you're not, Leo,” Dani insists. “I mean, you are, but don't you see you're so much more than that? God, you guys are hopeless.”
“What do you mean, more?”
“I mean, you two are in love with each other and you don't even know it! It's driving all three of us insane, and I'm the only one who even notices! I mean you're hopeless, Leo!”
She pauses at the stunned look on Leo's face, panting slightly.
Leo stares at her.
Dani stares back.
Then Leo whispers, “You think he knows?”
Dani swallows.
“Not about you,” she whispers back.
“But he likes me back.”
Leo looks at the floor.
Dani grins, in spite of it all.
“Yeah. Wow.”
He looks up at her, squinting.
“Do you think I should tell him?”
“If you don't, I'll tell him myself.”
He looks back at the floor.
“Wow,” he whispers.
He looks amazed, as if the idea of Guang Hong actually liking him back had never even entered his brain.
He smiles softly to himself.
Dani rolls her eyes.
Unknown Number: hey, this is tara from drama club last year! ashlyn gave me your number, hope that's ok lol! i was just wondering, that's your brother and his friend in that pic on instagram, right?
You: let me guess. u want my brothers number
Unknown Number: actually, i was wondering abt his friend? he's rlly cute lol
Dani is a little surprised Tara doesn't want Leo's number, but she knows the post she's talking about, and honestly, she kind of gets it.
Guang Hong has been coming over every few days to visit, since he’s training in California in the off-season. In this particular instance, he and Leo were sitting side-by-side on the couch, Leo's arm resting casually over the top of Guang Hong's shoulders, and the lighting coming in from the bay window was absolutely gorgeous. They made a perfect picture, and Dani couldn’t resist putting in on Instagram.  
She smirks as she types her response to Tara, entirely truthful this time.
You: he’s taken, sry
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assholemurphy · 6 years
so, i’m dying.
lol, not rly. except, yeah, kinda.
my gallbladder has finally fucked itself into a coma and only wakes up to force me to projectile vomit myself into oblivion whenever i consume solids. and on occasions, liquids, if it’s rly cranky. that’s my life now.
i have managed to eat 2 hot pockets, some chips, abt 8 jalepeno poppers, and three eggrolls (and keep them down) in the past 2 weeks. all that i’ve been able to keep down has happened in the past 24hrs. i’m not sure how i managed it, tbh, but it wasn’t without a fight. other than that, i have not digested anything but liquids in the past 2 weeks. i cannot think straight, i can barely form words in my head, let alone say them out loud. this is not fun and i don’t like it. it was one thing to choose not to eat (tho, rly, with an ed, it wasn’t exactly a choice, ya feel?) and to choose to purge, but now that i have no choice at all, i’m so fucking pissed off. like, part of me is happy bc i’ve lost 5lbs already, even with being bloated from constant puking, but like, more of me just wants to survive so i can work on my goddamn finals. which are all due this week. and none of them are done. (except the one that was due last week, managed to do that one, luckily).
pretty boy took me to the er on sun night bc i can’t keep anything down and it’s only gotten worse since they released me. we got there right as the docs were changing shifts, so the first doc was rly narcissistic and full of himself and the second he heard me say ‘i’ve got atypical anorexia b/p subtype’ he was like, ‘ah, yes, it’s all in your head, this is your fault’ which even made pb annoyed bc he apparently can tell the difference between what’s currently going on and my (his words, not mine) ‘crash diets’. but he was p sure the doc didn’t like me bc i called my primary doc (who was supposed to get me scheduled for an ultrasound to get this taken care of almost 2 months ago but didn’t bc he didn’t believe me when i said (having opinions from 2 previous docs) i had gallbladder issues, so he ignored it) an idiot for, ya know, ignoring me when i told him something was wrong. but docs are assholes, they don’t like it when you’re right abt something they can’t see themselves. so i’m switching primary docs asap. this guy’s a fucking joke.
(it’s also been almost three weeks since the pharmacy faxed him paperwork abt the insurance company not wanting to pay for my adderall prescript bc i take 3 pills a day and they only wanna pay for 90 in 75 days (yeah, not even 2 pills a day, like this shit doesn’t work for five hours max). he still hasn’t filled it out. it’s fucking finals week and i’ve got maybe 6 pills left. how fucking grand. so that’s gotta be sorted at the same time he gets me a surgeon’s appt.)
so the guy had me pee in a cup and gave me fluids/anti nausea meds (which were nice, helped me keep down a bit of food sun night). then he basically told me ‘it’s just cyclic vomiting, you’ve just got to break the cycle’ but he was leaving so he was going to let the next guy discharge me. thank fucking god, bc otherwise, i’d probably be dead in a couple weeks.
so this next guy is eccentric af, this whole hospital is a circus, it’s fucking great (no sarcasm, i love quirky ppl). he checks out my cup of pee and orders some blood tests (that the other guy didn’t even care to do), then he comes in and talks to me and he’s fucking great, a+ doctoring, love this guy, sadly, he doesn’t have a private practice, but apparently the nurses get asked if he does all the time. how do i know? my mother asked, bc she liked him. i trusted him. i trust no docs, ever. but this one is good. he says there’s def something wrong, def not just my ed, and orders me an ultrasound for the next morning. good, great, getting this show on the road. he understands my concerns abt my primary doc and offers to explain the results of the ultrasound to my mother via phone mon night. so she calls, he tells her i’ve got ‘sludge and wall thickening’ which are Bad(tm) esp in combination with me not being able to eat anything for over a week and a half.
so, now i’ve got to talk to a surgeon and get my gallbladder removed. as i fucking figured i’d need months ago (during the summer, with my pain and stuff). now this vomiting thing has been happening at least once a semester for abt 2 years now. no one has known what is wrong. ‘it’s acid reflux, take these pills’ ‘these pills don’t work’ ‘welp, idk ^.^’ and so forth for 2. fucking. years. now i’ve got confirmation that my gallbladder is bad. like ‘could explode and kill me’ bad. this is great, i can finally get something done abt this.
except it’s finals week and no only am i running v low on adderall (i just took a pill for the first time since fri morning just a few hours ago) and i’m now fatigued and unable to eat with 4 projects left to do. all of which require a fuckton of concentration. concentration i just don’t have even with the adderall bc i haven’t actually eaten much food lately and can’t fucking think at all. like, every time i eat, it comes right back up.
so, i’ve been sleeping a lot. great, right? except for ya know, all the work i’ve got? nope. i can’t sleep for longer than 4 hours without having night terrors. like BAD ones. i’d tell you abt the one i had when i slept last (from 5:30p to 8:30p) but it would require a whole host of trigger warnings just to give a summary. but it fucked me up badly. and they’ve been getting progressively worse. i dreamed my dog died. i dreamed my apartment was possessed and the demon was trying to kill me. i’ve dreamed of animal abuse and murder and even worse things that leave me fucking shaking when i wake up. but i’m so tired that i keep falling asleep anyway, no matter how scared i am. and i stay asleep, until my alarm goes off, then i shut it off and fall asleep again (into a different night terror). there is no stopping this. my body is dying and it’s telling my brain i’m in danger so my brain is trying to scare me. it’s working. i’m well aware i’m in danger but there’s nothing i can do until my mom sets up a surgeon’s appt for me. i’ve got to remind her to do that tomorrow. i’d do it myself, but i’m far to fucking out of it currently to talk to a medical professional in any capacity.
but throughout all of this, i’m falling further and further behind on my final projects. i’ve got a 10min play analysis due tomorrow at 10:30a (which i’ve got to work on tonight). then i’ve got to finish my stagecraft project (which requires that i go to the shop 3 more times so i’ve got to do that at like 11a tomorrow, then 12p thurs, then like 7p thurs, but i’ve got to find a shop employee to go with me, apparently, and i’d take goldilocks, but she obvs doesn’t want to do it, so i might ask pb or mary, if i have to). then i’ve got to do my monologue assignments for acting i (i’ve got one almost fully memorized, i just need to refresh, but i’ve got to memorize another one, read the play it’s from (i’ve got to buy the ebook), and do an analysis over it before thurs at 10:30a). then my intro to theatre final is due last, but it’s p big and i’ve got to do a lot for it. like 7pg paper plus a ‘previous action’ script (i’ve got to write up a script showing what happened before the play itself starts). i’ve got a SHITTON of work to do and only 9 hours for the sa final, then 24 hrs for the acting i final, then 26 hrs for the itt final, and somehow i’ve got to find at least 3 hours for my sc final. all while trying to get sleep and not eating anything.
plus i’ve still got to do some loan stuff with finaid this week.
i emailed my profs telling them what’s going on, but they’re not going to accept any late finals, so idk why i bothered. (i haven’t heard back bc i just emailed them like, an hour ago and it’s 1a). i CANNOT fuck up this semester bc i won’t get finaid anymore if i do and i can’t drop out. so like, i’ve got to get everything together, but i’m just so fucking sick and everything is overwhelming. i’m going to do my damnedest to get everything done, but idk if i’ll be able to. i rly don’t know.
i’m so fucking stressed over this shit, which is only making my gallbladder issues worse, so it’s a losing battle all around and i’m drowning. honestly, if i had the money, i’d pay for someone to do this for me, but i can’t and i wouldn’t anyway bc like, i’m not putting my name on anything i didn’t do myself out of some bullshit pride thing i’ve got going on. my pride’s gonna get me killed one day, i just know it.
but, tonight, i’m gonna work on my script analysis final and pray to god i can get it done in time. i’ve got like 2 hours left on my adderall, maybe 3 if i push it. i need to make a plan of attack for everything and get to work.
i’m not going to fail this semester if it fucking kills me. and it actually might.
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