nadine-png · 3 years
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SONG THEY ARE BASED ON: tuff girl by strongboi FULL NAME: nadine miller DATE OF BIRTH: 2 august AGE: twenty-two GENDER: nonbinary PRONOUNS: she / they OCCUPATION: cashier + teacher at daydream skate supply, hosts a friday night radio show on P97.5 FACECLAIM: rachelle vinberg HOW LONG THEY'VE BEEN IN PARTON: twenty-two years A SECRET OF THEIRS: she reported a friend’s dad after learning he was abusive; to this day, she has never told anyone about this
cw ; abuse mention
nadine has always been quiet, always had trouble speaking her mind. she’s extremely shy, often awkward, not typically the type to start up a conversation. on a personality quiz she’d always answer that she prefers sticking to the sides of a room rather than the center. the place where that changes is on a skateboard. all the things that she stumbles through saying, struggles to get out, are apparent when she’s on a board.
she was twelve when she got a skateboard as a hand-me-down from a friend at school, and she fell in love with it. she’d been an active tomboyish kid, climbing trees and swimming in the local pool whenever she could, but the skateboard felt like an extension of herself. it felt like she finally had a way to express herself.
she struggled to make friends throughout school but once she could skateboard she was suddenly the girl who could skateboard. nadine attracted at group of boys who mostly saw her as a curiosity, but who seemed to like her. of them a few became close, genuine friends. one even became her best friend.
she spent most days after school with him, practicing tricks and goofing off. as they got closer she started to notice bruises on him, in strange places for them to have come from skateboarding. he’d always brush them off, call himself clumsy, blame it on a strange fall — and then she met his dad. his dad was domineering and he scared her right away. he made his son call him ‘sir’ and yelled at him when he broke curfew, kept him so scared that when her friend forgot his backpack at the park he burst into tears in fear of how his dad would react. and then, there were the bruises.
nadine googled for solutions, and ended up telling the high school guidance counsellor. at first, nothing seemed to happen. and then, the police were talking to her friend’s dad, and to her friend. and then his dad was being charged. the whole thing seemed to pick up steam so, so quickly. and in all of it, he never learned that nadine was the one to have started the reporting process. and she never told him.
they grew apart, for a number of reasons, but also because she couldn’t stand feeling like she had this secret, but also not feeling like she could tell him. after high school she worked a number of part-time jobs, and ended up working at daydream skate supply, after petitioning their all-male staff that she knew what the hell she was talking about.
due to the stress of everything that went down with her friend, she didn’t graduate high school with great grades, and hasn’t looked into college as a result. she might at some point, but for now, she’s happy to eke out a place for herself in the skate world.
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nadine-png · 3 years
starter for : open tagging : @voicenotesstarters location + time : downtown parton streets , early evening.
having lived in parton her whole life,  nadine often thought she would run out of new spots to skate.  she’d hit the stairs at the old elementary school,  been chased away from the benches near town hall,  sweet-talked her board out of the hands of the security guards at the mall when she’d spent an afternoon trying to 50-50 the rail on the ramp out back. 
even so,  the town kept revealing new spots to her,  and so she found herself spending an evening trying to get a clip of her kick-flipping a five-stair without slamming or accidentally sending her board flying off into her phone,  propped up against a phone pole ( she had done both attempting similar things ). 
all this is to say that she was so focused on the task at hand that when she stumbled out of the trick at the bottom,  her board shooting off in one direction,  she didn’t even notice the other person until she’d completely collided with them. 
“ oh, shit ! ”  she exclaimed,  reaching a hand out to pull them back to their feet.  “ i’m so sorry ; i was just trying to skate the stairs,  i didn’t even see you there. ” 
she had long ago learned that in situations like this the best thing to do was simply to apologize and try to make it right. incidents like this could easily end up escalating into a “ i’m going to call the cops ” situation, which was one that nadine had no desire to get herself into. 
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“ seriously,  i’m so sorry, ”  nadine repeated.
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nadine-png · 3 years
valentine’s day meant very little to nadine,  except that her dad had texted her to let her know he was going on a date,  which was information she hadn’t quite known how to react to,  and one of the guys at the skate shop had aimed a party popper full of red and pink confetti at her as soon as she got in the door  ( she still had the heart-shaped paper and foil stuck in her hair,  despite her best efforts ). 
she’d worked her shift and then headed towards the diner for dinner,  slumping into a seat at the counter and letting her board fall to her feet, her backpack quickly following.  the comment from the waitress had her glancing down at herself — well-worn workman’s jacket and jeans with holes in the knees — before she glanced back up,  noticing as she moved that she was still shedding confetti.  quickly brushing it off the counter she shook her head. 
“ no,  sorry,  shit, ”  she said, pushing her hair out of her face.  “ the guys i work with are assholes,  they got me with this... ”  she shook a strand of hair, and a few more flakes of glittery confetti scattered.  “ i’m definitely not the demographic for proposals, trust me. ” 
nadine glanced around the rest of the diner, taking in the patrons. there was a definite vibe in the atmosphere, something she hadn’t noticed at first. she leaned in, looked back to the woman.
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“ you’ve been getting a lot of those,  i guess?  that seems weird to me...  but i mean,  i’m not big on public displays of affection like,  generally... ”  she trailed off,  watching as a couple at a nearby table leaned towards each other,  the girl’s hands moving down towards — she glanced away quickly,  her cheeks heating up. 
“ uh,  can i get the veggie wrap?  and orange juice? ” 
when + where groove diner, any time 
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She knew most people saw Valentine’s Day as a sham, but Sage felt like there was some magic in it – It was a day dedicated to celebrating the love shared between two people. That was beautiful, not something to roll your eyes at. This year didn’t bring much of a celebration for her, though, only a reminder of the fact that she was alone and the person she wished she could spend the holiday with… That was a can of worms Sage refused to open. So, instead, she picked up a double shift. Even though she was spending Valentine’s Day alone and miserable, she could at least make some much needed money. The last thing she wanted to do is spend the night surrounded by couples madly in love – But she’d endure it if it meant she’d go home with a couple hundred bucks by the end of the night. 
Approaching the person who had sat at the counter, Sage gives them a once over. “Please don’t try to get me to hide an engagement ring in a sandwich, or something. I can’t handle watching another proposal tonight. It’s nauseating.” She opens with, eyes rolling at memory of the six conversation’s she’d had today about helping with a proposal. Who the hell gets engaged in a diner? “Sorry – That was rude.” A red blush creeps up her cheeks, embarrassment quickly following. Sage took that discomfort she felt as the perfect moment to grab a menu. “What can I get you?” 
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nadine-png · 3 years
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Betty (2020-) | Camille Palomino + favorite looks 5/?
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