#// *spoiler alert: they are
dumbazzsz · 3 months
"Are we together in every universe" but make it techza
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awolfnamedluna · 6 months
*makes new Elden Ring character*
*starts thinking abt backstory*
uh oh are they gonna turn into an oc
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treluna4 · 1 year
Inspiration Saturday:
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xshinina · 1 year
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*Married life playing in the background
This idea was probably funnier in my head
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astrolavas · 4 months
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thinking about hunter's childhood in the emperor's coven
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wyxxiee · 5 months
can i say something reaaaal crazy rn?
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let me tell you something… LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING!!!
edit: It could be either Eve or Roo, I’m betting my sanity on this one 🤣
read my other theory: here !!
EDIT : okayyy, i know i haven’t been answering my inbox (my apologies, i’m really busy rn🥲) but might i just add about the concern about the eyes! PLS READ:)!!
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lilislegacy · 2 months
percabeth daughter, to her friend: so this is my house. make yourself at home. luckily my older brothers aren’t home, so it’s actually peaceful for once
friend: that’s goo- oh my god! there are two people in your backyard trying to kill each other!
percabeth daughter: huh? oh, no those are my parents. they’re just sparring, don’t worry
friend: sparring? with… a giant knife and… a sword?
percabeth daughter: well they practice hand to hand combat too, but weapons practice is important
percabeth daughter: come on! let me show you my room
friend: alr- oh my god, is that a horse in your brother’s room?
percabeth daughter, rolling her eyes: ugh mom and dad told him to keep his window closed!
friend: wait, horses just… come into your house? through the second story window?
percabeth daughter: crazy right? they don’t even ask first. like, at least have some manners!
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devsgames · 4 months
Me: "hey game developers, especially AAA ones, are getting laid off en-mass and it's awful for our industry" Gamer: "well I only play INDIE games and the problem with AAA games is they are creatively bankrupt"
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fractangle · 1 year
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Pride month vest project, a patch a day #29: Wheat But Not Bread, Fruit But Not Wine
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dekariosclan · 5 months
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just-french-me-up · 1 year
me lying to myself, clicking on the mark for later button on AO3 : i will be back for you baby, i will be back for you I promise
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darby-rowe · 2 months
🪽; ellie williams sometimes lets her adrenaline take over
18+ | nsfw | mdni
cw dirty talk, wall fucking, toys (strap-on)
“fuckin’ needed this,” ellie rasps, her breaths leaving her lips in heavy sighs as she focuses all her energy into holding you up against the scratchy wall. you can feel your back knocking against the hard architecture of the building you two found yourselves in, but you’re already so dumb and drunk on ellie’s cock you pay no mind to it.
your legs are locked tight around ellie’s waist with your hands on her shoulders, and her hands are supporting your weight as she fucks up into you hard. her words are so filthy, her thrusts powerful — it’s honestly impressive how she hasn’t run out of stamina.
“needed to fuck you like this,” she tells you, voice breathless and deep. “can barely have any time to ourselves. just had to have you. felt as if i’d die if i didn’t fuck this pussy right away,”
from an outsider’s perspective, it’s almost silly to have a strap-on harness and a five-inch silicone dick in a backpack full of essential items for survival. a spread of knives and guns right next to a sex toy. but in moments like these, where the two of you can be semi-normal in a world that’s abnormal — so shamelessly dirty and horny and perverted — it just feels right.
“look at’chu, pretty girl,” ellie coos, admiring the way in which your eyebrows draw tightly together and your lips part to elicit filthy, melodic moans. “such a shame no one’s around to hear how good i’m fucking you, huh? you’d like that; letting everyone know how much of a little slut you are for me? c’mon, say it. say you’re a little slut,”
it takes extra effort, but you manage to babble something along the lines of calling yourself a slut. you had to admit it to yourself — you sounded dumb and completely fucked out. but judging by the way ellie grins at you, your answer is more than sufficient.
she fucks you deep until you’re cumming all over her cock, eyes going glassy as they roll back into your head. you can barely comprehend the filth pouring from ellie’s lips.
“that’s it, baby. cum all over this cock for me. such a good girl, taking me so well. fuck,”
and then she kisses you, prolonging this bout of normalcy until the next time you two find yourselves running for your lives.
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I'm normal about this I swear
Bonus Brennan:
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steddielations · 1 year
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Incorrect Steddie that’s actually correct
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baiuzennsenn · 4 months
DTS staff always tried to make unnecessary toxic rivalry vibe within pairs that actually were friendly to each other😭 First maxiel then sebchal, and now it's lawsonoda's turn😭
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Drive to Survive Season 6 Episode 09
Apparently people don't know Yuki's lovingly bullying Liam is their true dynamics:
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sylvansleuth · 4 months
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⚠️Nemesis Alert⚠️
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