#chapter 5 is almost done
treluna4 · 2 years
Inspiration Saturday:
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cookiecomics · 8 days
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cali-kabi · 4 months
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~ Paper Mario Thousand Year Door🌟Chapter 2: The Great Boggly Tree 🌲
I actually been on a huge massive art block on these ;w; but I’m planning to make a picture for each of these chapters ^^💫
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kyyuuuy · 4 months
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milkywaydrinker · 2 days
What if I dropped a 10k words long Psychonauts 2 fic out of nowhere.
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charmwasjess · 5 months
next chapter of Rabbit Heart in a nutshell:
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I cannae pull an all nighter anymore without amphetamines so you bet I’m writing tomshiv/tomgreg hell combo 4+ months late at work under the watchful ashamed eyes of God
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familyofpaladins · 1 year
Me: I have this idea for a fic! I think it will be about 9-10k words! A good amount! Not too little not too much!
*10k words later*
Me: .... I'm only half done. Haha... ha O_O
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woodswolf · 1 month
anyway im going to make some minor changes to existing chapters of DLD. im going to make a point to differentiate between the Hocotate and Hokotate pronunciations in-text since that's actually kinda really important and informs a lot about where olimar and various characters come from.
i don't think ive said this before anywhere (at least outside of DMs with my partner/ideas ducky), but the TL;DR is that both the "american" and japanese pronunciations of Hocotate/Hokotate are kind of an important background detail that inform how i see the pikmin universe Working in DLD. Hocotate ("american" pronunciation, "hawk-a-tate", rhymes with Freight) is the "standard" pronunciation across the galaxy while Hokotate (japanese pronunciation, "hoh-koh-tah-tay") is how Hokotate natives would refer to it. and this like, really really informs a lot of characterizations.
the ship for instance always pronounces it as Hocotate because it literally wouldn't know any better and nobody's ever said otherwise because it works well enough for an interplanetary business setting.
olimar also pronounces it as Hocotate unless he's specifically in a situation where everyone involved would Know to pronounce it Hokotate. however, he Thinks of it as Hokotate except in the context of Hocotate Freight.
the president is obviously from Hokotate but intentionally always pronounces it Hocotate and obviously named his company Hocotate Freight.
lamella would always pronounce it Hokotate which might make some characters (i.e. basically anyone who isn't from Hokotate) kinda 🤨 at her.
etc. like these are 4 very different outlooks that imply a lot of very different things about each of the characters.
also to be clear, Hocotatian is the "standard galactic" name for people from Hocotate. if asked by anyone Familiar With The Hokotate Distinction, though, they'd call themselves Hokotateno. but some people (such as olimar, aka Mister Nuance) would naturally have a conditional answer depending on who was asking and why.
in case anyone can't tell from the tone of this post, a lot of the reasons for this relate to some of the background lore of this universe that ive alluded to both in-text and in comment replies. i don't think it's ever going to come up explicitly in-text (so far it's mostly just been alluded to in things such as Hokotate's socioeconomics as olimar ranted about in chapter 2), but in DLD Hokotate has a history of Being Colonized and exploited for resources which can pretty clearly reframe a lot of those attitudes mentioned above if you didn't get the vibe already. it just hugely informs characterization so i think it's a change that's important to make sooner than later (even if it's mostly going to be relevant in much later entries once we start getting people Not From Hokotate involved in a major way, e.g. the Koppaites).
also blah blah blah everyone is technically speaking different languages but something something universal translators are standard features or something. i can have my really nuanced worldbuilding AND handwave things. if you're going to get mad at me about handwaving stuff though id like to introduce you to a cool game called Pikmin 4 which definitely does not handwave 90% of its plot and is 100% internally consistent all the time.
anyway ill probably make these changes tomorrow night or something. all im really gonna do is change 13 instances of spelling (the other 9 are going to remain unchanged as either part of "Hocotate Freight" or one instance in dialogue) but i can't be bothered tonight lol. i also might rewrite this post to actually use sentence case etc. since it'll be an important reference post to link in the chapter 1 author's note after making this change but i just expanded this from a discord message lmao
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ragnar0c · 1 month
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What if I told you all of Ragnarok sucked just like Hana, but in slightly different ways.
Alope is an asshole (at her core)
Enid was/is a bad person
Ignis is stubborn
speaking of him, his birthday is tomorrow 😇
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asummersday · 1 year
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gothamcityneedsme · 11 days
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these are supposed to be getting smaller but they keep growing. a disease.
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crowscanread · 3 months
Within Your Tender Care Chapter 2 Plates & Problems WILL (FOR REAL THIS TIME) be post either before or on July 8th.
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fbfh · 2 months
Literally no one:
Margo when she sees a locked box:
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thecactusoasis · 11 months
The whisper of a lone girl in her room within the barracks of a Hunter base is spoken only enough for her voice to reach her own ears. There, seated at a desk snugly set under a window too gloomy to see properly through it thanks in part to the amount of precipitation slamming itself onto the glass, was the red-head infamous amongst the base as being not only the newest addition, but being someone consistently at the ire of Officer Jae after the demonstration in the training grounds. Now, thrown over the back of her chair, her overcoat had her name stitched onto it properly on the arm as well as her rank. 
Kazashi Private First Class.
It took her at least a week to prove she had earned it out of initial training, no thanks in part to Jae. If not for Officer Shel and Officer Trisca she probably would not have even gotten this much done. Still, Rin hasn’t let this keep her down as she had a small inkling of an idea on how she would be treated by her superiors when they learned of her family name. 
Rin blinks back to focus on the book in front of her, neatly opened with a hand to show lengthy handwritten paragraphs and sketched images detailing the visage and identity of living beings. Her hand traces its way back to where she had randomly lost her place in the paragraph.
“Compassion. Power. Honor. That which the Fire Kraeka revolve themselves truthfully and honestly are these three beliefs. Falter not in their presence, for they will respect you wholeheartedly in any aspect of yourself so long as you do not break this honor nor are you at war with them… Hm.” 
She glances at the images again on the pages. There, sketched by an artist, was the fierce stare of a Fire Kraeka, skin red as their embers circling them and their hair white as a pearl and black sclera highlighting the dancing fire that is their iris. Here they could be depicted as well in flowing armor with a few belt ropes and decorated metals to protect their arms or other imagery of long flowing dresses that either hang loose around their shoulders or are fitted to them in several colorful layers and patterns.
A small piece of chapter 5! I finally made the entire chapter public as I had just recently finished it! It took far too long to write, so I hope everyone enjoys it.
If you want to read Oraeka Project as it currently is released publicly then please check it out here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36048316/chapters/89865859
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cloud-somersault · 11 months
......... i dunno, i'm starting to think i'm writing macaque in a really weird...fucked up way, and I don't know if that's right??? or if this is just. development happening and i'm momentarily shocked by that.
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