#im considering splitting it into 4-5 chapters tbh
milkywaydrinker · 2 days
What if I dropped a 10k words long Psychonauts 2 fic out of nowhere.
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midnight-in-town · 3 years
Do you think that things would turn out very differently if OurCiel told the Midford family and Madam Red the whole truth of when he went missing to RealCiel dying and he's not RealCiel (I know that Lizzie wouldn't point out the liar if that's the case) if he came back as himself? Wouldn't the Midford family have to accept the reality of his older brother never coming back after coming back after a month of going missing? (sorry the last question I added was way too harsh. Elizabeth is not a brat. She's just heartbroken about the lying she was told for almost three years and she's really nice in the manga and the t.v series despite breaking OurCiels ring)
2. I personally think that Edward can be overprotective sometimes of Elizabeth as she is fully capable of defending herself against a demon (Sebastian) in the Blue cult arc and against the people (Bizzare dolls) she was fighting (but that's what big brothers do) what do you think?
3. When do you think that Elizabeth and Edward will find out that RealCiel is actually a bizzare doll brought back from the dead? I personally think that it's cruel..imagine that a person was dead for three years to be suddenly brought back to life and you would think that someone was playing a trick on you to make you extremely unhappy as if especially that person was the one who you loved.
4. I think that Bards going to refuse to burn the War hospital down and I think he's going to meet his end there as Lau will do it anyways. I really hope not..what do you think?
5. Do you think that we would end up seeing a Elizabeth or a Edward flashback of their childhood with RealCiel of how they knew RealCiel or the Phantomhives Did they spend time with OurCiel at all? I just often saw theories that she didn't spend time with OurCiel as much as RealCiel..I get it though she just wants to develop her relationship with him? I don't see it as abuse or neglect..she's just a little girl..the same as the Phantomhive twins back then.
6. I think that Earl Grey was the one who framed OurCiel for the music hall murders through the phone (as he does hate Ciel or not) or the Undertaker who was clearly smiling when the police stormed the Phantomhive manor or someone (RealCiel)
7. I have a feeling that Francis knows that RealCiel is a bizzare doll and will very bluntly ask that to him the next time that they are in the future manga chapter together (possibly after the Bard arc in the war hospital because people don't come back from the dead because that was what Elizabeth told Edward: "if Ciel dies again" and I have a feeling that Francis knows about it and will bluntly ask that during dinner if there was one and Elizabeth would possibly deny all that and it's not going to end well if she said that it's not true of him being a bizzare doll)
8. Do you think that OurCiel looked very upset and hurt when the person who he loved the most (Elizabeth Midford) pointed out the liar and it was him..OurCiel was only lying to the family because they would have a different reaction if they find out that it was the younger twin who lived. (The weak and fragile twin who had multiple health issues)
9. I know that Lizzie was extremely hurt and heartbroken that OurCiel lied and I would be if a family member lied to me like that as it is human to feel that way but pointing out the liar to the half of London and to her family was way too harsh..in some ways.
10. When do you think that the Midford family would realise that RealCiel is up to no good at all and framed OurCiel for the music hall murders..I think it's when he shows no worry for his younger twin brother possibly and no concern for Elizabeth.
11. I think that RealCiel emtionally abused and used Elizabeth for his own gains..as she does look unhappy in many ways and six months going missing there tells me that otherwise of what she heard or been through. What do you think?
TBH Anon, I’m still rather pissed that you sent the same asks and didn’t even bother reading what I wrote you in my first reply to your initial questions.
I can guess that you’re rather new around here, but as I said earlier this week, I’ve been blogging about this series for a long time, which is why I have made an entire section of links to my theories so that they’re easy to find, in order for you guys to read about my opinion on characters and plot points if that’s what you’re after.
Therefore, since you didn’t even take the time to check after my first warning, I’m not going to elaborate further if my answers can be found in previous posts or in the manga.
As I already told you, considering this didn’t happen, I see no point in discussing this possibility
Yes, Ed is overprotective even though Lizzie is stronger than him: it is canon and a huge part of comic relief, but also because he’s very close to his sister and he’s a good guy
Ed: https://midnight-in-town.tumblr.com/post/177483213162/about-an-eventual-edward-soma-team-up-for-more // Liz: https://midnight-in-town.tumblr.com/post/179511621622
Yes. Bard already showed that he was reluctant to hurt Ada’s side. However, Lau doesn’t care and he once eliminated people whom Ciel had let go (curry arc), simply because he’s not one to let his enemies live.
I don’t know about any flashback. Lizzie probably spent less time with our!Ciel though, because he was often sick and stayed inside. Calling it neglect or abuse is absolutely untrue, since she was a child of the same age as the twins who had no power over our!Ciel’s sickly circumstances.
https://midnight-in-town.tumblr.com/post/184475609227/im-so-happy-reading-all-the-theories-of-you-and & https://midnight-in-town.tumblr.com/post/646289725836148736/confession-i-hope-it-turns-out-frances-knew-the
Obviously our!Ciel looked upset. He was very anxious about Lizzie’s predicament, so to hear her words and to see his life shattering around him was hurtful, to say the least.
Lizzie loves our!Ciel, so of course she’d be hurt by him lying, especially since it made her realize that maybe she could have had horrible thoughts about his survival (which she despises herself for), had he told the truth.
Already answered in q5 and 7. From the moment one of them finds out, the others will probably get to know.
No, I don’t think real!Ciel did anything besides telling the truth to Lizzie. It’s the truth itself that hurt Lizzie because, over the last four years, she fell in love with someone she thought she knew, only to find out he was lying about everything. Her heart is split between the two boys, whom she thought were one and the same and grew to love differently. Besides, I doubt the Undertaker would have allowed any harm to come to her. She may yet still be hurt, physically, later in the arc though: https://midnight-in-town.tumblr.com/post/171823786347/when-were-back-to-present-do-you-think-ourciel
Overall, about this arc: https://midnight-in-town.tumblr.com/post/174470576547/blue-sect-arc-what-we-need-answers-about
I answered you this once out of consideration for the amount of words in this ask, Anon. From now on, it’d be respectful if you could show the same consideration for all these years I spent blogging about this series, or I won’t answer you anymore.
Thank you for understanding.
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