#/ thank you for the starter!! ;w;
byanyan · 5 months
been picking at the stuff at the top of my drafts this evening..... got five lil things in the queue rn that i think i'm gonna set to post tomorrow, but i'm also like. gonna keep going for a bit longer, see if i can't get a few more done too uvu
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bxtonpxss · 1 month
@svpe encountered a wild Thor!
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Oh man--Thor blinks slowly then rubs at his eyes with his paw a few times to make sure he's seeing things correctly. It was already bad enough that he woke up in the middle of an unfamiliar grassy field, but this was just unbelievable. The chu blinks again, feeling positively confused. What sort of strange world did he wake up in, cause last he recalled, humans weren’t supposed to be flying!
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howthesleeplesswander · 10 months
@magnifiico liked this post for a starter!
((these two are so excited to get at each other asfdjlsd our hearts could never have been ready T~T))
"Mi rey?" Amaya's voice, soft as it was, still echoed in the king's cavernous office, joined by the muted thud of the ornate door as she closed it behind her. Immediately, her gaze found Magnifico ever-poised at his work station across the room; and immediately, the stern expression she'd worn on her way up the stairs softened with affection. A sigh fluttered down to her shoes: mostly fond, but with a whisper of exasperation in its final notes.
"I understand why you have such...rigorous qualifications for your apprentice," she began as she crossed the room, "but it really creates quite a spectacle when the candidates you've rejected are seen fleeing the castle in tears."
Admittedly, the childishly dramatic crocodile-tears of the young lady whom Amaya had just escorted off the castle grounds were proof of being an ill fit for the position. Still, a delicate grimace sullied the curve of the queen's lips by the time she stood beside her king.
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"What happened this time?" she asked, gently expectant.
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ofbluehues · 4 months
--𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝚁 for @xchxsingcxrsx ( 14 & 𝚁𝚞𝚋𝚢 ) . from 𝚃𝙷𝙸𝚂 post .
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“ ‘𝙼 𝙱𝙰𝙲𝙺 ! Two double chocolah’ chip frappacinos.” Ruby announced; the TARDIS graciously shutting its doors behind her as she returned from her Starbucks run, hands full with two of her favorite sugary beverages that she had simply insisted the Doctor had to try. All the world at her fingertips and yet nothing came close the comforts of 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎. “Could’uh sworn you parked farther, though-”
She stopped in her tracks as she noticed a strange man (who was in every way the 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚎 of the Doctor, mind) standing at the console, the Doctor nowhere in sight. He looked just as shocked as she did. They stared in silence for a quick moment before Ruby, eyebrows twisted in confusion, led with “ 𝚆𝚑𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 ‘𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 ? ”
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erabundus · 1 year
good morning, i love ren wanderer scaramouche kunikuzushi balladeer kabukimono hat guy very much.
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wisheswagered · 8 months
Anne knows better than to trust this man.
She knows better, but... there's something about him. It's not just his face - the same one she's seen in her nightmares-turned-hallucinations, achingly familiar and yet just out of reach from recognition... No, she feels like something in her wants to be there for him. Something in her trusts him, and it's bitterly that she forces herself to remember her truth - no adults can be trusted.
She won't be betrayed again. It's not like there aren't good people in the world, Anne knows... or maybe that's not the case, and everyone really is a monster? It doesn't really matter, you see, because there's no way to know for sure - so she'll protect herself by staying distant from them all. Anne is no longer a puppet to be used and thrown away - no, she's a toy with wooden wings, flying free; far away from those who would want to hurt her.
"Welcome!" she says with a smile. It's the same smile as ever, a friendly and warm one, a smile that speaks - 'I'm harmless', it says, 'and I trust you, really, I do.' At the very least, she's happy to have a visitor to her store, one who might see her beloved toys and adore them, even if she'd rather they go to a child in need.
"I've never seen your face here before. I do hope you enjoy my little store."
@celestiialnotes ( starter! )
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lunaetis · 8 months
i try to convince myself not to icon every little micro expression change or the in-between frames bc that caused me to have 10 icons of the same angle / expression but from time to time i hit jackpot with these in between frames like this gem :
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and my brain argues this is why we do it hjklhkl
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viaetor · 1 year
i remade my multi-muse blog! ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა i'm still setting it up and i'll keep things more slow there; but so far it already has some muses from genshin, star rails & other games and animangas that i'm testing + some dear ocs of mine. so if you want me to follow you on there, hit that cute lil like button ~
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mindsmade · 1 year
@kilgcre ( hosea )
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❛ Heard the bear hunt with Arthur didn't go exactly according to plan. I'm not going after it myself, but I am going to hunt down some plain old deer for Pearson. Feel like coming with? Away from the humidity – ❜ and rising tensions – ❛ here? ❜
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felikatze · 11 months
if i had a nickel for everytime i thought abt the in-universe implications of pokemon roms i put darkrai into, i'd have two nickels
anyway. when dusknoir comes to the past and sees The Human as like. well he's not gonna know who darkrai is but he DOES have eyes and when he sees The Human as this giant shadowy figure of nightmares that towers over the entire treasure town population (excluding ursaring) hanging out with a fucking TREECKO does he burst out laughing in private or does he punch a wall until his hands hurt
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modernprometheuus · 1 year
“Oh, dearest Clerval...!! How I wish I could accept your unbridled kindness.” 
Victor holds onto his friend’s wrist with shaking hands, as if he’s on the edge of a cliff, clinging on for dear life. At first, his grip is far too harsh; crushing, but- suddenly afraid of hurting Henry, Victor’s touch quickly becomes gentle - like that of a ghost’s.
“Your words bring me comfort, even in my harrowed and unsightly state... even now, I wish to convey just how grateful I am for your company. No-one can match your loving spirit! But- I fear your love is misplaced!”
He’s near hysterical, and clearly out of his mind. The painful emotions that grip him are overflowing into his every word, and it’s clear just how much he’s hurting-  yet maybe that’s to be expected? After all, VIctor just lost his dearest brother, who was still only a child. But even with that in mind, somehow his pain seems excessive - his manner crazed, like there’s something more under the surface.
And all at once, unable to help himself, Victor suddenly cries out-
“For you see- it is my fault that William is dead! His death is on my hands!”
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revengesworn · 1 year
Mikey can’t recall the last time he’s felt so genuinely happy.
Of course, things aren’t perfect. ...Even in this perfect timeline, with everyone finally alive, the trauma from the losses Mikey experienced back then will never go away. Through some miracle - yes, Takemichi’s miracle - the darkness in his heart has finally abated, but he often still struggles with an emptiness that at times fills him with dread.
And sometimes... it feels like there’s a wall. It’s difficult to describe in words, but it’s as if a barrier stands between him and his friends - creating a distance that he’s found himself yearning to cross. He can’t say why... if it’s the weight of the knowledge that only he and Takemichi share, or the secrets in his heart that once laid bare; have now become hidden again...
...But he’s happy. Right? What reason does he have not to be? Everyone who left him is here by his side, safe and alive, and he couldn’t ask for anything more. At the very least, he’s so much happier than he’s ever been before...
When he notices Chifuyu, Mikey smiles and waves with a cheery grin. In the last timeline, his respect for him had grown immensely, and that feeling still rests in his chest today. So he’s happy to see him - the boy who means so much to Takemichi, and to Baji, too.
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“Chifuyu! ...Man, I’m so hungry... Hey, gimmie one of those snacks you’ve got. You don’t mind, right?”
@protectivemuses​ ( starter for chifuyu! )
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calledkore · 2 years
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NOT HER PLACE. Persephone had never bothered much in the affairs of demigods, preferred to keep her nose out of it and anything having to do with the Olympians as a whole. Still... wandering through Camp Halfblood in those months up above brought her a strange sense of amusement.
She'd find her pleasures where she could, these days.
@ximerose​ // ❤
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@badboysupr liked this post for a starter! || ((IT'S TIIIIIME for the long-awaited reunion these sweethearts deserve! ;W;/ ❤️❤️))
"No way. No fuckin' way!"
Finn's crowing rang through the dingy alley and echoed up to the concrete overpass above. The rundown neighborhood was abandoned so late on a chill winter night, letting him enjoy the melancholy of cars rumbling overhead as a sluggish, fluffy-flaked snowfall coated the streets. He hadn't seen another soul on the way back to his hideout until the figure he'd just spotted in the distance—but he'd recognize that curly moptop anywhere.
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Picking up the pace, he waved his arms as he trotted over, his grin wide and bright. "If it ain't Leo Valdez! Holy shit, man, are you a sight for sore eyes. Glad to see you're still alive and kickin' after all this time. What's it been? Two years? Three?"
Far shorter than it felt like, considering all that had happened since they'd last seen each other. Back then Finn had been an entirely different person, but damn, this kid hadn't aged a day! Was that a perk for all the world's magic kids? Lucky bastards.
"I wandered my way back to Pasadena on a whim a few weeks ago, but I sure never thought I'd run into you here again." He rubbed his hands together against the cold, blowing on his fingers before tucking them into the pockets of his tattered jacket. "You better not tell me you're squattin' in those same manufacturing plants again, or I just might think you missed me, too."
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pitchdarkhook · 1 year
STAR RAIL PASS. ☆ @dauntingsmite
✩ . — The Administrative District was a new playground for Hook, she enjoyed just about everything she saw. From simply watching the people of the Overworld to admiring the structure of the buildings ( yes, even the trashcans ), the little girl skipped along the open streets— waiting to find her next target of interest.
Just as she was about to turn the corner, an individual caught her eye. The man in question was adorned with golden emblems that represented the Silvermane but his armor was much more intricate than the standard guard. Honeyed irises bloomed into sparkles as Hook dashed up towards him eagerly, tugging on his cape to get his attention.
❝ Wow! Are you from the Silvermane guards too? ❞ Her eyebrows furrowed slightly, that deduction seemed slightly inaccurate. She immediately corrected her observation, ❝ No— you're the Boss of the Silvermane Guards! ❞
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The little girl placed her hands on her hips, an arrogant huff erupted from her— she was obviously confident on her guess. He was definitely the Boss, one-hundred percent!
❝ Well, I'm a Boss too! The Boss of the Moles! You may call me Pitch-Dark Hook the Great! ❞ She paused for a moment before continuing, ❝ does that mean we're having a... boss-to-boss talk? ❞
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swap-re · 2 years
Things were… never boring here in the fog, that was for sure. Though it gave a pleasant break from the monotony of their trial-based routine, he wasn’t sure what to make of the eerily familiar blonde he could spot lingering around the campfire once he’d returned. Not exactly a surprise he was expecting nor one he was sure he’d wanted . . .
Brows knit together tight, his unease made apparent through the way his shoulders remain tensed & stiff as he folds his arms over his chest, stopping just along the outskirts as he tried to figure out how best to approach the other. Try to reason if he even should. Reaching up to rub at his eyes, a soft grumble leaves him as his mind comes up helpfully blank.
It isn’t until he lowers his hand to peer back in the fires direction that he freezes, going more stiff at the sight of the other staring back. Well shit, there went his . . . Piss-poor plan.
( Couldn’t find any recent memes so had to write up a small starter — hope it’s alright! For Albert )
The feeling of unbridled terror was one Albert had thought he had finally rid himself of. Years of cradling empty bottles hoping the memories would have been long drowned within them resurfaced like a ball underwater. Fear strained his muscles into a fighting stance, eyes wild and focused completely on the man that looked like his nightmares reanimated. His throat was dry, his ears were ringing and he saw nothing but Chris Redfield in front of him.
Chris on the other hand would recognize the BSAA uniform on Albert, it was a perfect fit on the male's form as if he was made for it. The emblem showing perfectly on the forearm of his raised fists, the panic and fear in the male's eyes clear as day. Albert wanted nothing but to run away seeing as he had no weapons or means to defend himself, but he had people he needed to protect and so his body acted where his mind could not, remaining in a fighting stance with a doe-eyed look.
Finally, he hissed out, like damning a demon, "Redfield...You really are alive..."
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