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reflective-muses · 8 months ago
@protectivemuses cont from: x
“I’ve always self-isolated in the past, so it’s fine.  I’ll keep to my room and try to stay out of your space until this is over,” Kaveh replied, trying to force away any discomfort his body was preparing to put him through for the next several days.
“I’ll stock up on water and snacks as much as I can now so I don’t need to bother you later,” he continued as he stepped into the kitchen to procure as many food and water supplies as he could carry to keep in his room.
Carmine eyes glanced over at the laundry in the bathroom as he passed by, but he redirected his focus.  He could rummage through that later… when Alhaitham wasn’t home.
Kaveh did, however, grab some of the pillows from the divans in the living room aside from the ones that his roommate was using and brought them to his room.  He made a couple more paces through the house to gather a few other things he knew he’d need and then closed his bedroom door.
This wasn't even supposed to happen.  Had he missed taking his suppressants?  Kaveh had always been good about taking them on time.  He glanced at the calendar hanging on his wall, scrutinizing it.  It was packed full of client meetings and other things he had to do–and also kept track of his suppressants schedule.  A curse was hissed behind his closed door.
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The blond popped his head out of his room and he looked at Alhaitham.
“I hate to ask this but… if I give you a list of my clients for this week could you tell them I need to postpone our meetings? Please?” he requested, his eyes pleading.
“It’s not a lot of people–just three.  Tell them I’m sick or something, and that I’ll get in touch with them to reschedule,” he explained and then offered, “I’ll make it up to you later.”
Kaveh could buy them dinner or make a favorite dish of Alhaitham’s as a ‘thank you’ once this was over with.
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kyukicho · 11 days ago
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@protectivemuses asked:
Shinichiro vc: Mikey, it's okay to fight for who you love but you can't just go around trying to fight everyone who looks at them either..
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"Maybe YOU can't. But I sure can! Bring 'em ALL on!"
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lycorisbloomed · 17 days ago
Caelus isn't good with words. Never has been, as far as he remembers. But, he knows how to have empathy. And he wants to be better at being supportive, especially since Kaveh always did so much for him. "I.. I know this isn't something to bring up out of the blue but.. I've been thinking about all of the things you've told me," He hums. "What happened to your dad and with your mom and all, and.. I just.. I just want to tell you it isn't your fault. None of it. There was nothing you could have done to change what happened, and I'm sure neither of them would want you carrying that guilt."
He hesitates for a moment but puts his hands onto Kaveh's shoulders gently, as if to emphasize the point. "Nothing that happened was ever your fault, and, I just wanted to tell you that. Even if it may not feel like it, and even if easier said than done or felt.. You've always done your best, and I wish one day you won't carry so much on your shoulders.. but I'll be here to help you carry it regardless."
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He blinks, surprised when Caelus brings it up. Still, he feels it should be. It's his fault, it's not like anyone ever told him otherwise. Yet here was someone telling him that, telling him it wasn't his fault that his mother died or that his father died, that he isn't the one who did this.
Tears burn in his eyes as his shoulders droop. "I'm sorry....I really am, I didn't realize this was weighing on you..."
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be777oved · 2 months ago
Me and Caelus are wrapping both you and Sunday up in blankets and giving headpats.
/I hope you get feeling better soon! Stupid migraine. I'll throw hands with it. 🤜
thank you ari!! my new years resolution is to drink more water💀
turns out, sometimes, you really do need to hydrate before you dydrate. i hope you and anyone reading this are having a great new years and has a safe and fun 2025 !! DRINK WATER !!
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ofcrossroads · 5 days ago
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“ Are you trying to tell me something? ”
@protectivemuses ( we saw that like )
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constellaris · 9 months ago
@protectivemuses : Silverwolf is staring at him expectantly. "...Can I draw on your bandages again?"
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" ... If it amuses you for a while , I suppose . " He does like seeing her happy, even if he doesn't express it.
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captivemuses · 19 days ago
❝ Bite me harder. ❞ / Dancae
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👻୧‿︵‿︵ dirty whispers sentence starters
It didn't help that Dan Heng was already taking a moment to mark up his boyfriends neck now that they were back in their room for the night, but it didn't surprise him at all that Caelus all but moaned out the request after fangs already sank into his skin once where the Vidyadhara marked him up. Blue eyes glanced up upon hearing Caelus' words, and he debated for a moment on doing it or not since he already bit once.
After a moment of deliberation Dan Heng's lips kissed the spot just bit, then moved a little further down his neck to make sure the same spot wasn't bitten twice and ache more later. But it meant the Trailblazers neck was marked up twice as much now, and he was still making his boyfriend happy. Kisses were peppered on the second bite mark, and if Caelus listened he'd hear a quiet purring while he was still being held.
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muses-of-teyvat · 5 months ago
@protectivemuses liked for an hsr verse starter!
Sometimes life just threw things at you and you had to handle them as they came. Wriothesley had a lot of experience honing that particular skill. It wasn't like he minded, either, not when it was something inconsequential and fairly fun. When he'd visited the Xianzhou Zhuming on business - intending to inquire about the fleet's artificial suns and whether a smaller one could be manufactured for the Fortress of Meropide - he'd certainly not expected to be put to work while the general he was supposed to talk to was busy with other matters. But alas, one of the craftsmen in their incredibly massive forge had taken one look at his build and more or less dumped a load of heavy spears into his arms and told him to 'take these to requisitions'. He'd... figured it out from there. It had been about four hours now, and Wriothesley was honestly having the time of his life running to and fro and learning all manner of things. It wasn't all too different from when he'd been a kid in the Production Zone, except people were nicer, as a rule. Currently he was carrying a rather heavy sword that was apparently 'cursed', which meant he was not supposed to 'touch it directly or talk to it'. This was possibly the strangest thing he'd done all day, but he was curious to see where it lead. Entering the workshop he'd been sent to, he did a double take at first. There was no burly blacksmith here, just a little girl, handling the blade she was holding with clear expertise. ... ah, well. Wriothesley was good with kids. "Excuse me, hi, you wouldn't be Miss Yunli, would you? I have this to be melted down?" He waved with the sword a bit.
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frozenambiguity · 6 months ago
continued from here. | @protectivemuses
Some traits are hard to erase. Those that derive from childhood are no exception.
One needs only be attentive to notice them. One can sense how the captain’s disposition changes on sunny days if blessed with such a skill. How his shoulders relax and his steps become carefree when in the heart of the city, bustling with familiar voices. How his laughter mixes with the sound of waves, seagulls, and water splashing as he runs and plays with Klee near the seashore. How his gaze twinkles as he searches for the most beautiful of shells. How he acts in specific ways, sometimes surprisingly docile, other times incredibly petty, to get precisely what he wants. How he becomes shy when he is at the center of attention. How he yearns for warmth and simplicity.
Or how he pouts when a particular wound is bothering him.
Adelinde and the rest of the servants call him the Winery’s sun. Truly, it takes so little for him to shine. Some would be surprised.
Although Kaeya has learned to remain in the shadows, oh, how he sometimes longs for the light. So, when a familiar redhead approaches him, face stern yet concealing genuine care, he begins to shine. There is disbelief, at first. A shy smile threatens to be drawn. And, at last, a hand is weakly extended. An act of hesitant obedience, which ends all too soon once he opens his mouth, offering a teasing retort of his own.
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«Why? Scared I would bleed out and dirty your precious counters, Master Diluc?~» Kaeya knows the redhead is trying to take care of him, in his own awkward, messy way. Kaeya can only hope Diluc knows this is his way of saying Thanks.
They do not need to voice feelings for them to be understood.
Has it not always been like this between them?
«Don't you worry about that. I am a man of principle, you know? I wouldn't want to scare your customers away or have Angel's Share fail a health inspection. Although...» A knowing look on his features. «A cool wound under such a punk rock glove would add character now, wouldn't it?» Conversation for the sake of conversation. Perhaps it seems meaningless, the topic of debate silly. But how long... How long has it been since they last interacted like this?
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reflective-muses · 6 months ago
cont from: x @protectivemuses
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"That makes sense." Aventurine could relate to the feeling of being on edge and the anxiety. His fate was always hanging by a thread, after all.
"There's some coffee in the lobby. Or, I could order you a better coffee from a nearby coffee shop, extra espresso." By could, of course he meant he was going to. He already had his phone out and the app open.
"How do you like your coffee, friend?"
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kyukicho · 2 years ago
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@protectivemuses asked: Wakasa had felt his ears burning a bit previously but ignored it. At least until he decided to go see if Senju would want to spar again today to help keep her training routine, pausing as he overheard her talking. Wait.. Why was she talking about him? Picking up few pieces, he had the feeling he knew what she was talking about but he was still confused.
It was clear she was talking about having a crush, and he thought he faintly caught something about kids, but had she really thought of that stuff about or with him? He wouldn't have expected that considering their ages, but he supposed that didn't matter when it came to someone you had a crush on.
Pretending not to hear, he lightly knocked on the door and peeked over. "Hey. Ya' wanna keep ya' routine and spar today or skip?"
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This has been one bout of stress after another. People constantly coming and bothering her about her crush. Getting all the juicy details out of her. Senju couldn't believe she had actually answered some of their questions. How embarrassing. The only saving grace was that Waka still had no idea.
The knock made her practically leap out of her skin, though. Not expecting someone, let along him! Senju quickly, if not clumsily, composed herself. Straightening out her shirt and wheeling 'round to face Wakasa at the door.
"You're joking right? I'm not tired. Why would I skip?" Gathering up her normal gym bag and stuffing a few clean clothes inside. "Let's go! You're going to have to buy new equipment after I'm done with it today!"
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lycorisbloomed · 1 month ago
Yes, there's a tiny foxian child trying to climb up Jiaoqiu's side. She wants to be by her papa, but in her mind, this I'd a form of being independent. Even if she keeps sliding down his leg because she has a nonexistent grip so far. But it's the thought right? Moze always did say it didn't hurt to keep trying so that she does.
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"Little one, what are you doing?" He raises an eyebrow as he leans down to pick up the little foxian.
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be777oved · 3 months ago
Looking up, Diluc pauses with a soft chuckle. "Ah. It's you. It's nice to see you up and about. Come on, take a seat. How are you feeling?" He asks, pausing from cleaning the bar counter so the other could sit down if he so chose to. "Can I get you something to drink while you're here? I have regular drinks too if alcohol isn't what you're feeling." After all, it wasn't exactly like the two ever really had much time to catch up to begin with, but now could always be different.
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"I feel as though I've overslept."
Sunday is not often one to complain. Keeping his problems bottled up like a shaken soulglad. Maybe it's the taverns warm atmosphere, or maybe it's the presence of the man behind the counter that makes him comfortable with sharing his woes. He feels tired, even after dreaming for so long. An unexpected side effect of his centuries-long slumber. "That depends, do you have anything that will rid me of this dreadful headache?"
He slumps into a seat, pressing this thumbs to the the bridge of his nose. The bar is more comfortable than he cares to admit. It's no wonder so many people come here to spend their nights and try to forget all their troubles.
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ofcrossroads · 1 month ago
@protectivemuses // Ryusei vc: Yeah, when all the others are dead.
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“ I hope I surpass you first, asshole. ”
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deathfavor · 1 year ago
shakes treats for older tora threads - @protectivemuses
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At eighteen, Kazutora knew violence better than most people would their entire lives. He had known it his whole life, but three years ago the lifeline had snapped. Maybe. He's not really sure, only that Hanma and Kisaki had been there to pick up pieces and remind the tiger to sharpen his claws until he was a weapon for others. Pay the tiger and you'll have violence delivered to your enemies.
Toman was the one exception. But then it'd gone quiet. Maybe they disbanded. Kazutora didn't know. He didn't care. He never wanted to hear anything about it. And not about a particular someone. Made life easier for him.
Kazutora ignores the blood splattered on him as he leaves an alleyway and lingers at the entrance. It only takes a moment for him to pull out a cigarette and light it, drawing in a lungful of smoke. Most people are smart enough to know to avoid attracting the tiger's attention, when danger radiates from him. The few who don't are simply because they know him and there's a simply lift of chins in acknowledgement to each other.
At least, till there's a new face he doesn't recognize. Gold eyes focus on him, uncanny in their almost unblinking, wide stare. " You need something? " Kazutora asks after a minute, looking the guy over. Something seems familiar but Kazutora can't figure out what it might be. " Cause if you don't, I'd recommend stop staring. That shit can get you in all sorts of trouble. " He laughs, a bit harsh, something sharp edged in the sound.
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captivemuses · 5 months ago
Give me a dancae and yanli kid from that kid meme. I dare you 🔫
If they had a kid meme
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
Name: Sage
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Gray hair and blue eyes, not an exact match to Dan Heng's but a little lighter. Think Stelle but with blue eyes
Personality: Trash panda like her father. Very social and good at interacting with people
Special Talents: She's just as adept at using a baseball bat as Caelus and loves using it for a variety of things
Who they like better: Caelus because he lets her get away with more. Rules were made to be broken after all
Who they take after more: Caelus, trash panda 2.0. She's Dan Heng's daughter really in eye similarity only
Personal Head canon: She picked up reading very quickly and will sit with books for awhile if she gets engrossed in something
Name: Yumei
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Blonde hair golden eyes. Slight in stature but average in height
Personality: She has two stubborn parents so that girl is also very much her parents child in that respect. But as she got older she follows directions well due to her military upbringing from both parents and her grandfathers. Is confident in herself from having many talented swords teachers, but tends to be hard on herself (similar to Yanqing) for that exact same reason.
Special Talents: She can't handle quite as many as her father can at one time, but Yumei can handle two of the flying swords if she really has her focus lasered in and not broken for anything. Most of the time she can still only handle one without issue.
Who they like better: She likes both parents equally but she gets a little biased towards her father when she's practicing with flying swords and trying to handle more of them in combat.
Who they take after more: Yanqing, both for personality and combat style
Personal Head canon: As a little one her preferred place to nap was with Jing Yuan because grandpa deserves naps too, and his chest was just a comfortable spot for the baby to do so when she was able
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