#/ don't apologize -- it's *incredibly* funny to me !!!
clearwinged · 9 months
"A wonderful production; did Orlando want a part?" from @rowan-revelry
"figures you would respond poorly to creative offers as well." oliver is stiff-lipped, irritable in mere minutes. he supposes the half-sipped rum is partly to blame, but the air of ease surrounding minwei bothers him plenty. most parties are uninteresting. most people are uninteresting. and oliver had thought the notorious yu minwei different -- that he was not most people. he knows it isn't particularly kind of him to be any form of judge, but it also seems ridiculous to navigate the world without an axis to pivot. so he has a system, pertinent numbered categories and levels of expectation. and minwei, above his though arguably fascinating bandmates -- had appeared to have creative sense. he thought highly of him. he still sort of does, unfortunately. give or take a few beliefs. he sets his drink to the arm of the couch -- not so invested that a tip or spill would bother him (it isn't his home after all). "shou is not why i'm here. and you're not considering the flexibility of my offer," oliver clarifies, terse but more forgiving than he usually is. this is big for him, patience. he shifts his legs, drags his knees to angle in minwei's direction. "i'm oliver. you've heard of me -- yes?" he taps, uninterested at the wood of the guitar. "this is unnecessary. i'm talking a lyrical -- creative brainstorm."
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beck-a-leck · 1 year
I bit the bullet and posted the hyperfixation fic.
An Ill-Advised Journey - By TheBeckster; T, WIP, 1/?, 4.7k
When Bilbo Baggins left the Shire in the company of Thorin Oakenshield, she had not known she was pregnant. The thought of it being a possibility hadn’t even crossed her mind. She should turn around and return to the Shire. She should go home to safety and give up on this dangerous adventure. She should do a great many things. None of which are traipsing across all of Middle-earth with a pack of Dwarves. And yet...
If you've been here, then you know I have spent the last 2 months working on this story and honestly I'm just getting the Hyperfixation Fic out before I lose my nerve. (And really, I've only waited this long because I could not settle on a title, and darn it I'm still entirely happy with the one I picked)
Not entirely sure where it came from other than I've been doing a Tolkien deep dive recently, going through the books and rewatching the movies, which I hadn't done in a while, so the Hobbit was semi-fresh on my mind, granted it had still been like 4 months since I'd done the book and movies. And I guess I'm a creature of habit, and when things happen irl I guess I turn them into fics? Ya know, I love baby-fic, and I'm of an age where people in my life are having babies, and I guess when someone I know has a baby I end up writing baby-fic, because everyone deserves some soft baby cuddles. And then when I start new jobs, I guess I also write Rule 63 AUs, which also happened to me this summer. So the math works out, I suppose. Tolkien Deep Dive + Baby Fic Need + New Job Rule 63 AU = the most ill-advised road trip ever. (aka a fic for a fandom I've never been really into and never thought I would write, but current me is laughing at me from 3 months ago now) Okay look! Maybe I just wrote this story because I wanted to see the Company being all soft for a tiny baby! Sue me!
Snippet below the cut!
“Pregnant?” she echoed in disbelief. “At my age? Don’t be ridiculous. My courses are supposed to be ending. No, no that can’t be right. Besides, I haven’t –” the memory of that gentleman Hobbit from Bree sparked in Bilbo’s mind. “—Oh… oh I suppose I have. Oh dear. Oh my…”
Then she fell into a bit of a state, muttering to herself and thinking so deeply that she appeared to neither hear nor feel any attempts to get her attention.
“She gets like this,” Óin assured the Elves, “Give her a moment, she’ll either snap out of it, faint, or start whistling like a kettle.”
Bilbo did not start whistling like a kettle, nor did she utter one single “nope” before passing out. She did eventually reach the bottom of her mental spiral and reemerged to see three healers blinking patiently at her.
She laughed hesitantly. “I don’t suppose what you just told me a few minutes ago was all a hallucination?”
“That depends on what you believe we told you.” One of the Elves offered gently.
“That I’m pregnant?”
They all pursed their lips and shook their heads. “That’s real, lass.” Óin confirmed.
Bilbo dropped her head into her hands. “Oh, of all the times to leave the Shire unexpectedly. They’ll never believe that I… oh, dear. Oh, bother.” She looked up at Óin. “Did you know?”
“I suspected. Thought you were using us as an excuse to escape a scandal.”
Laughing just on the edge of hysterics, Bilbo shook her head. “Gracious no! If I’d known, I’d never have agreed to traipsing all across Middle-Earth with a bunch of Dwarves. That would have been right foolish, wouldn’t it?” Her eyes suddenly went wide. “Oh dear, I’ll have to tell the others, won’t I?”
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shopcat · 2 years
im sorry for how long this got and maybe this is stupid but idc and ur one of the few st fans i know with a brain So. i hate how in the stddie fandom there's this popular widespread idea that steve is submissive both sexually and just generally in his life like i dont know where it came from i dont know why its so overwhelmingly popular i hate how people dont even tag it a lot of the time so you end up reading a fic you think might be good and end up with more uwu sub steve drivel when 1) it doesnt fit his canon personality 2) eddie isnt canonically dominating either he just puts up a petty despot facade for hellfire 3) this fandom took a character who For One had a lot of his arc (when he still had an arc lol) center around not being passive and cruising through life on the path of least resistance anymore but instead taking up more leadership and responsibility in taking care of others and For Two was literally fucking tortured and otherwise physically assaulted multiple times in increasingly traumatic ways and ppl just went "yes he would love being restrained and controlled and hurt during sex. its hot to us so we dont have to think abt whether it fits the character or whether its playing into gross homophobic stereotypes at all"
no literally like. honestly i think it happens with steve IN GENERAL and happened before even eddie came into the picture people cannot fathom a man who is actively like kind/nurturing/overcoming a toxic masculinity of some kind without frankenstein warping him into some weird amalgamation of homophobia and reflected misogyny (somehow) like he's The Mom so eddie has to be The Dad naturally and people can't move beyond the collective fandomised consciousness to attempt any actual depth and end up just echo chambering. like okay the reason the duffer's kill steve's character so effectively is because the fanbase makes it their god given mission to slaughter him first LOL. steve is assigned femininity to the point of CONCERN.
but you're so right it's also super funny where people take this guy who very clearly does not like having no control and actively fights against things happening to the point where he becomes GENUINELY HYSTERICAL any time anything happens that he doesn't want to and they all go Oh he totally would want to do this especially in sex one of the most deeply vulnerable things you can do. i genuinely think it is just like this multi-headed horror show of root causes ranging from homophobia to just plain unhealthy unnatural and uncomfortable views on sex and relationships people internalise which can get very concerning very quickly. like the ethicality of "bd$m" aside (because like yeah i don't care what particular dynamics you do or don't like at the end of the day if it's portrayed well/healthily/let alone in character but i do not actually like any part of modern day bdsm itself and i think it's super funny that a bunch of online dorkuses think being like "b-b-but don't kinkshame/it's not hurting anyone/we're always discriminated against you're just like everyone else/etc" will actually stop me from being critical of a scene that is notorious for retraumatisation, the normalisation and romanticisation of actual abuse and is fundamentally overrun with straight cis men who want to hurt women and get away with it) i do not think steve is the type of person who would within 6 months at BEST be able to overcome his own fucking trauma and be able to do anything beyond a bit of mean-ish dirty talk or something let alone eddie AS WELL especially in something that is again as vulnerable trusting and belly-showing as SEX. like for a group of people who love to point out that clearly steve would be affected by everything that's happened to him including yeah The Literal Torture they just let it leak out of their brains the second they get to "indulge" which shows an uncomfortable lack of backbone at best. also eddie is just NOT the type of person who would like to do these things and i actually find it kind of like... it hurts my FEELINGS!!!! that people think he is this big mean cruel "sadodom". especially when they try and lean into him genuinely hating steve/being one of his poor little "victims" of steve's "bullying" like helloooo... idk maybe it's projection or something everyone's crazy
oh yeah and like i guess i understand the REASON why people would theoretically want to see steve be this submissive hurt little thing or something like no one has to explain to me the Hot to Not ratio here i've explained a bunch of different times how it's odd when people like, pseudo-guilt trip and go "it's so weird when u find him hot when he's hurt/bleeding/etc" but i just DON'T find it hot in this context and never will. and i don't think people can seperate the contexts.. clearly. a guy looking a little pathetic and beat up and nose bleeding everywhere is so miles and miles away from him looking like that cuz he was hurt in a sexual manner (by a partner) especially if it's in order to "take him down a peg" that they're not even in the same STATE!!! i also think it's reflected in things where people will "joke" about his bisexual awakening being "manhandled" which i don't think i have to explain the levels of CONCERN i have for. ugh.
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(Genshin Impact/H:SR) Asking "What does PLAP PLAP PLAP mean?" to their S/O
Genshin: Arlecchino, Ayaka, Ei, Furina, Jean, Kokomi, Shenhe, Xianyun Star Rail: Asta, Firefly, Natasha, March 7th, Stelle
I don't know what possessed me to write this, other than imagining it'd be REALLY funny, and REALLY stupid.
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Arlecchino had overheard this term passing by a younger couple, and she had no earthly idea of what it meant.
It seemed like everyday, the vocabulary gap was growing wider and wider between her and the others.
And considering it was a couple saying it, and not children, there was really only one person to ask.
(Arlecchino) "S/O. I'd like to ask you about something I overheard."
S/O took the teacup into their hand and smiled at her.
(S/O) "What is it, Arle?"
(Arlecchino) "Do you know what, and apologies if I am mispronouncing this, plap plap plap is?"
S/O immediately spat out their drink all over the table, making Arlecchino blink twice in surprise.
Their fist hit their chest repeatedly as they engaged in a violent coughing fit, suddenly turning to her with a much more shocked expression.
(S/O) "WHAT?!"
(Arlecchino) "Judging by your reaction, you appear to."
Arlecchino noticed they immediately began blushing, trying to look everywhere except at her.
But S/O knew better than to lie to her, or god forbid she went to ask her kids what it meant.
(S/O) "It...It uh, refers to an action in bed."
Arlecchino didn't have to ask twice, noticing how they emphasized the last word.
(Arlecchino) "...I see. Is this what all couples are doing these days?"
S/O sighed, cleaning up their mess.
(S/O) "Apparently, if you overheard it in broad daylight..."
(Arlecchino) "Do you think we should join them as well?"
S/O could've sworn there was a small smirk at the end of her question, but she was stoic as ever. They, however, were reduced to another coughing and blushing mess.
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(Ayaka) "S/O, does plap have a special meaning to it?"
Ayaka thinks it's some kind of sound effect, but she wasn't entirely sure. She had read it in a book from the Yae Publishing House, but the book didn't really go into detail what it meant.
Ayaka seemed genuinely puzzled at S/O's reaction, why were they so red?
(Ayaka) "S/O, are you alright? You're turning red very quickly!"
(S/O) "I-I'm fine! It's just-Uh...How do I explain this?"
She tilted her head slightly at S/O looking around the room, making sure Thoma or Ayato wasn't in earshot.
Then, S/O whispered into her ear, making Ayaka's eyes widen and join them in turning bright red.
(Ayaka) "...A-Ah...?!"
Ayaka immediately buries her hands into her face.
(Ayaka) "P-Please forget I asked that question, it was incredibly crude of me to say something like that out loud!"
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(Ei) "S/O. There's a word in this book I do not recognize."
(S/O) "Here, let me see!"
S/O happily snuggled close to Ei, their eyes going line by line until they reached the word she was pointing at.
And Ei felt their heartrate suddenly spike up, but since she was behind their head, she couldn't see their expression.
(Ei) "...Do you know what it means?"
(S/O) "...Ei, what is this book?"
(Ei) "One that Miko recommended I read and show you, actually."
(S/O) "E-Ei...this book is um...how to phrase this, smut?"
(Ei) "I am aware."
(S/O) "...Wha-"
(Ei) "I know what I am reading heavily involves sex, S/O. I am no fool, but what does plap mean?"
S/O had to explain to her in detail, and why it became a thing, all the while Ei looked mildly intrigued and S/O wanted to die.
But first, they had to ask Miko why in the hell did they give Ei smut?!
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(Furina) "...P-Plap?"
Furina's eyes frowned at the word she had just read.
She grabbed a bunch of books on sale while she was out in the city, not really caring their origin or genre.
But clearly, S/O did as they dropped their book completely when Furina spoke it aloud.
(S/O) "F-Furina...?!"
She turned to them with an eyebrow raised.
(Furina) "What is it?"
Noticing how flustered they had become, she grew even more confused as she quickly put the pieces together.
(Furina) "Does...plap mean something to you, S/O?"
(S/O) "Y-You know what that means, right Furina?"
(Furina) "...Psh, of course I do!"
She said without batting an eyelash, staring directly at S/O.
Of course she had no idea what on Gods' green Tevyat it meant, but maybe she could impress S/O by knowing such a word!
(Furina) "Plapping comes naturally to me-"
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Jean emits a quiet "huh" as she puts down her book.
Lisa had suggested this one to read, and admittedly it was a little...raunchier than what she usually reads for romance, but it was still cute.
Until it got to a certain part where it was only giving onomatopoeia for a scene.
Jean wanted to ask Lisa what it meant, until S/O came through the door to their bedroom.
(Jean) "Ah, perfect timing!"
(S/O) "Hello, love. What book are you reading?'
(Jean) "Funny you should mention it, there's a word in here I don't quite understand."
(S/O) "Really? That's surprising, coming from you. What is it?"
Jean opened the page before finding it again, and turning to S/O.
(Jean) "Plap plap plap?"
In an instant, S/O's words died at their throat.
(S/O) ...Nevermind, it makes a lot more sense now...
(Jean) "Um...are you alright dear? Your face looks like its heating up."
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Kokomi knew this book Yae picked out for her would be strange.
On top of having the strangest plot for romance she's read, now there were all sorts of words she had no idea what they meant.
Kokomi hummed a cute grunt of annoyance, making S/O's head lift as they were cuddling in bed together.
(S/O) "Koko?"
(Kokomi) "Here, can you read this and tell me what it means?"
(S/O) "Sure."
S/O smiled and picked up the book and glanced at the page. Kokomi saw their expression change by the second, growing more and more concerned.
(S/O) "...W-Which passage are you asking about, Koko?"
(Kokomi) "The one that says plap in it. Is that a noise?"
(S/O) "...Y-Yes it is."
Kokomi grabbed her book back, not noticing how embarrassed S/O was becoming, putting one finger under her chin.
(Kokomi) sigh "This book continues to elude me in its writing. I'm half tempted to pick another book at this rate."
S/O was secretly praying she would, lest she get to some...spicier parts of that same page, and they did not want to have to explain that to their girlfriend.
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Shenhe would usually ask all sorts of questions to S/O, ranging from food, what the usual mortal activity was, or even how they were.
This time, it was something that made them flustered, which those occassions weren't in short supply either.
(Shenhe) "S/O, what does it mean when something goes plap plap plap?"
Shenhe saw the telltale signs that this question made S/O embarrassed, the flush in their cheeks, the widening in their eyes, and body freezing up.
(Shenhe) "...Is this another situation where I shouldn't ask others about it?"
Shenhe saw their head nod yes, making her happy that she can at least tell a situation just by words alone.
And S/O knew that they had to be as direct as possible so she wouldn't be confused.
(S/O) "Y-Yes, it's um...r-related to sex, Shenhe."
After explaining it to her, she quickly understands the concept.
(Shenhe) "Is it possible for us-"
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Xianyun had to get familiar with a lot of terms when she came to Liyue, no doubt Zhongli and Shenhe had to do the same.
Thankfully, she had Ganyu and many other kind souls in the Harbor to teach her.
None more educating than her S/O. And like always, she had a question for her beloved.
(Xianyun) "One must ask you something, S/O. I overheard a young mortal couple saying something that flustered their friends. Is plap plap plap something taboo?"
S/O coughed on their food, eyes glancing over to Xianyun, making sure they heard the question correct.
Xianyun was sitting silently, awaiting an answer as she adjusted her glasses with a finger.
(S/O) "V-Very taboo, Xianyun..."
(Xianyun) "But what exactly does it mean?"
(S/O) "It...ugh, it has to do with intercourse..."
That was the best way they could've phrased that without exploding.
(Xianyun) "...Is that it? That seems fairly mundane for everyone to become so flustered about, yourself included-"
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Asta saw some kind of weird ad on her phone while she was shopping.
No doubt it'd give her a virus, so she ignored it, but the word on there was quite strange.
(Asta) "The heck is a plap?"
The door to her bedroom slid open, with S/O laying down next to her while Asta kept scrolling.
(S/O) "Heya-...Something bothering you? Your face is doing that cute frown."
She giggled at that but shook her head.
(Asta) "Nah, nothing. Just a word I didn't know on some clickbait ad."
(S/O) "What was it?"
S/O got their answer when they leaned over to her phone.
(Asta) "That one riiiiight there. Know what that-"
And Asta got her answer when she saw their face.
(Asta) "Wow! You're burning up!"
(S/O) "Um...J-Just search it up."
Asta raised an eyebrow.
(Asta) "Why can't you just tell me?"
(S/O) "Just d-do it."
(Asta) "Oookay? ... ... ...O-Oh. Ooooh..."
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Firefly was very confused when she heard those three words for the first time.
Silver Wolf had said it, regarding her and S/O. Kafka laughed while Blade rolled his eyes, yet Firefly had no idea what it actually meant.
And, to be expected, neither of the three would tell her what it meant.
Meaning there was one person who would!
Getting her phone out, she texted S/O.
[Firefly] S/O!~ [S/O] What's up, sweetie? [Firefly] What's 'plap plap plap'? ... [S/O] is typing... ...
(Firefly) "...Huh?"
Suddenly, S/O stopped typing, making her pout.
(Firefly) "Hmph! Why is no one telling me what that means?!"
She'd just have to ask them in person, then they couldn't avoid it!
Firefly had completely frozen in place, her eyes wide-eyed like a doe as her words stuttered and died before they fully formed.
(Firefly) "I-I...A-AH!"
She couldn't meet S/O's eyes anymore, and immediately encased herself in her armor, looking away.
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March overheard a couple planetside say it, and it made her giggle.
It was kinda fun to say!
But...she didn't really knew what it meant. Dan Heng and Pom-Pom sure didn't.
Caelus and Stelle seemed to laugh at it, but never told her.
Welt and Himeko's eyes widened a bit upon hearing March say it, but would find an excuse when she asked what it meant.
She COULD look at the internet and find out, but instead:
March wrapped her arms playfully around S/O's shoulders, feeling them relax into her hug.
(March 7th) "S/O! Question!"
(S/O) "Hm? What's your question, March?"
(March 7th) "Does plap plap plap mean anything weird?"
March felt their body stiffen in response. She could tell they wanted to move out her arms, but she didn't let them with her ironclad grip.
(S/O) "Does...Does it relate to you holding onto me like that...?!"
(March 7th) "Iunno, you tell me! Everyone's acting super weird everytime I say it."
(S/O) "It...uh..."
They whispered it into her ear, making her back up and cover her mouth in shock.
(S/O) "Oh my god..."
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Natasha wasn't an idiot, of course she knew what it meant.
She had to tell many people off from saying it near her kids.
But...it was kind of funny to see people's reactions to it, and she was not above teasing S/O in the slightest.
With a little smirk after work one night, she cuddles close into S/O, sounding as innocent as possible.
(Natasha) "S/O?"
(S/O) "Yes, Nat?"
(Natasha) "Can you tell me what plap means? I thought I heard some of the kids saying it."
Watching S/O's face scrunch up into a mixture of horror and embarrassment was absolutely hilarious, so much so her facade immediately broke.
(S/O) "N-NAT! You can't just ask crap like that out of the blue!"
(Natasha) "Sorry, sorry, I couldn't resist! You're just so cute when you do that.~"
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Stelle 100% knows what it means.
The question was, did S/O?
It was a good thing she was usually super stoic, at least in person, cause that meant she could bullshit S/O into thinking she didn't.
She walks into their room, with the best poker face she had.
(Stelle) "Hey, S/O."
(S/O) "What's up, Stelle?"
(Stelle) "What does plap plap plap mean?"
Watching their breath stop for a split second, their eyes suddenly darting back and forth.
Oh yeah, they knew what it meant.
S/O stared at her with a red face for a few moments before frowning.
(S/O) "...I know what you're doing, Stelle. You 100% know what it means!"
Damn it, she failed the deception check.
They knew her too well...
Oh well, watching them be flustered was always super cute/funny.
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mx-pastelwriting · 2 years
MHA Heroes HC - How They'd React Bruises on Reader after a night.
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Heroes x GN! Reader
Summary: Heroes reaction to bruises on reader after a night of sex.
Warnings: Light Mentions of past sex acts, Bruising on Reader, Fluff, Established Relationship
Characters: Endeavor (Enji Todoroki), Gang Orca (Kugo Sakamata), Eraserhead (Shota Aizawa), Vlad King (Sekijiro Kan), Fat Gum (Taishiro Toyomitsu)
Minors do not interact!
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Endeavor (Enji Todoroki)
-Wouldn't notice until the morning, when you are still sleeping off the night's events.
-When he does notice them, he softly traces them; he kind of likes them, though he quickly changes his tune when you groan at the pain when you start to wake.
-You had bruises on your hips and thighs; some might have some surface burn as well, as Enji can get a little wild.
-Aftercare he takes very seriously. He makes sure you're comfortable in bed and gets you ice packs wrapped in a thin towel.
"Thank you," you say quietly, the pain lessened by the coolness. Enji hadn't apologized, but you didn't want him to because the night had been incredible and there was nothing you could ask him to do differently.
You did appreciate that he took the day off to cuddle you in bed, just in case the ice packs were too much. "I love you," he whispers into your shoulder skin as he lays his head. You place yours on top and say, "I love you too", His arm is wrapped softly around your waist so as not to disturb your nerves. Furthermore, you knew he was somewhat sorry for putting you in pain, but the imprint on your skin made his mind swirl with heat.
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Gang Orca (Kugo Sakamata)
-Would notice as he's getting ready for work and him taking care of you would wake you.
-Apologizing every minute as he places an ice packs on your hips and arm.
-Would ask if anything else hurts; if the answer is yes, he would melt into the floor with guilt, but after reassuring him you're not dying, you would both laugh it off.
-He would call off work against your wishes; he would take care of you the whole day, helping you to the bathroom, but you reminded him you weren't glass.
"How badly does it hurt, angel?" Kugo gently asks his hand to hold yours. You smiled and shook your head; you weren’t dying, but he made it seem so. "Kugo, it's fine." "It's not fine, Angelfish; I hurt you." His voice was filled with guilt. "Yes, but you didn't mean to." Trying to clam him was an easy task, but you placed your hand on his face, hoping to get him to drop it. "Okay, but let me know if you need anything," he says, snuggling closer to you. He pulled you gently close to him, having you lay on his chest and hear his now calm heartbeat.
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Eraserhead (Shota Aizawa)
-Would notice after he gets home from work and sees you walking funny.
-Asks if you're okay, and you show him his work on you, he goes into caring mode, asking if you’re okay and why didn't you tell him.
-After explaining yourself, he would have you sit down to rest, he would cook dinner, and have you resting up with blankets cuddling you.
-Going to bed, he would gently cuddle you, wondering if he should call into work tomorrow to get the day off, but you begged to have him decide in the morning.
His hand gently wraps around your shoulder to your back, not wanting to touch the bruises that mark your waist and thighs. "Tell me if anything hurts," he whispers, but all he gets from you is a quiet hum. You dig your head into his chest, hearing his soft heartbeat and breathing.
Through the night, you wake up to his phone ringing. Aizawa groans as he shifts, bumping into your thigh. You whine at the pain, causing him to jump up and say, "I'm sorry, where did I hurt you?" He says in a panic, "It's fine, just answer the phone." You grumble, though you're not upset at him, just at the ringing noise of the phone. He answers and gets up shortly after ending the call, and you watch with tired eyes as he's getting ready. "I'll be back in an hour, I love you, and don't move," he says, giving you a quick kiss and heading off, leaving you to fall back asleep in a now cold bed.
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Vlad King (Sekijiro Kan)
-Would notice getting ready for work; as soon as he sees the bruises that litter your hips and shoulders, he wakes you with cries of asking you if you're okay.
-Yes he was rough in bed, but he always made sure you were okay. Seeing this made him a puddle on the floor.
-As you wake, you have to reassure him you're okay, just sore, but before you can say you'll be fine while he's gone, he calls into work.
-He would make you breakfast, fluff up some pillows to make you comfortable, and run you a bath after you eat.
"Thank you, love," you say in a tired voice as you take the small table of food in your lap. "And I'll run you a warm bath after too," he says, sitting down next to you and having his own food. "Can you join me?" You ask, but his face says something other than excitement: "I'm afraid I'll hurt you, hon." His voice sounded like he was fighting back tears: "It's okay, you will make me feel better, please." He thinks it over for a minute and nods, going back to his breakfast.
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All Might (Toshinori Yagi) -Works for small & big
-Would see in the middle of the night coming back from the bathroom.
-He would lay back in bed but keep his distance, then call into work to get the day off. He's never done this before, so he's a bit scared.
-When you wake up, you notice the bruising on your hips and ribs. The pain would come every time you moved, but Toshinori was there to help and bring food.
-He would have helped you change into something decent as of last night had you not. A lot of apologies would have been given, but your words calmed them down.
Toshinori moved with panic as he took the empty plate from you. "Thank you, Toshi," you say warmly, but he just gave a small smile before his eyes went to your bruises. Noticing you cover them up with the blankets, you didn't mind his getting rough in bed; maybe you even liked it, but you hated how he looked at you like you were broken.
"Come sit" You say he's patting the bed; he slowly sits, but far from you. You painfully move closer to him, but he still keeps his distance. "Please come closer; I feel like I'm the plague," you say with a hurt laugh. He does gently put a hand on your thigh, letting you put your head on his shoulder and watch TV.
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Fat Gum (Taishiro Toyomitsu) -Works for big & small
-Would notice as he comes in with breakfast in bed for you, the covers are moved, letting him see them in the morning light.
-It covered your hips and back; he woke you gently, but he was about to cry seeing you groan in pain.
-Putting the table on your lap like he always does on his day off. He asks if you're okay and points to the bruises that you now notice.
-He would cuddle you up with blankets while you and him ate to enjoy your morning shows, though he would keep a close eye on you.
Eating your food, you would feel Taishiro's eyes on you; it made you squirm where you sat. Looking at him, he smiles at you as you take another bit of his food. "Is it that bad?" you ask with a worried look on your face, but he quickly turns into protective mode. "No, not at all. I just never thought I would go that hard on you." He sighs, you go soft, "I enjoyed last night, please; I don't want this to stop you." You reassure him, and he smiles, "It's not, sweetheart, but if you like it that way, then does tomorrow night sound good?" He flirts, you blush, and you give him a kiss.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is any grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
♥ mx-pastelwriting does not consent to their work being copied, translated, or reposted on any other platform without permission.
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campbell-rose · 3 months
I hate Stolas. Oh my god. It's not even funny anymore. I used to tag posts as 'anti' this or that just so other criticals would see, but never actually hated the show. I can't like it anymore. I hate Stolas and the way the writers keep sucking his asshole and acting like he's somehow the victim. If he was a villain, I'd be praising his writing - he's a manipulative asshole. God, I don't even want to rewrite this show because the premise is so gone by now. "I'm uncomfortable with how you're speaking to me right now!". Bullshit, as if Stolas didn't constantly demean Blitz to the point that it was censored - ah forgive me, it was framed comedically then, oops. The first five minutes of this episode are a chore to sit through. At least it's animated nicely and Brandon and Bryce are incredibly talented. Honestly, I love Verosika, she's the only saving grace (and the background characters), she's like, a decent person and not a one dimensional bitch. This should've just been an episode about Blitzo apologizing to people and Stolas doesn't touch the episode. Like. Idk, he realizes how much better he feels after making up with Fizz and goes to a party Verosika is hosting on Halloween to apologize to her too. He still goes on his little apology tour, and the party is the main event. It's not a 'hate Blitzo' party, it's just a party - hell, maybe it's a party for people feeling scorned and shit, maybe it's a Valentine's party for all I care. Her and Blitz talking was my favorite part, (until it babied Stolas) I love Christina Vee.
"If you love him let him go" Verosika I love you shut up please <3 I hate him I want him to be miserable, he doesn't deserve random incubus my beloved.
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Baby fever
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AN: I'm sure your shock has been imagined that I wrote this. I haven't even watched the video fully yet because I should be have been trying to work on my final assignments for the semester but, I've seen enough to prompt me to write this very impulsively. Apologies to all of the fics I was actively working on (glances at my 2Min drabble with apologetic eyes).
Synopsis: Seeing pictures and videos of your boyfriend with a baby inspires a stronger reaction from you than either of you could have anticipated.
Heads up: Hwang Hyunjin x Fem! Reader, established relationship, the plot is barely there if I'm being honest, dirty talk, usage of pet names, nipple play (f. receiving), oral sex (f. receiving), fingering (f. receiving), unprotected piv sex for the first time, both Reader and Hyunjin cry at points, one mention of Reader worrying she'll draw blood from Hyunjin but no actual blood and it isn't referenced beyond that, very apparent breeding kink and talks about breeding, Hyunjin says mommy once in reference to making Reader a mum, creampie and dacryphilia kink if you squint.
Word count: 3765
I will block you if you are a minor and have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
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You don't expect much when your phone buzzes with a notification from Felix. He always sends you messages throughout the day, even when he has a pretty packed schedule. Asking you how your day is, telling you about his and sending you short videos and funny pictures of the rest of the members that he manages to catch.
So when you open his message, you expect maybe a selfie with him and Chris or a video of Minho feigning annoyance at being recorded.
What you don't expect is to see Hyunjin. Well, that's not entirely true. Felix sends you pictures and videos of Hyunjin all of the time. What you don't expect is to see your boyfriend awkwardly and carefully holding an incredibly adorable, chubby baby.
He did mention a while ago now that he, Felix, and Jeongin were going to be on some variety show with children, but it had honestly slipped your mind. University has been eating you alive for the past month or so, so any space in your brain for anything that isn't response papers and projects has been minimal.
Now, as you as you sit at your desk with the Word document left untouched, all you can do is stare at the video of Hyunjin trying his best to soothe the baby. His hold on him is very clumsy and it makes you a little anxious but, it's all dwarfed by how softly your boyfriend looks at him and how his massive hands cradle the baby's tiny body to his. The smile on his face is positively radiant, and the little cooing sounds he makes do eventually draw a smile and giggle from the baby comfortably in his arms.
You don't think you've felt your heart constrict more in your chest ever in your entire life. Not even when he told you he loved you for the first time or when the two of you went on your first date or the first time you had sex. Sitting here, seeing him fumble his way through interacting with this baby and the unadulterated softness in his face, completely derails any other train of thought than wanting to have a baby of your own with him.
Which is absolute insanity.
Not only are the two of you nowhere near ready to be parents, your relationship is also not even a year old yet. You've spoken about children, and while you are on the same page, now is nowhere near the time.
Still, the more carnal part of your brain can't find it to care as you continue to scroll through the barage of pictures and videos Felix sent to you. An audible 'aw' leaving your lips when the baby's tiny hand wraps around your boyfriend's finger.
Yeah, there's no way you're getting any work done today.
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You practically lunge at Hyunjin when he opens your front door. You swallow his noise of surprise greedily, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing him to the door he just barely manages to close. Despite being caught thoroughly off-guard, he kisses you back. His hands coming to rest on your hips.
"Not that I'm complaining," he breathes out once he separates himself from your lips, "but, what brought this on?"
"Lix sent me pictures and videos of you with a baby," you mutter against his neck as you kiss along the sensitive skin there. Your blood turning into molten heat in your veins as he squirms and whimpers against you. You're sure you're wet enough already to take him. You've been wet for what feels like hours now.
"Okay?" He says, blinking at you in confusion through the lust induced haze he was momentarily in.
"You looked really cute and happy."
He still doesn't seem to quite understand what about that would cause you to react like this.
"Seeing you with a baby was really attractive," you finally spell out for him.
"Attractive?!" He squeaks out, and you'd usually find that endearing and cause to smush his cheeks between your hands, but you're too highstrung right now.
"Yes," you breathe, resuming your kisses along on his neck, on part of his jaw until you reach his ear, "it was really, really attractive. I couldn't even focus on my work because all I could think about was you cumming inside of me and, putting a baby in me."
You're sure Hyunjin would have crumpled to your floor if he wasn't leaning against your door. He was blushing so hard you could feel the heat radiating off of him. You don't think you've ever seen him get this red, especially so quickly, ever.
"Wh-what?" Is all he can respond with and, in all fairness, you did drop a nuclear bit of information on the poor man, so this reaction isn't exactly unexpected.
You take one of his hands and slip it into the waistband of your shorts and panties, moaning quietly when his fingers come into contact with your soaked slit. Hyunjin isn't unaffected either if the glaze in his eyes and bob of his adam's apple are anything to go by.
"I've been so wet for you all day, Jinnie," you whine, your eyes fluttering slightly and your walls clenching when his fingers run along your folds all on their own.
"Fuck," he grits, catching you by surprise this time around and slamming his mouth into yours. This kiss is more carnal than the last one. It's all teeth and tongue and spit and, all you can do is fist his shirt to steady yourself while his nimble fingers stroke you. You're barely aware that he's pushing you backwards until you find yourself hitting your couch. His mouth remains firmly on yours as you two tumble onto it.
A disappointed whine leaves you when his hand leaves your panties and shorts. Your walls throb borderline painfully, and you feel acutely empty. "I'm sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you," he has the audacity to laugh, albeit hoarsely.
"Jinnie, I'm ready. Please, I want you inside of me. I'm beyond ready," you whimper, clutching onto his biceps. Giving him your best puppy dog eyes and pout while he clenches his jaw at your words.
"You're trying to kill me," he groans, resting his forehead against your shoulder. From the pressure you feel on your thigh right now, you're sure your suggestion sounds tempting right now.
He kisses you more slowly this time. Savouring every brush and press of your lips against his own and, the two of you moan into each other as your tongues caress one another. You thought you'd won until you feel his hands impatiently tug your shirt up, exposing your breasts to the cool air of your apartment. His mouth descending down your neck, lavishing your throat with kisses and licks while you arch into him. Your hands tugging on his dark locks while he kisses down your body.
"Hyun-Hyunjin," you whimper, your hips jolting up into him when his breaths ghost over one of your hardened nipples.
"Are you sure you still want me to just fuck you?" Is all he says before you find your nipple enveloped by his mouth and your other breast in one of his hands.
You're sure you've soaked through your panties and are close to ruining your shorts from the way your wetness trickles out of you with every lick and suck of your boyfriend's sinful mouth. The vibrations from the groans he presses into you only make it all so much worse, along with the precise way his fingers tug and lightly pinch your other nipple.
Hyunjin would happily spend hours with his mouth and hands all over your breasts if history is any indication. However, as eyeroll and toe-curl inducing as this all feels, you're determined to get your way.
Your hands cup his face and pull him up to you. The frown on his thoroughly kissed lips almost makes you laugh, but you kiss him before the giggles get the better of you, and he complains about you ruining his time with your tits.
"Want you," you mutter against his lips, palming his erection through his jeans. The evidence of his want for you clear as day and heavy in your palm. You're tempted to just flip him over and sink down on him yourself.
"An-And I'm the one always being called impatient," he retorts with an affectionate roll of his eyes and kiss to the corner of your mouth.
"It's not my fault you looked so attractive," you respond with a shrug, biting back the complaint on the tip of the tongue when he peels away from you to tug off his shirt. God, you really must be the luckiest woman alive.
"I didn't think you'd be so into it," he says distractedly, impatiently tugging down his jeans and leaving him in nothing but his black boxers that cling in a horribly tempting way to his slender hips and, outline his hard cock.
You're not sure whether your mouth or pussy waters more.
Hyunjin flushes under your intense gaze, as if you haven't seen him naked more times than both of you could count. It still boggles your mind sometimes how your boyfriend can turn from confident, sexy and suave to an awkward, flustered mess in an instant. Well, that duality is among the multitude of reasons you're so irrevocably in love with him.
"You're staring," he mumbles, avoiding your gaze.
"It's not my fault you're so hot," you retort, delighting in the deepening blush on his cheeks. He's just too easy for his own good.
He just huffs in parts exasperation and embarrassment, choosing instead to focus on getting you naked. The playful atmosphere quickly dissipates as he hooks his thumbs into your shorts and panties, and you lift your hips to help him tug them off.
Once he's tossed them somewhere to join the heap of clothes littering your floor, Hyunjin settles himself between your thighs once more but, on his stomach this time. You really, really wish he'd just fuck you and before you're able to verbalise that thought, your boyfriend takes a slow, deliberate lick at you.
A strangled gasp flies from your lips and your hips jolt but, his large hands hold you firm. "Just let me do this for you, okay?" He asks, his stupid, pretty brown eyes boring into yours through his dark hair. His mouth hovers above you, as if waiting for some sort of response from you.
"Fuck, fine Jinnie, okay. Please, just do some-" your words are cut off by a choked sob when Hyunjin takes your words as a green light. His lips attached themselves to your poor clit, licking and sucking in ways that tighten the knots in your gut and causes your toes to curl. Your fingers weaving themselves into his hair and tugging, which prompts a whimper from your boyfriend. The vibrations making your eyes roll into the back of your skull.
A pitchy moans of his name fill the air of your apartment when his slender fingers toy with your entrance. Barely breaching your hole and you want to scream.
"Hyunjin," you whimper out, impatiently tugging on his hair.
"I'm sorry," he mutters against you with a smile and, pushes two of his fingers into you gradually.
They don't fill you nearly as much as you need but, they're better than nothing. That thought is particularly bolstered when he curls them inside of you, only needing a few moments before he finds the spot inside of you that makes your thighs quiver and your mind to go blank. Combined with his unrelenting ministrations on your poor, sensitive clit and how needy you've been for him all day, it all becomes too much so quickly.
"Hyun-Hyunjin, Jinnie. I- I'm-" You're not even sure what you're trying to articulate but, the jumbled mess of words seem to only motivate your boyfriend further. He curls his fingers harder and laps at your clit with renewed enthusiasm.
That's all it takes for everything to fracture.
You're sure the grip you have on Hyunjin's hair hurts but, you can't help it. Everything seizes and your walls spasm viciously, clamping down so harshly on Hyunjin's fingers he can barely keep curling them inside of you. Still, he tries. He's not as intense as he was moments ago but, still fingers you through your orgasm while his tongue gently laps up everything you give him.
You sag against your couch once your body relaxes. You're half certain you'd float up into the air if Hyunjin's grip on you wasn't still so strong. Speaking of your boyfriend, he does eventually unlatches himself from your hypersensitive clit. His hair is completely dishevelled, and you could already see a thin sheen of sweat on his flushed skin. His tongue pokes out to chase every bit of you he can on his bruised lips, his eyes dark.
You're sure he feels the way you clench around his fingers despite quite literally just cumming. He leans down to hungrily kiss you, tasting yourself on his tongue that he pushes into your eager mouth. As if your mind isn't muddled enough. You moan into him when he very slowly pulls his fingers out of you. Now you feel so empty that it physically hurts.
"Jinnie," you plead, your fingers reaching down to toy with the waistband of his boxers. The muscles of his abdomen jumping with every brush of your fingers against them. One of his hands comes down to cup your jaw, pressing a delicate kiss to your lips.
"Fine, fine," he says after pulling away from you and tugging his boxers down. His cock bobs in the air between the two of you as he drops his boxers on your floor. Your heart hammers against your ribcage, and even more of your wetness leaks out of you, smearing your inner thighs.
Hyunjin gets up, and that kicks you out of the stupor you were in. Your hand shoots to grab his wrist, stopping him dead in his tracks.
"Where are you you going?"
"To uh...get condoms?" He asks, confusion evident in both his voice and handsome face.
"Yeah, why? I'm okay with not using them if you are. I wasn't kidding when I said I really want you to cum inside of me."
Hyunjin closes his eyes then. Gritting his teeth before responding, "What about...y'know? Not that I don't want to have children with you eventually but-"
"Jinnie, I'm on the pill. I have been since I was a teenager."
That stops Hyunjin. His big, brown eyes blinking at you as if he can't quite believe that this is real. That this is happening.
You soften then, slipping your hand downwards to intertwine your fingers with his longer ones, "Hey, we don't have to if you don't want to. We can use condoms if that's what you're comfortable with."
That seems to only make your boyfriend flail harder, "No, no. It's not that I don't want to. Honestly, I've thought about it a lot," that makes you raise an eyebrow, "I've just never- I've just never done it without a condom before."
"Neither have I," you respond easily.
The look you give him is enough for Hyunjin to recognise what a dumb question that was, "Right, okay, sorry."
That seems to ease his anxieties significantly, he doesn't look nearly as tense as he did when you suggested the idea. You tug him down into another deep kiss, wrapping your arms around him as he resumes his place between your thighs. Gasps leaving both of you when his cock nudges at your very wet folds, the barely there pressure and searing heat causing your nails to dig into his shoulders.
"You're 100% sure about this right?" He asks once more, his eyes swirling with nervousness and desire.
While you appreciate how sweet he's being, you're seconds from pulling out your hair if he doesn't just fuck you right now. However, an idea comes to your mind to finally entice your boyfriend into fully letting go.
One of your hands reaches down until you reach the apex of your thighs, spreading your pussy for him to see just how sure you are.
"Yes, Jinnie. Fuck me, please."
Something in Hyunjin snaps then. His mouth swallowing your whimpers as he finally sinks into you. You can feel him practically vibrating with the effort to keep himself composed.
He's so hot inside of you. You're not sure sex has ever felt so intense. You've had him inside of you hundreds of times but, this...this is completely different. You swear you can feel everything. Every twitch and every throb and every vein as your walls melt around him. Before you know it, you're blinking away tears from how overwhelming it all is and pull him closer to you, wrapping your legs around him.
"Fuck, wait. Shit, don't do that. Don't move," he chokes out into the hollow of your throat, his own hold on your hips growing harsh and his cock twitching repeatedly inside of you.
"Jinnie, move," you whine into his ear, you can barely recognise yourself. You sound so foreign to your own ears but, from the way Hyunjin's hips slightly jolt and he mutters a string of curses against your skin, he might be into this new state of fucked out you've managed to achieve.
You thought it couldn't be even intense, but then Hyunjin moves, and you're pretty sure your visions goes black at the edges for a few seconds. There's no way to tell who moans louder but, you both press your noises into each other's skin all the same. Your nails drag down his back so hard that you're briefly worried that you might have drawn blood.
"Baby," Hyunjin whimpers out, thrusting into you slowly and shallowly, barely satisfying either of you, "Baby, I need you to relax. I-I won't last if you don't."
His words only instinctively make you tighten around him, made all the worse since he's so deeply nestled of you. Your walls massaging him and generously coating him in your slick.
"I want it, Jinnie. I don't care, please," you don't know what's possessed you but, the realisation that he very really could fill you with his cum hits you like a train. You pull him even closer to you, "Fuck me all you want. Cum inside of me all you want. Breed me all you want, Jinnie."
Something broken and feral slips from his lips, his teeth ghost over your throat as he fucks into you without abandon. The sounds of your skin colliding and your respective sounds of pleasure echoing all throughout your living room, and probably throughout your entire apartment.
"Yeah? Want me to fuck my baby into you?" He grits out possesively, "Want me to make you swollen with my ba-baby and make you a mommy?"
"Please, yes, Jinnie," you moan, holding onto him for dear life as he seems determined to make his words a reality. Both of you completely lost in each other and delirious.
"Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck," he moans against your shoulder in-between kisses that are more spit and tongue than anything else. "Fuck. Gonna cum. Gonna fill you up with my cum until it's leaking out of you for days. Gonna breed you so good," he slurs, his heavy pants joining the symphony of sounds currently playing through your living room. You're certain you'll have bruises on your hips in the morning but, you couldn't care less. You want it. You want it more than anything.
It's always easy to tell when Hyunjin is about to cum. Your boyfriend isn't exactly great at hiding his emotions, and from the increase in the frequency of curses and moans and the way he holds onto you, you know he's teetering on the edge. You are, too, if you're being honest, but you're more invested in him falling apart. A choked sob of your name is the only warning you receive before you feel his cock twitch inside of you incessantly and warmth flooding your awaiting pussy.
You're surprised to feel some wetness on your shoulder and, concern trumps any other emotion when you register that. Your hands reach to cup his face, a few stray tears streaking his flushed cheeks.
"Hey, Jinnie baby, is everything okay?"
It takes him a few moments to find the words to respond to you, and you rub your thumb soothing on his cheek while you wait for him patiently.
"I-I-I don't think I've e-ever cum so hard. It-It was really i-intense," he hiccups out, nuzzling into your grasp.
Well, that puts the tears on his face into a very different light and, perhaps you've discovered another new thing about yourself today.
"I'm sorry. I got a little...out of control at the end there," he mutters, his face speeding from pink to red as he avoids your gaze studiously.
"Jinnie, you have nothing to apologise for," you tug him towards you and plant featherlight kisses on his cheek, "It was really fucking hot, if I'm being honest."
That only makes your boyfriend blush harder and seek refuge in your shoulder after groaning in embarrassment. The movement quickly reminds you that he's still very much inside of you right now and that his cum is slowly starting to trickle out of you but, you feel too boneless to even entertain the idea of getting up right now.
"I'm still surprised seeing me with a baby resulted in all of this," he says after his embarrassment subsides, his fingers tracing nonsensical patterns on your thigh.
"Wouldn't see me with a baby make you feel the same way?"
He seems to ponder on that for a little bit before replying, "Fair point. You know, when we do eventually have one of our own, I hope they have your eyes."
This stupid man and the way he makes your heart race.
"Well, I hope they have your eyes and your pouty lips and your dimples," you retort, feeling very, very shy all of a sudden as though this isn't happening because of you.
"We'll just have to have more than one then. You know, just to make sure they get all of the traits we want them to get," he has the nerve to grin at you.
"Hyunjin!" You cry, scandalised, warmth flooding your face. However, you can't deny that a bunch of children with his smile and kind eyes doesn't sound like the such a bad idea.
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Reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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dreamywriter143 · 1 year
Status: Oneshot?
Parings: Neteyam x Human Reader
Genre/Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Romance, Mentions of Violence, Some blood, Jealousy.
Summary: Y/n grew up with Spider. She played with him, fought with him, ate with him and slept with him. There is nothing they couldn’t do together….well, one thing. And that is leaving the base at any costs. Now, what will happen when Y/n does leave the base? Why had she been trapped in the base for so long? And why did a certain Na’vi take her breath away?
Word Count: 6k (Uh.....sorry😭)
A/N: Ok, I said I’d have my followers special out by now but everything is all over the place. I’m sorry😭😭 This is my first xHumanReader so please enjoy! I’m so sorry for the delay!
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“Then this huge viperwolf jumped on me! I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes until Lo’ak saved my ass” Spider chuckles nervously at the memory.
Currently he is seated in the medical wing as his arm is getting patched up. The gash wasn't too big, but deep enough to sting in pain.
 Y/n frowns at his words, being mindful not to apply too much pressure as she wrapped the gauze around the wound carefully across his bicep. Y/n bites her lips at the stinging pain of worry strikes through her.
“You should be more careful Spider. You cannot be reckless all the time, you cannot expect Lo’ak to always have your back either” Y/n says softly, her eyes wandering over the tiny scratches over his body in worry. Spider scoffs out loud, rolling his eyes at her words. 
“You worry too much Y/n, You don't even know Lo’ak, we have each other's backs” Spider assures, making Y/n sigh out loud. She holds the urge to nudge against his wound out of spite.
“Because I don't know him”
For as long as Y/n had known she had always been in the cold confines of base camp, what she knew to be her home. The only thing she had known truthfully. 
Y/n was born shortly after the war, her father was unknown, but her mother who was a well known medical officer of the team, sadly passed upon her birth. She grew up following Norm and Max around the lab, as they were the only people she felt any sort of connection to. They knew her mother well and raised her alongside Spider, who also couldn't be transported back to Earth due to being so young. 
Though Spider was younger then her by a bit, Y/n always trailed behind him within the lab. She had no other females around her age, it was natural to grow incredibly close to Spider over the years. 
“Well, you should. Next time I'll introduce you! He'd love you, come with me next time I go out” Spider says nonchalantly, not taking notice how Y/n’s shoulders slumped at his words.
“Ha Ha , very funny Spider” Y/n spits bitterly, tying up the bandage before turning around and leaving him for the tiny sink where she washed her hands begrudgingly. 
“O-oh,shit, I'm sorry Y/n…I didn't mean to sound…it came out wrong..” Spider apologizes, hopping down from the medical table to walk up to her. Y/n focuses on scrubbing her hands so she couldn't focus on the sadness bubbling within her. 
Y/n grew up alongside Spider, they ate together, played together and slept together while growing up. But Y/n…was different. 
For as long as she could remember, she had never set one foot outside the compound. Y/n even had her quarters on the farside of the base, as if they didn't want her near the entrance at any costs. That's why when Spider would sneak into her room to accompany her, she felt less lonely.
Over the years Y/n grew but not as tall as Spider. Spider was a hunk compared to her much tinier and delicate figure. Y/n always worked out within the base to increase her strength and endurance but she gave that up years ago when she came to the conclusion she would never be able to see the world outside the cold gates. 
Y/n always wondered why she was deprived of something Spider was allowed to do so freely, she would always boil with envy when she walked Spider as close to the gate as Norm would allow her. 
Watching him run off to his freedom only made her mental resolve crumble that much more. It didn't help when Spider would go on and on about his adventures. Y/n would always aggressively chew her food to drown out his words during communal dinners. 
Y/n had learned to tune out his words from time to time, but how can she when he was living what she dreamt about day in and day out?
When she questioned Norm and Max why she couldn't leave, they would claim it's because she is too delicate, that there are toxins and dangerous creatures out there her body could not handle and Spider could because he left the compound at such an early age.
Y/n chalked it up to something deeper they are not telling her, based on the constant blood tests and X-rays they conducted on her for ‘check ups’ when she never even stepped outside the facility. 
She never did question them too much on the tests, why would she? They wanted what was best for her, and she had no place to argue. Maybe she was, as they claimed, ‘delicate’. 
When they compared Y/n’s stature and physical maturity against Spider, they claimed it was for her safety that she didn't leave. That she wouldn’t be able to defend herself and that her body is more delicate than others. She was the only girl her age, the only young human girl in Pandora and they didn’t want to take a chance. 
Y/n always kicked herself for being room ridden in her early years that led her to not get used to the outside world. Always drinking in logs of her mother and Grace Augustine. She also convinced Max if she could see Jake Sully’s logs, which she was grateful for. The current Olo’eyktan, was a human like her. And now he is living his truth amongst his people out there. 
“It's fine, I'm not bothered by it anymore” Y/n says harshly, spinning around as Spider grabs her shoulders. He looks down at her apologetically.
“No, it's on me. I shouldn't even be telling you about my day when you….” he trails off frowning.
“No! No, it's fine Spider. I love listening to your adventures. Honestly. It's my form of entertainment and I love watching you happy” Y/n says smiling up at the taller boy.
Despite this Y/n always tried to stay positive, always helping around with research, helping maneuver samples and making sure the tanks are full for the exo packs they would take outside for excursions and for Spider’s constant usage. Y/n tried to be as helpful as possible, all to divert her attention from the void she felt deep within.
Her free time always consisted of watching logs, watching how her mother spoke about the Na’vi with excitement. Her mother had helped the clan recuperate after the war, helping alongside Mo’at with the injured. Y/n’s mother had even gotten close with Neytiri, the wife of Jake Sully. Her mother was also involved in Neytiri’s firstborn’s delivery. 
Y/n watched in amazement everytime memorizing how her mother spoke fondly about the world, the beauty that basked her in awe all the time. Y/n couldn't help but desire that as well. Fantasize about going out, running across the forest floor with no limits or the chance of running into a cold wall. She craved freedom. Craved adventure. Something more. Something beyond her personal prison. 
“Y/n! There you are!” Norm peeks into the medical wing, his hand gripping a tablet as he eyes Spiders wrapped arm in worry. Spider shows a thumbs up to clear his concern as he turns his attention back to Y/n.
“Can you double check on the exo-pack’s when you have time? The filters need to be cleaned and the power supply pack needs to be changed. Think you can do that for me?” He asks, offering a tiny pleading smile. Y/n forces down her pent up sadness and manages a tiny nod.
“Max told me to check them earlier. I just have a few left” She explains to which Norm sighs out in relief. “Good, did you fix pack #8? That one was almost busted the last time I saw it” Y/n waves him off, she wasn't in the mood to go back to recharding and cleaning the exo-packs, the very thing they needed to survive the outside world. The very thing she wishes she had the opportunity to use. 
“Yes, no worries. I’ll get them done!” Y/n reassures as Norm nods once more before ducking down to head for the laboratory. Y/n sighs out once he is out of earshot. She turns to Spider who had been quite the entire time. 
“Ok...wanna have dinner together?’ Spider asks, tucking a strand of hair that had fallen over her face behind her ear. Y/n smiles at Spider, her dear friend she grew up to love and cherish as a brother. 
“I’d love that, my room or yours?” Y/n asks, taking his larger hand into hers as she tugs him towards the kitchen.
“Yours, you have a more comfortable bed”
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“I’m off!” Spider calls out quickly grabbing an exo pack and securing it tightly against his face. Hearing his declaration and watching him walk towards the exit, Y/n scurries to his side, glancing at the watch on her wrist as she frowns deeply. 
“Are you insane! It's already nightfall!!” She hisses. She rolls her eyes noting how Norm and Max didn't seem bothered by the fact that Spider wanted to go out again, and this late into the day, the sun had already set a while ago which meant the dangers of the night would be out on the prowl. 
“So what? Kiri wanted to show me some cool bioluminescent plants. We can only see them when the sun has set anyways” Spider shrugs, tightening the pack against his back. Y/n bites her lips furiously, her nostrils flaring in a mix of anger and worry for the boy. 
“Spider, seriously? It's only been 3 days, and your wound hasn't fully healed yet. What if you run into trouble?” She rants, trying to stand in Spider’s way crossing her arms in frustration. Spider sighs out loud, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. 
“We won't be going too far out and I have this-” He gestures to the bow slung across his chest. Y/n raises an eyebrow, glancing at his injured arm as if to answer his statement . He playfully rolls his eyes, sidestepping her and quickly walking past her. 
“I’ll be fine Y/n, quit worrying!” He calls back, walking towards the entrance with determination. Y/n sighs out realizing she wouldn't hear the end of it if she took another step closer to the entrance especially since Norm and Max were in her line of vision. She throws her hands up in annoyance, turning to Max who simply offers a tiny smile. 
“Seriously? You're allowing this?” Y/n asks her cheeks flushed in worry. 
At this point Y/n didn't know what egged her to react in such a way. Was it a worry for Spider’s safety? Was it anger towards the ‘adults’ in the lab that allowed him to venture out so late? Or the more likely option, was it jealousy? Jealous over the fact that Spider could go out, and she can't. 
“Relax Y/n, it's not the end of the world. Let the boy live a little” Max says teasingly which caused the tiny girl to fume. 
‘Then, why can I live a little?’
Hearing the entrance lock from a few feet behind her Y/n whips around to leave the lab, intending on going to her room to watch her mother logs. Watching her mothers calming logs always helped calm her down. 
“Wait! Y/n?!” Norm calls from his seat, causing the girl to stop right outside the door. She glances back, her eyes cold and unwavering.
“Yes?” she asks in a monotone, not feeling in the mood to listen to what he had to say. “Did you check the exo-packs like I asked the other day?” He asks, not noting how Y/n looked ready to kill at this point. 
“Of course, now if you’ll excuse me. I have to go to my room” Y/n easily lies before marching out of the lab. Max glances at Norm who had a questioning look on his face. 
“The rebellious stage?” Norm asks, tapping his pen against his lips 
“I'd say more like just fluctuating hormones?” Max offers, glancing back at where she had stormed off to.
“Thank god I don't have children of my own”
“Norm….Y/n and Spider are practically our children…”
Y/n’s hands scurry over the hanger, rechecking the packs in her arms, her heart beating a mile per minute.
“No, no no no, where are you?” Y/n whispers to herself, her eyes jumping around as if it would magically appear in front of her.
After gloating in her room for half an hour Y/n decided to finally finish up her duty to clean and recharge the exo packs. She had been rather lazy the past few days, lazy to the point she kept putting off the chore entirely. 
The moment she arrived back to the lab it was empty, everyone must have left for their quarters or for dinner, a perfect time to quickly finish her work and be on her way to her room again. But unfortunately for her, life wasn't going to be that easy. 
She remembered leaving a few packs to do later, but one was missing. The very same pack Norm had emphasized on, the defective and nearly beaten up exo pack. #8. 
She looked around aimlessly, double checking the logbook to see if anyone had mistakenly taken the pack out. But she knew no one would be out this late. And if things couldn't get any worse, there were no loose packs lying around. No one would have mistakenly placed it anywhere. And the recycling system didn't have it either so no one decided on throwing out the defective pack. 
Which only left one, bone chilling conclusion.
Y/n looks at the entrance a few feet away. Before the entrance seemed to shine, it seemed to always glow in her eyes. But right now, it looked menacing, scary even. It was the very same door Spider had run out of not too long ago, wearing the defective mask. 
Y/n feels sweat drip down her forehead, her eyes widening in fear. Due to her laziness, her foolishness. Spider was going to die. And all because of her. 
The exo packs would be good for a few hours even if they are near to running out of power, or even if the filter needed to be changed. But Y/n knew about that mask, #8 was defective. That mask should have been discarded weeks ago. And she knew Spider didn't have hours, he had minutes left. 
“What have I done? '' Y/n shakily covers her mouth, covering up her sobs as she feels the weight of her mistake weigh down on her. She couldn't seem to form a coherent thought  as she sobs out of sheer pain and guilt that shook her body. 
Just as her sobs die down she glances at the entrance one more time, before mindlessly grabbing two exo packs. She slings one across her arms carefully while placing the other one over her face, securing the mask snugly and slinging her arms through the power pack. She held the extra pack close to her, taking tentative steps towards the entrance. The closer she got, the faster her heart rang against her chest.
She knew Norm and Max would be devastated if they found out Spider was in danger , or worse dead because of Y/n. And she couldn't, wouldn’t live with his blood on her hands. She nears the entrance, her hands shakily reaching out to firmly grasp the cold handle. 
She didn't know how, she didn't know if she had the ability. But she would rather die trying than sit in the lab waiting for the inevitable.
She was determined to find Spider. Wherever he may be.
Glancing back at the empty lab once more she turns her exo pack on, taking in a deep breath. The hum of the power supply working flawlessly vibrates against her back comfortably. 
Locking the airlock she opens the door, shutting it behind her with force as she runs into the unknown forest ahead. 
Not sparing a glance back at her so-called; prison. 
Y/n had been wandering around aimlessly as her feet carried her deeper and deeper into the forest. She didn't have the time to bask in the beauty of the forest she had desired for long as her worry and fear for Spider clouded her vision. 
Her eyes darted around, the bioluminescent plants aiding her in her quest through the dense forest filled with twigs and foliage that crushed under her hurried steps. 
Y/n comes to a stop in a clearing, resting her hand against the tree beside her to catch her breath. She had never run so far, and for such a long duration in her entire life. She felt her legs tremble under form as if it couldn't hold her upper body weight any longer. Her breaths came out in gasps occasionally fogging up her face plate. 
At the rate she was going she didn't know if she had a chance to even find Spider. Feeling all the adrenaline drain from her body, she slumps against the large tree, sliding down to sit on the cold forest floor beneath. Her eyes trail over the beauty as she tries to regulate her breathing, her eyes glimmering with  mild excitement. 
For a moment, she forgot that Spider was in danger. 
For a moment, she felt like she was dreaming. 
Her fingers clutch the leaves underneath her, they felt so soft yet rough at the same time, her eyes catching the various plants that glow and glimmer in the dead of the night. It was an indescribable beauty. Y/n found herself realizing  her mother had not done justice when describing the beauty of Pandora in her logs. 
Pandora was not simply beautiful; It was breathtaking.
Y/n smiles softly to herself, her eyes taking in the beauty of the night. She couldn't imagine how it would look during the day. What she would do to stay out and wait it out till day break. 
Her thoughts are cut short when she notices a small glittering thing float down to her from high above the treeline. She watches curiously, her legs regaining some strength as she shakily stands up, her grip on the extra exo pack for Spider secure. She stands to her full fight as if to meet the floating object halfway. 
A surprised gasp leaves her lips as realizes the beautiful being was floating down to her, her face flashing with recognition. The seed came mere inches away from her face.
Y/n shakily lifts her free arm towards it, facing her palm up. Staying perfectly still. The pure spirit hoes on to land on her palm swiftly, as if it intended on landing on her hand in the first place. Y/n giggles softly feeling the tiny tendrils tickle against her bare skin. 
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“You're a Atokirina” (Woodsprite) Y/n whispers out quietly,  as if weary of scaring the delicate being. She watches how the seed stays on her hand, fluttering occasionally but staying put. What a beautiful sight, she felt her heart soar.
Y/n had learned a lot through her many ‘lessons’, from Norm and the logs. About the importance of a woodsprite and its meaning. She had also learned they were pure spirits and considered scared. Y/n bites her lips softly as a thought crosses her mind. Taking a moment to contemplate her question she takes a deep breath.
“I've lost a dear friend of mine…Spider, will you help me find him?” Y/n whispers, feeling silly for asking a favor out loud. She watches how the seed flutters at her request, floating up at her words. Taking this as a sign, Y/n pushes her wobbly legs to follow the floating woodsprite across the clearing and near a patch of bushes. 
She comes to a halt noticing how the woodsprite started to float upwards, floating further and further away. She tilts her head in question. Did it want her to continue on straight? Straight through and deeper into the forest? 
Y/n glances back at the bush in front of her, her eyes catch the slight movement between the leaves. Her heart jumps at the movement. Was it Spider? Was he in the bushes? 
Feeling like she had no other option she slowly comes closer towards the bush, watching the rustling increase the closer it got. She couldn’t help but feel fear ping inside of her as she came closer, her feet practically tip toeing against the forest floor. 
‘If it was Spider, why hasn't he come out yet?’ 
Gulping loudly she reaches out her free hand to move the leaves for a better view but within a blink of eye she is harshly pushed down to the ground. 
The extra pack flies away at the impact of her landing harshly against the forest floor, her back pressed down by a heavy weight. The deep growl makes Y/n’s  blood run cold. 
Her eyes widen in unbridled fear as she stares into the eyes of an angry viperwolf. Out of fear she trashes against the beast, screaming in fear which only agitated the creature who snaps its fangs at her. 
Tears pool along her irises as her body gives in, to warn out to fully fight back. She feels the creature get closer to her face, the warning growls disappearing as its eyes square down into her smaller form. 
She scrunched her eyes shut, waiting for it all to end in a second. 
Spider was right, your life does flash before your eyes. And all Y/n saw was her sad self, staring at her own reflection with no purpose. An empty shell of herself. No goals, no ambitions. Nothing. All because she was denied such freedom. 
Y/n feels her body relax. Maybe this was what she needed? Maybe this was meant to be? 
She silently prays when all of the sudden the weight is lifted off of her. 
Her eyes snapped open as she scurried to sit up. Y/n eyes widen in shock, her jaw going slacked as she watches the viperwolf snap defensively against her saviour. 
She drinks in the sight of a Na’vi male, and not just any male. A really tall Navi, his broad back facing her as he wrestled against the viperwolf. She catches a glint of a knife that was lodged into the creature as it whines in pain. 
Y/n had never seen a Na’vi up close before, sure she had scanned over files and pictures. She even got to interact with some of the avatars. But this. This was new. This was a true Na’vi. And he had saved her.
Y/n crawls over to the abandoned exo pack that had gone flying when she was thrown to the ground, making sure it wasn't damaged as she looks it over. Sighing in relief, she glances over at  the Na’vi as he looms over the now dead viperwolf, whispering something in their native language as he pulls out the knife. Cleaning it if it’s blood.
“T-thank you” 
Y/n whispers, taking tiny straps to get a bit closer to the now crouched male. At the sound of her voice he visually stiffens, his grip on the knife tightening as he sheaths back into its casing across his belt 
Not receiving a response Y/n clears her throat, she wanted to wipe her face of the tears that had slipped past her eyes at her near death experience. But the mask proved to be a barrier at the moment. 
“Thank you for saving me” Y/n tries again. This time she takes a cautious step back when the male whips around, standing up immediately to his full height towering over her. Y/n craned her neck to get a glimpse of his face, her breath hitched upon taking in his features. 
He must have been the most beautiful, handsome Na’vi Y/n had ever seen. The markings and stripes along his face displayed beautifully, his yellow eyes shining bright as they pierced into her soul, his locks braided neatly and laying past his shoulders. Decorated with beads and pearls. 
And his lips, so nicely shaped and perfect, Y/n found herself getting lost in them. But from the looks of it, he wasn’t smiling at her. No. He was frowning, his eyes burning with what looked to be anger. 
“Thank??” He growls slowly, pointing his index finger towards Y/n in accusation. His English accent thick. 
“You thank?? For this?!” He hisses, his ears flattened against his head. Y/n flinches at his tone, looking over at the viperwolf that attacked her earlier. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears as she realized he had killed a creature, a native creature for her. 
“I’m sorry…I-”
Y/n looks back at the handsome stranger, noting how his shoulders relax a bit at her apology. 
(A/N: The rest of the dialogue is in Navi)
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get in the way. Create a…conflict” Y/n says in Na’vi. Though it was broken and missing some words, the male seems to relax fully once she speaks to him his mother tongue. 
Once she had grown interested in the Na’vi culture Y/n had made Norm’s life a living hell until he taught her how to speak. She could understand almost everything after many years of practice, it was her speaking that needed improvement, 
“Why did you save me?” She asks, her voice shaky from the event that had unfolded. The male grunts at her question, choosing to look anywhere else but her. His tail twitches under her stare. 
“Because Ewya seems to have chosen you…for what. I don’t know”  he explained. Y/n eyes widen at his words. Had he been watching her the entire time? From the moment she walked into the clearing? And she hasn't known of his presence? He must be a warrior, judging by his stature, his precision and skills. 
“I’m truly sorry, it was foolish of me to provoke him…” She wipers apologetically. The male's eyes twitch upwards, taking in her world. 
The male shuffles a little, the storm behind his eyes seems to calm down at her words. He seems to contemplate something before looking over to her, his expression much more relaxed than before but still hard. 
“Where are you from?” he demands, but much softer than before. He looked stiff, ready to defend himself if need be, but the original hostility had dispersed once he saw the sincerity behind her apology, 
“I-I’m from the base camp, a good way away from here. I work with…Norm and Max?” Y/n explains, peering up at the giant. Y/n thought it best she use the names of her guardians who she knew were known amongst the Omatikaya. She used their names hoping for the male to calm down, and luckily it worked perfectly, 
The male's tail twitches at the names mentioned, a flash of recognition crossing his face. He lets out a grunt as he glances around the clearing.
“You shouldn’t be out here alone tawtute. I will escort you back so you may not cause anymore trouble. Is that clear?” (Human) The male says sternly, his eyes completely calm but filled with authority. Not waiting for her response he turns his back on her, taking two strides waiting for her to follow him. 
Y/n thought he was around her age, but his tone and choice of words, how he held himself made him seem older. That, or he was that of nobility. 
“I can’t!” She quickly objects.
The male halts his steps, peering over his shoulder with an unamused look on his face. He sighs out, 
“Why not tawtute. Do you want to die? It’s dangerous and you have nothing to defend yourself,” he warns. 
“My friend….My friend is in danger, I’m looking for him” Y/n holds the extra pack up as his eyes trace over the human invention. His nose slightly scrunches at the sight but he waits for her to further explain. 
“He left with a defective exo pack, if I do not deliver this to him in time he will die.” She says stepping closer to him. The male stiffens at her close proximity, his heart rate quickens as his nostrils fill up with her scent,  which he chooses to ignore. 
“Another tawtute? In the forest? It’s really late in the night, he’s probably already dead” he states, his tone holding traces of sympathy. 
Y/n eyes widen at his words. Had she truly been late, it’s true it’s been a while since he had left, the exo pack couldn’t have malfunctioned at any time. Was it all for nothing?
“N-no! I can’t let that happen. He’s alive, I feel it-” Y/n places her hand over her heart for emphasis. “Spider, he can-“ 
“Spider?!” The male jolts at the familiar name. His eyes light up on high alert causing Y/n to be taken aback.
“Y-yes, Spider! Do you know him!” She confirms, taking a step closer to the Na’vi. The male glances back at the exo pack one more time before offering his large hand out for her. 
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The male Navi pulls Y/n along with him as she walks quickly through the forest. Y/n desperately tried to keep up, her lungs burning at the sensation of her rapid pace. 
Y/n tried to get the male to give her some space, to let her run freely by his side as him pulling her seemed to pose a problem. But the only response she got were grunts of acknowledgement and nothing more, 
“C-can we slow down?”  Y/n asks, her chest heaving with every breath she tries to take. The male stops, turning towards her. His eyes burning with determination, his tail swishing behind me. 
“You tawtute are slow, weak. If you don’t hurry we won’t find him” the male hisses. Y/n realizes this male must be one of Spider’s friends. He recognized him the moment she mentioned him, and the urgency in his actions proved he cared for him. 
“I’ll try to keep up. Can I please walk on my own?” Y/n pleads, the arm that had been tugged at for the past few minutes throbbing with pain. 
The male scoffs, the tiniest smile playing along his lips. “Fine, do what you want tawtute, but move with haste” the male turns around taking a few steps but much slower this time to accommodate her speed. 
“I have a name!” Y/n huffs out.
“Oh? What might that be?” There is a small trace of amusement in his tone as he keeps walking forward. Y/n glances down at her footing. Being mindful where she placed her feet on the huge branch as she didn’t want to fall. It wasn't a big drop, but it was big enough to break a bone or two. 
“Y/n. My name is Y/n” she wheezes out. The male hums at her response, satisfied that she answered to him so quickly, 
“Y/n…Mhm…” the male says her name causing Y/n’s steps to falter. The way her name rolled off his tongue, so elegantly it seemed to cause her heart to skip a beat. The deep baritone voice only made him sound that much more….attractive.
“What's your-”
Y/n was so lost in her thoughts she misplaced her next step. Y/n screams in fear feeling her leg slip from under her, she is able to see how the male Na’vi whips around to the sound of her scream, rushing to catch her in time but to no avail. Y/n’s fingers slip past his by a few mere centimeters as she tumbled towards the forest floor. She landed with a huge thump, landing on her face. 
Y/n groans in pain, struggling to sit back up. Luckily nothing felt broken, but her entire body screamed in protest as aches and pain took over her body. She held her breath to calm her racing heart. Just as Y/n tries to stand up, the male jumps down to her side. He crouches down to her level assessing her for any injuries with a worried look. 
“Woah, that was a scare! Talk abou-hmpfhghaa?”
Y/n’s words get caught off as the males' large hands cover her mouth. Y/n eyes widen at the action, her face heating up at the feeling of his warm hand over her mouth. His hand was big enough to cover her entire face if he wanted to. But all she could focus on was the way his body heat radiated off of  his soft hand.
‘He feels so warm…..wait…warm?’ 
Y/n feels her heart drop to her stomach realizing why she felt his hand press firmly against her mouth. 
Her mask had broken clean off. Her face was fully bare.
If it weren't  for his hand she would have inhaled the toxic air. Dying in an instant.
The male's expression is filled with worry, his eyes dancing around for the extra pack she had with her for Spider. Unable to find it near them he growls in frustration. It might have slipped from Y/n’s fingers when she had fallen. Such luck. 
“Can you hold your breath? Do you think you can hold your breath till the base Y/n? Forget Spider, let me carry you back to your base!” The male says urgently, his face showing emotions he didn’t show earlier. Y/n ignored how her heart rate accelerated at him saying her name so freely. 
Her eyes mist over realizing this was the end. She shakes her head, she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold it, and with the extra pack not in sight it was as if she was meant to perish. Like everything that has happened today, happened for a reason. 
The Na’vi shakes his head in denial, refusing to take no for an answer.
“No, there must be something. Another way” He glances at the sky, he would call his Ikran but the question still stands. Would she be able to hold her breath for that long? 
Y/n smiles at the male, her tiny fingers reaching up to grab his hand, trying to tug his hand free from his hold. . 
The male shakes his head, refusing to remove his hand. Y/n feels herself get light headed  from the lack of oxygen. If this is what fate had in store for her, she was willing to allow it.
Noticing how her eyes got droopy, the male pulled Y/n into him, having her head rest against his free arm while she sat against his lap. 
He looks down at her with sadness, his eyes staring into her e/c eyes realizing there was nothing he could do. He felt utterly useless. 
Y/n nods assuringly as she is finally able to pull away his hand. The male closed his eyes, he didn’t want to watch her in physical pain in her last few moments. A shaky sigh escaped his lips. Y/n looks up at the star's above, her eyes closing to a shut. 
Y/n thanks the gods above for letting her see the forest for the first time, and for meeting a Na’vi at the first try. In a way she got to experience everything she desired in the span of one day, and that made her happy. 
She takes a deep breath and……
Nothing happens. 
Her lungs fill in with the air around her as her eyes snap open. The male peeks his eyes open as well hearing her gasp in surprise, his  widened as he watches her able to breathe the air around her. His air. The air that was supposed to be…toxic. 
Y/n smiles wide, sitting up straighter. She can breathe fine, in fact the air seems lighter as it travels through her, better than oxygen! She could breathe Pandora air! Had the great mother spared her life?
“W-hat?!” Y/n sits up fully now, still within his grasp. The Na’vi’s eyes bore into her in shock and surprise as she wiggled what was left of her mask off her face. She adjusted her hair and moved it from face as she inhaled deeply. 
“I…I’m not dead!” She declares, turning to fully to face the male. She squeaks in surprise when she realizes how close their faces were from one another as she is practically resting over his lap. She shyly looks into his eyes, him staring back at her in awe. 
The male's eyes widen at her , fully taking in her beauty. He hadn't noticed her when he was blinded by anger, or when he began to worry over his friend Spider.  
Now that he had her in his arms, he realized he didn’t want to let her go. He was able to see everything, and up close. The mask that seemed to hide her beauty finally gone, showing him what he had missed. What he had been blind to see before.
“W-what’s your name?” Y/n asks, beginning to shy away from his intense stare up close. Maybe she looked silly with her messy hair and puffy eyes? 
The male breathes in, a genuine smile twitching along his lips.
“Neteyam,…my name is Neteyam”
And for the first time in forever, Neteyam felt completely breathless. 
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy! let me know what you think and if you'd like a Pt2?
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nightwngz · 6 months
Could you do an enemies to lovers NSFW with Damian?
p.s. I’d just like to say your writing is SO good for someone whose first language isn’t English! I would not have known
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older!damian x fem!reader
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀. . . drabble. smut. porn without plot. Dirty talk, degradation. Dacryphilia, humiliation kink, praise kink, Damian is mean. Some bdsm. Aggressive sex, bondage. Oral sex and fingering, p in v.
𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁. . . no copying of my work is allowed. Free translation is allowed as long as I am credited.
𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗴𝗲. . . as I said in my other posts, English is not my first language. I have tried to make corrections with the translator, but as you all know, it is prone to making mistakes, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes or if anything sounds weird.
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲. . . Okay, I get it. Damian is your favorite character on my account, I get requests for him all the time and I love that because who doesn't love Damian? So here we go again. By the way, I'm glad you liked my writing! It is almost impossible for me to write without any grammar or vocabulary mistakes, but I keep trying! Thanks🌷 (Pd: if you reblog this post it would help me a lot) <3
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— Do you want to stop?
From the vulnerability of your bed, shackled hand and foot, you thought it was a bad decision to bother Damian for so long. You thought you were just being funny, that no one would care that you were harassing Bruce Wayne's son. You had no idea what he was capable of doing to you.
— No.
A mischievous smile played on his lips as he stood over you; you could feel his weight on your body. In an instant, however, you felt yourself fall hard against the mat in the room.
— What do you have to say now? — He admired you from on high. — Aren't you the same funny girl you always were?
The sole of his shoe brushed your cheek. You felt incredibly humiliated, as if you were an inferior being in his presence. He looked at your body as if it were worthless.
— This would be amazing for anyone to see you: tied up, naked, on my bedroom floor. I can see your dripping pussy from up here. Who knew the amazingly cool girl would like this? — His shoe began to press harder against the flesh of your face. — You like it rough, guess what, I'm the best at it when I put my mind to it.
The wetness from your pussy dripped down your legs, leaving gray stains on the carpet. Damian, aware of this, walked around to stand behind you to get a close-up view of your ass. He easily slid a finger through your swollen folds and instantly it was stained with so much accumulated moisture.
— Damian, what are you going to do? — you asked, somewhat anxiously, but received no answer.
He bent his face down until his breath was in contact with your pussy; you quickly felt a mere shiver from your nervousness. Soon you felt his lips, and not long after, his whole hand making an obscene sound inside you; sliding up and down your wet folds, not yet reaching the pleasurable point that made you go wild.
— Damian... — You moaned softly as you buried your face in the carpet.
He didn't stop moving, he just kept playing with every part of her crotch, making you wish he'd concentrate on the throbbing clit that needed attention.
One of his fingers hovered around your clitoris and began to caress it gently. Just as you thought you were about to come, he pulled away.
— Didn't I tell you, y/n? Bad girls don't have orgasms.
You quickly began to cry. You knew that if he didn't give it to you, it would be incredibly impossible for you to get that orgasm on your own. So from your position, you just moved closer and started begging.
Kneeling down, you approached him and looked at him with your tearful eyes. Lamenting, with your face at the level of his knees, you still looked at him from the ground.
— Damian, please... — You sobbed. — I'm sorry for all the things I've done to you, but I really need you. I want you to fuck me. I'll do anything you want.
The young man simply smiled as he watched his enemy from his clearly superior position.
— Lool at this, the famous y/n now begging losers for some attention? I feel sorry for you. — He said in reference to how you used to tell him he was a loser.
He cut your bonds with a knife. You felt relief as the blood began to flow again.
You didn't notice as he grabbed your neck, almost choking you. He pulled you roughly close to his face until his lips collided with yours in a dirty, loveless kiss.
Finally, he pushed your face to the floor and lifted your ass until it was in the ideal position to fuck you. Without further ado, he rammed you hard and began to move hard inside you. As hard and precise as if he were an animal.
— What's the matter? Is it incredibly hard to believe that only I can fuck you like this?
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gothic-thoughts · 9 months
(Zoro he don't mean nothing to me baby, I promise)
Sanji Vinsmoke x Black Fem Reader Smut
MDNI, Pirate!Reader
CW: Reader's fed up wit Sanji's flirty self, Reader's on top, she/her pronouns, afab parts mentioned, hate fucking, riding, edging, vulgar words(he's a whore🙄), damn near porn w/o plot
Word Count: 1070 (give or take)
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"Heh, s-so territorial. Ungh, sugar~"
Sanji let out shallow pants as I slowly lift myself up and down his sensitive shaft. He slowly bucked his hips up against my pelvis, desperately looking for more friction, earning another harsh slap to his thigh. The blonde Frenchman tugged at the ties that kept his wrists connected to the wooden poles of his headboard. 
"Knew I’d probably get a rise out of you but, ngh, didn't think you'd go this far."
"Shut up." I groan, clenching around him, "You know what you did."
"Yeah, I do, so you can...ngh, st-stop now."
"Do you?" I stop moving, "Has it finally sunken into that thick skull of yours?"
He pants heavily before chuckling "You're mad at me because I'm too charming. But isn't that why you--shiiit."
I clench around him, "You know what you did."
My arousal dripped down his sensitive shaft as I bounced on it with soft moans in his ear. His hips bucked as he struggled and panted, trying to keep it together but soft moans still came out anyway. I abruptly stop bouncing and look at his blissed-out face, as he starts gasping again.
"(Y/n), s'il vous plaît. Just..." Sanji gulps, "Just let me c-cum, please. I'm fucking begging you." 
"And I'm not fucking listening. I told you not to hang out with her again."
"She asked me to help her move something! Y-you can't be completely mad!"
"I am. You think I don't know how often you hang out with Nami's sister?"
"And nothing happens but harmless flirting, baby. Nothin' serious."
"Nigga, I don't want you flirting at all. I told you I don't like that shit."
I purposely squeeze around his incredibly hard cock making his head hang forward as another moan falls from his wet lips. He looked up at me with a dizzy smile and giggles, so I cupped his chin and focused his gaze on mine.
"Somethin' funny?"
"Oh, nothing~"
"We can go at this for another 20 minutes if you want."
He chuckles darkly, "You...you little minx."
"Then what's funny?"
"You just look so pretty when you're mad, t's making me so fucking hard."
"And yo ass gon stay hard. I’m not letting you cum and if you do, not inside."
His eyebrows raise, eyes widening. "What? No, no, no baby."
"I said what I said."
"You don't mean that, y-you like it too much."
"Try me." I growl.
"I apologized like a hundred times already, mon amour!"
"No, actually, you teased me about being jealous and tried to get free this whole time."
“Ugh, you little...." He trails off into an evil giggle, "This won't hold me forever.”
"Sure it will. And even if it can't, it's gon hold you long enough until you're so drained, you can't get me back."
"Eventually I'm gonna lose it, sugar girl; just you wait. You can take me for now but when it’s my turn, you're gonna get it, femme."
I lean into his face, squinting. "Is that so?"
"I’ll fuck you senseless and turn you into a sobbing mess. Both you and this perfect fucking--oh fuck, unngh~"
I grind down on him, smirking when Sanji's hips stutter. I grab his shoulders, position my legs into a crouching position, and plunge, hearing moans fall from his pretty, swollen lips as he tries to finish his sentence. The chef's back arches, hand gripping the headboard.
“Merde, ngh mon dieu. Keep going, don't you f-uckin' st--mm~!”
"That feels good, blondie?"
"Hah, yes baby. Just let me cum, douceur (sweetness), please. I'm getting close, I can't anymore."
Sanji tugs on restraints while his thighs shook and tensed under me. His hips bucked up into me as I slammed myself on him, making us both moan out and toss our heads back. I try to bounce harder but once I notice he's enjoying it too much, I stop my hips, panting just as hard as he was.
"N-no." His panting fades into an evil chuckle, "Non, je ne pense pas. (no, I don't think so)."
"Oh m'god, S'nji~"
He tugs hard on the restraints, ripping his hands free and breaking the small wooden poles in the headboard. I gasp as he sits up, flipping me to my back as he pins my wrists above my head and thrusts at a fast and hard rhythm. He grips my ass and pulls me into him, coaxing himself deeper into my squeezing pussy, dipping his face into my neck, sucking hickeys and bites marks into it. I gasp and moan in his ear at the sudden rough pace as he completely takes over.
"You're not going anywhere." He pants, essentially growling desperately into my neck, "Feels so fuckin' good."
"B-baby, chill, mmh my god!"
"Pas encore (not yet). I didn't get you back for that little, half-hour tantrum you made me sit through."
"M-maybe if you stop eye-fucking Nami's sister, w-wouldn't have a f'ckin' attittude."
"You act like I'd fuck her. You know I can't help but compliment a beautiful woman, doesn't mean I'm not with most beautiful one dans le monde (in the world)."
He chuckles, "Sorry but you're gonna have to beg me now. What's my name, mon cherie?" 
"Deeper, baby, please~!"
"That's not it."
"Encore une fois. One more time, and I'll give you what you want."
"G'deeper, please, I'm so close."
"I said--"
"Fine, maybe I sh-should I jus' flirt wit Zoro...."
His hips stutter at my words and I instantly regret them as he puts my legs over his shoulders, grip my wrists tighter as he starts pounding into me, now fueled by rage. His hips speed up slapping against mine with every thrust, the amount of force making the bed clash against the wall.
"You think you're funny? Huh? I may be a flirt but that moss-headed brute is where I draw the fucking line."
Each drag of his cock in and out of my insides makes my eyes roll back into my skull, the wet squelching echoing in the room getting louder as I cum hard. I grip the sheets, my eyes roll back and my legs tremble near his ears while my pussy spasms around him. He groans, slowing down only to draw away his orgasm before speeding up again.
"Who you cumming for, huh? Is it mosshead, cuz I don't think so. Tell me who's driving you insane."
I couldn't even respond with the way he was drilling into me with every word. He knew I couldn't do anything but gasp and groan when he reached deep and drags along my spot. I feel my juices roll down my ass and make the sound of his hefty balls quickly slapping on me louder.
"Speak, sugar; talk to me. Tell me who's making a mess outta you."
"Y-you, you; you baby, you are~! Don't stop, f-uck!"
“Mmh, b-baby~ You think I want her like this? She may be pretty but you know my cock only goes inside you. You're the only one that can take me so easily, sweet girl."
"B-baby, I can't!"
"S-sure...you...can, ngh. Now forgive me, dammit."
"I f'give you, I forgive you! I'm s'rry!"
"G-good. So....cum....again..."
I scratch at the blankets and yell his name making the grip on my waist tighten as he moans my name into the lip he was biting. I run my fingers through his hair and he can't help but let out a softer moan, his forehead coming down to rest on my collarbone as he practically melts at the affection.
His pace stuttered but he continued to massage himself with my tight walls while grasping at my hips desperately. Sanji suddenly pulled them to his pelvis with a moan as thick cum sprayed insides while I squeeze around him. We were both panting, words caught in our throats as he slowly pulls out with a tired smile. His body gives out and collapses onto mine with soft pants and broken breaths.
"Are we...done n-now?"
"No more flirting."
"I don't know....if this is how you act, I have to think about it."
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Can I request yandere Jason, Jeff and Sully with a Y/N who during one of them attempts to escape suffered an accident and lost their memory?
they dont remember anything, not even that their kidnapped.
Okay I was so, so excited when you sent this in I need you to know that. However, I now can't repeating "they had amneesssiiaaaa" to myself cause of this silly video my partner showed me about video games where they keep repeating that and it's very funny and I'm gonna link it here even though it's very unrelated
You were so close to freedom, so close to finally getting away from your captor. You'd worked so hard to plan your escape, including the memorized route you'd take to get out of there while he was distracted, leaving you plenty of time to leave. You could taste your freedom on your tongue as you sprinted through the woods, left, right, left, right, right, but before your final left on the path, you'd gotten too tired, and you'd tripped on a stray tree root, falling and slamming your head quite hard onto the root of a separate tree, rendering you unconscious. You could have been out for just a few minutes, or even a few hours, but it gave your captor enough time to track you and find you, hovering over you as you finally peeled your eyes open. He expected you to cry or beg for forgiveness, but you didn't. No, you could only blink up at him in confusion and ask, "Who are you?"
Jason thinks this must be some sort of blessing from above, some kind of repayment for all of his years of suffering. The two of you before your last attempted escape were most certainly not where he wanted you to be in your relationship, but now you have no memory of that, no memory at all. This has to be the best thing to ever happen to him, to happen to the two of you. He took advantage of your amnesia immediately, without even a hint of guilt in his mind. He'd told you that he was your dearest husband, that the two of you had been on a little walk and you'd fallen and must have bumped your head too hard. He gently escorted you home, and you were so quick to trust him that he couldn't help but internally laugh. In the coming days, he would continue planting seeds in your mind, about how you've always been incredibly loving and affectionate toward him, that you like it when he touches you whenever he wants, that you allow him to force you into whatever kind of situation he wants.
You go along with it with that adorably innocent look on your face because you just don't know any better. He never falters, convincing you to become his little doll just as he's always wanted you to be, it's so much fun for him, and it makes him so happy, and because he's so happy, you're so happy as well. Of course, the thought crosses his mind that maybe one day you'll remember the truth, but he reaches a conclusion to that easily; if you regain your memories, well, he can just cause you some head trauma again! Just enough force to make you have amnesia again, and he can start all over as many times as it takes because now that he knows what it's like to have all of your love and attention, he's not giving it up ever again. You're just the cutest little toy, and he'll do whatever he can to keep you that way, keep you being so loving and sweet and wonderful, no matter what your slowly returning memories try and convince you of, he'll win in the end.
Jeff is going to be the one to most easily fuck it up, that much is obvious, but he tries his best. Yandere Jeff has no control over himself or his emotions, as much as he tries to, and his anger issues are much worse than they are in normal Jeff. See, Jeff doesn't even believe you at first, thinks you're playing a trick on him and he yells at you for it, but when you react with more fear than usual a part of him realizes that perhaps this is the truth, and he stops and apologizes, not wanting to waste the opportunity he has here. He tells you that he's your partner and that you had gone on a walk by yourself and gotten lost, that he was coming to find you, and that you must have tripped and hit your head. You hesitate, but you accept his outstretched hand and follow him home, unknowingly walking right back into the hell you'd been trying so hard to get away from. Your time spent with Jeff isn't as bad as it had been, as he's trying so desperately to not fuck this chance up, but you're naturally suspicious of him due to his clear uncontrolled temper.
He doesn't hit you anymore, because he knows that will definitely fuck everything up, but sometimes he can't help but yell at you when you do something he perceives as wrong (because you've forgotten all of the ridiculous rules he had set), and so he does his best to remind you of them, forcing apologies out of his throat. It never crossed his mind that you could get your memories back, but with the repeated tone and threats he'd always used before, things started to come back to your mind, memories that had been sealed away by your fall, and the more he forces himself on you, his lips, his hands, his body, the more you grow internally hesitant, and the less you believe the lies he's spewing. It's only inevitable that one day you'll try and escape again, but only because you don't know the true extent of his violence, and he won't hold back next time, no, next time his gentleness with you will fade permanently.
The look of fear in your eyes is one he's familiar with, but the confusion you throw at him is most certainly not, so Sully hesitates as he goes to pick you up and bring you back. When yandere, Liu and Sully are flipped, as Liu is the incredibly manipulative one who forces you to be there, and Sully is the soft sweet, and gentle guardian who looks out for you. Sully always follows Liu's orders, always restrains you, and makes sure you remain there, but now... Now he could finally save you, he could let you get away, but at the same time, he fears what Liu might do to you if he has to hunt you down all over again, and his fear of Liu wins out. He explains that he's your partner (one of two, as he explains his situation with Liu), and he takes you back home. He looks out for you this time, however, preparing you for what's to come. He tells you what Liu is like, tells you how to behave (as the two of them don't share memories), and he makes sure you're ready.
He leaves a note for Liu that you have amnesia, and so Liu is none the wiser when he sees you for the first time after your accident and suddenly you're all lovey-dovey with him. However, the one you truly fall for is Sully. Whenever it's Sully you're with he's always trying to help you regain your memories, always trying to do the right thing, and he's so obviously sweet with you, all of Liu's cunning and manipulation vanishing as Sully tries so hard to help you. If you, amidst your amnesia, play your cards right, you might even be able to convince Sully to help you escape next time. At least, so long as Liu doesn't catch on to what's happening. If he does, Liu might just have to hide you away somewhere secret, somewhere Sully won't be able to find you and protect you. It's up to you to either submit to your fate with them or take a chance and risk it all as both of them grow clingier and clinger with you as they force themselves on you in their own ways.
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wileys-russo · 11 months
best friends sister II platonic!a.russo x reader
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y'all have been sending in the requests for AI alessia being her gay older sister who plays for arsenal and i hope it satisfies because it was tricky to write lmao, so picture that ^ is isabella
best friends sister II platonic!a.russo x reader
"-and you promise that you're not mad?" your best friend bit down on her bottom lip nervously as you smiled as reassuringly as you could. "less of course i'm not mad! why would i be?" you laughed and shook your head at the blonde you'd all but grown up side by side with.
"because we always said the plan would be for you to go to university and me to play professionally in whatever club was closest so we could do it together, and i've ruined that!" your best friend sighed guiltily, collapsing back into her pillows.
"alessia. you are one of the best up and coming footballers there is, you've got a huge career ahead of you and this is the perfect next step to launch you into it. i'd be selfish cow and a terrible best friend to try and keep you from it." you promised sincerely, grabbing her hand and squeezing with a nod.
"will i miss you? of course. but i want you to go, i promise." you affirmed firmly. "and i promise that i'll make sure we don't drift apart. best friends for life means for life, and you better come and visit!" alessia held out her pinky as you grinned and interlocked it with your own.
"okay well that makes me feel a bit better because i was stressed about telling you!" the girl sighed and sat back up. "i've also been stuck with you for like ten years now, i'd really like a break." you shoved her playfully, ducking as she swung back at you with a grin and slid off her bed.
"please we both know you'll be a blubbering mess at the airport, your only friend off on a whirlwhind adventure and you...stuck here." alessia pouted sarcastically as you gasped. "i have loads of other friends thank you! you just refuse to accept that because you're notoriously posessive and needy." you teased back with a grin.
"and i'm off to university anyway you dickhead! where i'm sure i'll find myself a new blondie to spend my every waking day with." you jeered as she fumbled around in her cupboard for something. "you better not or i'll be forced to come back and kick her head in." alessia warned making you laugh.
"unless its a girlfriend of course, you desperately need one of those so you can stop kissing your hand." your best friend shrugged dropping a large box on her bed. "less! that was one time years ago and i told you that in strict confidence!" you kicked at her as she grinned, your cheeks blushing red.
"what? i wouldn't blame you for dating someone who looked like me, i know it's your biggest shame that you're secretly in love with me." the blonde pouted patting your leg making you roll your eyes.
"please. you know it's actually homophobic to assume that because i like girls that i like you, and here i was thinking you'd be an ally." you tutted as her eyes widened and she scrambled to ramble out an apology.
"an ally? please." you both looked up at the new voice, alessia's older sister isabella leaning in the doorway with a smirk. "have you heard of knocking?" alessia sighed as bella shrugged. "have you heard of not caring?" the older girl retorted walking into the room further as you covered up a laugh with a cough and alessia shot you a glare.
"see? she thinks i'm funny. why are you so in denial?" bella pouted, the two always arguing about something which amused you to no end given it was often over something so incredibly small it seemed they just enjoyed bickering.
there was only two years between them and they had more in common than either would care to admit, in fact both would argue they were one anothers opposite that really wasn't true.
you knew isabella had been training with arsenal in their junior academy and was hoping for a professional contract now she'd made her senior debut for the lionesses, both goals alessia was quickly following in her footsteps to also achieve, the entire russo household all football mad.
"what's all this then? college bribing you not to come anymore?" she began to rifle through the large box on the bed which you realised was full of various UNC swag. "get your filthy hands off it thank you! god knows where they've been." alessia scoffed, pushing her away and snapping the box closed.
"they're squeaky clean. want to check?" the older russo smirked, grabbing alessia by the face with her hand and pulling her into a headlock as you watched on in amusement. "get out! god i'm gonna miss you the least." alessia eventually pulled away, shoving the taller girl across the room with a glare.
"still admit you'll miss me though, and mum wants you." the girl winked backing away. "for what?" alessia questioned with a frown. "mm she did tell me, but i didn't care enough to remember." with a shrug bella left the room leaving alessia fuming and you quietly chuckling.
"why do you always egg her on by laughing! she's not funny she's infuriating!" alessia huffed glaring at you now as you held your hands up in defense, your best friend dragging you with her downstairs to see what her mum wanted.
"dinners ready. can you go get your sister and her friend please lessi?" carol asked, shooting the blonde a firm glare when she groaned at the request. "why do i have to come?" you laughed as she grabbed the back of your top, tugging you up with her.
"just think of it as me wanting to spend as much time with you before i leave." alessia grinned as the two of you ascended the stairs, her brothers already having moved out it just left alessia and isabella living at home.
"oh thats it is it?" you rolled your eyes knowing she was full of it as you reached her sisters door, alessia giving her sister the same courtesy she gave her as she flung her door open without knocking.
though she wished she hadn't.
"get out!" the older russo sat up quickly half naked spare some shorts and a bra, having been previously hovered over the girl pinned beneath her, the two clearly making out.
"jesus my poor eyes! dinners ready, looks like you were just about to eat though bella." alessia smirked before leaving the room, purposefully leaving her sisters door open.
"what are your ears painted on? fuck off!" bella scowled, throwing a pillow at you as you stood frozen, quickly spinning around and almost running out of the room, the door slamming closed after you.
safe to say she didn't come down for dinner after that.
"it's not even scary less, its a thriller!" you argued as you and alessia made your way back upstairs, each of you stating your case over what you wanted to watch tonight.
"my names not lily? jesus you're worse than what everyone says!" you both glanced down the hallway before entering alessia's room, the girl from earlier standing there with her arms crossed and an angry look on her face.
"sorry?" bella shrugged leaning in her doorway, clearly not sorry as the mystery girl whose name was not lily scoffed, shoving the taller girl and hurrying off downstairs to leave. "you truly are disgusting." alessia grimaced as her sister only grinned.
"careful now ally, did you used to say the same about all the girls gio snuck round?" the older girl winked, leaving her sister scoffing and about to defend herself before the door thudded closed.
"god she is insufferable."
"can you go make more popcorn?" alessia asked, head buried in her phone as you nodded, more than comfortable to help yourself to anything in the russo household. "can i go and make more popcorn..." you trailed off expectantly as the blonde tossed her phone beside her.
"now?" she guessed with a grin, causing you to flip her off as she tossed an m&m at your head and began to rummage around for the remote to select a new movie.
with it being half past ten at night you expected the kitchen to be vacant, though you noticed the lights were all on and as you rounded the corner you saw the older russo sister sat at the benchtop eating a plate of leftovers from dinner.
her attention on her phone she didn't notice you at first, only looking up as she heard you start to rummage around in the pantry. "surely we've started to charge you rent by now?" the older girl teased as you emerged with a bag of popcorn, rolling your eyes and tossing it in the microwave.
"i'll make sure to sign a jersey for you once i get my pro contract so you can sell it and buy my family some food since you consume so much of it." the taller girl shoved your head to the side playfully as you moved out of her way so she could rinse her plate.
"so. did you enjoy the little show earlier pervert?" she smirked, glancing at you as she dried up her plate. "what? you're so weird." you frowned, pulling yourself to sit up on the counter.
"please. you know if you asked me nicely i'd kiss you so you can stop wondering what it feels like." she grinned, moving closer to you as your frown turned into a scowl. "or so you can stop using your hand. less talks quite loudly you know." she teased, standing in between your legs as you tensed up a little.
if you were honest with yourself you'd always found her to be quite attractive but you'd never ever go there, both for your own and alessia's sake.
"i've kissed girls!" you defended truthfully, and you had, you'd just not ever progressed any further than that. "mm but have you been kissed by a girl?" the older russo quirked an eyebrow, leaning in closer as her hands fell either side of your body, somewhat caging you in.
"thats the same thing." you rolled your eyes, trying to ignore how hard your heart was hammering in your chest. "that means no then." bella chuckled, tilting her head slightly.
"i mean have you ever been properly kissed by a girl? when she's got her tongue roaming your mouth, her teeth nipping down on your bottom lip before she sucks on it to soothe the sting-" she leaned in closer as your eyes widened.
"-where one of her hands are on the back of your neck so you can't pull away until she lets you, and the other hand...well it touches other parts of you." the older girl grinned wickedly, her mouth ghosting yours before she put her plate back in the cupboard behind your head and pulled away entirely.
"baby gays are always the cutest." bella winked, ruffling your hair and walking off as if she hadn't just sent your head into a spin, the beep of the microwave making you jump a little as you slid off the counter, shaking your head to try and rid it of the thoughts you'd just had.
she was your best friends sister, she'd always be off limits.
"just when i thought we'd gotten rid of you." you rolled your eyes as isabella opened the door for you with a sigh. "no one else is here and your best friends in another country, so then you must be here for me?" she grinned as you pushed past her, heading for the stairs.
alessia had been gone for months now and you missed her like crazy, so much so you'd booked a flight to go and visit her during what was to be her spring break and your time off from your own university course.
though of course that meant the girl had texted you a rather elaborate list of things she'd left behind that she requested you bring with you to see her, which despite the ongoing teasing that she'd lose her head was it not attached to her body you agreed to go and collect.
"she'd kill you for being in here." you sighed as the older russo collapsed onto her younger sisters bed, making herself comfortable as you began to gather what alessia had requested.
"only if you snitch me in." the girl grinned, watching you as you fluttered around the room. "surely you have something better to do? being a big pro now and all!" you sighed, looking at her with your hands on your hips.
"so you did hear! not even a congratulations? thats just poor manners." bella tutted with a shake of her head, sitting up and moving to the edge of the mattress. "i'm not an arsenal fan." you teased with a smile, hearing her scoff in mock offence.
"you don't have to be, you can just be my fan." bella challenged as you again rolled your eyes. "you know if i had a pound for every time you rolled your eyes at me over the years i could have bought a house by now." the older russo sister grinned.
"must mean you say a lot of stupid things to have girls always rolling their eyes at you." you quipped, rummaging through and grabbing out two hoodies, tossing them onto your growing pile.
"i personally prefer to make their eyes roll back into their heads." the taller girl commented quite casually, your eyes widening for a moment at the abrupt statement but choosing to ignore it. "so what are you doing after this?" she stood and made her way out, leaning in the doorway.
"going home?" you quirked an eyebrow unsure where she was going with this. "do you want to watch a movie or something?" she asked surprising you.
"are you asking me to hang out?"
"maybe. you miss less, i miss less, though if you tell her that i'll deny it till the day i die, we may as well keep one another company."
"plus i'm older so less's entire personality comes from me anyway. so it'll be like she never left, just swap one russo for another!" she added on with a smile as you shook your head.
"yeah sure, why not."
"burn yourself with the straightener did you?" you flinched suddenly as the girls thumb gently pressed into a fading love bite on the side of your neck, the only lingering evidence from an incredibly drunken hook up at a university party you'd gone to over the weekend.
and much to your best friends horror and delight, where you'd finally lost your virginity, before her.
"none of your business!" you pushed her hand away as she smiled and turned her attention back to the movie. well, for a few minutes. "finally dropped the baby gay card then, feel good?" she teased as you rolled your eyes.
"stop calling me that."
"oh sorry, prefer if i just call you baby then?"
"stop, bella seriously."
"can you not keep it in your pants around anyone? or do you just shamelessly flirt with anything that moves?" you shot her a dirty side eye only making her smile widen. "well the something has to be female, obviously." you tried to hide your smile with your hand but she grabbed your wrist.
"saw that!" she teased as you tried to pull away, the two of you messing around for a moment before she leaned in and your heart began to race, recognize her eyes flicker down to your lips.
"we can't." you whispered, hating how unsure your voice sounded. "tell me to stop and i will." she whispered back, leaning in even closer as you opened your mouth and she paused, but you couldn't speak.
taking that as permission she closed the small gap in between you both, pressing her lips firmly to yours. you'd have loved to say you pushed her off, told her again that you couldn't, thought about your best friend and what she might think.
but the only thing that consumed your mind was her and how good her mouth felt molded with your own. as you began to kiss back you felt her hands move, grabbing your hips and pulling you to straddle her lap, movie long forgotten in the background.
"alessia." you pulled away remembering your best friend as the older girl nipped at your bottom lip and your stomach twisted. "doesn't have to know." bella promised and you hesitated for a moment, but as her lips curled into a cocky smile and her hand flew to the back of your head, you knew you were a goner.
safe to say that was not the last time it happened, far from it.
you ignored the guilt which bubbled up in your stomach as you pretended it never happened, flying over to see your best friend and spending two blissful weeks with her, then flying over again a couple of months later to watch her in the she believes tournament where she would finally get her senior national team debut.
though of course that also meant isabella would be playing, and their whole family would be there with you.
"i'm so so proud of you!" you yelled happily as your best friend jogged over, shit eating grin on her face as she wrapped you up in a hug, isabella hanging back as she chatted with some of her team mates, though her eyes lingered on you.
and it was those lingering eyes which eventually did you both in.
you were all out for dinner after the game, you seated beside your best friend and luca, gio opposite him as the other russo sister sat across from you and mario across from alessia, carol at the head of the table.
you'd hardly spoken to her the entire time you'd been around, focusing all of your time and attention on the rare moments spent with your best friend who you knew you'd have to say goodbye to again in a few days time.
however that didn't stop the defender from trying to gain your attention, sending you subtle looks across the table as she kicked you playfully, winking at you when alessia wasn't looking.
well, when she thought she wasn't looking.
dinner finished you excused yourself to the bathroom, declining your best friends offer to come with you with a laugh as you promised to meet them outside the restaurant.
you did your business and washed your hands, hearing the door open but not bothering to look up, jumping in shock as arms wrapped around your torso and a familiar pair of lips pressed themselves to your neck.
"bella we can't." you chuckled, though still leaning your head back a little to give her more access, eyes fluttering closed as she peppered the warm skin with butterfly kisses. "can't we?" she smirked at you through the mirror with that same cocky smile that made your knees weak every time.
"i've missed you in camp." she confessed softly, spinning your body round and pushing it into the bathroom counter, wasting no time rewarding you with a searing kiss which sent your head spinning.
"they'll wonder where we are." you exhaled shakily, using all your willpower and pushing her off you. "you won't escape me later." she warned playfully, nodding for you to leave first as she hung back.
it was several hours later, you and alessia hanging in your shared hotel room together catching up just like normal, your combined laughters echoing around the room as the girls phone suddenly buzzed.
"hey i have to go talk to the training staff about something. but find a movie, i'll be back!" she promised, rolling off the bed as you nodded, not bothering to question why she was suddenly needing to speak to the training staff at almost ten at night.
alessia wasted no time marching down the hallway to where her sisters room was, knocking impatiently as she answered. "oh come on in!" the older russo chuckled as alessia shoved past her, checking the two of them were alone.
"how long?" alessia asked, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at the taller girl who frowned, sitting down on the edge of her bed. "pardon?"
"how long have you been fucking my best friend behind my back?" alessia spat, scarily calm as a storm brewed behind her bright blue eyes. "look less-"
"no, don't lie. i saw your little fuck me eyes across the table, and it wasn't her leg you kept kicking at the table. so tell me the truth." alessia warned as her sister sighed, rubbing her face with her hands unsure how to find a way out of this.
"we haven't slept together, i promise."
"but we've done, other things."
"you are seriously unbelievable. you couldn't just be happy plowing your way through every insecure footballer in london, you had to go for my best friend?" alessia yelled angrily, fists balled by her sides.
"woah okay less i think you're overre-"
"you're going to stay away from her bella. she's not just another name for your books, she's my best friend and a better sister to me than you've ever been!" alessia fumed, hurt flashing across the older girls face momentarily before it hardened.
"it takes two to tango. you gonna go yell at her too then?"
"she can't have known any better, which is why you're going to stay away from her. i won't let you take advantage of the fact she see's the good in people, as little of it exists in you."
"fine. get out!" the taller girl stood, shoving her sister back who scoffed, turning on her heel. "happily!" the door slamming after her, you none the wiser of anything that had just happened as alessia returned, plastering a fake smile on her face and not uttering a single word about it.
which is why it hurt all the more as you slipped out of your room to call your mum that next morning as to not wake your best friend.
making the mistake of glancing down the hall, you watched as a random girl slipped out of one of the rooms, a familiar face kissing her goodbye with a grin.
you froze and thats when her eyes met yours, not a single look of regret on her face as you stared one another down for a moment before she watched you hurry back into alessia's room.
she was your best friends sister, and that's all she'd ever be to you.
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harleehazbinfics · 8 months
My Sweet Boy
Lucifer Morningstar x reader (fluff)
Synopsis: Lucifer has a bad day and feels insecure about himself, luckily you were there to comfort him Note: reader plays the ukelele, has 4 arms and taller than Luci. Enjoyyy~ inspired by a song by chevy - sweet boi
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You quietly sat on your shared bed strumming lightly your ukelele as Lucifer paced back and forth in front of you, ranting to the little rubber duck in his hands. His rants ranged from how his daughter was doing to whatever plans his ex had while she was gone or how his duck inventions were going and what he wanted to do next.
You plucked the strings in between his rants finding a mellow tune as he confesses.
"I don't think I'm even good enough for you, (name)."
You plucked a string a little bit harsher when you heard what he said. So, he was finally acknowledging the fact that you were also in the room with him. But what the hell did that meant.
"Why do you think so?" you asked starting from the beginning of your melody.
"I don't know?? I just feel worthless all the time. Me and my ex split, my daughter barely calls me, while I'm just in my castle just making toys all the time. I always even wonder how I met someone like you that could like someone like me!" he professes in frustration, plopping on the bed right next to me, rubbing his face and hair in annoyance.
You giggled and reached your hand to fix his hair and caress his face which he immediately enjoyed and latched onto your touch.
"You laughing isn't assuring," he pouted crossing his arms despite his flushed cheeks.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," you apologized still having a smile on your face, "Come here."
You picked him up with your other set of hands and sitting him down on your lap and placing a kiss on his lips.
"I think you're wrong though, there are so many things to love about you," you replied holding his waist. "You're handsome, an incredibly hot blonde."
"So, you're only attracted to my appearance," he gave you a judging raise of an eyebrow. He flips on his head almost immediately and boasted, "Honestly though, all your assumptions are correct. I've extremely good looking."
You laugh at prideful joke earning a smile on his face again, far from the sad and depressed one he had earlier and that was progress, and all you could ever ask for.
"Oh, definitely, love," you agreed with him and continued, "But that's not all that I love about you though. You're sweet, funny, gentle. You have a dangerous habit of taking care of other before yourself, but I think that's what I'm here for. And most of all, you have a heart of gold, Luci. Never forget that."
Lucifer felt his eyes well up with tears as some already fell off his chin, with your gentle hands wiping them away for him giving him a kiss on each eye.
"Thank you, darling. I love you so much and I'll love you until the very end of hell itself," he proclaims pulling you in for a hug and kissing temple.
"So do I, my love," you replied happily in his grasp, basking in each other's warmth. Reminding yourselves that you will never be alone as you both have each other by your side.
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justcressida · 1 year
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"I coped with living in that damn house for so long, then got accepted to a prestigious college, and I had gotten my own home. Even if it was cramped and dirty, I could be completely at rest in it. I had finally escaped those bastards. So why?! It's not even Normal Mode. At this rate, this is no better than before…!"
Record Of Ragnarok X Penelope Eckhart!Reader
Even among all these gods, Poseidon's hatred and arrogance for humans was evident.
Yet the only reason for his interest in this human woman was her incredible will to live.
Never before had he seen a mortal act so frankly, so boldly towards a God.
It caught his attention. The woman was beautiful, more beautiful than a Goddess could ever be. She was daring. It was easy to get lost in his catlike squinting eyes and be caught in the cold but firm aura of the mortal.
"Your daring and indiscretion have limits, mortal. What do you think you are? What do you trust to utter such bold words to a god?"
The woman squinted her eyes, shining with anger. "Why should there be a limit to my audacity? What have you got to set boundaries with me? First you create a lineage and then you send them disasters and hardships. Then when you get bored, 'Let's destroy humanity!' Are you making a joke that isn't funny to yourself? Why should I obey? Why should I be good? Whose wrong is right based on? How can one expect creation to be pure when there is evil in the heart of God?"
A deep silence reigned throughout the arena, while all the immortals who had been mocking her until a few seconds ago, in silence and tension, turned their eyes to the Tyrant of the Seas and then to this noble woman.
He couldn't help but was impressed. Although what he really needed to do was slit her throat with his trident and punish her disrespect, a wild instinct whispered that he shouldn't punish her in this way. Punish in a different way.
The Tyrant of the Seas' lips curved slightly as the tense wait continued. "Will you stand by what you say, mortal? If you kneel right now and apologize and beg, I won't punish you." Although his tone was calm, his gaze made everyone shudder.
"Y/N! Apologize!" As Reynold screamed, Derrick grabbed his arms and pulled him back. As the beautiful woman's eyes turned towards that direction, her eyes narrowed like a cat.
"It's not worth it, Reynold." Derrick's cold words echoed throughout the arena. The woman smiled sarcastically, after all she got used to it. It didn't hurt anymore.
"I'd rather die." Their eyes met. It was like the gaze of the sky and the ocean.
"You asked for it, mortal."
Thus began your life in prison. It was more of a fait accompli than a mistreatment.
Every day you were dressed like a doll and did whatever Poseidon wanted.
You could have dinner with him if he wanted.
If he wanted, you would go to the meeting of the Gods with him.
Everything was his order, if he didn't want it, you couldn't even breathe.
You'd still rather get beaten.
Yet all you gave in regards to your feelings was your hatred of the open ocean.
"Don't make me angry and come here mortal."
"I don't want."
"I didn't ask if you wanted it. Come with me, if you're afraid I'll keep it."
"No way. I won't." Poseidon looked at the beautiful mortal as the woman shrugged stubbornly.
"It's pointless mortal that you hate the ocean so much." He didn't want to ask directly why.
She looked thoughtfully into the water as she shrugged.
"Tell me the reason for this hatred of the ocean, mortal."
"Water plays with you, water imprisons you, water makes you crazy, and the insane cannot live in society. The water overflows."
Poseidon wanted to deny it, but mortal was right. That's how he summed up his thousands of years of life.
"Let's go inside, mortal. Don't be cold."
The Tyrant of the Seas sighs as he walks ashore.
Perhaps he could leave the mortal a little to himself.
Of course he wasn't forgiven.
For now, at least, he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold back.
"You are so ugly."
"You're being disrespectful again, mortal.
"But are you ugly?"
"Shut up and get in, damn mortal."
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lithium80writer · 1 year
I’m with the Band (Eddie Munson one shots)
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⚠️ Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, smutty smut, Eddie eatin some ass... I won't apologize. 🫣
High On You
"This place is so nice.. fuck, come feel this comforter, baby." Eddie moans as he sprawls out on the hotel bed.
You giggle as you set down your suitcase and run to him tackling him into the fluffy blanket.
"Oh yeah, we're never leaving." he smiles, his hands immediately gripping your waist, holding you close to him.
"Two nights, Eds. We only have two nights." you pout, looking down into his deep brown eyes.
Two nights until you had to move on to the next stop of the tour, another new place, new faces, barely any time alone.
"I know, sweetheart. I know.." Eddie replies softly, his hands mindlessly rubbing up and down your legs as you straddle his lap.
"But tonight, we can stay in. Nothing but you, me, and a fat joint." he wiggles his eyebrows, making a smile appear on your face.
"That sounds almost perfect." you tease and he looks at you curiously.
"Mhmm... you forgot the part where you make me scream your name all night.." you purr, watching Eddie's lips curl into a smile.
"Well that's just a given, baby." he smacks your ass playfully before flipping you over, his body pressing you into the mattress as you wrap your legs around his waist.
"I love you," you whisper against his lips.
"I love you, y/n."
"What the fuck are you talking about?" you laugh as Eddie glares at you. Smoke hangs heavily in the air as you pass the joint back and forth. The curtains are drawn, the lights down low, the radio playing softly in the background. The perfect night to hide away from the outside world and just be with each other.
"I'm saying that I don't think anyone really landed on the moon, man. I think it was fake.. like some kind of distraction.." Eddie repeats for the fifth time, his face dead serious.
"You're so high." you burst out laughing and he groans tossing his head back into the pillow.
"You'll see... you just wait.." he sighs, staring up at the ceiling. You roll over on top of him and see his eyes narrowed.
"I believe you, baby," you say, fighting back a smile.
"You're so mean." he pouts up at you, his eyelids hanging low, his gaze glossy from the weed.
"What about aliens?" you tease him, making him roll his eyes before he pinches your side, causing you to squirm.
"You think you're funny.." he grumbles, but his hands contradict his grumpy attitude as they begin to roam across your body. You lean over, snubbing the joint out in the ashtray as Eddie's ringed fingers grope your ass.
You lean back over and bring your lips to his neck, planting slow kisses up and down. He moans loudly as you swirl your tongue around his ear, biting down on his earlobe, and tugging gently.
Your mind is calm and relaxed, the high making you feel incredible, warm, and really fucking horny.
You run your hand down his chest slowly as your lips lock onto his neck sucking harshly. You hear a rumble come from his chest as your hand slips into his sweats and meets his cock, stroking slowly.
You feel his member growing harder and harder beneath your touch.
"I want you in my mouth, Eds." you purr in his ear and he lets out a breathless chuckle.
"Please." he rasps. You crawl down, placing yourself between his legs, quickly pulling his sweats down, his cock slapping against his stomach. You immediately take him into your mouth, your tongue swirling around his thick member.
"Fuck y/n.. goddamn baby.." his voice is slow and smooth as his brown eyes remain locked on you.
You moan onto his cock, slurping and sucking, making his hips jolt upwards as his ringed fingers grasp onto the sheets.
"Sh-shit.." he stammers, his hips starting to lift again and again, driving his cock deeper. You slide your mouth off of him making him whimper before you position yourself on your hands and knees.
"Fuck my throat, Eddie."
"I fucking love you.." he groans deeply, kneeling on the bed.
He leans in kissing you once before his lips meet your ear.
"Are you sure you can take it, hmm?" he taunts, his tone dark.
"Yes, Eddie." you nod, feeling his lips against your cheek.
"I don't want to be easy.." he admits lowly, his lips still traveling across your cheek.
"Don't be. I can take it, baby." you moan as he suddenly takes your nipple in his fingers, twisting gently.
He sits back up and you watch him take his hard cock in his hands, stroking slowly. You open your mouth, tongue out flat, waiting for him to use you.
Eddie's glazed eyes bore into yours as he brings his tip to your tongue. He guides himself inside, your eyes almost instantly filling with tears as he pushes further into your throat.
One of his hands cups your cheek, and the other pulls your hair back, giving him a better view as he begins to thrust deep. You gag on his cock as his hips roll faster.
"Look at you." he praises, his grip tightening on your hair. You blink away tears as he continues to fuck your throat.
"You like that? Hmm.. You like sucking my dick?" Eddie burns, his arrogant attitude making you want to please him even more.
You nod and moan as he begins pressing your head down on his cock over and over.
"Good girl. Fuck, you're such a good girl." he pants as you deep-throat him.
You speed up, gagging and spluttering, spit seeping from the sides of your mouth. You can feel your throat beginning to get sore from his rough thrusts. But you loved when he used you for his pleasure. And he always returned the favor.
"I'm gonna cum, baby, don't stop.." Eddie pleads, his eyes shutting as his head falls back. You reach out, taking his cock in your hand as you stroke fast, continuing to suck, using your hand and mouth to bring him to his peak.
"Mmm. Oh shit... F-fuck.." he mumbles deeply as you taste his release on your tongue, his cock twitching as he cums. You swallow his cum as it sprays into your mouth in spurts, your eyes glued to his perfect face, watching as his lips part and his eyelids flutter rapidly.
"Fucking hell.." he chuckles breathlessly as you get up on your knees, inching closer to him.
His arm wraps around your lower back, pulling you flush against him as his lips crash into yours. You taste the weed as his tongue swirls delicately with yours. He kisses you tenderly, a complete contrast to his rough movements just moments ago.
He swiftly removes your t-shirt, his eyes roaming your body lustfully.
"Lay down, baby," he murmurs, his lips resting lightly on yours. You smile, lying back on the bed, your body shivering from the anticipation of what's to come.
You feel tingly all over from your high. Every touch makes your eyes fall shut as Eddie begins exploring your body with his lips.
He takes his time, slow kisses from your ankle all the way up to your hip bone.
"You're so perfect." he mumbles in between kisses, his lips soft and warm against your skin. He begins to suck harshly, littering your body with marks. His hands caress your curves, admiring every part of you as he sinks his teeth into you, leaving a trail of love bites in his wake.
Your skin is set ablaze with every graze of his fingertips, each flick of his tongue, every nip of his teeth.
Soft moans and the sounds of Eddie's lips on you are all that can be heard as he continues exploring your body meticulously. Your eyes hang low, your high adding even more pleasure. He yanks your panties down to your ankles and you kick them off with a giggle.
"I love every inch of your body, y/n.. So beautiful.. So fucking delicious.." he drawls just before his lips meet your warmth.
"Baby..." you let out a blissful sigh as he runs his tongue up and down your slit. He teases you, removing his tongue a second later, kissing the insides of your thighs, across your wet lips, shifting lower.
"Eddie.." you gasp, suddenly feeling his tongue in places he's never touched before. He licks a long strip, flattening his tongue, making you moan, your fingers clutching the sheets tightly.
Taking note of your reaction, he takes hold of your ass, spreading your cheeks, delving deeper with his tongue.
"Oh fuck..." you moan desperately as he starts kissing and sucking your ass, an entirely new sensation making your pussy dripping wet.
"Eddie, shit.." you breathe as he comes up from between your legs, his eyes full of lust.
"Get on your knees for me, baby," he demands, and you nod adamantly, flipping over to your stomach as Eddie grips your hips, pulling your ass in the air.
Your face presses into the sheets as he resumes his position behind you.
You struggle to form any words or thoughts as he swirls his tongue inside of you. You spread your legs wider, craving more of this unfamiliar feeling. It feels so good, so dirty, and fucking mind-blowing all at once.
He moans into you as he brings one hand to your pussy, slowly gliding his fingers through your folds as his tongue continues exploring your other hole.
"Holy shit.." you mumble into the sheets as his tongue dips into you again, his fingers begin thrusting in and out, your slickness coating them entirely. Your eyes fall shut as he starts fucking you with his tongue.
"Ohh my god..." you let out a soft moan, his tongue slowly pressing deeper into your asshole as his fingers continue their motion, making your eyes flutter.
"More.." you whimper and you suddenly feel the loss of his tongue as he leans down to whisper in your ear.
"You're a dirty girl, y/n. Aren't you?" he hums deeply, his fingers still moving in and out of your warmth.
"Yes.." you whisper and he chuckles against your ear.
"You like that? Hmmm.. You like when I eat your ass?" he teases, his tone deep and raspy.
"Y-yes..." you murmur, your cheeks blushing profusely.
"Fuck, sweetheart... you're such a bad girl," he mutters, his voice sounds drunk with pleasure as his lips come to your ear once before moving down your back. Slow, wet kisses all the way down until he meets your lower back, shifting back down to your backside where he bites down, his teeth sinking in, causing you to cry out in pleasure.
Then he's back between your cheeks, no hesitation as his tongue swirls and flicks sending shockwaves throughout your body. His fingers dig into your skin as his lips continue sucking and moving wildly making your breathing increase, your moans getting louder and louder.
"Eddiee.. fuck.. Eddie..."
His name falls from your lips again and again. He spreads your legs, your knees sinking deeper into the mattress, giving him a better angle as he glides his tongue in and out, fingering your pussy at the same time.
Your back arches even more as you press yourself into him, his tongue moving at an insane pace, his fingers fucking you roughly.
"Make me cum.. Eddie, please. I need you." you mumble drunkenly.
Eddie moans hungrily, flipping you to your back once more, meeting your eyes.
"You're my little freak, aren't you?" he hums, his lips curled into a smirk.
"Yes.." you whimper desperately.
"So fucking wet..." he plunges his fingers into you, curling them with perfection, making your mouth fall open with a squeak.
"Fucking soaked.." he groans huskily, looking down, watching his fingers roll in and out of you before burying them deep inside. Each curl striking across your sweet spot, your climax coming fast.
"Eddie, I'm gonna cum! I-I want to cum on your cock baby..." you beg and he pulls his fingers out, ramming into you with no warning.
"Yes!" you cry, his thick cock filling you, hitting deep inside.
Again and again, he thrusts roughly, your drenched pussy coating his cock as he glides in and out.
He smacks your thigh hard, the sting of his rings sending you over the edge. Your pussy spasms around his hard member as you scream his name into the air. Eddie continues plunging into you as you sink into the bed, the headboard slamming against the wall, a loud consistent knocking as he drives into you forcefully.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, your legs tremble wildly as Eddie strikes your skin repeatedly.
He reaches down, gripping your throat, squeezing tight as fucks your overstimulated pussy, the sheets below being soaked with your juices. You're nothing but a mumbling mess by the time he gives you one last thrust, pumping you full of his cum.
"Jesus Christ.." he pants, falling to the bed next to you.
You lay there trying to catch your breath, the smell of weed and sex lingering in the small hotel room. You roll over and lay your head on his sweaty chest, shutting your eyes, just listening to his heart pounding.
You both lay there silent for a few minutes, relaxing into each other, your bodies intertwined.
You feel his lips press into the top of your head and you smile against his chest.
"I love you, y/n." Eddie whispers, his voice tired and raspy, his eyes struggling to remain open.
"I love you, Eddie." you whisper back, allowing your mind to fully relax as you drift off to sleep.
Masterlist found here 🖤🖤🖤
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nothomegal · 7 months
Mmm, this isnt a fic request (or maybe yes) but i NEED for reader to break and finally give in for their cuddle session with Danny, oh! And finally start to fall in love with him
Aww you're right anon! I guess it's only the matter of time for the reader to eventually give in and accept the weird ghost guy that keeps sneaking into their life (and house).
And I know it took me way too long to do your request, I apologize for the wait, had some trouble writing this since I never liked how it turned out -.-' Luckily though, I think I finally got something decent!
"Favorite person"
(Ghostface x GN Reader)
Summary: everyone has a limit, and unfortunately today is the day you reached yours as life wasn't all too kind to you for the last 24 hours... But hey, at least your dear intruder has your back, so not everything is that bad! Right, doll?
Warnings: mild example of unhealthy and obsessive behavior, the rest it's all fluff.
Word count: 2.2k
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The grip around (Y/N) remained tight. The intruder kept holding their tied form closely in complete silence, something very out of his character.
But such oddness didn’t come from nowhere, and (Y/N) was the one who indirectly caused it. Today was probably the worst day of their life, everything that could’ve gone wrong, went wrong. It's honestly incredible they still had the emotional strength to return home without bursting into tears on their way.
They’re not quite sure how or when they fell asleep, their mind been a mush of blur since they entered their home. All they can remember is waking up already laying in bed with their arms tied behind their back and their body pressed against the chest of the masked man, the same one that would often come to mess with them.
Sometimes he would reveal himself willingly and others just stay in the shadows and observe them from afar or straight from the corner while they’re in a deep sleep.
This night however, apart from tying their hands, he haven't done anything from his previous visits. No cheeky remarks about anything specific they did that day, no rants about some random topic and no attempts to scare or tease them... Heck, he didn't even run his hand through their hair or body. Absolutely no additional touches beside holding them close.
This really threw (Y/N) off. Ghostface, who's been a huge pain for them, the authorities and basically everyone in the town, was... Acting so thoughtful, nothing like the selfish villain he's been portraying himself as for the past numerous nights.
It's not the first time he hugs and holds them in his arms, he's actually super touchy with them and never fails to express his amusement of how helpless they always look. But now?... Now it doesn't feel like any of his shenanigans, but a genuine attempt to comfort them while not pushing too much, though the effectiveness of said attempt remains questionable.
Their thoughts and wonders were interrupted when they feel movement and then something grab their chin to then gently move their head up until they're face to face with that unsettling mask that resembled a ghost.
—“Feeling better?"—
They don't make a sound, quite the opposite, they press their lips in a thin line as they stare into the dark eyes of his mask.
—"If I take off the tape, will you talk to me?"—
Their body tensed at such question. Is he... Is he actually going to?...
—"Of course as long as you don't try anything funny... But you know better."— he leans closer to your face. —"Right, (Y/N)?"—
They gulp nervously, but Ghostface is right, they do know better than to gamble with their luck. Besides, they have no energy to fight or struggle anyways, so of course they'll play along... For now, at least.
With a more defeated look, they slowly nod.
The man releases a pleased hum and without a warning yanks the tape off of their moth, making them yelp from the pain and surprise.
—“There you go, hope it didn’t hurt too much.”— he snorts at your cringed expression.
—“It… It did… A bit.”— you mutter quietly. —“But not as much as a stab would…”—
The killer paused at the sound of their voice, but the calm was short as out the sudden he grabbed them by the chin again and squeezed their face a bit.
—"Aww, look, your first words.”— he remarks playfully before tilting his head. —“Well? Isn’t it just sweet to finally be able to talk, hmm?”—
(Y/N) remains quiet for a couple of seconds, unsure if they should speak again or not. But when It became clear that the interaction wouldn't progress without their contribution, they force themselves to talk.
—"I… Y-Yeah… It is nice."— you answer while studying his masked face. —"But… Please, don’t get too mad at me for replying slow... I'm not used to talk to... Killers, after all. {Or people in general...}”—
—"...Mad? At you? Oh silly..."—
His head then straightened and he squeezed their face a bit tighter.
—"You're so comically shy that I wish I could just cut you up and pull out some confidence out of your body."— he says in a playful tone, though it sounded way more sinister than intended. —"But it's not that you aren't good at speaking, it's the people you call 'friends' that made you believe that..."—
His tone then became significantly colder at the last part, which made (Y/N) tense and go quiet. But despite the dread, they couldn't help but agree with the killer, their friends indeed aren't as good as they thought.
It's another of the many bad things that happened to them today. They weren't supposed to discover it, they just got in the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up overhearing the few people they thought they were close with talk about them. Nasty comment after comment, disgust and disrespect lingering in their tones as they said their name between insults and cruel jokes…
They didn't even bother to listen to the end of the conversation, they just fled the scene and did their best to not cry until they arrived home. And in the entire day, in this whole period of time they looked so pathetic and miserable, none of their other ‘friends’ bothered to see if they're alright or help with any other issue. Absolutely no one took a moment to even say 'hello', and that made (Y/N) feel the loneliest, like they're just a ghost in other people's life, being acknowledged only when they announce their presence.
They get pulled back to reality when the hand lets go of their face and their body is pressed closer to the masked man, making the embrace feel more intimate.
—"...Sorry I can't take the angst as easily as I take people out."— he mutters, his hand slowly traveling up and down your head. —"But I can prevent said angst in the future. These assholes will not disturb you again, I made sure they won't..."— his grip tightens, turning almost possessive.
A shiver traveled down their spine at his words.
They should be afraid, panic that this stranger so deliberately admitted of harming, and most likely murdering, their friends like it’s the most mundane thing to do. They definitely should at least freak out or give any other kind of distressed reaction, they should… But they don’t.
To be completely honest, they weren't even upset at what Ghostface did. After today's interaction their view on his character changed quite drastically. Though he still had that playful and cocky behavior, they now know that whenever he says or shows them care... It's genuine, or so they think. Could this be a trick to make them let their guard down? Definitely. Does it make sense? Uh... Not really, but this man likes to do odd things to throw off any bystander with his shenanigans.
But even if their strange relationship is just a game to him, then damn he's good at it. They almost feel like them matter, like they can be loved and it's just bad luck people around them can't see or appreciate them... Unfortunately though... They know it's not true, it can't be true, they're too pathetic for that, so much that even a psycho killer had pity over them to pretend-
A surprised gasp escaped (Y/N) when their body was suddenly flipped and tackled against the mattress, with Ghostface now looming over them.
They didn't even need to see his face to know what type of expression he had, the atmosphere was all it took to know he was upset.
—"I am not pleased with how you keep viewing yourself, (Y/N)."— he finally says after a pause. —"And I am certainly pissed that you're doing it around me."—
All (Y/N) could do is stare at the ghastly mask in dead silence. Despite having their mouth untapped, they couldn't bring themselves to make a sound, as if paralyzed from fear and anticipation of what he would do if they happen to upset him more.
When the killer began to lean down lowly, they held their breath by instinct.
—"I'll say this one time, and you better not force me to repeat it."— he said in a low and slow tone. —"You are my favorite person in this whole cursed world. And I swear if you dare to think badly about yourself again, I'll fucking stab you."—
He pauses, either letting his words sink in or re-evaluating what he just said or is about to say.
After not coming to a clear conclusion, he sighs with mild frustration.
—"I... Look. I'm aware of my reputation and the image you have of me. And though I do like to amuse myself with these visits of mine, not ones I did it to mess with you, not in the way you think..."—
He pauses again, the eyes of his mask staring directly into theirs, either studying their expression or thinking.
—"I wanted to end you ones..."—
As he speaks again in a lower voice as he extends his hand, aiming for their neck.
—"...But I don’t want it anymore."—
The hand was drastically redirected towards their face, covering their eyes in a quick movement. Whatever sound of surprise or confusion (Y/N) was about to make is shushed when something soft and warm was pressed against their lips, the sensation sending shivers through their body.
—"{Or ever again.}"—
That's all they heard before their eyes were uncovered and Ghostface plopped on the mattress right next to them, his head placed on his hand as he waits for their reaction.
(Y/N) can only cluelessly blink while staring at the ceiling, wondering if the warm sensation they just felt on their lips was actually Ghostface-...
Their face starts to get progressively redder as the realization kicks in. My god. Ghostface, from all people, actually!-
Their head snaps at his direction when that famous deep raspy chuckle left him, clearly entertained by the fifty shades of red their face is going through.
—"What? Never had a kiss stolen before?"— he teases.
—"I- Uh... No. Not really..."— you answer as you look away, face even redder.
—"Good, all for me then."—
Now it's (Y/N) who lets out a snort, finding his behavior silly yet quite charming. Huh, strange how quickly they moved on, the previous dread and fear they felt when he pinned them was now like a long forgotten dream...
Is the famous Stockholm syndrome affecting them already? Why are they suddenly so okay with his presence? Even when knowing about his mood swings they can't shake off this strange sensation of comfort...
Is it because his actions and intentions are now confirmed to be genuine? Because he really seems to like and cherish their company? Cherish them?...
...You know?
Fuck everything.
They're too tired for this 'BS' about morality and shit. It will be a tomorrow problem to overthink, now they should just give in and take this night to relax and... Well, maybe even put into use this little freedom of speech they got and actually chat to the man, maybe even get to know more about him.
They look at killer again, the dark eyes of his mask still fixated on their form as he observes them in silence, almost like he's looking at a piece of art rather than another person.
—"So... Are you going to stay here all night?"— you finally ask.
He's silent for a little while.
—"You want me to?"—
—"Kinda. You... You're not too bad of a company, I guess."— you shoot him a timid smile. —"And even if I didn't I doubt you would've leave."—
He lets out a snort at their last comment and then lies down, a bit closer to them.
—"You're right, you're now haunted by me either you want it or not."—
There is a small pause between them, both just laying and looking at each other, a strange atmosphere of calm now lingered in the room, making this moment feel oddly right.
Out of the sudden, they feel a pair of arms snake around their form and bring them ones again into that warm and intimate hug. And this time, they welcome the gesture by snuggling closer to the man and letting out a content sigh.
—"So."— he then says as he tilts his head to look at you, now in his arms. —"What's your favorite scary movie? I never got an answer to this question."—
—"Huh? Aren't you supposed to know that?"— you arch your brow. —"Y'know cuz of the whole stalker thing and all..."—
—"Yes, but want to hear you tell me that. I just really like the sound of your voice."—
They can feel their cheeks warm up, and they can't avoid to get even shyer when the man chuckles at their expression.
—"W-Well... I have a couple."—
At first they sounded awkward while speaking, as if expecting him to interrupt them or laugh at their preferences. Nevertheless, he never made a sound and seemed to pay close attention to what they're saying, sometimes even asking more things about the movies when given the opportunity. Overall, Ghostface is a very nice guy to talk about any kind of nerdy horror stuff!
At some point, they even forgot that the man holding them was a serial murder. It actually felt like talking to an old dear friend rather than a criminal.
And as they talk through the night, (Y/N) finally understands why Ghostface always became so touchy and clingy whenever he had a bad day.
Cuddles and rants indeed help, especially if done with your favorite person.
And though they're certain he's not one yet... Just by seeing how the night progresses.
They wouldn't be too surprised if he somehow sneaks his way into such spot.
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