#&&; SINNER (Takeshi)
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diivinidad · 1 year ago
Here go some muse tags!
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ultimatecutenesspeaks · 2 years ago
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*All seven Familiars besides Mr. Bunny work together against the Sinner Demon, and soon, he is defeated.*
Takeshi: AUGGGHHH!
*A portal forms underneath him, and he returns to Hell.*
UB: Hey UC, how come you never have Asriel do anything?
UC: Well... I think Mr. Bunny and I are more of a last resort. We only step in if we have to, y'know?
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sinnerstesia · 5 years ago
El día pintaba para ser uno tranquilo bueno, tal vez no tan tranquilo pero sí llevadero, tendría un par de clases antes de un break de algunas tres horas, lo cual le ayudaría a revisar sus tareas y quizá practicar un poco. Takeshi se encontraba caminando rumbo a donde sería su clase, cuando notó a un par de metros a aquella chica que le presentaron ayer, acercándose a ella tan pronto como pudo.
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— Hey, hola — comentó cuando estuvo un par de pasos adelante, no quería asustarla o tomarla desprevenida (al menos no demasiado) —¿Me recuerdas? Ayer nos presentó James — comentó, no le llamó por su nombre porque no estaba seguro de si era el que pensaba o no — ¿Vas a clase? — Inquirió, deseoso de tener a alguien con quien charlar de camino. // @vnvillage
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tyrannoninja · 4 years ago
Arrows of Alodia
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Japan, 1500 AD
The walls of the castle glowed pale yellow before the face of the setting sun, with blue shingles sparkling on stacks of curved roofs. This radiance conferred the semblance of a tall gold crown encrusted with lapis-lazuli gems. The castle sat atop a wooded hill, overlooking the fields, forests, and scattered peasants’ villages like an emperor surveying his rural domain.
A young woman hiked a series of stone steps that zigzagged up the hill’s northern slope, cradling in a yew chest her arms. Her hooded waist-length kimono and trousers, both dull green like the trees sheltering the path, protected her both from the evening’s damp chill and from any eyes spying on her. Not that the woman had noticed anyone giving her a second glance so far, but nobody in her line of work could afford to let their guard down.
She reached the summit of the hill, strolled across the short bridge over the castle’s moat, and paused to gaze over the sprawling countryside. The verdant beauty of the Japanese landscape would never leave her eyes entirely, yet years of experience had scraped away much of its allure. She knew that underneath its lush and tranquil veneer lay a cutthroat and lawless world of cruelty and treachery.
This would be her last evening in the land. The next day, she would set sail for civilization.
Among the irregular mass of rocks building up the castle’s base was a rectangular slab, as tall and wide as a man. The woman inserted her fingers along its edge and pushed it aside as if it were a regular sliding door. Ahead ran a narrow corridor lit with paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling, a small courtesy she had not expected.
Underneath the more pleasing scent of the cherry blossoms, the stink of dead flesh leaked through the chest’s lid. The woman hugged it against her breast, a queasy nausea swelling in her stomach. Grisly as the odor was, it was only part of the price she had to pay for her upcoming escape.
She followed the passageway through the base until it led into a series of rooms, the walls built of white paper with wooden frames, a building material she had always thought strange. Back in her native Alodia, along the Nile to the south of Egypt, people built almost everything from sturdier materials such as mudbrick or stone. For a race that constantly warred with their own, the Japanese could have stood to fortify the interiors of their homes better.
After sliding open a succession of paper doors, the woman found the Daimyo Takeshi awaiting her in his study. She greeted him with a bow of her head while laying the chest before the tatami mat he sat on.
“I see you already had the way in lighted for me, my lord,” the woman said. She pulled down her hood to reveal her dark brown face and braided black hair. “Very kind of you.”
“I have good timing.” The old Daimyo croaked a chuckle as he laid his hands on the chest. “I trust this is Hiroshi himself?”
The woman nodded as she unslung her bow and quiver. “I took him out in the dead of night. Nobody suspected a single thing. Suffice to say he won’t trouble you anymore.”
Takeshi pried the chest open, releasing the stench of its contents in a full wave. Inside lay the half-rotten head of Hiroshi, once his vassal. The Daimyo’s cackling made the woman feel even more sick than the morbid object.
“Excellent work, Maia of Alodia,” he said. “I see you more than deserve your reputation.”
“I’ve had a lot of practice, my lord.”
Maia glanced around the study for a bag of coins, yet she could find none. The only gold she detected in the room was the paint on some serpentine dragon illustrations on the walls. “Now, where is my payment?”
The Daimyo’s smile vanished. He pulled a curved scabbard from his belt and slid out the katana sword within. “You didn’t really think I would let you go with my vassal’s blood on your hands, did you?”
Maia’s pulse kicked into a thumping panic. She held her bow close to her. “Why not? None of the other daimyo I’ve served had a problem with that.”
“Then they were fools. Think, Alodian, of what would happen were you around to blurt out the truth, in whatever circumstance. The world would know I was behind this all, and I’d have even more insolent subjects to contend with than before!”
“Then perhaps you shouldn’t pay anyone to take out your critics, O Daimyo.”
Takeshi stood and drew back his sword, his once pale yellow-brown face flaming red. “Unless I can take you out in turn!”
Maia ducked beneath the slicing sweep of his katana, dodging it by less than an inch. She hopped across the room and swung her bow at him as if it were a sword. Its bottom tip slashed across the back of the Daimyo’s blue silken vest. Despite not drawing blood, he fell over with a yelp and a groan, his sword flying out of his grip and rolling over the floor until Maia picked it up.
Maia strutted over to where he lay and pressed the tip of his katana into the nape of his neck. “I could easily kill you as I killed your vassal, Daimyo Takeshi. But I’ll give you one more chance than you gave him. Pay me the gold you promised, and I’ll leave your hide unscratched.”
“Never!” Takeshi swept his arm aside and banged into Maia’s ankle, tripping her. He snatched his sword back in a springing leap. “I still have tracks to cover up.”
After wheeling away from his next few attacks, the Alodian shot her foot into his shin. He growled a hideous curse and repaid the blow by slashing across her hip.
The cut burned hot through the flesh of her leg. Her rage blazed so much hotter that it drowned out all pain.
Again the Daimyo charged, brandishing his blade with a bloodthirsty roar. Maia sidestepped and swatted him in the skull from behind, throwing him across the room until he crashed through the wall, tore through the paper and splintered the framing. From a leather sheath under her belt, she grabbed a curved dagger and flung it into his spine. After one last guttural croak, the Daimyo Takeshi lay without movement other than the blood flowing out of his wounds.
Signing a cross into the air, Maia whispered a prayer that her God show mercy on the poor sinner’s soul.
“How could you?”
A young woman in a scarlet kimono burst into the study, her hair tousled and her face wet with tears. She knelt sobbing by the Daimyo’s body.
“I’m sorry, was he your father?” Maia asked. She lowered her hand to touch the other woman’s shoulder in consolation.
“No! I was his beloved wife, Ichiko.” The Japanese girl slapped the Alodian away and tore the katana out of her fallen husband’s grip. “Now you will pay for your crime, barbarian bitch!”
Yanking the dagger out of Takeshi, Maia thrust it to parry Ichiko. Sparks erupted from the clashing of blades until the Alodian’s smaller weapon broke in half. She lunged to stab her opponent’s thigh, but Ichiko kicked her into the room’s opposite wall.
Maia had carried half her dagger, and the Daimyo’s widow showed just as much agility. Maia carried only one weapon that would give her any advantage in the fight.: the one she had used on the vassal Hiroshi.
What she needed was more space between she and her target.
After chucking a stick of shattered wood into Ichiko’s face, Maia scrambled to retrieve her bow and quiver. She hurled herself through the hole, over the Daimyo Takeshi’s body. She had an arrow drawn the instant Ichiko launched herself into the air, katana raised overhead for a downward cleave.
Maia fired. Ichiko fell in mid-arc onto Takeshi, the arrow through her heart seeming to pin her onto her husband’s corpse, uniting them in death as in life. It was a bittersweet way for them to go, Maia admitted to herself.
Through her labored breathing, she heard the shrill wailing of an infant.
Hurrying out of the study, the Alodian stumbled into a room, where three flat cushions rested like low beds on the floor. The first two were adult-sized, for the Daimyo and his wife. The third was only big enough to support the naked, wailing baby that lay curled into a ball on it, bawling with frightened distress.
Throughout her career, Maia of Alodia had taken many lives. Some were daimyo rival to the ones who paid her, whereas others were insubordinate vassals like the one she had taken at Takeshi’s behest. Still others had been guards and soldiers she fended off when her missions went sour. It was her way of earning what she needed to survive in a ruthless country. Never had she imagined she would feel guilt or remorse, until she saw the tears glistening on the baby’s face.
He had no mother or father anymore. No one left to comfort or protect him. Instead, he lost them to the cold bite of steel, much as Maia had lost her own mother and father when she was a girl. This time, though, Maia’s own steel had robbed him of his family.
She could not leave him there. Either he would die young in this merciless land or would grow up forever ablaze with hatred for her and perhaps all the people of Alodia. Maia could not blame him one bit for that.
She had to make it up to him, to give him what she had taken from him.
Maia picked up the baby in a firm embrace, murmuring soft words to soothe him. “I shall name you Isaac, sweet one. Don’t cry, you shall be safe with me.”
The castle of the late Daimyo Takeshi, once a brilliant pale yellow, turned a luminous white before the moon and stars. Down the hillside steps Maia descended, holding the sleeping Isaac under one arm while hauling the yew chest in the other. Instead of a human head rolling within it, the chest now jingled with plundered gold coins, more than enough to buy Maia a sailing trip away from this beautiful yet deadly land.
Where could she go next? She didn’t know. Her family had fled Alodia when it fell under attack by the Muslim Funj, and doubtless they would have taken the kingdom over and replaced its Christian religion with their own. Perhaps Ethiopia, another African kingdom still faithful to the same God as Alodia, would offer sanctuary. Or maybe Maia could sate her appetite for adventure elsewhere in the East, perhaps the jungle kingdoms to the south or the steppes to the north. Even the empire of China might hold promise, as they enjoyed more unity than the Japanese.
Wherever Maia went, she would carry Isaac with him. She would nurse him, raise him as her own, and teach him how to shoot arrows like a true Alodian.
This and other short stories can be read in my self-published collection Beasts & Beauties.
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eastraen · 6 years ago
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Moon appeared, a wind blew, they who once stood proudly under the sky Who still remember, those years where they rode carefree. 
Benevolent sons one and all!
Decades came and gone, people constantly wander to the past Of long years lived, of worn path tread
It had always been a cruel, merciless world They called it: to the victor go the spoils
They persevered, never alone on this turbulent path Giving up all that was happy and sad After the dust settled and people looked back Fifty of the Kugane Gate! 
A soldier may perish, but aspirations will never falter Time wore everything, the righteous heart remains!
- Ode to the Fifty Gallant Lords, Written during Emperor Reigen era -
Kugane Castle, freezing rain falls down unceasingly since afternoon. Drenching the fifty men sitting in a seiza form in front of the gate. In front of them are their Katana and Wakizashi. Each wear a white headband and white Haori. On the front of the fifty, are box with the letter "Petition". 
Crowds of onlooker gather around the gate, pointing and whispering. Hideyuki clears his throat, determination in his eyes 
"Your Excellency, Mitsurugi-Sama magnanimity knows no bound. We fifty sinners are ashamed to do this, each of us have received your kindness and our humble self will not be able to repay even a shred of your bountiful blessings." 
"Enemies abound, strife threatens the land. When the people cries for salvation, how can we as your subject not feel their pain? how can we, whose blood is from this land not feel the suffering of the common people." 
"Your excellency's heart is vast as sea and high as mountain, always looking towards the horizon. We humble servants can only help you in this way, to voice the cries of those that are voiceless. So that Heaven's wrath will not befall our great nation" 
"Many thousands of years ago, our forefather fought brave battles to help the emperor bring peace. Then our grandfather and great grandfather, with aspiration as high as the sky aid your excellency Mitsurugi-Sama in your effort to bring peace."
"People were blessed by good harvest for many years, draught were thwarted, and peace reigns. This is the sign of heaven's providence!" 
"Alas, heaven have no eyes. The commoner plea for reprieve, for food to pass the long winter and shelter above their head. To not worry of the fate of their children and wife. We the feeble few can only follow our forefather step." 
"Grant us this petition and do not raise the tax, my lord. We beg of you. If our blood can wash clean this nation and become the base of hundreds or thousands more years of strong nation...we are ready to die for our cause...we are ready to die so that your name will always be remembered as the protector of the nation and follower of the righteous way!" 
The fifty prostrate in unison, shouting repeatedly "Your excellency's magnanimity knows no bound, may your heart remember the suffering of the people!" 
Some were moved too far by this action their forehead bleeds from striking the stone many times. 
Thunder rumbles and lightning flashes, some people fall down on their knees, weeping openly. Prostrating with the fifty lords while repeating the same thing :
"Your excellency magnanimity knows no bound, may you listen to the voice of your loyal subjects" 
The imperial Samurai standing on the gate is stone faced, they did not utter any words but if anything the hand that grips the spears was tightening. Alas, even their hands are tied. 
The gate opens with a rumbling sound as the other nobles enter the gate on their horse-cart or palanquin. Sneering at the fifty. The protesters' white Yukata drenched by the rain and not only one of them have their lips turn blue from the cold yet the chanting did not relent. Few hours later, the sun was about at its peak when they finally stop.
Hideyuki sighs and stare at his fellow nobles. There is nothing in his eyes but determination
 "Brothers, I am blessed to be here today with you all. We may not be born on the same day, but let us depart this world on the same day. Maybe our name will be forgotten after many years, but surely our deeds will be remembered."
The other look at each other and smiles, they laughed and nods. Eyes directed at the Wakizashi in front of them. There was no fear, only determination, something instilled in their blood by their benevolent forefathers, the love of the country and of the people. Fifty patriots with unquestionable loyalty!
"My Lord! we, your humble servants will leave first. It was our regret that we will not be able to serve you anymore. If there is another life, let us remain lord and retainers" 
Each of them picks up the Wakizashi in front of them, steeling their resolve. The people starts to wail and full blown riot was about to happen. The Sekiseigumi was having trouble. The fifty remove their Yukata top, so that their drenched robe fall on their waist. Soon enough, blood will flow. 
Fifty sound of Wakizashi unsheathed rings beneath the rain, who suddenly stop to a drizzle before the cloud parts and sun shines down. Even heaven and earth were moved by this display of humanity solidarity!
"Farewell mother, father...farewell uncle Takeshi,Saya,Ichi,Emi" Hideyuki sighs 
Right when they were about to cut their belly, a thundering trumpet can be heard 
"How dare you, halt! The Kanpaku (royal advisor) arrives with royal decree!" as the gate rumbles to open. Hideyuki blinks "Father is in Kugane..?" he says softly. a stern man that exactly looks like Hide except for the salt and pepper hair, in red Suikan, steps out of the gate followed by a royal herald. 
"Royal decree is here!" Hideyoshi says as he looks at the Herald.
"Subject Fujiwara no Hideyuki, Subject Takeda no Kanbei, Subject.." the name of the fifty were read one by one. Each of them replies with "Your subject is present and listening!" while kneeling.
"In this year of Emperor Reigen era, i commanded this decree to be written. On behalf of the Emperor, may he live thousand years and reign in peace: after deliberating with the court, the decision of raising the tax is the general opinion of the nobles.”
“However, as a filial son of the Mitsurugi, protector of the emperor, father of the nation...I, with the power bestowed upon me...granted your plea....as you plead not for yourself but on behalf of the people. If heaven and earth can be moved, then why not i ?" 
"I hereby declare that the tax will not be raised for three years. However, each and all of you will need to work harder and think of a way to fill our coffers. For the roads to be built, and the army to be paid. For the prosperity of the nation." 
Hideyoshi linger for a while longer, looking at his son with iron in his glance, this is a man that is tempered in war and battle. Subjugating the western pirates and foreign invaders.  
When their eyes met, there were words spoken from his lips that only few can see or read : "Well done" before he turn back and the gate rumbles to closing. The fifty look at each other before in sudden emotion they slap each other's shoulder and even hug each other as they laugh. 
Hideyuki was still sitting dazed. If he had to do this again, will he still have the same conviction? he sighs and smiles to the others. From this day on, these fifty bonds would be stronger than any other lords in the court. He stand and hold the decree aloft as the crowd burst into cheer. 
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loopingpyre · 2 years ago
anime with great soundtracks?
All my mutuals are totally going to know about Yuki Kajiura's immaculate ost for Kara No Kyoukai/Garden of Sinners, or Seatbelts, the band specifically crafted by Yoko Kano for Cowboy Bebop. So in a curveball, I'm going to bring up
This 12 episode adaptation of an unfinished novel series that also finishes it, is a high energy urban fantasy supernatural mystery (with one really bad character design). Unlike every other work in the Science Adventure franchise, the anime soundtrack is NOT composed by Takeshi Abo, and instead is composed by Masaru Yokoyama.
He captures Abo's synthetic style perfectly. And also uses a kazoo in several imporant tracks.
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indragonsaur · 2 years ago
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Hellions OC: Huolong
Name: Huolong
Age: 59
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Straight
Born in place: Japan
Personality: Gentle, calm, Kind
Species: Dragon demon
Powers: Fire breath, Demon transformation
Facts: he’s really a gentle sinner and he really like a father like figure towards Takeshi. And he was part of 12 Bushō crew
Weapon of Choice: Katana
Voice Example
Hellions belong to Reiko_ledemon
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thejodiediaries · 3 years ago
M-m-m-money, too many colours, predetermined, M-m-m-money, forever after, everlasting, M-m-m-money, triage the sinner, supernasty M-m-m-money, push to start, 90 cents to continue, M-m-m-money, plus or minus a degree, through the sliding doors yeah Misgendering the king, oops my bad the whore Oh but by which they died, and all the means they loved To all the boys i loved before the gin
Cross over the underneath, incinerate the thesis of the second coming Torquemada’s second coming, sell my blood for all the glory Maria de leon, to bless the fall, english to dirt translate I’m saying All you little bitches can suck my dick, I fuck you all and make that money that bag slick rick im saying For underneath that basement, our innocence meant nothing
Heaven’s inner sanctum breached Revenant of Eden's Mesmer Post hydraulic batti boy Give it up for suicide machines, wait wait, seven ways to heaven born again Wait wait, zero lungs to breathe my last Hold up a sec
 I keep it in one time and hold it with the grinch  together for 1 crime apart cause of a bitch  takeshi Takeshi arrive pour ton home J'ta mer with the dents c’est ma route montré my love I can't speak compromise or static  you can't sell all this black without me were chemical as fuck together  We're Catalytically reliant
I think you know what the fuck I'm saying  I brought you bullets you gave me herpes  I need your spine for a counter-balance I miss the way you forget I'm plastic  the 48th dimension blows  the key defiance born untold double the money sanitize the dreams of hands you'll never hold
Heaven’s inner sanctum breached Revenant of eden’s Mesmer Post hydraulic batti boy Give it up for suicide machines, wait wait, seven ways to heaven born again Wait wait, zero lungs to breathe my last
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recentanimenews · 3 years ago
SABIKUI BISCO - Crunchyroll Winter 2022 Spotlight
  Have you had a chance to check out SABIKUI BISCO yet? The adaptation is one of many promising titles that recently debuted as part of Crunchyroll's Winter 2022 Anime Lineup, and we have a spotlight to explore it further while we wait for the next installment. Read on for a closer look at the show!
  Official Website
Launch Info
Official Trailers
Characters and Cast
Additional Info
    Launch Info
  Launch Time: January 10 
Territories: North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, and CIS
Show Page
  Official Trailers 
  In the far future, a disaster known as the “Rusty Wind” has transformed the majority of Japan into a barren desert and left civilization in tatters. After his teacher falls prey to the rust, the roguish Bisco Akahoshi embarks on journey through the sandy wastes to obtain a mushroom known only as the Rust Eater, rumored to cure the ailment. Together with the dashing young doctor Milo, the pair will have to contend with the unforgiving environment and their fellow wanderers in order to make it back alive. 
  Characters and Cast
VA: Ryōta Suzuki (Yu Ishigami in KAGUYA-SAMA: LOVE IS WAR)
VA: Natsuki Hanae (Tanjirou Kamado in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)
VA: Reina Kondō (Nikaido in Dorohedoro)
VA: Miyu Tomita (Riko in Made in Abyss)
VA: Shirō Saitō (Biao Gong in Kingdom)
VA: Kenjiro Tsuda (Tatsu in The Way of the Househusband)
    Original Creator
Shinji Cobkubo (Story)
K Akagishi (Art)
Atsushi Ikariya
  Assistant Director
Daisuke Mataga (Key Animation for Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, ID:INVADED, Naruto)
  Series Composition
Sadayuki Murai (Cowboy Bebop, JUNI TAISEN:ZODIAC WAR, Natsume Yujin-cho)
  Character Design
Ai Asari (Animation Director for Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] I. presage flower, Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] III. spring song)
Atsushi Ikariya (Fate/Zero, Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works, The Devil is a Part-Timer)
  Chief Animation Director
Ai Asari
Norie Ikawa
  Art Director
Masakazu Miyake (Koikimo, KONOSUBA -God's blessing on this wonderful world!, Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation)
  Background Art
Yoshihiro Sono
  Color Design
Emi Chiba (Backflip!!, Fate/Zero, Garden of Sinners, After the Rain)
  Director of Photography
Tsubasa Takagi
Yoshiaki Kimura (Horimiya, Date A Live II)
Hinako Tsubakiyama
Takeshi Ueda (AA=)
  Sound Director
Kisuke Koizumi (Dororo, JUNI TAISEN:ZODIAC WAR, Koikimo, Shadows House, The God of High School)
"Kaze no oto sae kikoenai“ by JUNNA
"Hōkō“ by Ryōta Suzuki and Natsuki Hanae
  Animation Production
  Additional Info
  The SABIKUI BISCO anime series is based on the light novel of the same name by Shinji Cobkubo (Story)
and K Akagishi (Art), which is published in Japan by ASCII Media Works (a division of KADOKAWA) under its Dengeki Bunko imprint. Yen Press publishes the series in English as Rust-Eater Bisco .
Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his comics at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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Today’s subject: Devilish Bodhisattva [Circumstances] Part 3
Source: Fate/EXTRA material P209-210
Fate/Extra Glossary
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Her transformation’s formal name is The Third Pleasure Heaven of Deeply Grateful Existence.
She is a new god descended from the Covetous Mother Goddess.
Only Savior, who has by all rights mastered the esoteric ability to completely turn off his sexual desire, is able to match up to this woman incarnate.
Rather than using the mysterious effects that are privilege only to God’s to attack, her primary method of attacking is using her hands. This is because according to her directly touching her opponent and having her opponent touch her is more pleasurable.
Having been designed at the same time as the Fate/EXTRA boss characters, she was made to be completely opposite of the others.
“Fate always has the most amazing boss characters. We want to make sure things stay that way in EXTRA as well.” said Mr. Niifu in a presentation, “In that case, why don’t we make her name a cross between the names of the main villains of Fate/stay night and The Garden of Sinners (Kara no Kyoukai)? And that’s how she got her name.
As for myself, at that time I had just cleared Bayonetta, which is why CCC features such a high tension scenario. I bared my desire for all to see, “Well see, I really want to write a slutty bitch into the story. A super erotic bitch to end them all. Like why the heck don’t we just make the game into a new genre called Code Bitch?” So I went to Takeshi Takeuchi with a variety of nonsensical requests such as, “Please make the last boss costume naked-apron (Hadaka Apron).”
Part 2
Part 1
Translation source.
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cielofics · 5 years ago
WARNING(S): OCC's, Parent!bashing, depressing!thoughts, suicidal!tendencies,
NOTES: "Japanese" "Italian" Thinking 'Tsuna's eye speak' [Written Text] -Ghost speak-
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Amano Akira does.
[3rd POV]
Tsuna woke up in a white distorted space, where nothing was visible in sight.
"...I'm dead?" he asked to himself not expecting a reply in return.
"No you are not, Decimo," came a familiar voice. Turning around, Tsuna saw a very familiar looking ghost... who seemed to be angry?
"Is something wrong?" he asked quietly, trying not to strain his throat.
"'Is something wrong?' You are seriously asking me that?!" the ghost yelled while releasing KI. "I'll tell you what's wrong! Your father, that's what! How could he even try to-?!"
"It's fine Gio-nii," Tsuna cut off Giotto.
Giotto looked more hysterical now, "'It's fine?!" How is it fine?! You were almost killed! If it weren't for the Sun Arcobaleno - remind me to thank him - you would have been dead!"
Tsuna merely nodded, no longer talking. Before he re-winded what his who-knows-how-many-great grandfather said.
He blinked before blinking again, "Sun Arcobaleno... Reborn?" he asked, his voice cracking making him aware of the possibility of not speaking for a quite a while.
Giotto looked at his descendant with a mixture of pity and amusement. Pity for having to go through hell to answer the hitman's question. Amusement for his favorite grandson's punishment.
Tsuna, on the other hand, was lost in his thoughts. "Doesn't that mean... Ienari and Iemitsu will suffer more?"
Giotto sweat-dropped, "What do you mean?"
"Anger relieve," he replied cryptically. Giotto sighed, "I'll let you know that your guardians are present there too and are out for blood..."
"It's fine. 'I' don't know them, remember?"
Giotto could only sigh and do nothing else.
Tsuna (once again) woke up to a very blinding light. He let out a moan while trying to adjust to the brightness of the room. While he was adjusting, his moan had attracted attention of the people inside the room, looking over the brunet.
The guardians of the ex-decimo wasted no time in getting the Arcobaleno and Shamal who had miraculously arrived in time yesterday to check over the brunet.
Gokudera walked over hesitantly, "Jyuudaime?" He called out softly. The brunet merely looked over and nodded in acknowledgement.
The doors opened to reveal a tiny hitman with curly sideburns and a white cladded doctor.
"How is he?" the doctor, Shamal asked.
"He's woken up," replied Ryohei, who had immediately started checking his pulse when Tsuna woke up.
Shamal nodded and went towards the brunet while telling the rest to leave outside for a proper check up.
Everyone was worried. It was obvious, even the most anti-social ones. They wanted to know what happened and who did it. But everyone waited, only for Tsuna's sake. He wouldn't like them to hurt anyone else too severely. But first, they needed to know who did it to bring them towards the light in order to stop sinning.
In simpler words, make them pay.
Takeshi was, surprisingly, the first one to break the silence. "Kozo, tell me who hurt Tsuna like this."
The hitman looked at Takeshi with his piercing black ebony eyes, "Do you think I'll be standing here if I knew who it was?"
Everyone was surprised. They knew their Reborn was highly possessive of the things he claimed as his but this world's too? It seems Tsuna would always manage to capture the hitman's attention, whether he is a candidate or not.
"Though I have suspicions," Reborn continued.
"Who?" Hibari growled. Not liking one of his pack being attacked like this.
"Troublesome student and his father."
Every guardian narrowed their eyes. "You wouldn't mind if we have some.. fun with them, now would you, Reborn-san?" asked Chrome for everyone
"You wouldn't mind if I join in, now would you?" he retorted.
Everyone present could only smirk viciously. They were going to hurt those two suspects for sure. Nobody gets away from hurting their sky. Nobody.
"Who harmed you?" asked Shamal, while he was making sure there were no abnormalities with the child.
Tsuna merely smiled but proceeded to give no response. Shamal sighed, "Your injuries have been treated but whoever did this to you... was a monster."
The door slammed open and revealed concerned faces (except 3). Everyone trickled in the room and went towards the brunet. Their eyes intent on finding who was the sinner.
Before they could open their mouths, Tsuna gave them a look of 'Don't even bother asking.'
They could only grit their teeth, aware that Tsuna wouldn't tell them. Instead, Lambo asked, "How are you feeling Mama?"
"I see... Mama, did you know that Kyo-nii said that there were 2 'herbivores' who attacked a Namimori student yesterday?" Lambo said. Tsuna looked at him confused, including everyone else. Hibari's eyebrow was raised but didn't point out that no Namimori student was attacked yesterday except...
'What? Are they fine? Did you capture who hurt them?'
"Yes they are fine. No we haven't captured them yet... The thing is, they're a mafioso...," Lambo replied
"Un! Kyo-nii said that he'd find him on his own but..."
'Kyoya, how many time do I have to tell you to not carry everything on your shoulders?'
"So I wanted to ask you, if we could help capture them too!"
Tsuna looked conflicted for a moment before nodding his head in approval.
"Yay! Let's work together Kyo-nii !" Lambo cheered, turning to look at everyone else in the room while giving a smirk and a wink. That's when everyone realized what Lambo did and smirked along with him.
Meanwhile, Tsuna feels like he just created a big problem for himself by listening to Lambo's wishes. But his HI didn't ring in alarm or anything so he thought it'll be fine.
I wonder who the student attacked is?
For the next few days, Tsuna was resting while his family members were... preparing torture materials?
He didn't wanted to know what they were planning on doing to the mafioso. He could only pray the assailant doesn't dies. It would take a lot of effort to hide the body and evidence from the police...
What Tsuna wasn't aware was that Tsuna had given permission to let his family make the one who attacked him to suffer greatly. After all, he was the only Namimori Student to be attacked by mafiosos (who happened to be Iemitsu and Ienari).
[??? POV]
How is he? I know that the hitman called one of Tsuna's friend to take him for treatment but how is he? The mysterious person in the shadows thought.
Damn it! If it weren't for these restraints and the promise I made to Tsuna, I would be by his side right now!
Said person merely grit their teeth together. I hate Iemitsu and Ienari! How could they?! Hurting one of their own like that. They don't even know who he truly is!
The mysterious person looked outside the window from the house, "Things are going to start, Tsuna... Iemitsu's planning something, I'm sure of it. Please be safe and teach the brother of yours a lesson!"
Tsuna was having a perfect day today. He was heading home after his confinement that felt like a lifetime. The birds were chirping, sun was shining, his voice was returning, Iemitsu had to return to Italy while he was still recovering, Ienari was running away from an enraged Hibari with Lambo on his shoulders who seemed to be recording the ordeal happily.
Yup, a perfe-
Wait what?
Tsuna had to stop in his tracks to make sure he wasn't seeing things. Was that-?
Yes, it was. Tsuna's eyes widened and he brought his hands to his mouth to stifle his laugh. But the way his shoulders were trembling proved he wasn't doing a good job at it.
"Oya Oya, is something funny Tsunayoshi-kun?" asked Mukuro, coming out of the mist. He was already aware what was causing his dear sky to laugh like this but he just had to ask.
Tsuna could only point with a trembling finger to the sight in front of him.
An enraged Hibari with Lambo on his shoulders filming Ienari wearing pink tutus, makeup and a tiara while also seeming to be running away from a dog.
Seeing his brother, the almighty and proud one, wearing those was only entertaining and he was sure... that it was Chrome's idea...
Mukuro chuckled, "Kufufu, I'm happy you enjoy your little welcome party but we should get going now."
Tsuna nodded and began his journey back to his house while laughing silently. Mukuro had made sure to cast a barrier in front of their sky to not attract their attention towards him. After all, it wouldn't do good, if Ienari tries to hurt their sky because it was technically Chrome's and Mukuro's fault for his humiliation.
Mukuro's eyes hardened at the thought, Kufufu I'll make you suffer Young Lion of Vongola... Just because you returned, doesn't means I can't plague your mind.... I'll come in the form of nightmares. Kufufu...
He then glanced at the back of his sky, "And we have to stop you hiding behind a facade... And the best to do this is through that. Even the Skylark agreed, kufufu..."
Tsuna felt a chill go back his spine. He was sure his guardians were planning something. The way they looked so pleased with themselves and that glint in their eyes were proofs. They were surely planning something that he wouldn't like.
While he was thinking deeply, he noticed he had arrived at his house and so he entered it. What he didn't expect was Bianchi and Shamal having a... 'food fight' with purple smoke rising food. There was also Fuuta and I-pin playing with each other. How did Fuuta and I-pin get here so fast?
As soon as Fuuta noticed him, he screamed, "Tsuna-nii!" which caused the perverted doctor and poison woman to freeze in their spots, I-pin to stare who came in.
Tsuna tilted his head and squat down to Fuuta's level. Fuuta answered, "I'm Fuuta de la Stella and I came here for protection... is that okay?" he asked cautiously
Tsuna merely nods and tilts his head in question. Fuuta not understanding what the brunet was trying to say, looked panicked.
"He's asking why you came to him?" Reborn asked, popping out of nowhere and landing on the brunet's head.
Fuuta brightened up, "That's because you are ranked first to not refuse anyone's request!"
Tsuna merely nodded while appearing to be confused since this was technically his first time meeting Fuuta and he wasn't supposed to know a lot about Mafia anyways.Reborn noticed this and was for a second confused as to why the gesture seemed faked before explaining, "Fuuta can rank questions you ask and most of the time they are correct except on rainy days. Also, that is I-pin, one of my colleagues apprentice. You don't mind letting her stay here now do you? " I-pin bowed and said something in Chinese while smiling.
Tsuna shrugged, not really caring about this crap anymore. He wanted to rest. He was tired from today and wanted nothing but to rest.
"Mama, look at this!" came Lambo's voice from behind, looking happy. He also felt all his guardians coming with Lambo.
He turned around to see what made Lambo so happy
'What is it Lam-?'
His eyes widened when he saw the 10 Year Bazooka out in his hand, pointing towards him while he was running.
please don't trip, please don't trip, please don-
"Ouch," Lambo said as he rubbed his face from falling over. Not noticing the Bazooka out of his hand but rather flying towards the tired brunet.
Pink smoke covered the room and everybody stilled well except the guardians who came trickling in when they saw their boss being hit by the bazooka.
"Wha-?" they heard a voice say. It was melodious and familiar when a certain twin wasn't in the picture. The smoke cleared to see TYL Tsuna standing there looking surprised and mildly injured.
"...Mama?" Lambo asked with uncertainty.
TYL Tsuna looked around and locked his eyes with Lambo. He was preparing to say something when Ienari scowled from behind, "What the heck? Is that Dame-Tsuna? I won't believe that at all!"
It was true, Tsuna had grown up considerably. He had gotten rid of the baby fat he had and there was a long piece of hair tied behind like Mukuro. He still had those large, innocent brown doe eyes and a relaxing smile. All in all, he was someone who fan girls (and maybe fan boys) would squeal over. Everybody heard Tsuna swear in many different languages under his breath, causing everybody to sweat drop at his behavior.
While he was swearing and everyone was frozen, Ienari took the chance and lunged at TYL Tsuna in an attempt to hurt him. However, pure sky flames erupted from TYL Tsuna's hand and deflected Ienari behind, knocking him unconscious in the process.
"Now, then, we have 4 minutes together! Any questions from me before the annoyance wakes up?" Tsuna asked, smiling innocently at everybody. Everybody sweat dropped at his behavior once more. 'Is this really Tsuna in the future!?'
"Why are you hurt, Omnivore?" asked Kyoya
"Careless," he replied briefly while heading towards the coffee maker
"Careless? Careless from what?" Takeshi asked
"Nothing for you to worry about, Take-chan"
"Who's the Vongola Decimo?" Reborn said while eyeing Tsuna's hand to see if he was wearing the ring.
"Curious?" he asked while waiting for his coffee to get ready
"Just answer my question, we only have a minute left," Reborn said rather annoyed that he was stalling.
"Don't worry, it's fine!" he said before smoke engulfed the room.
Reborn cursed. That isn't what I was asking!
After the smoke cleared, the younger Tsuna was standing there, looking around before saying, "AH, I'm back."
Everybody did a comic drop sans reborn who raised his eyebrows at the older twin's adaptability.
"Tsuna, what happened in the future?" asked Reborn. Tsuna looked at Reborn and then glanced around; Reborn noticing this said, "Ienari's knocked out thanks to your future self and actually speak not in your eye language."
Tsuna nodded his head and said, "Well, when I went there, I saw people fighting with 7 different colored... flames? Oh and there was red paint all over the land; people were fighting also."
Everybody gulped. Tsuna isn't supposed to know too much about mafia. Just the basic, nothing about the abilities though. He's supposed to remain ignorant, Reborn thought as it was clear that Tsuna, in the near future, knew about the deeper secrets of the mafia. Call it a hitman feeling plus with Tsuna using those sky flames just proved it.
"Then, I noticed that there was a white haired guy that was fighting with a scary looking guy.I got tired of standing so I noticed that there was a round table with coffee on it," tension started building in the room as they waited for Tsuna to continue, "so, I decided to sit on it and drink coffee."
Cue anime fall (sans Reborn who twitched and raised both his eyebrows)
"After I sat down, the white guy and scary guy sat down with me too and started talking in a weird language. They then looked at me and the white haired guy exclaimed in Japanese, "Tsu-chan~ You are soo cute when you are young~"
'This is getting ridiculous! If we're right, then that means he is the middle of war!!' everybody sans Reborn thought while sweat dropping. Even the kids who remained silent were shocked at the brunet's "obliviousness."
"Ah but the people that were fighting noticed us sitting in the middle of the battle and were looking at us. Then, it was time for me to leave but before I left, they said, 'Let's meet again in the future,' so I smiled at them. Though the weird thing was before I left, I heard the white guy exclaiming something like, "Aha, a smile! A smile stopped them!!"
They could not believe their ears. Did they really hear that? WHO ON EARTH STOPS A BATTLE THROUGH A SMILE?!?!
Even Reborn, who thought he was prepared for all the surprised he can get, lost his cool. He could not help face palming. 'This is ridiculous! If this wasn't Tsuna, I would have killed the other for this stupid and unbelievable lie! Tsuna isn't fooling with us, right?! And did I really think what happened in the end was due to his smile?!'
"T-Tsuna-kun, why don't you head over to your room. You must be tired from everything," said Takeshi. After Tsuna left, everybody was silent. They were trying to digest what Tsuna said after all, who would believe such a thing? (A/N: It's them of course!)
XX...______In Tsuna's room______...XX
"Moshi Moshi, zio? It's me. Yeah, I was sent to the past. Un, let's meet tomorrow at 12:00. They'll be gone to training." Tsuna listened to the other on the phone. He smirked, "Of course not zio, it won't waste your time. In fact, you, him and her will love listening to what happened today... Un, love you too."
Tsuna looked at the door while he smirked. Oh, this is perfect. Buying the lie so easily, he thought while lying on the bed, getting ready to sleep.
XX...______Next Day, Varia HQ______...XX
"Ahaha, I can't believe this! Is that true?!" asked a certain albino while rolling on the floor, dropping all the marshmallows on the floor. A certain scarred man smirked while the girl with a flower tattoo under her right eye was trying her best to stifle her laughs.
'Of course, what do you think of the lie?' replied the brunette sipping his coffee.
"I can't believe they fell for it! I mean, it's crazy enough; now it's just downright stupid! Even Reborn seemed to believe you!" claimed Byakuran. (A/N: There now you know 5 people/ghost in his plan. Though the others should be obvious... Tell me who do think the rest are...)
After arriving in the future, there was a mock battle between the Millefiore and Varia along with the Vongola boss. The two noticing that their 'friend-in-crime' was transported back in the past, ceased their fighting for now and sat on the round table with the coffee.
"Konnichiwa Tsu-chan~ How's it going? If I remember right, you will probably say a really disbelieving lie after going back, right?"
"Of course, Bya-kun. I can't let them know what's going on yet," replied the brunette, gladly pouring himself some coffee.
"Hmmm, good it seems you are speaking fine for now... Make sure to tell our past selves and Yuni!" replied the albino.
"Hn, don't forget trash!" grumbled Xanxus.
"How's the future?" asked the brunette.
"Quite good but you already know, it can always change depending on the present," replied Bya-kun.
The brunette nodded and then looked at the gathering they had attracted. "Ah, they stopped."
The two looked behind them and certainly they had stopped. Instead, they were looking towards where the three good partners in crime were sitting, mainly the brunette. "Arigatou, minna-san!" said the brunette while flashing his bright smile. Those who hadn't built up a resistance fainted immediately while the rest were either blushing or having nosebleeds.
"Ahaha, I can't believe it! A smile conquered them all!" exclaimed the albino, clearly enjoying this.
Xanxus smirked, "You really are evil, trash."
"How mean zio. Of course, I didn't mean to do this on purpose. I just wanted them to... have fun," replied the brunette with a hurt expression. "Anyways, my time is up. Gotta go! Bye!"
XX...______End of the Past______...XX
"It's still hilarious though, Tsuna-san," replied the girl with a flower tattoo.
"What do you plan to do now, trash?" asked Xanxus. "You do realize we are going to do the Coup d'etat soon and you need to get those trash and your rightful place."
"Well, about that..."
0 notes
sinnerstesia · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
— Koharu-chan~ — mencionó con un tono un poco dulzón, se le notaba a kilometros la felicidad que sentía al encontrarse con su crush desde hace ya varios años — ¿Cómo has estado? Hacía tiempo que no nos veíamos — preguntó curioso y quizá un poco nervioso de la respuesta, usualmente era hablador pero con ella cambiaba mucho su personalidad. Se mantuvo a una distancia prudente pues tampoco quería incomodarla pues para él, con verle era más que suficiente pero ahora era consciente de que tenía que hacer un esfuerzo si quería gustarle... y que dejara de hacer shipping de él con otros hombres. // @criminxlis
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tuseriesdetv · 5 years ago
Noticias de series de la semana: Más Mrs Maisel
Amazon ha renovado The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel por una cuarta temporada
Apple TV+ ha renovado Little America por una segunda temporada
Quibi ha rescatado Reno 911! de la cancelación y la ha renovado por una séptima temporada
La cuarta temporada de Brockmire (IFC) será la última
ITV ha cancelado Sanditon tras su primera temporada
La tercera temporada de Mira lo que has hecho (Movistar+) será la última
ABC ha cancelado Reef Break tras su primera temporada
Noticias cortas
Will Poulter se desvincula de The Lord of the Rings debido a un conflicto de agenda.
Alberto Rosende (Blake Gallo) será regular en Chicago Fire desde la temporada actual.
Orlando Jones (Mr. Nancy) ha sido despedido de American Gods y culpa al nuevo showrunner.
Thank you #AmericanGods fans. I know ya'll have LOTS of questions about the firing. As always I promise to tell you the truth and nothing but. ❤️ Always, Mr. Nancy🙏🏿 pic.twitter.com/sDouoQlUMd
— Orlando Jones (@TheOrlandoJones) December 14, 2019
Incorporaciones y fichajes
Margo Martindale (The Americans, Sneaky Pete) se une como recurrente a Your Honor. Será la senadora Elizabeth Guthrie, la madre de la fallecida esposa de Michael (Bryan Cranston).
Ethan Hawke (Boyhood, Before Midnight) volverá a interpretar al vendedor James Sandin, de la película The Purge, en el último episodio de la segunda temporada de The Purge.
Finn Jones (Game of Thrones, Iron Fist) y Pico Alexander (Catch-22, War Machine) se unen a la segunda temporada de Dickinson. Serán Samuel Bowles, un editor de periódico; y Henry 'Ship' Shipley, un huésped de los Dickinson que ha dejado Amherst College.
Natalie Martinez (Under the Dome, Kingdom) se une como invitada a The Stand.
Sakina Jaffrey (House of Cards, Timeless) y Damian Young (Ozark) serán recurrentes en la segunda temporada de Snowpiercer como Mr. y Mrs. Headwood, dos científicos que operan en reclusión y solo se preocupan por su trabajo y por el otro.
Thomas Lennon (The Odd Couple, Santa Clarita Diet) será recurrente como una nueva apariencia de Mxyzptlk en la quinta temporada de Supergirl.
Will Yun Lee, que interpretó a Takeshi en la primera temporada de Altered Carbon, volverá en la segunda.
Chelsea Frei (The Moodys, Sideswiped) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de The Last O.G. como Luna, una millennial de Brooklyn.
Roma Maffia (Nip/Tuck, Pretty Little Liars) y Daniel Breaker (Mozart in the Jungle, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) serán recurrentes en la quinta temporada de Billions como Mary Ann Gramm, fiscal del distrito de Manhattan; y Scooter Dunbar, jefe de gabinete del titán empresarial Michael Prince (Corey Stoll).
Nicole Richie (Great News) será recurrente en la segunda temporada de Bless This Mess como una amiga de Rio (Lake Bell) que se va a casar en la granja.
Ema Horvath (Like.Share.Follow.) se une como regular a The Lord of the Rings.
Finesse Mitchell (Saturday Night Live, Roadies) se une como regular a Outmatched. Interpretará a Irwin, el mejor amigo y compañero de trabajo de Mike (Jason Biggs).
Katrina Lenk (The Village, The Good Fight) y Paul Schulze (Nurse Jackie, The Punisher) serán recurrentes en Tommy como una agente de deportes y un héroe retirado.
Ryan Dorsey (Runaways, Justified) será recurrente en Stumptown como Leo, el jefe de una banda de ladrones de coches.
Desmond Chiam (Now Apocalypse, The Shannara Chronicles) y Miki Ishikawa (The Terror, Hit) se unen a The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. Se desconocen detalles.
Lou Llobell, Leah Harvey (Les Misérables), Laura Birn (The Innocents), Terrence Mann (Sense8) y Cassian Bilton se unen como regulares a Foundation. Interpretarán a Gaal, Salvor, Demerzel, Brother Dusk y Brother Dawn.
Adriana Paz (Vis a vis), Kristyan Ferrer (600 Millas, Sin nombre), Octavio Pisano (If Loving You is Wrong), Cynthia Kaye McWilliams (Bosch, Nashville) y Julio Cedillo (Queen of the South, The Bridge) se unen como regulares a Coyote.
Sean Kleier (Odd Mom Out, Happyish) se une como recurrente a la tercera temporada de 9-1-1. Será Gregg, un chico que Josh (Bryan Safi) conoce a través de una app.
Jason Diaz será recurrente en la séptima y última temporada de The 100 como Levitt, alguien que siempre ha seguido las reglas.
Dane Deehan (Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, A Cure for Welness) será Jim Dooley, un gran fan de los libros de Scott (Clive Owen), en Lisey's Story. Sung Kang (Power, Gang Related) será recurrente como Dan Beckman, agente de policía que debe vigilar la casa de Lisey (Julianne Moore).
         Nuevas series
HBO ha dado luz verde al drama sin título que sigue las vidas personales y profesionales de los jugadores de Los Angeles Lakers en los años 80.
Spinning Out llega a Netflix el 1 de enero
La novena temporada de Call the Midwife se estrena en BBC One el 5 de enero
La octava temporada de Father Brown se estrena en BBC One el 6 de enero
White House Farm se estrena en ITV el 8 de enero
La novena temporada de Death in Paradise se estrena en BBC One el 9 de enero
Deadwater Fell se estrena en Channel 4 el 10 de enero
La quinta temporada de Grantchester se estrena en ITV el 10 de enero
La segunda temporada de Sick of It se estrena en Sky One el 10 de enero
King Gary se estrena en BBC One el 10 de enero
La sexta temporada de Grace and Frankie llega a Netflix el 15 de enero
Little America llega a Apple TV+ el 17 de enero
La décima temporada de Curb Your Enthusiasm se estrena en HBO el 19 de enero
La segunda parte de la cuarta y última temporada de The Ranch llega a Netflix el 24 de enero
Interrogation se estrena en CBS All Access el 6 de febrero
La tercera temporada de The Sinner se estrena en USA Network el 6 de febrero
Briarpatch se estrena en USA Network el 6 de febrero
Little Fires Everywhere se estrena en Hulu el 18 de marzo
La cuarta temporada de La casa de papel llega a Netflix el 3 de abril
Tráilers y promos
La casa de papel - Temporada 4
Little Fires Everywhere
Spinning Out
Avenue 5
Homeland - Temporada 8 y última
El embarcadero - Temporada 2
Curb Your Enthusiasm - Temporada 10
Miracle Workers - Temporada 2
White House Farm
The Bold Type - Temporada 4
Power - Episodios finales
The Trial of Christine Keeler
Deadwater Fell
Bulletproof - Temporada 2
0 notes
ecotone99 · 6 years ago
[HF] Arrows of Alodia
Japan, 1500 AD
The walls of the castle glowed pale yellow before the face of the setting sun, with blue shingles sparkling on its stacks of curved roofs. This radiance conferred onto the structure the semblance of a tall gold crown encrusted with lapis-lazuli gems. Atop a wooded hill it sat, overlooking the fields, forests, and scattered peasants’ villages like an emperor surveying his rural domain.
A young woman hiked up the series of stone steps which zigzagged up the hill’s northern slope, cradling in her arms a yew chest. Her hooded waist-length kimono and trousers, both dull green like the trees sheltering the path, protected her both from the evening’s damp chill and from any eyes which might be spying on her. Not that the woman had noticed anyone giving her a second glance so far, but nobody in her line of work could afford to let their guard down.
She reached the summit of the hill, strolled across the short bridge over the castle’s moat, and then paused to gaze over the countryside sprawling behind. The verdant beauty of the Japanese landscape would never leave her eyes in entirety, yet years of experience had scraped away much of its original allure. For underneath its lush and tranquil veneer lay a cutthroat and lawless world of cruelty and treachery. This would be the last evening she would spend in this land. The next day, she would set sail for civilization.
Among the irregular mass of rocks which built up the castle’s base, there stood a more rectangular slab as tall and wide as a man. The woman inserted her fingers along its edge and pushed it aside as if it were a regular Japanese sliding door. Ahead ran a narrow corridor lit with paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling, a small courtesy she had not expected.
Underneath the more pleasing scent of the cherry blossoms, there leaked the stink of dead flesh through the chest’s lid. The woman hugged it against her breast, with queasy nausea swelling in her stomach. Grisly as the odor was, it was only part of the price she had to pay for her upcoming escape.
She followed the passageway through the base until it led her into a series of rooms with walls built of white paper with wooden frames, a choice of building material she had always thought strange. Back in her native Alodia, along the Nile to the south of Egypt, people built almost everything from sturdier materials such as mudbrick or stone. For a race that constantly warred with their own, the Japanese sure could have stood to fortify the interiors of their homes better.
After sliding open a succession of paper doors, the woman found the Daimyo Takeshi awaiting her in his study. She greeted him with a bow of her head while laying the chest before the tatami mat he sat on.
“I see you already had the way in lighted for me, my lord,” the woman said. She pulled down her hood to reveal her dark brown face and braided black hair. “Very kind of you.”
“I have good timing.” The old Daimyo croaked a chuckle as he laid his hands on the chest. “I trust this is Hiroshi himself?”
The woman unslung her bow and quiver with a nod. “I took him out in the dead of night. Nobody suspected a single thing. Suffice to say he won’t trouble you anymore.”
Takeshi pried the chest open, releasing the stench of its contents in a full wave. Inside lay the half-rotten head of Hiroshi, the man who had once served as his vassal. The Daimyo’s cackling made the woman feel even more sick than the morbid object she had presented to him.
“Excellent work, Maia of Alodia,” he said. “I see you more than deserve your reputation.”
“I’ve had a lot of practice, my lord.” Maia glanced around the study for a bag of coins, yet she could find none. The only gold she could detect in the room was the paint on some of the illustrations of serpentine dragons on the walls. “Now, where is my payment?”
The Daimyo’s smile vanished. He pulled up from his belt a curved scabbard and slid out the katana sword within. “You didn’t really think I would let you go with my vassal’s blood on your hands, did you?”
With her pulse kicked into a thumping panic, Maia held her bow close to her. “Why not? None of the other daimyo I’ve served had a problem with that.”
“Then they were fools. Think, Alodian, of what would happen were you around to blurt out the truth, in whatever circumstance. The world would know I was behind this all, and I’d have even more insolent subjects to contend with than before!”
“Then perhaps you shouldn’t pay anyone to take out your critics, O Daimyo.”
Takeshi rose to standing and drew back his sword, his once pale yellow-brown face now flaming red. “Unless I can take you out in turn!”
Maia ducked beneath the slicing sweep of his katana, dodging it by less than an inch. She hopped across the room and swung her bow at him as if it were a sword of her own. Its bottom tip slashed across the back of the Daimyo’s blue silken vest. Although it had drawn no blood, he fell over with a yelp and a groan, his sword flying out of his grip and rolling over the floor until Maia picked it up.
“I could easily kill you as I killed your vassal, Daimyo Takeshi.” Maia strutted over to where he lay and pressed the tip of his katana into the nape of his neck. “But I’ll give you one more chance than you gave him. Pay me the gold you promised, and I’ll leave your hide unscratched.”
“Never!” Takeshi swept his arm aside and banged its side into Maia’s ankle, tripping her. He snatched his sword back in a springing leap. “I still have tracks to cover up.”
Wheeling herself away from his next few attacks, the Alodian then shot her foot out into his shin. He growled a hideous curse and repaid the blow by slashing across her hip.
The cuts burned hot through the flesh of her leg. Her rage blazed so much hotter that it drowned out all pain.
Again the Daimyo charged, brandishing his blade with a bloodthirsty roar. Maia sidestepped and swatted him in the skull from behind. It threw him across the room until he crashed through the wall, tearing through the paper and splintering the framing. From a leather sheath under her belt, she ripped out a curved dagger and flung it into his spine.
After one last guttural croak, the Daimyo Takeshi lay there without any movement other than the blood flowing out of his wounds. Signing a cross into the air, Maia whispered a prayer that her God show mercy on the poor sinner’s soul.
“How could you?”
A young Japanese woman in a scarlet kimono burst into the study, her hair tousled and her face swamped wet with tears. She knelt sobbing by the Daimyo’s body.
“I’m sorry, was he your father?” Maia asked. She lowered her hand to touch the other woman’s shoulder in consolation.
“No! I was his beloved wife, Ichiko.” The Japanese girl slapped the Alodian away and tore the katana out of her fallen husband’s grip. “Now you will pay for your crime, barbarian bitch!”
Yanking the dagger out of Takeshi, Maia thrust it to parry Ichiko. Sparks erupted from the clashing of their blades until the Alodian’s smaller weapon broke in half. She lunged to stab what remained of it into her opponent’s thigh, but Ichiko kicked her all the way into the room’s opposite wall.
Maia had only half her dagger, and the Daimyo’s widow had shown no less agility than her. There was only one weapon left that would give Maia any advantage in the fight. It was the one she had used on the vassal Hiroshi.
What she needed was more space between her and her target.
Chucking a stick of shattered wood into Ichiko’s face, Maia scrambled over to retrieve her bow and quiver and then hurled herself through the hole over the Daimyo Takeshi’s body. She had an arrow drawn the instant Ichiko launched herself into the air, katana raised overhead for a downward cleave.
Maia let go. Ichiko fell in mid-arc right onto Takeshi. The arrow through her heart almost looked as if it pinned her straight onto her husband’s corpse, uniting them in death as in life. Maia had to admit, it was a bittersweet way for them to go.
Other than her own labored breathing, all she could hear was the shrill wailing of an infant.
Hurrying out of the study, the Alodian stumbled into a room where three flat cushions rested like low beds onto the floor. The first two were adult-sized, presumably intended for the Daimyo himself and his wife. The third was only big enough to support the naked baby who lay curled into a ball on it, bawling with frightened distress.
Throughout her career, Maia of Alodia had taken many lives. Some were daimyo rival to the ones who paid her, whereas others were insubordinate vassals like the one she had taken at Takeshi’s behest. Still others had been guards and soldiers whom she had to fend off when her missions went sour. It was all her way of earning what she needed to survive in this ruthless country. Never had she imagined she would feel guilt or remorse, until she saw the tears glistening on this child’s face.
He had no mother or father anymore. No one left to comfort or protect him. Instead, he had lost them to the cold bite of steel, much as Maia had lost her own mother and father when she was a girl.
In this case, however, it was Maia’s own steel that had robbed him of his family.
Regardless, she could not leave him there. Either he would die young in this merciless land, or he would grow up forever ablaze with hatred for her and perhaps all the people of Alodia. And if the latter, Maia could not blame him one bit for that.
No, she had to make it up to him. She had to give him that she had deprived from him.
Maia picked the baby up in a firm embrace, murmuring soft words to soothe him. “I shall name you Isaac, sweet one. Don’t cry, you shall be safe with me.”
The castle of the late Daimyo Takeshi, once a brilliant pale yellow, had turned a luminous white before the moon and stars. Down the hillside steps Maia descended, holding the sleeping Isaac under one arm while hauling the yew chest in the other. This time, the chest did not have a human head rolling within it. Instead, it was plundered gold coins that jingled inside, more than enough to buy Maia a sailing trip away from this beautiful yet deadly land.
She knew not quite where she would go next. Her family had fled Alodia when it fell under attack by the Muslim Funj, and doubtless they would have taken the kingdom over and replaced its Christian religion with their own. Perhaps Ethiopia, another African kingdom still faithful to the same God as Alodia, would offer sanctuary. Or maybe Maia could sate her appetite for adventure elsewhere in the East, such as the jungle kingdoms to the south or the steppes to the north. Even the empire of China might hold promise, as they enjoyed more unity than the Japanese.
Wherever Maia went, she would carry Isaac with him. She would nurse him, raise him as her own, and teach him how to shoot arrows like a true Alodian.
submitted by /u/TyrannoNinja [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2MUBctj
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moosterrecords · 7 years ago
New 2K Theatrical Masters Were Created for Each Film, Packaged Together
and on Blu-ray for the Very First Time; Exclusive Bonus Features Include a
Sarno Interview, Commentary by Film Historian Tim Lucas and
Peggy Steffans-Sarno and More!
Street Date: September 26, 2017
A pioneer of sexploitation cinema, American film director and screenwriter Joseph W. Sarno's (1921-2010) prolific career spans the evolution of the genre. "One of the true pioneers of celluloid erotica," (Anthology Film Archives) he was also dubbed the "Chekov of soft-core" by The Village Voice. Film Movement Classics has partnered with Film Media and Something Weird to release new HD restorations of two Sarno classics on Blu-ray for the very first time. This September, they'll release the second installment in the Joseph W. Sarno Retrospect Series with ALL THE SINS OF SODOM & VIBRATIONS. Packaged together, this exclusive collection, also featuring specially-produced extras such as an interview with Sarno himself and audio commentary, will be available on Blu-ray and DVD.
Shot back-to-back with VIBRATIONS in 1968, ALL THE SINS OF SODOM (87 minutes) has been hailed as "one of Sarno's most captivating films" (Video Watchdog) and the sexploitation auteur is at the top of his game in this penetrating study of ambition, romance and lust set inside the world of fashion photography.  Encouraged by his agent, Henning, a struggling New York City photographer, begins a daring portfolio of his model, Leslie.  But all too soon, jealousies erupt when another model vies for his camera and bed in this elegantly filmed time capsule of late '60s New York.
In VIBRATIONS (75 minutes), aspiring writer Barbara moves to Manhattan to jump-start her career and sex life, but ends up typing manuscripts.  Alone at night, she listens to the sound of her sexy neighbor as she entertains herself and her friends with the aid of her vibrator.  When her extroverted sister, Julie, comes to town, Barbara is forced to confront her repressed sexual desires.  One of Sarno's early classics, VIBRATIONS is "classy and sophisticated, beautifully shot...filled with wonderful performances and as sexy as hell" (DVD Drive-In)
Interview with Joseph Sarno
Commentary by Film Historian Tim Lucas and Joe's wife, Peggy Steffans-Sarno
Booklet featuring liner notes from Tim Lucas 
Through Film Movement's partnership with Film Media, a preservation and restoration company dedicated to outstanding independent cinema shot on film, new 2K theatrical masters are being created for the Joseph W. Sarno film library. For years, only poorly-preserved prints were available for retrospective screenings; now, cinema aficionados will be able to screen Sarno's classics, restored to a pristine state for optimal viewing. The initial double-feature in the new collection was VAMPIRE ECSTASY (aka THE DEVIL'S PLAYTHING, 1973) and SIN YOU SINNERS (1963), released last October on Blu-ray and DVD.
Director and screenwriter Joseph W. Sarno's (1921-2010) career spans the genre. His early black and white films are praised for their chiaroscuro lighting and their complex psycho-sexual plots, but it was his more explicit art-house film, INGA, shot in Sweden in 1968, that brought him international attention.  Never a fan of explicit triple-X filmmaking, Sarno continued to write and direct adult films through the 1970s and '80s, often working under a pseudonym or offering his director's credit to the film's female lead.  Among his most noted films are SIN IN THE SUBURBS, INGA, ABIGAIL LESLIE IS BACK IN TOWN, and CONFESSIONS OF A YOUNG AMERICAN HOUSEWIFE.  Recently, Sarno's work has been the subject of retrospectives at several noted institutions and festivals, including Anthology Film Archives, New York Underground Film Festival, the Lake Placid Film Festival, the Vienna Filmmuseum, The Cinemateque Français, The Turin Film Festival, and the Warhol Museum. 
Type:  Blu-ray
Genre:  Erotica
Aspect Ratio: Widescreen 1.78:1
Audio:  Stereo
About Film Movement
Celebrating its 15th year, Film Movement is a North American distributor of award-winning independent and foreign films based in New York City.  Film Movement has released more than 250 feature films and shorts culled from prestigious film festivals worldwide, and last year it had its first Academy Award-nominated film, Naji Abu Nowar's THEEB. Film Movement's theatrical distribution strategy has evolved to include promising American independent films, documentaries, and an even stronger slate of foreign art house titles.  Its catalog includes titles by directors such as Hirokazu Kore-eda, Maren Ade, Jessica Hausner, Andrei Konchalovsky, Andrzej Wajda, Diane Kurys, Ciro Guerra and Melanie Laurent. In 2015, Film Movement launched its reissue label Film Movement Classics, featuring new restorations released theatrically as well as on Blu-ray and DVD, including films by such noted directors as Eric Rohmer, Peter Greenaway, Bille August, Marleen Gorris, Takeshi Kitano, Arturo Ripstein, and Ettore Scola. For more information, please visit www.filmmovement.com.
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sinnerstesia · 6 years ago
Nunca había hablado con su compañera de clases, bueno, no eran precisamente compañeros, solo compartían unas materias, sin embargo, cuando escuchó a unos chicos hablar de ella no pudo evitar escuchar y no le gustó lo que  descubrió. En un principio se molestó y es que, aunque era consciente de que las costumbres japonesas no eran igual que las europeas, consideraba de mala educación que hablaran de las personas. Por eso, sin dudarlo demasiado, aprovechó la clase en la que siempre coincidían y se acercó a ella.
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— Disculpa, sé que no somos cercanos ni nada por el estilo, pero ¿Podríamos hablar? Hay algo que quiero decirte — mencionó en un tono bastante amigable, no estaba seguro de su respuesta así que empezó a hablar. — Sé que, no es mi problema, pero dos chicos de mi clase están hablando mal de ti a tus espaldas y no considero que esté bien, así que, quería decírtelo por si quieres presentar una queja yo pueda ser tu testigo... // @bubblesxndunicorns
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