#& how it focuses for a moment on shinobu working specifically
thatone-churro · 5 months
hey. hang on. now i’m not usually a shipping person, but is tamayo x shinobu a thing? idk it just popped into my head
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If you have time, a Muichirou friendship fic/hc with a demon slayer who's a bit like him after training making difficult origamis, talking about their crows and how older hashiras/demon slayer look down at them maybe
If you were ok with writing it take your time please ♡
Hi! Sorry this took me so long😭 I really like this prompt, especially since Muichiro is my favorite :p I hope this is okay- I went with a blend of hc's/drabble!
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Character: Muichiro x fellow hashira reader (Platonic)
Warnings: none!
Despite you two being more independent and both having tendencies to keep to yourselves, the two of you becoming friends was no real surprise.
Because of your closeness in age and similarity in personality & fighting style, you and Muichiro got paired up for missions a lot.
In the beginning your shared missions were quiet, with only the occasional question (usually from him being a little lost) or comment filling the silence.
But as the months went by the two of you developed an unlikely, but fairly close friendship.
Besides the similarities in character you both got along for another reason- your age.
More specifically how you were occasionally treated by the other hashira/demon slayers because of your unusually young ages.
When it came from fellow hashira you both knew it never came from a bad place- usually it was an ill-stated comment from tengen, or an unfiltered observation of Rengoku's; but you knew they meant no harm (even if it could get a little frustrating).
But when it came from other slayers who were lower ranking than you were? That was another story.
"I'm telling you Muichiro- one of these days i'm gonna.." Your voice filtered off as you focused your frustration into folding the origami you were currently working on. Snapping out of his daze Muichiro hummed, "What?" Most were intimidated by his blunt-typically one worded replies, but after months of friendship they didn't bother you in the slightest.
"Make a scene that's what." He hummed in understanding- even if he didn't really understand, your clipped tone told him all he needed to know. Besides the fact that you regularly told him of your less-than lovely interactions with the older slayers, he himself had experienced his fair share with them.
The older members of the corps could be arrogant, rude, and downright stubborn when it came to the young hashiras. Even some of the "older" hashira, like Tomioka and Shinobu, had faced similar comments from that specific group. And despite having proved yourselves time and time again it seemed like their egos prevented them from taking a step back and admiring your strength and maturity for your age as opposed to in spite of it.
Did their comments or attitudes in any way deter you from continuing on as a fantastic slayer and hashira? Absolutely not- they were irritating sure, but at the end of the day you're the ones with pillar titles and engravings on your katanas, not them.
Sighing you shook your head as you set the completed origami in your basket. You took a moment to breathe in the spring air and you relished in the feeling of the cool breeze softly flowing by. When you two weren't training or out on missions, the two of you enjoyed spending time outside doing origami. He'd listen as you talked about missions, or something you heard about in town, or whatever it was you brought to the table that day.
You started most all of the conversations but they weren't one sided- he did listen, and he tried to remember important details though you never seemed to mind when he forgot things. You understood him, and he appreciated it. In return he tried to understand you too.
"Oh! How's Ginko doing?" Muichiro looked up to the sky, "She's good...a little loud but that's how she is..what about Tenko?" You smiled as you told him about your recent adventure with your crow (who much like Muichiro's, likes to cause drama).
From the outside looking in your friendship with the mist hashira was strange, but to the two of you? It was a safe haven, free from the stresses of the adult world, and a place where the both of you could be yourselves.
Again, I am so SO sorry it took me so long!! I hope this was okay, and I cannot express how grateful I am for your request and for your patience! Take care of yourself and have a lovely rest of your day/evening anon!
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caramelmochacrow · 7 months
on the surface, yuka and maika's relationship is pretty normal. older sister that loves her little sister so much, right? yeah. it's more than that (thank you again shinobu)
peaky summer story was the first story that made me realize yuka has so much that we dont know about. she has a sister, she loves her so much, and apparently her sister is super shy. but when we meet her, maika isnt the latter at all. she's outgoing, similar to yuka, which made me go 'what the fuck is up with yuka?'
yuka didn't lie to peaky, of course, but with that piece of info it tells SO much how she sees maika at that moment. she still sees maika as her younger self, even tho she's changed from that. this could just be because yuka hasn't seen maika in forever, true, but what if i told you that the year before the event she visited maika and maika just hasnt sent letters? THAT changes so much. maika could've easily changed in a year, that too is true, but with the way maika acts it seems she's been outgoing and such for a while. yuka still can't unsee the little sister that didn't have confidence in herself in maika and it's so so interesting.
during the entire event, yuka complements her sister and keeps pointing out how cool her sister is to peaky, which they find endearing but also a bit weird. when yuka leaves to get drinks, maika tells kyoko, esora and shinobu that she had terrible confidence when she was younger and yuka is the reason she managed to build her confidence up. she always celebrated every single thing maika did, to the point she forgot training her body. maika knew what yuka was doing, but she (and yuka, deep down) knew it wasn't good. yuka was literally forgetting to take care of herself so maika decided to go to america so she can have a a fresh start and also let yuka not think about trying to make herself look bad. it worked, maika succeeded in finding confidence in herself and yuka managed to not think about her sister's insecurities (much).
with that, now comes the volleyball scene. yuka purposely makes herself look bad, she makes herself be terrible and stops when peaky notices. she's still thinking about maika's insecurities w her abilities. they tell her that maika might know what she's doing already, similar to them and they (kyoko specifically) tells her that she should move on from seeing maika as her younger self. maika has changed, she's grown up. she's done a good job of raising her self confidence (maika's present self shows this change) but now yuka needs to be a good role model. how will maika know what is right if her sister isnt even doing the right thing because she wants maika to feel better? she's putting herself down so maika can look good, which isn't the right thing to do. that mindset will ruin the confidence that maika (and yuka) has worked so hard to build.
so yuka decides that yeah, it is a bad thing to do, destroying everything she worked hard to build and should be proud of how much maika has grown. and you see that right after. she goes full throttle with her power and when she destroys maika and her friend (kris btw) in volleyball. instead of being discouraged, it causes maika to ask for a rematch, telling her sister that she was just warming up.
the event is really cute right? yayyy. (i totally dont see myself in maika--) this is when everything changes.
her relations event with shinobu. it changed my entire perception of yuka's relationship with maika. i talked abt my thoughts in depth in my post abt the event but to summarize:
to shinobu, yuka is a genius because she can do so many things, but just because she's good at everything doesnt mean she's not struggling. in the event, yuka doubts if she should cut off one of the things she loves to be able to properly focus on it. but if she loves all of those things she shouldnt take any of them away and decides she'll be an amazing photographer, the owner of her family's gym and peaky's vj.
i am focusing specifically on how yuka is skilled at so many things. imagine being maika. your sister is good at so many things and yet you aren't. your sister has so many futures ahead of her and you don't have any. your sister who seems to think you have those things as well when you know deep down you dont have that. but when you do things, she tells you that you're doing a good job and when she tries she isnt as good it makes you think that "im just as amazing as my cool sister!" and it's sweet.
but as time goes on, you notice that she's been hiding it all this time, she's actually just as good. she just did badly so you could look good. it hurts at first, but you realize that if you continued this any longer, your older sister will stop trying to be good. you realize that people wont understand why she's amazing and will slowly but surely put herself down so you look better. she's going to be like you, someone with no confidence in their abilities. so you decide to do it yourself and build your confidence on your own for your sake and your sister's sake.
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watayaaratamblr · 3 years
Chihayafuru chapter 226 [long] impressions:
This is more of "everything that went through my mind while reading every page of the chapter"
naturally, gonna be super ..like SUPER long.
1) Shinobu in her fine Kimono was happy or proud? What are the flowers around her? Who knows, we only know that anything they might symbolize is already clear on her face and pose. She played a very strong opponent, she had “special” fun and she won. Only one remaining win and she will preserve her title for the 4th year in a row. Chihaya on the other hand was lost… She did everything she could “come up with” but she still couldn’t win any of the two matches… maybe “come up with something new” was her mistake? Could it be that it’s impossible to defeat the queen in her world, should Chihaya bring her out instead, Chihaya probably didn’t even thought of this because she is completely lost, she worked very hard and her hard work paid off somehow but it is not enough Chihaya seems unable to have any fun; it’s all about needing to win for some reason, why the passionate Chihaya feels so far away?
2) Arata is shook! He is no longer seeing the Meijin in front of him, he is rather calling Chihaya’s name! On the Meijin board we can see 4 poems, (one was shown clearer behind Hiro who was confused with Arata’s sudden distraction; Sudo also noticed and wondered + the 4 poems seem all on Suo’s side?)
30/Ariake no: the poet expresses his hate for dawns after he had to part from his lover at a dawn with a moon that looked so cold and indifferent. 76/Watanohara-ko: This is the second “Arata” poem (as it starts with the word WATA). The poet describes white waves rolling onward which can be mistaken for the white clouds up in the heavens. 20/ Wabi nureba: a consuming passion poem in which the poet tells the woman he loves that he is willing to sacrifice everything to continue their relationship and that he will go meet her despite the heavy price he knows he will have to pay. 74/ Ukari keru: The poet is in distress because the lady he loves is cold to him and his prayers to be happy with her were futile.
The choice of these poems might be clarified when the cards are read but (because Suo seems shadowed somehow and the focus is on Arata), we can still think that they are about Arata’s feelings and what he wants to do about Chihaya’s state now and how she will treat him after her loss .. She already turned her head away from him after her 1st loss, she avoided him, and now she lost again and Arata who is in love with her is really worried.
3) Arata assesses the situation, Chihaya has 2 losses which will put a great pressure on her for the next games and give Shinobu the chance to be more relaxed. The image of Chihaya’s back when she rushed out with her hand on her face as if she was crying was so strong for Arata, the background intensifies what he felt, he was really worried and repeating her name while sweating (dunno if this was intentional, but he wasn’t sweating before he noticed Chihaya (on ch225)) On the other hand, Suo was still completely focused.
4) 78/Awaji shima: was read and Arata was late. Suo took it
This poem tells about the sleepless nights of a guard at some gate caused by the cries of the plover birds crossing the place known as an exile (the plover is also used to symbolize winter) so this poem might invoke the feelings of loneliness and nostalgia.
65/Urami wabi: was the next one and Arata was also late, the difference is now only 1 card. Sudo was cheering for Suo and wandering if a luck of the draw will be the fate of this game. Arata was taken aback!
The poet of Urami wabi is a lady who is separated from her husband so she felt resentment to him, she cried and her sleeves were always wet but what concerned her more was her reputation tainted because of her failed relationship.
These two poems didn’t appear on the board (because only the upper part was showing) but 78 was on Arata’s side & 65 was on Suo’s. The fact that 78 was the poem read to pull Arata out of his thoughts and keep him focused on his match makes me see it as the plover birds keeping the guard from going to sleep. It can also hint at the distraction itself, if sleep is what we do at night but the plovers prevent it, then Arata should focus on his game but his worry for Chihaya also prevents it, so his feelings or Chihaya’s state is the plovers. As for 65, I can’t think of many possible reasons but it might be the “reputation” part, maybe it’s a hint at Arata’s “name” as the “grandchild of eternal meijin Wataya Hajime” that everyone was eager to see through him which might soon be challenged.
5) Murao & Kuriyama wondered what happened to Arata after he achieved such good result till now. Suo had his eyes glued to the Tatami, his aunt was there, he knew but he didn’t try to look. Arata’s club-mates explained that this was a sign of Suo’s strength: he would use the least of your mistakes like losing your focus for even a sec. Riza specifically was very nervous. Arata started to revise what was read and what wasn’t. he kept good track of all read and unread cards, including the dead cards (Taichi was always praised when he did this but now that Arata is doing it, it feels normal and so like him, I believe we all know that Arata is stronger, Taichi showed us the process to arrive there but Arata was the first to arrive there, he definitely passed by most what Taichi experienced.). With this review, Arata knows what he can use his cross sweep on: Wabi & Wata-ko. Ariake is the 3rd remaining card on Tatami (besides the two above & the thress are drawn earlier on the board) but there are also 3 A cards not read yet (dead cards) which are 58/Arima+ 39/Asaji+ 64/Asaborake-u, Arata expects that Suo will wait to make sure of the 3rd syllable. Arata was worried & his grandpa’s ghost came to support him like Taichi and Harada’s ghost too, Hajime analyzed Suo before and he noticed that he wasn’t good with the cards on the outer edge of his own formation, this is something Hajime noticed back when he was alive and sane, was it like 5 years ago? So is Suo’s condition worse than back then?
6) Hajime’s teachings calmed Arata a bit, he is ready to fight again (he moves so handsomely), those where only words told to him by his mentor, but he is also a real deal, his body is ready, his hands are used to attack, he practiced enough to be able to go under his opponent’s hand to take a card, luckily an ‘A’ card on Suo’s side was read, Arata attacked and he practiced enough to be able to protect that card until the kimariji is decided (also Suo didn’t practice enough to know how to break that defense, it was a card on the edge of his playing field too, but there are only 3 cards left, so he could commit it to his memory as Arata said before on ch 223, the most important thing is memorization, having a card in your sight Then committing it to your memory, you’ll be able to see it even with closed eyes and Arata played like that before when he couldn’t find his glasses)
7) 30/Ariake is the one read, Arata put his hand on it when he made sure and Suo couldn’t find a way to it. Among the 4 poems initially shown on the board, this one was read. Who does it refer to? (if it does). Who is the unpitying moon? who parted with what? who feels longing for what? I can’t really think of an answer and I can’t even tell if there is an answer to begin with. But, it might have something to do with the idea of “committing the card to memory after sight” because when this principle was explained on 223, this card was among the ones shown around Arata & Suo. Arata’s family members where happy contrary to Suo’s family members.. These two panels made me think that in these matches between these two, the families of the players are as involved as the players themselves. (And Akira looks more surprised than happy, maybe he still doesn’t realize how his own words back at the hotel are true: “Arata, you are strong”.) The commentator confirmed the greatness of Arata’s move and there was a suspicious man behind him LOL (why was this man drawn there?)
8) Arata’s cover seems to be a high level one too, this is all Arata’s Karuta because he is the one using his body for it. Suo now seems in danger like Chihaya. Kuriyama & Murao are overjoyed and Arata went out with rather an indifferent face? there are no signs of relief or happiness, he looks rather lost in thoughts.. I was thinking that Suo acknowledged Arata’s strength (that beat him), but for some reason and contrary to Harada sensei, it’s not only “I don’t want to play anyone who is not strong”, he seems like he doesn’t even want to play this strong Arata, even when Kyoko tan who gives him enough motivation to play, he still couldn’t bring himself to use enough strength to defeat Arata…it’s like he is disappointed, he wants something else from him that Arata isn’t showing him… Anyway, Arata now doesn’t even look tired or invested in his win in any way.
9) Now he looks surprised, is it because he can’t see Chihaya anywhere? the half black & half white background was used before and in my case, it represents “Confusion”. In addition to the blush, Arata makes a completely unrelated face with the one he made after he won, it’s like the moment he came outside, he became someone else, or better, he was someone else but the moment he came out, he became himself again (can we then take the blush as an “Arata is himself” sign & its disappearance as a “Hajime mode” sign? XD) The SFX isn’t BAM right? because who is still taking cards? According to Google, it’s rather (バツ/ turn suddenly); And seeing Kana searching for her confirmed that she was nowhere around so he went to look for her right away, even before he reports his win and gives back the cards. (he looked like an old man in the 3rd panel lol) and in the 4th, he looked very concerned for Chihaya suddenly sweating and turning around in a hurry. Kana’s way of searching was by shouting loudly everywhere, while Arata’s reflects more of his personality and I like it, he won’t do random things, he goes to the places where she might be, calmly & silently.. I really love this. So he asks around, the bathroom was a good place to look in but she wasn’t there (and he was so amusing being all shy but asking anyway) These few panels tell me more about Arata’s character; he really is used to take matters into his hands. He didn’t go to ask Kana when was the last time Chihaya was seen and where etc. he didn’t approach those who were already searching for her, he went to do it himself. I already said that, but I guess, his parents & his family conditions made him this way. he couldn’t get support, he was rather the one asked to help so he learnt not to ask for help and to take care of things himself instead. The outside was the last place to look in, is it because Arata was more intuitive that he could find her before Kana who was already searching before he even finished his match? Who knows, but I certainly see Arata as a reliable guy, he always was and he is also now. And there she was, Chihaya was crouching on the cold snow…
10) Arata stuttered like usual before he gets Chihaya’s name out; A whole page just to tell us Arata found Chihaya crying desperately in the snow and her bare feet were red from cold. No special backgrounds, no hinting no indirect messages, it’s all snow and white and they were the only ones there. Arata put his hand on her back casually then lowered his head to see her face (imagining this in slow motion is so warm) and then noticed her freezing toes..
11) As Arata noticed Chihaya’s feet, he held her up on his shoulder, no blushing, no shyness, no hesitation, no clumsiness, his familiar self was buried and Chihaya is what matters now! Arata is strong! He is 177cm and weighs 65kgs while Chihaya is 167 and weighs 54kgs, not much difference right? And this wasn’t the 1st time he carries her, He did before when she fainted in her 1st nationals, he carried her bridal style, now it’s an OTS carry (yep, read about this on TV tropes and they gave it an abbreviation lol “Over The Shoulder carry”) Chihaya was surprised but her focus soon was turned to the box of cards that Arata dropped while carrying her, She started to apologize, she certainly sees the cards as living humans now, Arata wasn’t as concerned, she was 1st for him and everything will come after. When the box fell, 4 poems were revealed:
6/kasassagi no: The misty bridge between distant lovers that will bring them together for sure. 51/Kaku to dani: This is about a fierce love that the poet feels burning inside him but doesn’t know how to express it to the woman he loves. 26/Ogurayama: The poet tries to invite an emperor to visit a certain pretty place that his father visited before and he wished his son would come to see it too. He uses the maple leaves to express the felt desire & longing to see the emperor-son. And half shown, 72/Oto ni kiku: it’s about the known waves of "Takashi beach" that the poet doesn’t want to approach not to wet her sleeve, but it’s actually about her not trusting the invitation she got from a man and fearing a love affair that will end in tears, this poem can be used to express avoiding something not to get hurt by it…
Again, none can say for sure why exactly these poems but I strongly believe that they are a hint. And for me, they are saying something about the relationship between Chihaya & Arata (they are a love story!!).
Looking back on the history of poem 6, we can expect that Suetsugu is going back to the idea of "there is a distance between Chihaya & Arata which is like the distance of the two legendary lovers Orihime & Hikoboshi" but this time, Arata is the one who is preoccupied with this distance more... Kaku to dani: needless to say, this is about Arata’s feelings for Chihaya, they are burning again because Chihaya needs something to cheer her up so he needs to convey them somehow. Ogurayama: I believe this is about the maple leaves carrying Arata’s feelings. Even if he doesn’t try to show it or be vocal about it, even though he used his phone only 3 times to send something to Chihaya (was only a msg through Taichi, then a message to her & Taichi and finally a call-what a progress lol), but he longs for her and wants her to be happy like how the emperor would have felt if he came to see those pretty crimson maple leaves. He wants his feelings to make Chihaya happy somehow. And the half-shown Oto ni kiku is about fear of love and tears. This is about Chihaya who isn’t allowing herself to be involved with love yet! there is something she feels lacking which is necessary before she lets herself love and I believe it’s the thing making her turn her head away from Arata ..
Then Chihaya realized, then looked at Arata’s head, he won his much! he now has 2 wins and one more win and he will achieve the dream he shared with her, the kinda promise: “this weekend, let’s make our 1st dream the reality”
12) Then Chihaya cried, helplessly. She congratulated Arata through her tears but she was rather miserable… It’s so hard to be happy for him right? this is not a win which will be enough to get by either him OR her, whichever happens should be good if they are friends right? but no, this is about her!! I have a feeling that if Chihaya won & Arata not, she wouldn’t be very sad for him.. There is something telling me that Chihaya is only scared of being left behind by Arata, as long as he doesn’t, she will be fine, but if he does, she will feel devastated. this is such a strong word, but I mean it.
13) And she voiced a bit of her concern, she was afraid she can never win, even though she lost only by 3 cards, personally, I’ll think that from 7 cards to 3, I can make it in the next game, but Chihaya seems to think that the strongest she can be is the way she was in this second game, then she can only get close to Shinobu that much, not to lose with more than 3 cards. Arata was surprised; maybe he never thought she could lose hope? or maybe he is confused how she can say so when he believes that she can win against Shinobu.. And ofc, before he says anything Kana & Tamaru finally found Chihaya. Kana is as wary of Arata as ever, the n°1 Taichiha shipper. But apparently, she didn’t see Arata bringing Chihaya from outside, she saw only when he put her down and that looked “too close” for her and “hurry up, let’s go to your waiting room, it’s like she is saving her from Arata.. While our gentleman was putting Chihaya down so carefully while looking at her feet whether they are fine or not.
14) Kana is indeed a typical Taichiha shipper, I have seen it a lot, no matter what Arata does, he is always a target for hate or at least disdain. Approaching Chihaya is a big no for them let alone take caring of her. I tried to laugh at this panel, I thought that sensei really is referring to those fans, she might have wanted it to be a comical moment but it’s not. What I saw is that, again, Kana is putting Taichi & herself before Chihaya & it sucks. Arata didn’t even notice her though, thankfully, all he could see was Chihaya, the painful face she was making & her tears (The background of confusion as I call it).. Arata suddenly took us for another rare moment inside his stubbornly concealed heart, the clumsy guy who seems shallow & insensitive to lot of readers.. Chihaya’s weight alone made him look so deep into her and see so much…She is unfamiliar to him, he didn’t get to learn earlier about her everything, but in every second he is given, we saw him pay a lot of attention and see her with more than his eyes. Chihaya’s tears meant that she worked so hard and that didn’t pay off, she wouldn’t have cried this much otherwise. And he can already learn that much about her by just imagining what he wasn’t there to witness, she worked so so hard. Looking at his hands (Chihaya was there lol), he looked so deep in thought, but he remembered the cards he left on the snow..
15) He rushed to bring them but his thoughts were full of Chihaya and how to cheer for her, Arata acknowledged her strength, she is an amazing strong player who can really defeat Shinobu (he seems to believe he can also defeat Suo).but he is not good at communicating his feelings & thoughts, he is clumsy & he knows it..so will he hide his clumsiness to look cool like Taichi does most of the time? No, that wasn’t what Arata thinking, he was rather wondering about a way to make her know what might save her.. He took the cards getting now wet from the snow, he took 77/SE while he was wondering.. “Se” is about the separated ones who will certainly meet again.. it’s like Arata feels a boulder blocking his thoughts and feelings from reaching her and he wants to find a way to bypass it & reach her. “Se” has always been a special card for Arata and it is because of Chihaya..
16) It was the 1st card Chihaya took from him and he already got it back from her in their match but for Arata, SE is more than that. It’s the card that started Chihaya’s journey in Karuta. and Arata is confident that he is the only one who knows, and he is confident that the level she showed in her match with him is the highest she reached, or the highest anyone can reach, or at least, if she is defeated by Shinobu in 2 matches today and was already defeated by her in ch169 then it’s a level she didn’t go to again after her match with him and she still can do it. Arata’s head was really full of Chihaya, he is so focused on her that he totally forgot he too is where he worked to be for so many years, longer and maybe even harder than Chihaya herself (for almost 12 years, more than half of his life, no it’s 2 thirds of his life!!!), so the Murao twins came to remind him of what he forgot since the match ended, of the Meijin title & his grandpa. Only one other win to be were Hajime Wataya seems to have wanted Arata to be (or at least that’s what Arata thought)
17) Yep, Hajime is telling him to focus, to forget about Chihaya & concentrate on him & his goal. “Se” was shown again with the words “the mejin title”, is that the boulder separating the stream of the river?
18) Arata placed Se back on top of the cards in the box next to another card:
18/Su mi no e no: This poem is about hiding from people’s gaze when going to meet the lover, trying to avoid exposure even in dreams.. Doesn’t it suit the moment perfectly? when the twins came to remind Arata of the Meijin title and his status, he hid “SE” (representing also his feelings for Chihaya) in the box, it’s like how the poet who is an aristocrat from the great Fujiwara family (Fujiwara men are known to choose their wives in the family) is afraid of being exposed.
Arata closed the box, it’s also like “Se” keeps him the real Arata (he said that he lacked love to be himself, so maybe Se is his love poem to Chihaya, his love saves him regardless of whether she reciprocates it or not contrary to Taichi, his love always hurt him, like a curse) The Karuta officials are the happiest for Arata’s win it seems, he pleased them, he revived Wataya Hajime for them again, they are blessed, for them, it’s all about them & Hajime it seems, Arata isn’t really seen for who he is… Arata remembered when that man told him that because Arata’s Karuta is exactly like Hajime’s, he was able to see Wataya sensei again. Back then Arata cried, he said that he really loves Karuta.. Could it now turn into a curse? because it’s too much? Because he is losing himself? because he is not seen? Why was Arata happy back then? and is the reason weaker than any probable desire now to be seen for who he is?
19) Suo was upset! His dear aunt that he didn’t meet for 8 years suddenly came all the way from Kyushu to see him, but he wasn’t happy..He lost two games but he doesn’t seem worried about that... Yukiko was kind and looks like the sweets are a family thing? Sudo is confused (he is amusing when he is like that) & Suo’s cousin is more impressed because Suo had lot of female friends lol Suo was nervous, he wanted to ask how and why they were suddenly there but he stuttered and According to Yukiko chan’s answer, we learn that Suo developed the habit of soft talking after he quit Kyushu.
20) After 8 years of separation, she wanted to touch the boy she loved so much and cared immensely for, maybe it’s because she can’t see him well too, but she failed to reach his face, she couldn’t see well, and Suo felt so hurt, but like anyone else with pride, his reaction was based on his suffering not on hers. And instead of being hurt herself, she rather was worried about him, why would he be cruel to her unless he too is suffering from her same illness.
21) The whole conversation in this page feels weird. Suo raised his voice from frustration and these relatives didn’t try to listen to him before. The cousin rather teased him about his loss as if it’s nothing, (he highlighted the fact that Arata is a youngster too) And Yukiko’s answer was soething I didn’t expect! She doesn’t seem to care much about the Meijin thing, she rather looked hopeful (notice the sudden blush), she thought that if Suo is no longer Meijin then he can go back home. What was even more surprising is that Suo looked agitated but his answer wasn’t what I expected, he asn’t worried that his title doesn’t see precious that his relatives would want him to keep, he was rather worried that what they are offering is impossible because he grew up to become a stranger and going back to his home is impossible.
22) Seems that Suo would consider his home any place Yukiko owns, but he knew that she didn’t own the house she told him to go back to. (isn’t this a reason to work harder in univ then get a job and buy a house to bring Yukiko to live with him instead?) The cousin got angry because things like these aren’t considered in a warm loving family where elderly are respected and considered owners before what papers say.. Suo didn’t seem to want to listen, and he left hurriedly causing his condition to beclearer to his aunt as he bumped with many things in his way out. (BACKGROUND of confusion in the last panel)
23) Still, Suo couldn’t leave before knowing why they suddenly came. and the description was so easy to tell him who, Suo realized it right away, the boy with big eyes who would wish for Suo’s family to come watch him (because he is incredible & wants his family to know that? or bc he pities him?) The boy with big eyes was “Mashima kun” they called him this many times, now they didn’t mention the name, I wonder how Sudou would have felt if he knew? would he realize that Taichi really got the closest to Suo, somewhere he couldn’t go?
24) Chitose left, Chihaya’s mom knew but didn’t understand why, Kana, tsukuba & Nishida stayed out of the room while Chihaya, Tamaru, Namida, Sumire & the last boy from Mizusawa that went to Shiranami were all inside, Kana told the mom it’s better to stay out and those inside were all experiencing the reason lol Ah no, Namida was doing great, he is such positive and hard working boy, he is not wasting his time by being afraid or nervous, he is taking notes instead! Chihaya is the most nervous because she is the reason Harada sensei is furious. Harada never taught Chihaya to send back a card because the opponent will place it again in its original place that they remember well (and we know that Chihaya sent it to provoke Shinobu -see ch222), provocative Karuta based on the knowledge of what Shinobu hates and the cards she won’t place next to each other was Watarai’s teaching.
25) Yep, Shiranami’s way is to target the opponent’s memorization as much as possible, Shiranai members are scared of Harada but can’t deny that he is right, he is a great teacher, has a good experience in Karuta and in teaching, maybe them being present here to hear & learn is the biggest proof. Chihaya also didn’t lift her head, she knew he was totally right, she can’t think that losing was because she was unlucky in front of the strongest queen, it’s because of those small mistakes she allowed herself to make.
26) Harada’s words kept hitting hard for Chihaya. Maybe he didn’t say that she was wrong, she learnt a new way in 2 months but she already had a strong way that she could fortify in these 2 months too.. Chihaya focused on Shinobu’s cards and neglected her own? isn’t this beneficial for an offensive Karuta player? I don’t get it well But Harada didn’t understand much of Chihaya’s new method either and he was honest & fair, he acknowledged what Chihaya still achieved: she got a strong reaction from Shinobu. Did Shinobu’s smile mean that she wasn’t indifferent with Chihaya? that she enjoyed the “strong” opponent? Harada told Chihaya that Shinobu seems to have enjoyed her match with her like she enjoyed her match with Arata which means that Chihaya played at Arata’s level back then and that is an achievement!
27) He smiled to her to make her feel better, because she really did great by learning new strong weapons in 2 months.. And now it’s time for the 3rd game. at this point, we don’t really know if Chihaya was better? if she calmed down? While Arata seems to be still in his grandpa mode, (he looks really like an old man here, calm and silent, he wasn’t like in the 1st break And he was completely the opposite of his father who was so energetic and very satisfied with Yuu’s gift, a design with the word “TOP” inspiring more will to do one’s best to reach the top! Akira seems quite fond of Yuu (I am too), she was admitted to her school of choice & he is happy for her, the Watayas talk so familiarly about her like she is really a close relative except Arata…
28) Akira is really hard to deal with, he does whatever he wants and he is very fond of Yuu. Asking for Arata’s phone to call her & thank her, Arata rejected any try to involve him in this mess (he didn’t even react when Akira said that he will make up a lie and say that Arata was touched because of her gift, Yuu would have probably known it’s a lie because Arata wouldn’t react like that… But it’s IC if he does for Chihaya right?), he was trying his best to focus, he didn’t show any enthusiasm about Yuu; Her, his father, the food or anything of the sort couldn’t break his grandpa mode. And finally, Taichi’s message was discovered, Arata didn’t want to read anything before his game but knowing it’s about Taichi, would that be still the case?
29) Arata stopped! getting a message from Taichi who didn’t come to watch made him really stop, Taichi is really special to Arata. And turning back he found Chihaya there too, she heard what Akira said & her face showed surprise!.
30) Chihaya seemed lost in her desperation, she didn’t say a word she just turned quickly wishing to find something for her too from Taichi, she needed him, when Taichi was around he could somehow find a way to make things better and she needs it now because she is not fine, Harada’s words didn’t seem to heal her fully, she sighed when she didn’t find anything.. Arata was confused (the BACKGROUND), and when Chihaya saw him she blushed & turned her head away in embarrassment, Arata lifted her suddenly earlier and she didn’t have time to do this back then. Why? if it was because Taichi now then what about the 1st time? It wasn’t because of Taichi, it was because she looked weak in front of Arata. Chihaya has always worked hard to reach him, to become someone who can meet his passion, to be worth sitting across him in Karuta.. but she kept losing where he kept winning, he was always ahead and she could never arrive there. Chihaya was embarrassed of her weak self who showed more weakness and dependence of Taichi’s help, it’s like she can’t go anywhere without his support… Arata knew that wasn’t true. Akira asked again if Arata wanted to look at Taichi’s message and Chihaya passed him just now without a word (and Kana still looked at him sideway lol) …so many distractions, Hajime Wataya’s voice was calling him again to focus, just a bit more & he’ll be the Meijin, that’s all he was about after all right?
31) NOT RIGHT!!! That wasn’t all Arata was about, not for those who care to look at him properly! Arata wasn’t worried about being ditched, or about what Taichi’s message might contain, he rather remembered when Chihaya showed him her special bond with Taichi that day when she crushed him.. This was good reason to feel jealous or upset but that’s not who Arata was… He took Chihaya’s hand and disobeyed his grandpa’s words!
32) Arata’s face looks desperate trying to reach Chihaya to make her see the truth he believes about her, she can defeat Shinobu & he means it, he knows her strength too and he could compare, he knows when Chihaya was the strongest and how Taichi is the last piece in what Chihaya fought for and became the strongest… The blush on Arata’s face says how much he wanted to make it through to her, how many times does Arata show emotions? the calm and collected guy, what does it mean when he shows such face? “You shouldn’t go play with Shinobu chan in her arena” Harada sensei pointed out Chihaya’s mistakes but he didn’t show her a way to follow, it’s like he no longer has an advice for her, he gave her everything he got and when she strayed from his path he reminded her, but that’s all, And Arata’s advice was something else, like a Karuta expert, he knew what to tell Chihaya, even though he didn’t watch her matches or maybe he did? because he didn’t seem in a pinch in his own vs Suo, maybe he got time to look sometimes…
33) Arata really had what to say, and Chihaya listened because what she heard was useful. She wanted o go where the lonely Shinobu is but she couldn’t face everything in that world and she came out leaving a still lonely Shinobu inside, Arata tells her to bring Shinobu outside instead, to show her the wonderful things outside that can give Chihaya the same strength as Shinobu, something she might want to come out to get? Chihaya saw an illusion for the calm Queen, the plant in the frame was always used for Shinobu too and it seems (and I’m not sure) that Suetsugu uses it for Shinobu who is Shinobu and not the Queen.
34) Chihaya found Arata’s words interesting, that was some good technical support but she had to think more to find her arena Though, Arata wouldn’t let her, he gives her now the emotional support, he knew Chihaya needed Taichi (not the person, but at least sensing his presence in what he left) so he decided to give her that, anything she needs, he wouldn’t be jealous or needy or immature, he put her 1st and I admire the way he loves even more!
35) Everyone saw what Arata wanted to show, it wasn’t a secret or personal message to Chihaya, and Taichi is the captain of Mizusawa, he pushed that team, and Arata brought it to push it again. Arata persisted bc he knew very well how much Chihaya values Taichi & her team, he didn’t need to be there for 3 years to know, he is very attentive and intuitive too and looks at Chihaya really properly!.
36/37) Arata’s words were moving to all Mizusawa members, they all blushed emotionally, and Chihaya cried, maybe because she missed this or maybe because she somehow betrayed it by forgetting it and not working for her team like she said she would before…(this chapter looks so direct, no BACKGROUNDs, no shoujo effects)
38) Arata held Chihaya’s hand so gently (I wonder why sensei drew this panel, it’s totally unnecessary for anything other than highlighting Arata’s love (romantic love because I can’t imagine him do this to Yuu if she ever goes through something like this)) He mentions his loss to her as something big which is a compliment to Chihaya & an acknowledgement of her strength & level. He says it with no embarrassment because her win was well deserved (I want to see Taichi make a confession like this to Arata). And Mizusawa captain was strong because she played for her team, she used all she had for them… so Chihaya again, only has to play her own Karuta, this is the opposite of what Chihaya told Arata in his match against Harada, she told him to play like someone else.. Amusing!
39) In Shinobu’s waiting room, Shinobu was acting like a child, so carefree; she only has 1 remaining win to keep her title after all. She also seems so close with Kokoro chan now (Kokoro called her Shinobu without “chan” or anything, it implies so much familiarity right?) also Shinobu is a bad example it seems lol. Though Kokoro mentions something that might be a hint to Shinobu’s next loss (a 3rd game is tiresome). And then when Shinobu was about to get up, something was off, she felt something but she didn’t see what it was? Kokoro asked but she didn’t answer? Chihaya was shown right after that still having her tears while Arata kept explaining what he wanted to say, like he himself does, he gave her an image he knows will push her to win, she had to think that she is playing in a team tournament, her team is losing, they have two losses and 0 wins, now the remaining 3 members should all win at all costs and Chihaya will play the role of the three players, it’s like when they played in the finals of last year’s high school team tournament vs Fujisaki where both Tsukuba & Tsukue kun lost and Chihaya, Taichi & Nishida felt the responsibility to win each their game, Taichi was the one who voiced this desire 1st (ch81). (That was the game Chihaya felt upset because Arata told her that he didn’t care for teams and now, he is showing her the opposite of what she feared back then, he treasures "teams" & knows exactly how important one is for any member.)
40) And Arata impersonated Taichi for Chihaya! He should have felt jealous, he already experienced that feeling and wanted to be the one Chihaya sees, but now & for her sake, he accepted Taichi and even revived him in her memory to get as much strength from that as she needs. He wasn't there but he must have known Taichi would say that for Chihaya so he reminded her of it for her sake instead of being selfish & feeling miserable or jealous (reminds me of when Chihaya hid in the closet after she lost, the way Taichi brought up Arata’s name all miserable & helpless, he couldn’t forget about himself for a bit for Chihaya contrary to Arata even though he didn’t have anything to be confident about, Chihaya was closer to Taichi, she cared for him so much, she showed him this care in front of his eyes, he had every reason to feel threatened but he didn’t, Chihaya mattered more than that to him …)
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olympus-summit · 4 years
Apocalypse Party || Elliott || Trial 6-1 || RE: Ryu, Shinobu
Elliott came into the trial room prepared: armed with a tray of three full wine glasses that he was extremely focused on not spilling, Leland by his side. He figured if he wanted to cool down his nerves enough to actually properly participate in this thing, he needed to be at least some level of tipsy. After all, it was.... dreadfully difficult to take part in anything that remotely resembled a trial. And no longer did he have to hide exactly why it was so damn hard for him, too. Oof.
Elliott slinked over to his throne, sliding down into the cushion, and immediately began downing the first glass. He was a bit... unsure whether or not to wait for the alcohol to kick in before speaking or not. At least the first topics brought into question weren't... as difficult for him to contribute to than others could be. He closed his eyes, composing some sort of train of thought to bring forward, setting down his 3/4ths emptied glass on the tray. He was told he could bring whatever he needed, so he gladly took up that offer (despite Leland's probable protests).
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Hm. There was not much point discussing his experiences in the Witching hour, granted it likely was already addressed by everyone else. No point in discussing the Fates and Monty, either, as others had covered it. What insight could he slide in that wouldn't be too out of place.
"... Yes.... From what I understand, we are indeed all... clones with AI ported into our bodies. I don't understand how this technology works, but... I believe I should at the very least emphasize something. I still consider myself to be Elliott. I still... see myself as a human and don't intend to treat myself as a lesser or incomplete version. ... It came up in my group when we stumbled upon this information. We has a... small debate about it, but I feel it necessary to clarify not only how I see myself, but the rest of you, as well."
He paused again, debating whether or not to continue with his train of thought.
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"This is.... a bit of a second lease on life for me, regardless. ... Ryu might have had a successful life, but apparently I... died almost immediately after my time serving the summit originally. On... the way home, it seems. I won't go into details."
He felt 'on the way home' was a sufficient explanation in itself. People were smart enough to put 2 and 2 together, he had no reason to treat them as if they couldn't figure it out themselves.
... How hard he'd worked to continue living had been for naught, in the end. four extra years of life didn't amount to much.
"... Ehm. Ozymandias Ouroboros. That was the captcha code in order to activate the admin protocols on Tuk in order to search the previous councilors. Ozymandias was a pair of sonnets that generally was perceived as the fall of a ruler, specifically Ramses II, leaving despair in his wake. Ouroboros is frequently used as a symbol of a cycle. The cycle of fallen rulers, and... the exit bay. Th-the exit bay."
He gagged for a moment, recalling the blaze in his mind. The empathetic feeling of the heat on his skin only increased the beads of sweat building up on his face. After gagging a few more times, his finished off his first glass of wine and set it to the side, as the bottom of the glass clinked to the metal tray. This was going to be a long night.
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"... Deceived. The announcer said they w-were to return home, did th-they not? ..."
... He shuddered.
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would LOVE to learn more about lamia... 2 9 and 14 mayhaps? 👀👀
!!! I am more than happy to oblige, friend, thank you so much!!
(question source: "ask game: self-insert lore" by inserthaven)
2. when in canon does your self-insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance? - Lamia can technically show up at any time because she's a playable character freely available from wishes, but in terms of the actual story, she appears alongide Enjou when the Traveller first goes down to Enkanomiya! She is introduced as his assistant, but decides to stop working with him (or more specifically, for the Abyss Order) and make her way out to the surface instead after hearing about Teyvat and its people from the Traveller and Paimon. There’s a reason her title is “Abyssal Curiosity”, after all - she finds people interesting.
At the moment, I have it so that Lamia doesn't make any indication of her true identity to the Traveller even after Enjou reveals his, but maybe there's like one camera angle right at the end focusing on the back of her neck (where you can see her scaled spine) to kind of clue the player in. Maybe once Enjou transforms and sheds his disguise, Paimon can be like "uhhh did you know about this?! he lied to us!!” and maybe Lamia just says "What do you think? ^-^" and walks away and that's where that quest ends, hahaha. I’d like to integrate her more into the Inazuma arc of the storyline, possibly by moving the first entrance into Enkanomiya to during the second act so that she can be in Inazuma for the third?, but this is all I have for the moment~
9. who are your self-insert's closest friends? - Lamia tries to be friendly with a lot of the people she meets! It's her way of trying to fit in with others and so hopefully be accepted amongst them more easily. However, she's naturally quite enigmatic, so I wouldn't say she's actually close with a lot of people other than Yoimiya, since not many people actually know much information about her (it’s one of those dynamics where people think of course they must know a lot given how often and well they interact with her, but if you asked them lots of questions about her, they wouldn’t actually know any answers).
However, I have established that she and Sayu are quite close, since Sayu feels she can confide in Lamia and Lamia can always see through Sayu's disguises. I don’t really know what Kuki Shinobu is like yet since I’ve yet to meet her in-game, but I could see her and Lamia also being friends based on what I do know, perhaps inexplicably. Additionally, she was close with Enjou and looked up to him and his skills a lot, hence why she pestered him to teach her how to disguise as a human (though she didn’t quite get the magic as accurate as he did) - she hasn’t exactly seen him for a while though, so she hopes he doesn’t bear any grudge against her for abandoning their mission..
14. what hobbies does your self-insert have? - Lamia doesn't particularly enjoy combat, but she does like using her powers a fair bit, just to play around with them. She also uses them to help Yoimiya correct and test things like firework trajectories, changing their courses by either using her air powers or making very tiny and short-lived portals to send them through. Lamia is also naturally very curious, and loves learning new things about the world around her - for example, she wanted to go to Liyue when Yoimiya went for the Lantern Rite so that she could experience a different nation of Teyvat and see how things were different there (as well as to help Yoimiya with the fireworks and festivities, of course!). She isn’t overly academic and studious, but she does enjoy reading, as well as collecting flowers that she likes.
I hope that all of these answers are alright!! Thank you so so much again for this question, friend, it was very fun to write out the answers to ^-^
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