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happy birthday jason grace have a silly meme redraw
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on behalf of jason grace's birthday, I asked chatgpt to write a Tumblr appreciation post of him and DAMN AI GETS HIM BETTER THAN SOME OF YOU GUYS
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How I imagine the Rachel and Annabeth drama gets resolved
Annabeth: *working on Olympus*
Rachel: *peeking in* Heyyyyy 😅
Annabeth: OH....hey 😐
Rachel: *peeking in the paper* Cool! I think that you should keep the sculptures of Aphrodite. I can make them for you 😁
Rachel: Really! Well I have a bunch of other ideas too. Wanna hear?
[Rachel and Annabeth talk art x architecture stuff]
Percy: Hey! I guess we're all friends now?
Annabeth: We were never?? not friends??
Rachel: Literally, Percy. What are you talking about?
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Rachel Dare! For the ask game :D
hiii, @riordanverseaddict 👋! thanks for the ask!
Three facts about them from my personal headcanon: Firstly, Rachel's love language is gifting. She has money to spend and she spends it. She saw Percy's sneakers covered with duct tape and bought him a pair of Nike special edition sneakers the next day. Second, she loves customising everything she has: she paints her airpods, phone cases, sneakers, tshirts. Third, her cave is a safe space for all demigods to just come, chill with her, and have fun being her muse.
One reason why they suck: Not many reasons haha. But if I really have to nitpick, then I would quote the time i found it uncomfy how she didn't really wait for an answer when she asked percy if he wanted to kiss her and didn't wait for an answer like she was a little pushy in that sense. but it's a kid series, a 15 year old and everyone did that in the series. so nothing ig 💪
one reason why they're great: she was a great friend to percy, I found it so sweet how she understood Percy's demigod burnouts and stepped up as a friend and basically gave him a safe space where he could chill and be normal.
one reason why I relate to her: weirdo artist who is very good at manifesting stuff✌️
top three otps: HERSELF (aroace!!), piper (I see the vision and I like it), (brotp) perachel.
five things that I believe should have happened: her become more of a environmentalist, a total brotp with percy AND annabeth (with teasing about how cringe they all were), teaming up with annabeth to design olympus (she does the art stuff), more of her funny school life as a green smoke spouting oracle, her interactions with the hoo crew (I FEEL LIKE SHED LOVE THEM)
five people she will never fall in love with and why: her bestie percy (I have this crack headcanon that she just pretended to flirt with percy because she knew that her involvement with percy would make him and annabeth rethink their relationship and speed up percabeth), octavian (need I explain?), literally any other three characters from the pjoverse, she doesn't really interact much with anyone 😂
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no no no im an honorary fan 😁 (ive never watched/read it but someone i like likes it so I like it too)
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Name a character from one of my fandoms, and I’ll give you:
three facts about them from my personal headcanons
a reason they suck
a reason they are great
a reason I relate to them 
(what I consider to be) the top tier otp/ot3 for that character
five things that never happened to that character that I believe should have happened
five people that character never fell in love with and why
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percy didn't ask jason to tell anyone about the blood of olympus poisoning incident because he was embarassed that a jupiter kid saved a poseidon kid at the bottom of the ocean but because he didn't want anyone to know about his attempt
like tell me if annabeth came to know about this incident she wouldn't immediately be like "but?? why did percy need saving in the first place 🤨🤔?? he could have just controlled poison?? somethings up"
+ correct me if im wrong but it's confirmed in magnus chase that the scene where percy talks about it is the first time annabeth heard about the incident?
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One of society’s greatest failings is how we undervalue media geared towards children when some of the best storylines, characters, and even music scores come from such movies and books for the “kids.”
Adult media has the privilege of using harsh words and depicting even harsher scenes, but children media has to get creative when conveying the same tones. It must share the same sentiments of its counterpart yet must do so in a way that can be understood by all ages.
How to train your dragon, prince of Egypt, Percy Jackson, avatar the last airbender, and I can keep going.
I wonder how different the world would look if we stopped believing “children” to be synonymous with “inferior” when the only thing that separates us is how many times we’ve seen the earth revolve around the sun.
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omg thanks for tagging meee, don't call yourself a fan you're a friend ❤️
please vote and reblog!
About meee
Hello, this is an rp acc for Annabeth Chase, my main blog is @pumpkin-gizzards, but i tend to be more active on this one. I also rp with @seaweed-brain-official, @goat-boi-official, and @bad-boy-supreme-official . Obviously these are characters from the riordanverse and are not actually real. This is just my interpretation of Annabeth, anyway, I'm going to write some stuff about me.
Status: Head counsellor of Athena cabin
Date of Birth: July 12
Favourite colour: Green (you know exactly what shade)
Family: Athena (mother) Frederick Chase (father) Mathew and Bobby Chase (half brothers, non godly side) Mrs. Chase (step-mum) and obviously all my demigod siblings in cabin 6.
Relationship: Dating my bf percy @seaweed-brain-official
So yeah... asks are always open, and anons are welcome. i WILL answer them sooner or later.
Some accounts i rp with...
nico- @nico-ghostking
leo- @sunnysolace7
percy- @seaweed-brain-official
grover- @goat-boi-official
leo- @bad-boy-supreme-official
jason- @blond-superman-official
hazel- @gems-and-jewels
piper- @beauty-queen-official
Liz- @yourfavoriteearthshaker
Leanna- @the-insane-athena-kid
Ari- @drxgonspine
Thanks, thats all i guess.
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Good news! Your fav girl is writing a song for @ollieisanerd 's Sea of Monsters: The Musical project ❤️❤️
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heres the introductory dialogue of my song hehe
contact @percabethlvr @pjo-tvs-version or @ollieisanerd if you want to be involved!
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bro if u remember the name of the Christian percabeth fic pls lmk it sounds like such a fun read 😣⁉️
hello, @spoonfanpage! thanks for the ask!
Of course! Tbh, I didn't really READ this fanfic but I saw someone else reading it aloud in a youtube video. This is the YouTube link: https://youtu.be/GtYrGFUi9g0?si=ryMF_7T3HAykUoVM
If you don't really want the running commentary, I'm pretty sure she would have linked the fanfic in the description or you can search up the name.
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Apart from the reblog being extremely hilarious, this reminds me of this one Christian percy fanfic I read where percy mysteriously finds a Bible beside his bed, reads it and chooses Jesus in his life! He comes to the realisation that Zeus and the other greek gods are satan spawn and breaks up with Annabeth and writes a letter and runs away from camp. but fear not, dear percabeth fans because annabeth also ends up reading this bible and becomes a Christian and joins percy. And then they wage war against the demons called the olympians
That was a fun fic ...
imagine if percy gets so sick of the gods that he stops believing in them entirely. like adopts a whole other religon
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I'm sorry, how do will and rachel have the same percentage of fanfics?? like, one is a CANONICAL love interest and the other is someone he's interacted with not more than few times like huh??
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Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Character: Percy Jackson
Sample Size: 23,311 stories
Source: AO3
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when you started writing fandom posts on tumblr just for fun but you've genuinely gotten better at writing character analyses at school and in general:
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Don't you think cardigan by TS represents annabeth and luke's relationship?
I mean this.....
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How he found her on the streets and gave her the promise of family
But when he betrays her....
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And especially this verse .....
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How in the end he came back to her by rightly choosing to take the knife when she reminded him the promise of family
hello, @diva-23 👋! thanks for the ask!!!
Interesting! I never agree to people who say that cardigan suits percy and annabeth, though it does sound nice in edits.
some lyrics are not very appropriate when it comes to a 12 year old and 17 year old but the core theme of the song of betrayal and guiltiness and coming back is soooooo luke and annabeth. all your points make sense
your asks are always so awesome
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Hello ! I am a Palestinian academic educator from Gaza, seeking your urgent support in time of bad need. I am trying to reach out to generous donors or contributors to help get my family out of the hell of the war to safety and peace. The war turned our life up side down and turned us from having everything to having nothing. Our house and livelihood business have been lost due to the war and my whole family became homeless and displaced in a very small tent under the sunny hot weather. No place to shelter my family and no income to live on. Life has become unbelievably harsh and tough. That is why I am asking your kind support. Please don't leave us alone in such tragic and catastrophic circumstances. My family is in bad need to your contribution, either through directly donating whatever you can or through sharing my link. Your assistance is highly appreciated and welcome.
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percy, mentally ill: I feel like I deserve to die. It's a punishment because im a horrible person. Does that sound crazy?
jason, also mentally ill: No that tracks bro samesies
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