themes by spirkism
445 posts
Phillip's theme & resources blog. Here you can find my original free codes, as well as resources for coding, photoshopping and writing.
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spirkthemes · 7 years ago
hi! I was wondering if it was allowed and even possible for me to place the right sidebar of the Hera theme into the Apollo theme as well? totally fine if not I'll enjoy it either way!
hi there!sure thing, go ahead and customize to your heart's content! :)as long as you leave the credit intact (and well. you can still recognize the original theme, I guess) you can pretty much change it however you want to make it fit you and your blog.and with some basic coding skills, it's definitely possible :) so knock yourself out!
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spirkthemes · 7 years ago
I'm still here... secretely loving your themes... xxx
Hello kind nonny!Thank you for reaching out, it means a lot! I’m just currently very busy with real life stuff (working, managing the household (and my cat haha), planning top surgery and trying to actually lead an active life) and not really online here much :(I’ve started coding a new theme but apart from the time issues I also have some inspiration issues unfortunately... so if you got any, well, I don’t wanna call them requests, really, but ideas etc. I’d gladly take them into consideration :)I hope you’re having a great day/night!
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spirkthemes · 7 years ago
I miss your themes so much! where are you! I loved your work xxx
Hello, kind nonny! You’re so sweet, thank you!
Unfortunately I’m currently very busy with general life things. Managing my household on my own (doing lots of cooking and baking, yay!), working some overtime and taking care of my new kitty is eating up quite a lot of my time! I’ve also been making a point of trying to life a healthier life with enough sleep, less computer time and a proper workout schedule... all things that take quite some time!Plus I have kind of been lacking in inspiration lately :(
But I’ve been working on a new theme so hopefully I can finish that sometime in the next weeks and publish something again! I might also do a page or two at some point...
So yeah, I’m still here (lurking) and I don’t plan on giving up coding - it’s just that currently other things are my priority. But I’ll give my best to publish something again soon, I promise! Until then I hope you can be patient with me :)
Take care and have a wonderful day/night!
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spirkthemes · 7 years ago
hi! i'm using some of your more recent themes on my main and sideblogs (the greek mythology themed ones) and i've tried adding in a sparkly cursor, but when i add that piece of code and save, it doesn't work??
Hi, sorry about that but seeing as this is third-party code I can't really help with that! Most likely the cursor code is either broken or they way it's implemented doesn't work with my themes (which is kind of unlikely though cause generally they should be very compatible).You should try talking to the creator of the sparkly cursor and see if they have a solution for you seeing as it's their code :)good luck!
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spirkthemes · 7 years ago
no worries re the hiatus but I'd still look forward to a tutorial if you have time to make one! (the unnested captions)
I’m still pretty busy with everything (I forgot how much work it is to live alone, with all the cooking and cleaning and washing and stuff haha) and getting everything set up so it might be a while but you shall get the tutorial! :)
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spirkthemes · 7 years ago
Don't know if this has been asked before, but are you going to release the code for your codes page? I really love it and would love to use it if you release it.
Hey!I haven’t really been planning to since it’s really just useful for putting your codes (or similar) there so I felt like not many people have the need for a page like that?But if you guys are interested I’ll see what I can do! I probably won’t release the exact page I use (since it ties in with my overall theme of this blog and is tailored to my specific needs) but I guess I could maybe release a base version for you guys to make it fit your blogs?Let me know if that’s something you’d be interested in!
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spirkthemes · 7 years ago
Hey, just wanted to know if you're planning on making blogs for all 12 Olympians? And out of curiosity, how far down the list is Ares? Love your themes, by the way! ♥
Hi there!Yes, I’m planning to make themes for all of the Olympians plus some other greek deities! I don’t really have a set order though, it’s mostly what I feel like at the moment and what I have inspiration for. I’m very much looking forward to coding the Ares theme but frankly I don’t have a clear grasp yet on how it should look - feel free to send over some ideas if you have any! :)Here’s my current list of deities (and other figures) I wanna make themes for:
Tumblr media
as you can see, some have been requested by other folks, so feel free to send suggestions! no guarantee I’ll do them but I’ll put them on the list and see what I can come up with :)
and thank you!
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spirkthemes · 7 years ago
Hello! Is it possible to change font in hera theme? (With Google font or another way). And how i can do it?
Hi,sorry for the delayed reply, lots of work/personal stuff to do!In any case, yes - you can choose any of the fonts that tumblr offers.I have one option for the main text (like text posts, captions, etc.) and one option for stuff like the title, post titles, etc.:
Tumblr media
So that should do the trick, I hope! :)
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spirkthemes · 7 years ago
Hello! I hope this hasn't been answered already but I couldn't find it looking through your stuff. I was just wondering, would it be possible to just remove the sidebar photo from the Hera theme completely? I love everything else about the theme but I don't really have or want a sidebar picture. Playing around with my minor knowledge of html I couldn't seem to find a way to just have the link and no picture. Thank you for your wonderful themes and help!
Hi there!Sorry for the late reply, I was on hiatus - but I’m back now!Anyway as to your question: yes, that’s totally possible :)There are a bunch of ways (some more ‘clean’, some a little ‘dirty’ but it’s not like it matters) so the easiest way would be to just go here in the code:
Tumblr media
and add “display: none;” so it looks like this:
Tumblr media
that way, if you decide to have one after all, just delete that line again and you’re good! :)
hope that helps! let me know if you’ve got any further questions :)
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spirkthemes · 7 years ago
Hello, stopping by to say I am new to your codes and I freaking love them! They are so beautiful!
thank you, that means so much to me!! I haven’t been coding (or answering questions, oops) for over a month now because of the whole moving business but hopefully I can get back into it now and give you guys more cool themes!
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spirkthemes · 7 years ago
not the same anon, but I'd love a base code with unnested captions. not the script but you had something with unnested captions yourself which I thought felt better on the blog. i don't know how much trouble it is but i've never seen a base code or a proper tutorial besides the script and that just takes too long to load for me :(
hi nonny!sorry that this is so so late but I was on a semi-hiatus (that turned out to be more off a full on hiatus, oops) due to me moving - I’m mostly settled in now though so I’m (mostly) back, yay!
in any case as to your question: I could totally do that the only problem is that yes, there’s non-script way for unnested captions but it only works on text posts. not on comments on photo posts or any other type of posts. just text posts. I don’t know why, but that’s just the way tumblr implemented it omg. if you’re interested in that, I can totally make a tutorial about that though!just let me know :)
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spirkthemes · 7 years ago
I know you're on a semi-hiatus so pleaseeeee don't feel pressured to do this quickly or anything I could honestly wait a year or more for it, but I'd love to see you make a sidebar theme for Athena! I think you could make that look really cool. And oMG I LOVE YOU THANK YOU. ❤️❤️❤️
athena is already on my list! sadly I don’t really have a concept for her yet but I’ll do her eventually, no worries :) so keep your eyes open!but yes, with moving and all it will probably be some time until I get to do it. if you have any specific ideas you’d like me to consider, let me know!and thank you!
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spirkthemes · 7 years ago
do you have any plans on releasing a base code?
not really, no. I’ve thought about it but honestly I wouldn’t even know what to put in it and what goes too far.all my (newer) themes are based on the same functions and those would be too complicated and too much to put in a base code.so since there are already a lot of base codes out there, I’m just not sure what I could add to the pile?if you have a specific idea of what you were looking for or just further input, please hit me up!
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spirkthemes · 7 years ago
(semi-)hiatus due to moving
hi folks! I haven’t been that active lately because of a lot of real life responsibilities and haven’t really found the time to code much in the past weeks. it’ll only get worse in the next month or so - so I thought I’d make it “official” so you guys know I might be a little hard to reach!
the reason for this is actually very exciting! I’m gonna sign my new rent contract on tuesday and then in the first week of october I’ll move into my new place! I’m super excited and happy (it’s such a lovely flat!) but since I’m currently living with my family again I have to literally build an entire new household from scratch. so next week I’m gonna have to coordinate and start packing my things, then during the 1st week of october the actual moving will happen - as in painting the walls, buying furniture, getting my furniture set up in the new place, get all my other stuff there, etc. and then after that I’ll have to get the smaller stuff, like kitchen appliances, towels, decor, you name it and really make the place my home. so long story short, I’ll have to use all of my spare time to take care of the moving business and won’t really have time to code much! I’ll try to still answer questions but it might take me a while to get back to you or if it’s a more complicated matter, it’ll have to wait until the end of october. same with new themes / codes.  you’re of course still welcome to contact me, it just might take a little longer than usual to get a reply. sorry about that but the moving is definitely my top priority now. but after I’m settled in in the new place, I’ll be back to publishing themes as usual :)
tl;dr: I’m gonna move in the beginning of october so I’m currently super busy with all that comes with it and will thus go on a sort of semi-hiatus - which means no coding and slow answers to your questions for the next month or so!
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spirkthemes · 7 years ago
oh my gosh, thank you so much, this means the world to me!! it really warms my heart when you guys like my themes and it’s so kind to take the time to message me about it. so thank you, really.if you have any suggestions (be it a specific deity or a layout idea) you’d like me to consider for one of the themes, let me know! I’m always open for suggestions :)
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spirkthemes · 7 years ago
how can i download it?
uhm. if you’re asking how to use my themes, go check out my implementation guide - it also gives instructions on how to get and use the code!
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spirkthemes · 7 years ago
Hi, I'm using your 3rd greek god theme (hera) and I can't get the search bar to work. Is there something in the code I could edit to fix that? The theme is amazing by the way, thanks
Hi, can you tell me what the problem is, exactly?Like in what way is it not working? Can you not enter text? Does it not trigger the search?Cause I’m using the Hera theme as well right now (on my personal blog @spirkism) and it’s working properly for me!
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