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horitsuba · 7 years ago
@njamil21 replied to your post “I wonder, did Tomoyo have any close friends before Sakura because they...”
I'm not sure if Tomoyo had any friends aside from Sakura, Rika, Naoko, and Chiharu. While I can see how people might be unnerved by Tomoyo's fixation on Sakura and see it as a lack of development, I like to think that she doesn't exactly need it. Besides being Sakura's best friend and fangirl, she is also a confidant for both Syaoran and Meiling, showing that she is already well-adjusted and self-less.
Sorry, that was a long response!
I agree with njamil21. Tomoyo's adoration of Sakura never came off to me as desperate or clingy, as it probably would in the case of an unhealthy attachment. Quite the opposite - Tomoyo IS 100% ready to let go of Sakura if she has to, proven by how supportive she is of Sakura and Syaoran despite it shutting down the chance of Sakura reciprocating her feelings. And as pointed out, Tomoyo has friends outside Sakura. The reason Sakura is special is not because Tomoyo is obsessed with her, it's because Tomoyo is /in love/ with her, so naturally she'd be more adoring of Sakura than any other friend. And yet, she gets equally shiny-eyed and excited at the prospect of dressing up Syaoran, is there for Meiling through her heartbreak and keeps in steady contact after she's gone, and is clearly good friends with Chiharu, Naoko, and Rika as well. So though Tomoyo's love for Sakura is kinda tragic, I don't think it's unhealthy.
(I don't mean for this to sound upset or confrontational, sorry, I'm just a Tomoyo fan of many words)
It’s okay! Seeing different opinions is very interesting! I’m not a big fan of Tomoyo (I’m not saying I don’t like her. I like her actually, it’s just that I’m not a “fan”), so that’s why I haven’t thought about her character that much.
I do see how CLAMP want to portray her: someone having an unconditional love and being able to live perfectly fine like that. They wanted to show her how mature a kid like her can be.
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spirkthemes · 7 years ago
Hey, just wanted to know if you're planning on making blogs for all 12 Olympians? And out of curiosity, how far down the list is Ares? Love your themes, by the way! ♥
Hi there!Yes, I’m planning to make themes for all of the Olympians plus some other greek deities! I don’t really have a set order though, it’s mostly what I feel like at the moment and what I have inspiration for. I’m very much looking forward to coding the Ares theme but frankly I don’t have a clear grasp yet on how it should look - feel free to send over some ideas if you have any! :)Here’s my current list of deities (and other figures) I wanna make themes for:
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as you can see, some have been requested by other folks, so feel free to send suggestions! no guarantee I’ll do them but I’ll put them on the list and see what I can come up with :)
and thank you!
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conchbirth-blog · 8 years ago
'Sup! My name's Iris and I'm a follower of Iris, how are ya? I've been considering following Aphrodite more specifically - what's it like under her wing?
im so sorry this is really late!! i’m mostly mobile-based so i totally didnt see this ;; and omg that’s so fun to be named iris and be following Iris!! i love Iris so much, since so much of my life as an artist + being in subculture fashion revolves around color
being under Aphrodite’s wing is honestly such a TIME. she loves hearing gossip. she’ll see something and want it and will mentally poke you like “get this get this hey get this” (aka ive spent more on my shrine than i should but its really pretty so oh well lmao.) she’s bubbly and full of love, both self love and love for others, and wants to share it with her followers. myself and a lot of other Aphrodite devotees, ive noticed, kinda refer to her as a goddess mom haha ;w; i’ve noticed she also likes when i pray in french over english, being the language of love– i dont think it matters either way, because she’ll understand it in whatever language, but i figure she just enjoys french. i have a tattoo of her under my breasts (which is totally not required of a devotee but i love tattoos and i wanted her image on me both out of devotion and aesthetic purposes bc she pretty) and she was like YESSS I LOVE IT
she’s very good at giving you the advice you NEED, but not always the advice you WANT. i prayed to her for advice on what to do with a 2+ year relationship and it crushed me when i got very strong feelings she wanted me to end it. but now that i’ve ended it, i’ve realized just how unhappy and unhealthy that relationship was, and now i’m free to go find a girlfriend who will treat me better. so it wasn’t at all what i wanted to hear at the time but now that i’ve followed what she said, it worked out so so much for the better.
she can be kind of persnickety, but she also has a lot of love and forgiveness from my experience. i had to temporarily deconstruct my shrine for safety purposes and put it in storage when i left college to go home for the summer, and i was suuper nervous about it. i prayed constantly saying i’m so sorry i have to take it down, i have no choice, i’m really sorry. but every sign pointed to her being completely okay with it since it was for my safety. 
overall i really love being a devotee of Aphrodite! she’s wonderful and caring and beautiful and she loves us like we love her c:
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cassiecage-moved · 7 years ago
theapuswitch mentioned you on a post “I'm an older fan (almost 30s) and I basically got bullied out of the...”
@cassiecage​ i feel bad for you. adulthood must look really terrifying if you think it means working 24/7, no wonder y'all try to stretch the time of "literally still a kid" to infinity, i probably would too if i didn't know how jobs work.
this post is like over a week old can i fucking help you
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