A Second Year at University Round-Up!
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sparklingwithwonder · 2 years
For some people, life doesn’t truly begin until they’re 26-30. The way we romanticize and obsess over youth is super harmful. Your life is not over at 21, I promise you. It’s just beginning
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sparklingwithwonder · 2 years
Habits I Want to Take into Year 2
It's time for the new academic year! Here are my resolutions for the upcoming year. 🎓🍏
Why hello! I hope you are all doing well on this fine Thursday. Continuing with this year’s back to school series I want to become just that little bit self centred and talk about the habits and routines I want to take into my next year at university! As we’ve talked about things that are good advice for the next academic year and things to bring to university I want to actually make practical…
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sparklingwithwonder · 2 years
10 Top Tips for Year 1 at University
Here are my Top Ten Tips for your next academic year! 📚✍🏻
Continuing in my ‘Back to School’ series this week I want to share with you the things I wish I knew before my first year at university and my tips for having the best year possible. Although these tips are directed towards those of you starting your higher education journey I still think those of us in A levels, going into second year or still at high school could make use out of. So no matter…
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sparklingwithwonder · 2 years
My Advice for Freshers!
Starting university this month? Read this post for all the best tips and tricks! 🎓
About to begin university? Unsure of what to pack, what to expect, what’s important and what you should forget about? Well, my dear friend, I think I have found the blog post for you! Today I want to talk to you about my advice for those starting at university in September. From the good things, to the not so great, my tips for Freshers Week and the approaching academic year and what I wish I…
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sparklingwithwonder · 2 years
How I've Grown in the Last 5 Years
How I’ve Grown in the Last 5 Years
I think a lot can be said for how us as humans change and grow. It is not a linear process. It is not one we are consciously aware of and it is absolutely not something we can control. It just, happens. Recently I’ve been thinking a lot how much I’ve changed – and how quickly. Over the last 5 years I’ve had some, absolutely wild, moments and quite a lot is not what it was. That isn’t to be…
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sparklingwithwonder · 2 years
A Level Advice; An Interview with Lauren!
A Level Advice; An Interview with Lauren!
Hello Everyone! Now, as you are more than likely aware, I was (and still technically am) a student! I say that with a deadpan smile, believe me. But, as we enter a very busy time for all those studying alike I thought it might be nice to open up the socialising bubble to further than just myself! Today I am joined by my very wonderful friend Lauren! Lauren is currently an A level student so most…
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sparklingwithwonder · 2 years
5 Ways to Read More
5 Ways to Read More
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sparklingwithwonder · 3 years
What Does Growth Really Mean?
What Does Growth Really Mean?
Growth is defined by Oxford Dictionary as “the process of increasing in amount, value or importance”, which in my humble opinion, is a pretty unreliable definition, or at least, in the understanding of human growth. If we’re being total transparent, no definition that I came across in my quick google search fit the process of growth in ourselves. Albeit all of them were factual (except for those…
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sparklingwithwonder · 3 years
How to Have the Best Meet & Greet
How to Have the Best Meet & Greet
Hello everyone! Today I bring you (like every week) a very different post. Something, I hope you have never come across before. Your ultimate guide to give you the BEST experience at your next meet and greet! If that be with your favourite band, idol, someone you’ve only just stumbled along or your lifetime dream that you’ve spent the last 6 years dreaming about meeting *cough*. I’ve been to my…
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sparklingwithwonder · 3 years
A letter to future me:
A letter to future me:
Dear future me, How are you feeling? What’s the weather like? Are you happy? There are so many questions to ask. I’ve thought about what I would say to you for a long time. Writing and then re-writing the question, pondering over the right wording and staring at sentences that have no conclusion. It is impossible to know where you shall be reading this, what state the world will be in and if you…
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sparklingwithwonder · 3 years
The Importance of Letting Go
The Importance of Letting Go
Today I wanted to discuss the process of letting go, and more importantly, the importance of doing so. After many conversations with friends over the recent weeks I think I have started to understand why it is so important to to give something up. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “oh no, here we go, a hashtag deep post about something nobody really wants to think about.” But I promise you…..that…
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sparklingwithwonder · 3 years
What University Has Taught Me So Far
Want to know what my first term at uni was like? Read this to find out!
“The goal of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create the possibilities for a child to invent and discover, to create men who are capable of doing new things” – Jason Piaget I may have only been a university student for just over 5 months but I feel as if I have learnt more than just the content in my degree. Today I wanted to talk about those things. The things that…
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sparklingwithwonder · 3 years
My Bucket List
My Bucket List 🌎
Hello everyone! It’s been a while since we spoke last. I would say a lot has happened since my last post, but it has been over a year since I last posted. Oops. BUT! A 2022 goal for me is to post a lot more! I think it will be a good release from the stress of University and life. So how are we? Let’s discuss! A few nights ago I was contemplating what I want to get out of life. The things I’ve…
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sparklingwithwonder · 3 years
A Letter To Past Me
A new new, a new start to the blog ✨
Dear Past Me, As you write this, you are about to return to University for the start of your first ever second semester. Life has taken a few rocky paths, but things have always turned out just how they intended. I know you had fears that you would never make even make it to University, but you did! You achieved the A level grades you both wanted and needed and secured a place at one of the best…
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sparklingwithwonder · 4 years
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sparklingwithwonder · 4 years
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