solfantasyart · 4 years
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Time for some set design concept art!
So the story behind this is that a few years back I was the production artist for a non-profit theater company for one of their shows. It was a fantasy play that was written for the actors, and involved locations such as a dark and spooky forest, a luscious garden, a crystal palace, and idyllic rolling hills. All I had available in terms of the set were 4 rolling panels and projector, so obviously most of the set was projected up on the cyc. It was a fun show to work on, and I got to make it very whimsical to match the story line (essentially three children on a journey through a fantastical world).
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solfantasyart · 4 years
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Just going down the line of DnD character art, but that is what I spent a lot of last year on honestly. This time we have Jahra, my hobgoblin forge domain cleric. Like the class, never got that far with it sadly. She had an interesting backstory including being married to a dwarf lady. She was also one of my older characters being in her 40′s (I think it’s a little clearer in the second drawing).
If you’re interested in commissions, you can find my information here!
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solfantasyart · 4 years
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Troll sketches! Just a bunch of random troll characters, nothing much to say here. Been playing WoW again, so I may draw my balance druid farraki troll at some point.
If you’re interested in commissions, check out my info here!
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solfantasyart · 4 years
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Just going down the line of DnD character art, but that is what I spent a lot of last year on honestly. This time we have Jahra, my hobgoblin forge domain cleric. Like the class, never got that far with it sadly. She had an interesting backstory including being married to a dwarf lady. She was also one of my older characters being in her 40′s (I think it’s a little clearer in the second drawing).
If you’re interested in commissions, you can find my information here!
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solfantasyart · 4 years
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Haven’t posted too many sketches, but these are a few I did of my character in a DnD campaign that ended prematurely. I posted about it awhile back, her name was Evina and she was a wild magic sorceress. Had a bunch of ideas for art with her, but never actually got around to finishing any of these. She was quite the woman with an attitude.
Also, for those who’re interested in commissions, you can find my info here!
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solfantasyart · 4 years
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A new, easier to read format for my commission information for reference. Credit goes to @vextera for helping me with the formatting and font (I really appreciate it)! Please email me at [email protected] if you’re interested or if you have any questions.
UPDATE: Since I am rebranding, a few things have been changed up
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solfantasyart · 4 years
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Keeping on keeping on with DnD character art! This time around, a character concept I never actually ended up using. Her name was going to be Ester, and she was supposed to be a fire genasi. The idea was she would flare up any time she used fire magic (which, as a wizard, was going to be pretty often). I ended up scrapping this version of the character though, and made her a human in a different campaign.
Also, if anyone is interested in commissioning me, you can find my info here!
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solfantasyart · 4 years
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This is a commission that I finished last year, this one for @casterblogs. Their sylvari, Caelum (blue boy) on a casual date with my boy, Solebria (purple boy). I should do more GW2 art, I miss drawing sylvari.
If you’re interested in a commission, my information can be found here
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solfantasyart · 4 years
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A new, easier to read format for my commission information for reference. Credit goes to @vextera for helping me with the formatting and font (I really appreciate it)! Please email me at [email protected] if you’re interested or if you have any questions.
UPDATE: Since I am rebranding, a few things have been changed up
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solfantasyart · 4 years
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A little later than I wanted to post this, but I had a lot on my plate today. Anyways! This was a piece of birthday art for a friend I did a few months back. This is Mara, our DnD group’s sorceress that specializes in ice magic. She’s quite the glamorous lady ;3c
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solfantasyart · 4 years
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First art post of the year! Couple of colored busts, these are the revamped version of an old character of mine named Varrek. Wanna draw more of him, I like this more snake-like/Yuan-ti version of him.
New commission information coming tomorrow
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solfantasyart · 4 years
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First art post of the year! Couple of colored busts, these are the revamped version of an old character of mine named Varrek. Wanna draw more of him, I like this more snake-like/Yuan-ti version of him.
New commission information coming tomorrow
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solfantasyart · 4 years
As a quick followup to this, I intend to post something at least once a day for the next couple of weeks. I’ll even be posting some unfinished work, haven’t done that in some time, as well as post a few things related to my theater work.
And a bit of a rebranding is in order, because I don’t really go by my old nickname anymore. This is a little more recognizable. A new commission sheet will be accompanying this either later tonight or tomorrow.
Where I’ve been
Hello everyone (who still follows me):
Sorry it’s been so infrequent on this page this past year, it’s been a tough one. I mean, it’s been tough for everyone, but I had a lot happen (and not happen) due to the virus situation. I’m not the kind of person who likes to discuss my personal life, but I think a bit of an explanation is in order so people get why I’ve been very quiet. The TLDR, for those who want the short version, is that I had a lot on my plate and I intend to post more in the future, but for those who’re interested in the life story feel free to read on.
Keep reading
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solfantasyart · 4 years
Where I’ve been
Hello everyone (who still follows me):
Sorry it’s been so infrequent on this page this past year, it’s been a tough one. I mean, it’s been tough for everyone, but I had a lot happen (and not happen) due to the virus situation. I’m not the kind of person who likes to discuss my personal life, but I think a bit of an explanation is in order so people get why I’ve been very quiet. The TLDR, for those who want the short version, is that I had a lot on my plate and I intend to post more in the future, but for those who’re interested in the life story feel free to read on.
Last year didn’t start off great for me because my grandfather’s health was rapidly declining prior to Covid really spreading around the US. He had Dementia, and my mother spent a lot of time trying to help him and my grandmother out, which meant I spent a lot of time helping her out. He ended up passing away in March, right before the lockdown went into effect in our state, so we were able to have the funeral as a family. Honestly, as much as we miss him, it was inevitable and he would have had a difficult time with the pandemic.
Pretty soon after that, though, I lost my one stable job. Like most people in the art industry I work as a freelancer, but my stream of jobs is inconsistent at best. I haven’t had a big breakthrough or anything, but I was getting decent work doing set design for children’s theater. However, when the pandemic hit, all of that work I was getting went out the window. I was in the middle of interviewing for a higher profile theater in my area, and then nothing. Theaters are still closed in my area and I don’t know when they’ll actually reopen.
It... really hurt to lose all that, and I’ve been scrambling to figure out what to do next. I tried getting a certificate in UI/UX design, I’ve tried to get work in graphic design, I’ve pulled all my connections to get me anything, but the best I’ve been able to do is odd jobs here and there while doing some knitting for extra cash. The only relief I get in this is that I know I’m not alone in this, but it doesn’t change the fact that even when the pandemic eventually passes there are millions of other people out there in the same situation scrambling to get work too.
So I’m currently living with my parents in a very full house because other members of my family also cannot afford to live independently. I’m being accosted by other people in my family for not having my act together and living away from home, along with other family drama that I will not be getting into.
The icing on the cake for everything is that my computer has been failing me this year! I bought this computer with all the money I accumulated post college, fixed it up and added parts to it, but over the past 6 months I’ve noticed it slowly failing me. I was hoping to hold out on buying a new one until I got a new job, but not it’s getting to the point where it crashes whenever I try to open up a game and lags terribly when I open up any art programs. That’s a problem that I need to address, though it means really cutting into my savings.
So here we are, going into 2021 with basically nothing yet for the long term. Things could be worse, and arguably I’ve been through worse in the past. At least I have my health, nothing serious beyond the usual aches and pains of getting older. Despite the struggle, I do have a few personal pieces (complete and incomplete) that I intend to post and get back into the flow of things. I will also be updating my commission sheet and passing that around again as well. I need to rebuild that savings as well as get my butt in gear and work harder going into the new year.
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solfantasyart · 5 years
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Headshot Commission of @sparklepriest‘s sea witch, Toirasa! Thank you so much for commissioning me!
Check out my commission information here
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solfantasyart · 5 years
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More dranelf goodness! Because this is my new thing.
The one on the left is an updated version of this lovely goodness, and the one on the right is a new one that is more draenei influence (with nelf ears, eyebrows, and height). Been a lot of fun playing around with these!
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solfantasyart · 5 years
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Part 1 of 2 commissions for @casterdraws!
They requested two busts, side by side, of their paladin of Torm, Maeron. Maeron is in the same DnD campaign as my fighterlock, Meira, and must disguise his tiefling appearance in a similar manner. Hence why the human, non-horn version exists. He doesn’t really enjoy his disguise, though. 
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