35 posts
My blog where I update about my life and whatnots:))
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shuubelly Ā· 5 years ago
Iā€™ve been really happy in circuit breakeršŸØ, 17.05.20šŸŒ»
Ā  Hii Iā€™m back with an update, i hope you have been fine at home,, staying home is a bliss for me and Iā€™ve been really happy recently and lemme share what I did:>>
Ā  I recently re organised my room and even made a Youtube video about it!! This was really fun to do and although Iā€™m not really getting views, thereā€™s about 19 views in 5 days, but Iā€™m not affected by that because I just uploaded it for fun and donā€™t really have much ambition to grow my channel. But i had so much fun editing it and like I could do it in my own style, a pink aesthetic, lofi music, and my own transitions. The link to my video will be here, and do check it out and lemme know what you think,, I have a bunch of fun video ideas i wanna do while i still have the time and i really wanna be able to film and post them!!
Ā  Iā€™ve also recently watched a really amazing anime called Maquia, and it has become my favorite anime film ever. I watched it twice and i cried both times. Like its such a phenomenal movie with such a sad ending and itā€™s about mother love and Iā€™ve never really seen an anime film that made me cry because of the plot. Usually I cry out of sympathy for the characters, but Maquiaā€™s plot made me cry. By the end of the movie i was crying, choking, and sniffing so much that my phoneā€™s facial recognition didnā€™t recognize me. I highly recommend watching this movie, it also has an amazing soundtrack that Iā€™ve been listening to for the past few days and the main theme Viator by Rionos, is absolutely beautiful, the singer has an amazing angelic voice and listening to the song makes me slightly teary-eyed:ā€™> Maquia is truly one of the most underrated film and one that anime awards forgot.
Ā  Iā€™ve also finished the 14 days of the Chloe Ting shred workout, plus a month of weight lifting and resistance training, and Iā€™ve managed to become slimmer. Previously my weight would always be >54kg(119 pounds) and for about a month plus Iā€™ve been weighing <53kg(116 ponds) everyday. I really thought Iā€™d never see the day i weigh less than 53kg and this seems so unbelievable to me. A month ago, i couldnā€™t fit into clothes and dresses i wore, i felt ashamed of myself and i cried so much that day and for days after Iā€™ve been really negative about my body and started exercising so that i can become slimmer. Yesterday, i tried on my dresses and clothes and i could fit into them and i felt so proud of myself. I loved this feeling of my effort paying off and feeling proud of myself. Exercising really has benefited and helped me a lot, i feel a lot better, physically and mentally, and i look and feel fitter. I tried on a spaghetti strap dress and realized that as compared to many other girls who have worn spaghetti strap dress, they have really thin and slim arms, whereas my arms were more muscly. In the past, i wouldā€™ve hated how it looked, but now i kinda dig it. Like having a toned look kinda appeals to me more than if i looked skinny. This really motivated me to put in more effort into my exercise so that i can be even fitter and toned.
Ā  So thatā€™s it for this update, i havenā€™t really done much except study and im starting to get sick of studying and studying all day. Iā€™m gonna be filming a new video for next week to motivate me to study and fix my daily schedule so hopefully thatā€™ll turn out well hehe.
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shuubelly Ā· 5 years ago
Quartet Night Live Evolution 2017
Song: Poison Kiss
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shuubelly Ā· 5 years ago
May SpreadšŸŒŗ, 05.05.20šŸŒ»
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Ā  My May spread is finally here!! I wanted to go for a floral theme because Iā€™ve recently been obsessed with flowers and i had this sudden appreciation and love for flowers. Like i ordered lots of floral stuff online, fake flowers, floral washi tape and even floral clothes>< My resolution this month is to study hard each day as my O levels are right after the circuit breaker and Iā€™m really desperateĀ determined to do well. Iā€™m also gonna focus more on exercise as i wanna be more fit and slim at the end of circuit breaker and i can finally wear more clothes that i like:D I hope yā€™all have been coping well recently, i hope you will do well and even better during lockdown and stay safe guys!
šŸŒ»Songs Of The MonthšŸŒ»:
Hira Hira by Generations from EXILE TRIBE
Bad End by Aoi Shouta
Unlimited by Aoi Shouta
Hatsukoi No Ehon by Honeyworks
Can I Confess To You by Honeyworks
Mademoiselle by Dance With Devils
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shuubelly Ā· 5 years ago
This is so useful for learning languages! Iā€™m currently learning mandarin and Iā€™m thinking of starting Japanese as well, this will def give me somewhere to start:D
Hi!! I just found your blog while looking for Italian and Japanese studyblrs, and I love your original posts! I was wondering if you could please give me some tips about how to start learning Italian/Japanese?
Hi!! Thank you very much!ā˜ŗļø
I canā€™t give you tips about how to start studying Italian because I am Italian so I learned it as first language šŸ˜‚ But if you are studying Italian and need some help with something you can ask me anytime ! šŸ„°
For Japanese I would say:
1) learn hiragana and katakana first. There are may websites where you can find worksheets for practice writing and you can also create flashcards.
2) after learning hiragana and katakana, you can start learning the basic grammar. You can find the pdf of many Japanese book online here
I used Minna no Nihongo which is full of exercises but I had a teacher who explained me the grammar rules. If you are going to study by yourself, then I would recommend using Genki (I have a friend who studied by herself and she said that this is the best book) but you can also use other books. However, the best option is to take some Japanese classes maybe.
3) while you learn grammar, try to learn also Kanji and vocabulary. Start with the simple ones like the ones used for numbers, week days, etc. Kanji usually have more than a reading but instead of focusing on remembering the Kanji with all its readings just learn it with the words they are used with. Use a notebook to practice writing them.
If you want to learn many Kanji quickly you can try the book called ā€œRemembering the Kanjiā€ (you can find the pdf online) which offer an alternative way to learn them.
4) the last suggestion is to find something you like to motivate you studying. For me itā€™s manga/anime and taking pretty notes! Watching things in Japanese is useful even if you donā€™t understand anything at the beginning because it makes you get used to the pronunciation. You can watch anime, YouTube videos, drama ect.
If you have other question feel free to ask ā˜ŗļø
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shuubelly Ā· 5 years ago
What an Introvert does at homešŸ„ž, 03.05.20šŸŒ»
Ā  So after procrastinating for a long time Iā€™m finally back at writing my blogšŸ˜…! So ever since circuit breaker was announced, me and my family have been staying home and doing our work, my parents are working from home, Iā€™m studying from home, and my brother whoā€™s currently in the army is working out from home. So Iā€™ve also been exercising because Iā€™m motivated to get more fit and toned, and its been going along quite well. Iā€™ve been doing an hour of stretching and yoga everyday and i feel more relaxed and flexible each day, i can even touch the floor when i bend down now! CB gave me a lot of time to mentally de-stress, and i think its so important to mentally unwind yourself for some time and for me, going to school mentally stresses me because Iā€™m kinda a loner and donā€™t hang around people, so school really takes a toll on mešŸ˜£. But Iā€™ve been coping really well at home, i mean being able to stay home, do my stuff alone, study alone at peace with no disruptions and being in isolation is exactly my cup of tea, so hereā€™s what Iā€™ve been up to:
Ā  So Iā€™ve been painting a lot. Like on one day i painted for 7 hours straight thatā€™s insane. Iā€™m not an art student, but 7 hours painting just sounds like so long to me that by the end of it i was so tiredšŸ˜“. I painted 2 Ghibli scenes because i am obsessed with Ghibli filmsšŸ’ššŸ’š. I painted a scene from The Wind Rises and Spirited Away, the two really iconic scenes i always see on pinterest. I also painted random aesthetic pictures like a random aesthetic pink-blue sky i googled and a failed sunflower field which my mom says, looks like a zombie apocalypsešŸ˜‚. And then i had a sudden thought, haha wouldnā€™t it be cool if i painted a scene from one of the IkeSeries games... oHšŸ‘€. Ye so thatā€™s what happened. I even kept random wooden boxes my dad had from his alcohol collection and re painted it to look aesthetic and display in my room. Why did i paint all these you might ask, well i always see aesthetic room pictures on pinterest and youtube and itā€™s somewhat a trend right now to stick aesthetic pictures on your wall. So i thought that was cute and i also wanted to stick aesthetic pictures on my wall, but i thought it would be cuter and more meaningful to my room if i painted them myself.
Ā  So i went on this whole crazy fiasco where i wanted to re decorate my room and i ordered a pink sailor moon tapestry, a insane amount of fake flowers, kept beer bottles that my dad was gonna throw away, i ordered a load of stuff because i wanted to re decorate my room, and also fiLm it because i thought it would be cool. Idk what i was thinking but hey its circuit breaker and i have time why not. Iā€™m not even sure if iā€™m gonna film and post it because Iā€™m too shy to put my face on youtube and Iā€™m purely doing it as like a video diary for me because it seems fun. But i donā€™t wanna keep it private like i wanna actually post it because it seems cool, but what if people recognize me?? What if i embarrass myself because Iā€™m awkward?? This seems like a terrible idea but letā€™s see what happens:>
Ā  Also i had this random thought one morning at 3am. I was thinking how excited i am to grow up and move out and be independent and responsible for myself. Like i cant wait to have my own job, manage my own house and my lifestyle. All that seems so cool to me and i was thinking of journalling it down in my book. Okay so hereā€™s ideally how i would like my future to be. I will be working as a vet at a Veterinary Hospital in any country i donā€™t mind i just really wanna be a vet. I will like in a 2 room apartment, decorated to my aesthetic of course. I will meal prep a week in advanced so that i donā€™t have to be to busy everyday to cook. Iā€™ll spend my time thrifting and exploring the area Iā€™m in and living a simple life. Also, i will adopt a pet. I currently cant have a pet because my fatherā€™s allergic to animals so thatā€™s a shame for me, but i will have a pet, he or she will be my best friend and i will go everywhere with him or her. i will also continue maintaining my healthy lifestyle, working out eating healthy and stuff, and that will be the life i aspire to live. Its not a very lavish life, but i wanna be somewhere i can mentally heal and relax and not be so bothered and affected by city life.
Ā  Iā€™ve thought about the countries i wanna live in so here are the candidates. 1. Japan. So japan holds my interest, like i love Japanese culture, i find the way of life when i visited then really relaxing and and i find their teachings and way of life really suited for me. But the society there isnā€™t that good as Iā€™ve heard, so Iā€™m quite skeptical about moving there, since Japanese language and customs are quite hard to pick up too. 2. Australia. Australia has many universities and programmes for vet studies and it seems like a really nice urban place to stay in. But, the weather is really really hot there, like Iā€™m used to hot weather, but i heard Australia is even hotter. Also, Iā€™m not very sure what an Australian way of life is or their customs. itā€™s all so foreign to me and Iā€™m kinda apprehensive about it. 3. America. So i didnā€™t think much about this, Iā€™m just basing it off the idea that i want somewhere where i can explore, have thrift stores and be alone. But there are many MANY complications i foresee. So firstly, there are many people not really asian-friendly, like there are a lot, but thereā€™s just that bunch and Iā€™m not sure how i can see myself overcoming or ignoring it. secondly, their way of life and traditions is really different. like they're more outgoing and bold, whereas Iā€™m really introverted and conservative, so that might cause some problems. And like life there seems really bold and like kinda risky for me, like i donā€™t think Iā€™m mentally prepared to live there, at least not now. but i see many amazing and cool things happening in america which i really wanna experience so thatā€™s a factor thatā€™s really pulling me in.
Ā  i hope everyone is doing fine in this period of time. its really hard for everyone and i think its important to take the time you have at home to unwind and relax and take this as an opportunity to distance yourself from your work or studies stress and burdens, i hope my entry today take your mind off something and it provides some form of entertainment to you. Hope you all stay well and thank you for reading!
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shuubelly Ā· 5 years ago
Utapri Gender Swaps
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The final one!! This was also the first one i started making and i was very dedicated in making them yesterday night haha. I wanted their outfits to look closer to what they actually wear. Well except Natsuki because i just needed to make him wear that maid costume because when i think of Natsuki, the first thing i think off, other than Satsuki, is that scene of Natsuki just screamingĀ ā€œSYO-KUN! MEESHIAAGAREEEEEE~~ā€ and he was wearing a pink apron set and i have not seen any fan art of that iconic line so i decided to make my own. TBH, my favorite is Ringoā€™s because it looks so accurate and legit, like it looks almost exactly the same, they both have the correct kawaii vibe and i love it!
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shuubelly Ā· 5 years ago
Mystic Messenger Gender Swaps!!
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I did a gender swap for Mystic Messenger! They turned out pretty cute and i really like it:> I was envisioning Zen to look like a kpop group trainee, or at least a popular girl, and Yoosung to just have a yandere, cute vibe?? I wanted a gamer girl vibe, but they didnā€™t have headphone if not it would have completed his look! Jaehee kinda just stayed the same and Jumin looks like a rich girl who attends a prestigious private academy, and Jaehee is like her assistant/manager. When i decided to do this theme, immediately knew i wanted to recreate Seven in that maid cosplay because it was just iconic and it turned out pretty legit too! I wanted Saeran to kind of have that Kirari Monobami from Kakegurui vibe as they have kind of a similar sadistic vibe. Like i know most people preferĀ  Saeran as a cute softie kind of vibe, but iā€™m basing these off my impression of them, and i feel like the prime of MM was around 2016-2017 and at that time Saeran was mostly known for being a sadistic kidnapper, so thatā€™s where iā€™m coming from. And i wanted V to look like an art student, Rika to really embody what people think of her, a mess. And lastly, i obviously cannot forget Vanderwood, like he doesnā€™t do much, but for some reason that i do not know heā€™s super iconic, and i tried to give him a very classic, basic supporting character look haha.
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shuubelly Ā· 5 years ago
IkeSeries MC
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The Ikeseries MC!! I tried to make them look as accurate as possible and tbh they turned out pretty accurate Iā€™m shocked! I added in a bonus Alice from Alice In Wonderland cos i thought it was a cute twist i put on her:P
Do check out my blog for the gender swaps of the characters from Ikesen, Ikerev, Ikevamp, Mystic Messenger and Utapri!
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shuubelly Ā· 5 years ago
IkeSen War-Girls and female IkeVamp Vampires?!
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The second part of the characters! I thought it would be funny to put Kenshin in a Cute maid costume haha... He would kill me if he found out i did this to him oh god Sasuke please protect me><>< Honestly Iā€™m quite shocked for the Masamune one because i didnā€™t expect it to turn out so nice. I tried to make Mitsunari look as geeky, nerdy and bookworm as much as possible, but i accidentally made him into a librarian haha. THE ISSAC ONE IS SO CUTE like i thought it would be funny to dress him as a lolita maid and it turned out so well! An apple as a decoration would have made it even better!! Too bad they didnā€™t have an apple sighh... I wanted to make Mozart look like a rich aristocrat but it kind of lost the resemblance how sad:<<
Do check out my blog for the gender swaps from other games like IkeRev, Mystic Messenger ane Utapri:D
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shuubelly Ā· 5 years ago
Female IkeRev Characters??!!
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So recently Iā€™ve been playing with this new avatar app called PITZMAKER, and itā€™s super fun and i decided to make ikeseries and shoujo content characters and ill upload them by categories so itā€™ll be more pleasing to the eye:))
for IkeRev, i wanted it to be like a highschool theme. I can see Zero as the new transfer student, Blanc as a role model student counsillor who always hangs out at the library, Loki as the cute, charming student who skips classes and Luka as a mysterious quiet student. Do check out my blog for the other games like IkeSen, Ikevamp, Mystic Messenger and Utapri!
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shuubelly Ā· 5 years ago
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This male pipistrelle bat is the victim of a fairly common sight for us at the moment - entanglement in cobwebs!
Arriving from the RSPCA with one wing firmly stuck to its back, our vet team soon had him free and he was placed on a course of fluids to combat his minor dehydration.
He is currently recovering in one of our pens and will be returned to the wild when fully fit once more :)
#wild #wildlife #rescue #simoncowell #wildlifeaid #vet #veterinary #bat #pipistrelle #nathusius #animal #animals #nature #animalsofinstagram #picoftheday #wildliferescue #uk #london #england #surrey #instadaily #instagood #wednesday #nature_brilliance #wednesdaymotivation #RSPCA
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shuubelly Ā· 5 years ago
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Iā€™m sorry if this scared you, but i suddenly had the thought, ā€œwhat would my Kermit doll look like if i made it a Sasuke costume?ā€. So i drew up a quick drawing over a Kermit picture i found online, and wow, this was weird. This is just so weird to look at, and when i sent it to my friend, she laughed and said it was funny. Well, i hope this picture makes you laugh too my friends
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shuubelly Ā· 5 years ago
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IkeSen Kasugayama warlords + Others - Character Palettes
The colour palettes of the Kasugayama boys + Kennyo and Motonari! Feel free to use them for you to use in your next art project!Ā  I hope theyā€™ll prove to be useful :)Ā  Another big thanks to @hydemeincradle for helping out and looking up all the hex-values <3
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shuubelly Ā· 5 years ago
This makes me realises how different ikerev is to the other ikeseries games omg... ikesen and ikerev have really simple plots and ikerev is on a whole new level. Itā€™s like ikesen is a cartoon, ikerev is a televsion series, and ikevamp is a whole soap operašŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
This is a major spoiler for the unreleased JP routes but:
Iā€™ve been thinking a lot about the IkeVam villain thing and the implications it has. Hereā€™s a 2 am incoherent rant.
Vlad is apparently the one bringing back all of the people as villains. Shakespeare proposes who would be the best antagonist for his tragedy and Vlad brings them back but hereā€™s the kicker:
The reason why the men that are brought back are so aggressive and insane after being brought back is because Vlad doesnā€™t care enough to bring them back properly. Unlike Comte who is getting the consent from his residents and is careful with how he changes them, Vlad doesnā€™t get consent and doesnā€™t care enough to do it the right way.
The men donā€™t even know he is their maker. Wellington didnā€™t even know why he was brought back and the others were slowly going insane because of the change and how it hadnā€™t been done carefully. They were just brought back and abandoned in the middle of Paris only told by Shakespeare to hurt their counterparts. I mean, the whole reason they became the villains of the story even though most of them were at least respectful of their mansion counterparts while alive was because the change was making them mad and Shakespeare was coaching them on what to do.
Asides from that, I also find the distinction between Faust and Charles and Vladā€™s creations really startling. I mean, Vlad hangs around Faust and Charles and they have a weird master-underling dynamic there, but his other creations donā€™t even know who he is and he doesnā€™t bother being near them. When you compare that to Comte who still invites Shakespeare over to the mansion for gifts and the occasional dinner despite whatever falling out they had, the distinction between maker and progeny is an interesting one.
Vlad sees people as a means to an end and, from what Iā€™ve heard, he also sees Charles and Faust this way too and isnā€™t as close or as loving as Comte and his residents, but itā€™s still interesting that thereā€™s something about the other two that he distinguishes from the men heā€™s brought back.
Really, I wonder if he just wants to hurt Comte by hurting his family or if he somehow sees this all playing in to the large grand scheme of his ā€œsaving the worldā€ plan. Either way, the plot is a fascinating one and definitely a disturbing one when you really think about how little regard Vlad has for the lives of others compared to Comte.
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shuubelly Ā· 5 years ago
April Spreadā˜• 04.04.20šŸŒ»
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Ā  Hereā€™s my April spread for 2020! Itā€™s a cafe theme and i decided on this theme because in April, Iā€™m going to be having most of my lessons at home because of the Coronavirus situation now, and Iā€™ll need to be really focused and disciplined in my self studies at home. And to me, i feel most productive when Iā€™m studying in a cafe or when Iā€™m in a really aesthetic and lofi mood. So this spread is to represent my aesthetic and lofi theme for this month. I hope you enjoy this spread and it gives you some inspo:>>
Songs of the month:
Confessions Rival Declaration by HoneyworksĀ 
I Should Have Hated It by Honeyworks
Flower by Aoi Shouta
Alice by IVVY
Mata Ashita by Generations from EXILE TRIBE
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shuubelly Ā· 5 years ago
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1: My salad udon, it tasted really nice!!
2: My Shoutan album came!! I ordered more again recently hehe
3: My study table after cleaning. from left to right, my mirror, refill shelf, journals+readers digest, my unnecessary hoard of stationary, charms and crafts gifted to me, my schedule+earpiece, my autographed Hiroto picture+autographed Sora cheki+Handwritten kalimba tabs+My failed Sasuke doll, my skincare products, my artist doll. Never will i see such a neat table again!
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shuubelly Ā· 5 years ago
Current Happeningsā›ˆ, 02.04.20šŸŒ»
Ā So recently because of the Covid-19 outbreak here, i been staying at home, not that itā€™s much of a problem. But Iā€™ve been reading so much on whatā€™s happening amidst the panic and one article in particular broke my heart. So recently, amidst the panic buying, there was an elderly couple who bought many many cartons of eggs. People mistook them as hoarders, but this picture surfaced which showed that some of the cartons fell and many eggs broke. People were calling them out and saying that they were selfish, but they were not. They were stall vendors in a neighborhood school and needed to buy eggs because their regular supplier had quality issues. So when i read the article on Mothership, my heart broke for them. Buying that many eggs was already difficult and daunting due to the eyes of the public, and at this time, buying many groceries had a notorious name. And when the eggs broke, my heart broke for them as they mustā€™ve felt extremely sad that the eggs broke and they would not be able to feed many students, and buying more eggs would cost more money. When i put myself in their shoes, i wouldā€™ve felt extremely sad as i care for the students, and when i drop the eggs, not only is it a waste of food, but i cannot feed the children who come to my stall. Maybe i care a lot because at my school, i always eat from this same stall run by a sweet elderly couple. And when i think of this happening to them, my mind would start crying. I want to help the elderly who dropped the eggs, but i donā€™t know what i can do to help. Since i cant do much to help, Iā€™ve decided to learn from it and not judge others as quickly. Even if they are hoarding and it is not right, itā€™s not exactly wrong, as they are probably also buying for their families, and it is not wrong to be worried about your family first when you are scared. (Source:ĀĀ )
Ā  Because of the virus spreading, Iā€™ve decided not to go out of the house unless its for school or to buy groceries, but i try to stay home as much, i cant risk getting infected and spreading it. And this is affecting me as well as i had planned to visit a few animal shelters this month. I would usually do so to just check on animals in Singapore, like how the animals are doing. Iā€™m just very very interested in the well-being of animals and because i canā€™t go out, i feel really sad. Rather than going as a leisure activity, like going to a zoo, seeing animals make me feel more relaxed, like seeing them just made me feel like, wow there are still living things in this world uncorrupted by the advancements and retain their natural state, and i want to be part to help ensure this is protected. And because i donā€™t have a pet, going to an animal shelter is almost like i have tons of companions haha.
Ā  But amidst this outbreak and precaution to stay home, many people donā€™t know what to do at home. Well for me, i always have a lot of things to do because i really feel more mentally relaxed at home. So here are a few things to do to keep you busy at home, for students, i donā€™t really know what adults usually do><. 1. Clean up your room. Rather than seeing this as a chore, imagine you are a youtuber and are organizing instead. Embrace your inner Marie Kondo and aesthetic. This is how i motivate myself to clean up my room, i just imagine im super aesthetic and play lofi music as i clean. 2. Study. It may seem suuuuper boring, but to me, studying is actually kind of fun because i feel super aesthetic when i study. I see many vids of people vlogging and i see them studying, like Joana Ceddia or Christine Tay, they are some of my favorite sources of inspiration for studying. Iā€™m sure we would all have a goal in life, or at least a place we want to be in, i use my goal to be a vet to motivate me. Think of all those people, or animals, you can help if you study hard now,, donā€™t let your dreams be dreams, you can do it! 3. Plan your meals. Generally, meal plan, grocery shopping, and cooking takes up almost 2 hours because iā€™m slow, but having some sort of control of my own life makes me feel more relaxed and positive about myself. In this day and age, we rely so much on technology or other conveniences to make our life better. But having a better and easy-going life does not mean it is fruitful and enriching. You are standing between you and living life to its fullest potential, and one way to make your day more enriching is to have more subtle control over your life. Youā€™ll be shocked how by just meal planning and cooking will change your mentality on simple everyday things. Thereā€™s obviously so much more things you can do at home, but hereā€™s a suggestion, instead of watching netflix or youtube, try to watch ted talks or read more articles. There are so many things happening nowadays that go unseen and can be such rich sources of inspiration and learning points for us.
Ā Alright thatā€™s it for now, I hope this entry will be of some good to you whether its for entertainment or knowing what a boring person thinks and do. The next time i write, maybe Iā€™ll show my April spread on my bullet journal:> Until then, stay safe and i hope April gets better for you!
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