Happiness, Love and Peace
487 posts
Secret-North blog is a space for sharing favorite quotes, photos or videos. It is a place for me where I can talk for love, relationships, health, well being, experiences, transformation, spirituality, motivation, inspiration, growth, knowledge, expansion and simply about anything related to the heart, mind, body and spirit!
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secret-north · 7 years ago
Why do we aways save the good stuff for later? But later never comes and we never get to enjoy them!
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secret-north · 7 years ago
Wisdom is a reward for surviving our own stupidity! - Wendel Volker
"Regent" from Brian Rathbone
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secret-north · 7 years ago
“Realize when it is time to simply back down. There too can be a great deal of strength within the words ‘I must stop to recharge and take care of myself.’”
— Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
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secret-north · 7 years ago
Asking for help is not being a burden. Feeling sad, empty, or hopeless does not make you a bad person. You are human, you are valuable, and you are entitled to have as much support when ever you may need it.
Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
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secret-north · 7 years ago
“It is when we live in the current moment that time seems to stand still. It is no longer rushing endlessly out of our grasp.”
— Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
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secret-north · 7 years ago
Desire in Relationships
What is the meaning of desire in our relationships?  Basically, all of the suffering we experience in life is because of what we want to see rather than what is.  Whenever the world shows something different than what we want, we experience the discrepancy as suffering.   For example, from a young age we are taught that we should grow up to get married and have a happy family life.  We are taught to adopt an image of an ideal mate and we go out in search of that.  Really, there is no such thing as an ideal mate, but we go on trying to stuff that poor person who lands with us into the metal cookie cutter we picked up as a child and modified as a young adult.  When the two don’t fit we go on chastising them demanding that they fulfill our desires.  Of course, it is not possible for anyone else to fulfill all our desires.  It is much healthier to take a second look at our perspectives and desires and reduce the gap between what we want to see and what life’s happenings are presenting. As young children we label the happenings in life with our own emotional interpretations.  This becomes the “movie script” of our life and obscures many more productive interpretations.  All we have to do is flow with life as causeless happenings and give our desires less importance.  Simply understanding life as more than a way to create or fulfill our own personal whims is enough. 80% of our energy can be locked by our wants of what life should be.   The conscious choice to see life as happenings rather than a personal emotional movie script will eliminate much of the resistance we have to life.  This will reduce the demands and desires we try to pry from loved ones and bring acceptance and gratitude to our relationships. Just making a conscious decision to just flow with a relationship can be the first step to seeing a positive transformation in our interactions with the world.
- Swami Nithyananda
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secret-north · 7 years ago
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A person who truly loves you will never stop believing in you and will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation.
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secret-north · 7 years ago
Metacognition; an awareness of one’s own cognition. The process of thinking about thinking. Knowing about knowing. Being aware of one’s own awareness.
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secret-north · 7 years ago
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This blog is Dedicated to anyone suffering from Anxiety! Please Follow Us if You Can Relate: ANXIETYPROBLEMS
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secret-north · 7 years ago
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They caused the first wound, but you are causing the rest; this is what not forgiving does. They got it started but you keep it going. Forgive and let it go, or it will eat you alive. You think they made you feel this way, but when you won’t forgive, you are the one inflicting the pain on yourself. — Bryant McGill
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secret-north · 7 years ago
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Trust life 🙂 New Video on YouTube Now. Link in Bio. #infinitewaters #ralphsmart #love #vegan #instagood #7dayveganchallenge
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secret-north · 7 years ago
“According to Buddhism, the root of suffering is neither the feeling of pain nor of sadness nor even of meaninglessness. Rather, the real root of suffering is this never-ending and pointless pursuit of ephemeral feelings, which causes us to be in a constant state of tension, restlessness, and dissatisfaction. Due to this pursuit, the mind is never satisfied. Even when experiencing pleasure, it is not content, because it fears this feeling might soon disappear and craves that this feeling should stay and intensify. People are liberated from suffering not when they experience this or that fleeting pleasure, but rather when they understand the impermanent nature of all their feelings and stop craving them. This is the aim of Buddhist meditation practices.”
— Yuval Noah Harari (via panatmansam)
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secret-north · 7 years ago
There is Nothing Wrong
There is nothing wrong. Sadness is not wrong. Fear is not wrong. Confusion is not wrong. Our pain is not wrong. Resisting our pain is what makes everything seem wrong. And yet here is a deeper truth, for those who are open: even our resistance of pain is not wrong. If that’s what’s happening, it cannot be wrong. It is a valid expression of life in the moment. Beyond ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. This love even embraces resistance. This Now is vast, and forgiving. Yet even ‘resistance’ is just another concept. Another judgement. Another way to make ourselves wrong. “Resistance bad. Acceptance good.” That’s what we learn. It’s not that we “resist” our pain. We just never learned how to be with it. How to sit with it. Stay with it. Have a cup of tea with it. See it as a beloved friend, at home in the vastness. Our ignorance is our innocence. We just never learned. Our pain is not wrong. It is an invitation. An ancient teaching. Universal. Free. Life invites us to come closer… Falling through imagined layers… Into great mystery… 
- Jeff Foster
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secret-north · 7 years ago
Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.
Maya Angelou (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
Secret-north: Success for me is not giving up despite of really wanting to!
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secret-north · 7 years ago
Great offers
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secret-north · 7 years ago
I was and I am still waiting to be ready
I was and I am still waiting to be ready.
Ready to start eating healthier.
Ready to start regular physical activities.
Ready to lose that extra weight.
Ready to start meditating and yoga.
Ready to finish these online courses I have started last year.
Ready to smile more and be more social.
Ready to feel motivated and determined about a goal.
Ready to be excited for the future.
Ready to be a better person.
Ready to be happy with who I am.
Ready to completely accept myself.
Ready to unconditionally love myself.
Ready to change my life for better.
Ready for my life to start.
But no matter how long I wait, the right moment never comes. Sometimes I feel I am ready though and I start doing things, but it is only for a while and then I stop again. And then I go in the state I know the best - the state of waiting.
So I have come to a conclusion: The moment when I will be ready to do the thing I want may never come, so I may as well start doing something, anything. Even though I don't want to, even though my mind and body might resist it at first, even though I might be afraid, even though I am NOT READY.
Just one small step, and then another and then another, until I am steadily walking.
# secret-north post
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secret-north · 8 years ago
You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.
Eckhart Tolle (via thecalminside)
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