rexxiesblog · 10 days
F@sting rn. I was in the k3tosis phase (18-24 hour mark) for most of the morning and it was so nice. Decreased hun9er, increased ment@l clarity. But now I'm headed into Autophagy and it is so uncomfortable. He@dache, f@tigue, dizzin3ss. I need strength 😩 I have to get to 48 hours to get out of the Autophagy phase.
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rexxiesblog · 14 days
I so often view hun9er as the enemy. It sabotages me. It wins out over my willpower all too often. It is too primal and too uncomfortable. But hun9er should be my friend. I should revel in the feeling, be relieved by it's presence. Know that I am in control. Hun9er is not my enemy...it is my success.
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rexxiesblog · 24 days
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Okay... So hear me out. I know this sounds borderline diabolical but drizzle some maple syrup or honey on baked yams and then sprinkle with cinnamon. Tastes like pumpkin pie or sweet potato pie (iykyk) And always salmon ftw. Plenty of protein and omega-3 to keep you full.
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rexxiesblog · 1 month
Guys I've been away because some crazy stressful/intense stuff has been happening...but one thing got taken care of today. Hoping it's all upward from here 🤞I kinda hope the insane nausea and di🤢rrhea stays tho cause it's mad helpful for losing a little weight.
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rexxiesblog · 2 months
Turns out enormous levels of stress combined with IBS can really help you with w3ight loss.
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rexxiesblog · 2 months
Do you all lose more w3ight when you track c@ls or when you don't track and just try to e@t less? Also, do you get discouraged when you w3igh in every day or is a daily w3igh-in a must?
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rexxiesblog · 3 months
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Day 2 of this d13t. Starting with day 2 and doing day 1 at the end.
I'll have the proti3n sh@ke and maybe a r1ce c@ke later today.
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rexxiesblog · 3 months
Guys, my sc@le is whacked. 😅
I put new batteries in it and it hasn't been working since. It'll be anywhere from 5-30 lbs off. Like it would be nice if I lost 20 lbs overnight but I know for a fact that I didn't.
It's much more reasonable when it shows that I lost a pound or two, but now I don't trust it.
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rexxiesblog · 3 months
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Eating halo top out of a tiny bowl with a tiny spoon >
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rexxiesblog · 3 months
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Back at it with the rice c@ke recip3s.
Rice c@ke w/crab salad:
-imitation crab (real if you're rich)
-Lite mayo (1/4 cup for entire package of crab)
- Worcestershire sauce
- hot sauce
-green onion
Chop and mix everything. Put on a rice @ake and top with more hot sauce and lemon juice. 😋
The one I made in the pic is only 160 c@ls
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rexxiesblog · 3 months
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Current obsession: White Cheddar rice cake and ragu. SOOO good. Add chicken and cheese if you want to be fancy. But it's so good plain like this. Also, watermelon dipped in lime/lemon juice is delicious.
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rexxiesblog · 3 months
I am proud of myself. I have been around delicious f00d all weekend. The kind that is nostalgic and brings so many positive memories back. And I resisted e@ting too much. I had 5-6 bit3s at each me@l. I got to enjoy the food and I don't feel gui1ty.
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rexxiesblog · 3 months
On a 48hr f@st. Started drinking a diet Coke and then stopped bc I read that the artificial sugars mess with your metabolism. Switched to black coffee.
Do you all consider drinking Diet Coke as bre@king your f@st?
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rexxiesblog · 3 months
It will happen again. You'll remember that you regretted it last time, but you'll forget what it felt like.
Your brain will tell you that you need it. You'll feel hungry, ravenous, even. You'll remember that you regretted it, but you'll forget what it felt like.
Your brain will tell you that it will be worth it. Your body will betray you, mouth watering, hands shaking, light headed. It won't be that bad. It's only one day and then you'll get back on track.
You'll lose the same 5 pounds over and over. Week after week.
Unless you can overcome it. Unless you can beat yourself, beat your body at its own game.
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rexxiesblog · 3 months
Reminder for myself:It WASN'T worth it. It didn't t@ste as good as it did in your head. The r3gret and p@1n are NOT worth it. You DON'T need it. Don't let your mind control you. I wish I could make myself thr0w up.
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rexxiesblog · 3 months
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This is SOOO good guys and 1/2 cup of sauce has 54 c@ls
@n@ friendly Pumpkin Coconut Curry Sauce:
1 15oz can salt free pureed pumpkin
1 15 oz can lite coconut milk (Thai kitchen or Signature select both have this)
1/2 c minced red onion
1 T minced garlic
1 T ginger paste
3 T tomato paste
1/4 cup water
2 t garam masala (or 1 tsp curry powder)
Spray a pan with zero c@l cooking spray. Saute garlic, ginger, and onions. If you find that they burn because they need more oil... Add a tablespoon or two of water instead and let it cook out. That way they get nice and soft.
Add in the tomato paste and a quarter cup of water and a mix. Add in the pumpkin, Coconut milk, and garam masala. Let simmer for 5 mins.
I eat this sauce over sauteed zucchini or broccoli, tofu shirataki noodles, or chicken boobs. I also like to dip my rice cakes in it. Enjoy! 😄
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rexxiesblog · 4 months
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Low c@l tr3@t for myself today.
1 small apple (thinly sliced) 55 c@l
1/2 T honey 32 c@l
Sprinkle of cinnamon 1 c@l
Total: 88 c@l because everything is spread out, it feels like a l0t of f0*d. This pic is a full size dimer plate. You can also use su9ar-fr33 maple syrup for l0wer c@ls. S0 G00D
T1p: m1cr0w@ve the honey for 5 seconds. It makes it runnier and easier to drizzle. Goes a lot further that way. I use the same tip with PB.
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