Stay moist, marsh-friend
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scales-like-ash · 4 days ago
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Got the Skyrim Library Bound Book Collection and these pictures don't do them justice
They are so beautifully illustrated, put together and yes
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They're also in here (⁠◕⁠દ⁠◕⁠)
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scales-like-ash · 12 days ago
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Home of the Imperials and Ruby Throne... And currently a battlefield. But every now and then there are times the battle slows down.
During these times, I always go to my favourite bathing spot, just north of Chorrol. It's perfect for reflection and since hardly anyone knows about it, except for a few locals, I can get some needed peace and quiet... At least for a while.
Art by LiFo.liss
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scales-like-ash · 13 days ago
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Happy Hearth's Day, beekos~
It may be a day celebrated mostly by lovers but if you do not have a romantic one, fret not spend it with the ones you love platonic instead, like family and friends.
It's also Sanguine's Summoning Day, so be sure to have a drink on the old Prince
Art by Rale Raccoon
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scales-like-ash · 16 days ago
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“Come on, do I have to say it? You could run straight into Oblivion or worse, and I'd be right there with you”
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scales-like-ash · 20 days ago
You can run. You can hide. But in the end...
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I'll find you.
Art by Mystic_Universe
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scales-like-ash · 22 days ago
CW: Mild Blood, Artistic Nudity
"Don't damage the goods... Too much. His scales and build will fetch a good price."
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One of the few things I heard one of the Telvanni Slaver say. They caught me by surprise while I was cleaning myself at a river outside of Necrom. Forgot that the Telvanni never agreed to abandon the slave trade that was part of the Ebonheart Pact and to let my guard down on their Peninsula... stupid...
I managed to get the best of two of them but with the element of surprise and without armor I was a pretty easy mark...
They sure loved to have their way with me... one of these Fletchers split the tip of my tongue in two and probably would've cut my eye out, if his boss didn't intervene.
Just had to wait, gather my strength, look for an opportunity and the moment he didn't payed attention I fed him his own intestines... May those n'wah rot in that mouldy basement like they deserve.
Art by Hyuron_Shiro
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scales-like-ash · 27 days ago
Nova Gig @/RedDirt! Whoever that choom in Silverhands place is, he's shredding it!
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scales-like-ash · 29 days ago
Praise Mora's many Eyes! The Mad God lives!
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scales-like-ash · 1 month ago
Please consider supporting our favourite Daedric Prince! If you cannot afford to donate then please share it!
Wes Johnson, one of the main voice actors for Elder Scrolls and so many other things, has had a medical emergency. His family is requesting assistance to deal with this crisis, please consider helping them.
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scales-like-ash · 1 month ago
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Praise be The Golden Eye! For he blesses us with forbidden knowledge and power!
Thanks to @demgozellegs for this truly stunning and amazing artwork!
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scales-like-ash · 2 months ago
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Just a lil test post
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scales-like-ash · 2 months ago
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Control the hate within you, let it be your weapon. But don't let it consume you, only this way you can decimate Bal's undead horde.
Art by BrightPhoenix, OC Dasha by me
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scales-like-ash · 2 months ago
Started a new Baldurs Gate 3 Game and...
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I accidentally created the singer of a 2000s emo punk band
When I was a young durge, my father took me into the city, to slay a marching band...
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scales-like-ash · 2 months ago
OC: Dasha, undead Vampire hunter
Content Warning: Mild Blood and Nudity
Solitude, capital of Western Skyrim and home to nobility, busy merchants on the streets, hard working men and women at the docks and unfortunate souls trying to earn enough coin to escape the life on the streets. And birthplace of a woman whose thirst for revenge can almost rival that of the legendary Ysgramor.
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Born during the first Era, on a cold evening when the sunset coloured the sky red, in a shack down at the Solitude docks, Dasha-Zal was the only hatchling of two simple Argonian dockworkers. The first moment she broke from her egg, her parents knew she was special. The Hist blessed her with Fins and Whiskers like a fish and her eyes glowed blue with magika.
But sadly her childhood wasn't a happy one. Due to the harsh weather and the even harsher treatment of the Nords she learned quickly that this life won't be an easy one. During the day she worked at the docks with her parents and honed her inate magical abilities at night.
At the age of eighteen she left the docks in search of adventure. There was nothing holding her in Solitude anyway, her parents died a few years before due to sickness, some might say it was a special poison administered by racist nords but sadly nothing could be proven in that regard.
So she went east, making a living as a sellsword in the swamps of Hjaalmarsh and the tundra of Whiterun. She had no problem taking morally questionable jobs, be it relieving merchants of wares, collecting debts or putting unruly individuals back in their place.
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During the Grey Host's threat in the First Era she took up the blade in the service of the High King to fight, hoping to earn enough money to maybe buy a simple house far away from this terrible province. Unfortunately during a battle in the depths of Blackmarsh, Dasha-Zal was fataly injured and left to die.
Lying in the blood of fallen soldiers as well as vampiric blood she contacted Noxiphilic Sanguivoria. The Grey Host created one of the biggest threats to their kind that ever walked the face of Nirn.
Awakening in this dark cave deep underground, cold and with an unbearable thirst, she somehow found her way outside. Sadly Dasha was quickly overtaken by the rage and hunger of her new affliction. Becoming almost feral she bumped into a camp of merchants who saw the bloody young woman, thinking she was in need of help, but only found their death at the end of her fangs and claws. One managed to land a crossbow shot but it wasn't enough to save his life or end her's.
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After she stumbled through the woods, confused, afraid and with an crossbow bolt stuck in her shoulder, she was found by Count Verandis Ravenwatch, who shortly before left the Grey Host and took her in at his castle. Making her the first of his apprentices to House Ravenwatch.
The first years were exhausting, trying to resist the call of blood, almost starving herself and only feeding when needed. Verandis knew that her bloodlust is much higher than his and it would kill her if she went the same way as he did. So they made a pact, Verandis would allow her to feed but only if it was consensual or the victim was a threat like bandits and other miscreants. This helped Dasha to create a form of destruction magic, Hemomancy or Blood magic. She also learnt to feed on other Vampires, something that was unheard of, even thought impossible but she loved to engore herself in the blood of Vampires. It was pure Ecstasy for her.
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With the help of Verandis and her Hemomancy she transformed into an immortal killing machine, changing her name to simply Dasha and swore to eradicate every threat to Tamriel by Vampires and Undead until the end of days.
She learned to utilise necromancy and restoration magic in combination with destruction and blood magic to reduce her vampiric needs to a minimum and becoming one of the best battlemages Tamriels. Her charme also made it easy for her to find new allies in her crusade, such as Lyris Titanborn, Scales-Like-Ash, Zerith-var (who became more than just a friend) and of course her trusted Wolf Companion, Wurf.
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After a thousand years of hunting and killing the undead, she learned of a new vampiric threat in her homeland of Skyrim... a prophecy to extinguish the sun itself.
Knowing this battle won't be an easy one, she travelled to the ancient Fort Dawnguard, a long disbanded guild of vampire hunters, nested in the beautiful woods of the Rift. Expecting only cobwebs, dust and maybe some gear to help her in the upcoming fights she made an unexpected acquaintance. Isran, a disgraced Vigilant of Stendarr who's hate of vampires rivals her own, they formed an unusual alliance with the goal of rebuilding the Dawnguard and stop the ancient Vampire Lord Harkon and the Volkihar Clan!
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scales-like-ash · 2 months ago
2024 Gaming Review!
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One might think I like Bethesda Games, who would've thought :3c
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scales-like-ash · 3 months ago
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Blessed with knowledge or simple madness? Or can madness be knowledge? Only time will tell...
Art by: BrightPhoenix
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scales-like-ash · 3 months ago
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Sometimes cold-blooded Argonians must share bodyheat. Especially if one of them is a Vampire~
Dasha is created by me
Art by Spottymichi, Full picture here
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