POVERTY IS A STATE OF MIND - THE SLAVE MENTALITY OF ENTITLEMENT For this idea, Carson, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development was dunned and hammered, an Uncle Tom, a turncoat, a traitor to his people; but he was undaunted. The longer the black man bowed to black massas, let themselves be used and abused by preachers, drug runners, and ho's, he would be pimped to death, left to die of a bullet to the head on the very street where he was born.
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Too late to prevent war, it is time to end it; and doing so within the context of clear national interest is the only way to do so. 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer', said Chinese historian and philosopher Sun Tzu; and Donald Trump understands this implicitly
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The progressive Left has missed the point entirely. Trump’s accession has less to do with geopolitics than with class and culture, more to do with socio-economic aspiration, and nothing to do with race.
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Few of us are content with what we are, regardless of the hand dealt; and creating identities above and beyond that which God, Nature, or Chance have bestowed is normal, natural, and human. Which is why America is so unique. Few are satisfied with what is but with what could be and what might have been. Tradable personal worth is our currency
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Epiphanies are what we are made of, creatures of assumptions and quick to jump to conclusions; but then one day it all becomes clear. There is nothing but randomness in the world, no evil eye, no omniscient God, no nothing; and getting used to that idea in and of itself is remarkable.
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It is not a matter of principle, but a matter of fact - privilege and elitism have been an essential, ineluctable, permanent aspects of human society since its first settlements. Human communities from the most remote Amazon tribe to Imperial Russia have been divided by ability and the power and influence which that confers.
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There may never be such a torturous, hilarious inversion of reality as the kindergarten images of the Left; and there certainly will never be another President like Donald Trump, a bombastic tummler, a Borscht Belt comedian, a Las Vegas showman, and a latter day Genghis Khan. For the first time after many dull, dreary, sanctimonious years, have a good time.
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There really is no nature-nurture debate except in academia. Most parents accept nature - the luck of the genetic draw - and do what they can to enhance whatever version comes out. However, society being what it is, always favoring the most beautiful and the most intelligent, even the stone ugly never take their fate quietly; and this is what Darwin would have expected
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The erosion of a national ethos or philosophical culture has been accelerated because cultural identities have been given a special, unique status. That time is over
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It was wrong for a man, felled on the concrete by a burst aorta and looking into the void to have thought such vile thoughts about his wife - poison, a loose wingnut in the transmission, a bullet to the head - but his last thoughts were not about their vileness but that he had acted on none of them.
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If Donald Trump is Middle America’s cultural hero, he is also the champion of longstanding political ideals. Not only does he have what most Americans want – wealth, beauty, property, and popularity; the defiant amoral individualism to get them; and the confident swagger to show them off – but he reflects basic, fundamental American political principles recognized by Tocqueville
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It was the fate of old maids to be a misunderstood, underestimated lot, thought universally to be unhappy, unsatisfied, and frustrated; but neither Joanna nor Esther noticed, secure as they were in their friendship without sexual codicils, contracts, or disputes. In fact, they were the New Woman, not the bitter, dry woman of yesteryear's sad history
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We are a drug-addled society', says Kennedy, addicted to prescription and illegal drugs. Returning Americans to a healthy life style will both reduce obesity naturally and reduce our overall drug dependency. Good luck, Mr. Secretary. We love quick fixes and easy drugs.
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Even Musk was astounded at the level of corruption, the complex web of complicity, and the complete shamelessness of all concerned. In a way, he had to admire the ingenuity, the sophistication, and the know-how of all concerned. This African orphanage scheme was a thing of beauty.
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Thousands have tried to find the real Africa without success. Everyone from the earliest explorers, Mungo Park and Rene du Chaillu, and later Burton and Speke, to legions of adventurers, ethnologists, development consultants, and poets have tried their luck, only to have been turned back disappointed. Imagine then, a young woman looking for a sexual epiphany!
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All Amanda's customers were not just liberal, but from the far left. 'Zis', said psychoanalyst Friedrich, sounding like an SS Obersturmführer, 'is ze problem', and went on to say that 'political febrility always ends up in smut'. Realists screw real women, he said, but idealists make them up.
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This was precisely what the President's supporters had hoped for all along - that he would make good on his promise to reduce the size of government, code words for eliminating all but the Constitutional necessities. With every whang and wallop of a wrecking ball, his troops shouted and rallied round. This was the first step, they shouted, only the first.
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