Rivers Are Meant To Be Followed
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milfs…,, milves,
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riversaremeanttobefollowed · 2 months ago
If Thomas Wayne was a surgeon then that means that he wasn't running wayne enterprises while alive. So I present to you: Martha wayne took over the company.
Young Thomas Wayne meets Martha Kane at a gala and they become fast friends. Martha is smart and cunning, business savy, more than Thomas was. So he convinces her to go to business school (rather scandalous for the time- assuming it's the late 40's) while they are in school and Thomas is going through medical school the two fall in love and by the time Martha graduates they decided to get married and Martha Kane is now Martha Wayne. Shortly after Thomas graduates his father decides that he can no longer run WE and Thomas, being an only child is troubled. He didn't want to run the company and honestly hadn't thought of what to do when his father stepped down. Lucky he had a brilliant beautiful, and did he say brilliant wife who just so happend to go to business school.
: ) I regect model Martha wayne because that's boring, CEO Martha wayne who was simply a fashion icon and often on the cover of magazines is better (nothing wrong with model Martha but I want Martha to be more than Bruce's mom)
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riversaremeanttobefollowed · 2 months ago
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I think Bruce was a chip off the ol block
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riversaremeanttobefollowed · 2 months ago
Imagine Thomas and Martha Wayne getting resurrected via whatever the bullcrap of the week is, and it NOT getting undone once the conflict is over. Bruce and the kids are experiencing All The Emotions but Thomas and Martha are just happy to be there and are wholeheartedly rolling with it.
"The Waynes are a superhero family now? That's amazing! Martha, isn't it amazing?"
"Yes, dear. So much better than the organized crime we used to do. Oh, don't worry Bruce, we really only did it out of obligation, we would have jumped to vigilantism long ago had we known it was an option."
"Martha, we have grandchildren! They're adorable!"
"Thomas you've already met most of them."
"Yes but now I can appreciate them! And spoil them!"
"Thomas, honey, if you actually act as an enabler for our grandbabies I think you'll end up giving our poor Bruce a heart attack."
"Damian has a sword Martha! A sword! We have swords in the family! This is wonderful!"
"I know, Thomas."
Thomas has to be physically restrained from learning how to be a vigilante. He's too old, and Bruce and the rest don't want him to die *again*. He can help Alfred. Doesn't stop him from badgering his grandchildren about their hobbies. Ostensibly it's because he wants to get to know them better, but they all know he just really wants to learn how to do the cool things they all do. He's banned from using the Batcomputer at least thrice.
Martha at first seems content to just sit in the house and play the role of old-fashioned housewife but one day she inexplicably appears in Jason's apartment, supposedly to return one of his guns after he dropped it. He could have sworn it was fully loaded when he lost it, and now it's empty. Martha's fingerprints are the only ones on the gun. He decides to not ask questions.
They both neglect to inform the high society of Gotham that they're alive, and it takes a while for them to realize this. Gradually every rich person in Gotham takes their turn having a breakdown over having to deal with even more Wayne bullcrap. How come the Waynes are the only ones that seem to be immune to death???
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riversaremeanttobefollowed · 2 months ago
Thomas Wayne, wringing his hands: “You know, I’m from Gotham — born and raised, Alfred. But Martha — she’s from Gotham. Do you know what I mean?”
Alfred Pennyworth, freshly hired with 0% of an idea what that actually means: “Certainly, sir.”
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riversaremeanttobefollowed · 2 months ago
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Something like this would be so colossally helpful. I'm sick and tired of trying to research specific clothing from any given culture and being met with either racist stereotypical costumes worn by yt people or ai generated garbage nonsense, and trying to be hyper specific with searches yields fuck all. Like I generally just cannot trust the legitimacy of most search results at this point. It's extremely frustrating. If there are good resources for this then they're buried deep under all the other bullshit, and idk where to start looking.
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riversaremeanttobefollowed · 2 months ago
hiii! i was just wondering are there any traditional thai dances that could be incorporated into a firebending character? i’m trying to make a very heavily thai inspired oc but im worried, as im not thai myself, that i may make a bad choice and use something that shouldn’t be used.
thank you!!
Thai Dances with a Fire Nation Vibe - Part 1
Going to split this post into two parts...
Before I delve into detail, I want to establish my lack of credentials on the matter, haha. I'm of Cambodian heritage, and while there's a lot of similarities between Thai and Cambodian culture due to a shared history and geographic proximity, I don't want to set myself up as a Thai cultural expert. Also, I grew up in America and in a fairly secular environment at that. My family would go to the Buddhist temple for holidays and funerals, but I don't necessarily have the best sense for what would be considered offensive in a Hindu-Buddhist context.
With that disclaimer out of the way, there's actually a Thai dance known as Fawn Tian (กวางเทียน) or "The Candle Dance". It's very ethereal and it reminds me of Zuko and Aang's firebending adventure. This type of gentle firebending would definitely have been banned in a post-Sozin Fire Nation. According to Wikipedia, the female dancers pay homage to the divinities that protect the eight cardinal points of the Earth, asking them to pass through the candlelight.
There's also Wai Khru Ram Muay (ไหว้ครูรำมวย), which roughly translates to "Mentor-Honoring Boxing Dance". Wikipedia put it best:
...the Ram muay is a series of choreographed movements often performed before a Muay Thai bout to show respect and gratitude to the fighter's teacher, parents, and ancestors... Upon entering the ring, fighters circle the ring in a counter-clockwise direction and pray at each corner. They bow their heads at every corner three times in salutation to Buddha, Dharma, and the Sangha of monks... The ram muay is a personal ritual, ranging from the very complex to the very simple, and often contains clues about who trained the fighter and where the fighter is from.
I could see this being a ritual performed before an Agni Kai, pre-Sozin. I imagine that dance was phased out of Fire Nation society because it doesn't center the Fire Lord or the nation as the object of respect.
Similar war dances (wai khru ram/ไหว้ครูรำ) are performed when wielding weapons. Below is one for dual-sword wielders, called "Standing Bhramma, Four Corners". I could see Zuko doing this one before doing anything Blue Spirit-related.
Here's two guys doing some ritualized dual sword fighting:
In part 2, I'll go over some bouncy Thai dances that are reminiscent of a flickering fire and some dances that I think the Fire Nation ladies would enjoy.
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riversaremeanttobefollowed · 2 months ago
Okay so this is all set in my jewish batman universe where Bruce is also raised by the Kanes and is a practicing jew. He's still batman of course, but has a better support system than just Alfred (although if I remember correctly, originally Alfred joined the batfam after Dick, but in this verse Alfred is here from the beginning). Ezra is mizrahi jewish from his mother and ashkenazi from his father. Ezra's father died when he was young after they moved to Gotham, also murdered. Ezra and Bruce met at temple as teenagers a little before Bruce went off to boarding school. They hit it off and were good friends, but lost contact after Bruce went on his batman training montage. Its when Bruce returns and they hold a gala celebrating him that he meets Ezra again. They start up a romance, but since it's still pretty rocky to be gay in public at this time they keep it a secret. Ezra isn't out to his family either, and Bruce also doesn't really say anything to his family. Ezra's maternal family is all like John Constantine with their abilities within the occult and are consultants basically. Ezra has already joined the family business, which is an open secret within the jewish community within Gotham. I like to think that a lot of bubbled of jewish people know about the occult stuff that happens within the dc universe before it starts to become public knowledge. So Bruce already knew and found out more after he returned with his Batman paranoia. Ezra then finds out about the Batman stuff after Bruce needs his help on a case, so they work together when their cases overlap. Then Dick joins Bruce's family and him and Ezra get along like a house on fire, but Dick is obviously still the angry Robin due to the death of his family and mishandling of his parents case and the fact that he was in juvie for no reason other than the fact that they had no room for him in an orphanage before getting taken in by Bruce. Eventually after Dick has been with Bruce for a year, and Bruce and Ezra have been together for awhile now (multiple years, but it was never agreed explicitly that they were exclusive, but It was sort of implied, but they never called each other boyfriends and though they never saw anyone else). I need to figure out the years still, but Bruce then proposes to Ezra since he's rich and they can get married anywhere, but Ezra rejects him (for many reasons, but mostly because he's scared). He blows up a bit at Bruce and then leaves Gotham entirely. Bruce is devastated (but also he never asked if that's where they were going anyways, they have never talked about their relationship, so also on him for not communicating even if Ezra definitely would have wanted this if he wasn't so scared though). Years go by, Dick doesn't know why Ezra and Bruce weren't together anymore (he knew since he walked in on them kissing once and was talked to by Bruce), but thinks Bruce was the one at fault. but one day after the Justice League has been running for years at this point, Ezra is brought on a case by John Constanine, and it's obvious that Batman and Nightwing know him (Nightwing never told his siblings about Ezra and I don't think most of them know Bruce is bi) since Nightwing basically jumps him with a hug. There is tension, but Ezra and Bruce talk during the mission at one point when they are alone with Ezra telling him that he misses Bruce and that he would like to try again, and Bruce apologizes to Ezra for not talking to him ahead of time. (also Kate is Batwoman at this point and has come out to their family and gay marriage is legalized at this point) They agree to try again as friends since Ezra is returning home.
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riversaremeanttobefollowed · 4 months ago
I really need fanfic writers to never ever touch the words big, bro, sis, and every variation of those words together when having siblings refer to each other. Please stop, no actual sibling calls each other that in english
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riversaremeanttobefollowed · 4 months ago
I was thinking about the fanon thing for Mandalorians that when they get married they swap armour pieces and I was reading something where someone said it just wouln't make sense when you really think about it because you would need an armourer since its all fitted for your body exactly. Which then got me thinking of kids, so there are definitely like a ton of Mandolorian kids that need armour especially after the planet is uninhabitable and beskar is not as plentiful. And since they would already need an armourer, what if parents passed down a piece of beskar armour to their child. I just think it would be sweet.
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riversaremeanttobefollowed · 5 months ago
To tear, to rend
The first awful days After are a blur.
He barely remembers returning to Gotham. He has snatches of memory of tearing apart the cave, vague notions of destructive rage, but nothing concrete.
Alfred is the one who calls the rabbi, who covers the mirrors and hosts the Shiva and organizes the funeral. Alfred is the one who gently presses the black ribbon into his hand, though Bruce forces himself to make the tear himself, one small cut on the left to mirror the ocean of grief in his heart.
He wears it for the full thirty days, doesn't even think about taking it off after the first seven. He doesn't wear it visibly, of course - even in the depths of his grief he knows better than to remind the Gotham elites that the Waynes have never been proper God-fearing Christians like the rest of them. Instead, he wears it pinned to the inside of his suit jacket, and he presses on it sometimes to remind himself it's there.
By the time thirty days are up the city is in chaos. Batman's absence has been noticed, especially without Nightwing or Robin making appearances either.
On the 31st day, Bruce forces himself to go down to the cave and suit up; it's only once he's standing half-naked with his underlayer in hand that he notices the rip down the middle of the bat symbol.
He doesn't remember doing it, although he must have. Alfred, dealing with his own grief and trying to manage Bruce's, has not been down to the cave since the first night, and Dick is still off-world.
Bruce stares at it for a few minutes, frozen, before his mind wanders to the ribbon now sitting on his nightstand. It's fitting, he decides: Batman has always been where he puts all of his pain and fear. And besides, Bruce may have to hide his pain for the world, but Batman has no such restrictions.
When Batman makes his first reappearance in over a month it is with a tear down the middle of his symbol, and his pain front and center on his chest.
It's not until several months later that he finally stops wearing the torn suit. Tim Drake has been wearing him down for weeks by that point, and after yet another patrol when he comes home bloody - this time from several stab wounds that managed to cut through the suit - he feels Tim's assessing gaze following him.
When he goes downstairs to get ready a few weeks later, there's a new suit waiting for him. The torn bat is gone, but in its place is a darker version, without the bright yellow background Dick and Jason used to tease him about. Bruce bows his head and breathes through the pain, then forces himself upright. He emerges in the new suit to see Tim waiting for him, and he nods at him just once in response to the subtle tilt of his head.
In a few weeks he will light a white candle and say Kaddish. For now, he pulls on his cowl and heads out into the night.
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riversaremeanttobefollowed · 5 months ago
I was thinking about Jewish Bruce Wayne again and it got me thinking about why the dc community refuses to see Bruce Wayne as Jewish (beyond the antisemitism of course) and I was like maybe its because then you could argue that any of his kids he raised are then Jewish (based off the fact that if someone is raised in a Jewish household, with Jewish values makes then Jewish, which is the reason why adoptees don't need to convert), but then I remembered that most of the dc community knows nothing about what it even looks like to be religiously Jewish, let alone what the rules are.
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riversaremeanttobefollowed · 5 months ago
We all know that the reason why Bruce Wayne isn't religiously Jewish is because dc are cowards, but also because many of the community itself is cowards. I personally believe it comes from a lack of knowledge about what it even means to be religious because most of the community is Christian or culturally Christian. So as someone that would probably be considered not religious by Christians, but Religious by most other Jewish people, I think that Bruce Wayne fits in this section of being Jewish.
Bruce can't go to the Synagogue often because of the whole being Batman stuff, but he still goes on the high holidays when he can. He celebrates with the Kane family as well! And Kate would obviously understand if he couldn't come because she's Batwoman! Give me a Bruce Wayne says Yiddish curses. Give me a Batman that has a bunch of Chanukkiot that are just so pretty because they are rich and definitely have a ton. Give me Batfamily shabbat dinners when they are able to. Rest days on Saturday for the Jewish members when they are more members in the Batfam to make it work (and it being a mitzvah when he does have to be Batman on Shabbat because its a mitzvah to save a life). Give me Mezuzot on every entryway. Give me a Bruce Wayne who inherited his mother's seder plates and actually uses them. Give me a Bruce Wayne that says stuff like kein ayin hara before giving good news! Give me a confused Dick Grayson when Bruce insults him (its actually a compliment, but to ward against the evil eye you will say the opposite of what you mean) and then Bruce having to explain after he realizes that Dick has no idea why he just insulted him. Give me a Batman that follows Jewish values (more than he canonically does)
Just because someone ins't actively involved within a wider community of that Religion doesn't mean they aren't Religious! Or at least don't give me a culturally Jewish Bruce Wayne that doesn't do any of this. Thats just you stripping away all the Jewish parts of him.
Bruce Wayne is Jewish and you can't just ignore that
#The kane family is there from when he is a kid to when hes an adult#meaning they definitely had a hand in raising him#I think its very odd that alfred the bodyguard turned butler of the waynes to have been the one to canonically raise him#while his entire maternal side of the family is still alive and kicking#like guys please come on#and also I think it would be very weird that alfred didn't bring Bruce to his maternal family#that would just be out of character imo#but yeah I think its very small minded to think of being religious as a belief in god and going to church#because that is a very very small portion about what it means to be religious to me#also! I based off the Kane's name origin it would be very likely for the Kanes to be Irish Jews#oh and one more thing#Just because I consider him to be just Jewish doesn't mean that its impossible for him to be dual faith#We have no idea what religion Thomas was#we could say christian#but I like to say thats from Alfred and any christian stuff that the Batfam celebrate is not because of Bruce#but is actually from Alfred and any of the kids that are Christian/culturally Christian#nevermind have another thought on top of this mess#why would Richard Grayson ever be considered christian#press x to doubt#while I know nothing about Romani religious practices and I know that is on purpose from their community which I respect#the community does know that Dick is Romani#meaning he would follow their religious practices#which I think he would follow extra hard after the death of his parents#and there is also the argument that he could be jewish if he was raised in a household that is Jewish and holds Jewish values#but yeah the Wayne manor has only one confirmed christian in it and its Alfred#batman#batfam#bruce wayne#kane family#kate kane
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riversaremeanttobefollowed · 6 months ago
I know a lot of the AUs that have the Shens as twins have Shen Yuan make Shen Jiu better* but I think we have to acknowledge the truth:
Shen Yuan would make Shen Jiu better
Shen Jiu would make Shen Yuan worse
They are both petty, sarcastic bitches who love to drink the haterade at their core
They wouldn't be "the nice one and the mean one" they would team up to make grown men cry with just a few words
They would be "the mean one who smiles and the mean one who doesn't"
Maaaybe Shen Yuan would get a rep for being the more honest or trustworthy of the two but he wouldn't be the nice one
He'd be the one who only verbally stabs you
I think they would both end up kinder than canon Shen Jiu. (No child abuse on Shen Yuan's watch) but they would be feared
*we're not talking about the other kinds of fics rn
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riversaremeanttobefollowed · 6 months ago
I love this idea
Shen twins or bros au where the Shens go through Qiu Manor and Wu Yanzi together but only Shen Jiu joins Cang Qiong with Yue Qingyuan. Cut to Cang Qiong facing a problem that needs the expertise of a demonic cultivator and Shen Jiu presents the most powerful and elusive demonic cultivator as his brother
...how is it that the demonic cultivator brother is nicer than the one dressed in pastels
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riversaremeanttobefollowed · 6 months ago
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riversaremeanttobefollowed · 6 months ago
I think it would be fucking funny if the al ghuls had a civilian cover and that civilian cover was them being royalty.
The concept of Damian being even richer (publicly) in his maternal family than his paternal one is just so funny to me.
Especially when there can be moments with the richer more “noble like” part of gotham’s children at school going “the fucking prince from blank!!!”
The al ghuls are of course still assassins but are now also publicly royalty would just be so funny to me.
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