regalrex · 4 years
I've spent nearly half my life not wanting to live, but now I'm going to change that, no matter what.
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regalrex · 4 years
The only Minecraft let's play I care about anymore
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regalrex · 4 years
One of the worst feelings in the world is coming out to someone you love and trust and them not accept that part of you.
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regalrex · 4 years
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Asexuality does not mean broken. I am not broken.
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regalrex · 4 years
I loved you more than anything
More than any other man
I would have given you anything
So I just don't understand
How you could go so far away
When you knew you'd be leaving me
How I wish you would've stayed
When you left without telling me
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regalrex · 4 years
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regalrex · 5 years
Different kinds of relationships
Chopsticks - They need to work together in order to get anything done. They need each other and while they can do some things on they're own, things are just better together.
Fork and Spoon - You can use a spoon without a fork and you can use a fork without a spoon but they are always recognised as a set. (bonus points if they have a third best friend - knife)
Spork - They can do things on their own and don't need anyone else.
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regalrex · 5 years
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Ladies and gentlemen, my boyfriend.
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regalrex · 5 years
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regalrex · 5 years
Cats and dogs
Am I a cat person or a dog person? Well, that's a difficult question.
I relate more to cats. Cats show affection by wanting to be in the same room as you but only occasionally asking for attention. They bring you gifts, although you might not always appreciate them. I am much the same way. I enjoy spending time with people but that doesn't mean I want to be doing the same thing as them. I like when people choose to come spend time with me without expecting me to give them my full attention. When cats want affection, they will generally just lay next to you on on you and expect you to pet them, and I'm much the same way. I like people playing with my hair and giving me massages, and I like playing with people's hair and giving them massages. I don't usually have a ton of energy so people might see me as lazy like a cat.
I like dogs because they encourage me to be active. They always want to show you how much they love you and get shown love in return and they always want to play. It can be a bit hard to focus when they are always demanding your attention but once you wear them out they'll sit still for a bit or take a nap.
My boyfriend is more like a dog which makes things difficult. When I want to hang out just so we can sit in the same room while I do homework or something, he feels neglected because I'm not paying attention to him after he went through the effort to come over. When I buy him gifts, I feel like he doesn't appreciate it as much as I would have and I question if he doesn't like what I got him so I feel the need to get him more. While it's not always perfect, it's beneficial for both of us because he gets me out of the house on hikes and adventures and I help him to relax and think through his plans. Plus, we both love cuddling.
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regalrex · 5 years
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This is what a REAL rape prevention campaign looks like
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regalrex · 5 years
Since the ocean has meat, salt, and veg in it, it is technically a big thing of soup. (source)
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regalrex · 5 years
I'm tired of being a failure and a disapointment. I'm sorry I can't be your perfect daughter or girlfriend or sibling or friend. Stop expecting me to be more than I am. Stop expecting me to change for you in order to better suit your personal needs.
I'm human
I'm a living breathing human and I deserve to be treated as such. Why is that so hard to understand?
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regalrex · 5 years
Boys, listen up.
We've had a lot of talk about how no means no for rape and such but let me just say something else. If you want kids, and your wife/girlfriend *doesn't* then do NOT manipulate her into having kids or go behind her back to get her pregnant.
No poking holes in condoms or removing them in the middle of sex. No "not pulling out in time". Doing those things with either make you lose money for a Plan B or make you have a very VERY unhappy girl.
Do not manipulate her, for the love of God. Girls are treated as inferior for their entire lives and taught that they are to cater to men. Do not threaten to leave if she won't have a child. Do not ask her about it over and over again for months on end to annoy her into having a kid. Don't act sad about it when she says no ESPECIALLY if you talked about it at the beginning of the relationship and you already knew.
It is HER body and HER choice. Just because we have the ability to bear children does NOT mean that we want to.
How can you avoid a situation where you want kids and your girl doesn't? Ask her at the beginning of the relationship. If she doesn't want kids, then find someone else who does.
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regalrex · 5 years
Here is a poem I wrote, enjoy
Stories tell of light and dark
Waging war against the other
Where dark had once left its mark
It now has all been smothered
How simple are these tales
When they do not understand
Life's a balance of the scales
So you give what life demands
Light against dark is like chalk
They turn into dust and mix into gray
Nothing is as solid as rock
Everything is always just gray
No matter how much light you give
Someone will see you as darkness
You should just live and let live
When in the end you'll just be a carcass
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regalrex · 5 years
“Struggling does not mean you’re failing. Falling apart every now and then does not mean you’re broken and can’t put yourself back together again. Not seeing a way out this very moment does not mean there isn’t one. You can do this. Please hold on.”
— one reminder a day #3 / n.j.
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regalrex · 5 years
I see everything I've had to leave behind and suddenly I don't question why I'm empty.
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