We are changing the messages we send to ourselves through a healthier lifestyle! Lift up your cucumber lemon water glass and put on your walking shoes with Coach P and Chef Ariel, as we grow together, develop new habits and transform together! The next 30 days will be healing our mind, body and soul through Plant-based wellness and nourishment! Daily visit us for simply delicious recipes, nutritional healthy tips and fitness. Let the replenishment and overflow of energy begin! All you need to provide is a hefty amount of self-motivation, strength, perseverance and determination. Therefore, finding a partner is strongly recommended! Lastly ALWAYS remember to reach out to us for questions and conversations as you have them! Don't forget to share your journey with us and share us on your social media!Cheers to you!
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Oh flavorgasmic deliciousness these frites are delicious! 2 c jicama 2 tbl avocado oil 1 tsp apple cider vinegar 1/4 tsp Chili pepper 1 tsp paprika 1/2 tsp cumin 1/4 tsp coriander 1 punch cinnamon Peel and slice into frites, Toss and massage together. Grub on! #rawvegan #rawglowchallenge #frites #rawveganfrites #avocadooil #pepper #paprika #cinnamon #cumin #coriander #applecidervinegar #chefariel #coachp @coachpsays @chefariella
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This week's produce: Cabbage Celery Beets Carrots Berries Onions Garlic Bananas Parsley Walnuts Sunflower seeds Oats Chia Seeds Lemons Mint Cucumbers Zucchini Maple syrup Red Bell Peppers Mushrooms Tomatoes Jicama #freshfriday #startfreshstayfresh #chefariel #coachp #walnuts #rawvegan #rawglowchallenge #walnuts #fruit #vegetBles #nuts #seeds @chefariella @coachpsays @rougelioness
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Red Zucchini burger...I'm going to patiently wait for these to come out of the dehydrator! Welcome to FRESH FRIDAY! 1/4 c walnuts 4 garlic cloves 4 lg mushrooms 1 lg yam 1/4 red bell pepper 1/4 zucchini 5 dates 1 medium onion 1 tbl Orange juice 1 tbl nama shoyu 2 tsp paprika 1 tsp black pepper 1 tsp coriander Cut veggies into chunks, add to food processor and pulse until combine and wet. Form into patties and dehydrate for 3 hours, flip and dehydrate for 3 more hours or until firmness you desire! #rawvegan #rawglowchallenge #rawveganburgers #yam #zucchini #coriander #blackpepper #paprika #vinegar #dates #zucchini #bellpepper #onions #garlic #mushrooms #walnuts #coachp #chefariel #startfreshstayfresh #freshfriday @coachpsays @chefariella @rougelioness @hersheos
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This morning's deliciousness... Coconut Cashew donuts with cacao drizzles and cacao cherry donut with caramel drizzles! This was delicious! Cacao donut 1 c walnuts 1 c brazilnuts 1/2 c coconut flakes 1 c ground walnuts 1/4 c hemp seeds 1/4 c chia seeds 1 c raw cacao powder 1 tsp Himalayan sea salt 1/4 c date paste 1 tsp vanilla Purée nuts, date paste until mini pieces, add remaining ingredients purée until sticky. Remove and roll into balls. Press down gently and with your finger in the middle, this will make a hole in the middle and should look like a donut. Dehydrate on 119 for 2 hours in each side. Remove and drizzle cacao drizzle Cacao drizzle 1 c cacao powder 1/2 c coconut oil 3 tbl yacon syrup or agave syrup Blend to combine. Drizzle on donut! Enjoy! #rawglowchallenge #sogchallenge #chefariel #coachpsays #rawvegandonuts #rawveganfood #rawveganbreakfast #rawvegansnack #rawvegandesserts #eatwell #healthychallenge #wellness #lovefood #healthycreations #livefood #loveineverybite #foodheals #cacaocherrydonuts #cacaococonuticing
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Happy Saturday #rawglowchallengers today is day 31! What did you do for your movement activity this morning? I decided to kick off the day with a nice outdoor adventure! I have to say this being in the rain in Seattle today, well many days inspires me to dance in it! I love it! It's rejuvegative, empowering and exciting connecting with life! Today my neighbor came out and asked me why I dance in the rain, I stopped and said expressed my gratitude for being and honoring every drop of rain, cigar in mouth, he danced with me! Remember enjoy every moment of life and be yourself! Enjoy life and love fully...! #rawglowchallenge #sogchallenge #chefariel #coachpsays #getmoving
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Snack time! What's your favorite snack? #rawglowchallenge #sogchallenge #coachpsays #chefariel #healthysnacktime
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Thought of the day! #rawglowchallenge #sogchallenge #coachpsays #chefariel #thoughtoftheday
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New water combination! What's your favorite water combination? #hydrateyourself #drinkmorewater #waterislove #waterheals #rawglowchallenge #sogchallenge #coachpsays #chefariel
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Greenergy 2 green apples 1 cucumber 2 c spinach 1 lime 1/4 pineapple Juice all ingredients, have a happy breakfast! #rawglowchallenge #sogchallenge #coachpsays #chefariel #energizingjuice #refreshingjuice #replenishingjuice #greenapples #cucumber #spinach #lime #pineapple #vitamins #antioxidants #immunitybooster #energizer
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Cheezy Herby Rice 2 c cauliflower 1/4 c basil, chopped 1/4 c chives 1/4 c Italian parsley 3 tbl raw cheeze Cut cauliflower small into rice sized pieces, add remaining ingredients, mix to combine evenly. Enjoy #rawglowchallenge #sogchallenge #chefariel #coachpsays #chefariella #coachp #rawvegan #cheeze #cheezyherbyrice #cleaneating #lovetoeatclean #wellness #rawvegan #rawkstars #herbs #rawveganrice
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Golden Cheezy Cheddar 1 1/2 c cashews 1/4 c sunflower seeds 1/4 c red bell peppers 1/4 c sunflower seed milk 1 tsp cider vinegar 3 cloves, garlic 1 tsp cumin 1 tsp black pepper 1 dry chipotle pepper, chopped and soaked 1 tbl olive oil Purée all ingredients together, if too thick, add 1-2 tbl hot water #rawglowchallenge #sogchallenge #coachpsays #coachp #chefariella #chefariel #rawvegancheeze #rawvegancheezysauce #rawkstars #eatwell #eattolive #healingthroughfood #healthycreations #eatlive #livefoods #rawvegandining #cheeze #rawvegan #wellness #lovetoeatclean #cleaneating
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BBQ chops 1/4 head cauliflower chopped into pieces 1 garlic clove, chopped small 1/4 c red onion, chopped small 1 tbl sesame seeds 1 tsp chili pepper seeds 3 tbl raw BBQ sauce Add all ingredients together except cauliflower, whisk to combine Add cauliflower, toss together Enjoy #rawglowchallenge #sogchallenge #coachpsays #coachp #chefariella #chefariel #lovefood #eattolive #rawvegandining #rawveganbbq #foodheals #loveineverybite #lovefood #healthyeating #healthycreations #healingthroughfood #eattolive #eatwell #rawkstars
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BBQ sauce 3 tablespoons olive oil 1/4 cup minced sweet onion 3 cloves garlic 2 large tomatoes, puréed 1/2 c sundried tomatoes 1/4 cup cider vinegar 1 tablespoon Tamari sauce 1/2 teaspoon each ground mustard seeds and paprika 2 dry chipotle peppers, crushed 2 tbl mango purée (blended mango) Fresh ground pepper to taste Purée all ingredients together! Add 1 tsp cider vinegar for creamier and tangier Add 1 tsp agave for sweeter Add 1 pepper ground for spicier #rawglowchallenge #sogchallenge #selflove #coachpsays #coachp #chefariella #chefariel #healthycreations #loveineverybite #eatwell #healthyeating #foodcombining #foodheals #rawveganbbq #rawvegandining #eattolive #lovefood
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Comfort food at its yummiest and healthiest! Enjoy love ones Raw vegan potato salad 2 c small cubed jicama 1/2 c celery, chopped small 1/4 c sweet onion, small chopped 1/4 c broccoli, chopped small 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tbl mustard 3 tbl mayo 1 tsp black pepper 1 tsp lime juice 1 tsp Mexican chile peppers, ground 1/4 c Italian parsley, chopped Add all ingredients into large bowl, mix to combine. #rawglowchallenge #sogchallenge #chefariel #coachpsays #chefariella #coachp #rawveganpotatosalad #rawveganmayo #rawveganmustard #healingthroughfood #loveineverybite #foodheals #foodcombining #healthyeating #eatwell
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Making your own is so much better for you and us a fun. Activity to do with your kiddos! Raw vegan mustard 1/3 c yellow mustard seeds 1/3 c black mustard seeds 1/4 c yellow bell pepper 1/4 c orange juice 1/4 c water 1 1/2 tsp Agave 1 tsp turmeric 1/4 tsp salt Soak mustard seeds in water and apple cider vinegar for 30 minutes. Combine mustard seeds and liquid with remaining ingredients in a blender. Add water to desired consistency. Store in airtight container, use within 2 weeks #rawglowchallenge #sogchallenge #coachp #coachpsays #chefariella #chefariel #rawveganmustard
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Raw vegan mayo 2 c macadamia nuts, soaked for two hours 1/4 c grape seed oil 1/4 c Bok Choy stems (white part) 1/4 red bell pepper, chopped 3 tbl water 3 tbl Apple cider vinegar 1 1/2 tsp mustard seeds, ground 1 tsp agave 1 tsp Himalayan sea salt 1 tsp chipotle pepper Purée nuts and jicama in food processor, add remaining ingredients, purée until creamy. Add 1 tbl additional water and vinegar if needed. Store in airtight container up to 5 days. Enjoy #rawglowchallenge #sogchallenge #coachpsays #coachp #chefariella #chefariel #rawveganmayo #eatwell #healthyeating #healingthroughfood #foodheals #loveineverybite
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Oh comfort oh my! BBQ anyone? Tonight we are having BBQ, smokey potato salat and herb cheezy rice! #rawglowchallenge #sogchallenge #coachpsays #coachp #chefariella #chefariel #rawveganbbq #rawveganpotatosalad #rawveganherbrice #foodcombining #healingthroughfood #foodheals #loveineverybite #eatlive #eatwell #selflove #rawvegandining #rawkstars
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