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How to be a writer On cold days lie on the sofa and write prose #poignant #writer #writerslife #writersofinstagram #sofa #drawing #coldday #micropoetry #dreaming #dreamlife #shadow #prose #ink #notebook #mindwork (at London, United Kingdom)
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Bolton Abbey #stainedglass #colours #BoltonAbbey (at Bolton Abbey)
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Any other way? I snapped this dated tasty sign 2 weeks ago at #BoltonAbbey Little did I know #teresamay would call an early #generalelection #keepleft #stayleft Do whatever you can to stop the rich becoming richer (at Bolton Abbey)
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Work by David Jones aged 11 Born Brockley, London 1895 'Soldier, poet, painter: Britain's visionary outsider. ... Kenneth Clark, in the mid-1930s, was describing Jones as “the most gifted of all the young British painters”. TS Eliot regarded In Parenthesis, Jones's modernist epic of the first world war, as “a work of genius”.' (at Brockley)
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When my parents came earlier I had sat on the sofa watching snooker wanting to fall asleep. I felt so tired. I had turned the television off but wondered what they would have thought if they'd come in and I had been watching television on a sunny weekday afternoon. All on my own. #absurd #mundane #jshelley #prose #writerslife #snooker #realism #writersofinstagram #drawingabiggerpicture #television #ironic (at London, United Kingdom)
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'Difference of opinion' As soon as I pushed The point the lenses moved in The darker shades pushed onto the edge I breathed quietly Taking breath Taking breath in the space I had Clear vision, clear sight Damaged by the sun rays #micropoetry #micropoem #sunlight #sunshine #abstract #poem #writerslife #red #glasses #sunglasses #writerslife #writersofinstagram #collision #sundamage #conflict #differenceofopinion #irony #darkermeaning #fight #sadness #touch #jshelley #specsavers #specappeal #frame #motion #hyperrealism (at London, United Kingdom)
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Feet swap #thiswaynext #chalkmarks #peckham #goosegreen #dulwich (at Goose Green, East Dulwich)
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Wake up street #weekend #darfieldroad #London #SE4 (at SE4)
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#viewfromthewindow 'The man with a crash helmet' . The man with a crash helmet withdrew cash from a cash machine. Blue boiler suit. Scooter to the side on the pavement. He took the cash and drove off. Scooter driven on pavement onto the road Barclays Bank a back drop. More people entered the frame walking past Talking, words unheard, or rushing for the occasional train. Grandparents pushed buggies. Cars drove through polluting the air making noise Dreamed a world of electric cars, pure silence, clean air. #narrative #experimentalwriting #poem #poet #jshelley #wordsunheard #entertheframe #backdrop #poeticsofspace #poetics #writersofinstagram #blueboilersuit #manwithacrashhelmet #segment #handwritten #squared #squarednotebook (at London, United Kingdom)
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#bookfind #croftonbooks #brockley #deathandlife #lifeanddeath #greatamericancities #failure #towncities #janejacobs #coverdesign #pelicanbooks #pelicanbookcovers #coverdesign (at Crofton Books, a Vintage Bookshop in London SE4)
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The glass was full of coffee The beige dense drink lined with froth Titled to the side Unsteady on a saucer. #experimentalwriting #jshelley #squarednotebook #poem #micropoem #writerslife #observation #coffee (at London, United Kingdom)
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'Crushed' The heater I sit before In dim winter afternoon light. The window a tree droplets of water hanging full from bare branches Catching drizzle. Steady drizzle in grey Grey winter February light Halfway the month Halfway nothing the grim picture Of no light Bleary nothing clouds of continuous pale blue A pale grey uniform all over Touching wet chimneys and roof tops Crushed by sameness Day starts day ends Crushed by conversation An envelope Pushed through the door and opened Pushed through the door and opened again #poem #writerslife #crushed #winter #sameness #paleblue #palegrey #continuous #february #cloud #reopened #envelope #samenews #transition #breakthemould #handwriting #fireplace #instawrite #notebook #squaredpaper #greywinter #februarylight #sameness #halfway #steadydrizzle #bleary (at London, United Kingdom)
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I walked to the other side of the road where the sun shone and it was warm again #micropoetry #textconflict #writerslife #writersofinstagram #jshelley #fourlines #minimalism #february (at London, United Kingdom)
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#scribblingaway The brightness shone off the pale grey pavements, low light bouncing into the window (at London, United Kingdom)
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Put pen to paper and the windows steamed up Mid morning porridge #haiku #writerslife #pinkchair #bluechair (at London, United Kingdom)
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Yesterday morning #ice #drivethroughthecold (at London, United Kingdom)
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Thursday 5th Jan 2017 I watched a film then went into the kitchen to make some scrambled eggs. The sun in the day stayed low. In the morning I walked to the supermarket. The sky was blue but all the streets were hidden by shade. In the morning the sun shone on the front of the house but by the afternoon it shone on the back. The bathroom at the back became full of light. #sunshine #writerslife #prose #poetic (at London, United Kingdom)
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