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officialclangen · 8 months ago
Hi!! i was looking through the masterpost and couldn't find anything for it, so i wanted to ask- is there any guide to how cats would be described in the allegiances page in-game? ex. a rosette cat being described as "oddly-spotted" etc. i wanna use similar descriptors for cats, but the page only accounts for alive cats inside the clan, so i was wondering if theres any list of what pelt traits indicate what description is used?
Well, there was no resource for this, but let's make one now! I peeked into the files to grab the descriptors for you :]
Below the readmore, this is very long as I included everything that goes into it! Hopefully it helps <3
☆ Fable ☆
Colour Descriptors
"pale"— White
Only called "pale" if the cat is not singlecolour, twocolour, tortoiseshell, or calico. In these cases, it is called "white"
"pale gray"— Palegrey
"gray"— Grey
"dark gray"— Darkgrey
"pale ginger"— Paleginger
"dark ginger"— Darkginger, Sienna
"light brown"— Lightbrown, Lilac
"golden brown"— Golden-brown
"dark brown"— Darkbrown, Chocolate
"black"— Ghost
Colours that are listed the same as they are coded— Silver, Golden, Ginger, Brown, Black
Pattern Descriptors
"[colour] tabby"— Tabby, Marbled, Mackerel, Classic, Agouti, Sokoke
"speckled [colour]"— Speckled
"unusually dappled [colour]"— Bengal
"unusually spotted [colour]"— Rosette
"[colour] ticked"— Ticked
"[colour] smoke"— Smoke
"dorsal-striped [colour]"— Singlestripe
"masked [colour] tabby"— Masked
Tortoiseshell Descriptors
"[colour]"— [Base colour]/[Patch colour]
Base colour refers to the main colour, while patch colour refers to the colour of the cats patches. They are always written with the slash between them Examples: brown/ginger, pale gray/black
"[colour] tortie"— A tortoiseshell with either no white patch, or a white patch that is either classed as little white or mid white.
"[colour] calico"— A tortoiseshell with a white patch that is either classed as high white or mostly white.
"[colour] mottled"— A tortoiseshell whose base colour and patch colours are both in the brown, black, or white category
They do not need to both be in the same category, just one of those three; a lilac and ghost tortoiseshell will be listed as mottled, for example, but a lilac and ginger tortoiseshell will not
"[descriptor] tabby"— If a tortoiseshell has the pelt type Tabby, Ticked, Mackerel, Classic, Sokoke, Agouti, Bengal, Rosette, or Speckled, "tabby" is added after the descriptor.
Example: A Lilac and Ginger tortoiseshell tabby with the Rosette pattern and no white patches would be listed as a "light brown/ginger tortie tabby"
White Patch Descriptors
"[colour] and white"— A non-tortoiseshell with a white patch that is either classed as little white, mid white, or high white.
Can also be a tortoiseshell with a white patch that is either classed as little white or mid white
"white and [colour]"— A non-tortoiseshell with a white patch that is classed as mostly white.
"white"— A cat with the Fullwhite patch, regardless of what colour they are underneath. Overwrites their main colour
This is different to a singlecolour white cat as they have a different pelt type underneath the patch. Fullwhite cats that are tortoiseshell underneath are listed as calico on their profile page, but not the allegiances
"[colour] point"— A cat with one of the point markings
If a cat is a point under the ginger category, they are listed as a flame point
Gender Descriptors
"she-cat"— Female, Trans Female
"tom"— Male, Trans Male
"cat"— All other identities
Extra Descriptors
"vitiligo"— A cat with vitiligo
Missing body parts have special listings, as follows;
"no tail"— NoTail "half a tail"— HalfTail "three legs"— NoPaw "a missing ear"— NoLeftEar, NoRightEar "no ears"— NoEar
Vitiligo and missing body parts are joined together as "vitiligo, [scar], [scar] and [scar]"
"scarred [colour]"— A cat with three or more scars
"long-furred [colour]"— A cat with long fur
Putting it Together
For a non-tortoiseshell with no white patches:
a [extra] [colour] [pattern/tortoiseshell] [white] [gender] with [extra]
You would remove any non-used sections. Examples below;
a long-furred dorsal-striped pale gray tom with vitiligo and three legs
a dark ginger/light brown tortie tabby she-cat
a scarred white and unusually spotted black cat
a long-furred scarred light brown/black mottled point she-cat with no tail, three legs and a missing ear
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vespidclan · 5 months ago
okay okay. since you guys are just so insanely clever, I’m gonna knock up the difficulty charts off these quizzes! NEXT QUESTION!!!
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canon-clangen · 2 years ago
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Ivypool, of ThunderClan! [for anon]
"name_prefix": "Ivy",
"name_suffix": "pool",
"gender": "female",
"gender_align": "female",
"backstory": "clanborn",
"trait": "loyal",
"facets": "14,12,6,8",
"pelt_name": "Mackerel",
"pelt_color": "PALEGREY",
"pelt_length": "short",
"sprite_kitten": 2,
"sprite_adolescent": 3,
"sprite_adult": 6,
"sprite_senior": 14,
"sprite_para_adult": 15,
"eye_colour": "DARKBLUE",
"PEACH", "tint": "gray",
"skill_dict": { "primary": "FIGHTER,20,False", "secondary": null, "hidden": null },
"scars": [ "LEFTEAR", "RIGHTEAR", "FACE", "ONE" ],
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daisyaydon · 5 years ago
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What a wonderful early Christmas present!! Thank you Tanja @xjewelleryofficial - it’s beautiful and so prettily wrapped 😻 can’t wait to have a proper play! #xjewelleryofficial #palegrey #bronze #adventcompetition #christmas2019 #trollbeads https://www.instagram.com/p/B6dd6pVJY4N/?igshid=11y79cdwt2nl
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crushculdesac · 7 years ago
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@maryfrancesflowers and @hobbsmaker’s weekend is screaming towards us and I still need shoes! 🙈 #ineedapersonalshopper :: :: :: #duogram #weddingmonogram #handmadepaper #palegrey #bestcolorever #mountainwedding #asheville #weddingstationery https://www.instagram.com/p/BnEF8zWgqHP_1nT5loHaaJvD3FEqWAmF2YS_cQ0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9oq9z17chscf
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gecekutuphanesi · 6 years ago
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Soluk, grimsi pembe. Akşam saatlerinde kiraz çiçeği ağaçlarını seyretmek. Tahayyül edebileceğim en nefis mürekkeple yazılmış satırlar. #bibliospen #yozakura #eveningcherryblossoms #writing #theblackprince #palegrey #dustypink #inkaddict https://www.instagram.com/p/BqE-bzClp9T/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14kk13klkqnc1
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#angelinajolie very elegant in a #palegrey @ralphandrusso dress at #stpaulcathedral in #London to honor the 200th anniversary of the most distinguished order of St. Michael and St. George.
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lussogifts · 5 years ago
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👐👐👐👐👐 How Pretty 👐 PINK & GREY MATT DIAMOND candle giftset #prettyandpink #pretty #prettydecor #prettyaccessories #pinkinterior #pinkandgreydecor #pinkandgrey #hintofpink #babypinkdecor #babypink #dovegreykitchen #dovegrey #palegrey #greystyling #pinkstyling #greywithahintofpink #greyhomestyle #greyhomedecor #greys #greyhome #greyhomeideas #greyhomeinterior #homeinterior #candles #luxurycandles #scentedcandles #candlelover #candleobsession #candleobsessed #like4likes https://www.instagram.com/p/CAzdVC1nB01/?igshid=164z108ltcjxx
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vintageverrico · 6 years ago
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Dressing Table/Piano Stool. New plump foam covered in a Black & Silver fabric. Legs painted in Sanderson ‘Early Dawn’ - which is the palest of grey. H19 x W20 x D15 inches approximately. £35 #dressingtablestool #nestraworks #sanderson #earlydawn #blackandsilver #palegrey (at Vintage Verrico Nerve Centre.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ZZWSwBX-F/?igshid=gtkn1a2078qr
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marianablackart · 6 years ago
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Grey watercolour stripes on matching duvet covers, pillow cases, shower curtains and towels … I love stripes and I love pale greys so the only surprise here is that I took so long to create a painted pattern from them! Neutral, simple and beautifully cool for any home, I want them all! . These and more lovely stripey things for the home, work, and to wear, are blogged at: http://bit.ly/FLAgrey Or you can view the whole collection over at: http://bit.ly/S6greyStripes (link via my profile) @Society6 . . . #floatinglemonsgifts #simplyimperfectgifts #floatinglemonsartgifts #greystripes #watercolorstripes #stripes #giftideas #giftguide #palegrey #homedecor #duvetcover #giftsforhome #showercurtain #beachtowel #pillowcases #bedandbath #neutral  https://www.instagram.com/p/By3jbChHY-t/?igshid=1x1n90lbd86jn
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officialclangen · 2 years ago
I’ve seen mention of a ‘wildcard’ pattern on here, but I don’t actually know what that means, what do wildcard cats look like?
Also, were anonymous asks turned off or is my app just broken 💀
Wildcards are tortoiseshell cats that don't follow our standard rules for tortie patch colours and patterns! I'm going to copy-paste the explanation our wonderful coder Key gave for tortoiseshell coding, she explains it very well <3
REGULAR TORTIE RULES: Cats with a base-pattern of singlestripe, smoke, or single can now have patches with single, smoke, agouti, and ticked, in addition to the previously possible tabby, mackerel, and classic. There is now a small chance for the single-patterned patches to appear with any base-pattern. Tortie cats with a base-color of WHITE will be given PALEGREY or SILVER instead. If a cat's base color is in the black or white group, the patches can be any color in the ginger or brown group. However, the ginger group is more likely. If a cat's base color is in the ginger group, the patches can be any color in the black or brown group. However, the black group is more likely. If a cat's base color is in the brown group, the patches can be any color in the brown, black, or ginger group. However, the color of the patches can not be the same as the base color. Colors in the ginger group are more likely. WILDCARD TORTIE RULES: For fun, there is a very small chance for the color and pattern of the tortie patches to be determined randomly, without regard to the rules listed above. (hope all y'all "rare cat" hunters have fun hunting for the most rare(tm) cat in Clangen - the male wildcard tortie)
As for your second question, your app isn't bugging out, don't worry! They're turned off for the moment, at least temporarily, as we were experiencing an uptick in some.. rude messages. Sorry for the trouble, I know I personally highly prefer using anon when asking stuff so I get that it isn't very ideal </3
☆ Fable ☆
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bgolliff · 8 years ago
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Slightly more than a consolation prize... #PaleGrey #FlyKnitTrainer
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canon-clangen · 2 years ago
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Dovewing, of ShadowClan! [for anon]
"name_prefix": "Dove",
"name_suffix": "wing",
"gender": "female",
"gender_align": "female",
"backstory": "otherclan1",
"trait": "loving",
"facets": "10,6,2,12",
"pelt_name": "SingleColour",
"pelt_color": "PALEGREY",
"pelt_length": "long",
"sprite_kitten": 1,
"sprite_adolescent": 5,
"sprite_adult": 11,
"sprite_senior": 11,
"sprite_para_adult": 16,
"eye_colour": "PALEGREEN",
"skin": "BLUE",
"tint": "gray",
"skill_dict": { "primary": "KIT,20,False", "secondary": "CLAIRVOYANT,0,False", "hidden": null },
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denisemarsh · 6 years ago
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Whispers in the Cloisters by Hat Couture Creations. A beautiful haute couture piece on a premium pale grey Buntal teardrop base finished with a fabulous silk rose and plumes in whisper grey and charcoal. Available now at for £380 from www.hatcouturecreations.com #hatcouture #hatcouturecreations #thatsmyhat #hautecouturehats #hautecouture #weddinghat #motherofthebride #motherofthegroom #ascothats #millinery #designerhats #designermilliner #palegrayhat #palegrey #greyroses #greyfeathers (at Bicester, Oxfordshire) https://www.instagram.com/hatcouturecreations/p/BvB31GFgo4g/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1b2zmodpwdn4y
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ellieninkoru · 7 years ago
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Keep calm and listen to Pale Grey! You got the message 😎 @palegreymusic @nos_alive #palegrey #nosalive #portugal (NOS Alive)
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1213bst-blog · 7 years ago
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... shop it at 1213bst Store in Berlin-Mitte & Online: €15,- Pale Grey Cotton COS T-Shirt Size L // comment with your questions & send a message / email if you like to buy ;) #buyselltrade #1213bst #sustainablefashion #fashionblogger #berlinfashion #vintage #berlinmitte #designervintage #designerswelove #commedesgarcons #demeulemeester #apc #marni #vetements #acne #woodwood #margiela #styleswelove #gendernonconformist #conceptual #whatwestandfor #diversity #COS #TShirt #Mens #PaleGrey #springsummer #bst5109 (at 1213bst)
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