Pam Rozell
35 posts
Potter's Field Ministries
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pamrozell · 7 years ago
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What a great way to end the year with a Winter Potter's Field Horse Camp! Looking forward to the 2018 season of #pfkwhitefish #pfkhorsecamp The dates will be up on this week! Fifteen wonderful children enjoyed a day of riding in the snow, two fun crafts, Bible lessons, sledding, writing in the snow with food coloring and then a warmup with hot chocolate! Thanks @mariannewiestphoto for more magnificent photos! We made epic memories! #friends #thankyoujesus #wintercamp #winterhorsecamp #pfk #pottersfieldkids #pottersfieldkidsusa #pottersfieldministry #pottersfieldministries #blessed #blessedbeyond #blessedbeyondmeasure #creativelearning #equine #equineassistedlearning #horsesofinstagram #horsebackriding #horse #horses #equinelife #equinelove #joy #purejoy #welovekids #jesusjoy #snow #epicsnow #winter #winterwonderland #godisgood #godslove (at Potters Field Ranch)
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pamrozell · 7 years ago
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So excited to announce that Lamp Post Publishers and Potter's Field Ministries is releasing a new book! "Stones of Remembrance," written by Pam Rozell, will be released on Amazon on Dec 6th! ❤️🙏📖 Pre-order by Dec 1st at (link in Bio) for a special discount. Get your copy now! #pottersfieldministries #lifelongmemories #lifestory #marriage #marriedlife #ministry #husbandandwife #husbandandwifeteam #partnersforlife #glorytogod #allglorytogod #married #thirtyyearsmarried #pottersfieldministry #friends #bestfriend #bestfriends #lovers #loversandfriends #godchangeseverything #godchangesthings #godchangeslives #redemption #hope #love #inlove #beyondblessed #beencouraged (at Irvine, California)
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pamrozell · 8 years ago
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Married to this Amazing man for 30 years today!! I've loved being married to my best friend, lover & Godly leader! 💙 It just seems like yesterday that we said, "I do" & I'd do it all over again! I pray for many more years together!! I Adore you! 💗#anniversary #happy #happyanniversary #happyanniversarymylove #happy30thanniversary #ilovemyman #iadoreyou #weadoreeachother #blessings #blessed #myeyesadoreyou #webelongtogether #webelongtojesus #jesusatthecenter #married #marriedlife #husbandandwife #husbandandwifeteam #husbandandwifeforlife #love #loveforever #madlyinlove #stillmadlyinlove #crazyforeachother #iconic #mudman @mudmanburgers Thx @mariannewiestphoto love the photos! (at Whitefish, Montana)
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pamrozell · 8 years ago
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Nine friends from Embrace Equine Ministry from Idaho hauled up their horses for a long trail ride! They are doing great work with kids too! PFM Equine & Embrace are part of 'Similar Ministries' connected with @crystalpeaksyouthranch in Bend, OR! They are here on retreat growing deeper in Jesus at Ashley Lake. We then ate @mudmanburgers & my sweet hubby cooked everyone of our delicious burgers! What a great day praising the Lord on horseback! #horses #horseback #horselover #horserider #horsesofinstagram #horsesheal #horsesthatheal #pfkequine #embraceministry #equine #equinesofinstagram #equinelove #trailride #trailrider #horseandrider #ministry #ministryonthemove #welovekids #welovehorses #women #womenandhorses #mudman #mudmanburgers #blessed #beyondblessed #blessedbeyondbelief #blessedbeyondmeasure (at Whitefish, Montana)
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pamrozell · 8 years ago
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Potter's Field Horse Camps have been such a blessing this summer! Thanks so much @mariannewiestphoto for taking pictures last week! We had the pleasure of having her precious kids last week! This is Cable. He & his sister Maria and all fifteen of the kiddos were exceptional! This week is our last Camp until the Holiday Camp in December! Thanks to all who participated this year to make it our Best year yet! She captured my boy, "Designers Choice" magnificently! 💙❤️🐴 Will post more of her stellar pictures in the weeks to come. #makingmemories #beyondblessed #horses #horselove #horseback #horserider #horsecamp #pottersfieldequine #pfkhorsecamp #pfkequine #summerhorsecamp #summer #summerfun #tennessewalker #tennesseewalkers #tennesseewalkinghorse #kidscamp #ilovehorses #kidsarethebest #horsesofinstagram #untilwemeetagain #summerflewby #pfkwhitefish #jesusandhorses #vbs2017 (at Potters Field Ranch)
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pamrozell · 8 years ago
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Just had a photo shoot with the incomparable artist @mariannewiestphoto ❤️ There are so many pics she took that we love & I wanted to share this one with you. The photos were taken for an upcoming book I'm writing about our lives & ministry which will come out in the Fall. Thanks again Marianne for your amazing gift of capturing the essence of the joy that the Lord has placed in our hearts! 💗💙#beyondblessed #ilovemyhusband #ilovehim #ilovethisman #ilovemyman #hesmine #hesmybestfriend #hesmyhero #husbandandwife #husband #wife #husbandandwifeteam #partnersforlife #partnersforever #ministryteam #joinedatthehip #love #loveyousomuch #lovers #loversandfriends #nearlythirtyyearsago #godjoinedtogether #pottersfieldministry #pottersfieldministries #weloveeachother #miraclesandblessings (at Whitefish, Montana)
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pamrozell · 8 years ago
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So excited that our MudMan Burgers & Fries were voted the Best in the Flathead Valley! 🍔🍟💥 All proceeds go to feed & educate children in all our Potter's Field Kids Programs around the world! Including locally on the Blackfeet Reservation & PFK Whitefish! Thanks to you all who continue to support this cause by eating our burgers & fries! "Buy Local Serve Global!" #pottersfieldministries #pottersfieldkids #mudman #mudmanburgers #burger #burgers #burgersandfries #pfkwhitefish #pfkequine #pfkbrowning #pottersfieldministry #buylocal #serveglobal #feedingkids #meetingneeds #welovekids #lovetheflatheadvalley #bestburger #bestburgers #bestburgerever #bestburgersever #bestburgerintown (at MudMan)
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pamrozell · 8 years ago
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We hosted our annual PFK Kids Club Horse Camp sponsored by MudMan for the inner-city children from Atlanta on Sunday! We fed, rode, face painted, glitter tattoos, taught, did crafts & played water games with 20 children! Our PFM staff and members from Selah Fellowship & PFK Equestrian Center staff & volunteers who all joined forces to make this day a success! Thanks to all who helped!! #pottersfieldkids #pottersfieldministry #pottersfieldhorsecamp #pottersfieldministries #pfkhorsecamp #fun #funmemories #makingmemories #horselover #horseandrider #horsesofinstagram #horses #horsecamp #watergames #horsebackriding #horseback #horsebackrider #equine #equinelove #equinesofinstagram #childrenoftheworld #welovehorses #welovekids #horsesandkids #makingdreamscometrue #healing #healingthroughanimals #healingthroughhorses #dogs #horsesanddogs #horsesandkids #pfkhorsecamp #givinglove #touchinghearts #touchingheartsforever #touchingheartsforjesus #unconditionallove #pfkwhitefish #pfkequine #pfkhorsecamp2017 (at Whitefish, Montana)
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pamrozell · 8 years ago
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Loved having snow adventures in a blizzard yesterday with Ignite Intern & Staff members! If Spring won't come we will embrace the white!!! ❄️❄️❄️@yukoncharlie #keepthefungoing #makeministryfun #winterwonderland #winterfun #winter #mentoring #mentoringnextgeneration #snow #snowshoeing #snowshoe #friends #theykeepmegoing #theykeepmeyoung #lookslikeabackdrop #godsbeautifulcreation #godsbeauty #willspringevercome #snowshoeadventure #snowshoeadventures #snowshoes #winterworkout #blizzard (at Whitefish, Montana)
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pamrozell · 8 years ago
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Love doing life with this man!!! ❤️ Spirit filled time in San Diego Sunday. Looking forward to continuing Tour in SoCa during Thanksgiving week! Pray for us and our Team 🙏🏼🙏🏼 Go to our website on my page to see schedule #husbandandwifeteam #partner #partners #partnersforlife #lovemyman #madlyinlove #pottersfieldministries #pfm #pfk #pottersfieldkids #pottersfieldministry #teamwork #pfmtouring #touring #doinglifetogether #doinglifewithmybestfriend (at The Grove Church - San Diego)
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pamrozell · 8 years ago
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My angels! 👼 These #minidachshunds have been such a blessing in our lives!!!Thank you Lord for unconditional love that our dogs give us!!! ❤️❤️❤️🐾#minidachshund #silverdapple #doxie #doxiesofinstagram #weinerdog #weinerdogsofinstagram #weinerdogworld #weinerdoglove #dachshundsofinstagram #dachshund #minidachshundsrule #unconditionallove #minidachshunds #minidachshundsofinstagram #doxiesoninstagram #silverdappledachshund #silverdappledoxie (at Whitefish, Montana)
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pamrozell · 8 years ago
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So exited to kick off our Fall Tour @calvaryaurora over the weekend! The Spirit moved mightily during three services! Thank you Pastor Ed Taylor @ed4thelord for allowing us to love on your flock once again! You can go to for our full schedule. Join our Instagram @pottersfieldministries #pottersfieldministries #pfm #pfmtouring #thepotterandtheclay #married #marriage #marriedlife #teamwork #ilovemyman #ilovehim #touring #touringlife #jesus #jesusfreak #singingismylife #singing (at Calvary Chapel Aurora)
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pamrozell · 9 years ago
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Wonderful time spent at our Potter's Field Kids Program on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation! So happy to have Pastor Don & Jean McClure join us for the pasty two weeks! Continue to pray for all the children that are being ministered to alongside Pastor Marty & Dina at Glacier View Baptist ❤️🙏🏼 #warmsmyheart #godisgood #blackfeetnation #blackfeetindianreservation #pottersfieldministries #pottersfieldministry #pottersfieldkids #pfk #pottersfieldkidsclub #childrenarethefuture #childrenareourfuture (at Browning, Montana)
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pamrozell · 9 years ago
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So Love my boy, Tennessee Walker, Designers Choice who's sire was World Champion, Silver Design. He's so affectionate and loves the children at PFK Equine Camp! 💙🐴 just had to post this pic he looks so pretty ❤️ @twosourcehorse #nofilter #nofilterneeded #pfkequine #horses #horsesofinstagram #tennesseewalkinghorse #tennesseewalker #tennesseewalkers #tennesseewalkinghorsesofinstagram #pottersfieldequestriancamp #pottersfieldequine #pottersfieldkidsusa #pottersfieldhorsecamp #ilovehorses #donttakeforgranted #thankyoujesus (at Whitefish, Montana)
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pamrozell · 9 years ago
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Playing soccer with our newest horse "Hannah" a half draft...she's a natural ❤️👏🐎 Zoey, on her back, Loved it at Potter's Field Kids Equestrian Camp this week! More to follow... #horsesofinstagram #horselover #kidsarethefuture #horseandrider #soblessed #soccer #horsesandsoccer #horsestagram #drafthorse #halfdraft #horsecamp #pottersfieldministry #pottersfieldministries #pottersfieldequine #pottersfieldequestriancamp #raisethemupinthelord #pottersfieldkidsusa #pottersfieldkidscamp #nofilter #nofilterneeded (at Whitefish, Montana)
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pamrozell · 9 years ago
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Potter's Field Kids Horse Camps have begun for the Summer!!! 🐎🐴❤️ Lindsey & I am glittering up Jenny & painting the "fruits of the spirit" in tempura paint on her side 💜 What fun awaits us in our camps this Summer!!! Pray for all the children that will come through PFM this Season! 🙏🏼 #makesmehappy #horseandrider #equine #pottersfieldhorsecamp #pfkhorsecamp #summercamp #summerhorsecamp #pottersfieldkids #pottersfieldministry #pottersfieldministries (at Whitefish, Montana)
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pamrozell · 9 years ago
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We have three more services in the Boston area on Sunday. Two on Sunday morning at 9 & 11 AM at Calvary Boston and an evening service at 6:30 PM at Calvary Chapel in the City. If you're in the area bring a friend or family member! There has been a mighty move of the Holy Spirit so please continue to pray as we wrap up services in the New England area 💙🙏🏼 #calvarychapelboston #calvarychapelinthecityboston #pfm #pottersfieldkids #pottersfieldministry #pottersfieldministries #husbandandwife #husbandandwifeteam #potterandtheclay #potter #stillmadlyinlove (at Boston, Massachusetts)
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