Being touch starved but told you’re too old to cuddle with your parents and your friends live scattered across the country
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Best thing I’ve seen all day
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Noble: When I'd heard that Prince Consort Merlin used to be a peasant I'll admit I had my concerns but he is quite the proper gentleman. He's polite, respectful, always uses the proper titles, he's- Arthur: Mad at me Noble: Excuse me, Sire? Arthur: He's mad at me. He only ever puts on this performance of being the perfect consort when he's mad at me, he knows it drives me crazy Merlin: Is there anything you need from me before I retire to my chambers Sire? Arthur: You can tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it and you can go back to insulting me
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In my first year university course there was a class I remember as being mandatory (at least for English majors) about fallacies and biases in writing. And this prof was all about reading the whole article before you formed your argument. That was his whole thing. You know measure twice cut once he was read twice respond once. He stressed this so much that on our final exam (which was two long form essay questions and a few short answer questions) that I decided to read the WHOLE exam booklet before I grabbed my pen.
Turns out that is what he wanted. The final page, the final question, informed the student that if they wrote 1. Their name, 2. Their student number 3. Their favourite fallacy, and wait for 30 minutes so they don't arouse suspicion, you will literally be given 100 percent for the exam WORTH 40 PERCENT OF YOUR GRADE.
I think about it to this day. The prof literally saw the "reading comprehension on this site is piss poor" and said I can fix them
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My pizza’s not pizza-ing!
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we do need to revisit the wording of "you can't have your cake and eat it too" because i don't think it clearly enough conveys that it's more that you can't simultaneously retain a cake and also get to consume it (which would render you cakeless). for years i was like But why not....it's my cake....?
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Why do so many of my favorite characters end up being gay? What does that say about me?
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Y'all want to know what thought is fucking with me today?
Parrots can learn the concept of questions. I don't know about the claim that chimpanzees that were taught sign language never learned to ask questions, or the theory that it simply wouldn't occur to them that the human handlers might know things that they personally do not, or that whatever information they have might be worth knowing. But I don't even remember where I read that, and at best it's an anecdote of an anecdote, but anyway, parrots.
The exact complexity of natural parrot communication in the wild is beyond human understanding for the time being, but you can catch glimpses of how complex it is by looking at how much they learn to pick up from human speech. Sure, they figure out that this sound means this object, animal, person, or other thing. Human says "peanut" and presents a peanut, so the sound "peanut" means peanut. Yes. But if you make the same sound with a rising intonation, you are inquiring about the possibility of a peanut.
A bird that's asking "peanut?" knows there is no peanut physically present in the current situation, but hypothetically, there could be a peanut. The human knows whether there will be a peanut. The bird knows that making this specific human sound with this specific intonation is a way of requesting for this information, and a polite way of informing the human that a peanut is desired.
"I get a peanut?" is a polite spoken request. There is no peanut here, but there could be a peanut. The bird knows that the human knows this. But without the rising intonation of a question, the statement "I get a peanut." is a firm implied threat. There is no peanut here, but there better fucking be one soon. The bird knows that the human knows this.
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so i was taking a psychiatric evaluation (i remain the constant lab rat) and one of the questions for screening personality disorders was "have you ever felt that there was something physically wrong with your body, but the doctor didn't believe you?"
and i straight up stopped the interview and said (to the two male researchers) "that's just the experience of being female and going to the doctor." and they just kind of stared at me.
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"Love is what separates us from the animals" no. Bears also fuck and seagulls love their babies. What separates us from the animals is our physical need for, and mental capacity to produce toilet paper.
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Omg let me tell yall about how one act, even if done out of self perservation, can ripple out in the most positive ways.
My friend during covid had her and her family go to a butcher and directly tell them they'd put 400 down every month collectively and they'd just order roughly the same thing every month.
So she's been doing this for like 3 years, still 400ish for like a stupid amount of meat.
But the butcher could do this bc they could regularly supply him and having a garenteed income was such a big deal. Particularly bc that means he could commit that much money to the farmers he orders from, which means those farmers also get that stable income too. So this one act helped all the way up the chain.
It helped her and her family, and friends who they gifted with meals when ppl are sick.
And that butcher offered lower prices to others and could have a steady supply of good quality meat. Because-
The farmer also got a steady income. Free from the worry of getting their next bill covered. They got better feed and could care for their animals better. This improved the lives of the pigs/candle as well as the farmer getting to live a happier healthier life.
This is still happening, this has been happening for years for all of them.
It's baffling that such a small act of community spreads so much stability and joy, ranging from the farmer relaxing to a BBQ at a block party. All bc my friend was sick of grocery store meat prices on chicken.
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He got his banana back 😭
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Tom Holland meeting fans during the press tour for SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (2019)
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did i tell u guys i got into an argument on twitter bc i said foxes are dogs and someone tried to bring up their actual fuckin. classification or whatever and i just said “foxes are dogs cause they are fluffye” and they kept arguing with me. the entire time i was like “you will not survive the immigration to tumblr you are lucky we are not there right now”
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having thoughts about gotham my beloved wretched city again. i think robin shrines would be a thing
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