formerly Nyda the Tav
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nyda-the-tav1 · 1 year ago
Astarion who gets a cat after his lover succumbs to time.
He’s lost most of his desires for companionship. He prefers to lounge around what was your shared home all day, reading or taking care of things you left behind—like plants or belongings that need consistent attention. He remains as put together as he’s always been. Clean clothes, perfect hair, and a neat home. However, he doesn't dare to go into your room. No, that’s something he's silently sworn to never touch, fearing that he might taint the last of your mark on this cursed world.
He doesn't go out much anymore. He doesn't really see the point when you're not there to make the adventures truly fun. When you're not there to pull him out of stupid decisions like you always have.
So instead, a visitor comes to him each day. It’s a mangy thing, this cat. A bit chubby with legs on the shorter side, but by the gods if the thing isn't capable of jumping higher than his height. The first time he sees it loitering around his house, Astarion approaches it because its fur is the same shade as your hair. Quickly he realizes the thing hates him, because it practically attacks him with its claws.
Still, as time goes on, it begins to grow on him. No matter how many times he shoos it off, it comes back (albeit angrier) and wanders until Astarion feeds it a fish. Eventually, the cat is able to walk freely inside the home too, and Astarion won't freak out about the fur getting everywhere.
The cat is his only friend—if you could call it that. It sits beside him as he reads, paces alongside him as he cleans the house, and Astarion finds himself petting the damn thing while it sleeps. He still hasn't given it a name, and calls it “cat” which it doesn't seem to mind.
One day, it wanders into your room. Astarion freaks at first, suddenly yelling at it for to leave, but seeing the poor thing shrink away from him makes him sigh. He takes his first step into your room since your passing and finally takes it in. Your clothes, your bed, your scent. Everything feels distant now. Somehow it feels like you're still here when he's standing in the room.
But you're long gone, he thinks as he clutches onto one of your jackets. His fists clench around the fabric. You’ve left him to rot alone for the rest of his immortal life. But he's never asked for forever. He only wanted as much time as he could squeeze out with you.
Is that so much to ask?
There was so much to do.
So much he wanted to show you.
When fat tears land onto your jacket, his eyes widen. He didn't cry. Astarion never cried. Not even at your funeral, where everyone gave him pitying eyes did he feel water well up in his eyes. He's thought to have long lost that ability in the years he spent under Cazador. Yet here he was, crying like a child who'd just lost their mother at a carnival.
Something brushes against his leg. The cat again. It rubs it's face against his calf and he notices how soft it feels. He remembers how soft you'd felt in his arms. How kind and warm you were. How you'd been the sole light in his wretched, cursed life.
And then, he's sobbing. No longer crying, but wailing as he collapses onto his knees in your room, emotions built over years of lost mourning coming out all at once. He holds the cat, because holding your jacket makes his hands shake terribly. And it doesn't scratch and meow at him once in the hours it seems he cries pitifully on the ground.
This cursed cat, he thinks hours later, when he's lying on your bed with it sprawled on his chest. He has half the mind to kick it off, but refrains—a repayment for earlier.
It nuzzles against his hand.
Astarion decides then that he'd keep it. That until he'd be able to join you, he'd keep this one companion by his side.
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nyda-the-tav1 · 1 year ago
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I can feel hyperfixation creeping in
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nyda-the-tav1 · 1 year ago
Gale's New Kisses but with Astarion 🤍🦋
Had to pair them with my fav piece of classical music :) And yes I had the beat drop on my favorite part of my favorite kiss hehe
I posted a slightly different version on my YT 🤍
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nyda-the-tav1 · 1 year ago
romanced wyll's reaction to the player sleeping with mizora:
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Wyll: I was such a godsdamned fool. I believed in you. I believed in us. (devnote: Upset - player cheating on him with his own cambion)
28. Wyll: And out of every soul walking the planes, you chose her.
46. Player: It's not what you think it is, I swear.
Link to Node 165
207. Player: And I'd do it again. She was incredible. ['Wyll -7']
31. Wyll: More incredible than the love we might have shared, the kingdom we might have built?
165. Wyll: We danced, we made a connection. And you severed it for a single bite of the Hells.
10. [Jump] Jump to Node 224 (2)
172. Player: Listen, Wyll. She manipulated me into it. You of all people should understand.
137. Wyll: I gave up my soul for the city, not for some diabolical fling.
Link to Node 224
43. Player: It was a mistake. I don't want to lose what we have because of this.
37. Wyll: What did you expect? You layed a half-devil. She does not give without taking.
224. Wyll: I saw a future for us. A kingdom, even. And you shattered it for a single bite of the Hells.
178. Player: So that's it, then? No more 'us'?
80. Wyll: You had your chance, and unleashed a wildfire. Nothing left but dust.
Link to Node 111
215. Player: Please, stick with me. No more dalliances - I only want you.
80. Wyll: You had your chance, and unleashed a wildfire. Nothing left but dust.
73. Player: It was only sex, Wyll. Do you have to be so dramatic?
16. Wyll: You shared your body with the fiend who holds my soul. I can forgive it. I can't forget it. (if pact isn't broken)
111. Wyll: You have my might - I owe you that much. But don't owe you more. End
184. Wyll: You shared your body with the fiend who held my soul. I can forgive it. I can't forget it. (if pact is broken)
Link to Node 111
126. Player: Can you blame me? It's not like you've been putting out. ['Wyll -7']
88. Wyll: Is that what matters to you? Sex without union, heat without heart? Did you not take joy in the dance?
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nyda-the-tav1 · 1 year ago
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dark urge comic
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nyda-the-tav1 · 1 year ago
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A passing thought of all times spent together you’ll never remember.
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nyda-the-tav1 · 1 year ago
how do you think gortash would react to reader being so down bad for him and it being just so obvious? how would he act towards them?
oh you mean if he met us irl? sure!
A dirty smirk spreads across his face as he takes you in: cheeks flushed from embarrassment, you mouth slowly swallowing, your feet shifting nervously as you try not to succumb to his gaze.
He caught you checking him out, your eyes fixating on his ass, then his groin, then his hands, as you stood to the sides of the party. It mortifies you to realize how long he must've watched you stare at all those parts of him; especially as it was only interrupted by his grin when your eyes finally dragged over his chest up to his throat, and eventually his mouth.
He winks at you from across the room, and something in your core stirs so heavily you have to stifle a whimper. You try to hide your shame by taking a long sip, but it's no use, even though he's engaged in conversation with someone else, he frequently catches your gaze again, smug smirk on his lips every damn time.
When you finally decide you can't take it anymore, you make your way to the stairs and up, remembering that there's a small balcony somewhere that might help cool you down. You stand there an entire two minutes, breathing heavily into the cool night air, before a low chuckle sends a shiver down your spine.
"You should try not to be so obvious", he lectures you from behind, voice quietly mocking you. "It makes you look needy."
You turn around to reply, but he's pushing you backwards against the parapet, pinning you in with both of his arms taking hold of the railing.
"Are you, needy?" He asks so slowly and teasingly that you feel heat pooling down to your core, your hips desperate to move against him. Yes. You are needy, at least for him, but you don't want to show him that. So you shake your head, quickly, unconvincingly, earning you another chuckle from the Archduke.
"Too bad", he brings his mouth to your ear, whispering into your neck, and his breath is warm against your skin. "I like my partners needy and ready for me."
He hasn't even touched you yet but your entire body is on fire. Shit. Yes. You want him. You want to be needy for him. Ready? You were ready half an hour ago when you saw his chest hair peek out underneath his shirt.
"Fuck", you blurt out, "Yes."
His laughter is as cocky as it is mellow –there was no doubt in his mind that this is where you'd end up, this is how it would go. He pulls back, straightening up to let his eyes fall over your body one last time, before he turns to leave.
"My office, after things have quieted down." He looks over his shoulder one last time, meeting your gaze with narrowed eyes. "Don't be late."
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nyda-the-tav1 · 1 year ago
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On that note [clears throat] --
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nyda-the-tav1 · 1 year ago
this has been happening a lot recently so I wanted to talk about it here
y'all gotta reblog (and comment) the fics you guys like. This isn't twitter, the only person that knows you liked that post is the author and likes don't really say much here on tumblr, bc sometimes you like a post cause you'll read it later not bc you actually like it.
The only way other people will know that you actually enjoyed something is by putting it in your blog through an rb.
And like, I'm talking about reblogs here but also, commenting is so, so, so important bc that's how you truly know that people are reading, that they are enjoying it.
Because, here's the thing: Yes, i am writing fics bc I want to, and they are first and foremost for myself, but...I'm posting them for a reason. If they were for my eyes only, I wouldn't put them here and in AO3. I want people to interact, tell me what they think, I want to build community and I can't do that through likes alone.
I cannot tell you guys the amount of times where one single person left a comment an my fic, maybse something as short as "loved this chapter!" an it gave me the boost to write the following chapter.
no one is obligated to comment, or to reblog, I know that, and I'm not demanding it, but this is a...idk plea feels like the wrong word, but maybe something to consider?
Like, I made this comparison to a friend. To keep a fire burning, you need to keep adding fuel, and protect it from the wind, add more wood, blow a little on it. Sure, you can get that initial spark of flame, but it's only going to actually keep you warm if you care for it and in a very weird way, that's how it feels for me. Yeah, I can post the first few chapters and all, but if i'm to keep posting and writing and having ideas, i'm gonna need so kindling too from others.
idk but yeah
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nyda-the-tav1 · 1 year ago
How do you think Gortash would react to finding out about the haarlep deal. That feels like it would be awkward 💀
Very very awkward-
He'd see you as weak, I think. Not only did you have to resort to sleeping with an incubus (using his body is something he knows but he's left that behind long ago) but you also weren't strong enough to resist or kill Haarlep.
Giving your body away like this opens up a huge weakness (because let's be real if Haarlep wanted to – and thus by extension, Raphael – he could fuck you up and disadvantage you so badly). Gortash wants equals. Everyone else he discards or uses without second thought.
So I don't think it would be awkward. It would just mean he'd consider you incredibly weak and probably beneath him, shutting out any possibility of ever getting on eye level, unless you go to the HoH and kill Haarlep yourself.
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nyda-the-tav1 · 1 year ago
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Durge brings his pet Gnolls to Moorise Towers
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nyda-the-tav1 · 1 year ago
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Our subjects will hear the voice of their Absolute god. The faithful will do anything in the name of their god.
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nyda-the-tav1 · 1 year ago
Tinker, tailor, soldier... Just whipping up WIPs lately.
Gortash was just working on another project but Tav decided to distract him. Will he be able to resist?
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nyda-the-tav1 · 1 year ago
Victor's Adventures in the Mines
So! We got new lines! Let's waste no time in showing you all what I've found and some interesting tidbits.
Iron Throne
We have the two sack and pillage lines.
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So specifically...
"You shouldn't have got mixed up with a Bhaalspawn. I am going to sack you for all you're worth." Is if you HAVE made an alliance with Gortash.
"You're mine to take from, Gortash. I am going to pillage you for all you're worth." Is if you HAVE NOT made an alliance with Gortash.
Gortash Office
Here's the good shit, most people have seen this one:
"For what it's worth, I think I always liked you, too. But this is how it must be."
As a note, you have this option if you take down the Iron Throne before meeting with him.
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What's interesting about this is the alternate option for a Tav that gets the same response is "I did what I had to. I have no regrets."
IF (and that's a big if) you wanted to extrapolate what exactly Gortash's "Is that what you-" was in response to, both the Tav and Durge responses address the feeling of inevitability in their decision. This is how it must be, and this is what I had to do.
Insight Checks. Everyone knows these now, but for completeness sake, here they are.
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Simple and straight forward, these can be accomplished if he is amenable to the alliance still and you succeed insight checks. There are no differences in the Detect Thoughts lines.
And now. For the one I haven't seen anyone point out.
If you return without Orin's netherstone, you have this option as a Durge:
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To which Gortash responds:
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That is... almost as earth shattering as the others, I think. You can straight up say 'I didn't believe we would rule together'. And you can even see that as everyone successfully convincing Durge that he has no intention.
Regardless of the truth, Gortash fully believes he wants you to rule together. And that's taking the most negative light toward that line.
That's all for now, I'll come back if I mine anything else.
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nyda-the-tav1 · 1 year ago
Murder and Tyranny
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nyda-the-tav1 · 1 year ago
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take, give
*use DeepL Translation
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nyda-the-tav1 · 1 year ago
Three Gortash!
One to keep in mint condition
one for everyday use
and one for formal occasions! ✨
What are you using your Gortash for?
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The Dark Urge and her triplet boyfriends on the way to da club. 😘
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