NineTailsJinx Fanfiction
125 posts
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ninetailsjinx · 7 years ago
The Other You (T) written with @chocoluckchipz-bag [WIP] A Marichat friends-to-lovers fic where Adrien and Marinette are estranged from miscommunication on Adrien’s end. This story is very fun and very fluffy.
Broken (T) written with @raydara12 [WIP] After his brother and his mother died from a car accident, Adrien becomes a police officer. In this AU, Adrien never met Marinette and Ladybug and Cat Noir do not exist. This story is very exciting to read and is quick-paced.
Under Lock and Key (T) written with @edendaphne [WIP] While babysitting Manon, Adrien and Marinette go to the Louvre. Manon decides it would be funny to handcuff Adrien and Marinette together. Shenanigans ensue because the Louvre won’t let them take the handcuffs off.
Don’t Worry, Beer Happy (M) to be completed by @raydara12 [WIP] Both Marinette and Adrien work at a bar. Disguised in masks to prevent patrons from recognizing them, Marinette and Adrien take the charade even further by pretending to date each other. This story is hilarious and fluffy and I honestly don’t see why it’s rated M other than the fact that it’s set in a bar.
Maerynn’s Miraculous Short Stories (T) [Incomplete] A series of Love Square drabbles to remain incomplete. Some drabbles are drawn out over multiple chapters and others are not.
Bundled Miracle (M) to be completed by @raydara12 [WIP] As is implied by the title, Marinette is accidentally pregnant with Cat Noir’s kid. However, the reveal is quick. The only problem now is Gabriel’s reaction and how Ladybug will act with Hawk Moth still out and about. Adrien and Marinette love each other, making this story very special.
Bring Me Home (M) [Complete] Bring Me Home is 41 chapters long and I don’t currently have time to read it all, so I’m just copying what Mae wrote. “Everybody deals differently with the consequences of Hawkmoth’s defeat. The day after, Ladybug eagerly awaits her silly kitty, finally ready to hand him her heart and start a new chapter of their story with him. He never shows up. The day after, Adrien Agreste shuts the whole world out, ashamed of his father’s action, while Marinette grows more and more exhausted and depressed as the years go by. Five years later, can anything really be salvaged out of the remnants of their relationship?”
[Currently unnamed sequel to Bring Me Home] (Unrated) to be written by @raydara12 and a few other people This work hasn’t been released yet, but I understand that Mae outlined it quite a bit to follow Carlisle and Emma.
Of Daffodils and Second Chances (M) [Complete] Cat Noir died in the collapse of the Agreste Mansion, a tragedy that killed Gabriel Agreste and Hawk Moth as well as leaving Adrien Agreste in a two-week coma. A year after waking up, Adrien wanders past Cat Noir’s memorial, finding his missing partner and best friend sobbing her heart out. This story is very sweet and has a fluffy ending.
Soulmates (T) written with @edendaphne, @kryallaorchid, and @midnightstarlightwrites for @chocoluckchipz-bag [Complete] A series of four birthday drabbles revolving around the Love Square being soulmates. Mae’s story has soulmate marks, being that if one soulmate hurts herself, then the other soulmate finds that bruise on his body. It is very fluffy.
The Cat, the Bell, and the Wardrobe [Malfunction] (T) written with @eizabet, @midnightstarlightwrites, @kryallaorchid, and @chocoluckchipz-bag for @edendaphne [Complete] A six-part story where Cat Noir has a functioning zipper-bell. Mae’s story has the malfunction be Alya’s fault. It is quite hilarious.
Both of You (M) [Complete] Both of You is 55 chapters long and I currently don’t have time to read it all, so I’m just copying what Mae wrote: “Chat Noir finds Marinette sobbing on her balcony one night, very clearly upset. Concerned about his friend’s well-being, he goes out of his way on both sides of his mask to try and put a smile back on her lips. As they both learn to know each other better, they unveil secrets and newfound feelings. Will their unexpected blooming friendship be without consequences?”
A Beautiful Mistake (M) [Complete] Warning: Rape/Non-Con A Beautiful Mistake is 34 chapters long and I currently don’t have time to read it all, so I’m just copying what Mae wrote: “One single digit can change many things. Utterly pissed off at Alya one very early morning, Marinette misdials her best friend’s number and ends up telling off an unsuspecting stranger, who is, unknown to her, none other than her high school crush. From there, Adrien and Marinette grow closer on both sides of the screen through anonymous texting as they also reunite years after graduating through work. Marinette has to face a painful scar of her past in order to move forward with her heart, but luckily for her, Adrien might be the one able to help her heal.”
Maerynn wrote 12 stories for the Miraculous Ladybug fandom and had at least one other story in the works. From my understanding, she was also working on her own original story. I will be sharing this post once a month for the next year for each story she wrote and then two months after that for the stories she planned on writing. A way that people stay immortal is through memories. I don’t think Mae’s memory should fade away in this fandom. I want all the new people, the children growing up watching this show, the teens turning to Tumblr for the first time, and the adults enjoying the show with their kids to know Mae’s works and to see the kindness she put in the world (when said kids are old enough to read them, that is). Please respect the other authors and artists on this list, especially those who decided to continue Mae’s stories. Thank you.
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ninetailsjinx · 7 years ago
Starfire meets YJ
request by @greatdaybg
So I have to confess that I’ve never watched Young Justice. I watched maybe the first four episodes of season one. Been trying to get on netflix and catch up but as you can see, the semester was quite busy for me.
I hope you enjoy this but I hoped to have dived into the Young Justice characters more.
It’s cliche but its all I know right now.
Happy Holidays!
Koriand'r leant against the railing overlooking the ocean as waves crashed and fishing boats flashed their lights.
She’s read about this planet several years ago during her studies with the Warlords of Okaara but never did she expect to land on such a planet.
She found it most beautiful and mesmerizing with the massive amount of land and blue oceans it had to offer. With the war against the Citadel, much of Tamaran’s oceans have dried out, leaving only lakes and small ponds and many of the vegetation was destroyed. Many died during the battle and Koriand'r saddened at the memory that happened not so long ago.
She rested her chin on the palm of her hand as her elbows rested against the railing and sighed.
“Feeling down?”
The alien flinched at the sound of his voice and glanced over her shoulder with a confused look. “Down? I can feel the down?”
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ninetailsjinx · 7 years ago
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Plagg likes teasing Adrien about his crush
Inspired by a Text Post that I’ve spent almost 2 hours looking for but I couldn’t find it again, if anyone comes across it send it to me so I can link it
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ninetailsjinx · 7 years ago
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They’ve got electric lights on strings And there’s a smile on everyone So, now, correct me if I’m wrong This looks like fun This looks like fun Oh, could it be I got my wish? What’s this?
Day 5! I… Forgot about it yesterday. Whoops.
Tbh I imagine Starfire’s first Christmas season was spent being really excited and invested, especially after so many years of being on a planet at war.
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ninetailsjinx · 7 years ago
Clark: It’s not that being around kids makes me uncomfortable, but why be a dad when you can be a fun uncle?
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ninetailsjinx · 7 years ago
I liked this but I don’t even remember reading it—which is a shame because...ah! The feels!!!
You’re a princess?
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ninetailsjinx · 7 years ago
Draw me Like one of your French Girls... Part 1
This fic is dedicated to @yunyin who was a big part of bringing it about in the first place ^_^  (Warning some spoilers for ML Season 2- (Just the stuff we knew during the hiatus nothing important from the new episodes) 
“Listen furball, I am ten times as sexy as you are. That is just a fact. People would pay to see pictures of me.”
“People DO pay to see pictures of me,” Chat shot back.
“Never mind,” he grumbled, “the point is that I am obviously the sexier of the two of us.”
“Guys, I know this is a slow patrol night but you are giving me a headache,” Rena Rougue sighed, dropping down onto the platform and sprawling onto her stomach against the cool metal of the tower.
“Wait,” Chat said with a terrifying grin, “Rena. My dear, darling, friend.”
“Oh this can’t end well.”
“You are a fox of impeccable taste are you not?”
“And you are an excellent judge of both male and female attractiveness as well, are you not?”
“Ladybug is the hottest out of all of you,” she smirked, not bothering to get up.
“Yes, that is a given, but the point is-”
“The point is that I could pull off sexy far better than this mangy stray,” Bee interrupted.
“Could not.”
“Will you two please just stop fighting, it’s been too hot to deal with this level of stupid,” Rena sighed.
“It’s not stupid, my honor is at stake!” Bee huffed. “If you want us to stop then tell him that I clearly would be better suited to being a sex icon than he would.”
“Foxy lady, please tell Bee that she is clearly pollinating the wrong flower.”
Rena groaned. Clearly there would be no reasoning with the two of them until this had been hashed out.
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ninetailsjinx · 8 years ago
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A REAL Flying Grayson!
 I got inspired by @dar-draws 
dsghdjfhgjdkf I really love their style their art is so friggen adorable  I cant asdfghjkl;  I just imagined Mar'i flying around the house one day, remembering her father’s tale of her grandparents’ famous circus act… her parents come home from either a date or crime fighting, and they see her soaring and giggling, and she suddenly spots her dad and exclaims: “Daddy look! I’m a REAL Flying Grayson!” Dick just could not stop the water-works after that, he must have cried a dam full of water for an hour afterward… 
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ninetailsjinx · 8 years ago
Le Sang Rouge
and today on mel has no idea what to write but her beautiful gf @sapphiredragon654 saves the day with a prompt
to quote sapphire, “i like hurting the sunshine child. but i don’t. but i do.”
Characters: Adrien Agreste, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Tikki, and Plagg
Ship: Adrienette (briefly Marichat)
Warnings: Blood and some swearing
The cool thing about adrenaline is that it keeps you moving throughout the entire fight. Fatigue becomes nonexistent. Pain becomes nothing but a dull blur in the back of your mind. 
The bad thing about adrenaline is that, when it’s over, the world collapses around you. It makes you want to collapse. It makes all your injuries, all you scraps and scars and cuts and bruises incredibly prevalent and damn painful.
Chat loved the adrenaline high. He hated the adrenaline crash.
It made him increasingly aware of the fact that, right now, his shoulder was most definitely dislocated and blood was gushing down his face from the mixture of his bloody nose and the gash on his forehead.
He needed a hospital. He needed medical treatment. He needed help.
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ninetailsjinx · 8 years ago
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parental issues
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ninetailsjinx · 8 years ago
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Priority mission.
I hope everyone had a great Wonder Woman day and grabbed those free comics!
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ninetailsjinx · 8 years ago
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Dickkory Week - Day 2: DOMESTIC LIFE
I like to think that Grayson (yes, I’m avoiding the D word because tumblr is amazing) and Kory bought an apartment intended to have a room for Damian because let’s face it, the boy pretty much lives with them now.
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ninetailsjinx · 8 years ago
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Dickkory Week 2017 : Day 3 - Flower
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ninetailsjinx · 8 years ago
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Dickkory Week - Day 4: WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN if DC made them just a bit more extra
Wasn’t in the mood for angst so here are these dorks doing the somersault kiss because why would they NOT do that? they are built for this sort of extra shit. 
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ninetailsjinx · 8 years ago
Forget me not
It’s been about a year since my last Miraculous Ladybug fanfic list. Given the fandom is three years old and season 2 is right around the corner (hopefully), I believe it’s time to relive and explore some of the best fanfics the fandom has to offer. By no means is this list comprehensive. Many fics aren’t on here. (I’m working on a list for newer fics, so stay tuned!)
Rainy Days by @thelastpilot (Not rated) A storm rolls through Paris and refuses to let up, so when a water fearing cat is rescued by the kind efforts of his designing classmate he starts to pay a little closer attention to someone he should have always known better.
he’s not a siren by @miraculousturtle (Rated T) Merman AU. Their meeting is orchestrated by fate, conducting them one at a time to step on the stage. With the flick of the baton, in time, they will sing the same song, but only if they aren’t swept away by the ocean’s mighty waves.
An Unexpected Surprise by @sweetprincessluck (Rated M) Adrien Agreste. Age 26. A successful international supermodel, currently changing careers to a CEO of a fashion empire. Was born and raised in Paris, had moved to the USA 6 years ago, came back for a visit. Kind, handsome, lonely. Had experienced a lot, had seen even more. Had nothing left that could surprise him anymore.Except, maybe, this - a small, blonde girl, with emerald eyes and freckles scattered across the bridge of her nose – a splitting image of his mother Lillian Agreste, excluding, perhaps, the freckles.Her name was Emma. Emma Dupain-Cheng, to be exact.
Obsession by @kryallaorchid (Rated T) Miraculous has unintended side effects. A chance encounter leaves Chat Noir in Marinette’s magic hands. Scritch and scratch, this kitty has needs. MariChat. 
Smoulder by @midnightstarlightwrites (Rated T) In which Adrien loses a bet and becomes an underwear model, Marinette loses her mind, and the whole fiasco starts a fire which might lead to the pair discovering their identities.
Retrouvailles by @gigiree (Rated G) There’s an art to telling stories. There’s an art to ending them. Just know that saying “the end” is just another way of saying it’s a new beginning. When she says goodbye, her luck is gone. His has just begun.Tattoo and Flowershop AU!
Over the Wall by @imthepunchlord (Rated G) The accident, while unintentional, was costly. For her wrong doings against Chloe, Marinette is sent over the wall to die. But instead of death, she winds up in a strange, unnerving world. Good thing she’ll have a cat to watch her back in this bizarre place.
Chasing the C/h/atwalk by @runningoutofink (Rated T) Paris. The city of lights, love and fashion. Follow the progress of Marinette Dupain Cheng as she enters the extremely competitive world of Reality television for a chance to be the winner of Project Runway: France.
Lucky Us by @geek-fashionista (Rated T) -AU- Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s life isn’t going as planned: twenty-six, recently dumped, and running her parents’ bakery. The highlights of her day are the emails sent by her mysterious pen pal, Chat Noir. That is, until handsome model Adrien Agreste starts swinging by the bakery after hours. But how is he to know the Ladybug he loves is standing right in front of him?
Guardians by @wintermoth (Rated T) In the year 2015, Marinette Dupain-Cheng said yes to Tikki, the kwami of Creation. Two days later, Adrien Agreste said yes to Plagg, the kwami of Destruction.For the first time in over a thousand years, the cat and the bug were starting fresh. (immortal AU)
Découvrir by @xiueryn (Rated M) A decade apart and he still remembered her. Marinette contacts her childhood friend in hopes of rekindling their forgotten relationship despite him being a celebrity, only to assume him to be someone else entirely. AU.
Bare Necessities by @reyxa (Rated M) Art School AU where Adrien is the nude model in Marinette’s human figure class. Major sin warning but it’s more awkward than sexy. Definitely not for little ears… or eyes I guess…
Serendipitous Fate by @skaylanphear (Rated M) Adrien is excited to reveal his true identity, while Marinette is terrified. But Master Fu says they can’t afford to be distant any longer. Chat Noir and Ladybug are meant to work in tandem both in and out of uniform, their strength stemming from the bond created between them. Yet, teenagers are sometimes better at dancing blind than running with wide open eyes, even with the steps laid out before them.Steps in the path of an expanding world. Apart, they’ll flounder. But together, they might just stand a chance.
Tikki’s New Friend by @panda013 (Rated G) The dog was easily the height of his chest, and the young woman walking it could have only come up to his shoulder. But she was just cheerfully walking along beside the dog, chatting and laughing happily with a redheaded young woman. The dog was a big black beast—he didn’t know the breed then, nor did he particularly care, but it whined pitifully when its equally dark-haired owner paused to read a street sign. She just giggled and reached out a hand to ruffle its fur, and the giant’s tail wagged happily.
heartstrings by @zenwisterias (Rated T) one of marinette’s rare unlucky days turns into something treacherous. thanks to a certain cat, the real danger passes, but there are other things to be more afraid of. her heart, for example, might be one of them.
The Ladybugs and the Bees by @bullysquadess (Rated M) This originally started as a fanfic about periods and just devolved into crack.
You Don’t Know Me by @ferisae (Rated T) When Ladybug suffers a near-fatal accident and is presumed dead, it is up to Adrien - who has discovered Ladybug’s secret - to help her through her painstaking recovery and reacquaint her with herself. All this while trying to save Paris on his own without losing himself in the process.
Satisfaction Brought It Back by @siderealsandman (Rated E) Most people rekindled friendships with people from high school over Facebook or Twitter. Most people met for coffee, shared pictures of their bratty children, and sent old friends Christmas letters once a year. Marinette was clearly not most people as she had somehow hooked up with her former high school crush on a bondage dating website and didn’t know it until he was standing in front of her with an identical look of bemused embarrassment plastered all over his pretty face.
A Werecat in London by @i-am-thornqueen (Rated M) After an unfortunate encounter with an akuma while in London on a business trip, Chat Noir is forced to deal with the unexpected consequences. Can Ladybug help him return to his normal self, or will he be stuck for the rest of his life getting in touch with his wild side?
tangled ribbons by @demistories (Rated G) Marinette is a small studio dancer who wins a scholarship to a summer long ballet intensive. Adrien is a famous ballet dancer who would rather be at home than at said intensive. The end of the summer will bring about a showcase that could make Marinette’s career, if she can ignore Chloé and focus on something other than Adrien.
The Space Between Us by @chassecroise (Rated T) What’s a ladybug to do when her kitten becomes a cat?
Accident of the Evening by @thatwriterchickrachel (Rated T) Adrien Agreste, rumoured royalty, just wants a normal life. But one night on the run he meets Marinette, a normal girl, with a normal life. Marinette can’t believe it. Her long-time celebrity crush had crashed into her life and was now hanging out with her and her friends in between his busy schedule.With the Annual Parisian Masquerade Ball approaching, and an announcement sure to change everything looming over them, the two young adults begin a friendship and a double life.
Emergence by @artisticflutter (Rated M) They were only teenagers, but they are no more. Forced to awaken to new powers, both find themselves codependent on the other in order to survive and escape from their captors. They are Ladybug and Chat Noir - they are Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste. Part One of a possible series.
The Lights that Lead Us Home by @oceanspray5 (Rated G) Based on @piku-chan’s Cinderella AU on Tumblr. Marinette remains at the Palace to train as a noble and Adrien takes on more responsibilities as King. The wedding is planned for the Prince and his Princess and despite any outside meddling forces, goes off without a hitch.
Le Chat Noir by ParadiseAvenger (Rated E) Le Chat Noir was the most popular strip club in Paris. Marinette could explain how she wound up there the first time, but she couldn’t explain how she kept coming back.
The Wingman Visits by @niuniente (Rated M) When Chat Noir finds out Ladybug’s real identity as Marinette, he also discovers her huge crush for Adrien. As a gentleman he is Chat Noir offers to be a wingman between Marinette and Adrien, trying to get them together.
Sealed away by @ashesandhoney (Rated T) Five years ago, Ladybug left Paris and left Chat Noir to learn how to keep it together on his own.Marinette is back in Paris with an internship at the Agreste Fashion house trying to get the spring show up and running and as much as Adrien appreciates having a friend at work, he’s distracted by Ladybug’s return and more Akuma attacks than either of them have faced before.Something big is coming and nothing can stay sealed away forever.
Cut from the Same Cloth by @baneismydragon (Rated T) When Gabriel notices that Adrien is collecting various supplies from his office, he assumes that his son has finally decided to show an interest in the family business. However when he tries to show his support by showing up at a school presentation, things quickly spiral out of control and everyone learns more than they bargained for
Désolé by @pozolegirl (Rated G) ‘The Cat’s out of the Bag’ as Adrien would say, and now Marinette and Adrien must work through their emotions during this new reveal of identities, all while Hawkmoth is hot on their trail and not about to let them slip away from him, taking matters into his own hands.
Sing the Song of Sailing Sirens by @princessofharte (Rated T) Adrien Agreste is the Pirate Lord of the High Seas, chasing a British flagship until Le Chat Noir is blown off course into a green storm.
This is not a complete list of the best fics in the fandom. Many of these authors have written multiple fanfics for this fandom and they are all amazing. Indeed, many of the fics on AO3 with the most hits, the most kudos, and the most comments were other fics not mentioned here but completed by many of these authors. Every work of fanfiction is amazing. If you want to help encourage writers to write more awesome fanfiction, please leave a comment on their works. It can be as short as “This is great!” Seriously. We live off validation.
It’s not narcissism if I add in my own fic here, right?
Was there anything I missed? Leave it in the reblogs and spread the word so that others–including myself–can read it!
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ninetailsjinx · 8 years ago
Have you talked about The End part 2 cuteness yet?
Briefly!  I covered their farewell hug in my Top RobStar moments post.
But there’s more than that to the episode so let me go ahead and dive right in.  As always, sparing y’all’s browsers with a Read More. :)
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ninetailsjinx · 8 years ago
Nightwing is confronting a villain, being a badass as usual
Nightwing: The cops might not break you, but trust me...I can do a LOT worse to y--
Cell phone suddenly goes off with Starfire's picture on screen, captioned as "Starbae", and the ringtone's "Love Me Like You Do"
Everyone looks at Nightwing
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