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WC4BL Statement on the Life of Erica Garner
White Coats for Black Lives would like to extend our deepest sympathies to the family of Erica Garner, who passed away on December 30, 2017. Erica Garner was a mother, daughter, sister, and aunt, and a passionate organizer in the fight against racism and police violence. We mourn her death, and take seriously the responsibility to continue her courageous work for racial justice. Those interested in supporting Erica Garner's family and commemorating her life are encouraged to follow her Twitter page at @es_snipes for updates and information.
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Stanford WC4BL and the Stanford Health Justice Coalition organized a rally this past Friday to #DefendDACA! "Students shared their experiences as DACA recipients and we are working on a photo campaign, phone banking, and fundraising for a local organization" #MedDreamers #Repost @stanfordomsa ・・・ #defenddaca (at Stanford University School of Medicine: Center of Excellence)
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Take a break. Your studying, your work, your activism can wait for you for 10 seconds...20 seconds...30 seconds. Mindfully find *reset* time for your mind and your body today, however short or however long. . . . #selfcaresaturday #destressmonday #destress #relaxationtips #guidedmeditation #selfcarematters #selfcare #destresstips #stressfree #wellness #selfcareinactivism
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#FollowFriday: @projectdiversifymedicine is your new daily pick-me-up! Featuring health professionals who are underrepresented in their fields and reminding us all what we're working towards. ------------ "What you think, you become." ~Buddha ..... If you believe you can become a doctor then you will. DREAM. BELIEVE. WORK. REPEAT until you are wearing that long white coat future docs👩🏾⚕️👨🏾⚕️Have a productive Saturday! ~Dr. Denmark • • • • _______________________________________ #projectdiversifymedicine #doctorlife #doctor #medicalstudent #premedlife #premed #melanin #blackdoctors #premedical #medicalschool #r #motivation #inspire #blackphysicians #blackdoctors #MCAT #step1 #ontheblog #bloggers #browngirlsblog #blog #interns #residency #melanininmedicine #melanin ( #📷 @projectdiversifymedicine via @latermedia )
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#throwbackthursday in Medical History: J. Marion Sims was a white sadist who is often considered "the father of gynecology". His breakthroughs are built on the backs of enslaved black women and the *persisting* medical myth he perpetuated that "black women feel less pain". He procured enslaved black women (at least two named Betsy and Lucy) and repeatedly subjected them to experiments without anesthesia. Most of the women later died of infeciton. #TAKEITDOWN #Noraciststatues #racisminmedicine #medicalhistory #eastharlem #centralpark #blackhealthmatters #blacklivesmatter #jmarionsims #obgyn #womenshealth @blackyouthproject
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#wordswednesday Dr. Tweedy recalls feeling great about acing his first med school exams at Duke...until a moment with his professor. "So I was coming into the classroom after a break and he comes up to me, somewhat angrily, and asks me about fixing the lights and that he called about this earlier and that I was late in my job. And so, clearly, this was a case of mistaken identity. And when I told him, you know, that I'm actually a student in his class, he looked at me very baffled, like someone was playing a joke on him, and just walked away. And so at the time, it was very hurtful and created a lot of self-doubt."
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Another #termtuesday! Your beginner's guide or maybe the thing you send your exhausting friends who ask you all these questions ;D. An example of institutional racism in medicine: A disproportionate number of the uninsured are racial minorities. As health insurance access in the U.S. is *still* most often tied to employment, racial stratification of the economy due to other forms of discrimination results in a concentration of racial minorities in low-income jobs, many without insurance benefits.
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Reminder: not everyone has the financial and/or physical means to evacuate, especially with gas stations and airlines price-gouging in emergencies. In 2007, Advocates for Environmental Human Rights and Peoples' Hurricane Relief Fund sent a report to the U.N. documenting the gross abuse of power and neglect of people unable to evacuate for Katrina. Keep this in mind as we all work in our ways to help our vulnerable patient populations in danger this week! #blackhealthmatters #harvey #irma #jose #katia #hurricaneharvey #hurricaneirma #hurricanejose #hurricanekatia
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UCSF WC4BL supporting DACA recipients at their school and all those who are undocumented. #HeretoStay #MedDreamers (at UCSF School of Medicine)
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#StatSunday! A 2016 study polling nearly 4,000 medical students across 49 U.S. schools found not only that a majority of students report a negative racial climate, discrimination towards students, and negative role modelling, but that these experiences may be associated with depressive symptoms. Thoughts? Go read the study by Hardeman et al. #whitecoats4blacklives #wc4bl #racisminmedicine #racialjustice #medicalschoollife
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Follow Friday! 😠😠 Hoping to spark more conversations about how senior health professionals communicate and educate, @overheardinmedicaltraining collects dialogue --both problematic and inspiring -- overheard from those in the medical field. Send them the best/worst/scariest/funniest/uplifting things you've heard as a medical student. #overheardinmedicaltraining #unreliablehistorian #impossibletotreat #sleptthroughculturalcompetency #esoscubanos #nuancefail #honestidad #carlosacosta #medschool ( #📷 @overheardinmedicaltraining via @latermedia )
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WC4BL is excited to announce the launch of its new radical publication. You are invited to submit magazine-style essays, short-form fiction, poetry, photography, and art that center the struggle for racial justice in our medical education, how we deliver health care, and how we - as future health care providers - engage with our communities. Recommended length for essays and fiction pieces is between 1000-1500 words. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis with an ideal of deadline is September 30, 2017. You can contact the editorial board on our site with questions or submission!
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#Repost @prochoiceamerica (@get_repost) ・・・ Betsy DeVos vowed to stand with rapists and sexual assaulters today. We stand with survivors. #StopBetsy #INeedIX
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#throwbackthursday A reminder that the work is not over! #blacklivesmatter #blackhealthmatters #healthcare
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Our September newsletter is out! Head over to our website (newsletter archives) to learn how you can help us this new academic year! We've got a Racial Justice Report Card and are taking submissions to our *new* magazine, The Free Radical! #whitecoatsforblacklives #blacklivesmatter #blackhealthmatters #melanininmedicine #medschoollife #healthjustice
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It’s time for Term Tuesday, when we give you a quick 101 on the definitions you should be Googling yourself! 😉 “Intersectionality (n): When an individual’s identity is composed of multiple minority statuses, they face overlapping threats of discrimination.For example, a woman of color may face both sexism and racism. These oppressions reinforce one another and must be fought simultaneously. Term coined by American civil rights advocate Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw.” #termtuesday #whitecoats4blacklives #intersectionality #blacklivesmatter #blackhealthmatters
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Our patients, fellow health professionals, friends and family are in danger *today*, *right now*, white coats. #Repost @aclu_nationwide ・・・ #heretostay #defenddaca #dreamer #inmigracion #immigrantsmakeamericagreat #immigrants #not1more #resist
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