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naiadseye · 5 years ago
Cozying up with the Bees
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‘Bees’ – what comes to mind is bottled honey, stings, or loud buzzing. But when you see the bees close up, you become attuned to their world, and discover a whole new perspective A world of food, and hard-work Nestling through the heady scent of flowers Puffs of nurturant  pollen Resting on the softest of petals Being so sozzled by the nectar that their tiny bodies turn head over heels Their faces and podies covered with magical powders With their wings sparkling in the morning sun!
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naiadseye · 5 years ago
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naiadseye · 6 years ago
Art as a Wolf’s Howl
Cool blue moonlight. A dense silence, playing to the crickets’ ever so faint beats. She emerges from the thicket, and howls AWOOOOOOO! Piercing through the air, it rips apart the silence. The other wolves join her, and the thunderous chorus sends a rush down the spines of the creatures nearby. What are they saying? What if they’re saying WOAOOOOOO?!
Woaoooooo to their lovers, families and friends; to the creatures around – big and beautiful, great and small; to the petals and to the thorns; to the last rays of sunlight and the pastel hues they paint in the sky; to any little star that cares to hear them. What, it didn’t seem like woaoooooo to you? Well you see, wolves aren’t fish, they don’t go to schools, they tend to muddle up their letters. Similar to the exclamation of wonder in our language, the woao is their artistic expression of the beauty that surrounds them.
Our ancestors were possibly also like this, exclaiming to those around. We now call it art, music, poetry – any expression … but it’s essentially the same thing no? The wolf in her howl, the nightingale’s call, the colourful scales of a fish, the deer’s antlers – they’re all communicating, they’re all expressing, this too is art. All creatures are creating art. To us creatures it is work. Work for the weaver bird to construct a beautiful nest, so that a nice young lady may come lay her eggs. He needs it for survival, but he’s creating art. We work to survive, but what if the universe has framed it in such a manner that what is for our survival (I don’t deny it is a matter of survival, and a tough one at that!), ends up being creation of art for the universe.
The universe in herself is beautiful, art of such a nature that we are still grappling to experience, describe, and understand it. William Blake, in ‘Auguries of Innocence’ had written: “To see a World in a Grain of Sand And Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.”
What if the universe exists to create art? Art expressing different ideas, composed of different elements, and from different perspectives. Now what if the universe created living things, so that they’d create art from their own experiences, in their own ways? And pushing this dreamy imagination a little further, what if the universe created conscious beings like us, to create an entirely new level of art? Conscious beings who experience and engage with the world, process it within, and in our unique expressions, add to the understanding and beauty of the universe.
What if that is the meaning? Art, beauty, expression, love, consciousness. That’s what the universe wants.  That’s why the world exists the way it does, and maybe why we do too. The wolves have always known it, and have been howling it to the rest of creation. Can you feel it rush down your spine?!
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For more, visit naiadseye :
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naiadseye · 6 years ago
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naiadseye · 6 years ago
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“Seraphim II - High Vigil”, by Sequoia C. Versillee                    
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naiadseye · 7 years ago
What if : orthogonal gems in Marvel's infinity war
Gems that had powers in different orthogonal spaces would have required less suspension of disbelief (I know, I know the fun is in the suspension of disbelief, not the minimisation of it).
Everyone having their own axis where they can play around with power. Different superheroes functioning in different dimensions. Some sense of the universe playing kinda fairly (atleast mathematically) in the dispersal of power.
What would that do? How would superheroes fight with each other if their domains are orthogonal? Could there be meta dimensions as grounds for interaction and war and love? They're fighting in our dimension coz that's all we see, they could be fighting in meta dimensions that we can't even possibly imagine. How would that play out? Help me work it out, you guys?
For one, the length of the story would have depended on which theory of the physical world you subscribe to - the one with 4 dimensions or 22? I'd be happy with more :)
Mere mortals don't even know of the wars happening in dimensions beyond ours. That is the real story. There's life as I'm leading it. And there's life beyond the dimensions I do not see. The superheroes really do exist, I just don't see them, I don't have the capabilities. Sounds like the makings of an interesting story, eh?
(Suspended physics, logic, canon and diseblief for this - so don't hate on me :P )
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naiadseye · 7 years ago
How to solve the Rubik’s cube under two minutes
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The Rubik’s cube has kept a generous handful from our generation and the previous busy. The record time in solving it is 6.something seconds. Some solve it blindfolded in a remarkably short period of time too. Then there are variations of 5 x 5 and higher cubes. Two minutes sounds like no extraordinary feat, but its a start. So, if you’ve ever held one in your hand and wondered ‘how do they do it’, here’s a push in the right direction
There are many sources on the internet that provide algorithms..    or  which I have learnt from.
I recommend the following according to which I believe an average person could solve the cube under 2 minutes with 3-4 weeks of practice. You’ll need to learn just 5-6 short algorithms. Once you get a hang of how to solve it, it’s just a matter of a little more practice to attain enough speed. It’s really quite simple !!
The Terminology
Types of pieces:
1- Center: they lie at the centre of each face. They are immovable and define the colour of  their respective faces. There are 6 such pieces.
2-Corner: lying at the (no points for guessing) corners, they have 3 sides and hence 3 colours. There are 6 such pieces.
3-Edge: the pieces not included in centre and corner. ( The name is not very accurate). They have 2 sides and hence 2 colours.There are 12 such pieces.
Moving the pieces around:
Let the face towards you be the front. Rotating this piece through 90* in the clockwise direction is depicted as F.  Rotating the piece in the anti-clockwise direction is donated by F’. F = front     U = up     R = right     L = left     D = down
F’= front inverse    U’=up inverse     R’= right inverse     L’= left inverse   D’= down inverse
Don’t get confused as R means rotating the right face away from you   but L means rotating the left face towards you, because the pieces are rotated with respect to the clockwise or anticlockwise direction for that particular face only. Also, do not change the selected front face in between an algorithm.
Lets get started
One method of solving the cube is the layer method, a top- down approach, where you start with solving the top layer (U) , then the middle and lastly the bottom layer. Each piece has it’s own unique position.
I suggest you try solving the top layer on your own- it may seem impossible at first and take a lot of time, but dont be disheartened. Use your grey matter abit in the beginning, and you can learn the tricks later.
I prefer first solving the centre cross ( + ) i.e., once you chose your first side, get the correct edge pieces into place. For example, the edge piece coloured red and white must lie with the white on the white’s side ( i.e. the side with the white centre cube) and the red on the red’s side only.
Once you have the + in place, you can start with the corners-   without disturbing what you’ve already solved (that’s the tough part) . As mentioned before, the corner piece is 3 sided and each piece has it’s unique position- so you have to get all 3 colours correct.
Algorithm for the 1st layer is available on the sites I mentioned earlier- but it’ll be better if you struggle with it on your own. Once you’re done with the 1st layer, most of the hard work is done- the rest can be solved very easily with the algorithm mentioned below.
Middle layer:
Once your first layer is in place, position the cube such that F faces you. As you can see, the centre piece and top layer of each face is solved. For the second layer all you have to worry about are the 4 edge pieces. Bring the pieces into position as shown, where i is the initial position depicted where your piece first is and f is the final position depicting where that piece has to go.  First get the ” T” – the required edge piece has to be positioned in such a manner that  pieces of the same colour form a “T”. The piece that we  will now work on is the edge piece in the lowest layer of the front face. If this piece needs to move to the middle left, follow algorithm 1, if it needs to move to the right follow algorithm 2.
Algo 1:     D     L     D’    L’    D’    F’    D     F
Algo 2:     D’    R’    D     R    D    F    D’    F’
As you can see, algo 2 is just the opposite of algo 1…so just remember the 1st and work your way through the 2nd doing the opposite.
You’ve got 1 edge piece in place, 4 more to go – follow the same steps. You may get stuck if you have no edge piece in the correct positions in the lower layer- they are probably already in the middle layer. If they are in the correct position,  you are good to go…but if they aren’t, all you’ve got to do is bring them using the algo1/2 to bring them down by sending a dummy piece up.  You’ll soon be done with the middle layer following these steps.
The Lowest layer
Turn the cube over such that you have the unsolved layer on the top i.e. U .
1) The first step is to get the cross ( + ) .You start with getting the colours on top- Algo 3 and then getting the pieces in the correct place – Algo  4.
i) Getting the correct colour on top (here, the pieces will not be in the correct position)
Algo 3:  F     R     U     R’    U’    F’
If the the pieces with the correct colour on top form a) an L shape, then hold the cube in such a manner that that the L is vertically inverted   b)  a line, hold the cube such that the line is along the horizontal (i.e. x axis)…or you’ll be stuck in a loop
ii)Getting the pieces in the correct position
Algo 4:  R    U     R’    U     R     U     U     R’
Rotate the top such that two edge pieces are in the correct position. Hold the cube in such a manner that the edge pieces that are correct lie on the front and back OR right and back face.
Once this is done, your cross should be complete. An easy way to remember these is as a word itself:    fru-ri-ui-fi ,     ruri-u- ruuri
2) The final bit- correcting the corners. Here you start with getting all the pieces in the right place (algo 5) and then flipping then the right side 9algo 6)
i) Getting the corners in  the right place
algo 5)  U     R     U’    L’    U     R’    U’    L
Instead of learning this algorithm, remember it as follows:
up,       away from you (right),    up inverse,      away from you (left),                                       up ,      towards you (right),        up inverse,       towards you (left)
While doing the above , make sure that you hold the cube such that one corner which is in the correct position is always in the bottom right of the top face. If no corner is in the correct position, hold the cube any way- but once a corner is in the correct position- hold it as described. Repeat the above till all the corners are in the correct position- but not necessarily flipped the correct side.
ii) Flipping the corners
algo 6:   R’    D’    R     D
Here, do the opposite- hold the cube in such a manner that the corner that needs to be flipped is in the bottom right of the top face. To flip one piece, this algo needs to be repeated till it is flipped correctly- you may need to repeat it 1-6 times.
This step totally messes up the cube- even what has been previously solved- do not worry, by the last move everything will fall into place
Once one corner is done- keeping the front face the same (which is extremely important), rotate the top so the the next incorrect piece is nin the bottom right of the top face. If you make a mistake in a single step, the whole thing goes wrong.Repeat the above till all corners are flipped correctly.
Congratulations! Your cube is now solved. For more interesting posts visit Original post at
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