In five years I see myself saying “come meet me behind the mall”
Because baby I see a future,
Just not one near,
Cus Baby I can paint a picture,
Just not now right here
(Will I be selfish to ask you to wait
But baby i fear it might just be bait
Do I dare to ask
Cus baby i can’t let this pass
Right here right now isn’t a possibility
Oh baby am I losing the probability
That is you and me
Slotted together; family)
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Spiders- Fuck you
Alright context, a holiday is going really shit, a scam, leading us to crash in the car for a few nights, leading to a fine,and long hours of driving, almost getting heatstroke, which would be okay if it wasn’t the hottest days of this entire summer, I can honestly say I’ve never sweated more in my entire life. Finally we find a place and it is one of those permanent house tents so after days of uncomfortably sleeping the beds provided looked like heaven.
So im ready to get the day over as it’s been shit but then I see a big chunky spider on my bed and it scuttles away, the horror the panic. I get someone to get it out, its a whole thing and im exhausted so when it’s out I go back to my room ready to splat on my bed and I come face to face with another spider on my bed and when I tell you I let out the most cliche girly screech, I’ve never left a place so fast I took whatever was nearest to grab and I was like fuck all this shit I’m sleeping in the car.
So here I am scared shitless somehow one of those spiders crawled into the stuff I took with me, in the car once more after another sweltering day and probably night.
-Goodnight to everyone except spiders
Tw spider image
When I close my eyes I see this
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Please I’m begging someone to write a short fic, fluffy and comfort where we have those Diego older brother vibes cus I’ve missed it and I missed his and Klaus’s friendship cus we where given virtually nothing in s4 also I feel like Lila and klaus could def become besties
Them giving Klaus the stuffie Diego won was so cuteeee
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I absolutely stan Witch boy Klaus, if you are a fanfic writer please please please write more of that shit, it’s honestly like actual crack to me I can’t explain how much I love the idea, if you need help understanding read this series, genuinely one of the best TUA fics I’ve read https://archiveofourown.org/series/1721392, not my fic but honestly so so good, all credit goes to the author which you’ll be able to see when clicking.
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This guy is for the witches and the gays
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Me barricading myself in my room as soon as I see another good Klaus centric fic
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Me 🤝 The Tin Man (Wizard of Oz)
“I shall take the heart, for brains do not make one happy, and happiness is the best thing in the world.”
“Sometimes, all it takes is a little rust to remind us of our humanity.”
“Even tin men can get a little rusty in the rain of life.”
“I've held that axe up for ages, and I'm beginning to get rusty”
“No heart! All hollow inside. But still, I keep going”
“I’ve been standing there all the time, and my joints are rusted so that I cannot move."
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Honestly he is so chronic pain coded and I love him for it <3
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Is anyone else like “fuck I’ve got cancer I need a smoke cus I’ve got this crushing fear that I’ve got a deadly illness spreading through me”
And then
“Fuck I’m a smoker I’m going to get cancer, I’m literally the cause of my own slow demise”
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Klaus is so pretty
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Can we briefly talk about how season 4 TUA kinda made Klaus’s addiction his entire personality?? Like I feel like so much of Klaus is shown through his style and clothes but when he was sober he looked like all he wore was a mix of Viktor’s and One’s closet (they rock that style but it’s just not Klaus) .
Like he could of been sober and kept his flamboyant personality that we all love so much like it honestly just confused me. Okay maybe fear of death makes sense because he’s afraid of becoming a ghost/being with them again but other than that he literally lost all his personality. The only time I felt like it was klaus (before he got his powers back) was when he did his little tarot but everything before that felt like a joke.
Again why make it so he’s only authentically himself when he’s not sober/got his powers? I mean they always made Klaus’s addiction kinda his personality but this season they went further, it’s like he was a completely different person in the first few episodes.
Anyway he’s my fav character and I would be more mad if it hadn’t been a complete butchering for all the other characters as well.
Also are we just not going to address the forced prostitution and the sex possession thing??
TUA S4: no absolutely not all the traumas and old love interests are never going to be brought up again/concluded and everyone is just going to cease to have existed
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Past Klaus if he could see early season four Klaus’s outfits and hair
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When you check when the new full moon/important date is and it was yesterday
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I’m just so grateful to my altar, it’s really such a beautiful space and brings me so much peace and strength. It’s evolved over the years and I’m really happy with how it is at the moment. When I first started I never dreamt of having something like this and it brings me so much joy!
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In the safety of my own mind,
I consider you more than a friend,
A smile haunts my face whenever a thought of you wanders in
Unbidden but ever present,
But you’ll never hear these words leave my lips
As I’m the biggest coward you’ll ever know
Ahahahah this is kinda cringe but I mean what isn’t? Any way if you can’t see most of the stuff on the wall is Vincent Van Gogh postcards and on the back is written love poems to me by this amazing girl but I’m too scared of relationships and commitment 😃. Anyways now I think of her each morning when I wake up and look at my wall. The label on it is called “A guide in colour”
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Money spell! Reblog to charge it with your intent; the more people see it, the more powerful it becomes. Magic should be fun!
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Evening Study. If you can’t escape it at least make it chill
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A dark gloomy light :)
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