Mindful Yoga Liverpool
664 posts
Mindful Yoga Liverpool : established 2013 : classes in mindful yoga therapy: suitable for beginners & seasoned yogis ! 😊 www.mindfulyogaliverpool.com
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
mindful-people-community · 6 years ago
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at Parador de Mojácar https://www.instagram.com/p/BrCkuLCA0ZB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=aykmgf30trfk
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mindful-people-community · 6 years ago
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at Manchester Buddhist Centre https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq2QBWKAv1o/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uaq72xe1yg78
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mindful-people-community · 6 years ago
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at Parador de Mojácar https://www.instagram.com/p/BquBJBzAQvI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10p5z2fbzhj73
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mindful-people-community · 6 years ago
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If you’ve never tried Mindfulness before this is the one for you! No experience necessary. Monday Morning Mindful 10 am - 11am Mindful Meditation and Mindful Movement - a gentle movement class integrated with Mindful Meditation. However if you'd like a little more movement book in at 9:30 am and join us for half an hour Mindful Hatha Yoga to prepare us before we come to meditate! - - - Ⓜ️www.mindfulpeople.community #family #jonkabatzinn #mindfulcommunity #mindful #thebigmindfulmeditation #itsliverpool #mindful #selfcare #mindfulmeditation #mindfulmovement #mindfulness #yogamats #mindfulmeditation #liverpoolyogaclass #liverpoolyoga #liverpoolyogastudios #liverpoolyogastudio #liverpoolyogacommunity #liverpoolyogafamily #intermindful #liverpoolmindful #intermindful #mindfulyogaliverpool #mindfulnessliverpool #mindfulmeditationliverpool #wellbeingliverpool #selfcareliverpool #mindfulliverpool #mbsr #mindfulnessbasedstressreduction (at Mindful People Community) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqmg4wXAtL8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gj91xdc7h1bw
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mindful-people-community · 6 years ago
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@intermindful @buddhistcenter 💚 - - - #mindfulness #intermindful #thebigmindfulmeditation #liverpoolmindfulness #lovingkindness #community #sangha Ⓜ️www.mindfulpeople.community (at Manchester Buddhist Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqkTiYBAUFt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1j6aqhzeciwr
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mindful-people-community · 6 years ago
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#BlackFriday 💵 #buyonline - - - - Ⓜ️www.mindfulpeople.community #family #jonkabatzinn #mindfulcommunity #mindful #thebigmindfulmeditation #itsliverpool #mindful #selfcare #mindfulmeditation #mindfulmovement #mindfulness #yogamats #mindfulmeditation #liverpoolyogaclass #liverpoolyoga #liverpoolyogastudios #liverpoolyogastudio #liverpoolyogacommunity #liverpoolyogafamily #intermindful #liverpoolmindful #intermindful #mindfulyogaliverpool #mindfulnessliverpool #mindfulmeditationliverpool #wellbeingliverpool #selfcareliverpool #mindfulliverpool #mbsr #mindfulnessbasedstressreduction (at Mindful People Community) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqhnWY1ArwP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=djck97s7qec1
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mindful-people-community · 6 years ago
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#Novoodoo Come inside ☀️Mindful Meditation & Mindful Movement for all #Tuesday 5:30-6:30pm - - - - Ⓜ️www.mindfulpeople.community #family #jonkabatzinn #mindfulcommunity #mindful #thebigmindfulmeditation #itsliverpool #mindful #selfcare #mindfulmeditation #mindfulmovement #mindfulness #yogamats #mindfulmeditation #liverpoolyogaclass #liverpoolyoga #liverpoolyogastudios #liverpoolyogastudio #liverpoolyogacommunity #liverpoolyogafamily #intermindful #liverpoolmindful #intermindful #mindfulyogaliverpool #mindfulnessliverpool #mindfulmeditationliverpool #wellbeingliverpool #selfcareliverpool #mindfulliverpool #mbsr #mindfulnessbasedstressreduction (at Mindful People Community) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqhKMnZgdOL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=a54ppcpi2rjv
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mindful-people-community · 6 years ago
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mindful-people-community · 6 years ago
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YOU KNOW THE SCORE #Huyton ✌🏽 Tonight 6:30-7:30pm NEXT LEVEL #MINDFUL HATHA 🤩 Featuring #cardib #badbunny #luisfonsi #djkhaled khaled (at Mindful People Community) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqe6jYggVYf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hrgb8m7nq85s
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mindful-people-community · 6 years ago
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www.mindfulpeople.community ☮️#thefreefromsocialmediamovement #freefrom #Freedom Practicing what we #teach (at Mindful People Community) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqYM8fPgRKT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xvzvdm6igcy1
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mindful-people-community · 6 years ago
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The next Big Mindful Meditation ™ Christmas 2018 Monday December 17th 18:00 - 19:30 A charity event: Celebrating the #culture of #kindness #Mindfulmeditation, a little #MindfulMovement and mostly #Fun All donations help to provide subsidised and free classes in L36 Bring a mat and be present! We fully adhere to the UK Network for Mindfulness-Based Teachers Good practice guidelines for teaching mindfulness-based courses and continue to develop teaching skills through a supervised pathway with The Mindful Academy International, Valencia #thebigmindfulmeditation Tickets available NOW! - - - - Ⓜ️www.mindfulpeople.community #family #jonkabatzinn #mindfulcommunity #mindful #thebigmindfulmeditation #itsliverpool #mindful #selfcare #mindfulmeditation #mindfulmovement #mindfulness #yogamats #mindfulmeditation #liverpoolyogaclass #liverpoolyoga #liverpoolyogastudios #liverpoolyogastudio #liverpoolyogacommunity #liverpoolyogafamily #intermindful #liverpoolmindful #intermindful #mindfulyogaliverpool #mindfulnessliverpool #mindfulmeditationliverpool #wellbeingliverpool #selfcareliverpool #mindfulliverpool #mbsr #mindfulnessbasedstressreduction (at Mindful People Community) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqSgW1qgNLA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7w6jqxqzmj02
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mindful-people-community · 6 years ago
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Last minute cancellation has free’d up 3 seats at the table. If you like the look of our pie @mindfulpeoplekitchen you’ll love the full #vegan menu. Get some last minute #peace at The Silent Half Day Mindful Retreat. Online Booking has now closed but just give us a call for pricing. 07752162493 🌱✌🏽 (at Mindful People Community) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqPUXUhA7lB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ekzoxdyym69e
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mindful-people-community · 6 years ago
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mindful-people-community · 6 years ago
Notes from the #toomuchfunclub 🤫 Excited about the #Silence ✌🏽 Silent Half Day #Mindful Retreat 17.11.18 #Mindfulness doesn’t Always mean #melancholy - - #fun (at Mindful People Community) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqMkdYPlxSP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5ndhrdr849oj
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mindful-people-community · 6 years ago
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Session 2 #MBSR tonight #MindfulnessBasedStressReduction This week we are exploring our #perceptions to #stressors in our lives. #OpArt in Focus at #TheTateLiverpool demonstrates the role of individual perception in the various works displayed. #Trompelœil has a similar effect. We are working on the creation of opening up new forms of perception. It’s a work in continual progress! #perceivedstress #attachment #selfcompassion (at Tate Liverpool) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqJ2IO5AKpa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dzrw7gxqzf3t
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mindful-people-community · 6 years ago
Yesterday I got #triggered. It was unexpected and raw. I collected myself after a moment of reactivity but then in the following minutes #self-critical thoughts like “you shouldn’t have been reactive” and “you should know better by now” and feelings of #shame and #disappointment in myself followed.  But then, I remembered self-compassion. I was able to let go of those unhelpful critical #thoughts and be #kind with myself. I accepted my imperfections, let go of linking my #self-worth with "having it all together” and reflected from a larger space of awareness, on how I can learn from my mistakes and do better next time.  For me, the impact of self-compassion in my life has been nothing short of profound.  Anyone can learn these self-compassion skills - and when you do it brings more peace, ease and love into your life. Would you like to learn how?  Ⓜ️www.mindfulpeople.community Silent Half Day Mindful Retreat 17.11.18 (at Mindful People Community) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqFSVGYgfwu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dc7wh036rj39
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mindful-people-community · 6 years ago
Aubergine Kadaifi Nests 🌱from @mindfulpeoplekitchen catering Silent Half Day Mindful Retreat 17.11.18 @intermindful TICKETS ON SALE NOW INCLUDES FULL VEGAN LUNCH MENU Ⓜ️www.mindfulpeople.community #mindfuleating #veganpie #intermindful #mindfulvegan #mindfulretreat #veganism #veganlove #vegantravel #veganfood #veganfoodporn #veganfoodlovers #chooseethically @ethically #whatveganseat #veganeats #vegansofinstagram #veganfortheanimals #veganfeature @veganfeature #govegan #vegancommunity @vegancommunity #veganismdaily @veganismdaily #veganshare #veganstrong #crueltyfree #veganapproval @veganapproval #bestofvegan #plantbased #crueltyfree #ottolenghi #huyton #liverpool #auberginekadaifinests (at Mindful People Community) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqFPYwXAR8p/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mhmdcd4ol1cc
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