mikeypoof · 3 months
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mikeypoof · 5 months
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Huskerdust is CANONN
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mikeypoof · 6 months
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Hunter.. playing basketball??
Mkay so this headcanon came from a random person on tiktok, which i can't find @ which makes me so sad.. i promised em i'll draw it so, i hope they'll find it once.
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mikeypoof · 6 months
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Six fanart challenge that i made on my instagram:]
Though i could post this there.
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mikeypoof · 6 months
Meet the artist!!
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Nice to meet yalll☺️
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... don't mind this🙂‍↔️
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mikeypoof · 6 months
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Alicia online fanart?! Yeah!! This turned out better than i though it would look like, tried to do smt with the light and stuff, also the backround, i need to practice those more.
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mikeypoof · 6 months
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what if we kissed in the clouds , or whatever ahaha.
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mikeypoof · 8 months
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Presenting the Reissue of the cover art for Sweet Child O’ Mine!
Thank you SO MUCH to @lovemoroporo @love-moroporo who put so much time and thought into this!
Go commission them now!
I was freaking out when I saw it! They are also making a cover for Stranger Tides!
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mikeypoof · 8 months
trick or treat!
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'Oh, you came trick-or-treating? Here's ur very own Flapjack Candy!' ^^
(am sorry am late)
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mikeypoof · 8 months
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Got into Amazing Digital Circus.. Some 3am doodling. Dang, why is Caine so hard to draw? Zooble aswell..
Also, i got a piece of theory..
While i was drawing Kinger, i noticed that he has redish eyes. I got a theory why could it be so.
Most of us probably heard of the Queenie/Queener, aka, a chess figure very similar to Kinger, but a female, a queen. There is many, many fanarts of those together, theories how they came together/looked familiar by accident, fell in love, but Queenie couldn't take it. Maybe, Kinger misses her so much, is so lost without her, that he just cries, every night they're supposed to 'sleep', missing her.
It's honestly making me sad.. what do yall think?
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mikeypoof · 9 months
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mikeypoof · 9 months
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Huntlow/Winter<3 i adore this ship so much. Also, early happy Halloween:]
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mikeypoof · 9 months
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Hunter fanart second version! Which do you like more? Bright colored or darker one?
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mikeypoof · 10 months
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The first digital piece i think am actually proud of:]
[Time: 12:30 ibispaintX]
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mikeypoof · 10 months
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My rabbit, Benjamin!<3
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mikeypoof · 11 months
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U can only guess what animal am i getting! Some rabbit doodles, hope ya like it^^
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mikeypoof · 11 months
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One of my sillly headcanons. Maybe canon? Who knows..
Text: "Flapjack would pull his hair like this everytime he was up to do something dumb."
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